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Let's analyze destructive habits in modern society

By bread I mean processed carbs, which I would rank at a damage level of 3. Takes away your body energies to process without giving anything back, it's like eating a "blank" other than some energy.

Subtle killer #1. The last thing we need is another vasoconstrictor but we suck on this thing like mommy milk. People get fear/anxiety from not having it like how could I operate? Which is absolutely a sign of addiction and mental decay.

Smoking is obviously bad. Vapes who the fuck knows what's in those juices. But nicotine is also bad. It stunts growth. Its yet another vasoconstrictor, another artificial means to make you jumpy and anxious.

>Being alone
One of the most subtle destructors of all. Being alone means no accountability, no judgment, no outside pressure to even you out. You become lazy, weird, and directionless.
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Caffeine, nicotine and being alone. I got those. hahaha
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Any man who cannot produce an affidavit from a real, biological woman swearing that she had unpaid, voluntary sexual intercourse with him at least once in the last 365 days shall be convicted of Inceldom and charged a $10,000 fine. Fines double for subsequent years of sexlessness.
Any man who commits 5 consecutive years of sexlessness will be guilty of Felonious Inceldom and imprisoned for at least a year. Additionally, his name will be permanently added to the sex offender registry with no details about his crime so that the public will assume he is some kind of pedophile child molester.

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i am in the process of creating a /pol/ mixtape to disseminate irl, i want to include a companion booklet packed with as many redpills as i can contain within it. could you wonderful lads lend me a hand?
link to drive repo
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btw: clicking google drive links while logged into google account can dox you.
Never mind, I just opened the cover pic. But I'm still not clicking on that drive link.
do you have another repository i can host it on? one more secure?
tracklist is in OP picrel, but i will do that for you. one moment
Make a torrent of it. I'm not sure if you can put a magnet link into a QR code.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
Jews called David Cole "antisemitic".
Jews called Arabs "antisemitic".
It's pretty evident they don't know what semite means.
pretty funny.

It's clearly very shameful the atrocities of the idf against children.

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I haven't made my mind up about him yet but statists seem to hate him for even saying that the state should be reduced or abolished, let alone for attempting to do it

>wahhh i'm gonna keep lying about inflation when the rate of inflation is going down compared to going up in the previous administrations and it's only been 6 months.
You lost me at statist

A thread died for this

>becomes president
>inflates currency 200%
>foreign currency has more buying power against yours
>allow use of foreign currency
>allows foreign governments to buy land
>price out your own citizens from buying land
>take profits
>convert to judaism
>french kiss jew wall
>begin to import foreigners
At least he's not a peronist, right?
he's destroying my country
are you a statist?
just blatant lies from you people, everyone knows the currency was massively inflated well before milei took office

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French Freemasonry is assembling in Paris to combat nationalism and launches a press release against the sovereignist New Right in France:

«Last Sunday, France entered a very worrying phase in its history, with the imminent return of the far right to power.

In three weeks' time, with early legislative elections, the risk of seeing France join the ranks of the dark cohort of far-right populist and nationalist governments will never have been higher.

The most reactionary forces seek to reach an understanding, with the sole ambition of calling into question all the foundations of the philosophy of the Enlightenment, sources of progress.

In this year in which we commemorate the memory of those who fell for our freedom against the Nazi yoke and the collaborationist regime, the Freemasons cannot remain silent before the return of the sound of boots, face masks and militia.

Faithful and viscerally attached to their humanist and universalist tradition, the Freemasons will be more involved than ever in this essential fight, that of the defense of the fraternal Republic. Because we must no longer limit ourselves to sounding the alarm, but act.

Act on the ground, act in our lodges, act outside the temples. Acting also means listening to the anger of those who, out of fatigue or desperation, managed to vote for the gravediggers of the Republic on June 9, to convince them that the extreme right is a dead end.

Gathered yesterday at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of France, the signatory Masonic obediences launch a solemn call for the mobilization of all Freemasons, brothers and sisters, to say no to the inevitability of the victory of the extreme right and its ideology of hatred .

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I get sneered online for promoting 4chan/pol. And yeah, tons of crap threads. However then.you come across a thread like this. Never gets dull, like fishing salmon in the kayak. Or walking into the woods with my compound bow. Never gets dull.
Is it worth reading?
the entire book?
with a grain of salt
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If not by social implosion than certainly by asteroidal impact
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I checked out that shit once. Every single thing that came up for me was atf bait
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imagine applying those acrylic toe nails to your silicon feet to suck on and rub on your penis
>Every single thing that came up for me was atf bait
such as?

Child sex dolls, giggle switches for your Glawk, enriched uranium.
Which ones are illegal?

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Picked these up :)

I'm muslim (shia) btw
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Didn’t realize Turkish people drank
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yea. you should kill him about it. and as many jews as you can please
Nah, I don’t like prison
Disgusting. Anyone that drinks alcohol openly should be shot.
it's a minority but it is allowed.

>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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>we value boats more than chinks
>genome specific bioweapons
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>If that faggot actually served he can wear that uniform any fucking time or place he pleases.

No he actually can't. By regulation an officer should not be behaving as he is in uniform regardless of what is promoted and especially for promoting his own ideology. Doubly so for a non retired vet.

t. a full retired former zog bot

you are wrong.

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Ok you little zogslobber. Imagine defending these fucking freaks.
yeah just ask the sand people of Yemen

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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that's true. I'm sure somebody invented it before the Jews but they certainly abuse this tactic more than any ethnic/religious group alive, and have been doing so for centuries
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If I was Jewish, I would vote for Trump.
Just sayin'
What if you were American?
Then I wouldn't vote
I'm still voting.

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I'm shocked that fruity-looking coon didn't take that as an invitation to pants him, spread them cheeks, and pack some fudge.
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>didn't answer the question
If you wanted to talk about 9/11 then why you post a gif of Jim Carrey goatse-ing himself?
Tone ain't no zesty nigga faggot.

>thats all you know?

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>be russian
why is it so common? is it a cultural thing
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>how's your bi-ACK!
what kind of shitbox are they even riding on
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does it matter? its russian therefore it explodes
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humiliation ritual
This war is so surreal. image being the 6 people + 3 crew on that vehicle. You just got fucking vaporized and nobody gives a shit. These people were probably literally sent knowing well they'd all die and nobody cares + we get several videos like this everyday. Grim

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All men are not created equal. Some are smarter, some are larger, some are stronger, etc. This idea that all men are fit to breed is an ahistorical meme.

Not only that, but it is well established that filtering for sexual characteristics highly correlates with other beneficial attributes for the species down the line. There is no case in nature where the females choosing to breed with the largest, most dominant or most elaborately decorated male have impacted their species negatively. This can be seen easily in the elaborate mating habits of birds, herd mammals, even apex predators such as lions and gorillas. By monopolizing access to multiple females, dominant males can maximize their reproductive output, siring numerous offspring within a single breeding season. This strategy is particularly advantageous in environments where resources are abundant enough to support multiple offspring and where competition for mates is fierce.

Furthermore, harem systems can lead to the evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits and behaviors in males. In many species with harem structures, males develop striking physical characteristics, such as elaborate plumage, antlers, or sizeable body mass, which serve as signals of dominance and attractiveness to females. These traits often undergo sexual selection, where females preferentially choose to mate with males exhibiting the most exaggerated traits, thereby driving the evolution of more pronounced features over successive generations. Therefore, the growth of masculinity in the tangible sense is clearly owed to the hypergamic tendencies of females.

It is well established that equality is a delusional desire. No one seriously thinks all men should have the same amount of money, luxury, power or prestige. Even the idea of balancing these various attributes is mocked and not even practiced in socialist societies.

Why then does the idea of monogamy continue to persist? Men are not equal. Why should their mating potential be?
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>Monogamy makes no sense from an evolutionary or eugenics perspective.
Once again, social darwinist retards completely discount GROUP SURVIVAL as an evolutionary strategy

Which group is more likely to survive, one where the males are all undermining each other trying to hoard a harem of women for themselves with a majority of losers who will either stop caring about the prosperity of the group, betray the group for another one or start a beta revolution against the alphas or the one that cooperates with each other, evenly distributes women among them men and make sure they all have a stake in the group's survival?
because God made us to be monogamous. Regardless of what delusions we tell ourselves about evolution and natural law, creation will not defy God.
You would be a eunuch. Stfu coper.
people literally arent though. women happily share a man and men happily enjoy more than 1 woman
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anyone who bumps this is an idiot

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Medvedev can't stop crying about US weapons striking russia 24/7. If they were doing well he wouldn't be doing it.
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>could hold as many as 4.8 million artillery shells.
More likely to hold 10000 tons of fake hair.
the shells are all from the 1970s and there's a dud rate of 50%, and they are no where near as destructive as the modern, westen munitions like tghe M107 projectile.
isnt this a good thing for south korea?
Do you even look at the garbage youre posting, deranged muttboy?
> Cho Jinwoo for RFA Korean

do you think the iPad kids are gonna be fucked up, or is this just another technological boogeyman akin to radio, tv, video games, etc?
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>losers lurking this site for 12 years with zero creative OCs in their name complaining about iPad kids
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millennials and zoomers turned out great, they will be fine
Teachers are already complaining that Gen Alphas can't pay attention, they can't visualize numbers or letters, they even lack basic motor functioning from only using their fingers to tap.
They are 100% fucked up. Did you miss the recent "reality shifting" zoomerism? They've been hooked up to an electronic device 24/7 with constant stimulation. Some have never daydreamed before. And that's not even gen alpha.
I have played guitar my whole life and I'm pretty fucking good but when I see these kids today on YouTube absolutely shredding at the age of seven I have to wonder what in the fuck is going on
I think the same phenomenon will happen with kids on iPads and computers in general, kids in the future will be fucking geniuses

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What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
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>Should never have outsourced to thirdies
Yep. Imagine not only inventing the Plastic Jew but also going out of your way to get every fucking nigger-infested shithole on the planet fully dependent on it.
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the only thing that truly is happening on /pol/
>What is wrong with humans?
My first guess would be... a lot.

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You Lebanese? Heard there was a bunch in aus
Yeah my b
Puts America in a weird spot if they declare war between now and the election. Biden is getting fuckin crushed for Israel's behavior since October, so if they were to leap to Israel's defense, as expected, it would tank his poll numbers even further.
Based and kino-pilled

Is White boys need some solidarity

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so let me understand this curectly
a serbian king was the father in law of the ottoman sultan murad 2 father of sultan Mehmed 2 the conquer (the guy who will take out the last of the romans)
hu? serbian sisters how do you cope as "kebab remover" when you are in the same bed as the turks?!?!?!
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we really btfod plenty of states in that one
The Ottoman royal family is and always has been White. Even at that time they were pretty much Greeks due to all the intermarriage with Byzantine dynasties.
They've been marrying people from all over, including Venice, Hungary, Poland and Russia. But most seem to have come from the immediately surrounding subject places, namely Anatolia, Greece and Serbia.
To add, women basically exist to be married of for political favor.

Can’t go to war
If you can’t fit in the outfit

My plan is to gain 200 additional lbs and be confined to a scooter
I will lose the weight after war is over
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Weimar 2.0 Army at the ready.
HA more like Walmart - get the scooters charged...
>no cheat codes
thats the biggest turn off for zoomers they could come up with
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>Confined to a scooter
Welcome to mobile infantry.

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>At least 13 communicable diseases, from the common cold to measles and tuberculosis, are surging past their pre-pandemic levels in many regions, and often by significant margins
>The resulting research, based on data collected from more than 60 organizations and public health agencies, shows that 44 countries and territories have reported at least one infectious disease resurgence that’s at least ten times worse than the pre-pandemic baseline.
>The post-Covid global surge of illnesses — viral and bacterial, common and historically rare — is a mystery that researchers and scientists are still trying to definitively explain.
>The way Covid lockdowns shifted baseline immunities is a piece of the puzzle, as is the pandemic’s hit to overall vaccine administration and compliance. Climate change, rising social inequality and wrung-out health-care services are contributing in ways that are hard to measure.
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Because when chimps are exposed to apes, the chimps die from immune system failures when exposed to ape colds.

Neandethal-monkey hybrids are not homo sapiens. When they're exposed to homo sapiens, neanderthal-monkeys can die from diseases that don't even give the homo sapien symptoms. For example, a neanderthal-monkey hybrid can die from a coronavirus acquired from an asymptomatic homo sapien.

The neandethals carry genes that compromise their immune system. Monkeys are prone to immune system diseases like AIDS.

Neandethals-monkey hybrids are almost all the deaths from the black plague. The black plague can't kill homo sapiens because it targets defective neanderthal genes.

Notice the black plague didn't impact the Americas, Eurasia, the middle east, or Africa. But it killed 1/3rd of the Europeans and Europe to Lviv to Turkey is the epicenter of neanderthal hybrids. That's why Europeans are so short and their women have facial hair. European houses, hotels, and buildings are made for midgets because their people are neanderthal monkeys and neandethals and monkeys are shorter than prototypical homo sampeins like the pureblood Kurgan.

The vaccine only targets Cannanites because it targets neanderthal genes. Once enough people got vaccinated, it ensured most neanderthal-monkey hybrids will die. There are ways to undo the RNA vaccines but the MAGAtards thought it would only kill their enemies so they censored it and now it's too late for it to work. There's a small window to reverse RNA vaccine "waking up" neandethal antibodies that attack the neanderthal immune system like monkey aids. The RNA vaccine causes the spike to bond to all viruses. Like AIDS/HIV, you die from things like the common cold or herpes and not the original virus.

The RNA vaccine sheds so trump is infected just the same.
>There's reasonable evidence it keeps you out of hospital
Kill yourself you fucking retarded cock sucking faggot
>stuff like this makes me think
I'm anti-vax and I know for absolute certain I outclass you in every conceivable way you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker
If I were in proximity to you I'd end your miserable existence with a lead pipe to you little cunt faggot skull
Call my larp tell me who you are
Imagine losing the Darwin award to flat earthers like you have hahaaha

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Let's face it /pol/, nons can't learn anything even when she's sober, amirite?
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We have BS nonsense like that too. Cunt was smoking crack in his room at a Buddhist center, the spraying cologne to cloak the odor. Cops wouldn't do shit.
Our Social Studies teacher was drunk every day.
We all left after attendance every day.
If you can handle your liquor and don't go jekyll hyde. No kidding. I don't change that much drinking bourbon. Especially on a bourbon bender. I'm way Way friendlier to women.Kek. Except bourbon smells big time. Not very reasonable to be trashed all the time either
And that was in the 80's

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