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What do you think Ciel Phantomhive’s political affiliation would be?

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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Hinduism has no morality. Just blindly worship your deity and anything you do is of no consequence whether moral or immoral.
They ain't asking for much just complete devotion
so you are the thought leader of /pol/ but you are anti-white?
I don't think so
It's impossible to get away from electricity in America unless you're rich or don't mind risking getting shot in a national park by the park ranger
Atheists are pushing hindu idols because they are afraid of Chadabraham

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And this haircut?
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It's nice.
Also reminder latam natives already had democracy (tlaxcalans), ocean based capitalism (chincha) and social services (incas) long before it was a thing in the north.
It’s a nice hair
> Democracy
> Social services
So latam was always gay and cringe

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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There is no point in PP reading it if he can't even talk about it.
Bet the OG Chinese were akin to the Tartarians.
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Remember when he shoahed everything and everyone challenging SNC Lavalin? You should have known then, if not earlier, he is untouchable.
He's our first black(face) Prime Minister after all..

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6-1. It’s the worst embarrassment since we burned the White House in the War of 1812
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One must assume (you) leafs have been completely excoriated in /sp/ and are coping here
americans coping and seething itt wow
Sports in general.
A crowd of middle class-poor people pay for the privilege of watching millionaires play a schoolyard game to pacify their suppressed tribalism in the guise of municipal patriarchy when players are bought, sold, and traded amongst teams and very few if any of them are actually from the city they represent, or even from the country for that matter. It is utter retardation at best and blatant nigger worship at worst.
The only appeal that makes any sense to me is the gambling aspect as you can at least make educated bets based on stats. But even that is likely rigged.
Anyways, let these cavemen beat their chest in triumph, some fags from Edmonton beat some fags from Florida in hockey. Real achievement considering Florida has no ice. Maybe this victory will put them in a good enough mood that they won't beat their significant other this week.

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Cities should have a population cap of 1 million people and become their own states at that point
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Thank you for that novel idea, WEFbro.
Based Niggergeddon man
I think it's the balance to the Chicago/Illinois type problems where one city ends up running the entire state. Population caps would probably help too, would force urban people to spread out to more cities rather than concentrating into a few megacities
fuck of mikhail. Wef want more centralization.
yeah thats the idea. More dispersed cities. better population spread. Gov looks after a smaller amount of people etc.

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Go back to Israel and fight for your own country.
They were thieves in uniform, remember who won the war.
Thanks bro but why the fuck did you eat my melted swiss cheese pulled pork bacon leavened shrimp lobster sandwich that I left in the fridge you fucking kike?
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Jews rape kids.
>my melted swiss cheese pulled pork bacon leavened shrimp lobster sandwich

No longer stereotypes.

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The only poison they putting on you is this board filling your head full of stupid bullshit. take a rod and go fish, retard.
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if i had the rod i would beat the faggots like op
Make rotting fish bio weapons
I wanna start fishing, but purely as a sport thing. Eating mercury infused salmon doesn't sound great senpai
Killing innocent fish makes you feel good?

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White men in usa mix more than white women.

By little, the same is right about France, Italy, UK, and some other countries.

White men mix more than white women in general.

Which is right thing to do, white women should not be allowed to mix.

Only white men can mix with brown girls, this is the way of the world.
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White women get with mixed men when they racemix, White men get with asian women when they racemix.
Ashkenazi jewish women belong with Black men
All jewish women need 50% black DNA
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Lol! Cope nigger
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Incel cope

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Ban lonely white men
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Vegas was their opportunity to ban guns and it didn't work. Little shit like this won't work either. The intelligence agencies in the US are corrupt as fuck.
>We just playin
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Another mass shooting during election year. Interesting.
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The only people who do drivebys at children's parks are niggers and the mentally ill. Be real.
Really says a lot about niggers that a nigger that shoots up a water park would be considered "a fuckup idiot", like someone that fell for a nigerian scam, and not somebody mentally ill.

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Ben Shapiro loses an argument against a pre-recorded video PART 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v81Z7Eutbx4 [Embed]
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>I just wanted to showcase Ben having a breakdown over the Jews losing the narrative among the Left wing.
This does it for me too.

Because they're idiots. The first prime minister of Israel Ben Gurion was an atheist. Most Zionists don't believe in God. They believe in the land.

Yes it's a mistranslation but Judean and Jew sound similar phonetically. It's easy to point out that the modern Jew is barely related to the biblical Jew in the New Testament.
"Its free estate"
Don't care about jews or muslims. Just nuke each other already.

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If you knew that you would survive, withouth being mutilated or something, in a 100% rate, would you be hyped for it? Why?
I mean, its like a fortnite event
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The kid on the left was the one that was vaccinated. Many such cases.

those are warts and are a form of vph
>No Leaf here yet
Sigh, guess i have to step in...
Built for BBC
its so when youre eating pussy you can surprise her by blowing noisy wet raspberries
try it next time, she'll love it
All should be shaved, men and women. It's FAR more comfortable.

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
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>I upgraded from black to brown
based im white
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Based fuck shitskins
>Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?
It's "AN ESL" actually
You're an autist. But thank you for the noticing.

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You do realize that the only reason Putin didn't take Kyiv and Zelensky refuses peace is to continue the conflict between East and West?

The only reason is the fulfillment of the prophecies. Gog and Magog war, the war in which Edom (America and it's EU vassals) will be erased from history forever. Total genocide - the recent Obama's movie "leave the world behind."

Palestine (+East) vs Israel (+America and EU) is Ishmael (Muslims) vs Esau (the West).

This is all Jewish prophecy and explains why you are still coping and seething over this Ukraine vs Russia conflict.



I want all of this to become the mainstream thought on /pol/ and no more Ukraine vs Russia threads made
Jewish schizophrenia is prophecy now?
They are the ones in positions of power. Do you think at all?
Those are literal blueprints

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Is this a common sight in America?
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I would FUCK that
Just for the novelty
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Part of me wants to stick my hand in between those fucking flaps, just to see what happens.
is that grimace
Shed feed a village in Liberia. Why are these racist whites denying these African children a proper meal?
Audible zozzle.
Thanks, anon.

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Countries colored by safety level for locals/expats in case of a major global conflict
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How about instead, the 8 billion people on this planet kill the 10,000 faggots sending us to die in WW3?
Greenland safeish? Who the fuck gonna attack the 60,000 snowniggers there?
>I do not even fear dying.
Good, you won't be disappointed then.
Unlike you, I'm White. This country hates me, not dying for this country nor it's people.
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it is but don't try to fornicate or get close to any female, even the nice ones (if you can find one, kek)
women here can use an atrocious globohomo law who can put you in jail only with HER declaration to the pigs.
>Daily clashes with chink CG
>Unlimited goading from our US masters
>Riddled with US air and naval bases from top to bottom
>U N C L E A R
I wish I have the same confidence and positivity.

They are doing a good job of killing off Putberg army. Why stop?
>dead and displaced white people = good
Spotted the kike
Those are negotiation terms subhuman BBC coonsooming poojeet.
>killing white Cristian Ukrainians
Fuck you muzzie scum.

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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they must have all moved here
May I ask which state?
>leave home
>have every footstep, cough, eye movement, turn signal, break light, smile, frown, word, and involuntary movement tracked by adversarial AI systems

>stay at home
>>have every footstep, cough, eye movement, turn signal, break light, smile, frown, word, and involuntary movement tracked by adversarial AI systems

I need a third space bros, one with a Faraday cage around it. The first US city to build a full scale electronic interference mesh around their borders can take me as their eternal tax pig. I'm so tired of being monetized without a contract.
and yes, I drive my car inside my house. deal wit hit.
What the fuck do you mean. There were fuck heads driving around at 4am this morning. Traffic everywhere. Maybe they ate just driving.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Those blue pvc pipes they started using post 2010 are so brittle you can push your finger through them. Contractors keep breaking them even with hand excavation, then the cunts at the water dept don't know where the valves are so they turn it off at the source lol.
What flag ?
Most Conservative place in Canada by the way. That poster is a woman.
kill yourself faggot
>work night water crew
>low pressure alarm goes off
>drive to substation and see big pool of water on the way
>"broken line, backhoe, notify facebook/media I'm shutting the mains"
>6 man crew digging collaring shoveling
>end of job man in hole torquing collar bolts and line repair
>cars drive by

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