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Jews cancel AFPAC
That's not very nice of them.
Based jews cancelling the Mexican rally
They dont play by the rules
Pol is too pussy and astroturfed to do anything
Sounds like a preferable option to having to live a lifetime surrounded by Mexicans. If jesus forced me to live with brown people then sign me up for team Satan I’ll go to hell.
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Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it

>Polish soldier can't shoot, gun confiscated, he is being killed like animal

>Polish soldier can't shoot at illegal migrants, he is being arrested or killed like animal


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>I'm gonna dodge the draf-ACK

Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

All white men will be drafted to die in the meatgrinder. These kikes aren't playing around, they want you dead and they want you dead NOW
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You glow, and you are scared. You should be.
>foid trying to put a gauze on an open cranium

Why and how did we ever allow foids to be "equal" and allow to vote, etc.?
You won't do SHIT
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Hard to command if there are no living commanders
I thin k if they try that they will have a lot of trigger happy fathers, uncles and grandfathers to deal with.

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Jews really don't like it when you point out Hitler was a Catholic
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No he wasn't.

He was an atheist.

One of the things he wanted to do, had he won World War 2, was Kirchenkampf, which was to exterminate Christianity by force. He did so already with Catholic clergy.
>Luke 19 27
that verse did not change what jesus said to do or the examples of christian behavior in the new testament
jesus clearly says loving your enemies a new commandment
you cannot weasel past this

and this parable illustrating a spiritual parallel you point to does not change what jesus said to do or the examples given in the new testament either
none of you cunts can ever post evidence of this being true outside of kikepedia and other thoroughly kiked sources, so fuck off. His quotes from mein kampf and his speeches all say the opposite: https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler
>the Catholic Church was incorrect about Christ's teachings on violence
>the Church fathers were incorrect about Christ's teachings on violence
>the saints were incorrect about Christ's teachings on violence
>early Christians were incorrect about Christ's teachings on violence
>CHRIST was incorrect about Christ's teachings on violence
>but I'm not
Kill yourself
Billy Mitchell?

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Eventhough Sweden looks like a rich country, it must compared to USA to see it is not. If it was a US state it would be one of the 5 poorest states altough not absolutely the most poor.

Brutger Braapstroem said "GDP of Sweden is equal to lowest US states"

He however admits that this does not take into account how much an average person can afford food in where he lives. Because in Sweden everybody can afford food, plenty of it.

Swedens money, Kronor is very low value compared to USD. Also when compared to Euro.

>Sweden was Europes richest country in the year 1970, they have fallen.

>In 1980s Norway went past Sweden with oil.

>Norway was on the tier of Romania in year 1950 and Finland was richer than Norway.

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We also make good music, food, have cool shit like rodeos, and we're less conformist than Euros, though faggy kike politics is changing that for the worse these days.
Elle is a real pornstar. Her pussy gets beaten up a lot so she had an advantage
tits >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger-tier ass
>No tail 0/10
you are literally correct because it does not exist

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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thats probably because youre german yourself
I would too, Germans are great
elaborate, pls
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read mein kampf.
Literally the most influential book pertaining to modern politics. Don't even attempt to talk about politics until you've read it because everything about politics as it is now is shaped by its contents.

5 tons of tnt can move 225000 tons 1 foot in the air
thats 450000000 psi
for reference the core of the earth is 52700000 psi
fatman weighed five tons and the plutonium core had a surface area of 10 inches
the explosive device itself had a suface area of 2827 inches
thats 158000 psi on the plutonium core
the density of the earth's core is 13g/cm^3 and is made of nickel
the natural density of nickel is 8.9g/cm^3
thats a 46% increase in density of nickel at 52700000 psi
nickel is 5 times lighter than plutonium
the lowest yield nuclear bomb pic related is said to achieve a 23% increase in density
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>An average nuke is something like a couple of kilotons with a destruction radius of a couple of kilometers
Isn't that just a tactical nuke though? I thought all ICBMs were megaton range
>the density of the earth's core is 13g/cm^3 and is made of nickel
know nukes are not real, claims to know what is in the unreachable core of earth, implying its shape and it has a core
>your facts straight
im trying to be as generous as possible to the nuke side. fat man was 100s of times stronger
If nukes were real you can be certain that at least one rich fuck who hated the world would have detonated one already. It's just a meme.

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As an American should this allow me to sleep tight at night? I think so, goblin.
you're about as american as an outsourced poojeet spammer

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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I’m so worried about canada.
Tell me it’s not over leafbros
They do this with every report now. Emergency meeting of the health committee was called over the Xmas break. The LPC and NDP niggers on the committee amended the motion so that the CPC niggers could read it for themselves, one at a time. No notes, no cameras.
If they weren't retarded, they'd have agreed, then read it out loud loud enough for a staffer outside the room to transcribe it. No matter what they did, though, it would have been their word against the PMO's. Fucking gay. Why is this even allowed.


All the other parties have stated it doesnt involve thier members. Jagmeet said "there are no NDP members named". Pollievre said "no conservatives are named" (even E May said "no green party members"). All the major parties have denied any involvement publicly ... EXCEPT THE LIBERALS.

Why is that?

And trudeau was already asked this question point blank. "Are liberal party members named in the report?" and whats his repsonse ... a big word salad that never actually says yes or no. "we are taking the reports seriously and have begun an investigation".

We all know its him. He took bribes, knowingly, from the Chinese communist party. Its unreal man.
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Looking forward to seeing Freeland's name on the list. I enjoyed the screeching at Jagmeet the other day.
The pressure builds. I genuinely think it will pop off here. Our democracy is effectively broken and everyone can see it clearly. It's up to us to respond accordingly. It's always darkest before the dawn!

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HAPPENING! If Putin ever dares to attack NATO, the NATO nuclear response will immediately vaporize 45 MILLION Russians in one hour!
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Pure cope. China and Russia will need to rely on each other you want to know why? Because the Chinese cannot feed their own population, they cannot fuel their own economy. When China moves on Taiwan the USA will blockade chine’s shipping in the straights of Malaka. China and Russia can and will trade overland, with the support of the Russian federation, China will be able to tie its war machine and feed its people

>b-b-but manlet!
>b-b-but Kim jong un bro!!!

Shut the fuck up and read a book Langley



LESTS TALK ABOUT SHIT POOR 1000 military Bases arong the world as superpower ..

NO disrespt on yanks here but Biden ddidnt renew Petrodollar with Suadi Arabia ..

He was put in toooo DESTROY THE US .. IM SURE OF IT..

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Testing what? If I’m a bot lmao?

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They're trying to remove everything to the right of SD so they can cordon everyone off into civnat Zionism to save Israel.
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if this is true, why did zog bother with their declaration?

The only reason we keep them and others around is because of the neoliberal reactionaryism of "oh real life nazis! open the borders so I can prove I'm not like them!!!"

Who knew the most powerful race on earth would end themselves out of fear of social ostracization.

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They have found 4000 year old mystery construct from a mountain


It is in island of Crete ontop of a mountain. For some reason it had been hidden unti just recently.

It was on a mountaintop and nothing had been built in there for ages. Nobody lives right next to it.

Now there are cars gathered nearby because they are digging the ruins out from material that has covered it.

They said on Tuesday (11. June) that they think it looks like Minoans might have built it from the looks of it.

When viewed from a helicopter the whole construct looks a bit like a car wheel in shape.

Greek archaelogists arent sure what the purpose of this construct may have been.

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stop filling your head with bullshit, 99% of books and authors are worthless faggots. 1 hour of real life experience beats reading 10,000 books, you dumb nigger, go outside and see the chaos the kikes have built, you just want to hide away and die in a corner like a faggot coward.
>he said on /pol
I've seen and done it all already and i can't fix the chaos in the world, just in myself, this ugly alien world can go guck itself.
Get Graham and Dibble on it right away!
>Bible was originally in Greek
The New Testament was cause God loves the gentiles despite jew seething and devil worshipping.

I posted on /x/ and got a good reception. I hope people don't mind me posting again. Someone called it


I have been working for 9 years on a BitTorrent website for public domain ebooks. You can also make your own private torrent indexer within the site, called a "buoy," for videogames, movies, music, etc. that are in the public domain.

If you own the copyrights to files, the site is a web 3.0 dapp that allows for transfer of a cryptocurrency I created, called ATLANTIS (not public yet, site currently uses LINK). Users will be able to gain ATLANTIS by uploading files to the site and seeding torrents over time. So eventually, textbook companies can publish their ebooks using ATLANTIS. I don't take a royalty cut so this is not an ad.

Then students can simply upload public domain books to propagate.info and gain enough ATLANTIS to afford their textbooks, or any other copyrighted book that is legally published there.

The site uses neo4j graph db and includes VR graph visualization for finding related torrents. This will be useful for academic research. It is inspired by What.CD.

The site uses WebTorrent for ease of access. WebTorrent allows BitTorrent files to be downloaded in the browser. If you seed my files using BiglyBT with the WebTorrent plugin you will be able to upload to people downloading in the browser. Some of my files have 20 seeds by now but they aren't WebTorrent-enabled clients. So use BiglyBT with the WebTorrent plugin.

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We're going to end up needing to verify emails and national flags here on /pol/ like /biz/ thanks to shiteating scamming pajeets like you two
so someone coded this whole site from scratch just to datamine people on /pol/? go away CIA i thought i liked you
can anyone list some /pol/ public domain ebooks they'd like to see included on the site? so you don't need to upload
Great thread glownigger
thanks. but i'm not a glownigger i've been targeted like crazy because of this, they read my brain. a schizo can't write this code, neither would a glownigger. especially since it's the library of the new atlantis

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Say something nice about her.
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they live in exile in Spain
I thought they were unironically based, though.

Anons, whoever is interested:
based? Simeon came back, said "I'll fix you in 800 days", repossessed some lands, got us into nato and got back
What in the fuck?
I sort of remember.
I got the idea that was a big improvement for your country back then.

I had hopes he'd re install the monarchy somehow...

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Give me ONE reason why you are not doing everything in your power to make babies and keep your people and civilisation alive RIGHT NOW. Housing and cost of living has been debunked, you have NO excuse.
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Reminder, paternity tests are illegal in France.
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You don't "choose" hell. You're designated hell.

Romans 9:22-23
22- Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
23-What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
Matthew 13
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

>22- Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
this only speaks about the body, not the soul or spirit.
It's men's fault that women initiate the majority of divorces?

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>muh commies
Great job faggots you memed an incompetent kike retard into office and ruined a country.
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Muh economy
Kys faggot
Reminds me of that Plato anecdote about voting for a candy-shop owner instead of a doctor, because of the short sweet term
Kek, think some memes got him elected not a bunch of kikes.
Everyday you try, and every day you get caught in your lies...
You forgot your memeflag, btw

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RFK 2024
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RFK is the candidate Trump supporters wish their "God Emperor" was.

>Our Federal Government bureaucracy — sometimes called the Deep State — has been corrupted at the highest levels and it needs to be cleaned up.

>That’s what President Trump was talking about when he said “Drain the Swamp.” But he didn’t know how. Instead he filled his administration with swamp creatures.

>President Biden won’t do it either. Not only won’t they, but it seems they fear the Deep State.

>Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the only candidate for President who knows exactly how to clean up the Deep State and he is the only candidate who is not afraid to clean up the Deep State.

>He knows exactly what to do. He will do it one agency at a time. He has sued multiple government agencies and knows the players and the profiteers who have corrupted these agencies.

>We will stop the profiteering (like royalties paid to NIH employees) and close the revolving doors that put corporate capture on steroids. We will clean house at the highest level, removing appointees and employees who have corrupted their agencies and no longer believe in our democratic institutions or the principles of our great country.

>We will bring the government and its agencies back to their original purpose and culture of serving the public interest … of serving you.

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zognonald, man i hate migapedes
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you will never be one of them
one of the cool people
the peopl that travel
the people that sing
the people that dance
the people that jump from aeroplanes
the people that share experiences with others
the people that love
the people that are loved
you will see it on your screen
you will see it through your window
you will read about it in books
but you will never participate
you cannot envision yourself participating
you've calculated the risk to be too high

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> you will never be one of them
I made it to 55+ years like this and guess what: life got better once I accepted my fate. Love of Fate is even the highest state a philosopher can reach.
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Dude it's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.
>you will never be one of them
>one of the cool people
This sounds like shit written by a 14 y/o. You have to be 18 to post here.
They arent cool though
This world is a clown world do whatever insane shit you like.No one will question it.

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>inb4 source
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Oh yeah? Well, the Taiwanese are going to invade McDonalds in the morning for Breakast. Did you finish the dishes? Because AM crew can't make all that food with dirty gear.
Make sure you do all that before you leave, and if you finish them, give Sarah a hand out front.

I don't want to catch you slacking, you've had enough free time today.
shit I should bought that Intel stock.
God i am so bored these old wars are so boring.I want something fresh before the election happenings.
2 more hours?
digits and ww3 when I wake up in 8 hours

alternatively if post ends with 6, nukes fly before I fall asleep

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Millions of third worlders were let in within 3 years. Utter economic collapse-Brexit. Cancer and heart disease and Muslims everywhere.
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No shit. I don't know why but my brain is processing the image as if there's no depth and is only a detailed 2d image.
the royals all need hanging, all of them
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Quite easily. The army is based. That's why they're pushing for diversity in it, because, as it stands, they'd exterminate all yoofs at a word from the king. Parliamutts do not have the confidence of the people. No one on Earth would fight for a pack of poos, vaginas, and pencil-wristed fags.

The reason he doesn't order this is that the Jewnited Nations or some other good goy group might get involved and he'd be in danger of losing his position or life. He lives a very comfortable life so he thinks, why risk it?
Her hat is sus.
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you will never get a chance to smell this. why even bother.

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