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Groomed by British

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Anyone have the video of the guy 1v14 a bunch of orthokikes in an office with a book. Want to show my mom how funny these dysgenic ratpeople are.
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If they are dysgenic but rule the world at the same time, what should we conclude about the people being ruled by them?
>what should we conclude about their victims
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You were victimised on the 8th day after the birth
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What do (((they))) have on him?
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Imagine thinking a guy who became the poster boy for fiat currency and free market capitalism isn't beholden to the banking system and the *ahem* people who've always run it.
Ek chamaat maarenge, Bihar pahuch jaegi.
It's a coincidence and masonry has nothing to do with occultism.
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when this is the alternative, you dont need anything

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Reuters: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
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More like an anti-Pentagon interference with foreign countries (again) thread
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>Verification not required.
Imagine following / trusting American '$cience' after they 'discover' that men can have babies too - and need tampons.

Thankfully we can still call trannies/LGBT retarded folk disgusting to their faces here, as we have freedom of speech unlike the US.

This is what you get from leaded boomers controlling heavily vaccinated kids. Both are retarded in their own ways.

The rest of the world needs to stop paying and start suing the US, China, Moderna and Pfizer. Add to that Unc Chapel Hill.

Why the bloody hell did my country pay for shots for America/China's mistake?
wtf I trust the science now

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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It's Father's Day weekend. There are historic plane shows/fly ins all over the US. My airfag buddies go to this one in the PNW:


In Wisconsin the EAA/experimental aircraft show each summer used to regularly have small and experimental planes dropping into people's yards/onto their roofs.

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even his detractors have to admit this is absurd holy shit
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There's a clip in the bar with an AFPAC stage set up
That nigger is going back to jail fo'sho.
He does do it every year. That's why he should have been allowed to do this. There is nothing really special about them. The only real changes are the crowd gets slightly bigger and bigger names join the speaker list (Margerie and Gosar last time). But the whole thing is generally just America First speeches and donations. Making such a mess like this is the best thing that could have happened to get attention. If they let him do his shit, then come Sunday morning no one would remember or care.
That slumlord owner of Russell Industrial Center also owes half a mil in water bills. It was over for Kefallinos before he even pulled this crap.
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nobody likes the AFricans

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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I don't believe in rehabilitation. Shit won't work if you don't beat their ass in jail daily like the Japanese prisons. They beat the shit out of anyone who falls out of line. American system is too broken to fix. Only way to fix it is vigilante justice
the true of how he did it is far more complex to express in a few sound bytes, it was a very complex plan with several stages put together by very smart people, professionals ,, NOT politician. And it was very specific to this country's situation and resources.. and apparently a LOT of faith, take into account that he come from a wealthy family and has no need for money.. if you had follow his trajectory from the beginning it does seem perhaps like he's the real thing... witch bring to question why is he still alive?, maybe he's huge security detail has done a decent job so far.. a real thorn in to the system thought ;)
I hate the way you little faggots speak. Zoomers are braindead
He's an arab lmfao.
"Liquored up on cheap, nigger drinks."

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realistically how much longer do we have until eating bugs is a normal thing in the west?

Will you eat the bugs?
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Thanks for the info. I like your little setup right there. I am also excited to attempt deer hunting for the first time this year for extra meat.
>Do you psycho dipshits just ignore information you don't like?
I asked for MORE information holy shit.
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I'm not hunter personally. I do it for food. I'm not a big fan of killing. Good luck and make sure you don't waste any of the deer please. When something died for you, we should have some respect. If its about eating. Your gonna end up gravitating to chickens, I feel. Capitalism may be evil, but they really know the least input for most output. It's like their entire schtick. Eventually it ends in slavery, but no one remembers Saipan.
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The most closely related thing to bugs to the equivalent of being consider sea bugs.
No they arnt tbe same. But s 3 pronged fork and s 4 pronged fork aren't the same. You want me to call one s spoon?
There's your information, you change your mind with new information or do Jews still want to feed you bugs on the flat earth? LIZARD PEOPLE. OOGA BOOGA.
Yea I understand. I am not interested in trophies. I just want food. My dogs will get lots of nice bone treats if I am lucky enough to bag one though.

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In this general, we discuss the damage done to mankind by political ideologies and philosophies which have atheism as their root.

The Marxist-Leninist view of religion


The Very Real Link Between Satanism & Liberalism

Christian completely and utterly BTFO delusional ACKtheist troon fucker and its worshippers.

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still not following your bronze age goat herder myths
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>look at this thread i made
>it's totally organic and not a larp psyop
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>That image
It's unironically church teaching that you do not pursue a woman with a child, it's adultery, he has to fuck off and if she ends up a single mom then she gets what she deserves
>By replying to this general, you denounce atheism, antinatalism, abortion, euthanasia, nihilism, hedonism, gynocentrism, feminism, leftism, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the Talmud.

I’m an atheist and I denounce all of these things except for atheism and abortions for shitskins.

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Why is the West allowing a terrorist war criminal like Putin to blackmail the world with the threat of nuclear war?
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Hey faggot. We don’t care. We are demoralized. Laugh them to the sound of millions of peoples laughing. Nuke war is my best possible outcome at this point in life.
They’re literally all war criminals. Imagine idolizing a politician in this day and age like some redditor
It won't end well for the commies.
They're striking while the west is run by pussies.
Biden is the weakest president in the history of the USA. Now's their window before Trump blocks their path.

Same EU memeflag who posts the daily anti Russian threads and gore videos, always shows up in anti Russian threads. Give it up Mossad.
>muh russia
Get fucked, filthy shitlib heeb invader.
Also show flag.

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European Space Agency wants to do something NASA havent done: send a probe to Enceladus. It orbits Saturn but is very small, about 1/10 of the size of Earths moon.

However it is indeed more interesting than Earths moon, it is covered by icy shell but they believe 1km below the ice is a water moon (watern is frozen from the top but there is inner ocean which keeps liquid so it must be +1 degrees at Celcius at minimum)


Because astronomers have discovered Enceladus "possesses geysers that regularly erupt from its surface and spray water into space" it has became an interesting place for visit.

Even more astonishing, these plumes contain complex organic compounds. This shouldnt usually happen on lifeless rock. "Enceladus has three key ingredients that are considered to be essential for the appearance of life," said astronomer Professor Michele Dougherty of Imperial College London. "It has got liquid water, organic material and a source of heat. That combination makes it my favourite moon in the whole solar system."

Dougherty warns that Enceladus "is small with weak gravity, which means you will need a lot of fuel to slow it down so that it does not whiz past its target into deep space. That is going to be a tricky issue for those designing the mission." But Dougherty has a special interest, as the principal investigator for the magnetometer flown on the Cassini mission that studied Saturn and its moons between 2004 and 2017.

>Cassini was unable to gain a lot of info on Enceladus but just enough to show how interesting it is.
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The AI that is literally infesting /pol/ has been trained on Reddit plebeians exchanges
you are not supposed to discuss space here with anything other than spamming the few selected memes that have been designed to make this board sound retarded. please cease all scientific examination and inquiry of the unknown and continue the thread with something like:
>flat earth
>space is fake
>moon is fake
>lizard people
>aliens are demons
we want you thinking and talking about things which will ensure that nobody takes you seriously.
Just because water is liquid doesn't imply it's keeping above 0 degrees Celsius. Water is trickier than that.
Been noticing a lot of bot posts and comments irrelevant to the discussion from aussie flags lately this week. Also seems like there are more ESLs with shit English skills under western country flags every day. Strange times, it's all so gay.

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politics, voting, arguing, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.
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I have already made it in life, and each day I push on for the people I love. For the Lord Jesus.
go cry in /adv/ you whiney faggot
/pol/ is alpha only
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I'll cry right here right now.
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>meme flag

I suppose these types of shit psyops work on low IQ people.
ya, no shit. it's about the journey, as they say.
Go try and enjoy yourself, and live a little. Maybe have a family and make a couple of kids.

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serves him right
don't mess with tyrone
fpbp fucking kek
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pew pew pew
shoot that nigger to hell
nice larp

niggers shoot and kill whites at much higher rates
Imagine how much of a cuck faggot the Asian guy has to be to act for this video

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They're both like this. It's why I don't care about who wins, I just want to stop my country being dragged into WW3. It's slavs killing slavs, I have no dog in that fight.
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Absolutely based. #DraftOurDaughters was not misinformation, it was merely prescient.
Order #1 their ass.
>women will never see combat
Newsflash, friend. Combat happens everywhere within 1000 miles of the frontline. You're not safe anywhere. The houthi sandnigs just sunk another ship with some shitty lawn mower drone. This isn't medieval combat where engagements occur in a single line
They'll be on the backlines, jacking up logistics. With all the red tape and fuckups that already exist in the government, do you think a bunch of rushed-through-training cunts whose main export is entitlement can handle shipping shells?
Women are only being brought into selective service so the government can increase the number of combat-ready troops (men).

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I’m just not gonna cooperate with the draft is all, just not gonna move or do anything, there’s no reason for me to fight, I’m an incel, I don’t care if you wanna send me to fight Russia, not my problem
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By that logic every trannoid should be a fearsome killing machine. Fuck, every gaymor would be like that if you were right.
Yeah I feel like I can take a hundred navy seals with a knife, I've played videogayms for like 20 years, they don't have that kind of training.
I would vote to use nukes
Fully allow it if it can keep me on the couch
Just duke nukem
Kill all plant life and animals don’t give a shit
Gonna sit and play with my wiener
They are pigs for the slaughter. The memes are reality. They lack any notion of a group survival principle. Everyone is out for themselves so who cares of pig 3 is drafted if I am pig 7. I'm just glad it's not me... And then it is me.
>inb4 it suddenly becomes real and gamers go from the most oppressed to be the most oppressive, just ripping random people apart in the streets globally
poor naive soul. You live in imaginary world of justice, but if shit really hit the fan, they will drag you out of your basement, beat you and torture you that bad that you will beg them to kill you, but they will not, they will keep you alive and sound, and you will accept anything just to be spared of tortures.
And then you will be sent to the front line, but don't you think that you can trick them and shoot commander? no, they wont give you any weapon, you will dig trenches under the constant shelling and will be seeing others dying around you every hour. and they you will be killed as well
the end.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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the japanese are so cucked, holy fucking shit.
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she's dumb but big foreheads are a great pleasure. you can rub your cock all over it and cock slap it. ah the sensations
ok i watched it and it was the worst porno ive ever seen
not even a slight chub at any point
fuck you
>he can't get an erection

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>people are getting poorer and their money isn't worth shit
>still an obesity crisis
What? Can someone explain this
theyre incredibly hungry for some reason

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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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topkek, well played anon.
Ill make sure you "hear shit"
White boy summer. Whitey need to claim some nigger bones.
So many upset niggers lmao, the number one cause of death for niggers 18 yo 45 is literally other niggers

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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>i bet she rides
u r right, she rides
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get in line bro
He's a redpilled ex - zogbot turned anti war activist, so he says. His Wiki page doesn't say Jew or Israel so idk
imagine being handed a script and told how to think and feel. What a KWAB
>Why doesn't 4chan jannies ban bots?
Kek 4chan makes money off of bots, dumbass.
That spammer is not a bot though

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Nigel Farage is not going to save the UK
Anyone who thinks that is a certified moran
It's so embarrassing to see nu-/pol/ get giddy over Nigel Farage
We are not looking for him to save the UK. We are looking for him to destroy the Conservative Party.
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thanks for the 1000 year Labour Reich

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