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Ban lonely white men
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Vegas was their opportunity to ban guns and it didn't work. Little shit like this won't work either. The intelligence agencies in the US are corrupt as fuck.
>We just playin
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Another mass shooting during election year. Interesting.
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The only people who do drivebys at children's parks are niggers and the mentally ill. Be real.
Really says a lot about niggers that a nigger that shoots up a water park would be considered "a fuckup idiot", like someone that fell for a nigerian scam, and not somebody mentally ill.

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Ben Shapiro loses an argument against a pre-recorded video PART 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v81Z7Eutbx4 [Embed]
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>I just wanted to showcase Ben having a breakdown over the Jews losing the narrative among the Left wing.
This does it for me too.

Because they're idiots. The first prime minister of Israel Ben Gurion was an atheist. Most Zionists don't believe in God. They believe in the land.

Yes it's a mistranslation but Judean and Jew sound similar phonetically. It's easy to point out that the modern Jew is barely related to the biblical Jew in the New Testament.
"Its free estate"
Don't care about jews or muslims. Just nuke each other already.

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If you knew that you would survive, withouth being mutilated or something, in a 100% rate, would you be hyped for it? Why?
I mean, its like a fortnite event
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The kid on the left was the one that was vaccinated. Many such cases.

those are warts and are a form of vph
>No Leaf here yet
Sigh, guess i have to step in...
Built for BBC
its so when youre eating pussy you can surprise her by blowing noisy wet raspberries
try it next time, she'll love it
All should be shaved, men and women. It's FAR more comfortable.

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
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>I upgraded from black to brown
based im white
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Based fuck shitskins
>Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?
It's "AN ESL" actually
You're an autist. But thank you for the noticing.

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You do realize that the only reason Putin didn't take Kyiv and Zelensky refuses peace is to continue the conflict between East and West?

The only reason is the fulfillment of the prophecies. Gog and Magog war, the war in which Edom (America and it's EU vassals) will be erased from history forever. Total genocide - the recent Obama's movie "leave the world behind."

Palestine (+East) vs Israel (+America and EU) is Ishmael (Muslims) vs Esau (the West).

This is all Jewish prophecy and explains why you are still coping and seething over this Ukraine vs Russia conflict.



I want all of this to become the mainstream thought on /pol/ and no more Ukraine vs Russia threads made
Jewish schizophrenia is prophecy now?
They are the ones in positions of power. Do you think at all?
Those are literal blueprints

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?
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Q is fake and gay
>Always has been
Q was just a stand-down psyop
no one that comes here is young enough to get drafted

It's materialistic ramblings from Tel Aviv to support a beach condo development in Gaza. The oligarchs are broke because the US and England are broke. Everytime England is broke, they try to invade or support an invasion of the holy land to loot it to pay their bills.

Trump promised to speed up the Gaza land development project. Biden is now fucking it up because it can't proceed if Gaza is considered a part of the Palestinian state. Trump has no way to save the Gaza condo project because Hezbollah has burned too much land in northern Israel and forced tons of Israeli settlers to retreat abroad or to Tel Aviv.

RFK Jr, like all politicians, is a puppet. His puppeteer is an anti Zionist CiA spook and his VP Nicole Shanahan is a product of CIA eugenics. She just divorced her Khazar ("Russian Jew") husband who helped run Google and has developed a cure for infertility and autism. Shanahan has an ideal admixture of Aryan-Kurgan lineage. Meaning Shanahan is immune from the covid 19 bioweapon ergo the CIA knew better than to take the jab because it's listed as a fucking bioweapon from Nazi Germany that was found in a lab under Auschwitz. The CIA didn't authorize the bioweapon but people with associations with the CIA stole the research, did the experiment in China, and Trump and Fauci then tried to blame China and the CIA for COVID-19.

The CIA is going to take America back and hand over Biden and Trump for tribunals. Because Trump and Biden have been trying to kill off the CIA and start their own loyalist gestapo.

Difference being Biden will do whatever he Pope tells him which is why Trump is fuming about Biden meeting with the Pope. Because the Vatican is anti Zionist and doesn't recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Langley has gone dark and pulled all support from Israel and Ukraine. Mossad retaliated by giving anon comments to the media claiming the CIA has helping Israel and Ukraine but Langley abandoned both months ago.
>something something operation trust also schizo post below proceed with caution

Anyway two players left.
>The New Babylon
>Gog Magog Union

The second consumes the first and is put to trial by God himself.

Fake ayylmaos will do wonders soon, do not take the mark no matter how hungry u are. Do not enter healing pods or undergo "high tech" medical procedures.

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Is this a common sight in America?
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I would FUCK that
Just for the novelty
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Part of me wants to stick my hand in between those fucking flaps, just to see what happens.
is that grimace
Shed feed a village in Liberia. Why are these racist whites denying these African children a proper meal?
Audible zozzle.
Thanks, anon.

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Countries colored by safety level for locals/expats in case of a major global conflict
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How about instead, the 8 billion people on this planet kill the 10,000 faggots sending us to die in WW3?
Greenland safeish? Who the fuck gonna attack the 60,000 snowniggers there?
>I do not even fear dying.
Good, you won't be disappointed then.
Unlike you, I'm White. This country hates me, not dying for this country nor it's people.
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it is but don't try to fornicate or get close to any female, even the nice ones (if you can find one, kek)
women here can use an atrocious globohomo law who can put you in jail only with HER declaration to the pigs.
>Daily clashes with chink CG
>Unlimited goading from our US masters
>Riddled with US air and naval bases from top to bottom
>U N C L E A R
I wish I have the same confidence and positivity.

They are doing a good job of killing off Putberg army. Why stop?
>dead and displaced white people = good
Spotted the kike
Those are negotiation terms subhuman BBC coonsooming poojeet.
>killing white Cristian Ukrainians
Fuck you muzzie scum.

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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they must have all moved here
May I ask which state?
>leave home
>have every footstep, cough, eye movement, turn signal, break light, smile, frown, word, and involuntary movement tracked by adversarial AI systems

>stay at home
>>have every footstep, cough, eye movement, turn signal, break light, smile, frown, word, and involuntary movement tracked by adversarial AI systems

I need a third space bros, one with a Faraday cage around it. The first US city to build a full scale electronic interference mesh around their borders can take me as their eternal tax pig. I'm so tired of being monetized without a contract.
and yes, I drive my car inside my house. deal wit hit.
What the fuck do you mean. There were fuck heads driving around at 4am this morning. Traffic everywhere. Maybe they ate just driving.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Those blue pvc pipes they started using post 2010 are so brittle you can push your finger through them. Contractors keep breaking them even with hand excavation, then the cunts at the water dept don't know where the valves are so they turn it off at the source lol.
What flag ?
Most Conservative place in Canada by the way. That poster is a woman.
kill yourself faggot
>work night water crew
>low pressure alarm goes off
>drive to substation and see big pool of water on the way
>"broken line, backhoe, notify facebook/media I'm shutting the mains"
>6 man crew digging collaring shoveling
>end of job man in hole torquing collar bolts and line repair
>cars drive by

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Dr. Anthony Fauci “belongs in prison” for “crimes against humanity” at a conservative conference in Detroit on Saturday.

Greene gave a speech at Turning Point USA’s People’s Convention this weekend, where she dug into Democratic politicians and the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’ll never forget when the Biden administration and Nancy Pelosi, as speaker of the House, brought in nearly 30,000 National Guardsmen and turned our Capitol complex into a military base,” she told the audience. “They masked schoolchildren. They shut down schools. They closed beaches. They silenced your speech.”

“They attacked the very core of our freedoms, all for a virus that they made in a lab in Wuhan, China,” she added. “And yes, Doctor Anthony Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity.”

The crowd then broke into cheers of “Lock him up!” to which Greene responded: “I can assure you, if I have anything to do with it, we will lock him up! He belongs in prison!”

At a hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this month, Republicans accused him of funding research that started the pandemic and of covering up the “lab leak” theory—the same theory Greene referenced in her speech, which posits the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. (Greene also suggested Fauci should be imprisoned at that hearing.)

“I cannot account nor can anyone account for other things that might be going on in China, which is the reason why I have always said and will say now, I keep an open mind as to what the origin is,” Fauci said at the time.

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she looks like a neanderthal
Yeah you remember when Trump said he was going to drain the swamp and enact mass deportations? He filled his cabinet with the deep state and never deported anyone
I have spent hours staring at her ass and still cannot confirm or deny
I'm pretty sure Fauci didn't singlehandedly create the covid pandemic. Besides, Covid is a literal, proven, nothingburger. I'm still so utter disappointed by the death numbers. As a "killer virus", it has been shown to be completely pathetic and ineffectual. Same goes for the clot shot. How many died, total? A few hundred million? That's literally nothing. I still have to go to work, because there are just as many debt collectors in this world as there ever were. Lamest apocalypse ever.
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It's not real you retard. He peddled it like it was and killed millions of people and also caused mass alcoholism and depression. He deserves to be fucking devoured by insects and left to rot in the rain.

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Are Japs even human?
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They have a traditional porpoise harvest in some BFE or another there. I don't look on them too badly for it, every culture has it's wtf shit. For instance, someone cut off my foreskin when I was a baby
based, i wanna try dolphin but sadly only whale is common here
Who want they dolphussy ate?
our culture is demented. gas the kikes

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Dating is getting worse and worse just like every other area of America. I live around a university and the women are all rabid libshits, often having a bunch of tattoos.

I have had a couple girlfriends but it's getting harder and harder to find someone who's not a clear political enemy or even potentially reformable.
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>I live around a university
Have you considered moving?
Have you discovered Latin American yet?
there is
having had 50 different cocks in yourself and then gooning to the memory of it when you're alone in your basement
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That's what I'm saying. No woman is going to take you seriously when you jestermaxx and juggle whatever shit she throws like you like the desperate clown you are while she's aware she was pumped and dumped by at least a dozen other men who didn't think she was worth further commitment.

There's a video of two monkeys who perform the same task, but one of them is paid less than the other and then freaks out. Even monkeys realize when they're gypped.

Last one told me in a pathetic loser because I only make $150k in my mid 20s

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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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I was an EMT for four years here in PA. I volunteered in Russia treating wounded.

I support Russia 100% and I would like to confess.
Where do I sign?
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i only hope that CANADA becomes the first target in the west to get NUKED by the blessed people of RUSSIA.
Three things here. First, Russia has said on multiple occasions since the conflict started that there is no Ukrainian nationality or language and that their state is illegitimate. Second, Russia lies constantly about what their goals are and what they are going to do, so they cannot be taken at face value; after all, they said they wouldn't invade Ukraine up to and in fact a few days after the war started. Third, because of this, we have to observe what the Russians are actually doing. They are actively targeting civilians with strategic weapons such as Kinzals, which they wouldn't do unless the Ukrainian people themselves were a strategic target, and this would only be the case if their strategic goal is to depopulate Ukraine to eliminate them as a unique people. Also, at least 19,000 Ukrainian children have been abducted and forcibly rehomed within Russia, and even more civilians in conquered territories have either been executed or deported as well; in fact Mariupol's entire remaining population was deported or killed and replaced with 50,000 Russians. So fuck Russia.
>I met a brown Russian.
>All Russians are brown.

You're fucking retarded and should feel bad.

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Is only possible in a nationalistic homogeneous population. Good luck with your rainbow mutt army. Faggots
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While I’m here

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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I sometimes watch that one with the actor from cheers who plays a doctor.
I only watched Frasier for Roz.
Weird anon, i get the same thing. Although at the time the dreams are insignificant they are hyper vivid and usually play on my mind that morning with the feeling when you get when you forget the name of a song and try to remember. It gives me a sickly feeling when it plays out down the track in reality. I've never spoke of this in real life because it just sounds unbelievable, first time I've heard anyone say the same is you. The frequency is about the same as yours, i had always just put this down to my mind glitching and double processing reality but had never been sure.
nah saved my bux for the clive palmer and tucker carlson concert instead
Yes, Becker. It's still pretty funny.

how to avoid this as a man, /pol/ ?
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Kys yourself as soon as you show signs of aging
Fucking witnessed, anon!
try 17 years
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Just try starting your own bank.
Don't get 5150'd by your kike handlers multiple times and then get a grill put in your mouth

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I will Germanize "my offspring". Once I get married, I will convince my wife to choose reproduction by artificial insemination, I will make sure that the donor is an ethnic German male with good physical characteristics such as height, facial features, blond hair, blue eyes.

And there is nothing you can do about it.
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>"Hey honey, let's have sex :3"
>Sorry, no can do Fernanda. You're going to be artificially inseminated with pure Aryan sperm.
>This might be hard for you to understand but it's necessary to save the white race o algo. People made fun of me on the internet for being Mexican, but that's not going to happen to our son Goku Hans Jørgenvarg Skyrim.
>This is going to be an exciting new fucking based life for us Fernanda. Now let me show you the fridge, I've replaced all of our coke with freshly imported Pilsner...
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>Goku Hans Jørgenvarg Skyrim
yes yes yes
>I've replaced all of our coke with freshly imported Pilsner...
Kek put me in the screencap
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I'm not gonna lie, this shit made me laugh. Still my plan is going to go forward, no matter how much shitposting you do about it, mutt.

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