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the jews are pushing for a draft to do their dirty work. Share strategies to avoid becoming their goy soldier.
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Get out of the country ASAP if you can.
I'm to old and already a veteran. Worst case I'll have to train zoomers to go die.
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Practice your survival skills and stock bags of rice. 90% of Canada is woods.
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>Share strategies to avoid becoming their goy soldier.
At this point I'm planning to simply refuse any movement. Really invested in learning deep transcendental relaxation. Not only are you getting closer to God, you also avoid having to carry and fire a gun to kill others for your masters like a good golem.
If anything happens i will do it like my dad who got too underweight to get drafted

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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Apparently so.
Fucked up the strikethrough tag. Oh well.
Way too many of you
Yep. I went to India and learned how much worse it can get.
You invade my country, you smell.
You're manipulative as heck.

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Millions of third worlders were let in within 3 years. Utter economic collapse-Brexit. Cancer and heart disease and Muslims everywhere.
Another AI image.
Hope the pajeet PM orders the army to get all the royals BLACKED or POOD desu
The 1000 year vengeance of the Normans.
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Pakis took over yet alcoholism is at all time highs. make it make sense
All a part of the plan. deliberate malicious deconstruction of straight white values, morals and ethics.

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show nose. what color is your tiny hat today?
This Brown again with his spam post
Kill all Brazilian monkeys. Total macaca death.
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Christian world is disgusting because christian are niggers.
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Yes, they are christians. Christians and indios like japaneses are macacos.

Im not brazilian.

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They have found 4000 year old mystery construct from a mountain


It is in island of Crete ontop of a mountain. For some reason it had been hidden unti just recently.

It was on a mountaintop and nothing had been built in there for ages. Nobody lives right next to it.

Now there are cars gathered nearby because they are digging the ruins out from material that has covered it.

They said on Tuesday (11. June) that they think it looks like Minoans might have built it from the looks of it.

When viewed from a helicopter the whole construct looks a bit like a car wheel in shape.

Greek archaelogists arent sure what the purpose of this construct may have been.

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>it was just whites in red ochre
they were whites. even lewis and clark had said that. the blonde and chinese they met out west shook the fuck out of them.
>4000 old isn't even that old you historylet, that's at least 1000 years more recent than city states like Ur and Uruk
Yes, and Egypt was still 700 years from it's zenith, minoans had only just begun gathering in what could be considered cities and no other european culture came even close to that yet.
My country was technically still in the neolithic age by that time.
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my favorite part is that SPARTAN KINGS wrote to the ancient hebrews (no relation to jews today) saying that they were GENETIC BROTHERS
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navigational machines so they can sail around the earth

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Russian President Vladimir Putin says nearly 700,000 soldiers are currently fighting in his war on Ukraine. "There are almost 700,000 of us in the zone of special military operations," he said on Friday as he met soldiers who are being trained for a leadership position.

This is significantly more than six months ago, when he referred to 617,000 soldiers, during a press conference in December 2023.

Russian troops are also going continue to advance in the eastern Kharkiv region, Putin said. "We are simply forced to move the front line further in the Kharkiv region in order to reduce the terrorist strikes against Belgorod and other localities."

Russia has been shelling Ukrainian cities since the start of the war, particularly Kharkiv, a major city near the border.

Recently, however, Ukrainian attacks against Belgorod in western Russia have also intensified.

Moscow launched its new offensive against the Kharkiv region in May, in what observers say is an attempt to stretch Ukrainian defences and force a breakthrough at the front. So far, however, Russia has only made it a few kilometres across the border.

The "10 to 15 or 17 kilometres" will not completely prevent the Ukrainians from continuing to shell Russian cities, but the danger is gradually decreasing, Putin said, adding caution was needed.

"But if the enemy continues to do what it has been doing so far, then we will consider how to proceed in order to protect our towns and cities," he said, in a hint that the offensive may grow more intense.

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that a lot of soldiers for jack fucking shit
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Hey you finally updated the map from February that was really cringe and annoying when you were spamming that shit
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nah it's the 2 year one, not the 1 year version. Nothing has changed lmao! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Biden will win. Here is your pre-emptive L, chuds.
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Biden won’t make it to November, he’s a dying cuntnigger holding on by a thread.
And, here’s’ to RFK sinking Biden;s chances completely as he siphons off a few million former democrat voters.
How many weeks?
>b-but Trump promises to ban electric boats!
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Cheating isn't winning it's stealing.
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Biden will win. Anyone who has been paying attention knows this 100%. I'm screenshotting these so I can post them over and over and over again in November.

why did jews try to trick people into thinking MSG was bad?
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how about you go munch on some cobaltite retard
No it’s not lol
It’s terrible for you
It's made via bacterial fermentation, like yoghurt. There's nothing synthetic about it.

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>inb4 source
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5:45 Janusz, shooting back is always planned for 5:45.
Ask grandpa, he might remember.
You're so full of shit and I love it!
It's a bit breezy in the strait but the waves are only 4 ft. It could be a go
Maybe, but who's gonna authorize this shit >>471124108
Fake red skull. Zero confirmation codes. Don’t let larpers detract.
Cap: TX88

How do we decrease such blatant anti-semitism?
You are as delusional as a man that thinks he is a female dog.

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UK weather: 48-hour 26C heatwave to hit and five English cities will be the hottest
The UK is set to be hit by a 26C heatwave at the end of the month, as the cold weather finally gives way to some summer sun - with the Met Office predicting highs of 30C

Forecast maps for the UK indicate when the current cold spell could possibly end, promising a 48-hour blast of sun with temperatures reaching up to 26C. A heatwave is predicted to encase the UK at the month's end, as June finally warms up. The mercury, which currently lays low, is expected to at last climb towards the 30C mark by the end of June.

According to weather maps from WX Charts, utilising Met Desk data, the temperature will likely peak around 26C in certain intervals. Cities that will be the hottest include Birmingham, Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Newcastle. This warm spell is anticipated to sweep across Britain from June 26th to the 28th.

In their forecast from June 17 to June 26, the Met Office states: "At first, the weather across the UK is likely to continue to be a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers, with some longer spells of rain also possible. Some showers are expected to be heavy and could be thundery at times. Temperatures will generally be around or a little below normal for mid-June, and it may well be breezy in places too. Through the weekend and into the following week, confidence in any particular weather pattern dominating becomes low. As such, the best forecast is for fairly typical June weather, with a mixture of weather types. This means some spells of drier, sunny weather but also some showers or longer spells of rain at times. Temperatures will most likely be close to or slightly below average."
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>go to southern spain
>near mid 20's to 30c and no cloud all week
>never sweaty or uncomfortable
>tips over 20c in UK
>sweating like a bitch and air feels like im breathing treacle
we truly get the shittest of weather, even when it gets a bit warm its not nice
It's the fucking humidity. I can do 30 dry no sweat but 18 with 26 humidex I'm dripping.
Oh my god, not a mild summer temperature! Won't someone think of the poor immigrants and refugees!
Based Norfscience.

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Look at this shit.
CHINKS recently JAILED a #MeToo Feminist Activist for FIVE years.
Are you fucking kidding me? Women deserve to fight for their rights.
They're labelling feminism as "Foreign Subversion"

Fucking soulless chinks.
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me and my band of brothers will fill her with our *man gravy as she cries saar we need to rape her saar with *our brown penises saar
we get it sukdeep.
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>Are you fucking kidding me? Women deserve to fight for their rights!
kys tranny
I find hilarious how no self respecting man is protesting against this because feminism has destroyed the west and has caused half of the population tp become 2nd class citizens to the state

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The "Turing test," first proposed as "the imitation game" by computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950, judges whether a

>machine's ability to show intelligence is indistinguishable from a human.

For a machine to pass the Turing test, it must be able to talk to somebody and fool them into thinking it is human. Scientists decided to replicate this test by asking 500 people to speak with four respondents, including a human and the 1960s-era AI program ELIZA (ELIZA has been kept around all these decades for it is useful as a benchmark) as well as both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, the AI that powers ChatGPT. The conversations lasted five minutes -- after which participants had to say whether they believed they were talking to a human or an AI. In the study, published May 9 to the pre-print arXiv server, the scientists found that participants judged GPT-4 to be human 54% of the time.
ELIZA, a system pre-programmed with responses but with no large language model (LLM) or neural network architecture, was judged to be human just 22% of the time. GPT-3.5 scored 50% while the human participant scored 67%. "Machines can confabulate, mashing together plausible ex-post-facto justifications for things, as humans do," Nell Watson, an AI researcher at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), told Live Science. "They can be subject to cognitive biases, bamboozled and manipulated, and are becoming increasingly deceptive. All these elements mean human-like foibles and quirks are being expressed in AI systems, which makes them more human-like than previous approaches that had little more than a list of canned responses."
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>I was wondered how far I would need to scroll before I saw this comment.
You could scroll forever and never see a single "comment" about anything on this particular website, kind stranger.
The first two dogs were not specified to have spots.
They weren't specified to be spotless either
>bot follows instructions too pedantically
>AI bad, no creativity, no agency
>bot follows instructions as stated but throws in a little extra
>AI bad, it did a thing I didn't explicitly specify
If GPT had emotions it'd have an existential crisis.
still not AI because it was fed training data on how to talk to humans and how to trick them.
Also this >>471241463

How did Laura Loomer gain such a large conservative following while looking the way she does?
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You know she has a fucked up demon face,But have you seen her body? Christ almighy! its just perfect in every way even got that little chubby tummy.
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Trump looks more normal than Loomer
You may not like it but that is the ideal conservative woman
Jewish astroturfing
Legit looks like a demon in a skin suit.

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TO use gemini you have to have an account
come home white man

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Jews really don't like it when you point out Hitler was a Catholic
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>5 letters

>6 letters

>Adolf Hitler = 303

>Christ dies at age 33

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>The Swastika
>Odin's (God's / All-Father's) symbol (Google "He is Odin's Man")

>White circle with a Swastika inside of it
>The Big Dipper
or maybe Germany had more free speech than the Jewish occupied allies?
exactly, that's why they want to keep it a secret

Boeing just opened R&D and engineering centers in three cities in Poland. Looks like the USA can't handle without intellect of whitest people in Europe, after all. They realized that their "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion" policy does not work as intended.
Funny that we have all these fancy R&D centers and still we are a shithole. Intel built biggest R&D centers in Europe here, but we don't produce our own advanced CPUs under our own brand anyway. I bet same with Boeing, they will take all our most talented engineers, and Poland would end up on buying planes we design ourselves from the USA instead of building our own.

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Guess I'm one of you guys now.
Just how many of us are out there?
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Where do glowies ask you? Ive never registered and I was never accosted to do it
Also denounce the Talmud and Torah right now or your a fag
Only now? Were you one of those on the completely fraudulent goody two-shoes stand up vibes?
I hate you and your kind. You are hedonists who enjoyed the progressive degeneracy purity spiral until the second it went too far and started negatively effecting your lifestyle. Then you jump ship and the “conservative” position is suddenly Dave Rubin and his husband adopting a harem of lithe 13 year old boys for their “family”. We have to stop accepting faggots and lefties. We have to stand for something besides “libs bad”.
Sounds about right

I recommend the Serenity Prayer instead



While I understand where you are coming from, hate in one hand and shit in the other, and then see which fills up faster.

Damn she is a shotacon? hot.
Too bad she fuckin mutilated herself
go back fag

The original LBGTQ flags had 8 and 7 stripes (like OBLAST):

Jewish Autonomous Oblast: See Flag:

jews changed the Faggot flag to 6 stripes in order for the goyim not to realize it was the OBLAST flag all along.

BUMP this thread if you see it.

Previous thread:
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jewish autonomous oblyat
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wtf a jew just flew over my house and left this weird trail
davai cyka blyat
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Is there a connection?

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