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this is the guy injecting his son's blood into himself to look younger, the before and after pics don't lie, it actually worked.

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well he's a faggot so yea

Suspiciously he has the same facial expression as Marina Abramovic. She probably does this type of procedure
Ozempic face
The personification of a healthy lifestyle looks like a 50 yo lesbian

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Why won't they invade Portugal? Why haven't they conquered them yet?
Nothing worth a shit to conquer

40k cases of heat stroke. Hundreds are dying every day. Climate change is real
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You think yer hot shit dontcha
Wasn’t wet bulb in Mecca. I believe they have a drier heat. It’s just 122 degrees (not sure what that is in Celsius. 50 I think?). That’s so hot it literally was baking people to death. Not sure how normal that is for Saudi Arabia. Florida has actually been slightly less hot than last year
Summer Vagina kills again.
have they tried covering themselves in shit?
White people didn't create global warming, China and India did retard. It's not our fault they were too retarded and short righted to use our technology responsibility

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Does /pol/ think it’ll be better or worse? Do you think the political and cultural zeitgeist will be any different than today?

What trends do we barely pay attention to today that you’ll think will be front and center this next decade?
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The vast majority of individuals will be dirt poor. The middle class is dying out fast.
This Polanon knows.
Putin will give another warning and threaten to invade ukraine a second time and first one fails
What should I do if I'm already married to a Chinese? We have connections in China but also businesses and real estate in the US which have been good investments, just worried about long term.

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

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>Not sick
I know, I'm just b.s.'ing. Kill the pests. :)

>mine is now coffee brown
A pity. Only a select few of us maintain blonde hair all our lives. Which makes our seed a rare commodity...
Shall we say $250k for sperm ? And that's the fren's discount.

I mean... :D

You already volunteering to run my future BDSM? ^^



Myself, yes.


Could never bring myself to work with mice back in the lab ...


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Spanish slug ... the spics of the snail community. Bloody invasive species! Btw should have sent me that mole instead, heard they love to eat vole litters. Btw keeping parts of the lawn wild at the moment ... wild flowers to be precise, got a bumblebee colony living under my porch right now ... the silly fat buzzers do love them.
mosquitoes are the Jews of the insects
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>I mean... :D
Just checking whether there are issues associated with it. uwu

>Myself, yes.
Fifth dynamics refers to non-human living things. Picrel refers to you. But it's only one of maaaany lists.
>Do they expect me to compile a list now?!
Perhaps. Not sure to what level of detail down the taxonomy one needs to go. E.g. chicken, elk, bear, cow, pig, but also berries, tomatoes etc. But have you eaten a dog? A cactus?

> "We're only hiring diverse candidates"
> "And in an odd twist.... you have to be a white, jewish guy to be considered for a C-Suite job"
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Thanks fren. I don't think I will ask for any accommodations
>An HR lady who wants to check DEI boxes may be suspicious of a White man with a nonspecified disability without accommodation needs. She may think you're faking it to fit ESG requirements.
Didn't think about it like this. I am disabled. I have bipolar disorder and have been to the loony bin twice. There's no accommodations for me but it is a disability and I was very debilitated after my last hospitalization , it took me ~1yr to get back on my feet. I thought I might have to neet. It's listed as one of the federally recognized disabilities. If I apply for a government job is it better if I say I'm disabled? At my last two jobs no one in HR asked me about it or what my disability is. I didn't specify I just clicked the box that said I'm disabled.
I hadn't considered any of this before, I think I will still select disabled. I also don't want to tell my employer I have bipolar disorder because they might think I'm crazy or will do something crazy and then maybe they don't want to hire me.
Have they ever asked you to disclose your disability?
I know! It's those god damned Saudis!
What's the point of caring? No seriously, not like they put out anything worth a shit even back when they weren't dominated by activists.

Let's face it, old Disney cartoons is what you play for your kid to get some time off and finger his mom. Otherwise, not much there.
Walt was very pro jew (B'nai Brith man of the year), a CIA, informant, and a 33rd degree free mason at that.

Yes they are, jew isn't a race, there's black jews white jews, white jews control the world. That's like saying Nigerians aren't black

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Yelling at your children is disorderly conduct (domestic violence), if the kid calls the cops on you in Arizona. Mind you, a misdemeanor.
If you break their PS4 in front of them or their tv, its property damage (domestic violence)
What qualifies as "domestic abuse" in the ruling?
This. They are all enemy combatants now, Anon. There is no more running from the truth of what this country has become...and what we have to do, in response.
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wait aren't there laws against antisemitism now?
so if you're convicted of antisemitism you can potentially lose your guns?
Go so something about it. Nothing violent. A massive general strike is sufficient to deal the same damage as killing millions
yeah so the abuser doesnt buy a gun and shoot the person he used to abuse. whats so wrong about this? i wouldnt want my abuser to own a gun

>>471783356 # >>471783489 # >>471783906 # >>471783951 # >>471784150 # >>471784575 # >>471784875 # >>471785077 # >>471785264 # >>471786055 # >>471786595 # >>471786641 # >>471787377 # >>471791550 # >>471793104 # >>471793682 # >>471793893 # >>471794075 # >>471794304 # >>471794547 # >>471798401 # >>471799181 #
Lost my creds for
Https://team. 4chan. org mod login
I have my CaC card can I use that?

It says my cert expired
My email says I was accepted

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you can have the rest
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Tom will change your mind.
Imagine people depending in their government! We should just all be libertarian, that would fix . . .
I thought Hawaii was mostly lazy, fat pacific islanders?
The federal government mandates that they have to pay gibs to niggers then “graciously” sends federal money to help cover the bill.

They then use the fact that they forced you to need their federal money against you at every chance they get.
They do it on purpose so they can then ridicule you to their constituents.
It’s all some sick power game to them.

Native Anglo cows are too fat and fart and shart too much. It's destroying the environment. They will be culled and replaced with a muscular efficient breed of new cows under a proposal backed by scientists.
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They have already done that in scale my dude
>gmos have robbed plant's of innate ability to reproduce
>gmos and pesticides cause cancer
>pthalates from plastics have poisoned everyone and most animals on earth
Do big cows fart less?
How about no
That achievable natty?
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Doubt it. Farmer here, we've had a huge push from the government the last decade to breed more local breeds. I live in North Yorkshire and I've been given a grant to breed and butcher Otterington Shorthorns, which is local to our town. They also introduced similar grants/rules for sheep and swine. I only have cows (and chickens) however so not 100% whats happening there

TLDR: More media fear mongering bullshit

Zogbots assault and handcuff their zogbot comrade for refusing the covid vax


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What caused the sudden shift to the overly politicized, boring, gay, humorless decade the 2010s turned out to be? Pic related was titled "This Is The End" and it came out in 2013, and it was the last time in recorded history that you could just make a comedy without worrying about everyone getting cancelled for making a joke.
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miss background stoner comedies like this their existence is a good sign that you're in an era where young people don't give a shit about politics

Yeah I I was a young millennial and liked that stuff at the time (anti bank, matrix fan, conspiracy theorist stuff). The sjw stuff seemed very alien to me, though it was obviously a harbinger for the next decade.
This movie was extremely gay and was one of the reasons I stopped watching hollyjew movies altogether and further cemented my disdain for celebrities.
Besides the last 2 mins (when they get into heaven), I thought it was funny as fuck. They should've ended it right as the camera goes through the heavenly gates.

Yeah its quite a good indicator for our times.

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Is it bad if whenever i see or hear jesus or christian related stuff i get this feeling "not him/this again" it's like i get repulsed and i'm not jewish
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say Christ is King and denounce the Talmud, humor us.
You are just a child of the devil
I denounce the talmud and Christ is king but even now writing this i feel who is this guy why should i worship him?
drop the worship bit and try to love him for his message instead first
they murdered him for speaking truth
as they would to any of us
but how many of us would speak truth willingly knowing we will be murdered by pharisees for it? but he did.
That used to happen to me as well. Then I looked within myself to try and understand why I was having such a negative reaction. Turns out I needed Jesus. Soon after, I got saved. All is well now.

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reminder that /pol/ was pro-ukraine before the arrival of kremlin bots
No we were not you kraut eating faggot
All fields
drop the vpn sirgay
To be fair there was always a split opinion on the matter but the zigger bots and fsb glow niggers have astroturfed the board

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I got an IQ of 107 (WAIS-IV), is it alight for a very possibly undiagnosed autistic peson?? I've abused and still abuse substances and I am worried they impacted my intelligence

Average IQ in Greece is 90.77 according to most sources

Japan has the highest average IQ of 106.48 in the world so I am basically like an average Japanese citizen?

>I've abused and still abuse substances and I am worried they impacted my intelligence
You just have to stop or accept the reality of what you're doing. I've lost 10 IQ points from this, but reality hurts more than it interests me at this point so I continue. Be careful.
I have an IQ that is 64 points higher than the average Greek.
Thanks for the advice
Let's try to keep the thread going

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Realistically, what will the punishment be for draft dodging in Europe and America if it all really kicks off?
a huge fine
Military prison then penal battalion service
Money or prison

Forced sent to the front

What do you think retard, that you will be sent to jail and dodge war so easily ?

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I had such a hard boner when this was happening. Biggest anti-climax ever though.
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I wonder wtf hes been up to the entire time.
he isnt the kinda guy who just goes on a vacation for a year and before he and Utkin vanished they said they are preparing for their biggest mission.
This. Putin didn't even arrest any of the Wagnerites who supposedly "invaded."
You may have heard that Macron lost his colony in Africa and access to cheap uranium. And also ECOWAS countries did not invade Niger because of "substantial power" in the region, here you can think and guess what the big mission is.

Since Britain and the US wanted to declare PMC Wagner a terrorist group in order to impose maximum sanctions against Russia, it had to be "liquidated" as a clear group. And all the leaders were "killed" - in GRU language it is called "asset stripping". I know this because there is a person in my family who explained it well to me at one time.
makes sense, you think hes been in Africa the whole time?
Yes, the mission of the former PMC Wagner and "some man who looks like Prigozhin" accidentally filmed by a blurry low-resolution video regsitrator is the decolonization of Africa. Of course, we are not talking about the whole of Africa, but about the one with enough forces. Africa is the area of interest of everyone in this big party.

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I FUCKING DESPISE the immigration system and immigrants in my country, they’re ruining Canada by way of this mass, uncontrolled immigration. Most people my age can’t afford a house nor will they ever be able to. The prospect of raising a family are slim and my culture is dying out and being replaced. My own home town doesn’t even look the same. It looks more akin to Delhi or Calcutta than midwestern Canada.

The worst part? No major party wants to touch this issue, either for fear of being called racist or because they’re actively taking money from large corporations that profit off of mass, unskilled labour by way of wage stagnation. Our country has been sold out from under us by greedy executives and spineless ideologues.

Without a proper movement or lobby group to put pressure on the government, this nation will be doomed to become another South Africa in 30 years time.

Based photo.
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Hello kremlin. how is your propaganda campaign going?
VIDEO; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuVQcJKzZLw
VIDEO;; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CeUPCzziF0
VIDEO;;; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toQ5LdpLzPk
thank you mods for cleaning up this sophisticated thread, I shall give a meme since I’m not affiliated with these losers:


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Kneel and pray for my mercy
If a voice spoke to me in my head and told me it was god and to harvest foreskins and stab my child, I'd tell it to fuck off.
What does jesus do when his love remains unanswered?
Even if the skies were shorter than my knees, I would not kneel.
I am the unforgiven

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Advice to be a better White Nationalist?
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First of all, you should educate yourself read the writings and about the lives of the real heroes of the early 20th century. Men like Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and Alfred Rosenberg. Then move on to later heroes like Yockey, Rockwell, Pierce, and Lane. If you've already done this and feel comfortable and are presentable enough then try to find yourself an Aryan woman that may might not be a National Socialist at the time but as long as her perspective is pliable you should be fine. You should always remind her that this is all resultant of a great love and admiration of our people who brought civilization, philosophy, mathematics and architecture to the world. This also goes for anyone close to you, don't tell them it's just because you hate niggers because that's stupid. If all that's completed buy land and create a self sufficient community where we can continue our kin and culture and express ourselves in what we do best. Namely building great things and glorifying God.
Stay mentally awake physically fit and morally straight, be prepared to give and accept death
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
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Food, Sex and Drugs are the pillars of our prison.
Defeat them first one at a time, then all together.
End communist and mossad on sight.

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