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Thank you for your service.
>straight outta Compton
he looks like the dude you fuck with so they look like ass to the e-8, e-9. Then you treat said e-9 like a bro so he thinks staff sarg is just a retard.

t. retired zoggie
Nobody will get this. So I'll explain for all the retards...

OP pic name is Compton.
Nigger posted.
Niggers are turds.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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Where did he find these lists? I've been searching elections canada with no luck.
Are we in clown world or demon world right now?
Not sure unfortunately but I think they showed up in the thread again here... I think. same typing style at least
may be able to answer if they're still around
I try to watch CPAC but it just makes me too angry most times.
Dont care. Still voting Plamondon

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Quisling has been grossly mischaracterised, he was actually an academic military strategist.
Churchill was organising an invasion and occupation of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Hitler reacted by invading Norway to protect Scandanavia from Allied invasion. This also protected rare metals and agricultural produce trade that Germany relied on for the war effort.
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yes but nobody wants to hurt Norwegians
bump for more Norway anon takes
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This was Halldis Neegaard Østbye

A prominent member of Vidkun's party.
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This is what she said about Jews.

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Q post 1440 on 06/03/2018 with text in the shape of a handgun, Hunter went on trial 06/03/2024.
Q post 3850 with "Hunters become the Hunted" poster on 02/10/2020 stating "How do you introduce evidence legally?", during the trial the laptop of Hunter was introduced as evidence.
Q post 1479 a submarine on June 12, 2018, on June 11, 2024, a Russian submarine fleet passed Florida, the same day Hunter was found guilty on federal gun charges.
Q post 3923 on April 09, 2020, "Hunters become the Hunted" poster again, on April 09, 2024, Russia accused Burisma of funding terrorism. - DATES ARE IMPORTANT.
Q post 3625 on November 24, 2019 - [HUNTER]s BECOME THE HUNTED - BURISMA PDF.
Q post 562 - REMEMBER THIS DAY - January 19.
Q post 558 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - January 19.
Q post 3799 on January 28, 2020 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - HUNTERS BECOME PREY.
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This site has been accurate, if you compare their messages to news events.
This countdown now expires a week from Monday, 2 pm central time.
Alexa play prince Jared calling Gaza valuable waterfront property
Trust the plan miga
Haven't paid any attention to it
How are these people able to know the future??? Are they able to see it, or are they actually there interacting with it? Like seriously, what is going on?
On 9/11/23 at 6:01pm I saw a guy post on twitter (not exact words) "in 2-1/2 hours Aaron Rodgers will tear his Achilles on the wet MetLife Field." At 8:30pm Aaron Rodger tore his Achilles and ended his season on the first game. How the hell did he know this? You can't guess the player along with the EXACT time and injury. Out of the hundreds playing that day he knew exactly when in the game.
Some will say the NFL is scripted. Maybe but that is huge! To take one of the best, most famous player out for the entire season in the first game is crazy. And also all medical personnel. It is possible though but then you have others like RoaringKitty (the Gamestop story). His 3-4 year old Twitter posts are lining up now. That whole thing is about to blow up the entire financial system because it goes way beyond Gamestop and huge players are in it, multiple billionaires. He knew all this was happening. They know exact details. Who in the hell are these people?

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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Is it a war against the jews? No? Then it's a jewish organized brother war and no thanks.
I want a war bride. I want a woman I can keep as property who I take in war. Even better a war bride harem of several concubines to produce my heirs. Every soldier deserves some good slave pussy to ensure his line continues.
A declaration of war against international jewry.

Alos, I'm an officer.
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Literal zogbots doing research for their recruitment psyops
I’m just not gonna do it. I can’t think of anything that would convince me

Why is /pol/ so afraid of eating bugs if they're good for you?
>he eats food

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Why do they do this shit bro wtf
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It does look pretty fun until the shitbirds come home to roost.
I just... you can see ahead of you for miles how do you not avoid these obstacles coming at you???
I mean yeah bro but still, still
Not for long, it’s gonna be more and more deiverse

Not sure if I'm an incel or just super depressed since I haven't really made the effort to date and meet girls.
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built for BBC
If you haven't made an effort that doesn't make you an incel. It just means you've given up, or fear the rejection.
For me it's just depression. I get approached by cute girls sometimes. I just can't be bothered to go out of my way to get girls.
Also if you're not making an effort to get girls you're not an incel but a volcel (voluntarily celibate)
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I have lost full interest too. but luckily i am not a virgin and have had gf's etc. so it's not so bad. all girls are whores now

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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This. Make it a national holiday.
We should cast colored stones into a bucket and they should be counted in a public auditorium with the public watching every single count that takes place like the ancient Greeks. The fact that any part of the process is secret and left up to nameless unidentifiable people ought to be revolution-worthy.
Blockchain voting is literally the only way to have 100% transparent and accountable voting. If someone's vote was counted wrong they would be able to see it in the vote explorer and would require an audit of the voting software and voting machines. Right now all they have to do is rip up your ballot or not even count it to rig an election
musk is right. even back in Bush vs Gore it was proven that machines in Florida, owned by the texas based company DIEBALD that also made ATMs and gambling machines, was proven to had to tampered with across the state in key districts. the details all came out in court, just like today with the donald trump cases, and those cases about Bush vs Gore Florida went on through even Obama's term, long after Bush was out of office. Just like the Election lawsuits over the 2020 election are still ongoing today. They blatantly have to cheat more and more and its super obvious but they have locked up key district courts and throw out and/or drag out all cases about elections indefinitely. the elections are entirely down to who controls what machines in which key states and who also controls the courts in those states. those are the people who decide the election and have been for decades. Obama put forth a whole government funded "get out the vote" program that solely targets potential democrat low income voters, using tax payer money that is still on going and literally pays people to go collect up absentee votes, register a bunch of old people in old folks homes, etc. they do it all, and pay for it using tax payer money.
>I have it, understand it, and love it.
No, you don't under stand it. I bet you're not even white

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What makes desert people so fucking powerful? Seriously, the entire world basically revolves around these 4 nations. Praise the sun?
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Have you ever seen Texas…
The ice nations were taught well by the desert folks.
Is this loss?
Sorry ice bear =(
The metrics are meaningless when anyone can lie. Sharing a country with the third world hasn’t taught you this?

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go figure

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Why did Catholicism fail to civilize Latinxs?

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Picked these up :)

I'm muslim (shia) btw
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look at the top of the receipt ffs, BCL, bc liquor
>Shit taste from a non-white who bought bottom of the barrel liquor.
Stick to your weed juice, spic

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How does it feel to have a choise between 78 year old and 81 year old? Americans?
I'll vote for the Zionist
I'm writing in Adolf Hitler for my vote; it's all fake and gay regardless.

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Heres 29 pages of known side effects of the experimental gene therapy mRNA preparation of Pfizer released globally in 2021/2022 from the published documents by Pfizer itself - yup, the same Pfizer that just settled over 10,000 lawsuits for a cancer inducing drug.
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The gene therapy is to protect the ayys when they come.
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How the fuck does the vaccine cause genital herpes?
Another day Another seething cope thread from the antivax retards. Kek. Lol. Lmao.
>if you are 30, f.e., you would live to 40 instead of 80.
No way. That would mean billions would be dead within 10-20 years.
Yes. Most are never going to be born

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If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them. A cloned vessel would be devoid of a soul and would never be alive. But clones do come to life, they act like a normal healthy body will act with a functional brain. This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view it is a Creator that gives one a soul. How could the created be allowed to defy the Creator? When Man plays God and succeeds, can it be said that there is even a God?
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Each time cells split, the telomeres shorten in length. This contributes to aging more than anything else, as eventually cells will not be able to replicate helathily due to it. If naboboys can recobstruct these or edit DNA to reverse this effect, then we will have eliminated the prime driver of aging.
Lol. Nanobots.
listen, nigger, clones dont "come to life" because the "parent" was never alive to begin with. It seems you are alive, in your body, typing up memes on 4chinz, but that is not the case. Life is a causal quality of god that is confined to the positive universe of spirit. The place where you "seemingly" live is the ne-gative universe of matter. The assumption that your body sustains life is backwards, life sustains your body, an animation, an illusion of motion, a play of light. Oh yes, my negro.....it appears we live and die, love and laugh, but its not happening where you thinknits happening. and honest to god NOTHING EVER HAPPENS
>If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them
You have not considered the possibility that plenty of things around you are operating without souls.
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clones do not have same "soul"

if souls would have something to do with genes identical twins would be both troons or not mentally ill

being a troon has also nothing to do with being born to wrong body as identical twins has same body

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I'm schizophrenic so I can't be drafted
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That’s what they want you to believe .

They know what lies work on you
A little paranoia in the battlefield can actually keep you alive.

Good luck fren!
>I'm schizophrenic
i can see you

They could put you in some decoy squad to distract the russians attention while they kill you
You're our most lethal schizo, we need you in the frontlines as a berserker

Thoughts on this guy?
I look like that and I'm a federal agent
Glowie fed psy op
"in the crudest of terms, 168-1"
he said that about his execution. one of my favorite quotes
Military psyops

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Live stream coverage:

Nick is also homosexual and looked like a granny
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litteraly who?
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jaden is kinda gay, he is like a parasite, can't get any traction outside of anything except Nick, so he is just 100% thinking about nick
Groypers are brown homosexual pedophiles

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Of course he does. They are literally whores
Reading, hiking, chess, rowing, sailing, coin collecting, and cooking.
working on cars, hunting, fishing, building a business.
killing niggers and jews

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