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>I don't have a driver's license
>am dependent on my parents even though I'm over the age of 20
>have no job
>overweight and unhygienic
>addicted to porn
>no hobbies or interests besides locking myself in my room all day and playing video games, masturbating, reciting mein kampf and browsing incel forums
>no aspirations or future plans
>am cynical and have a repulsive, venemous personality
>never grew out of my edgy teenager sense of humor
>have far-right and controversial political views
>and no motivation to fix any of these issues
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I'm a 5'10" skinnyfat who looks like a sterotypical reddit s0ichud and even I regularly get with cute girls.
>You will be killed shortly after the fall.
You won't ever do shit. You are a pussy who is terrified of women and rejection and can't even manage to lose his virginity in the post-sexual revolution hookup culture world we live in.
You aren't capable of anything other than sitting at home, alone, seething on the internet and fantasizing about how one day you will be in charge (you won't)
you rekt that wannabe janny, have a bump
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I say this and I look like that.
You just posted in this thread. Congratulations, you were psyopped.
True, they did everything they could to enable niggers. White society excluded niggers and kept them segregated. NuJew society forces them into every institution and neighborhood leading to high crime rates, ruined schools, miscegenation and single moms,

>>I don't have a driver's license
Jews made society unaffordable. Even if I had a license I can't afford a car.

>>have no job
Because I got replaced by outsourcing and mass immigration who are willing to work for pennies.

>overweight and unhygienic
>>no hobbies or interests besides locking myself in my room all day and playing video games, masturbating, reciting mein kampf and browsing incel forums
>no aspirations or future plans
No point to be healthy or smell nice if society is ruined and there's no future for any of us except poverty and ww3.

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I just had an enlightment.



AI always controlled the voting

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stupid arab whore.

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She's probably going to be elected president in 2028. The Democrats have already set the precedent for having a potato as POTUS with Biden, so why not? She's popular on social media and she's a childless woman and she's a communist and she's not White, so she's pretty much the perfect Democrat.
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She's not actually hot but my penis still likes her if you know what I mean
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Hunter Biden will be president in 2028. AOC will be his VP.
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Nice faggoting chap.
Nothing like the sensation of a hot steamy faggot in your mouth.
But I like to wrap my faggots in streaky bacon for an extra anti muzzie flavor.
Hot balls, anon. Would lick.
Do you beat your meat first?
Looks like a faggot, faggot.
A step up from bangers and mash.

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Most male pornstars look bored and unsatisfied during porno shoots.

It looks like they're just performing a chore rather than genuinely enjoying themselves.

Is it true? Does fucking whores everyday take the fun out of sex?
Male porn stars are all CGI

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and say Christ is King
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>denounce the Talmud
>and praise someone who followed it
I'm not even a Jew you retards
Jews do not exist
christ is a kike and you're not white
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That’s not what I said

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We must throw our entire political influence into pushing for zoomer males to be drafted WHILE protecting zoomettes from being drafted.
If you thought zommette pussy was on tap for millenials already, just wait until their limp wristed broccoli head counterparts are all stationed on base overseas. Every millenial will have at least 3 zoomettes texting them nightly asking for "daddy" (you) to come fuck them to sleep.
I implore you, if you have never experienced zoomette snatch and throat just trust me. These girls are fucking crazy for millenial dick. Even the incels will be satiated if we can just get this draft moving.

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It's all so tiresome.
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>black anon here
>There's nothing wrong with what they said
He had his fun.
If he had been White, his race would have been mentioned in the headline.
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Picked these up :)

I'm muslim (shia) btw
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I've known several black Muslims. They all drank, had premarital sex, etc. And the one taboo they would not fuck with is, they refused to eat pork. Religion is funny.
Not a bourbon man myself, but the Col. Taylor is quite nice. Enjoy yourself, shithead. Don't go off getting blasted and doing some crazy shit that will put you in the bink.
Have you even tried the shit OP has? It's better than everything you listed.
oh lots of them do. i've bought it all over the country. some places they make you carry it out in a black bag lol
love bourbon but its fucking pricey up here. im a wild turkey fan.

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Why doesn't the right not care as much about reading as the left does?
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Instruction manuals, mostly.
Literally NO ONE reads. What are you even on about. I find the far left and far right to be equally retarded. The people who read and research are in a different group altogether and we don't subscribe to political theater.
Maybe i am speaking for myself but a lot of books use a myriad of long and over the top words and that doesn't bode well with the folks on the right, have in mind most of those books were written and edited by people from the left.

Learn to write.
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Russia shouldn't have started this war. Loss of people, resources, economy. It didn't have the capacity to wage a war like this. They should've focused on building their economy up like China did, at least the US can't fuck around in places like Hong Kong and Tibet.
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Russia just wants what we all want, TZD
bot thread
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>it feels like the war is somewhere
as an american anon
im going to flat up tell you like it is
our elites are bat shit crazy. they have raped the economy into disfunction. they promised gibs that can never be paid. they think there are too many people eating up too many of their resources and its just getting too hard to keep control.
they want this to go full war
and will do whatever it takes to cause it
they will keep pushing russia to provoke it
if that dont work
they will false flag it and blame you anyway
most of the western people dont know and dont give a shit about any of this beyond what media-man tells them
those who do know are powerless to stop it
when the missiles come for your city
its not the american people firing them
theyre from a bunch a fucking psycho globalists and insane neocon warmongers

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Sorry that TZD is so cool
thanks to your daily redpill to avoid draft at all cost

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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>he hasn't got Krost going in his life
pack up
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i dont feel guud cos im in hell and thats all there is ito it

Kaksoispiste viivaaa dddddd
Do you have any good takes?
You will call me a schizo but think about it.
What did the SS do at the Skoda works during WW2, that was the largest military-industrial company in Europe at that time?
We know about the R&D that took place in Pennemunde, but we know almost nothing about the R&D taking place at Skoda.
If the V2's hadn't been used we wouldn't know about them either, you can be sure of that.

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I have the best takes
because im the best

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Russia lost
Most intelligent Ukrainian
Usyk lost
>Most iodine rich Ukrainain
(excluding those filled with Chernobyl iodine)
They did kill their enemies after all.

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I just don’t care. Truthfully I’ve never really cared. I’m 30 years old, and have been told by several girls, including my attractive ex and the small handful of other girls I’ve had sex with, that I’m attractive. I’d say I’m maybe a solid 7/10, 6 feet, 165 pounds, in shape, etc. but I’ve grossly underperformed when it comes to dating and sex. And the truth is because I’ve never cared. I don’t care to act like a jester, doing the courting ritual of taking the girl out to eat because I know if she really wanted it we’d just get down to fucking, because she’s definitely given it away easier to other guys who put in less effort. I don’t care to “talk to them” and “make conversation” because I don’t care about their gay hobbies or some stupid trivia small talk topic, I just want to fuck already. I don’t want to put in the effort. I see how empty headed and vapid and fickle women are, and unless I’m Chad getting laid with minimal effort than that’s it, game over, I don’t care. I’m not good looking like Chad. I do have a carefree and rebellious personality but the look factor doesn’t help me get my foot in the door. I accept it. I can’t just get laid by simply existing like Chad, so it is what it is. I have a Chad mindset but not a Chad body. Thanks for reading. Call me a blog poster, agree, disagree, share your experience. I don’t care.
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go to Afghanistan


Im telling you..
wow cool OP, nobody here fucking cares either so we all have that in common
sage and take it to /r9k/
>Imagine being so skinny that a 170-pound woman can lift you up in the air

destined to have your hair pulled back by a grown bear
300 lbs
Jump the farmer's fence, loser.

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it's "carbon footprint"
(and the carbon is you)
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What exactly is wrong with the population? Why do we need a huge population on Earth? Eugenics is fantastic. Sterilize pajeets and niggers all day. You're going to stop this?
>draft the jabbies
>feed them literal lab-grown cancer
Endtimes are looking spicy.
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>What exactly is wrong with the population? Why do we need a huge population on Earth? Eugenics is fantastic. Sterilize pajeets and niggers all day. You're going to stop this?

I pondered the documentary 'idiocracy' a long time until I realized that famine is the only effective check+balance against stupidity.
It happens every century and it's the reason competent humans weren't outbred centuries ago.

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Do you all work with such feelings on a daily basis?
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I do here in 4chan everyone is nice and friendly and the payment is never an issue
Also hearing that my friends company with 200+ employees just closed up for a week to go to a resort in Hokkaido was something I couldnt even fathom. Working in Japan, working in general, sucks but at least some companies try to maintain a happy workforce.
In my experience of working in the hellhole that is the US, the only benefit I ever got was a discount that made 1 specific unaffordable health insurance plan into slightly less unaffordable health insurance plan. The paycheck still couldnt cover it unless you only ate beans and rice every meal every day.
I had to pay for my own transportation (which legitimately doesnt make any sense once you dont have to do it anymore) and no paid vacations.
>working in the hellhole that is the US
I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you dude. I don't give a shit about what working in the US is like.
I work for the UN and I hate it, I send unwanted rapefugees from my country to America tho
To be honest with you, yes. I work at an opera house and keep Western art alive. My father sang there for 36 years before I got the job. It honestly feels like my calling in life and I’d be pretty lost without it. It also pays great and has ridiculous benefits.

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I have to squint my eyes every time I leave the house.

I have noticed a meme that poses a question, presumably to White Christian parents and presumably asked by Euro-Pagan Whites.

"Which one would you rather have your daughter marry?"
With the two choices being a Black Christian man or a White Euro-Pagan man.

I think it is only fair that an alternative hypothetical question is proposed in return.

Which way, White European-Pagans? Preserve your racial lineage or preserve Odinism?
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The guy on the right looks less mixed so him.
*but ideally none
-non pagan
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>Why are jews pushing christianity
Those jews that killed Jesus Christ? The ones "cancelling" people for saying Christ is King? A nobody on twitter is your rebuttal to this? Are you joking?

> I have no idea what a double bind is, nor how to create one
>Those jews that killed Jesus Christ?
I was told that the jews of the bible have nothing to do with the jews of today.

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"There will be a world war in 3-4 months - we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar"
What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..
The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war, but no one is seeking peace. Nobody even talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. But there is another theory - which I understand.

Americans think that they can easily defeat Putin. They want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist, Putin will be overthrown, etc.
Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine. This war is as strategic for America as it is for Russia.

If Americans lose here, the position of the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it.....

We are literally walking on the edge of the abyss. I hope you're all ready.
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>everyone else knows what would happen
which is... nothing, as practical experience in Ukraine has shown us
men will be forced to comply and women won't care since it won't affect them
and you talk about lockdowns but the fact that it even happened is further proof that people are sheep and nobody will do shit
if that were true we would all still be under lockdown right now, trust me if they could have they would, people are almost animals but even animals aren't completely stupid, it's good to be skeptical but you're demoralized
nuclear apocalypse is the only way to stop AI. it's the kill switch. all other timelines result in total domination by AI and the end of human identity in ten years. take shelter and be free in the wasteland
>if that were true we would all still be under lockdown right now
what? elites can't afford to keep entire countries under lockdown eternally, they still need the economy to run
Covid lockdowns were just a compliance test to see how far they can go and it's shown them that nobody will do shit

If you think Europeans or Americans will react any differently from Ukrainians then you're being incredibly naive. Truth is, draft will happen and nobody will do shit.

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