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Not shitting you, right now.
Get ready, feel the hyperpoooing.
This is it, the most anticipated indian thread on /pol/, the le ebim shitposter board for unironical shitposting about current events in the political landscape. Are you even ready to get your brain melted by macrons fuckery in the eu? Do you still watch epstein best of videos? What are you doing, get the fuck on Q breads and C.I.A's newest creation UKRAINE.

Get in here!
>Please wait a while before making a thread
>wait 300 seconds
INB4 sourcer

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You are also welcomed to deeply interpretated your ID.

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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The US is being invaded constantly, the border is a revolving door. There is probably thousands of Chinese and Russian operatives already inside the country.
They’d rather impregnate a negroid instead of living in their homeland though.
>NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.

No, it's a tyrannical government that no longer represents it's people.
Us intel probably tags all of the Chinese and Russian nationals.
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All men are not created equal. Some are smarter, some are larger, some are stronger, etc. This idea that all men are fit to breed is an ahistorical meme.

Not only that, but it is well established that filtering for sexual characteristics highly correlates with other beneficial attributes for the species down the line. There is no case in nature where the females choosing to breed with the largest, most dominant or most elaborately decorated male have impacted their species negatively. This can be seen easily in the elaborate mating habits of birds, herd mammals, even apex predators such as lions and gorillas. By monopolizing access to multiple females, dominant males can maximize their reproductive output, siring numerous offspring within a single breeding season. This strategy is particularly advantageous in environments where resources are abundant enough to support multiple offspring and where competition for mates is fierce.

Furthermore, harem systems can lead to the evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits and behaviors in males. In many species with harem structures, males develop striking physical characteristics, such as elaborate plumage, antlers, or sizeable body mass, which serve as signals of dominance and attractiveness to females. These traits often undergo sexual selection, where females preferentially choose to mate with males exhibiting the most exaggerated traits, thereby driving the evolution of more pronounced features over successive generations. Therefore, the growth of masculinity in the tangible sense is clearly owed to the hypergamic tendencies of females.

It is well established that equality is a delusional desire. No one seriously thinks all men should have the same amount of money, luxury, power or prestige. Even the idea of balancing these various attributes is mocked and not even practiced in socialist societies.

Why then does the idea of monogamy continue to persist? Men are not equal. Why should their mating potential be?
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>poojeet against polygamy

Now I know it's eugenically beneficial.

>the species fucking itself is inbreeding
>avg roma iq: 74

Monogomy is the norm because men are physically vulnerable and social creatures. One man have multiple partners doesn't work if it pisses the other men in the group of and they stab you in your sleep. Doesn't matter how big or smart you are. This is why monogamy is the norm. Though some polgygamy has always occured near the very top of the ladder which is okay as men are much more likely to be attracted to men than women are to women as a primary partner. In fact true lesbianism is so rare it is hardly worth talking about.
hey dipshit, ever crossed your mind that all men are supposed to be strong and intelligent? i mean, people wrote about that very thing thousands of years ago, about how stupid strong people became tools and smart weak people just got their asses kicked until their existence became inconsequential
is that messi
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Tailless women make no sense from evolutionary perspective.

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UK weather: 48-hour 26C heatwave to hit and five English cities will be the hottest
The UK is set to be hit by a 26C heatwave at the end of the month, as the cold weather finally gives way to some summer sun - with the Met Office predicting highs of 30C

Forecast maps for the UK indicate when the current cold spell could possibly end, promising a 48-hour blast of sun with temperatures reaching up to 26C. A heatwave is predicted to encase the UK at the month's end, as June finally warms up. The mercury, which currently lays low, is expected to at last climb towards the 30C mark by the end of June.

According to weather maps from WX Charts, utilising Met Desk data, the temperature will likely peak around 26C in certain intervals. Cities that will be the hottest include Birmingham, Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Newcastle. This warm spell is anticipated to sweep across Britain from June 26th to the 28th.

In their forecast from June 17 to June 26, the Met Office states: "At first, the weather across the UK is likely to continue to be a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers, with some longer spells of rain also possible. Some showers are expected to be heavy and could be thundery at times. Temperatures will generally be around or a little below normal for mid-June, and it may well be breezy in places too. Through the weekend and into the following week, confidence in any particular weather pattern dominating becomes low. As such, the best forecast is for fairly typical June weather, with a mixture of weather types. This means some spells of drier, sunny weather but also some showers or longer spells of rain at times. Temperatures will most likely be close to or slightly below average."
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>26 degrees
That's a chilly day.
Mair's voting Reform lol
Here comes all the posts from brown "people" about the temperature in their country, nobody cares, you're brown.
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That's all well and good but you swampfags visit where I live and see how comfy you are; it gets down to -25C (-13F) here.
Genuinely concerned about climate change

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>spain is swarth-
>Spain is arab rape bab-

Pol is fucking wrong as always
Spain is whiter than hungary
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This crowd looks white to me

A Spanish speaking Nazi is like a nigger White supremacist. It just doesn’t match.
shes swarthy though.
That is the
....... I want to punch her so hard her little face is like a river of blood..
This fucking slut shows she have no Respekt fit an country. This little bitch is a piece of shit
T. Livinving in Germany with generationyntill after ww2. So called Ausländer. This bitch should be. Xyh
. Mostly z
That's just some Ukrainian whore.

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based guinea
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And that is a good thing.
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It's a bit of an inappropriate Non sequitur, but by their kvetching you'd think he praised hitler.

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The American public debt is at the highest levels ever and is expected to progressively increase due to huge budget deficits that surpass the country's economic growth, generating fears of a potential fiscal crisis in the world's leading economy.
The US national debt has soared to a staggering $34.5 trillion (€32.3 trillion), nearly three times that of the entire eurozone, accounting for 122% of its gross domestic product (GDP) versus the eurozone's 87%. According to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s Fiscal Monitor report, this figure is projected to rise to 134% by 2029, indicating a worsening debt trajectory.
thank you for your concern Ozil
De rien

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I know a trans person who seriously wants bottom surgery and will pay around $40000 for it.
How do I convince "her" to not fuck "her"-self up? I'm pretty sure everyone regrets it.
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You're trying to ask how to rationalize someones mental illness away. It's just not possible anon, sorry. The dick cutters cannot be reasoned with believe me. They think everything they're doing is one step closer to woman hood but it never is, because it never was an option to begin with.
You can't. You must make it financially impossible for him to do it. Steal that money.

Also give me some, that would change the life of a favela monkey but instead it's being used to butcher physically healthy people.
Seach 4plebs for the thread where the cannadian anon posted the results of such surgeries. Show it to that looser.
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Very noble of you, and it's not gay if it's to save a friend's life.
Bro-Jobs Save Lives!

Also tell him that having a twig an' berries would make him 10x more interesting than a bio-woman. If he's REALLY a female (inside) he would jump at the chance to be "more interesting" than all other women. That's practically a bio-woman's life goal: to make everyone pay attention to you and think you're interesting when, in reality, you're mediocre and boring in every conceivable way.
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The following is an idea for a short story I came up with, and has nothing to do with real life.
I'm still in the process of writing this purely fictional story, so let me know what you guys think.
Remember, this is fictional and I am in no way suggesting that anyone do this in real life.
In fact, it would be a bad idea and illegal if someone were to do what my fictional characters act out.

Tell your friend that bottom surgery costs 5 times that much, but you found a doctor that will do it for $40K.
But since this doctor is so cheap, he operates a little differently in order to keep costs down.
Find a shady doctor willing to sell you some pimozide or buy some on the dark web.
Hire an actor and have him dress up in doctor's scrubs.
Rent a hotel room.
Drive your friend to the hotel, and lead them the hotel room.
Have the doctor tell your friend that in preparation for the surgery, he'll need to take this medicine.
It's to help prepare him for the surgery.
The surgery will be scheduled 1 month from now.

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Eventhough Sweden looks like a rich country, it must compared to USA to see it is not. If it was a US state it would be one of the 5 poorest states altough not absolutely the most poor.

Brutger Braapstroem said "GDP of Sweden is equal to lowest US states"

He however admits that this does not take into account how much an average person can afford food in where he lives. Because in Sweden everybody can afford food, plenty of it.

Swedens money, Kronor is very low value compared to USD. Also when compared to Euro.

>Sweden was Europes richest country in the year 1970, they have fallen.

>In 1980s Norway went past Sweden with oil.

>Norway was on the tier of Romania in year 1950 and Finland was richer than Norway.

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Not really bizarre, it's hardwired behavior. She's going to present herself sexually for suitors until someone finally pumps a few babies in her or she destroys her pair-bonding mechanism with meaningless roastie hookups.
she doesn't have that nice of an ass
I can already imagine sitting on top of and straddling her large face-down body on a bed
her flesh is flabby for what it is and I bet her poosy is loose
have more white babies
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She reminds me of chick off www.lemonparty.org who squeezes the lemons between her tits and ass. Same body shape, face, etc.
What do you think porn is you dumb gipsy? Hardcore porn is fucking. Her showing her tits and ass for guys to jack off is called porn.

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Why did vaping become so popular? How did they sell the idea to NPCs that inhaling horribly-flavoured aerosol consisting of microparticles of hundreds of different chemicals and E-additives is somehow a better alternative to smoking dried leaves?
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Real men smoke tyrolean pipes!
and now they hatin on nicotine pouches - that are becoming popular -, because its cheaper than their overpriced nicotine chewing gum. nicotine is dirt cheap in multi kg batches produced.
Of course! yum, beeswax. I will explore those options, and I feel I will end up going that route. My ancestors were beekeepers and woodworkers so there may be a favoritism towards those materials and substances. meerschaum looks interesting, what about primitive materials like bone/ivory. Is that a thing?
Such pipes do exist but they are extremely rare, also antler.
Such materials are usualy only used as decoration or as shank extensions; not for the pipe bowl itself.
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Smoking causes coughing. Ciggies, peruvian cigars, pipes, they're all greats.
t. old smoker (cancer free though)

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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whattttttt???? how did you make animated ones?
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Any specific ideas?
The technology is free, you know.

Based. Yeah I'm behind on my music goals,
glad to see someone using the video stuff though.

speaking of video software, we can add this to the list
Here, try your luck.

its a very very primitive program. i wish i rediscovered the one i used at the start of the year.

I am tinkering a lot with suno, i cant wait for V4. i think it will skyrocket my propaganda efforts.


newest song. i tinkered with some options
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Im pleased how this one turned out.

Post any clips that you have from his streams
Fuck off pedo nigger kike
There were multiple streams he did over Omegle talking hyper sexually towards multiple underaged kids. 12 year olds girls etc. Confronted him in a discord about it during the Dlive era and he only defended it.
You're a scum twink faggot if you think he's cool
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Twinkboy Kami, literally made for BBC.
Is that the gay Arab child rapist pedophile who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes or the gay white pedophile child rapist who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes or the gay Jewish child rapist pedophile who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes? I keep getting them confused.

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Post your best memes of single mothers with mixed-race children
Start out with your own. Dont be shy

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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You invaded first, for 339 years, remember?
bitchjeet mindset
Thanks for ruining Adobe and microsoft ya BITCH
why are they such daredevils
is it the manletism or that they all look alike
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your economy is based on stealing google play cards from countries with indoor plumbing

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Do these retards even realize that they are going to get fucking nuked?

Russia isn't going to nuke Ukraine, these are historical Russian lands that they want to develop. Neither will they nuke the West, because that would mean global nuclear apocalypse.

But Poland can be nuked for antagonizing Russia and nobody is going to do shit about it kek. I know Putin is tempted to do it. I would be tempted as well. Poland can only beg for money and protection, but contributed jackshit to European civilization. People will just shrug with their shoulders and unleash another sanction™ if they are turned into a crater.
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>tfw the NATO button is not working
Is this good or bad? I don't think that whoever wins impacts me in any way lol.
>they can't win against ukraine, the poorest and most corrupt (not counting russia) country in europe
>but they somehow will attack poland and win
lmao, you have to go back boris
>>they can't win against ukraine
poor counties have patriots and abrams and strom shadows and himars?!?! sheesh i wish i was poor too
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you won't do shit though

he's right you know
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>tiktok e-celeb comes up with what ifs
No thanks
And that's a good thing. Ukrainians > mutts.
Can't believe this dude is only 34. Looks 44.
ukraine is white
muttmerica isnt

Yes society across the globe is rapidly declined into collapse
>So what do we actually do afterward? on a personal level?
or do we just larp as fallout characters?
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As a prepper since the year 2000 I have some ideas on this subject. Lets assume a slow collapse scenario, more of a grind of dystopia instead of a disaster movie scenario. We can assume that resources will become scarce and supply lines will be disrupted so as a prepper you need to make a checklist of needs and see if you have ways to meet them. You need reliable systems and redundancy to boost your odds of survival. When you think about survival you have to worry about basics first so you need to secure food and water. I'm currently growing a victory garden of tomatos and potatos and last year I made 7 jars of garlic pickles from one cucumber plant. an agrarian lifestyle is the most secure. Get a good book on how 17th century homesteaders would set up their own farms. None of that requires a power grid or advanced fertilizers. All of it was possible hundreds of years ago with a proven track record going back thousands of years. A good water filter is important too. Thanks to Alex Jones for getting me into water filters all those years ago. I have an amazing Katadyne filter rated for something like 30,000 gallons.

Once you can cover food and water, you can branch out into other concerns. Considering the satanic elite plan to kill us all through famine and disease, it's a good strategy to grow your own healthy food and avoid crowded cities full of sick starving people on drugs and vaccines(tm).
Her eyes don't match up. It's weird and difficult to watch.
>I only played Fallout 4
Once you have a good supply of clean drinking water and preserved food, you can barter with your community. Tell your neighbors you will trade them this jar of pickles for a box of ammunition or whatever. In this way you create a secure parallel economy that ignores the dying currency of the failing empire you live in. Everyone needs food and water and if you can provide those things, you have significant power. This is why the elite are destroying all of our farms and killing all of our animals because they intend to starve most people to death and then force the remainers to submit to tyranny in exchange for bread. But this is a gay idea and nobody wants that, so we should just grow our own food and barter with each other and start businesses with no paperwork that pay no taxes to any lame central authoritarian geezers in whatever faraway enclave for old jewish pedophile satanists they live in. Let those ghoulish cowards hide in their vaults and we'll just live in the woods growing potatoes. Fuck em.
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The next stage involves building community. We've lost a lot of our interconnectedness with our local communities and in a shitty doomed clown world it's a great opportunity to put down the sissy-hypno screens and focus on each other. The people who live around us, within a few miles. Those people are the ones you can rely on. So we need to do some community organizing and speak to each other and get more involved in each others lives. Nobody is an island. You need the help of others in order to thrive. So the next stage of your burgeoning new post apocalyptic breakaway civilization is all about networking locally and forming a sort of defense/trade pact, with everyone in your local region. We can literally create that solid in-group preference, that is lacking in our post-modern hellscape. It's easier than you think. Just stand face to face with your neighbor and tell them "we've been screwed by enemies and it's time we work together to unfuck ourselves and our communities." And then we can do one of those manly arm handshakes like gladiators give each other before a rebellion against Rome.

>Teach me how to druggie teach me teach me how to druggie
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This is California, isn't it? Wtf happened to America? Sad.
the worst part isn't the drug addicts in the streets doing the zombie lean.

its the utter ambivalence of everyone who isn't drugged out going around them, and the local politicians utterly ignoring the issue.

remember this statement, Apathy is Death.

we are not in a collapsing state or anything like that, we are in a dead state.
Anon, there are two things I have learned in reading /pol/ almost daily for 10 years, and in my other studies of history etc. etc.
You will
>train the whole militia, starting with you
>seek Jesus, starting with you
>or cry.

Get trained, white people are plenty dangerous, but they only like to move when they have plans, and they only like to plan around their skills. Get skills, you can plan, get plans, you win.
Instruct me how to Douglas.
You gotta start hitting that biden

Bend over like your shtting your pants then start roomba'ing around

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Together they could make the UK Paki Again (MUPA)
They are purged voting for a 10x more globohomo alternative. Powerful.
I was promised Reform destroying Tories and Galloway destroying Labour and now this ? Why does evil always win in this sick world?
traitors must be dealt with first, and two party logic is what has led to this autocoup
Because the tories are a far left party
And reform are a cucked right wing party

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I didn't hear anything about him lately.
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These new gen kikes jew too hard, its getting noticed
He's hiding.they all are
I just got a new job last week. I sit right behind the most disgusting hideous 70 year old tranny I've ever seen. Looks like this pic but 100 times uglier.
I shit you not. It's not every day that a person's ugliness makes me literally nauseous.
>"She" won't stop fucking farting audibly because "her" asshole is so loose.
>I sit behind "her" right in the firing zone
Sounds like a perfect match for you. Go marry her, Anon!
He’s too busy rotting in his grave

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