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>Completely and utterly bungle your decapitation strike
>“We never wanted Kyiv!”
Why haven’t Russians lynched this kike?
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>The worst part of all this is that everybody forgot about Donbas and those other territories, who only wanted to be independent but Russia forced annexation on them and is killing their male population forcing them to fight and the places have been run by warlord gangs since 2014 harassing the locals. Only the elderly pensioners which there are a lot of but also dying fast actually support Russia there.

Nice, Putin killing the young ones as fodder for his SMO, the old ones dying.

Basically Russia doing the ethnical cleansing for Ukraine in that area.

All UA has to do is resetlle after the end of the SMO.

Another great Kremlin brilliant strategy.
Yeah how can Ukraine peace out and leave the currently occupied new teritories to Russia after that?
Yeah I guess it was the grit and determination of the Ukrainian women that I watched shooting down Russian helos for 3 days cocksucker
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ukrainian women and reddit troons literally cucked the russian offensyiv. pathetic, really.
Moskals are in genuine need of outsourcing their thinking to kikes.

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Do y'all support this?

Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...
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This is just another attempt to rile up the whites, hoping they will react violently, so that the "government" can make an excuse to start killing them.

do something, but also, dont be a fool.
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>Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...

But what about the niggerinios? you fucken racist nazi bastard.
I hate Biden so fucking much

Worst president of my life
Holy shit they’re going to draft retards and cripples too. They learned nothing from McNamara's Morons….
If an ovary is inserted inside the anus of a gay man with cum in Mexico, when he gets in the U.S. does it count as an abortion or an illegal migration.
Verification not required.

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Groomed by British
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Their air, water, soil and food is contaminated with thousands of years of shit, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, BPA, PFOS and a slew of other toxins. Also God hates them.

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?
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Basically everybody is a coward, they hide their face, hide their name, talk cryptically, etc. That is how you know they are not The One, Hitler 2.0, the person who will rise against the kike, name them, and inevitably ban them. Nobody has what it talks to walk this path. And we'll win.
has what it takes*
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>Drain muh Swamp
>refuses to release the scheduled JFK total declassification, delaying it-- this is in the first months of his presidency

Qoomers fell for strategic deception that worked so well against The Whites, then Lenin's 'New Economic Policy' of 'state capitalism', then Agent Kissinger's build of of Red China - as if there was any substantive daylight between Moscow and Beijing.

'They' aren't globalists or *just* The Jews-- it's fucking communists and the same old active measures-- one doesn't build up the infrastructure and networks over a century and just lay down your tools after the poorly stage managed invasion of West Germany by the DDR.
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>Its like a haunted house ride at this point.
Good simile.
Haunted house rides, roller coasters, and other "amusement park" experiences were the basis of, and were based on, tons of research on the psychology and physiology of excitement and fear reactions.
Same with casinos.
Same with boot camp.
Same with the Ed Biz (which is where the "MKULTRA" type research originated).
Same with media.

These are realms where you have been studied, engineered, poked, prodded, and squeezed through the various Fun Factory extruders of those who want you to be in a shape/configuration more to their liking/benefit.
To some degree, all culture/social interaction does this. But the automation of the "human" "sciences" (I include drugging people in that) amped and ramped up the processes...and opened new fronts of war.

For there is a war on.
The prize is your mind, body, and soul.
It's not just about shekels. Currency can be fiat. It can be made of anything--knotted strings or notched sticks.

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>If not, how seriously do you really believe it?

It's not going to happen. Oh don't get me wrong, they will try. But I'm not worried because I know what they are generally doing and why they are failing. It isn't even that "they plan to lose" ww3. They couldn't win even if winning was their actual goal, or get what they want.

Look, yes, suckers are going to die obviously. The left for instance are too far gone and won't listen to us evil nazi, bigot, misogynist, etc etc.; and the right trusts the kikes into defeat after defeat.

However, the US lost the ability to actually fight some time ago, because their biggest currency was the peoples trust in their leadership and our logistics born from free markets. And Russia and China have enough time and preparation to not be intimated by the west anymore. Russia doesn't need to invade, and China doesn't need to provoke the armed population if they invade. The western leaders won't get what it wants, nor have it's goals achieved.

We are just going to not budge because they are jews, and they will have to rely on the mudblood covidiots again. Eventually, nothing will happen, and they are going to be ass mad with no fucking clue how to unfuck themselves.

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Do you watch modern television?
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Wasn't this wytboy buttnaked in the very first episode of this show?
The tranny lashes out after being called out on watching faggotry in another jacket
>i'll go back to jerking off over janeway
ewwww, also why? There are so much more hotter women in space fantasy.
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Victoria is a parody of tulsi gabberd

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I hate tourists
No drinking? Bullshit I drank at a hotel in Qatar before.

97%, thank god for that, nice chances lads.

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Ban lonely white men
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>splash around in piss
>get shot
>schools, malls, and water parks
Seems like (as with Sandy Hook etc.) they are going for the maxxsympathy publicity angle for the legislation to be 'unanimously' voted Yes

also, with such innocent life present in these venues it increases the general Fear Factor climate overall
>be afraid
>be very afraid
>at school, at the park, at yo church
et cetera
>still no actual description, or even a photo
>AR-style rifle
yeah this fucking reeks of an agenda
‘Street shitting menace’ is poetry
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You were warned!

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anti materialism is a meme. look at me! im protecting my family with no posessions whatsoever! look at how safe we are from dangerous people while we live next door to them in a tiny apartment with rats and roaches! u dont need possessions bro! u dont need weapons to defend urself! u dont need a big house with a large gate and guards stationed at the entrance bro! all u have to do is sit there and when the bad man comes to hurt u, let him! he probably wont nap u and force u or ur children into slavery for decades! hell commit unliving to u right on the spot, painlessly, and ull go to heaven! because heaven is a place where only possessionless people go, and they get rewarded, whereas hell is reserved for people who had lots of things and its so unfair that they worked hard for those things to protect them and their own and they will burn for all eternity because they tried to stay safe in a dangerous world.
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>“Cattle die, and kinsmen die,. And so one dies one's self;. One thing now, that never dies,. The fame of a dead man's deeds.” -Woton, the Norse Hávamál
>anti-materialism is being naked in the desert
braindead subhuman
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Find me a single pagan that can dominate me in a chess match. There will be none. Pagan does not believe in the ((Best))
WTF are you talking about, youre on some bad crack friendo

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Point 1: Declining Births

Whites have a declining birthrate. They often have 1 or 3 kids. Meanwhile, in my family, all the married men have 4-6 kids EACH. This means that within 1 or 2 generations, most modern cities that have ethnics will be flooded with Arabs, Indians, Blacks, etc by birthrates alone, even ignoring immigration. What this means is that these new generation White kids will eventually end up growing up more and more around non-White friends, in turn, making them less racist and/or less willing to advocate for white nationalism since their friends will be non-white. Many videos in London of schoolkids will often show White kids whose ENTIRE friend group consists of Pakis because there's not many other white kids to make friends with around their age group, since, again, whites barely have kids.

Of course, declining birth rates also means lower numbers of white male soliders to take part in the mythical "race war". If white people aren't gonna rebel when they're 80% of the population, when will they? When they're 70%? 60%? 50%? I doubt it, considering America is already less than 50% white. In fact, this is why many white nationalists seem to cozy up to non-White conservaties these days, because a part of them is aware they can't do it alone, there simply is not ENOUGH NUMBERS. The birth rates do not permit there to be enough white men for them to enact their white nationalist ideals alone. This is also why they are more submissive and compromised in theri rhetoric nowadays.
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Take your shuck and jive to reddit
Oh, right, the tapeworm species that sucks off wailing bleeding infants and is actively engineering their own destruction. Enjoy being eaten alive, Haiti-style, by your mutt hordes if you succeed. The chinks are onto you already. Some victory. Should have just coasted off of your WW2 victory for a thousand years.
>This is my final point,

You didn't address lgbt yet. Ironic that you'd forget them considering the time of year.
People like you don’t understand that the problem is self-repairing. Shitskins can’t maintain the civilization that whites built. Once whites decline to a number too small to maintain the global economy, the advanced supply chain and industrialized agriculture that sustains billions of shitskins will collapse. Then all the shitskins starve to death and populations go back to their preindustrial levels. Then the surviving whites reconquer the planet all over again.
I have more respect for local Nazi clubs like NSC 131 and BloodTribe than you 4chan faggots who think they're Feds but won't do shit themselves.
>enjoy being eaten alive by the hoards
you're speaking emotionally. the mutt hoard will be located only in America and Europe. We will use the rest of the mutts to destroy whoever is left after whites are extinct and we shall inherit the world after we genocide the brown mutts with a genetically targeting biochemical weapon.
LGBT is a symptom of Feminism
the only reason your men now have resorted to fucking each other in the ass is because the women are now priced out of the dating market. Average Men can no longer afford a Wife, and I don't mean economically.
to put it simply for you fucking subhumans we have allowed women to pursue their own sexual desires with cultural and religious restrictions on their sexuality.
Meaning most men get little to no pussy while the best Men hoard all. sowing even more discontent amongst your young Men.
>Shitskins can’t maintain the civilization that whites built.
no shit, we will genocide them and just take your land without much resistance.
>Once whites decline to a number too small to maintain the global economy
Ever heard of the great reset? You are already halfway to being genocided.

Closeted lesbian incel women are copying closeted gay incel men and are rating women out of 10 whist getting into little gay fights over their ratings. It reminds me of when closeted gay men rate men out of 10 and get into fights here lol
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that's all the same person commenting
Dua Lupa isn't 19 anymore though
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these women doing silly polls. This is a REAL incel poll.
Dua lupa is meh. I don't get the obsession.
holy shit, get a life

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Due to safety reasons.
Its actually a 4D chess move to keep jeets at bay
Eat your veggies, Anon.

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>”She is liberal, or is that just an act?
She's legitimately liberal? It's not an act?”-Trump
Do you think Taylor Swift is actually liberal? I have a feeling many liberals are only libtard in name because of the implications.
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I know she's brilliant.

And the most beautiful woman who has ever walked the face of the Earth.

Other than that...not sure.

She somehow got hotter. Not sure how.

Hotter now.
That you Trump?
why do you care?
Nice. Anyone got fat tay? - she's so hot as a fatty.

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Anyone have the video of the guy 1v14 a bunch of orthokikes in an office with a book. Want to show my mom how funny these dysgenic ratpeople are.
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If they are dysgenic but rule the world at the same time, what should we conclude about the people being ruled by them?
>what should we conclude about their victims
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You were victimised on the 8th day after the birth
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Isnt there a longer version where he sets the place on fire?

>NEWS: Overweight women are paid less

>For women, though, the issue comes down to BMI, or body fat. For every additional 14 pounds of weight that a woman carries when compared to someone with the exact same height, she stands to earn around $2,133 less. The average female weight in the U.K. is said to be around 154 pounds.



Absolutely disgusting.

It is white men at the top of these companies that set salaries

Given how discriminatory they are against non-whites, I guess it's no surprise they hate women too.

This is why the cishet male patriarchy needs to be uprooted from positions of power.
>It is white men at the top of these companies that set salaries
The money they shorted their salaries needed to be used to shore up the foundations of the workplace.
Genetic cant be helped
> Being a fatfuck
You can stop being one anytime you want

As usual women dont really suffer until society breaks down from feminine privilige and naivity and we have to remove their rights and beat them again. Then the cycle restarts
what value do fat people even bring to society, they all work useless jobs that dont make society function at all, they get in the way, they stink, they overload the healthcare system
fuck you fat fucks you should be paying me

>be treasure hunter
>find what you think is the location of millions of dollars of civil war gold
>tell the FBI about it for some reason
>judge grants the FBI a search and seizure warrant that would allow them to dig between 6 AM and 10 PM
>FBI keeps the people who found the location out of the dig site
>some hunters who happened to be near the site say they saw the FBI digging at around 5 AM even though the FBI says they didn't show up until 8 AM that day
>they also saw armored trucks, one of which looked weighed down like they were carrying something
>FBI denies they found anything even though their own geophysical consultant identified an underground metallic mass weighing up to 9 tons that had the density of gold
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Imagine being stupid enough to tell the government you found a bunch of gold XD.
So, take the riches and flee for a more civilized land, then?


i'm sure they are keeping is for historical reasons no?
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"Its for the childrens, baby."

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So I am a codebreaker that has come across a platform that was given a top award for the content, in an ARG that was made to corral cryptographers in a format that created the instructions for a real world operation.

You won't believe the list of targets in this affair.
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So now for the real juicy stuff.

The game was centered around a LARP following an ARG that produced a cipher or two every day for 18 days following the supposed tweets of a woman stowaway on a submarine. You were supposed to be able to run through a few different methods of her transmissions from the sub in order to catch the people that hijacked it.

The game was launched in 2014 and at the same time a series of bottles began washing up on the shores of the Alster in Hamburg, Germany.

In each one were ciphers that were crudely written by hand and had the use of a number of ciphertext strands as well as the design and layout of a number of signatures of a type of transmission or radio frequency, and included the designs of flight control displays, and the images from the flight controls that were responsible for elevation and direction.

You can see there is a collection of them on the website of another well known cryptographer in Germany, and much of the discussion and commentary is in German, but some in English as well.

Moving through the different bottles that were found, as some appeared a bit afterwards, you find that there is a massive problem with their assertion that some homeless person with mental illness is making them and dropping them, as some Germans translated the text and found terms that related to a known Video Game added in them as filler.

So the person that made them modeled them on the design of a "game" and then dropped them with signatures that related to someone that was in the know about flights that were made around that time.

It starts to reveal the design of each was concealing a multiple-layered design, and that they relayed info between one or another of them at the same time.
So once again the proof is in their design, as they acted to direct some of the affairs seen in the spotlight.

For example, the ciphers were able to block in sections of the body of text, and created the illusions around their inner meaning with the cover that they provided, appearing random and in German.

Here is only one of the hidden gems of the affair, seeing Sanders over-dressed in the Mittens on a relatively cool day during Biden's nomination.

The ciphers are the key to a number of operations that are found on the page I made to collect and examine them.
When I contacted the Shorty Awards group that gave the Navy their spot onlne as a high quality outreach program, I was telling them about the number of different operations that had been conducted in the real world affairs.

I opened up the entire page to their audience as they gifted me the top position on their awards page and gave me the credibility I needed to form a report about this affair to authorities with recognition.
The tile here contained a map of a series of words that were laid out around the border of California and down into South America on their own lines.

The 6 words contained a specific letter sequence that was found to have been selected to divulge the secrets that were inside the messages of the operation itself, as the LARP was set up to distract everyone into thinking the meat of the ciphers would appear from the stowaway on the sub in the ARG, so everyone followed that and gave some shotty reason that the words could translate into a location of some kind.

It was a cover up

The reveal of the stennos (shorthanded phrases in a rythmic patterning) was able to host a number of different details about operations that they were planning.

And there is more......a lot more.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Dr. Anthony Fauci “belongs in prison” for “crimes against humanity” at a conservative conference in Detroit on Saturday.

Greene gave a speech at Turning Point USA’s People’s Convention this weekend, where she dug into Democratic politicians and the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’ll never forget when the Biden administration and Nancy Pelosi, as speaker of the House, brought in nearly 30,000 National Guardsmen and turned our Capitol complex into a military base,” she told the audience. “They masked schoolchildren. They shut down schools. They closed beaches. They silenced your speech.”

“They attacked the very core of our freedoms, all for a virus that they made in a lab in Wuhan, China,” she added. “And yes, Doctor Anthony Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity.”

The crowd then broke into cheers of “Lock him up!” to which Greene responded: “I can assure you, if I have anything to do with it, we will lock him up! He belongs in prison!”

At a hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this month, Republicans accused him of funding research that started the pandemic and of covering up the “lab leak” theory—the same theory Greene referenced in her speech, which posits the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. (Greene also suggested Fauci should be imprisoned at that hearing.)

“I cannot account nor can anyone account for other things that might be going on in China, which is the reason why I have always said and will say now, I keep an open mind as to what the origin is,” Fauci said at the time.

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more like Mario
>Republican promises to serve justice to a criminal
Yeah, heard that story before.
It was all a democratic ploy by dems and China, to get Trump out of office. Cause life was too good before hand.
(she wont)
My favorite womb-man rn.

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>people are getting poorer and their money isn't worth shit
>still an obesity crisis
What? Can someone explain this
theyre incredibly hungry for some reason
Some things be tasty bro. Accept it.

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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>retarded faggots still worshipping a fucking certified glownigger
never change cunts
Why do you even care? You've posted about this a bunch of times now.
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>it's just easy for me to convince my boss because I have a direct relationship with him.

>The ACNC recommends any policy and procedure contain a clear direction that any decisions about engaging a related party must be made by those without any conflict of interest.
>Conflicts of interest (whether actual or perceived) may arise when a related party has an interest that may conflict with the best interests of the charity. If a Responsible Person has an interest with a related party, it may be difficult to demonstrate that they are acting in the best interests of the charity.

Your scenario seems as far from an arm's length transaction as one can get, gud luk selling it to the ATO.
It sounds like the sort of thing that's illegal if they want it to be. But why are you asking 4chan instead of a lawyer or an accountant?
Nice to meet you too anon. There is most definitely an explanation for it happening. Would be a case of others who have the same capability and comparing genomics and life events.

Have never spoken to a psych, is it worth it do you find? I had always thought that if i was one that i would just string people along to get the most money out of them and it puts me off going

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