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Jews really don't like it when you point out Hitler was a Catholic
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>Matthew 5 17?
he says he will split families apart and against each other over the religion hes pushing
this doesnt call for believers to attack anyone physically

>heres some examples of people who defied what jesus and the new testament says to do
doesnt change what the new testament says, sorry bud
you didn't
>he says he will split families apart and against each other over the religion hes pushing
that's not the right verse you clown
yeah my bad
but jesus explicitly said that loving your enemies is a new commandment so this "fulfillment" does not negate what he explicitly said to do, nor does it negate the examples of christian behavior given in the new testament
notice how you have to point to things outside of the new testament to justify behavior which is not found in the new testament
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>Jew whipped Jews over disagreements in Judaism
Who cares?
wasted digits. i literally gave you a verse from the new testament and that's still not enough for you lol. Here, look at Luke 19 27
>But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me

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Should I take ozempic? I'll stop as soon as the weight is off.
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Euroniggers assholes prolapsing bc youre starving

I don't even know what that is
4) prepare for kidney stones from your retarded keto diet, formerly known as Atkins
>A report from the New York medical examiner's office leaked a year after his death said that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension, and that at the time of his death he weighed 258 pounds (117 kg).
>I'll stop as soon as the weight is off.
Wait a year after reaching your goal weight before stopping, or else you have a high chance of just gaining the weight back. Imagine your weight as a number on a thermostat; even if you force your weight down with a drug like Ozempic, the thermostat setting will ensure that you just pack the pounds back on. But if you keep your weight lower for a prolonged period of time, you can "turn down the thermostat" so to speak, and you'll have a much higher chance of regaining the weight as a result.
Of course, you need to bear in mind that weight gain is ultimately a "calories in, calories out" game, so even if you reset your thermostat, you could just turn it back up if you keep going full ameriburger with your diet.
see above

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What the hell is wrong with Germans? Why are they always on the wrong side of history?

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Under what circumstances should states/governments allow women to get tattoos?
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We can just kill you for being a liberal you kind are easy to identify because reality to you isn’t real you live in a fantasy world so you are very easy to sniff out
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It's for when she is getting railed from behind by a wog, he can feel like one of his homies is there cheering him on.
will you please get a fucking life? retard. go fuck some animal if you are so desperate
>he doesn’t know
>6 gorillion dead
>only tattoos ever to be seen are in 5 digits

big think

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Why do Jews dominate conservative discourse?
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How come white fneitles weren’t able to control the media? This sort of theory by anti semites especially if done by white nationalists is especially funny because it essentially admits ashkenzi superiority.
Jewish culture values intellect and education. White culture values sports and the military. So in america you have lots of Jews doing mentally hard things and white gentiles make up a large number of nfl and mlb fans as well as being Large numbers of those in the military.
Cuckservatives worship the synagogue of satan, idolatry and ideology. Only what the Jews allow and approve is alright for them. The worst thing that could happen to a cuckservative is to be called "racist" by people that hate his very race and want to genocide him.
because jews control the gay agenda
Jews are parasites. And the instinct to monopolize mass psychological programming, is very similar to how parasitic ants behave (using chemical “propaganda” to trick the host). Jews are the perfect social parasite.

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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Anon you can't just tease us like this and not deliver, that's next level cruel.
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But she does have fangs to suck.
Historically everyone usually joins the U.S. to jump Mexico. Even other Mexicans.
They suck at hiding it
The US military is only 17% Latinx and they’re mostly in non combat positions.

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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What hate? The voters? They are trying to get a new government that will make things better but the common person is ignorant and delusional.
Funnily enough, right wing voters don't want to vote for an indian man.

That's the cause for the collapse. Yes, everyone hates the tories because they are blue Labour, but that isn't enough for most to countenance Kier Starmer running the country.
Why did Sunak call this fucking election!?
They've been in power for like 10 years and everything has gone to shit.
Had to call one this year, and thought best case scenario was to spring it on Labour at short notice and during the summer when people will be distracted by the European championship and holidays and stuff. Its not like it would have gone better for him if he'd waited.

What did he mean by this?
He doesn't look like the pope.


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Look at this shit.
CHINKS recently JAILED a #MeToo Feminist Activist for FIVE years.
Are you fucking kidding me? Women deserve to fight for their rights.
They're labelling feminism as "Foreign Subversion"

Fucking soulless chinks.
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Everyone said it in this board for years that China would be the first mayor power to stop the women's rights bs
I am originally from Sweden and lived in china for years, now settled and working in Thailand and recently naturalized as Thai citizen
women voting was frankly a huge mistake for my country, and one of the reasons for its downfall, although not the only one. Hell, maybe voting itself was a mistake. living in Asia has kind of radicalized me and nowadays I think maybe some kind of pseudo-dictatorship is fine, which is what most of these countries kind of are.
In Sweden's case I am not actually sure if anything can even be done anymore, all the tightening on policy is so minuscule that it probably won't even matter and it will just get worse. Like how bad the dictator would have to be to do worse than the current rulers in many western states?
At least in these relatively cheap Asian countries you can kind of buy yourself out of all the bullshit and if you have a decent job it's even easier.
Unfathomably based.
>chinks are soulless, they aren't humans. Kill them all!
>please be sympathetic to this particular chink, her human rights was violated, just like poor souls fallen in 1989
fix your propaganda glowbot
looks like i have to book a flight

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Give me ONE reason why you are not doing everything in your power to make babies and keep your people and civilisation alive RIGHT NOW. Housing and cost of living has been debunked, you have NO excuse.
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Women don't want to consider me human let alone talk to me. Meanwhile I'm wageslaving to survive the next day.
Not really enjoying life what can I say.
i thought the same thing and eventually she cheated and no kid was made so just knock her up we cant afford to keep losing whites an getting replaced. youll be happier with a family trust me. you are going to be poor regardless due to kike managemnt of the economy so you might as well be poor with a family because it will bring you fulfillment and happiness.
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I have 4 children. I am headed towards 6 children.

Every day I wake up happy knowing the world is becoming infertile. I want my grandchildren to have breathing room. Please continue to be childless
>Spending time and money on modern women in 2024

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Biden and Francis do Lemon Party
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Why is there a coffin in the background?
He's jelly
lel at popey looking highly confused and disturbed at this old corpse going in for a kiss
>You cannot do the abortion, my son. It is a Sin
>But I want to do the abortion, mommy. Everyone else is doing the abortion. Why can't I do the abortion?
>Not here, dude! Save it for later.

Damn she is a shotacon? hot.
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FPBP and trips, from hot to wtf
Great, love seeing this Jewish depraved garbage of a series everywhere. With it main gimmick is excessive swearing, gore, right wing mockery, and gay sex with humiliation aimed towards the male gender. How can anyone but white trash and jews like this garbage?
It fits the theme of the show. The deep wouldnt touch her now.
>pretending its only right wing mockery
you are not paying attention

is she a what?

why would racist America let a nigger cop walk free and let a innocent white woman spent 40 years in prison.
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niggers run the institutions
>Sandra Hemme
hope this happens for daniel holtzman too. the niggers and dyke that locked him up over lies all need to be hanged.
>be female
>nigger cop sees you
>asks you out
>you say no
>now you match the description of the black male that murdered 15 people last week
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Reminder these fucks are guilty as hell and their Netflix documentary made by lesbians is a whitewash that leaves out tons of shit
this specific case with the old lady?

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>be brother
>married high school sweetheart out of high school and became a welder
>gets job make 17 dollars an hour
>girlfriend now wife cheats on him and he finds out when the baby is Latino
>gets laid off at 22 because of downsizing but in reality it was because Mexicans where willing to work for nothing
>couldn’t get unemployment because boss said he quit
>got another job at a warehouse that he hated making 14 bucks an hour
>started dating a obese single mother at 25
>covid happens and he gets laid off again and then got denied covid benefits because the boss again said he quit and he stupidly signed a piece of paper saying he did
>his single mother girlfriend breaks up with him to “find a real man who can support me and my son”
>he moved back in with parents and me
>parents call me a spoilt loser like me and that he needed to work harder and not let set backs discourage him
>got a job at krogers as a bagger making 10 bucks an hour and dad had to drive him because he doesn’t have a car anymore
>gets another girlfriend at krogers who is 19
>parents find out somehow and dad stops driving him to work calling him a “creep” and a “cradle snatcher” and he lost that job and his girlfriend

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at least you're white
is this omnipotent god in the room with us right now?
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You've posted this multiple times
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Of course.
It's a demoralization bot.

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>White man, we meet again at last
>The circle is now complete, when I left you I was but the untermensch now I am the master race
Cool, just gonna need you to trace back to Jacob.
this will work out great

imagine being proud of bombing babies, not only that but he had 100+ billion in funding plus all the latest high tech gadgets and weapons and still lost against some favella dudes with aks

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HAPPENING! China says it will keep bankrolling Putin to the last Russian!
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>trump wins
>china stole the election!!!!!!
>biden wins, barely
>it's impossible to rig our elections how dare you REEEEEE

it's all so tiresome
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No different than the US "bankrolling" all the proxy wars they've sustained over the past 60-70 years.
russia isn't even using it's regular military in ukraine, they're using donbass militias and winning
Was there ever a reason why you'd have thought stock holders were ever willing to do real work?
I absolutely love the seethe China and Russia creates for the entire (((American))) establishment

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Didn't see a silver thread.
it's coming...
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I thought Biden only sniffed young girls but apparently old men are game too
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Biden intimidates the shit out of everyone. A real alpha. Even his son smokes crack.
>based Biden trying to psychically commune with the pope
>based pope not giving a fuck
>based disheveled Jew thrown off by the exchange
>based turk stumbling in then totally ignored
common biden W
Maybe Milei isn't that bad

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Jewish behavior
Too many rejections.

I got friend zoned and .anipulated by a poojeeta at my last house share.
I now want to slaughter all curry apes, imprison their best girls and you g women in brothels.
They LOVE it, but they cant have it, so they try to intermarry as max as possible (scarlett johansson charlize theron etc), mostly with stolen ukrainian kids, and try to muttify the rest
jews love pure whites. wihtout 100 million pure white europeans sacrificed in ww2, israel wouldn't have been recreated.
not to all the euroaches sacrificed in ww1 to nation-state the middle east, but poltards wouldn't know about such things

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Eventhough Sweden looks like a rich country, it must compared to USA to see it is not. If it was a US state it would be one of the 5 poorest states altough not absolutely the most poor.

Brutger Braapstroem said "GDP of Sweden is equal to lowest US states"

He however admits that this does not take into account how much an average person can afford food in where he lives. Because in Sweden everybody can afford food, plenty of it.

Swedens money, Kronor is very low value compared to USD. Also when compared to Euro.

>Sweden was Europes richest country in the year 1970, they have fallen.

>In 1980s Norway went past Sweden with oil.

>Norway was on the tier of Romania in year 1950 and Finland was richer than Norway.

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You're a closeted fagget for caring
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maybe stick to showing off your fat ass lmao
We also make good music, food, have cool shit like rodeos, and we're less conformist than Euros, though faggy kike politics is changing that for the worse these days.
Elle is a real pornstar. Her pussy gets beaten up a lot so she had an advantage
tits >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger-tier ass

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