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>Teach me how to druggie teach me teach me how to druggie
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This is California, isn't it? Wtf happened to America? Sad.
the worst part isn't the drug addicts in the streets doing the zombie lean.

its the utter ambivalence of everyone who isn't drugged out going around them, and the local politicians utterly ignoring the issue.

remember this statement, Apathy is Death.

we are not in a collapsing state or anything like that, we are in a dead state.
Anon, there are two things I have learned in reading /pol/ almost daily for 10 years, and in my other studies of history etc. etc.
You will
>train the whole militia, starting with you
>seek Jesus, starting with you
>or cry.

Get trained, white people are plenty dangerous, but they only like to move when they have plans, and they only like to plan around their skills. Get skills, you can plan, get plans, you win.
Instruct me how to Douglas.
You gotta start hitting that biden

Bend over like your shtting your pants then start roomba'ing around

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Together they could make the UK Paki Again (MUPA)
They are purged voting for a 10x more globohomo alternative. Powerful.
I was promised Reform destroying Tories and Galloway destroying Labour and now this ? Why does evil always win in this sick world?
traitors must be dealt with first, and two party logic is what has led to this autocoup
Because the tories are a far left party
And reform are a cucked right wing party

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I didn't hear anything about him lately.
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These new gen kikes jew too hard, its getting noticed
He's hiding.they all are
I just got a new job last week. I sit right behind the most disgusting hideous 70 year old tranny I've ever seen. Looks like this pic but 100 times uglier.
I shit you not. It's not every day that a person's ugliness makes me literally nauseous.
>"She" won't stop fucking farting audibly because "her" asshole is so loose.
>I sit behind "her" right in the firing zone
Sounds like a perfect match for you. Go marry her, Anon!
He’s too busy rotting in his grave

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A lot of anons here do not believe that the Holocaust happened. Obviously many of the claims about the Holocaust are now known to have been exaggerations, lies or simply improbable (masturbation machines, bear and eagle torture rooms, magic shotgun holes, human soap, lampshades of skin). But as to the commonly accepted narrative of the Holocaust (the 6 million, gas chambers, etc), how many Jews actually believe in this and how many are simply perpetuting the myth because it benefits them?

I get the impression that many higher ups and historians probably don't actually believe the Holocaust happened outside of the general consensus that the Jews were persecuted, but that they keep up the facade for financial reasons, because they dislike Eurocentricism, because they want Jews to be reactionary and collectivist or they don't want to lose their job.

Assuming that the Holocaust did not happen, and assuming that the vast majority of Jews lower on the totem pole believe everything they have ever been told about it, they have essentially psychologically tormented and paralyzed many of their own people with fear and distrust for others. A lot of us think about the idea that the Jews don't actually believe the stories, but I would wager that the vast majority of them do and are literally terrified by the lies or exaggerations of their own people. This is essentially psychological warfare against their own kind for a "larger purpose".

TL:DR - Do the vast majority Jews actually believe the Holocaust happened as it is told to everyone else?
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I believe it. I met a Jewish chick who was dating a black guy, identified as non-binary and claimed to be norse pagan. She freaked out when I simply stated a fact about black people not having good college scores (because it was relevant at the time) and they threatened to kill me. She mentioned talking to her Rabbi about me and acted disgusted that the industrial music I made had fascist or nazi themes/tropes.
Jew here. Yes I believe the Holocaust happened. If you read the documentation, and the eye witness testimonies, then it does ad up. The other point I wanted to make is the concept of the Holocaust being used for political ends. Does the Holocaust end up being used as a religion by Jews-without-Judaism ? Are there Jews out there who do not care about their Jewishness, who are only Jewish in the sense that according to Nazi ideology they would be redefined as Jewish. Also using the Holocaust as a foundation myth for Western society is beyond retarded and infinitely destructive. Please don't do that. The thing I hate the most is the use of the Holocaust as a replacement for Judaism. Pure evil. The Holocaust was big, bad, and horrifying on many levels, but it isn't bigger than G-d and his relationship to the Jewish people. Also the Cultural Marxists use the Holocaust in order to define society. This is done in many ways, that the idea of anything they arbitrarily define as "racist" somehow the gas chambers as Auschwitz. Western society is now walking on eggshells because the Cultural Marxist are going to arbitrarily define something as "racist" and then the entirety of society has to shut down until the "Victim-du-jour" has been appeased. Also, psychologically speaking, I live in a community which is mainly survivors, and they are all mentally fucked up. It isn't their fault, but noone gets therapy, and their children and grandchildren bear the brunt. Someone has to go crazy for the family, and this kind of shit destroys people's lives. There is a cost to not working out one's shit. I can't blame Holocaust survivors for that, but there are consequences. I could talk about this shit all day.
From the perspective of a person being able to cope with trauma and exposure to evil. How do people cope with this shit ? So, we live in a society that associates the aesthetically displeasing with something that is "wrong". To be "correct" or "virtuous" all it takes is to be aesthetically pleasing. The Holocaust goes outside of that. Adult survivors of child abuse also have these issues. All survivors of sadistic and heinous abuse walk around in society which in a sense denies what happened to them because what happened to them is aesthetically displeasing. Survivors can't sit there and say "this happened, that happened, etc, etc" because society can't cope with it. There is so much psychological destruction associated with this issue.
The Holocaust as a religion. Obviously the extreme nature of the Holocaust is a cause for reflection, and to ask oneself questions, but turning it into a religion is toxic and destructive on so many levels. Jews are not "all innocent victims" neither are they "entirely evil monsters who are responsible for everything". The psychological forces driving demonisation on the one hand or idealisation on the other are fairly well documented. Is the person "all good" or are they "all bad". If people are thinking along those lines, then it isn't coming from a good place. This is so complicated I could sit here all day.
This one. I cannot tell you how many Jews I meet who simply want to jettison their Jewishness and simply disappear amongst the nations. For these people, Hitler and the Natsoc definitions of Jewishness is the only thing that defines them as Jews. They don't like it. There is a fairly large body of literature on Jews who had actually converted to Christianity, possibly even a few generations back, and who where reclassified as Jewish according to the Nazis. Edith Stein the Catholic Nun, defined racially as Jewish. The psychological implications are pretty complicated.

So let me get this straight, you'd rather go to jail and/or pay $250k than serve your country?

Your grandfather would be ashamed of you.
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Shooting the zoggie only costs a dollar or two at most

>all these people incapable of doing even a modicum of basic research

This is very easy to verify, again all you need to do is use google. It's really crazy how dumbed down the users of this site have gotten since 2016.
>serve your country
You mean server Israel
Also, if you actually watched the video you'd notice that everyone is in the ideal position to survive this except the guy who threw the grenade. First grenade goes off in the middle of the room. Guys on the right are shielded by the table, and the guys in the chairs are shielded by their chairs. They probably got their legs full of shrapnel, which is precisely where you want to take a grenade hit if you'd like to survive. The second grenade goes off right at the feet of the guy who threw it because it was knocked back by the force of the first explosion. He was standing right there so he took the full blast and died.
It's insane how easily "patriotic" americans have been psyopped into hating their own country

Will be a very interesting case study on the efficacy of online propaganda

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Give me ONE reason why you are not doing everything in your power to make babies and keep your people and civilisation alive RIGHT NOW. Housing and cost of living has been debunked, you have NO excuse.
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Damn, zdravko, which german brothel will she be working in next week? I might have to pay her a visit. (All eastern european women are hookers)
I'd rather get circumcised twice than be a French asshole. Also, my circumcised dick is great. I denounce the talmud with my clean circumcised penis.
You dont get it,
We build this nation and we need our sons to help us with it.
Yeah, they're "terrified" of single motherhood. That explains there are so many of them...
That's men's fault

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Under what circumstances should states/governments allow women to get tattoos?
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Does pic rel look appealing to you? It's the same aesthetic as tattoos on a woman.
and who cares about your opinion? go fuck a trashy whore who gives a fuck
It also signifies the exact same thing on women, funnily enough.

The metaphysics behind this are very interesting to me
Mandatory dock tattoo on the foreheads of every non-married non-virgin.
What a brave opinion to have.
It must have taken a lot of courage to say this.
I highly encourage you to marry a woman with as many tattoos as possible, just to prove these chuds wrong.

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Biden will win. Here is your pre-emptive L, chuds.
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Most likely 2.
But the best part is that Biden will lose, I hope everything falls apart and we can finally shoot leftists and niggers, it’s about fucking time.
Why do you need Biden to lose to do that?
I don't know...GoyNN seems to be getting pretty nervous about his chances of late.
Sir, I am only one man, and it would only be fun if collapse allows us to do it at will with no punishment other than niggers and leftists impotently seeking revenge.
Rest assured, I’ve got plenty of guns and anmo and will be ready and set if and when the day comes. Until then, I just practice and remain ready.
If the election was stolen there would be hard evidence and there is none. Basically every scam artist selling election disinfo got their ass kicked. The kraken was laughed out of court and the lawyers sanctioned, the mules movie was retracted and denounced, all the cases lost.

Nobody has yet put forward a single piece of HARD EVIDENCE that the election was STOLEN in some grand scheme. Anomalies are not proof of a stolen election. A few counties having minor deviations in procedure are not evidence. There is not a single, credible, expert who believes the election was stolen it's all random crackpots with no qualifications. Not a single whistleblower of the thousands of people who would be in on it. Not a single piece of digital evidence.

You retards are gonna cope yourself into irrelevance if you continue to ignore the obvious reality: Trump botched his first term so badly that it turned off people on both sides of the aisle. On top of that the Dems were motivated to show up for Biden much more than Hillary. In this country the voting population is split almost down the middle D vs R so it doesn't take much to tip the balance.

How much longer do we realistically have until women’s rights are completely revoked? I don’t see this lasting through another generation. We’re headed to a horrible demographic collapse. We always talk about South Korea with their 0.7 fertility rate but there’s also tiny European countries like Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Croatia, etc. that may end up disappearing completely within our lifetime
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Think you meant to say two decades two years two months and two weeks we know from experience
Sexbots in the next 5 years, 19th amendment repealed in the next 10 years.
I actually don't think it's that great of a screenshot but the core principle is sound. To answer the question though, the white man is unlikely to revoke the rights of women. We're way to far gone for that, just talk to the men you know and ones you interact with in public. They are way too over-socialized and believe women are actually their equal despite all the evidence to the contrary. The only chance of this happening is if the hordes of shitskins finally take over fully, then you'll see women's rights evaporate pretty quickly. Problem is of course, by this point you probably won't want to be in that society anymore as it will be like the third world hell holes the shit skins are fleeing from.

It's quite an interesting dilemma though and while I blame the jew to a large extent, I think the white man has to bear the majority responsibility for the failure. Our recent ancestors knew women were not our equals, and basically every single fucking society and tribe prior to this knew it as well. It's in stories, folktales, legends and biblical scriptures. Hell my grandfather knew it and so did my dad, yet here we are. And honestly our women will probably suffer from this more than we will, just look at whats happening to young women now... With no guidance it's literally the end of the road for a lot of them, self sterilizing in their teens and burning out by 35... And we could have prevented it
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Women are unironic chakra vampires that need human semen (soul energy) to survive, diagram of uterus is the image of apostelic baphomet, look it up, complete with horns and all

When you have sex, part of your soul is being lost on ejaculation, think about it, you cum inside and the cum never comes out, soon enough it is absorbed by the vagina (baphomet devouring soul fragments), but how? It has no mouths, yet it happens. Semen is the vagina's (apostolic baphomet) preffered goyslop, without semen women (demonkind) dies of starvation, which is why women seek sex and always want you to cum inside for an 'unexplainable reason', part of the reason this happens is based on the fact there is no superior entity for them to rely on once their interior energy is depleted, think of it like a really big tank with only one mouth on it that slowly leaks out. They replenish their inner energy by absorbing it from men, because ultimately they have no souls which they can rely on to produce this energy themselves. If they do not get enough energy, they bleed. just look it up, pregnant women (women that have been cummed in and had their energy needs temporarily sated) do not have periods at all, nothing, blood simply does not come out. Yet a woman that does not have this 'suddenly' bleeds and feels ill for several days in a row with pain and weakness and bleeding. Normal?
The national replacement rate is a poor measure. There are groups that have outsize birthrates comparatively to others. Those groups will be proportionately overrepresented in the future, and we will inhabit whatever civilization they dictate. Unfortunately they are all retarded

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>see the town name
>heh kurwa ;)

we all gonna make it
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ja pierdole ki bydle!

translate nigger
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Smartest poolackoid btw
it's a beaver kurwa. we love beavers
meme video gone viral, now everyone on internet use it

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because stasi betrayed communism and sell out to usa glowmasters
No. In Communist countries people attend youth camps which teach them to love their own community and people.
i wonder how many millions of americans are either directly or indirectly connected to the modern day Stasi organizations being run through:
-law enforcement,
- active duty and retired military and military organizations,
-secret societies,
-private security companies,
-defense contractors,
-energy companies,
-nonprofits along all parts of the political spectrum,
-various flavors of intelligence
-paramilitary orgs
-religious/spiritual organizations).
-government/military-linked corporations like amazon, google, facebook and microsoft (and their extensive corporate security and intelligence networks)

i would be very surprised if, all together, the modern day stasi equivalents (civilian-focused domestic intelligence networks) embedded within the organizations listed above were less than 1% of the american population or 3.3 million people across the country, all told
Say what you want but I envy the fact she spent her youth in Best Germany. No diversity, Prussian uniforms and a based illiberal regime. Looks like heaven to me.

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I thought Biden only sniffed young girls but apparently old men are game too
Biden can smell all the kids on the pope.
Biden intimidates the shit out of everyone. A real alpha. Even his son smokes crack.
>based Biden trying to psychically commune with the pope
>based pope not giving a fuck
>based disheveled Jew thrown off by the exchange
>based turk stumbling in then totally ignored

What's your best documentary on debunking the gas chambers?
I'm listening to David Irving now and what he says makes a lot of sense.
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.Kike frog or other permanent on station holocoaster defense brigade deploying in t- 10...
the "where are the bodies" isnt a good argument. Just like we can't find the bodies of the victims of Holodomor.

but I'm aware the estimates are based on napkin maths. I look at the estimate of the 900k killed at Treblinka. The estimate is based purely on witness testimony that the trains were fully packed and were running 24/7. Everyone who is not an academic knows nothing works at 100% utilisation and uptime. Especially not Germany in 1945 when the railways were bombed out and food deliveries stopped.
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Also no accurate descriptions of the victims claimed to be killed by hydrogen cyanide asphyxiation.

The documented procedures for delousing with Zyclon B and not the extreme undocumented concentrations required for extermination directly contradict eye witness testimony about how it was used.

The list goes on almost add infinitum. It is illegal to question because of how poorly it stands up to any degree of scrutiny. One of the most infuriating things about the holohoax is how completely laughably ignorant the people who wrote it were of the things they were trying to lie about. Or how well the contested events that are illegal to present as augment explain what actually happened.
There are mass graves from the holomodor. Lots of them actually. The fact that it was a distributed genocide where the bodies were disposed of close to where they fell just makes them numerous and spread out all over where it happened. Also unlike the holohoax the kikes argue against the physical evidence presented as opposed to them arguing for the absence of or conflicting evidence as in the case of muh shoa.

The very name is a farce. "Holocaust" refers to burned offerings as sacrifices, and in early holobunga tales it was used because "witnesses" claimed that jews were burned on magical infinite fuel pyres in open air areas. The gas chamber myth is just one that was picked almost at random from dozens of equally-retarded tales.

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Three US soldiers on a vacation to Paris got beaten and robbed by four muslim teenagers
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Welcome to Paris
3 us navy seals get mugged by an 11 year old kid lmao how will amerilards ever recover from this?
Man of culture.
This is why I stopped learning French. The Romance has gone. It's just a Muslim infested shithole.
based nafriCHADS

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Who cares?

At the rate RU is losing artillery systems what will they do with all those shells?
Tie them to a Mobiks back and make him run towards UA trenches?
Not that I think RU would not do that *lol*

Once the last RU AA-assets are taken out with drones, Himars and other means UA will roflstomp all RU groundpounders with jets and bombs like the US did with Iraq.

It is so fucking over for that very special, special operation, now wonder Putler is going (even more) bonkers and is throwing the wildest ideas into the room in the hope something may stick and get him some time.
/k/ is seething.
No, but they have the better birth rate. Maybe in the further future.
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This anon knows. South Korea has the lowest birth rate on earth and they’ve taken no measures to do anything about it. All North Korea has to do is wait 40 more years and they can walk across the border to capture everything.

Viva il Fascismo, viva il Duce.
Credere obbedire combattere
Dio, Patria e Famiglia
Molti nemici molto onore
We shall come back and save the motherland
Foreigners out, yankee soldiers out, tear down all mosques
What about Mussolini's legislation that forbade Siculo-neapolitans to migrate to Lombardy, Calogero ? I love that, do you love that too ?
Srsly historic fascism was a Lombard phenomenon and represented the polar opposite of the Siculo-neapolitan world view.
Neo-fascism at the contrary is a Siculo-neapolitan supremacist movement justifying infinite plundering and ethnic cleansing of Lombardy.
Nuff said.
There was no such thing decadent yankee, I think you probably refer to the anti-urbanism legislation that prevented anyone from moving to any city with more than 25k inhabitants without a permit, to stop massive immigration from the countryside to big northen cities. It was because fascism was very rural and exalted farming life so they didnt like urbanisation. But if you moved to small country towns you could very well move from the south to the north. BTW that law was kept for many years after the end of WW2 cause Democrazia Cristiana feared that having more workers in big cities many of whom would end up unemployed since italy wasnt very industrialised yet would help the communists in elections. Obviously you dont know any of all of fhis though cause your education comes from an average american school...

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>A deranged menace has admitted on camera to murdering a three-year-old girl after leading police to her body dumped in the woods.
>'I have no reason for what I did. All I know is, I want to say I was sober and only on Lexapro... I think it was the side effects of the Lexapro.'
>He said he told police everything he did and wasn't going to fight the charges, promising a speedy trial.
>Callihan said he was diagnosed with borderline and multiple personality disorders, but that didn't mean he deserved any leniency.
>'I would kill me... For what I did? Lethal injection is the easiest thing for me,' he said.
>'I am not pretending to be crazy. I am certified. I have only been out of the nut house for two weeks.'
Is antidepressants turning schizos into killers?
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SSRIs increase energy output and add strain to the nerves. Whatever had been muffled by depression can then surface. Which can result in finally going through with your suicide or simply dropping into mania and psychosis that depression was there for. That's why SSRIs are not a treatment for depression. They only lessen the symptoms to allow the patient access to the underlying causes for it. Treatment is psychotherapy with which the patient learns how to address the causes of depression. Aim of therapy is to phase out SSRIs eventually when the patient has been stabilized enough.

tl;dr: The dude was a psycho all along, SSRIs just pushed it to the surface.
Guess I’m lucky then because mine do absolutely nothing
They can if you are on the wrong one.
Available on oceanofpdf.com

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My doctor put me on antidepressants recently but my thoughts remain the same. I just don't feel the crushing feeling as much. It's not making me feel crazy though.

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Why do Jews dominate conservative discourse?
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Nigga how old are you?
Who is this stimulating yenta?
because their women have degenerate sex. They do anything that white christian women will not.
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>Don't forget to like and subscribe
because christcucks need to be gassed

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If you google 'France Marine' it refuses to include Le Pen. You can even add the L and it won't even auto finish it.
This is not just an algorithm, they are making manual inputs to discount political happenings in real time.
Google is not a search engine anymore. It's a procurer of propaganda, and they don't even care that anyone knows it anymore.

In his latest podcast, Joe Rogan says that if we gave 200k usd per year to each adult American it would "solve poverty" and people would spend their time doing art and there wouldn't be any crime any more.

Is this true? Why aren't we doing this?
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We need to send all that money to Israel
Think of how stupid that statement is. You wouldn't have anybody to do the menial tasks that make up what America actually is while lazy jews and foregners and old people suck up Off worker
They could wear the newest shoes with that kind of money insertion.
bullshit, i saw the podcast, jamie later corrected them, and joe corrected what he said, youre spreading misinformation

So funny. Look at all the retards her ein the thread.
>NNOOOO GROUP X WOULD DO X OR Y. NOOO better do 40-60h week for Mister Shekelberg. That i learned in my childhood. Also school told me that....
And something with capitalism and communism and other -isms.


There is NO NEED to be "successful" anymore. There is NO NEED to fulfill an ideal the world, media and your parents programmed into you.

GIVE UP your OLD beliefs. The LAST FOUR YEARS should be enough proof that this system is against YOU, it does not matter on which position you stand. STOP the struggle.

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