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Where are all those guys that say that we should marry and have kids, and fight to save the west and that claim they're all chads redpilled real masculine man that know the path????

because I've never seen anything but misandric laws coming from tradcons, never seen a revolution, a protest, organized comunities etc etc, they only larp and shame people into entering the meat grinder

where are all of you that say that you're rich, masculine, strong, family cristians fixing things? you didn't do anythign and no one is actualy trying to stop you.
where are all the tradcons here? wtf you keep spaming in all threads and now you vanish?

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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SK will have to draft women soon too
It's not the kind of porn your might be thinking
I live in Vienna. Moved there like 2 years ago.
Ah right, I'd always go for the natural way unless there's a high risk of harming child or mother. How old is your wife?
I work in a hospital and most of the nurses spend their time on their phones and not doing patient care. The female administrators are absolutely worthless. They seem to spend their time picking the absolutely worst decision to make in any given situation. Healthcare in the US is doomed. If there ever is an actual pandemic the whole thing will come apart at the seams.
Women drafted in my lifetime would be kino

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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I know where some KT graves and tunnels are located in the V.I.

Very wierd to see in person
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they like to subvert countries with that money by installing their agents there, here is an example
You fucking Americans are hilarious. Your perception of Europe is all fucked up and to top it off you inject your American faggot fantasies into it.
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>Same thing happened to the jesuits a few centuries later

Jesuits are still active today, the current black pope arturo sosa makes public appearances all the time and francis was a former jesuit.
we found the true teaching of Jesus the Christ. Pope didn't like it. plus we have a lot more money.

Staple food prices are a decent metric for determining a country's strength.
50 pounds of flour in the USA is just under $20.
So roughly a dollar per kilogram.
How does your country fair?
$2.70 for 2kg at the chain supermarkets, ~90c US/kg.

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It's all so tiresome.
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one of these days nigger will be the least insulting.
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Does anyone have a good list?
those chances only increase with education. jews know this, and that's why control over educational institutions is just as important to their budgets as control over media.
Looks based to me, not my problem. He is providing the services they voted for. What is the issue here?
Don't care
Let him out, do it now, give him $10,000 for the inconvenience
Acceleration is the only way

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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Nixon almost let Israel go under in 1973. The Arabs were winning, and Nixon hated kike power in the US, and held off on sending vitally needed conventional arms (meant to protect NATO from Soviet attack) to Israel until Golda Meier said she'd nuke Arab capitols if he didn't. After that, they were out to get him and did.
He also wanted to impose major sanctions on Israel over their nuclear program.
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>looking for the reds was no doubt looking for jews
The parallel is striking, it's no secret that kikes were commies but not all commies are kikes. Switzerland was where all of that autism including national central banking, came from and still spews forth from though. Not nuking Switzerland in WW2 was a mistake of epic proportions.
I feel like there was still a old guard of real Americans that were just starting to notice all these jews/commies subverting America during 50-70s but it's always "reds" they never come out and says it's the jews yet in private they knew, like Nixon .maybe ww2 it was a iffy thing to name the jews.
America was boned from the start since the founding fathers elected to wait to secure our government, they put in our Constitution the ability for congress to unilaterally ban any group of people from our country but only after 1876 so we could grow a population. They likely intended this for non-whites in general but Lincoln as well as Johnson repurposed it to free slaves and grant safe haven.

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and say Christ is King
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Denounce the Tanakh
>You must choose one of our two options goy
Christ is not real, Talmud if retarded fake bullshit too.
Christ is king.
I denounce the Talmud
>It's not an interpretation
If you actually care, read the gospels
Death is not being used in the context of "passing away", it's describing damnation, I already told you this, you can read the books yourself in context and you could understand what I'm saying, or just refuse and declare your interpretation infallible without even reading the books, I don't care
So you're saying Jesus said only some of his disciples would avoid damnation? That just some there that day would not taste death (be damned) before they saw him coming with his rewards and army of angels?

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imagine being a non-citizen in a foreign country and making threats like this and then wondering why people are racist
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Whites had the
>Freedom Convoy.
Now we are witnessing the browns and their
>Redeem Pilgramige

Best of luck to you Fuck-Os!
Honestly nobody wants you here, when you have REDDIT communities being targeted by jeets, you're completely fucked.

Redditards are as fucking progressive as they come. If even the S.O.Y.BOYS are uttering phrases like:
>"There are way too many Indians in Toronto"
The Overton window has shifted SO far that you will have 8-18 months to vacate the land or be suited for work-camp attire!

Shit is going to get ROUGH when even the NPCs turn a blind eye to your 'misfortune'.
Imagine living in a society so pathetic that we’d ever entertain this as a problem/threat.
ah hunger strikes the only kind of strike where no one would ever know you were actually striking unless the lying media didn't shove cameras in your face because you are instrumental to their leftist agenda like Gandhi who would have gone completely unnoticed if it wasn't for Jewish media making him the current thing.
What a bunch of little bitches kek
yeah I saw the revcoms at PEI were supporting them, I thought it was weird. I openly tell normies and strangers how much I hate them and tell them they eat cow shit, etc. I have a jeet video album on my phone and show it to them too if they dont believe it

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Open fire on zogbots once deployed or just tell the recruiters you hate niggers so they leave you alone?
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Ok pavel, when are they deporting your ass back to jewkraine?
>Translation: "this propaganda is annoyingly good, and we have no decent counter at the moment"
Gay eating poopoo
I'm 32 and disabled, they ain't taking me lmao

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how will the world move past boomers?
the world is run for them and by them, what happens when they finally die off?

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


TKD its coming
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shit screenshot on that
These people are rats. remove their nests and they'll find another. simply closing their institutions only delays the inevitable again. there is a solution to all this and it requires helicopter rides and rope, lots and lots of rope.

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Thank you for your service.
>straight outta Compton
he looks like the dude you fuck with so they look like ass to the e-8, e-9. Then you treat said e-9 like a bro so he thinks staff sarg is just a retard.

t. retired zoggie
Nobody will get this. So I'll explain for all the retards...

OP pic name is Compton.
Nigger posted.
Niggers are turds.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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Where did he find these lists? I've been searching elections canada with no luck.
Are we in clown world or demon world right now?
Not sure unfortunately but I think they showed up in the thread again here... I think. same typing style at least
may be able to answer if they're still around
I try to watch CPAC but it just makes me too angry most times.
Dont care. Still voting Plamondon

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Quisling has been grossly mischaracterised, he was actually an academic military strategist.
Churchill was organising an invasion and occupation of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Hitler reacted by invading Norway to protect Scandanavia from Allied invasion. This also protected rare metals and agricultural produce trade that Germany relied on for the war effort.
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yes but nobody wants to hurt Norwegians
bump for more Norway anon takes
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This was Halldis Neegaard Østbye

A prominent member of Vidkun's party.
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This is what she said about Jews.

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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Is it a war against the jews? No? Then it's a jewish organized brother war and no thanks.
I want a war bride. I want a woman I can keep as property who I take in war. Even better a war bride harem of several concubines to produce my heirs. Every soldier deserves some good slave pussy to ensure his line continues.
A declaration of war against international jewry.

Alos, I'm an officer.
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Literal zogbots doing research for their recruitment psyops
I’m just not gonna do it. I can’t think of anything that would convince me

Why is /pol/ so afraid of eating bugs if they're good for you?
>he eats food
>I'm not Beelzebub the lord of flies
>Just consume the totally innocent bugs
>This won't condemn you to eternal servitude
Fuck off kike

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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This. Make it a national holiday.
We should cast colored stones into a bucket and they should be counted in a public auditorium with the public watching every single count that takes place like the ancient Greeks. The fact that any part of the process is secret and left up to nameless unidentifiable people ought to be revolution-worthy.
Blockchain voting is literally the only way to have 100% transparent and accountable voting. If someone's vote was counted wrong they would be able to see it in the vote explorer and would require an audit of the voting software and voting machines. Right now all they have to do is rip up your ballot or not even count it to rig an election
musk is right. even back in Bush vs Gore it was proven that machines in Florida, owned by the texas based company DIEBALD that also made ATMs and gambling machines, was proven to had to tampered with across the state in key districts. the details all came out in court, just like today with the donald trump cases, and those cases about Bush vs Gore Florida went on through even Obama's term, long after Bush was out of office. Just like the Election lawsuits over the 2020 election are still ongoing today. They blatantly have to cheat more and more and its super obvious but they have locked up key district courts and throw out and/or drag out all cases about elections indefinitely. the elections are entirely down to who controls what machines in which key states and who also controls the courts in those states. those are the people who decide the election and have been for decades. Obama put forth a whole government funded "get out the vote" program that solely targets potential democrat low income voters, using tax payer money that is still on going and literally pays people to go collect up absentee votes, register a bunch of old people in old folks homes, etc. they do it all, and pay for it using tax payer money.
>I have it, understand it, and love it.
No, you don't under stand it. I bet you're not even white

Not sure if I'm an incel or just super depressed since I haven't really made the effort to date and meet girls.
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built for BBC
If you haven't made an effort that doesn't make you an incel. It just means you've given up, or fear the rejection.
For me it's just depression. I get approached by cute girls sometimes. I just can't be bothered to go out of my way to get girls.
Also if you're not making an effort to get girls you're not an incel but a volcel (voluntarily celibate)
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I have lost full interest too. but luckily i am not a virgin and have had gf's etc. so it's not so bad. all girls are whores now

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What makes desert people so fucking powerful? Seriously, the entire world basically revolves around these 4 nations. Praise the sun?
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Have you ever seen Texas…
The ice nations were taught well by the desert folks.
Is this loss?
Sorry ice bear =(
The metrics are meaningless when anyone can lie. Sharing a country with the third world hasn’t taught you this?

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go figure

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