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6-1. It’s the worst embarrassment since we burned the White House in the War of 1812
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americans coping and seething itt wow
Sports in general.
A crowd of middle class-poor people pay for the privilege of watching millionaires play a schoolyard game to pacify their suppressed tribalism in the guise of municipal patriarchy when players are bought, sold, and traded amongst teams and very few if any of them are actually from the city they represent, or even from the country for that matter. It is utter retardation at best and blatant nigger worship at worst.
The only appeal that makes any sense to me is the gambling aspect as you can at least make educated bets based on stats. But even that is likely rigged.
Anyways, let these cavemen beat their chest in triumph, some fags from Edmonton beat some fags from Florida in hockey. Real achievement considering Florida has no ice. Maybe this victory will put them in a good enough mood that they won't beat their significant other this week.
>two goalies 6'6"
wtf? jesus christ

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This is an extreme temperature for white people
You are too far removed from British humour. Back to Monty Python.
it was 97F down here in coonass territory today. dry and sunny though, a pretty nice day all things considered
Don’t see the big deal. Muzzies are used to hotter weather than that.

what is the plan to protect our Zoom-zoom friends from being drafted into the white genocide wars
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I don't care about anyone but me.
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>what is the plan
If you see something,
stab (((someone))).
fight and get killed or don't fight and get killed. that's how wars work
Disable yourself or evade. Literally what they did during vietnam draft
I'll protect the zoomets in my dungeon if you know what I mean

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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>work night water crew
>low pressure alarm goes off
>drive to substation and see big pool of water on the way
>"broken line, backhoe, notify facebook/media I'm shutting the mains"
>6 man crew digging collaring shoveling
>end of job man in hole torquing collar bolts and line repair
>cars drive by
Her maiden name is a poojeet name, though. She is a poojeet.
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This. They mad gibs is over. You should have listened.
Gibs over?
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lol canada is a joke
and alberta is supposed to be the rugged cowboy tradesman province

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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Imagine still falling for Red Team / Blue Team
>One issue voter.
Well, have you heard of her?
>trump has dementia
>not biden
>biden is fine
>ignore all of his weird moments, he's just a funny old man
>trump is the demented one
>biden has never had a moment typical of one suffering dementia in his life
>but trump definitely has it
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That was top 3 Trump rally today, he was in rare form.

Spic Fuentes shitskin cult is literally raiding detroit IRL
youre jewish

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There's been a lot of infighting on here lately. Don't forget picrel
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The ultimate problem is that christianity IS a jewish subversion of our natural European values
case in point
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I dont hate christian whites, i hate christianity
Im not trying to destroy my fellow whites, im trying to save them from a ploy
Fuck off christcuck, no true white will side with you. You are cancer to societies. You are the poison of overcompassionate bleeding hearts.

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Brit Milah Metizah B'peh is a traditional Jewish circumcision practice that involves sucking blood from the wound. It is also known as Metzitzah B'peh.

In this procedure, the mohel (the person performing the circumcision) uses their mouth to suck blood from the wound to clean it and promote healing. This is done right after the circumcision. It is an important part of the brit milah ritual in some Orthodox Jewish communities.

Some people are concerned that Metzitzah B'peh could spread infectious diseases, like herpes, from the mohel to the infant.
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Her name is Katie Grant. She is a reporter (article writer) from the UK. It appears she is Jewish because she writes for a Jewish magazine.
She looks like a painting
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There is more to this face than just being Jewish. She probably has some sort of disease. Her face is unnaturally elongated.
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>All circumcision and ritual animal slaughter should be banned.

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Jannies: Political cause WW3 is at our doorstep.

Ok so for the past months I've been going constantly from panic to neh (nothing ever happens).

Now I am in kind of paralyzed state where I don't take any action(moving to some place like Argentina) nor do I feel safe with where I currently am.

Today I had a dream although I've never read a religious book.

It goes like this:

There are alot of people and there is a rocket ´launch. The fire from it is so intense that It kinda blinds you if you look at it. There is panic and people running everywhere after the launch. I follow someone called Nathanail(Biblical name?). Eventualy we are at some kind of old Temple. At this temple there are different corners. I ask Nathanail for the one called Truth. He shows me where it is and I go there. I then ask him about my Brother. And he tells me something like he has to find/chose by himself. The place or Temple had no roof but it still felt kinda safe.

It will happen won't it? Where is this "Temple"? Does someone know?
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Ok Varg
Thnx. that makes sense. Indeed, that's been the case many times. I recently asked him to walk the same path.
How can you tell its not some kind of prophetic dream? Or are all dreams just messaging from unconsciousness to conscioussness?
>retard thought “all psychology is…le fake!” was safe
>continues doubling down due to primitive monkey brain ego
many such cases, sad etc
But why do I dream in biblical terms and figures?
>turns to the atheist for a religious dream
You're retarded.

>The Central Command said one commercial sailor from the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk cargo carrier Tutor remained missing after an attack Wednesday by the Houthis that used a bomb-carrying drone boat to strike the vessel.
>“The crew abandoned ship and were rescued by USS Philippine Sea and partner forces,” Central Command said. The “Tutor remains in the Red Sea and is slowly taking on water.”
A ragtag group of khat-chewers is BTFOing the entire US navy through simple geographic reality. Honestly the most soulful event of modern geopolitics.
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Steven segal is really getting back into shape.
So the US has a carrier in the Red Sea and it still can't stop the Houthis from blowing up ships. Sad!
they aren't capable of teleporting if that's what you're asking
I don't think that is winning.
They are only capable of hiring shitskins and getting btfo by a different kind of shitskins

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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he didn't even have designs on russia; he attacked them because they were massing troops for a surprise attack at the german border.
I gotta take a wicked shit, Tone. This thread seems as good a place as any...
> unbuckles belt
> takes off socks
> pull down jeans to ankles
> pull down Rocko's Modern Life boxer-briefs to knees
> pops a squat
> groans
> lets out a rapidfire series of farts, like a stuttering engine
> moans
> the bowel movement proper begins
> a turd peeks out like a prairie dog
> strength falters momentarily and the turd slides back in
> reconstitute and redouble
> the turd is finally en route to destination properly
> push! push! Good God, push!

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It was a gamble. His choice's were lose slowly due to resource starvation or go all in on Russia and hope they collapsed
check this out
you poor stupid jewish educated goy
Muh slavs are inferior and they're even struggling to knock out finland

Muh stalin purged generals

Muh the communist regime will collapse like the tsarist empire did in ww1

Muh speed

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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>pick a side goy
Just notice the way the jew facing away from the cop taps the cop's gun with his hand, and then you will understand.
>then you will understand.
No now I have even more questions. But 50% of those questions still boil down to
>whos jewing who here?
I didn't notice that. Do you know what led up to this moment? cause that cop was in "I don't give a fuck" mode at that moment.

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this speech was way harder than anything from Charlottesville
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These guys never say anything racial
They correctly point out shit about jews

But are trembling nigger lovers
It’s a fucking problem

Race is the biggest and most obvious redpill

But so called nationalists always put it in the backseat because they’re afraid of recognizing non whites as an enemy
post link
>But are trembling nigger lovers
poisoning the well
here's what you miss:
get rid of the Jews and every other problem sorts itself out naturally, likely without bloodshed
kikes import brownoids
kikes empower brownoids
kikes empower women
kikes rot education
kikes rot government agencies
kikes rot finance
kikes rot judiciary
kikes rot sports
kikes rot culture, media, entertainment, everything
without kikes, we'd have stores closed on Sundays, women would prefer to have children, niggers wouldn't be uppity and the violent ones would be shot on sight, judges wouldn't be activist, politicians would be scared of constituents again, blah blah blah
Jews are the problem, cure the infection and the symptoms go away
>eceleb shit
looks about as fake as Charlottesville too

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Reminder that America will be fine if WW3 happens: it will be a problem mostly for the Europeans and Asians. They are the ones mostly fighting for resources. It will be comfy for NA.
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we get nuked retard
actually you're probably right, makes sense that USA wants to bait Europe into another war. We get the Europeans and Russians to kill each other, and then we come in and finish the job and pick the winner/fund the rebuilding

Europe is basically just a warzone at this point. We build it up, force them into wars and then pick up the pieces/profit.

The biggest question is, why do Euros keep falling for this?
They like all the free gibs from America in the meantime.
No one's gonna have the balls to use them. Humans are pussies.
Once drafted, zogbots will be deployed to europe and asia.

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Zelensky says that his peace plan is to continue war for at least 4 years until "Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes." “If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”"

His hold of power in Ukraine now rests on continuation of the war in spite of devastating consequences to Ukraine & practically zero chance of defeating Russia.

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fuck you and your kike paywall
source on the 5 to 1 casualty ratio? or did you just pull that out of your ass your worthless faggot?
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>ass your worthless faggot?

Shitskin grammar.
>eternal war
>eternal suspension of elections
>eternal globohomo stooge in power

they'll try to carry on looting the natural resources while still at war
Zelenky gonna need poop viagra by the time I’m done wit him

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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>But does he awoo?
The term "awoo" typically refers to the sound that wolves make, often used metaphorically or humorously online. It's not clear if Sneako specifically uses "awoo" in any particular context related to his content or persona.
Some dude who got canceled for being a baka and then converted to Islam to rebuild his career. He recently showed up to Speakers' Corner, trying to argue against the Trinity with a seasoned Christian and was woefully unprepared as the Christian answered his charges and then started asking about aspects of the Qur'an which Sneako was completely unprepared to defend due to him being undereducated in his new faith.

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chuds stay SEETHIN
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Another gaslight thread
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There is no limit. People have been waiting 2000 years for Jesus to come back to life.
US is objectively the least worst off in terms of job market, inflation, and cost of living death spirals versus any other western nation. Bad as things seem here it is far worse in Europe, and the worst off in Canada.
How does one get to the point where they need to completely drop all their morals and common sense to actually print this?

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>Even the Military industrial complex decides pesticides like Chlorfenapyr
arent safe for human consumption
>Marijuana from California tests at 2000x the limit
>Chlorfenapyr and other pesticides are reproductive toxins, endocrine disruptors, and even cause Parkinson's
>Marijuana contaminants now exceed contaminates found in cigarettes
>This effects every major licensed brand
Daily reminder California trace contamination is a nation wide problem and you're more fucked than boomers who were exposed to leaded paint/gasoline. Enjoy smoke insecticides and fungicides faggot
just grow the stuff yourself lol
I used to smoke all the time. I quit the moment it became legal medicinally.

>turns you black
Nothing personnel kid
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>turns you black
Think the drug just reflects the state of American culture right now, which is nigger everything. And not even good nigger culture like Michael Jackson or Earth, Wind & Fire.

Pot’s also not even the same drug that it was. After Colorado legalized it in 2012, the amount of THC fucking skyrocketed and now we have people getting Cannabis-induced psychosis.

>tldr: weed’s gay and 4er faggots
I realized the last time I got stoned I can control other people’s minds
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why did you quit?
Personal* stupid asswipe

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Suddenly, many mainstream media sites are trying to DEBOONK the idea that the covid vaccine has killed people. Why even bother to DEBOONK it, if it is fake? Some of the latest articles in the past 24 hours:








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How many fucking times are you gonna post this exact post today? Verbatim

"vaccine deaths" are mostly covid deaths, because it attaches to the ace 2 receptors the virus can get to basically any organ in the body, we're all cooked and not because of the "vax"
covid isnt real. The vax is fucking toxic poison and is mass killing people
This thread was started by a top tier retard who has been restarting it every hour or two.
This is what losing looks like. It's poor parents must be living in shame.

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