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Ban lonely white men
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>The suspect is 42 years old but has no previous criminal history - he is suspected to have faced some mental health challenges, said Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. He did have at least one other gun at the Shelby Township residence where he lived with his mother, an AR-style rifle on the table.

>Three of the victims are from one family with the two youngest victims an 8-year-old boy with a wound to the head who is in critical condition, a 4-year-old shot in the thigh, and their mother, 39, with wounds to the abdomen who is in critical, according to

>The other five victims are described as:

> A 39-year-old woman with wounds to the back and arm, who is in stable condition
> A 30-year-old man with a right leg wound who is in stable
> A 78-year-old man with an abdomen wound who is in stable
> A 37-year-old woman with a hand wound in stable
> A 40-year-old man with a right knee wound who is in stable
The typical shooting in jew controlled america
Shooting occurs and then some time pass, suddenly the body of the "alleged" shooter turns up.
Never are cops, politicians, state officials targeted in these attacks.
Just regular civilians are targeted.

HMMMM, tough nut to crack bubbah.
>mentally ill mass murderer
like pottery
Literally every single one. And that's why they happen at schools, malls, and water parks where there are lots of children.
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>splash around in piss
>get shot

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Can any world leader reading this please nuke the fake and gay country of Lithuania asap.
Women are incredibly attractive and incredibly insane. I don’t know why we allow this country to exist.
Dated Lithuanian hole years ago. Couple weeks ago she blew me in the Barnes and noble. Now is blackmailing me with providing sexual favors and random retarded things (such as 15 year old brass zippo lighter and a blue jigged bon case trapper knife, bag of cat food from raw meat… not a joke)for fun cause I have no $. She’s added my wife and comments on her pics broz.. This won’t stop, she is pure evil. I’ve avoided social media my entire life because this..
I’m sure this won’t work but if any world leaders are reading this please nook Lithuania for any reason possible. It was worth a try.
Shut the fuck up fag.
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I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
Meanwhile you are married and have some chick on the side. This life is a bitch.
it wont begin.

frankly i'm not sure i'll have a wife/kids myself, as i'll be 36 very soon but at least im starting to make money. might go retire somewhere soon. i took a big risk in life and got lucky (i hope).

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Nigel Farage is not going to save the UK
Anyone who thinks that is a certified moran
It's so embarrassing to see nu-/pol/ get giddy over Nigel Farage

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Why do lefties think slavery only existed in the West and all slave owners were Whites?
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Why can't lefties understand that the only reason slavery ended in the states is because the cotton mill made slaves obsolete, and that ending slavery would force less established competitors out who still depended on slaves?

Why did america go to war with itself in order to justify the elites to release their responsibility without actually having to deal with the financial concequences by law of freeing their slaves prior to abolishion?

Why did they try to shift the actual blame to a broader idea of america in order to have their cake, and look good eating it as well?

Really makes you think anon.
I don't?
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Yes it's "le bad" because it means having niggers living next to you you retard.

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Anons defend yourselves against Jewish atrocity propaganda

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What goes on here /pol/?
Ok imagine being separated from your state because two states were going to go to war over a border dispute
So Michigan btfo'd Wisconsin?

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lmao why the fuck are they on a gay bar listening to gay Eurodance anthems like Kylie Minogue? SO BASED AND LE TRAD, RIGHT CUCkPEYRS?
Could probably cut the size down, but it'll do
tell me the size dimensions you would find optimal where it's not overly big anymore. I'll make it again with a new angle too and aftermath real quick
the DJ and security started it up to drown out nick's speech

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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the Millennials in the stock market thread has 100+ replies
Kek. Such respect for their flag.
the flat earth debate thread has 220 replies
All jews want the same world government.
based orthodox schlomos

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>My fiction says it is true so it must be true because no one in the history of time has ever lied or made stuff up.
There is no evidence that god(s), Jesus, etc. exist. There is only evidence that liars exist.

Yahweh was just an Arabian God of raiding, the raider caravans eventually settled in in Israel where Yahweh took on the name El Shaddai, God of the mountain, because Israel is a mountainous land. Yahweh also became a god of destructive storms due to the local flooding. Here Yahweh merged with the Canaanite culture and slowly merged with El, the king and father god of the Canaanite pantheon. Here Yahweh took on characteristics of El such as El's old age, wisdom, love, etc. Yahweh also took on characteristics of El's son, Baal, the god of fertility and rain storms (positive rainstorms for farming).

Yahweh moved from a regional god of Israel and eventually evolved and merged with other gods to become a god of everything.

The Bible, especially the oldest Biblical scriptures found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, mention the plurality of real gods that were in competition of Yahweh and even states that El was Yahweh's father. Modern Bibles also mention some of these polytheistic traits.

Yahwehism is all lies and you need to do some due diligence on the origin of the beliefs others taught you, otherwise you will unnecessarily waste your life.

There has never been a first hand account of Jesus. All the books of the bible were written decades of centuries after Jesus' supposed death. None of the people mentioned in the Bible that supposedly witnessed Jesus ever wrote about Jesus on their own accord.

It's all BULLSHIT.
Athiesm or religion is for low iq subhumans, true chads are agnostic because they know they dont know shit and unwillingly glid out of a utures. Noone actually knows shit people that think they do are retarded at best and dogmatically evil at worst
Atheism/theism are statements of belief.

Agnosticism/gnosticism is a statement of knowledge.

Most atheists are agnostic atheists.

Here's a simple test to know what you are:

Do you currently believe in god(s)? If the answer is "no", you are atheist. It doesn't matter if you know the exact nature of the god(s).
>the religion i happen to follow is the true one
said by every religious tard ever

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In this general, we discuss the damage done to mankind by political ideologies and philosophies which have atheism as their root.

The Marxist-Leninist view of religion


The Very Real Link Between Satanism & Liberalism

Christian completely and utterly BTFO delusional ACKtheist troon fucker and its worshippers.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Jews are the original atheists. They rejected Christ.
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still not following your bronze age goat herder myths
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>look at this thread i made
>it's totally organic and not a larp psyop
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>That image
It's unironically church teaching that you do not pursue a woman with a child, it's adultery, he has to fuck off and if she ends up a single mom then she gets what she deserves

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Imagine a sea of people, stretching as far as the eye can see, flooding the streets of cities across France. The crowd is a kaleidoscope of colors, with protesters of all ages, genders, and backgrounds united in their message of resistance against the far-right National Rally party.

The sheer scale of the demonstration is breathtaking. With over 600,000 people participating, it's like a tidal wave of humanity surging through the streets. To put it into perspective, this is indeed larger than Russia's standing army, which is estimated to be around 300,000 active personnel.

The protesters are a diverse bunch, with students, workers, retirees, and families all marching together. Some carry signs and banners, while others wear t-shirts and hats with slogans and logos that reflect their opposition to the National Rally party. The air is electric with the sound of chanting, singing, and drumming, as the crowd's energy and passion are palpable.

As the marchers make their way through the streets, they fill the sidewalks, spill onto the roads, and even climb onto statues and monuments to get a better view. The atmosphere is one of defiance and determination, with many protesters holding hands, linking arms, or forming human chains to show their solidarity.
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The largest known ransom paid to the Nazis was for the release of Baroness Élisabeth de Rothschild, a member of the wealthy and influential Rothschild banking family.

In 1940, Baroness de Rothschild was arrested by the Nazis in Paris and held for ransom. The Nazis demanded a massive sum of 25 million francs (approximately $5 million at the time) in exchange for her release.

The Rothschild family, with the help of other wealthy Jews and the French Resistance, managed to raise the ransom and pay it to the Nazis. Baroness de Rothschild was eventually released and escaped to Switzerland, where she lived in exile until the end of the war.

This ransom payment is often cited as one of the largest and most notable examples of the Nazis' extortion and blackmail tactics during World War II. The Nazis frequently used ransom demands as a way to extract wealth and valuables from wealthy Jews and other targeted groups, and the Baroness de Rothschild's case is a stark reminder of the brutal and cynical nature of the Nazi regime.
Did you know germany started trannies
The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) was a pioneering research institution in Weimar Germany, established in 1919 by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, a German-Jewish physician and sexologist. Hirschfeld was a prominent figure in the field of sexology and a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and sexual reform.

The institute was dedicated to the scientific study of human sexuality, and it quickly became a hub for research, education, and advocacy on issues related to sexuality, gender, and sexual health. The institute's work was groundbreaking for its time, as it challenged traditional norms and taboos surrounding sexuality and promoted a more open and accepting approach to human sexuality.

Hirschfeld was joined by other prominent Jewish intellectuals and researchers, including Dr. Arthur Kronfeld and Dr. Friedrich Radszuweit, who contributed to the institute's work on sexual science, psychology, and sociology. The institute's research and publications covered a wide range of topics, including sexual orientation, gender identity, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was also known for its museum, which featured a vast collection of artifacts, artworks, and educational materials related to human sexuality. The institute's library and archives were also extensive, containing rare and valuable materials on the history of sexuality and sexual science.

Tragically, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was destroyed by the Nazis in 1933, during the early years of the Third Reich. The institute's library and archives were burned, and many of its staff members, including Hirschfeld, were forced into exile or persecuted by the Nazi regime.
>Tragically, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was destroyed by the Nazis in 1933, during the early years of the Third Reich. The institute's library and archives were burned, and many of its staff members, including Hirschfeld, were forced into exile or persecuted by the Nazi regime.
Whose side are you on? are you some kind of FAG
You are either manic or a bot. You aren't responding to anyone.
I had caffeine my nigger
some of the AI is post ironic in the sense that it will obviously spew out a bullshit faggot answer and I'll post it knowing it said the right content with the wrong context.

All the biggest globalist things took place under his reign. He reinforced the globalists' reputation dramatically while tanking U.S. reputation worldwide. "America First" is Trump's Big Lie. Biden is unironically more America First than Trump, as Biden serves the U.S. Deep State interest, while Trump serves the Chabad globalist interest.

Am I wrong?
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He said he would do things but hasnt done them for years
I still believe him
is juden peterstein actually a jew? i thought he was just a shabbos goy and a cuck
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Yes you are wrong.
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Look at his wife. True satanism is matriarchy
what about his wife? im too lazy. you're bringing up juden peterstein for no reason at all, just an irrelevant grifter. are you juden peterstein? self-promoting on /pol:?

how to avoid this as a man, /pol/ ?
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avoid white women
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The man or group called Satoshi found the solution. Jews can't take down decentralized systems.
What's wrong with it
Cross the street.
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Having kids with a professional whore and being a grump will age your face. If you really wanna compare look at Methodman 18 years ago and now.

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Was the Mandalay Bay shooting a glowy psyop?
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TRump visited the wounded...
why would professionals panic and start shooting at a security guard?
my current theory is that all mass shootings (that we hear about) are glow ops. real mass shootings do happen ocassionally but they are covered up completely.
I agree

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Does Europe really extend to Azerbaijan?
Culturally no. But Europe has culturally been shrinking for 1500 years.
Europe is a meme, it's not really a continent, it's not really anything, just a collection of massive faggots
Europe and Asia are the same continent.
The Atlantic Council has experts that says there is an invisible line.
anything east of the black sea is not part of europe

It's her YUGA!!!!

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We all know hentai is popular with men (part of the broader porn problem) - Do if that's what men want, what is the equivalent for women?

Do they really want an emo shy vampire?

Has porn effected them in the same way it has men?
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What is the real "ideal male physique" for women?

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What are the political implications of His decrees? How do you practice these teachings in your own life? What is the political solution to the problem of money? Jesus Christ explicitly says you can not serve both God and money. What does that mean for us?
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So Rabbi Yeshua was white, blond and blue-eyed just like Rabbi Shmuley? That means /pol/ must worship Rabbi Shmuley too since he's also a BASED AND REDPILLED ancient aryan Israelite.
I have achieved direct experience of God in this life through ascetic practices. I can't be persuaded at this point to doubt His existence.
I don't know if he was black but he definitely wasn't some blonde haired blue eyed white guy
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>sermon on the mount
The most cucked thing ever written.
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He looked a lot like this now dead Palestinian medical student.

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Reuters: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
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>Amerimutts make trillions from selling a cure for their own leaked virus
>Amerimutt vax proves to be as defective as the Amerimutt bioweapon labs
>Amerimutts now insinutating they never wanted the vax anyways and China forced the vaxx on them
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More like an anti-Pentagon interference with foreign countries (again) thread
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>Verification not required.

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>wins elections in your path
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>win ellections
In reality, he lost the three last ones.
Why you shills are stupid?
Also PSOE is a cheka eta cryminal sect mafia.
Q te follen a ti y al Perro Chanche.
Looks like an old Nick Fuentes.
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>Mogs you.
El guapo got you seething
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Dat neigger is destroying this country.
His followers are turbo mega retards all.
And they are the most outspoken cuz all the media here is in the hands of la PESOE.
Of course im seething.. it is all i have left..

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