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AFPAC canceled! Sorry NO REFUNDS!
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fire alarm pulling, swatting, terror threats and so forth
Basically anything that isn’t kosher conservatism

Being harassed by law enforcement happened with the alt right often
Event venues can't just cancel at the last minute without cause. Someone had to pay that venue a ton of money which will go to pay the cost to cancel it. Figure out who paid the venue to dump the event at the last minute.
Just rent a plot of land and stage it there. Like Woodstock or something.
Nick thinks he's a genius but he can't plan for contingencies.
He should have expected that his venue might get the call and cancel him.

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Have the russians reached west enough to have kiIIed and raped them yet?

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I’m just not dying for ZOG!
I know, UGH I know, I’m sorry!
It’s just…. I’m not gonna go is all!

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Dude has a near death experience and encounters the wheel of samsara trying to take his soul
>On the 15th July 2013, at about 7.45am, I was on my way to work and approaching the intersection and getting ready to take a left-hand turn. This is a notoriously dangerous intersection on any day, and there have been many accidents there. It is hard to see if the intersection is clear from the right and the left turn is particularly hazardous. I was running late and in a flustered state of mind. I had an important meeting that I’d been planning for carefully over a number of days, and a really stupid delay at the last minute put all of that in jeopardy. It should also be understood that a much better traffic signal system exists there today than was in place at the time of this incident.

>I approached the intersection in a hurry. I looked to the right and believed that I had correctly viewed that nothing was approaching from the right, so I made the left turn. As I crossed the intersection, I glanced right once more and saw a vehicle heading straight for me at what could only have been in excess of ninety miles per hour. We saw each other. I saw the look in the other guy’s eyes because we were that close. A collision was absolutely inevitable. There is no way on this earth that it could have been avoided.

>What happens next is EXTREMELY difficult to describe, but I will do my best. And this can be (and must be) taken to apply to everything that I am going to attempt to relate from this point onwards. Words, even the most carefully chosen words, capture no more than 1% of this experience at best, and even then very poorly. This is quite possibly the most frustrating thing about giving this account.

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>With this came another understanding that frightened me even more. I knew that unless I soon selected one of these realities to slide back into, that the wheel would coerce the situation by deciding for me. One way or another, I WOULD be 'sorted' whether I liked it or not. If I didn’t choose for myself, I would simply be fitted into place at some nearest position on the wheel to the point where I failed to make the decision; if that makes sense. I was aware of having a limited ability to choose, but not much. Even that limited ability wasn’t much use because each reality slammed against me and through me before I could make much sense of what it contained.

>Even I did not remain the same from one slot in the wheel to the next. It was as if when each film broke over me, I was destroyed and made again from the ground up as a completely new self. There was no continuous 'me' that traveled unaltered through that wheel and can somehow report back on this experience. This is just one of the many things that is so very hard to explain. The very idea of a continuous self was contradicted by this experience.
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>I have forgotten, or perhaps it was deliberately suppressed, the vast majority of what I saw in the various universes or paddles of the wheel. At the beginning, they seemed very similar to this world we inhabit, or believe ourselves to inhabit. For example, I have a floating memory of seeing various different scenarios of how the accident played out. I suspect that these were all nearby paddles on the wheel. In one of them I remember seeing what looked like my vehicle thrown right off the road and so badly damaged that it looked like it had been folded in the center like a pocket knife. I seemed to recall many other scenarios like this that I can no longer remember. To clarify: what I mean is that I seemed to file or flip through numerous conceivable (quantum?) possibilities for the outcome of the accident. I can remember doing this, but I cannot remember what any of these particular 'worlds' contained.

>I have no explanation for why I failed to experience any of the phenomena usually reported with the imminent death situations like the tunnel, the light, and so on. I suspect that imminent death experiences are symbolic scenarios that flash up just as someone is entering or exiting the wheel, but before the situation has developed very far. At no stage did I see anything whatever that resembled what we humans would think of as an afterlife or spirit world or life after death realm. It’s as if we are either on the outer surface of the wheel itself, in one of its realized worlds, or else we are dead and we are the wheel itself. The wheel is a space where all uncreated possibility exists, but nothing completed or actual. And bear in mind that nothing was concealed from me. I was the ALL, and knew the ALL. I certainly don’t retain it or pretend do, but I knew it then.
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>I began to grow extremely panicked. Each time I thought I was just beginning to get a handle on things, I would be slapped over violently and ruthlessly into a new slot in the wheel and a whole new 'me' would crystallize, along with all the memories and assumptions that went along with that world. I remembered none of who I was just a moment ago in another paddle on the wheel. I had no memory whatsoever of where I had come from or the highway situation in my world. I had zero memory of that world. I knew I had come from a 'somewhere' but had no recollection of where that was, or even who I was. It was about the most bizarre thing that you could imagine.

>Somehow though, and I can only assume that it happened without any conscious action on my part, the possibilities appearing in the wheel began to narrow down and become somewhat more familiar again. Scenarios associated with the accident began to appear once more. I say once more, but I have no real way of knowing whether this was a separate incidence of this to what I described above, or whether it was really the same incidence because time was functioning so unusually during the whole episode.

>Again I saw, or seemed to see, variations or possible world-outcomes where I died in the crash. I seemed to understand intuitively that if I went 'into' any of these, I would be there for only a few moments or minutes at most, and then I would have to come out and face the wheel again almost immediately. I didn’t want to do this. But there was an odd kind of knowing associated with that too. The wheel didn’t seem bothered one way or the other. It didn’t seem to matter to it whether I emerged again in three minutes time or three decades time. All it cared about was sorting me, and there was a kind of ruthlessness to this that I will not soon forget.
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>I found myself back on the highway in what seemed to be a very short distance back up the road, still approaching the intersection. This is just one of the many mysteries associated with the event that I cannot explain. Did I choose a world which was a version of our universe in which the accident hadn’t quite happened yet, but was just seconds away from happening? I can’t say, because I have no memory of making that decision. I remember the look on that driver’s face as clearly as if it were yesterday. I remember him bracing back on the wheel. But I braked as I reached the intersection and that driver, or his car, were simply nowhere to be seen.

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This little Russian metastasis is a legitimate security concern for NATO that's going away one way or the other. Nobody really wants anything from it, other than having the Russians gone.
Why don't we offer it up to the yids to build New Khazaria there? It's close enough, big enough, and they can use their experience from Gaza to shape the ethnic composition as they see fit. Win-win.

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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The alps have nothing on the rockies and Sierra nevadas. Oh yea and death valley the hottest place on earth.
>Hannibal with a thousand troops is equivalent to a modern military
more of her feet pls
You're retarded. You don't know the terrain in this country and forget the fact we are armed to the teeth.
There's already decent feet pics.

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How do we solve Japan's racism issue against mixed Japanese? These are native Japanese who were born in Japan as well.

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What world geopolitical events could happen as a consequence of this debt spiral crisis? What will be the political implications of extreme money debasement during, lets say, the next 5 years?
>What will be the political implications of extreme money debasement during, lets say, the next 5 years?
People will vote for the same retards who created the problem over and over again.

5 tons of tnt can move 225000 tons 1 foot in the air
thats 450000000 psi
for reference the core of the earth is 52700000 psi
fatman weighed five tons and the plutonium core had a surface area of 10 inches
the explosive device itself had a suface area of 2827 inches
thats 158000 psi on the plutonium core
the density of the earth's core is 13g/cm^3 and is made of nickel
the natural density of nickel is 8.9g/cm^3
thats a 46% increase in density of nickel at 52700000 psi
nickel is 5 times lighter than plutonium
the lowest yield nuclear bomb pic related is said to achieve a 23% increase in density
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if only you knew how deep the jewish rabbit hole really goes

little boy was also known as thin man
Flat earth and nukes are fake are part of the same astroturfing campaign done by the US military
basically yeah
it’s like opening a portal to a dimension of raw power for a split second
We're basically all gaslighted into believing they exist.

>yes nuke exists
>nobody used one yet because... muh mutual destruction or something
>and uh like we're gonna tell you which country has nukes and which doesn't and base that over nonsense
>and basically even a single nuke would end the world
>we were so close to use them in actual wars i swear! it was always down the last second!
>and we used them on japan! don't mind the fact that they have no genetic damage because of the radiation! it... went away fast or something


>we jews are smart! we invent all those theories that totally have practical usage in the real world like nukes and relativity and quantum physics!
>dude they're totally like my fucking video games and marvel! interdimensions for the win!
They can make you believe anything

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Bump. Fuck kikes.
Yeah...jews are known for inflating number and even killing their own. I'm skeptical about any actual jews dying and it not being a bunch of volunteers and shabbos goys

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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Do you only consume alcohol to get shitfaced? Also it doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't taste like much. It's like carbonated water with a hoppy aftertaste that gets you loose. I've tried probably 500 different beers and pisswater has its time and place.
Grupo Modelo
Parent - AB InBev

Parent - AB InBev
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Friendly reminder Trump’s son was defending Dylan the BUDLIGHT tranny
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daily reminder, by the way
tattoofags are the biggest retards on the planet

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There will be many attempts in the future to get white western men to fight wars. Don't fall for it. You will see propaganda from 'both' sides - 'right' and 'left.' Once again, don't fall for it. Their goal is the same - to get you to sacrifice or die for the ruling regime. It doesn't matter if pro-war propaganda comes from Trump or Biden or anyone else. It's the same shit, and you don't have to take it.

Remember these basic principles. They will guide you through uncertain times:

>Fuck the government and don't fight the regime's wars
>The regime fundamentally hates you and your race and wants you dead
>Do not engage in any war which will serve to enrich or empower existing elites, since the current elites are evil and want you dead

As long as you remember these basic rules, you will know what to do when the time comes.
Pictures like this one only help Israel. Their entire argument against people pointing out they're committing genocide has been to say
>Everyone protesting us is actually a racist antisemitic nazi!

This gives that claim legitimacy. It's something they can point to to back up their claim. By posting shit like this you are very directly helping the cause you're attempting to attack
jup, even the trump limited tolerated hangout will argue along those lines, qtards might actually follow the calling and get fragged by artillery. better luck next life.
Fuck off, Boomer. I'm talking to younger people who might be affected by a draft or military recruiting efforts.
Fuck off rabbi. We need to resist kikes like you by every means necessary.
Trump didn't start any new wars during his first term and he's our best bet for peace during his upcoming second term. If you don't want to be drafted- vote Trump.



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>At least 13 communicable diseases, from the common cold to measles and tuberculosis, are surging past their pre-pandemic levels in many regions, and often by significant margins
>The resulting research, based on data collected from more than 60 organizations and public health agencies, shows that 44 countries and territories have reported at least one infectious disease resurgence that’s at least ten times worse than the pre-pandemic baseline.
>The post-Covid global surge of illnesses — viral and bacterial, common and historically rare — is a mystery that researchers and scientists are still trying to definitively explain.
>The way Covid lockdowns shifted baseline immunities is a piece of the puzzle, as is the pandemic’s hit to overall vaccine administration and compliance. Climate change, rising social inequality and wrung-out health-care services are contributing in ways that are hard to measure.
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Pureblood, I haven’t been sick since I got COVID one time in Dec 2021. It was definitely the sickest I’ve ever been and convinced me it was a bioweapon but I haven’t been sick since.
It’s the vax
Some mostly antivaxx websites and authors have said that, if you didn't get that many jabs and if they didn't seem to affect you that much, that getting sick intentionally could under some cases reverse the dysfunction the vaxx causes.

For example, GVB has said in his blog something along the lines of getting the measles vaccine I think, but only if it's ***live-attenuated*** and this is extremely important
I will never take the vaccine.
>Then why is it that every anti-vax person
ahh dumdum, you have been presented with facts and links right in this very forum post, but you're too dumb to comprehend. The world needs ditch diggers, that's your role in life (shortened by taking gene therapy for the sniffles)

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She's probably going to be elected president in 2028. The Democrats have already set the precedent for having a potato as POTUS with Biden, so why not? She's popular on social media and she's a childless woman and she's a communist and she's not White, so she's pretty much the perfect Democrat.
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>delete - remove - lock
Fuck off faggot
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The marketing team of this whore basically boils down to this image. It's like watching an anime where everybody slobbers all over the MC to make him out to be a hero, but the character is actually dull as fuck and I don't care. But keep saying it
Get back in your carbonite!
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This is political.

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I know a trans person who seriously wants bottom surgery and will pay around $40000 for it.
How do I convince "her" to not fuck "her"-self up? I'm pretty sure everyone regrets it.
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lots of you who hate us lesbians happen to be pedos
The only tranny I know personally had mtf surgery over 25 years ago.
Prior to surgery, he was jetsetting to exotic locations for dinner dates with colleagues and had a hot GF
Post surgery 12 years later, she was living in a rusted out motor home essentially down by the river.

She has not had a intimate relationship in a 1/4 century.

If you are considering reassignment surgery, please don't, it is a mistake.

Remember you're here forever and /pol is always correct
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Lesbian? You are a faggot larping that you're a woman who is masturbating another faggot who is larping that he's a woman. Not one part of that equation is lesbian.
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simple really
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Zap to the extreme

Ever wonder why elites are digging bunkers? The 12,000 year cycle is here.

nothing ever happens
you are right about the bunkers, but the reason is more mundane, elite globalist players want a limited nuclear war, potentially some years of winter, it would cull most of the useless eaters and then they can rebuild the world as a technocrat society. how they will do this? well they poke putin until he fires nukes, simple as. you could stop this, but you are too busy playing vidya and masterbating, until one while jerking off you see a bright white light outside your window, and a few seconds later you turn into vapour and charcoal. congratz, anon.
this and
>if space was real they would not be building bunkers but going out with nasa.
Solar storms are just the cover story they'll use when they shut down the internet. Can't have the goyim talking to each other.
Soace would be the most dangerous place to be. Even with our classier magnetic field it's way better than no magnetic field in space. On top of that our atmosphere offers protection, it is also much easier to dig in to the earth then fly to space, which again would be the worst possible place to be.
This is probably about the only thing that could actually kick off some kind of civil war.

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Water main break, city says 3-5 more weeks, 9 days in. Reminder that Alberta workers maintain 440,000,000 meters of high pressure and temperature pipe transporting flammable and corrosive fluids and gases...yet a water pipe is taking months to repair.

The heat is coming.

Do they want to burn Calgary like they've burned/threatened so many Northern oilfield towns?

Recent fires:
Fort McMurray
Grand Prairie
Slave Lake
High Prairie
Red Earth
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Calgary flames may actually make international news for once lmao
In the city's defense, perhaps the shock of 4,100 x operating psi, damaged the line badly. But then, we'd expect to see plans to install a replacement line.
>Calgary flames may actually make international news for once lmao
Especially after Oilers floundered

You are preparing for June 18, 2024, right?
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Bumping for a QRD
Are you talking about joos numbers
July 28, 1914 - 7+28+19+14=68
September 1, 1939 - 9+1+19+39=68
February 22 2024 - 2+22+20+24=68

June 18, 2024 - 6+18+20+24=68
nostradamus of the poos claims june 18 to be kick off for ww3. or june 10 or june 29
July 21st, 2024 See you on the moon fellow apes

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
Finally, a non-gay thread
Why would you guys mock people with down syndrome? It ain't their fault they look like that
We know you mutts cant help it so we'll try to refrain from mocking you in the future

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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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>Dude get blown in half
Yeah, nothing can be done for Ivan blownupivich.
maybe the vatniggers should go back to Russia where they will be save and comfy.
I bet Putin and his henchmen are really comfy
God I hope people murder these faggots after the war. On both sides.
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you're just angry because he's having fun
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The most peacuful death that russians will experience if they decide to FUCK with NATO.
>needs to repost 6-month old gore...

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