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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
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>The Last Centurion is a memoir of one possible future, a world that is a darkling mirror of our own.
>To everyone who has ever felt they were looking out over Hadrian's Wall while Rome crumbled behind them.

the author is an ex-paratrooper with a biology degree and in this 2008 published book of his he tells a story which main plot points include a pandemic spreading out from China in 2019 as well as the protagonist properly destroying an equipment depot hes in charge of on pullout from middle-east to prevent weapons from falling into enemy hands
the book is reportedly inspired by SARS outbreak, official name of covid is SARS-CoV-2
>John Ringo is considered the originator of the anti-political correctness slogan "get woke, go broke"
>”No u!”
keep crying hooknosed vermin
>I don't want to have Alzheimers at 40! Besides, most flu vaccines don't even work!
No, they won’t. Fuck globohomo jews
send me a big tiddy jew gf
Yeah they are retards. I like the name soldier for them, because they are sold-diers. Hahaha, get it. Sold-die-ers. They agree to die for a stupid reason. They are sent halfway across the world to go fight innocent Arabs in their own Arab countries and then have the gall to claim to be the good guy in the situation.

Dude, nah. If you're a soldier sent across the world to go fight people in their own country then clearly you are the bad guy.

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/pol/ is always right without exception
This predates the "in the coming months" pasta by over a year

/pol/ is always right without exception
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Macaroni art soldiers
"You have one life so you should spend it dying for the inbred germans and mentally sand niggers who took over your government."
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shut the fuck up
Very possible, Gen Xers are not going to be very happy about the trying to draft their daughters to die in Europe and Israel for kikes. This may finally be the breaking point.
Sounds like china. The usa doesnt have that many people to spare.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew

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Do you watch modern television?
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3 episodes in and literally nothing of value has happened. Used to be each episode would end on a cliffhanger after something important happened. Now it's just each episode ending on a fart note

Literally none lmao
All she does is make snappy comebacks at homelander. The writers make her "appear" smart by foiling The Boys' plans at spying on her, but they make no indication how she accomplished this and her ambush fails anyways
It's all slop in the pigpen of the jew's imagination. It's time to fill your trough!
>Does she do anything smart?
No, the writers just can't do it. She just comes across as someone who thinks they are smart.
Fuck no.
I've been watching I, Claudius, Married with Children, and Getter Robo Armageddon.
Torrenting, baby.

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The thought of American zogbots sweeping the suburbs Ukraine style and roughing up incels and neckbeards to haul off to the frontlines of Iran and Russia is already driving me insane with laughter. I almost want WW3 to happen so I can witness this. I just want 4chan to remain up so I can look and laugh.
They’ll be bleeding out on doorsteps in the suburbs
You are a Russian shill.

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When will we finally wake up and repeal the 2nd Amendment?

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Also not reported yet. Everyone said he drove away in a green dodge charger.....any guesses?
Cops have him "contained" at a local home, per press conference.
what are your thoughts about what may have transpired bro
Probably some of those youths you hear so much about
Repeal the 14th first.

You had enough, Moshe?
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50 hamas terrorists die for every Israeli killed. Palestinians will be extinct very soon.

Enjoy shitskin.

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?

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Then you

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>that coyote could have easily attacked me

Nah. Coyotes aren't trying to fight anything bigger than them unless they need to protect their young. Coyotes are good parents from what I hear.

The only reason that one wasnt scared of you was because it was a juvenile. Young deer act similar, inquisitive. I've had a fawn walk right up to me before and be friendly af, ofc I knew to keep back and not condition him. His family always destroyed our garden.

His momma was nearby, watching fretfully.


They smelled something tasty and went to investigate. That's it.


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Big Benchod? Big Bloody?
Big Blaqdickd?
Now wait just a minute. How do we know Big Bastard is the culprit? Maybe another bear did it?
t. defense attorney for bears
OMT: and why didn't this old bag have a firearm if she was allegedly stalked by a bear?
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George strait concert in college station Texas
Only blacks I've seen are working the venue. Life's good in Texas boys.
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Not here brother just good times in Aggieland
country music is gay
My sister is there, she’s the blonde one.
Nah that's a sniper. He's a cool sniper though. Just keeping an eye on things.
>George strait
More like George gay

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I just had an enlightment.



AI always controlled the voting
Wasn't Elon Musk just going on about the elimination of electronic voting on Twitter... yesterday?

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I hope Russia wins.
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>Bet there's some some recruiters that got shot or stabbed as well.
even better, a grenade
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The only country that I want to win is Israel, our greatest ally.
Actually, buddy, you dont know anything about Russia
And its actually x3 times worst, than anything in US
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why don't you kill yourself you utterly useless human being
hope as much holhols die as fast as possible

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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is it possible to see her getting fisted? asking for a friend
damn I just realized rice already has 2/3 of the letters for cel. brutal.
It sounds basically the same as the poughkeepsie tapes which is a pretty retarded and badly acted movie.
They literally don't allow whites in the incel community. Because of JBW they won't allow you to identify as one and will get blocked or booted out from all their servers if you're white
I thought that seeing Pulp Fiction with the Pawn Shop scene, I think now everyone carries a mobile with them and cameras are in every city, it's relatively rare.

Back in the day it'd be dead easy to just pick off a random person.

The FBI should have a list of names of most of the Russia supporters on this board, I think it would be dangerous to draft them or leave them alone, so maybe we should send swat teams to arrest them when they leave their house.

30 years hard labour would be a good measure

I accept your terms, time to redpill criminals on what Ice Cube is always rapping about.
You won't do shit, pussy.
Why would there be a WW3? I heard Ruzzia has lost 50% of it's military, is out of ammo, has to use shovel armed meat waves, their economy is in tatters from sanctions, they are out of chicken and eggs, their oil refineries were all destroyed, they have to scavenge microchips from washing machines, the Blogorad Peeple's Repubic is about to march on Mosscow and Putler has 10 different forms of cancer with only two weeks to live. Shouldn't you NAFO gays be able to handle this yourselves?

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Why doesn't the right not care as much about reading as the left does?
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Learn to write.
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Maybe you should not lie about what books you have read and not read. Yes, Marx says it's supply and demand but makes more points on top of it. You wouldn't know those points though BECAUSE YOU NEVER READ THE DAMN BOOK!
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Because most of the right have farmer diet. Farmer diet has nerfed hunter gatherer IQ. Multigenerational redneck diet unironically leave them based but slightly retarded. "Philistines" is the word.
When hunter gatherer has learned how to fish and started to eat lots of fish, in several thousands years he has become super intelligent enough to plan ahead for farming(could never do that before). Farming diet due to lack of omega 3 has led the farmer back to retarded brain volume.
Multigenerational glubinka/redneck diet which considers fishing a relatively rare activity(once a month maybe instead of every day) results in consistent IQ drop, not to mention overall low demand from parents to keep the brain actually working, like bombardment with retarded tasks in colleges. This is a fact. And this is why Africans are so smart, Africa is like completely surrounded with water.
The truth is, until all op-midwits like you get vaccinated up to six feet under, somebody always has to suffer and lie is mandatory to maintain a functioning society. But after? After, we will see.

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My once great state has been thoroughly shat on by west coast rejects and foreign cartels, and we're slowly but surely regressing to become New New Mexico
don't know farthest west I have been is alabama you're on your own bud
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*sips arizona tea*

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Anyone have the correct link to the mensa pre-qualification IQ test?

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She looks like trump especially the mouth its uncanny
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imagine her doing a BBC gangbang..............
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The world most successful one.
Get over it chuds.
Almost 6 feet tall and named Taylor? Yup

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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not to mention labours main take away from the election will be that they're are ultra popular and people want all of their craziest shit
And if the conservatives survive this election their take away will be they can completely fuck their own voters raw in the ass and keep their jobs.
>If you're suggesting they will somehow rig the process, simply winning one election is not going to give them the power to do that.
Labour have had dodgy postal votes for years mate, and they're now expanding the voting age to 16 year olds. Not that it matter since they're just as jewish as the cuckservatives, but to suggest shit can't be rigged is silly.
Young people hate conservatism, but they don't hate populism. There's really nothing they can do in one term to rig the vote against a populist party.
He's completely out of touch with the real world, his only goal was to get him and his buddies rich. There's a pretty famous clip where he asks a homeless man if he "works in business"

Not to mention, he's done the exact opposite of almost anything he's promised. Record breaking immigration levels, highest tax burden since ww2 and probably anything else on the conservative manifesto.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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sorry sister but "smartstraight" and "best baker" are not approved nomenclatures!
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hot airman is sad
He used it as a bargaining chip for border wall funding but it didn't matter anyways since it got tangled up with litigation, lawsuits, and court orders.
New thread
I am the last to awoo
Very schizo behavior, maybe a glownigger?

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