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Cool. Thanks for the insight.
this, how old were you when you realized you wanted peepee in your anus hole?
Jesus. How many Agency people were there trying to recruit each other?
I heard the speakers didn’t show so Nick canceled
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dr duke in the house, nice, saw jared taylor as well, christ is king

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Say something nice about her.
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Even Tucker Carlson's kid thinks it's funny
Cocaine fucks your nose up in exactly the way this woman's nose has been fucked up.
I don't think it's as fixable as you think it is if a princess looks like that.
by Snu snu
I am really thankful to Princess Kalina of Bulgaria. Every time I look myself in a mirror, I feel sad. But, as I look upon her visage, I start to feel a strange surge of confidence within my chest. Perhaps it's not over. Perhaps I'm not so bad. Thank you, Kalina, for making me feel better.
I can see it now...Las Vegas Fight between Princess Kalina of Bulgaria vs Jake Paul on Netflix 2025

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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you are not even a human
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We know.
Diagolon is the only way.

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It will bring about the end of democracy
Sounds good to me
Democracy sucks ass

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Are Russians the Chinese of White people?
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shouldn't you be able to answer that yourself, chink?
>breed in Russia
no value have been lost
Lets see
>A lot of them
>claims superiority over the continent at the expense of everyone
>Lower trust and more backwater than rest of continent
>A lot of natural resources and geography enables them to do the things they do
I think we may have a winner here
to cross the street like this is also stupid. Especially in china.
Russia are the good guys in this thing. Christ is king

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I should rephrase that, I'm not talking about the food pyramid crap, but you need a diet with variety to ensure you're getting a proper balance of nutrients or you end up with diseases like scurvy.
That's just brown makeup.
You're being obtuse on purpose and intentionally ignoring what anon is trying to say. How do you get "muh animal only diet bad" out of anon telling you about rabbit starvation as an example of his point about nutrition unless you're just a dishonest piece of shit?
You will lack all the known vitamins (except B) on meat-only diet. No vit. A, C, D, E, K). It's was probably easier to survive on plants only than on meats only since vit. B reportedly exists in dirt and bugs you'd consume while eating plants.

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If big *J* didn’t think public opinion mattered, they wouldn’t spend billions manufacturing consent.
unlike your vaxxmaxxed prison colony only around 80% of people took the kike spike here, according to the gov't. now remove people who faked taking it & data manipulation from the corrupt gov't we can place the actual numbers around 73-77%. this means somewhere from 71,000,000-91,000,000 people that would violently oppose the draft. & even many vaxies will probably choose jail over the frontlines.
>some 150k zogbots
>70mil+ patriots
gotta say i like our odds.
Always remember that if you they throw you in jail for dodging the draft and/or killing the draft officer you'll receive three meals a day and free housing which is something you will never obtain by fighting for this regime's continual existence. They need you more than you need them, because without a functioning and existent military this Zionist regime can no longer have its existence sustained. There is absolutely nothing to lose by fighting against the draft compared to complying.
>government passes mundane procedural legislation
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Recommend high quality political or historical documentaries akin to Europa:the last battle
I’m tired of drama. Let’s get a real thread going.
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This 40+ hour documentary on the Battle of Stalingrad is based and extremely thorough.
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You don't need hours long documentary to understand how Jews work.
It's all about controlling the money printers. Always has been.
>How American banks enslave the people
>How Japanese "bubble crisis" was engineered by BoJ
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Does he look good in a dress?
Does anyone have a torrent of conspiracy stuff like 911 videos and stuff like that?

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Woman goes into a country full of Muslims, browns sand niggers and degenerates, gets in the middle of a crowd chanting death to the USA, gets raped, is surprised, is this the most stupid woman ever?
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good riddance
I remember when this happened, lefties basically said that she deserved to be sexually assaulted and that she needed to just shut up about it because it was making the muslim revolutionaries (who wanted more extremist muslim governments, not more freedom) look bad.
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Oh she does video requests, couldn't hurt to ask...
She was never raped, what happened was that she was doing a report and as her camera battery was dying and she was finishing up, some muzzies started grabbing at her and groping at her, one yelled out that she was a jew and then she got gangrushed by unsexed brown hands with more grabbing, groping, ripping off her clothes, trying to rip out her hair, dragging her around, etc. It took some people at a nearby encampent and police beating the horny hordes back to get them to stop.

She got fired from CBS few years later or reporting about Benghazi since she's a neocon and since then she's gone full Trumpfag/Qoomer.
>rape is so prevelant among horny Abduls that they have an entire word for when the townsmen get together for a good old fashioned gang rape
And we let these creatures into our countries and allow them to keep their religion.

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implications for the future of europeans and what can be done about it ?

The motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) in ejaculates,

both measures of sperm quality,

declined by as much as 22% from 2019 to 2022.

What is known already

Questions remain about whether human semen quality has declined in recent years.

Resolution of this issue has important implications for human fertility

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I unironically worry who the fuck my pureblood sons are going to have grandchildren with

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


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This only applies to vaccinated people and to people who've fucked vaccinated people like complete inbred retards.
This is obviously bullshit. I only have to walk into a room and all of the women fall pregnant.
the fuck is this bot on about?

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Hmm I wonder who could be responsible for this armed robbery?
Probably that Abbo that Anon gave the beer and the knife to way back when. Abbo still has the knife. IYKYK.
I can't believe unbanning bump stocks did this.

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Trying to cry and panic because it works for her so much.
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Already a thread

She looks she has like 0.001% ancient Hebrew gene.
>Eeeeh ... you see there sweet, sweet goy, eeehh not all jews are like that, my dear goy, that's why you shouldn't try and punish us all... right?!

What good is a draft when 40% of the country is obese anyway?
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the army "fat camp" is all horseshit propaganda to make the utterly ineffectual joke of a military seem more capable than it actually is. A DEI draft officer cannot even lift the average American, let alone willingly send him into an environment where he's doing jumping jacks and is on a stringent diet. If the option is to either get yelled at by trannies while doing laps with no McDonald's in sight or kill the draft officer, the fatties will just kill the draft officer no question. You are fucked. You have no military, you have no support from anyone, and every single group of every walk and life despises you. Killing yourself now would spare you from the inevitable torture you will face in the coming months.
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I say draft the colored people and use them as mine sweepers, but give them brooms
Your post is all over the place and contradictory.
Trump is going to send all the "dreamers" to die in Israel, part of "Operation: Taco Meat".

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>”She is liberal, or is that just an act?
She's legitimately liberal? It's not an act?”-Trump
Do you think Taylor Swift is actually liberal? I have a feeling many liberals are only libtard in name because of the implications.
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>She’s rich,
> famous,
er.. yeah. Her makeup artist is a pro.
She’s just doing her job. Her old record label, and rights to most of her old songs, were purchased by Soros.
Soros saw how much sway Tay could have against the young generation of white women, and he made moves to purchase his way in so that he could pull her strings.
She literally talks about this in an old interview
She had no actual opinions.

She’s a gormless media puppet who believes whatever is most en vogue to ensure she maintains her popular and cultural influence, all but guaranteeing her continued financial success.

She feels nothing, she knows nothing, she cares about nothing besides the accolades of her peers and fans.

She is secretly nothing. She’s a shell of a human who requires constant validation and hedonistic, BPD-poisoned liaisons to survive. Welcome to the psy-op
I think Taylor Swift is a VERY pretty lady :)
She's not that attractive

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Can they actually do any substantial damage to Israel, or is their strength exaggerated?
I wonder if they’re ever going to directly engage the IDF in a ground assault

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If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them. A cloned vessel would be devoid of a soul and would never be alive. But clones do come to life, they act like a normal healthy body will act with a functional brain. This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view it is a Creator that gives one a soul. How could the created be allowed to defy the Creator? When Man plays God and succeeds, can it be said that there is even a God?
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Look I don't care about your special brand of ignorance that implies learning things first
This no makes no sense. Until you know what souls are or how they are created you cannot claim that clones don't have them.

First you need proof that non clones have souls and determine what a soul is.
They do exist.probably, but it's not legal.
Who said it's the same soul?
>Some species reproduce asexually when alone for too long
So incels are actually the future clone army?

This white man is trying to keep black women from straightening their hair under the guise of "chemicals".

We all know what this is.

Just like abortion, it's another attempt to control women's bodies, but with added racism against black women.

I'm tired of AmeriKKKa's bullshit.
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>All my middle siblings were miscarraiges
>Oh hol up this shit might give shanequia canser?
>FDA goes scorched earth
I can never ever hate niggers 1/1000th as much as I hate feds
They do it to try and look like white women.
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so they dont look like the ugly nigger in your picture....
>Afro-Sheen Blowout Kit.
Good times.

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Has Michael Tracey had a falling out with Jimmy Dore?

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This video accidentally showed up on my feed. Now I am American and there are many great places in our country but it seems everywhere is stress. Seeing how people are living in Türkiye seems very relaxed and comfortable,
What do we need to change to get this levels of comfortable?
First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.
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This is a good thread and it deserves respect! It never cared about you anyway. I'm going to make this thread amazing because I'm not a little insecure pissbaby like you!

Anyway, Turkey is mostly a shithole

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Black hoes be lusting for those Egyptian Obelisks. They are becoming broke just to get a taste of BWC sugar cane. How will the black boys cope? Will they seethe? What will happen to all those unused broke poop dick BBCs? Will they go into Dead Nigger Storage? A White Mans erection is like an Uber Nazi giving a salute at a 45 degree angle. Strong, attentive, & firm. Each thrust is like an electric explosion in black hoes juice boxes.

All your pussy belongs to us!
The White man!
I hate thedr threads no matter who they're targeted at.
It's just as Jewish and retarded sounding as the BBC slide threads, kikel
Season, hide, move along

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