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You Died In yet another horrifically painful locomotive accident but this time you are about to Be Reincarnated as this woman!

What do you do now?
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Go fuck as many men as possibe and spread the wealth of my body
Be a high class escort who earns 50k for each fuck, fucking all these oil arabs.
Checks out

Think about it. Do you want to
a) work for 30 years, grinding away or
b) lie on your back 10 times for one year and accomplish the same thing?

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There’s always someone who secretly in love with you. Just find that person.
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found her but she was a nigger
You should have been meaner to her.

I was plenty mean. She wanted an emotional connection, which I could not give her because of youth trauma. When she gained 30 kg during Covid, I did not want to fuck her. Good thing she now is back at a normal weight (i.e. still obese at 90 kg, but fuckable at least).

I conquered my demons. I want to be with her more than ever. And all she says to me is that I am too late and that she thinks she cannot trust me I will stay the new me.

It is over.
I very much doubt that I am very ugly with lots of scars on my face and am scary looking and while being a softy I'm secret I'm a very mean and aggressive asshole to people not inside my very small social circle partially as defense mechanism and partially because I'm fucked up from PTSD and lots of trauma so I very much doubt there's anyone out there who doesn't find me off-putting.
Jesus loves you

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ur brown?
>sucks to be you.
It made some wild footage for sure
Here ya go, with different angles too.
Nice, good work
Wtf are you taking about the punch barely connected looks like he missed and sneako is laughing after where do you see anyone getting their "teeth knocked out" holy shit this site is filled to the BRIM with SHILLS
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Anon... sneako did get his tooth chipped

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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I mean hard to kill the guy when he locked up all the enemies of the state and has the support of all the poor and rich. The guy is clearly doing something right. People can finally go back into the streets. The bar was set so low that anybody who could pull off what he did is going to be revered forever in their country
Which is why I'll vote for an Arab for president if given the opportunity
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>country has a terrible murder problem
>murderers all tattoo their faces with "I AM A MURDERER"
>non-murderers do not, because the murderers really gruesomely murder people who dare to falsely wear the MURDERER face tattoos

>throw all the tattoo face people in prison
>suddenly the country becomes perfectly safe and normal people can live their lives without fear of being extorted, robbed, or murdered by the murderers

No, he made the right decision going for bitcoin. You're assuming we would just buy el salvadors shitcoin because it's crypto coin made by country. We wouldn't.

You are treating people i crypto like a bunch of dumb cattl that will buy everything and throw billions in it just because it's crypto.
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>. witch bring to question why is he still alive?
same reason Trump is
our glowniggers are better than their glowniggers.
and God is with us.

>be treasure hunter
>find what you think is the location of millions of dollars of civil war gold
>tell the FBI about it for some reason
>judge grants the FBI a search and seizure warrant that would allow them to dig between 6 AM and 10 PM
>FBI keeps the people who found the location out of the dig site
>some hunters who happened to be near the site say they saw the FBI digging at around 5 AM even though the FBI says they didn't show up until 8 AM that day
>they also saw armored trucks, one of which looked weighed down like they were carrying something
>FBI denies they found anything even though their own geophysical consultant identified an underground metallic mass weighing up to 9 tons that had the density of gold
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i'm sure they are keeping is for historical reasons no?
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"Its for the childrens, baby."
On the next episode of curse of oak Island...
They could just not wear badges, but it makes far more dense to wear them and blur them from onlookers vision somehow...
It wasn't cops you retard, he was rolled by the people he was intending to deal with with
How to gift GIANT generational wealth to the state and continue to life as a waggie. Biggest cuck move I've seen in a while.

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So I am a codebreaker that has come across a platform that was given a top award for the content, in an ARG that was made to corral cryptographers in a format that created the instructions for a real world operation.

You won't believe the list of targets in this affair.
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I guess since you put all that effort into posting this I'll post something more reasonable. Are you saying that the baddies are using crossword puzzle to frame drumpft? To what end?
Here we have the breakdowns of the second set of blocks, with each formed around the design of a specific blocking technique. It reveals that there are EAMs that are created to activate one or another of these operations and deliver the go-codes using a secondary breakdown as well.

Of which confirmation of the third block's plans is added with a TOR Browser Cipher as well for the creation of a Disposition Matrix....a Hit List.
The whole thing was created for Trump to use to assert his innocence, to make him appear as if being persecuted.

Trump had initiated one of the segments of this affair with Pence and were taking instruction from them, playing out a number of staged roles to make it appear that someone was after him

He had created a feed of intel from Congress and other members of the Government that was orchestrated with the creation of PsyGroup/Whiteknight/Orbis.

They were collecting data in Philippines, and dropping "Q" ops codes in the Cripplechan boards where they hosted their servers in the Philippines as well.

All the while making himself out to appear to be the victim of some kind of conspiracy against him.
Additional ciphers were found related to the ARA San Juan, the MH370/MH17, and the later ET302 in which a number of ambassadors from Ethiopia and African nations to the UN were killed.

You find that these are mentioned in the details of these box ciphers, but only if you get the first sequences right, as any variance of what is shown will give much different results.

The breakdowns of the stennos were perfectly done.
These ciphers mentioned Gelatin being the author of the ciphers from Alster in the bottles.

It proves that the US and Israel are working together on conducting operations that are made to be considered off-the-books, but authorized by the use of mercenaries and paid agents.

The later use of more ciphers was found to be conducted by Assange and Wikileaks.

The text of the ciphers from the Architeuthis tiles using the words PRESUMPTIVE ALGORITHM are then repeated in the case of Assange's famous HILP HIM codes and ciphers.

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cause he gets humiliated 24/7
they're not even trying at this point
Kek very true
Because he's controlled opposition and everything he does make the right look bad? Nice memeflag btw
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Black men humiliate some dumb boomer beaner who's probably here illegally, once again, the black man does what the white man should have done a long time ago, you're welcome.

Video with sound: https://x.com/ccamacho88/status/1801792768747938072?t=VV-_6mer99WerQ8VShs7WA&s=19
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I don’t understand niggers. They’re super uptight about food and consider all kinds of things dirty or inedible but the stuff they actually eat is shit like pig intestines crusted with pig shit and chicken soaked in bleach and dish soap
All I see is a scientist, a engineer and a ceo teaching a lazy white bum some practical real life skills.
They eat that shit because it's all they used to be able to get and now it's traditional. My family is still making Great Depression recipes because it's tradition and reminds them of granny. So I get it, even if it's disgusting.
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This is so sad. Americans i think its time to open the borders and let them in.
He was scooping out the next coronavirus outbreak

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They're both great, but which one is the better president?
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Obama is pretty based
he was the first poorly-closeted gay president and had a tranny for a wife
he tore up American credibility beyond anything
imagine him getting plowed nightly by Big Mikes BBC right in the Executive Bedroom?
First and foremost I encourage all of you to commit sudoku. Keep in mind that Democrats along with the media defended Russia against Republicans anti-Russia agenda. Weak Mitt Romney had to defend himself and his anti-Russia policies against Obama's attacks

Buy an ad faggot

The white one
Probably the one that actually got elected.

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vaxxies will end the human race

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>spike proteins are accumulating also in ovaries. My sister just had her first miscarriage

Already wrote it in the past, but:
2 women in my company got preggers, both vaxx-maxxed.

I will report the outcome.
It‘s race based bioweapon only sterilizing non-jews. Painful and agonizing death is just the cherry on top.
non-vaxxed people are catching it through sex. don't be daft.
The avg santa cruz liberal
>look how they massacared my boy.jpg
t. Cali boy
Lmfao imagine being a fucking leaf shill.


If you get married then your wife will leave you in midlife - here's why that's a GOOD thing!
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>happier and healthier
Antidepressants, antipsychotics, hypnotics, antibiotics, benzodiazepines, antifungals, pain killers, and a special gel to deal with the vaginal dryness that comes as a side effect from these medications.
Proof all women are spiders that consume their mate.
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yt wahmenz haet
yt boyz.

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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as mentioned above, AM is emblematic of 1980s-2000s radical leftism
anti-corporate and antiglobalist
in the late 1990s, the far left was *actually* antiglobalist, the Seattle 1999 protest for example.
After 9/11 everything changed, and by 2008 with the economic collapse the 99 percent were getting a little too restless for the elites' blood, and the 'Left' needed to be reorganized.
So they splintered it into race-gender-'justice' orientation rather than *class* and economic focus, or focus on the Wall Street banks and HNW elites.
if any anons used to follow her show on which ran through the first couple terms of Obama, she criticized the then-current adminstration as vigorously as the GWOT of Cheney-GWB
it's weird to see so much of /pol/ discussions completely unaware of and oblivious to the 1st term of Obama.
Or as we like to call her Oyvey Martin
He served in Iraq. Definitely not a kike. They don't die for their wars dude.
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>She's no David Duke or Louis Farrahkhan, but yes she is up there. Abby is cool

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the main problem with Farage is that he is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule

his whole personality is built around the very fact that he's a loser

Farage IS the problem with british politics
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>Increasingly nervous Tory boy
The absolute state of Britain where Farage is outperforming the Tories. Thank god both of them are polling too low to have any real power
Fuck off Dago you sad moran
alriiii apatchie laaaaa

You're literally defending baby genocide.
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Babies deserve a genocide.
>Dingus, I turn 50 later this year.
Ancient one, is it true there really is no other platform or place to speak freely other than this board and a handful of other clone chans?
I'm pro choice for whites, niggers, Gypsies and Arabs. For everyone else it should be criminalized.
>Ancient one, is it true there really is no other platform or place to speak freely other than this board and a handful of other clone chans?
No my son. The world has changed and become outlandishly faggoty. These may be the end times.

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Did you just say the N word on the Internet anon?
Put up your dukes bigit
Based Trudeau

Cannabis President

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Previous >> 471254511

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Targeting the command and control rooms in the "Netzarim" axis with heavy-caliber "mortar" shells
>Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel has killed, injured, or kidnapped approximately 8% of Gaza's population, and made 85% of Gaza's residents displaced, with over 75% of homes and infrastructure destroyed.
>US Central Command: The #Yemenis targeted a Ukrainian-owned ship yesterday with two separate missile attacks.
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's gatherings positioned in the "Netzarim" axis with a barrage of "107" rockets.
>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombed the Zionist forces in the vicinity of the “Soufa” military site with a “107” rocket salvo.


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>News / Clips

From the heart - Your sons in the Islamic Resistance
New 6/15/24

“I trust you about as far as I can throw your phone. I have a good arm. I can throw a long way.”

During a special White House meeting with social media influencers two days ago, Biden lost his temper at a TikTok star, who asked him about his support for Israel during the genocide in Gaza, and threatened to throw his phone across the room.
New 6/15/24

A car-ramming attack targeted Israeli army personnel west of Ramallah, in the West Bank.
New 6/14/24

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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
good night frens and I will talk to you later today, later frens
later frens

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Is it degenerate to go out of my way to find women with big tits and ass and exclusively date them? If I have a skinny woman I'm not satisfied.
You are degenerate scum
go kys dorky r9k jerk gtfo /pol/
Ok. Can you elaborate on that? Tell me your reasoning

According to the report, the participants of the meeting debated how exactly it could be implemented if the AfD were to govern Germany.

According to Correctiv, Sellner said that he believes there are three groups of migrants who should leave Germany: asylum seekers, foreigners with the right to stay, and "non-assimilated citizens,” including German citizens with immigrant roots.

The Austrian right-wing extremist is said to have suggested at the meeting that these people should be deported to an area of North Africa, to a "model state" that could accommodate up to 6 million people.

Sellner is also said to have suggested that those Germans who support refugees in Germany could be taken there as well.
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>According to Correctiv

dont forget the slavs :)
you have to go, too
Hopeful if true.
But the jews will never allow this.
remember germ bro, it's always better to pick your own damned cotton.
Feel free to keep em in that case, just don't send them back here

I guess they would be an improvement over the pakis and niggers, huh

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This is Gordon Ramsay after he got into an accident while riding a bicycle. All bikes and bicycles should be banned and taken off the road.
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The bicycle is one of the greatest inventions of the huwhite man.
>slum :l
>slum, Japan :o
And a future Darwin Award for you, tough guy.
ridiculously clean for a “slum”
he got hit by a car retards

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Both Built for BBC
>Brazilian Big Cock

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