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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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>you’ll be remembered
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DS was originally framed as something more like National Socialism, without the elements considered fascist. Where value and money/economics was based on the value of labor, not on (((speculation))).
I can't comment on it theoretically--I avoid political "science" as much as possible--but I do know that Mike Harrington was an avid anti-communist.
So much so that he got ejected from the left in 1962 for demanding at the Port Huron convention be extremely clear about barring commies from the SDS.
He was thrown out by Jane Fonda's husband, the drunken mick degenerate Tom Hayden, and Alan Haber, an old timey grass roots flavored socialist...which I never understood except that Haber took a long time to wake up to the jews behind Bolshevism. (Haber has been accused many times in his long life of being "anti semitic" for questioning the Holohoax, Israel policy, etc.)

There has been nowhere in the past century for people who value America's working people to create a coherent, powerful movement on their own behalf.
The undermining of this vision--whether democratic or national or whatever socialism or whatever--has been one of the most devious accomplishments of 20th and 21st century globokikes.
Yeah, I can play with numbers to gin up resentment between white family members too.
Good job, jew!
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counter-sliding Catalog

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Some nig was smacking the shit out of his grotesque goblina before turning his attention to some poor teenage wagie and getting flat lined. Why is it ALWAYS THEM?
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I read picrel in Foghorn Leghorn's voice
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Its boss hogg zoomzoom, which is pretty much the same.
Higher intelligence is correlated with faster reaction times
I really hate this. 1001 ways to give girls the "ick", being a violent sociopath isn't one of them
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>keeshawn would never hurt me
>he hurt me but would never do it again

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>Thread theme


>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

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>>471287863 (You) (Me)
How I ran over some American airoplane

It's the greatest accident in aviation history
<3 <3
why doesn't anyone start a natsoc green party?
>ausländer raus to curb economic growth, resource consumption
>no economic immigration, because immigrants end up using up more resources than they would have at home
>aim for replacement reproduction rate
>NPPs not Russian gas
>tarrifs on goods imported from polluting nations
>cut down on subsidies for polluting industries
>emphasis on biology and ecology in school
>stronk German navy to deter overfishing
>stronk German army to protect the trees and rivers
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>runter kommen sie alle ...


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Why do we have black queens looking like this...https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ucZn5HyuI
still has a higher sexual market value than brad pitt
>.T Your brain on crack
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keep barking and begging for that insulin like the diabetic dog you are

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What are the political implications of His decrees? How do you practice these teachings in your own life? What is the political solution to the problem of money? Jesus Christ explicitly says you can not serve both God and money. What does that mean for us?
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first honest thing you've said so far, im impressed at least you are self aware.
>he wants to reframe the discourse so he can get a word in edgewise with a Jew who is killing him in discussion by sticking to the truth
luckily i am broke and probably have some kind of schizophrenia-family mental disorder, and have organized my entire life around fighting impossible battles against the powers that be, so i think i have a leg up on most normal people when it comes to implementing the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in my life.

man, 4chan really fucked me up lol! i used to be so normal. well, not normal, but at least functional enough to pass under the radar of most normies
thats certainly one way of describing whats going on here for sure, your giant jew nose just takes everyones glances though so sorry to break it to you sweetie.
I hate 4chan posters


*closes thread again*

I used to watch schizos go against the Jewish order and I became schizo myself just by watching them. Schizophrenia is contagious and spread by Alex Jones and should be outlawed.

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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In the Middle East they generally call all foreigners American unless they know the persons specific nationality
She was exposed by Piers Morgan. When Piers asked if Palestinians should vote for or against Hamas, she said that's up to the Palestinian people not to her to judge. When Piers asked later if the Israelis should vote out Netanyahu she answered that yes because he is a criminal.

She is a total fraud. Dumb Hamas Barbie.
>She was exposed as based
Cool, I like her now.
Being a grifter is based now?
Yeah if you grift against Pissrael

>spend millions to live in a shack in Florida
>house is uninsurable
>even if you buy insurance, insurance company won't cover any of the claims
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pricing out is the only way to keep niggers out, arizona is a great state but the lack of ocean island access is a real kicker
if that were the case nyc would be the whitest city in the world
>implying that damage and insurance only matters in a complete property loss
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rewind the clock to back when it was the greatest city on earth, now its pic rel
Never heard of this but he says hes from St. Louis which you should avoid at all costs

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Imagine a sea of people, stretching as far as the eye can see, flooding the streets of cities across France. The crowd is a kaleidoscope of colors, with protesters of all ages, genders, and backgrounds united in their message of resistance against the far-right National Rally party.

The sheer scale of the demonstration is breathtaking. With over 600,000 people participating, it's like a tidal wave of humanity surging through the streets. To put it into perspective, this is indeed larger than Russia's standing army, which is estimated to be around 300,000 active personnel.

The protesters are a diverse bunch, with students, workers, retirees, and families all marching together. Some carry signs and banners, while others wear t-shirts and hats with slogans and logos that reflect their opposition to the National Rally party. The air is electric with the sound of chanting, singing, and drumming, as the crowd's energy and passion are palpable.

As the marchers make their way through the streets, they fill the sidewalks, spill onto the roads, and even climb onto statues and monuments to get a better view. The atmosphere is one of defiance and determination, with many protesters holding hands, linking arms, or forming human chains to show their solidarity.
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France has 68 million people, 600k immigrant douchebag invaders and their useful idiots taking to the Streets across france are irellevant cause they were outvoted by the 68 million. This is also precisely why it is important to never let immigrant invaders become racial majority in france. Take your rainbow invaders and shove it up your ass mr france for the non french. You are worse than hitler but unironically
It's not an insane number. But it also shows they have almost no support, cause it's probably the most obnoxious immigrant invaders and the astroturf and paid protestors and their useful idiots native french combined taking to streets trying to scream and to pretend they are majority of french population.

EVEN IF it was 600k you have no fucking point. Here's what i need you to understand for your own sake. France has 68 million people. National Rally got over 30% OF THE FUCKING VOTES, first time a party has gotten that in france since the 1980's aka for 40 fucking years.
So 600k immigrant douchebag invaders in combination all across france, is nothing.
I want you to do the following, for your own sake, I want you to calculate what 30% out of 68 million is, and when you can't calculate it, i want you to think about how fucking stupid you are. You are so stupid you can't pass middle school math. Only americans and people who can't do basic math are this retarded, and quite frankly to post online it would require you to pass a math b exam at minimum. (math a would be advanced, and then university math on top of that) TO PASS IT to even authorize you to be online.
This would solve 99.9% of the idiot posting online where people think they have a logical point but really don't. I'm dead serious.

This is same thing africans americans do when they don't understand per capita, aka as a percentage of. THEY ARE FUCKING RETARDS who don't know how criminal african americans really are compared to other groups, why they don't know this? they are not acting dumb THEY ARE STUPID, they are so stupid because they were allowed to cheat their way through math class and actually did not deserve to pass even middle school math. Where you usually learn this stuff, as a 12 year old or something.
I bet you can't even find the square root of a number either.
And it is same thing about people who say muh birthrates, enter into breeding war with invaders and you stay majority. Even if you did, which is race and culture warfare, using kids as weapon of war, it's not going to matter cause the invaders come in non stop. So you have to deport the invaders to stop them from taking over the country. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE MATH IN THIS, IF YOU ARE THAT STUPID if you that stupid at math you should never be allowed to post on any global or even local communication forum. Cause you are an embarrasment to your country and an embarrasment to the entire world that you exist and have internet access.

10 years of listening to retards who don't know what as a % of is or HOW TO CALCULATE IT is enough for me to say, you are not pretending to be stupid you ARE stupid, so stupid that infact you should not be allowed to SPEAK AT ALL till you learn basic math and logic. It will cure your own mental delusions so you understand you are wrong about what you think and it will save others the mental headache of listening to your STUPID SHIT NON STOP.

600k combined in all cities in france, even if it were the case are fucking irellevant compared to the over 30% of french that voted for national rally. If they all got out on street. CALCULATE HOW MANY THAT IS out of 68 million. And realize that you don't know how to do that without calculator assistance. Or maybe you don't even know how EVEN WITH a calculator. That's why you are so retarded to think these rainbow immigrant douchebags matter one bit. Cause if all those french got out on the street. Well go to work and try find out how many they are, i won't help you cause i want you to see you try and realize how dumb you are. "how is it you take a percentage of something and find out how many that is"? "let's go to google!" LOL
>jew bitch in the front laughed at that
I mean, I know it's staged, but this isn't a normal reaction to something like that
You know there's brilliant online learning sites for math that cover all from basically 1st grade to university level math. And you just pick your comfort zone, for you i would start with addition and subtraction. Because you and people who say muh birthrates instead of deport invaders. And you who say 600k matters more than 30% of france population of 68 million. YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO GO BACK TO the subtraction and addition go back to first grade math and learn it till you can pass advanced calculus. And way before passing advanced calculus you will be able to find square root of something, a % of a number and lot of other nifty things that will seriously help your understanding of life and proportions and what is going on in the world. math truly helps you understand the world. DON'T BE A NIGGER who can't even understand per capita (as a percentage of) cause of they say math is racist. This is causing problems for themselves and EVERYBODY ELSE.
Only americans and people who can't do math are usually that fucking retarded, are you sure you do not have some american in you? Or is it just you hung around stupid american platforms online too much and got infected by their idiot rethoric? lol

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Hey there, niggers and or some African Americans. The real ones behind the two or one of those factions. I’m still bit uncertain if there’s a difference between niggers and African Americans. Anywho thankfully I never thought I was the super intelligent one here nor claim to be a vunderkind Uber genius.

Before this proceeds any further and plays out in a very predictable manner, I just have to ask.

Why make yourself such a huge target? Literally screaming to the whole world via hijacking the US psyop propaganda empire ME ME ME ME. Kamikaze much?

You know what, I think you know exactly who it is who has been causing so much trouble and problems around here. You know exactly who it is or what they are. The ones that I absolute hate for what my family suffered through. Why else carefully orchestrate and stage this kabuki theater puzzle.

Except you absolutely loathe these things, you hate them so much it’s indescribable, even I don’t come close to how much hatred you have for this thing. Let’s just call it the first beast and drop the pretending.
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> I’m not God or Jesus Christ either but Jesus is the wiser, older brother, and the better half; now technically God himself
I retract this statement due to implications, but not denying Jesus Christ God nature.

Time to sleep for real.
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>dafuq timmy gon d-ACK!!!
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Uhm, if someone really needed to there’s the Apophis asteroid as a backup measure.

Jaffa kree.

You better fucking kree or else.

>see that’s the problem with our kind, even our dreams are small
And then there’s the multi pronged fail proof genocide that’s moving ahead on schedule.

And Yellowstone plus west coast.

Plus Russia and China and everyone else who has had enough.

Shall I go on….?
Please do not call me or refer to me as Timmy ie Tinywee.
>the Goys
Cringe kike show

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Mami Azealia Banks comes with the truths, again
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I only hear the trumpets over and over or whatever that horn is.
Alors on dance is peak music and you only hear good music americans listening to it.
I've used to listen to this song while I was in love and suffering longing for her... Now I want her far away from me hehe....funny how things work

It is ass

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its amazing how much further along cognitively the greeks were from where we are today. sometimes it feels like we've hit some kind of cognitive roadblock, something which gave us a flat tire and we havent thought yet to swap the tire out.

am i wrong or does this sound appropriate? if im right, what do you think the roadblock is?
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That you can do, I don't mind that. I dislike the ways Israel acts in Gaza and in general too. But truth shouldn't die in the process.
fuk u
Oh yeah the left infographic is complete bullshit. The right one is better, it captures the exact sentiment even though its not a direct quote.
Then again, the brackets []means editorialized, and it does capture the sentiment, the Jews being leaders means the same than shall be ruled by them.
But this is the last post I'll talk about semantics anymore, I'm not gonna take the bait
There is much more important shit going on when our societies are crumbling before our eyes because of the jews
Wasting time discussing such nonsense is not productive
You will see me post my edit, when I see others or you posting the Kalergi Plan. In case I'm here.

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Due to safety reasons.
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i like eating red chili peppers before a full meal because it gives me an appetite.

like this anon said, over processed spice is bad because it can cause ulcer or internal bleeding.
Whyte ppl don't be handling they spicy food well
I did, they are indeed hot as fuck.
It was fun but you need a few days if you want to eat another one, you're body kind of back off by itself.
Why are you asking me? Aren't you Austrian? You still can't figure out google in 2024? Are you there on a work visa or something?
dey din put no seasnang on they food! >whypepol smdh

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What's next?
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the idea is to boost recruitment

an actual draft will bring back the ghosts of the hippie era, protest songs, all that shit.

imagine if vietnam rock had synthesizers and drum machines.
me laughing if they actually try to act upon it
imagine sending zoomers to boot camp
actual fucking comedy
the only thing funnier would be Kamala Harris being Commander in Chief during a three front global war
Which happen if Biden wins since he will die so please vote Biden, it will be so funny guys for real
Imagine Kamala dancing to nigger music, clapping her hands and swaying to the beat at the White House Correspondents Dinner while millions of young men die in a frozen ditch halfway across the world.

Now imagine the webm of her dancing on the left side of and thousands of young men dying horrible deaths on the right side.
Oh it would get so much better
She will do Hillary Clinton's "Women are the primary victims of war" routine x2, she will be going on about how rough women have it while dragging 18 year old Timmy (Tyrone doesn't have to go since he, as a person of color, has suffered a history of systemic racism) to go fight in some trench where they take some orders from a tranny commander who doesn't leave his commander bunker
A far more likely scenario is Indians being uprooted and torn to pieces by White French hands.

And you wonder why this board is shit now.

Mutts/latinx must be rangebanned.
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Yes let's also ban Israel China India and new Zealand
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> yet another coping muttoid who can't comprehend not everyone who hates or mocks muttmericans are only jewish or non-White

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Official religion of muttmerica.
I agree with that statement

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There’s always someone who secretly in love with you. Just find that person.
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I very much doubt that I am very ugly with lots of scars on my face and am scary looking and while being a softy I'm secret I'm a very mean and aggressive asshole to people not inside my very small social circle partially as defense mechanism and partially because I'm fucked up from PTSD and lots of trauma so I very much doubt there's anyone out there who doesn't find me off-putting.
Jesus loves you
>thanks, memefag. I had no idea.
I think so. but it's hard to find. "it's a numbers game, bro!" I already tried many times

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every child actor that could interact with MJ all said that he was helping them not spend time with kikes.
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i miss him so much bros, the world went into total darkness after his assesination
Yep. (They) decided to just ruin everything. Movies, games, music all sucks now. No worries, we will make it better again.
>interact with MJ all said that he was helping them not spend time with kikes
By feeding them penis
>he tried to warn us
As did Hitler.

And to silence them the kikes destroyed them both.
nope they all turned out to be mentally ill rape victims. Corey Feldman is the only example of becoming your abuser that you need

is basically a country designed and run by lifestyle gurus and mystics.
Prove me wrong.

Germany is preparing for the most radical military reform in 90 years. 1 billion euros to be spent in the next 5 years. Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said he was aiming for a "war-ready" military, with a new central command and a branch specializing in cyber warfare planned. Mandatory military conscription to be implemented very soon.
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i hope you all die
its what you deserve for calling european civil war a world war
fucking faggots go die
My army is getting ready for my return
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>boomers ruin the country
>zoomers grow up and are about to realize this
>q-q-quick send them all to war before they can do anything about it
>my face when
>Nothing ever happens.
Germany is a slave to NATO, there's nothing they can do but have puppets pretend they're radical to improve their quality of life and morale for their eventual fight against Russia.

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Nice, good work
Wtf are you taking about the punch barely connected looks like he missed and sneako is laughing after where do you see anyone getting their "teeth knocked out" holy shit this site is filled to the BRIM with SHILLS
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Anon... sneako did get his tooth chipped
>delayed gratification test
yeah i dont think the groypers will save america
A faggot take, sorry to say. If they're not prepared to get into a scrap when the stakes are low they're useless as a movement. Say what you will about antifa faggots, their mental retardation and emotional instability allow them to enforce their beliefs more aggressively while right wingers seem confused and unprepared to do anything. Which is their leadership's fault for convincing them that politics is about just making noise and complaining constantly. The nazis constantly got into brawls and political violence when they were just a movement, for example

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Was the Mandalay Bay shooting a glowy psyop?
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So either this really convoluted story, or a dude just wanted to waste a bunch of people. One of the two for sure faggots.
there is video of him and his security entourage that night.
Mandalay = man delay which means to delay mankind from ascending which caused a huge drop in the timeline
at the wrong hotel. And "he" is just a security guy, not a sheik.

It was a glownigger op, but it had nothing to do with arabs or an assassination.
>One of the two - for sure faggots
Because only sure faggots believe it.

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