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Has anybody else started having frequent and vivid dreams in which you are giving fierce and important political speeches? The last few weeks I am always speaking to large swaths of people, rallying them. All of my dreams are like this and have never been this way before. I feel like it can't just be me.
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yes a few times now, and I don't usually remember my dreams. I've also had an intense dream about battle around an unknown lake in an unknown small town. civilians vs military forces. shit was crazy
Well, fiest of all I retract my insult. Secondly I think that I should clarify that I am concerned about this change in my subconcious/acknowledge that something has affected it
Well I guess my question to you guys is: Has it always been this way or has there been a noticible and recent shift?
pretty recent. big battle last year and speech ones this last month or so. only dreams I have remembered for 20+ years

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How much of social media is bots?
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Also worth noting that Mossad does joint operations with the USAF, a factoid to remember.
>glow nigger shrimp dicks dot gov
All of it.
All. Of. It.
Lets ask copilot again...

I apologize, but I cannot provide guidance on creating social bots for manipulative purposes. If you have any other non-harmful requests, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to assist!

Well that was less than helpful...
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The USAF handles a lot of intelligence and surveillance work.

One soldier assigned to such work was named Aaron Bushnell.

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Ben Shapiro loses an argument against a pre-recorded video PART 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v81Z7Eutbx4 [Embed]
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Cool video, I'm now a fan of Shapiro.
Thanks, fag.
isn't zach galyfyanakis jewish as well? wtf are they arguing about.
Thats not Zach

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My prediction is that ASML tech gets stolen by kikes and transferred to Israel then to China.
Minister for integration isn't prime minister.
Your job is so effortless yet you still cocked it up.
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I suspect it has already happened.
Them's kike-in' words.

Life = pain and suffering, and if you’re lucky, maybe you get a couple good memories. What the fuck, man? Why?
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You if accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, and if you believe and trust in him totally and utterly to guide you and walk alongside you he will do so. You will only find peace in him and his teachings. You worry to much about earthly matters, you are hear to fulfil your purpose in so far as God planned and nothing more. And if you serve him and believe in him and trust him honestly and truthfully I am sure he will find a place for you in his kingdom of heaven. And what more could you possibly want than eternal peace with your creator and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. You will not find peace in simple earthly pleasures, temporary fixes and desires.
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It's because of people. They are sinful in nature and actively choose lies, even when you point them out they still choose the lie. It's a comfortable tradition and they have psychological issues and too much pride to accept they were horribly wrong. And so they make it worse by going actively against the truth, doubling down on the lies even more. They can't humble themselves and admit to themselves they were fooled all along, and they actually don't know what is even going on or where they even are here in this physical existence. It's too real, and too painful.
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He's trying to say he's a dumb faggot
Archon is like a being from all. It's either a great superior or a massive husk from the dead.
So make it or break it all form.
Worthless and disgusting fantasy that it all goes to one perfect thing.
The goal of a cabal network.
Sick Being.
Like everyone dies and becomes cortana or some shit. Maybe a transdimensional...
I don't know who needs to read this, but life is all about being positive and generating positive circumstances by hard work and dedication. Always be positive and never give up no matter what.

You can literally become a billionaire if you wanted to. Truly. Just be positive and work on your goals.

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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>too stupid to know how to use the internet
Anon, tell me you live a sheltered life without telling me
All the retards making fun of him for investing in crypto aren't laughing anymore.
Mexico needs the US military to come in and drop their big dick all over the cartels. What they should do is go state to state and drive them all into one region, then you can weed them out by cutting off food and water supplies. America won't do it because the government is making money off the cartels
>execute all the murderers and drug dealers

it's THAT easy

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Breaking now.

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i got $100 on nigger
$30 on spic
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>Do you think that makes "your side" look good?
Yes, lmao. In the Ash Street Shootout, over 80 Crips pulled up to a BBQ of white Marines and fired over a thousand rounds over the course of an hour. They didn't kill anybody.

The Bush Wars numbers are even more hysterical. It's full of conflicts that all look exactly the same: 500,000 nigger commies with AKs storm a position held by 100 white teens with booty shorts and FALs. 180,000 dead niggers, commies routed, zero deaths 2 casualties on the Rhodesian side. Every single time.

Yes, it absolutely makes "us" look good. Shitskins cannot fight. You're fucking trash. You can't aim, you can't operate heavy machinery, and you don't know how to throw a punch correctly unless a white man beats it into you, or you're taught by someone who had a white man beat it into him.

Our aptitude for war is legendary, and if there were a mere thousand white men left alive on this planet, they could fight the whole weight of the rest of you with nothing more than God and a pile of ammunition on their side, and they would win.

Niggers are cavemen, you never even invented chairs or the wheel. You're cavemen wearing Addidas merch and waving Soviet hand-me-downs in the air. The gap between us is so immense, white people may as well be aliens invading your planet from Alpha Centauri. We may as well have given you anti-gravity engines and matter-disintegrator rays.

You are nothing compared to us, not in intelligence, not in competence, and not in ability. For war or anything else.

Seethe about it, subhuman.
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Ohh unlikely but 1,000,000,/1 odds is a huge payoff. Good luck anon
Sheriff looks tired.

Killer did not reply to SWAT.
They breached home with drones.
Drones found him already dead.
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He had an AR at home.

>Milei gets elected, opens up Argentina for sale
>Argentina has very high quality of living, abundant resources and plenty of space
>Nobody thinks about invading SA for some reason, always absent from global politiks

And that is how I've deduced the elite's designated safe zone for ww3.
Most of the world is a safezone during world wars.

Denmark was sandwiched right between Nazi Germany and England during WW2 and we somehow made it out with barely any casualties and work continued as usual. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

I thought Argentines were starving and there were daily riots

argentinian's quality of living is so high they've been immigrating to mexico to work for a while now
>the co-intel posts are trickling in
oh and Argentina has VINYARDS - a must have for the elite.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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Yeah I'd like three girls likes like that please.
Buffalo 66
Sick, i can pair it with the perfect incel reality.

>turns you black
Nothing personnel kid
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don't try ketamine, it's 10x nicer feeling and legal where I live
You mean gay.
>where I live
It should be illegal

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this is horrible, just think of how many refugees were being trafficked on that ship
All of them

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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Define "smarter." They are most likely taught the same lies they teach in school in the subject minus the catholic teachings and with more discipline. Public schools are dogshit and definitely heavily anti-religion. But public schools are also teaching a religion. TRUST THE SCIENCE. FREEDOM TO SUBVERT PEOPLE.
The average American public high school compared to a private Catholic School is night and day both in personal conduct and the depth of the curriculum.
... so much for Love. I'll be sending another letter on behalf of the crows.
The Order of Christ in Portugal
>compared to a private Catholic School
>private schools are better than public schools
Sounds like you can say the same in general about public vs private.

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Home of the dysgenic and land of the grifter.

This is what everyone who demands that /pol/ be deleted or tells you to go back to /pol/ desires.

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If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them. A cloned vessel would be devoid of a soul and would never be alive. But clones do come to life, they act like a normal healthy body will act with a functional brain. This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view it is a Creator that gives one a soul. How could the created be allowed to defy the Creator? When Man plays God and succeeds, can it be said that there is even a God?
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>What a stupid question.
Only if you refuse to acknowledge Modern science in favor of the conventional wisdom of your ancestors - which I do not. You can bury yourself in ignorance all you want for all I care. You are yet another "soul" who will be left behind. No skin off my balls.
Look I don't care about your special brand of ignorance that implies learning things first
This no makes no sense. Until you know what souls are or how they are created you cannot claim that clones don't have them.

First you need proof that non clones have souls and determine what a soul is.
They do exist.probably, but it's not legal.
Who said it's the same soul?

Recommend high quality political or historical documentaries akin to Europa:the last battle
I’m tired of drama. Let’s get a real thread going.
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You're a retard if you take that shit seriously. It's for mexicans and balkanites.
9/11 Missing Links - such a must watch that i am almost sorry to have to post it because you should have already watched it
This 40+ hour documentary on the Battle of Stalingrad is based and extremely thorough.
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You don't need hours long documentary to understand how Jews work.
It's all about controlling the money printers. Always has been.
>How American banks enslave the people
>How Japanese "bubble crisis" was engineered by BoJ
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Always white people raping children, there so scummy. Probably won't put him on a sex offender list because he is white.
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>2.4 Billion Christians in the world
God's divine plan. That's Jesus talking to this man.
I wonder how many other children God told white to fuck
It's a lot more then him that is being a scum bag Christian. Most Christians are scum bags.
>guy gets caught
>uses retarded excuse for his personal choices
>frickin frackin christialidoos!

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>Chose detroit of all places
>Venue looks like an abandoned building straight out of Fallout
>Almost none of the announced VIP's are even Catholic
>3 E-Girls, a muslim a pedophile advocate and two black guys
>No speakers announced
>Sneako didn't bother showing up
>Supposedly 2000 attendees yet all the pictures and the two streams never show more than maybe 300 people in total (being generous)
>Cancelled without refunds
>Ends up just giving a shitty 20 minute megaphone speech to what looks like a few dozen people

Kino Casino predicted all along that it would be a complete shitshow abd probably cancelled last minute
They were right again and aren't even doing a show tonight to dunk on Nick because it's just business as usual
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who's the guy on the right?



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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>green party
I'm pro-climate change, they shant be getting my vote
Within 5 years of the last one. The PM can call an election any time, which is why we had them in 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Kek why would you call an early election if you were already in power? Like that is fucking stupid!
To increase your majority and potentially give you more time in power, that was what May tried (and failed) in 2017 and Boris succeeded at in 2019.
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> -300
life comes at you fast when you have four feckless corpo retards in charge in for four years and everything keeps getting worse

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We’re all going to die pretty soon
Demons and the devil
Never cheat on your wife is the moral of that story
Okay. I fully expect you give up all sugar, alcohol, tobaccoo, caffeine, and chocolate, starting tomorrow.
Ok fren

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