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the Average Person can not purchase Vantablack paint.
"There's a paint, a “material,” that an artist patented, and no one else is allowed to use it. Anish Kapoor bought the exclusive rights to Vantablack, the blackest black available to artists. (Feel free to insert a “Spinal Tap” joke here, if you are of a certain age.)"

is it because you could elude IR or FLIR cameras using it at night or is it because copyright laws are FAGGOTY AS BUTTFUCKING YOUR CRUSTY DADS ASSHOLE?

The Older I Get, The Stupider This Planet Shows
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Based and stinkypilled niño
enjoy the goon
saved ;)

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Nigel Farage is not going to save the UK
Anyone who thinks that is a certified moran
It's so embarrassing to see nu-/pol/ get giddy over Nigel Farage
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truth is that cuckservatives like Farage are left wing
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Farage needs to team up with the Tories right now and become its leader, then win over the Labour bs.
Fuck off dick head
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Tories are done for, there is no saving them.
They are universally hated, and any of their old voters are sick of them. Even Tory candidates are hiding the fact they are Tories. I was visiting my sister in Norfolk yesterday. The Tory candidate knocked on her door while we were there and doing their pitch.
At no point in the conversation did he say he was Conservative. He just used his name, his campaign leaflet he handed to my sister was all red with a union flag on it. It wasn't until you opened it you saw it was Conservatives, at a glance, you'd have assumed he was the Labour candidate. He was trying to hide which party he represented through pure shame.
Them, Labour, Lib Dems and Greens all need to be washed away once and for all, and newer political parties taking their place.
Don't care still voting reform, I just want the tories gone then deal with labour after

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They will always keep at least 15 backup guys on the bench and search for an upgrade, no matter how tall/rich/etc you already are.
Why invest your time and money into something that can and will betray you any moment?
because you're to jestermaxx and wagecuckmaxx for her while they:
>In recent years, women have accounted for more than 85% of purchases per TechCrunch across various categories in the U.S. alone. Projecting further into the future, women are estimated to control 75% of discretionary spending by 2028.
I will rather jerkoffmaxx and forget about them altogether. They are literally the jews of the gender.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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Still lagging behind the czech republic.
yep, women are empowered at the cost of mens labour and taxes, remove that and we can go back to having feminine women and big families again, because women will depend on men for their survival
and thats a good thing
>yep, women are empowered at the cost of mens labour and taxes, remove that and we can go back to having feminine women and big families again, because women will depend on men for their survival
I live on the countryside.. there is this one family with a ton of kids.. everybody looks at them as weirdos. Imagine that, because they have a large family which was normal some 60-70 years ago they are now considered weird.
I read a forum post a while back.. teenage girl, 19 years.. said she wanted kids so bad, almost begging for someone to validate her feelings and everybody was like muh buh duh get educashn hurr durr even though she had already planned for it, but wanted kids first. This is another problem we face, women are getting shamed if they actually want kids at a young age and I am sure it is a lot of peer pressure from slutty women to not give in to that instinct as well that is not as easily visible on the surface.
most men are fags and dont understand the power they could gain in society by having tons of chdren and grandchildren

i wish i had a woman who wants many children, but once it all collapses it will be much easier for men like me

cant stand living in this feminist/fag world order anymore

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Who else is sunburn master race here?
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Embarassing cope
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Embrace the carotenoids.
Ah you have found the trick of tricks.

Yes the most beautiful glow of health can be brought about by carrot consumption.

Phytonutrients are beauty
red lobster here, reporting in
fuck gypo
It's rainy and cold, nigger.
Tanning is nigger tier anyway.

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Your crush is out there living her life and enjoying the weekend.
Going out with friends, socializing, dancing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you are here shitposting on a beautiful Sunday. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?
When I dance women make fun of me.
Why do you keep spamming this memeflag?
my crush is less social than me and just hangs out with her family.
No she's in bed and we've been married for 5 years fag lol goodnight
This memeflaggot slide thread post is off-topic. :)

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Say something nice about her.
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The jewish gentleman of the left needs a node job too.
licking old degenerate aristocracy ass, Tyrone? What happened to your muh election muh freedom?
What the fuck is that? Is that an orc from Mordor wearing a wig and a dress?
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Is Bulgaria in the matrix
Bulgaria IS the matrix


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gymcels and fatcels btfo
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Gay bot
>caring about what woman want
leafjeet i ...
Pedophile bot
What's a kg?
I've been having no problems at 5'10 but then again, I'm white :^)

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Breaking News, The NigNogs shot up their own slavery party
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>single (non memeflagfag) israel post
>it's a bbc cückold porn fantasy
God that's funny
Ever hear of Klan rallies and Proud Boy gatherings? You know there are also violent white gangs in the US, right? Any group or race can get a gang or mob rule mentality. Put a marginalized group in such a position and you get what you breed. Create ghettos to house them in the 50's, 60's & 90's, segregate to build up the suburbs then you get pent up outbursts. No one to blame but ourselves. Whites can be just as unpredictable or brutally violent...whites account for most sexual crimes. Live under a rock, be my guest. Let you remind you, the days of brutal racism and lynching are less than 100 years old. There is a long way to go to make it right and heal the wounds, remember the meaning of Juneteenth
It’s another nothing burger.
yes. Paul wall concert. RR used to be a great place. at least 3 dead.
Fuck off kike.

I literally just want a cute (White) boyfriend. I just want to snuggle with him and gently pet him and kiss him and kiss him on his benis lips and lovingly suck on his frenulum until he cums all over my face multiple times because I know how to give multiple orgasms back to back. Then we can have our nightly Bible study while under the influence of the spiritual experience that is gentle post-orgasm/afterglow stimulation in the confines of a lifelong monogamous relationship, and then fall asleep gently holding and caressing each other and feeling safe in each others' arms and knowing that our eternal souls are interwoven and nothing else matters while we're together.
Literally all I want in this life is to be loved by a cute (White) boy with as much love as I have to give him. Is that seriously too much to ask for in this fucked up demonic jew world? I just want a boyfriend so bad, my heart hurts ;~;
ha gay
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W-who told you that??? >~<

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You WILL live in the galvanized square steel room.
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Looks comfy for one nigga
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Let me guess, you need more?
the Kerbal Space Program version of this meme is the best one

Uuuh, nice painting in that one.
I have very few requirements for my living environment, but they cannot be compromised on no matter what.

1. Bedroom should be large enough to fit a queen sized bed, plus roughly another such bed's worth of space for storage. More space is preferred, but I need to be able to store my desktop (kept next to my bed), my clothes, some books, and my sex dolls.
2. Bathroom must be a separate room within the house. I will not deal with privacy issues with guests, nor will I allow for any plumbing issues to cause damage to the rest of my house. I have had a basement flood because of an overflowing toilet before, and that was fucking nasty. The carpet had to be replaced.
3. Kitchen must contain ample storage space for groceries and cookware. It also MUST have a stovetop and oven. I have seen too many Japanese apartments where the kitchen does not have an oven, and I genuinely do not understand how they live.

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Would you live like this /pol/?


It only costs 1000$ a month.
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>>a lot

But only among the men, and since it's inherently a jewish communist establishment this goes unchallenged. And then, imagine the smell..

Beastial? Try fecal.
This video and pic is more than 4 years old. You're a nigger
That's only 500 less than my mortgage for an entire house
What is your point?
Is a $1,500 mortgage for a house normal? If so then fuck me, I could pay for that right now. I'm guessing the initial buy-in price is what deters poorfags then.

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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yeah, they'll just have you killed
>confederate flag
You brought them here in the first place, faggot.
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>since 2012
>never been this bad
Sure thing
>Not right, no matter how 'based' everyone thinks it is.
Murder is perfectly fine though, right? To answer OP, it would take me being allowed to kill cucks like you. And it would be my sole descretion as to whether one is a cuck or not.

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are those tight-rolled jeans?
or, are the jeans so tight that the roll looks like an '80s fashion trend?

regardless, yes, that is total faggotry.

i denounce the talmud.
Why doesn't Nick work out?
>degenerate kike can only respond with meaningless shit like 'pee pee in vagoo!'
Because you're an obese piece of shit
>Straight men never put a leg over another when reading books and documents
Clearly, a faggot comfortably spreading his legs next to a twink on a couch while grabbing his bottle placed right where his cock is, wouldn't know about this. It's practical to sit like that because the angle is inward, so you can rest things like papers or books without them falling right the fuck off or being too flat to read easily, unlike the homo in the first twitter pic.

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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come here
I've seen those
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i just wanna wear tiny shorts and run around with a FAL....
life isn't fair bros...
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gross kike

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weird research in Finland: modified corona virus enters cancer cell and kills it


Biotherapeutics Co. CEO Akseli Pekka Hemmingway says there exist 290 different types of cancer cell we have seen so far (could be even more but its already a lot).

This means just about any type of cell inside human body can transform into cancer. Some tissues are worse than others regarding the outcome. Some cancers which have started as skin cancer but spreaded to internal organs are eventually impossible to cure if it had spreaded.

What they are doing is researching a cure for cancer that took over internal organs. A modified coronavirus enters cancer cells only, they promise. Coronavirus now has 7 different changes from original, these were genetically engineered. It searches cancer cells based on 7 markers usually found only in cancer cells.

>it should be effective against: ovary cancer, testicle cancer, skin cancer, it is not exactly known why it works mostly against these, but it does work even if a testicle cancer has taken over your stomach, which was previously an untreatable condition, removing balls will work if done in early stage of cancer but not after it colonizes the stomach

>He believes the treatment can move from research phase to being actually available in hospitals for a common cancer patient, maybe in 2030.
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Doesn't surprise me, this is how viruses work, they enter a cell, hijack the genetic machinery of the cell to make copies of the virus which usually destroys the host cell.
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>Thread that has nothing to with vaccines
>/pol/'s resident dimwits immediately turn it into an antivaxx thread
So you're saying the virus is the antidote to the vaccine?
the virus is a virus
it is an interesting virus because it lends itself to modification, is very infective and has good error-checking (for a virus)
you can try to make it into an anti-HIV vaccine, or mod it to kill whitey like the chinks did, or mod it to kill cancer cells etc etc
covid was an anti-cancer vaccine that reverted

the ironic thing is the mrna covid vaccines cause cancer

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Jihadists take over a jail in Rostov and take hostages...this is pretty embarrassing for guard cucks who allowed this to happen i tell you hwat
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>Everything that ever happens happens because it was organised by the CIA

Dear schizo, bad things happen time to time without cia involment

Op what is the source? I wanna know cos my friend works as a prison guard in jail with heavy muslim population
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Anonymous (ID: RxMyKfxz) stopped reading there
Okey fat schizo
Well that answers the question if OP is an Amerimutt
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okey sand nigger

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This is Gordon Ramsay after he got into an accident while riding a bicycle. All bikes and bicycles should be banned and taken off the road.
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he got hit by a car retards
>walkable cities.
NPC term. You're a shill.
It wasn't a bicycle you dumb fuck
I literally posted proof you dumb fucking nigger.
It's literally not your problem memeflag
Mind your own business if people want to die that's their issue.

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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I was grocery shopping at Winco, Walmart, and Costco on Friday and it was very very busy.
need more vaccines. Still too many NPCs and useless eaters alive
Damn, sounds really nice.
>my gf

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quite sad how she got cancelled because of palestine and we don't hear about climate anymore. antisemitism doomed humanity after all
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>the case of greta proves kikes rule the world
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Stop the rain!
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She is red pilled and going out there
People hating on here is Jew shit
god i would do anything to cum in that potato
Actually she was cancelled by Elon gatekeeping twitter. Not going to log in just to wank at her face.

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