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What are the political implications of His decrees? How do you practice these teachings in your own life? What is the political solution to the problem of money? Jesus Christ explicitly says you can not serve both God and money. What does that mean for us?
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>he wants to reframe the discourse so he can get a word in edgewise with a Jew who is killing him in discussion by sticking to the truth
luckily i am broke and probably have some kind of schizophrenia-family mental disorder, and have organized my entire life around fighting impossible battles against the powers that be, so i think i have a leg up on most normal people when it comes to implementing the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in my life.

man, 4chan really fucked me up lol! i used to be so normal. well, not normal, but at least functional enough to pass under the radar of most normies
thats certainly one way of describing whats going on here for sure, your giant jew nose just takes everyones glances though so sorry to break it to you sweetie.
I hate 4chan posters


*closes thread again*

I used to watch schizos go against the Jewish order and I became schizo myself just by watching them. Schizophrenia is contagious and spread by Alex Jones and should be outlawed.
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>All the "Jesus wuz Wuite" memes were fabricated by dubious medieval sources to build their fake narrative but some dumbos are still buying it in the 21st century

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I think it’s clear that people are suffering because of rampant pornography use, and at large, corroding society.

But what would actually be solution? Ban sites like Pornhub, xHamster, xVideos, sure. But you could still argue that banning pornography probably an infringement of free speech.
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There could possibly be a middle ground where you restrict pornography so you’d have to either buy it online, or maybe even in person like with rentals in the 1990s

But people still have pornography stashed away, it could easily be uploaded and shared. And what about r34 artists? I can hop on Instagram or Twitter right now and find an endless amount of soft porn

What would we do about these people? Because the more I think about all this, the more I begin to doubt there’s any concrete solution that can actually be implemented.
Yes that's a clear violation of freedom of speech and press. Instead prosecute sites like chaturbate and onlyfans for prostitution and criminal conspiracy all under existing prostitution statutes. Make private and public sexual acts for money unprofitable. Porn industry collapses. They make their money from prostitution, not pornography. The porn is just an advertisement for what really goes on.
There is no solution.
The problem sorts itself out.
Coomers don't have kids.
Or if they do, its a fucked up family and will die out in a couple of generations.
The only people who are left are the ones that don't have the coom brain gene.
Then the world heals.
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>how do we fix this element of industrialism
Widespread consumption of pornography isnt the problem; its a SYMPTOM. A symptom of technological progress.
There's no way to "fix" the issues that come with technology, because agreements and regulations don't last forever. Whatever law you introduce now, its only gonna delay the spread of moral decay for a few more decades.

The only solution is a total collapse of the system and a global Dark Age (which will be brought about through WW3)
Since laws on porn relaxed in this shithole society became more shit. I support a total ban in pornography like it used to be on Fidel's time.
Society and relationships were healthier, since then everything has been more shitty and tainted by that damn retarded puertorican degenerate nigger rap-reageton culture, tranny niggers, and filth.

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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Being a grifter is based now?
Yeah if you grift against Pissrael
Yes in that way I find her ideologically respectable despite strongly disagreeing with many of her political positions. She's one of the few talking heads whose voice adds to the convo instead of detracting from it.

Hamas is entirely Israel's creation,
as is the entire situation of Palestinians

as pro-Palestinian?
what she's always vehemently been known for in public?
see my other post further down thread

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should body positive shorts be legal in public?
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fuck you
nigger I thought I've seen everythign
this is why you have property rights and dress codes.
Need a pair of those bad boys for myself

A penis

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I thought you said the day of the rope was going to happen.
It's been 10 years now, and the day of the rope still hasn't happened.
Why did you lie?
I like to troll retards
I trolled you
ergo you are... ???
The Day of The rope has not happened because I HAVE NOT STARTED IT YET.
Well we are still waiting for the Zionists to pop shit off. They have literally all of the power. Anons can’t help it that the Zionists are do nothing two more week faggots. Their god gives signs and nothing happens so I don’t blame them.
aren't they screeching out "sieg heil!" in germany? I think it's on the way
Sorry it was a typo, it's cope not rope

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gymcels and fatcels btfo
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>caring about what woman want
leafjeet i ...
Pedophile bot
What's a kg?
I've been having no problems at 5'10 but then again, I'm white :^)
welcome to the incel club

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weird research in Finland: modified corona virus enters cancer cell and kills it


Biotherapeutics Co. CEO Akseli Pekka Hemmingway says there exist 290 different types of cancer cell we have seen so far (could be even more but its already a lot).

This means just about any type of cell inside human body can transform into cancer. Some tissues are worse than others regarding the outcome. Some cancers which have started as skin cancer but spreaded to internal organs are eventually impossible to cure if it had spreaded.

What they are doing is researching a cure for cancer that took over internal organs. A modified coronavirus enters cancer cells only, they promise. Coronavirus now has 7 different changes from original, these were genetically engineered. It searches cancer cells based on 7 markers usually found only in cancer cells.

>it should be effective against: ovary cancer, testicle cancer, skin cancer, it is not exactly known why it works mostly against these, but it does work even if a testicle cancer has taken over your stomach, which was previously an untreatable condition, removing balls will work if done in early stage of cancer but not after it colonizes the stomach

>He believes the treatment can move from research phase to being actually available in hospitals for a common cancer patient, maybe in 2030.
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So you're saying the virus is the antidote to the vaccine?
the virus is a virus
it is an interesting virus because it lends itself to modification, is very infective and has good error-checking (for a virus)
you can try to make it into an anti-HIV vaccine, or mod it to kill whitey like the chinks did, or mod it to kill cancer cells etc etc
covid was an anti-cancer vaccine that reverted

the ironic thing is the mrna covid vaccines cause cancer
>mrna covid vaccines cause cancer

mRNA is the reason for that, too unstable
Eh, brain cells are the hardest to treat, but treatment is usually more successful.

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May their memory be a blessing.
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>The rule that as long as the mother is jewish the children are also jewish seems really weird for jews to make.
It's not weird at all, from their perspective. After being exiled and (deservedly) genocided so many times in 2,000 years, their reproductive strategy was to offer up their women to invaders or the men of the host countries they resided in. By only recognizing the mother, it forced their culture to accept bastard children which other cultures would naturally reject from such unnatural pairings. Likely, their severe inbreeding after the Fall of Rome and other genetic bottlenecks forced this as well.
Baby killers and murders all.
May God deliver us all from the Jews.
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Why does the oppressor always claim to be the victim?

We saw this especially with how the nazis tried to justify the holocaust by claiming they were oppressed by the Jews.
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The burnt offering was the white soldiers. kikes hid out in camps or got deported, avoiding any battle. Europe was fucked after ww2 and the herd thinned. The top brass nazis were jews sacrificing Europeans to moloch. They they scapegoated Europeans as the perpetrators.
That was subterfuge, moishe, nice try tho.
not sure what you mean by that. subterfuge?
It means deceit used in order to achieve one's goal. False flags always require the attacker to appear as the victim.
You tell us

It's clear you are just projecting

the guy who is ahead in the polls in Iran's upcoming snap elections. Ahmedinejad praises the USA and President Trump and says that the division between West and East is an illusion, because China and the US have awesome trade relationships.
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After all the jewish propaganda I've seen waged against him, I'm inclined to believe him.
Yeah but that’s just the cover story. Behind the scenes trump, Iran and Russia all get along. Israel was trying to start a war but trump cock blocked them. Think of it like this, israel was the class shit-talker who sucker punched some kid trying to stand up to him, but before the bully could go around and tell everyone the story he concocted to make everyone mad at the kid, the class chad saw what happened and went and told everyone that it was he who got in a fight with the kid and that the kid is actually pretty tough and they both got black eyes and now they aren’t beefing anymore. Then the jew bully shows up to class and realizes he can’t spin the story his way anymore and the whole issue gets forgotten
Makes sense. Trump was pretty clear he fucking hates Bibi.
yes the US ZOG & SWAMP consisting of
> Weaklings (L. Graham etc)
> Women
> Gays

is an absolute terrible problem on EVERYONE, including US americans.

Why are the citizens not taking up arms and slaughtering these DC Congress & WH clowns in a stream of blood and spilled organs?
funny how the jews paid Trump back with a dagger to the back for literally being the perfect shabbos

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Oprah demanded it so that when they all went to diarrhea on him that evening it would hit him in the face
Why does everyone there look amused?
Why did they
Because he wanted to be able to "see the ocean" according to his last will.

god loves even what hates him
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There is no such thing as truly hating god. Everything you do you do in the name of god. We are all a small tiny fraction of god. We exist to experience one facet of existence that is this human life for god. When we die we return to god and are reintegrated back into where we came. The experiencing of hating of god is for god's sake so that god may experience it. You do this and all things for god whether you know it or not and whether you accept it or not- denial or acceptance is all also for god.
how are they all so clean, who is making all those clothes
God hates Jews. Jews murdered Jesus Christ.
Wasn't that the whole point? If they'd just said nah w/e have at it what wouldn't that have screwed up the whole plan?
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Breaking News, The NigNogs shot up their own slavery party
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It’s another nothing burger.
yes. Paul wall concert. RR used to be a great place. at least 3 dead.
Fuck off kike.
Man, I wonder who did a shooting at a heavily black event.
Probably some white supremacist, just like the Kansas city football parade shooting.
>it's bad to shoot your enemy
Enjoy getting replaced

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its amazing how much further along cognitively the greeks were from where we are today. sometimes it feels like we've hit some kind of cognitive roadblock, something which gave us a flat tire and we havent thought yet to swap the tire out.

am i wrong or does this sound appropriate? if im right, what do you think the roadblock is?
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fuk u
Oh yeah the left infographic is complete bullshit. The right one is better, it captures the exact sentiment even though its not a direct quote.
Then again, the brackets []means editorialized, and it does capture the sentiment, the Jews being leaders means the same than shall be ruled by them.
But this is the last post I'll talk about semantics anymore, I'm not gonna take the bait
There is much more important shit going on when our societies are crumbling before our eyes because of the jews
Wasting time discussing such nonsense is not productive
You will see me post my edit, when I see others or you posting the Kalergi Plan. In case I'm here.
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As a mixed autist this is profoundly blackpilling, because I know it's right.

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i dont think so
I knew they were Bosnian roasties before I even saw the euro memeflag in the background
> who barley have any turkish blood
They might as well have it, SDA conservatard roasties are the biggest whores in existence
i assume that you live in a big city like istanbul or ankara.
most turkish immigrants are poorly educated, poor mountain turks.
i think it's different there, they are acting more traditional but are whores like all women.
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>Turks don't have dogs
Lmao, never been to Turkey, have you?

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Black men humiliate some dumb boomer beaner who's probably here illegally, once again, the black man does what the white man should have done a long time ago, you're welcome.

Video with sound: https://x.com/ccamacho88/status/1801792768747938072?t=VV-_6mer99WerQ8VShs7WA&s=19
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All I see is a scientist, a engineer and a ceo teaching a lazy white bum some practical real life skills.
They eat that shit because it's all they used to be able to get and now it's traditional. My family is still making Great Depression recipes because it's tradition and reminds them of granny. So I get it, even if it's disgusting.
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This is so sad. Americans i think its time to open the borders and let them in.
He was scooping out the next coronavirus outbreak
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>the black man does what the white man should have done a long time ago.
What on earth have you done?

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Not just mainstream news, its a fresh study. Science and academia always reveals the truth.
You are the type of guy who would eat their own shit if msm told shit eating is bad
the vast majority of alien descriptions throughout history do not match greys
they must be a fairly recent creation, or recent visitor

even if this happened, you'll just say it's cg or ai or fake
billy meier already took the best ufo pictures before cg was a thing
>billy meier already took the best ufo pictures before cg was a thing
and he took them with trees and mountains for reference, so you can't just say it's a frying pan
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European Space Agency wants to do something NASA havent done: send a probe to Enceladus. It orbits Saturn but is very small, about 1/10 of the size of Earths moon.

However it is indeed more interesting than Earths moon, it is covered by icy shell but they believe 1km below the ice is a water moon (watern is frozen from the top but there is inner ocean which keeps liquid so it must be +1 degrees at Celcius at minimum)


Because astronomers have discovered Enceladus "possesses geysers that regularly erupt from its surface and spray water into space" it has became an interesting place for visit.

Even more astonishing, these plumes contain complex organic compounds. This shouldnt usually happen on lifeless rock. "Enceladus has three key ingredients that are considered to be essential for the appearance of life," said astronomer Professor Michele Dougherty of Imperial College London. "It has got liquid water, organic material and a source of heat. That combination makes it my favourite moon in the whole solar system."

Dougherty warns that Enceladus "is small with weak gravity, which means you will need a lot of fuel to slow it down so that it does not whiz past its target into deep space. That is going to be a tricky issue for those designing the mission." But Dougherty has a special interest, as the principal investigator for the magnetometer flown on the Cassini mission that studied Saturn and its moons between 2004 and 2017.

>Cassini was unable to gain a lot of info on Enceladus but just enough to show how interesting it is.
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If there is no life it could just be a large salty soup, but there could also be a exotic form of water we could discover
>Been noticing a lot of bot posts and comments irrelevant to the discussion from aussie flags lately this week.
They are usually from Melbourne. Melbourne is a hellhole filled with Redditors and pajeets.
Non dipole H2O now that's something I thought would be impossible
We have 21 types of ice, maybe im bullshitting but the density of the moon and pressure could create a new form of water
no, Venus comes from Saturn.

>Why do women [Insert Random Bullshit]?
Because simps enabled toxic femininity.
Simple as.
Now for the wiser question...
Wtf Timmy gun do 'bout it?

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And saved America.
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Seen it, Razor was pretty spot on.
Lincoln forever changed the phrase "The United States are..." to "The United States is..."
>Razor was pretty spot on.
Good to know. I'm watching it again because he covers a lot of area about that period in the US which I am not familiar with and have forgotten, but I wasn't sure if he was giving an adequate picture of Lincoln's fuckery.
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That is a lie, slavery continues in the USA in prisons as per the 13th Amendment, despite attempts to revise history.

It is why we have a museum to terror lynchings and mass incarceration down here in Alabama, it is in Montgomery.

>Actually us bongs made slavery illegal and enforced it all around the Empire.
>Just like WWII, you joined the party late and then took all the credit.
Razorfist mentions that in the vid. On top of it all, Europe did it without firing a shot. If Lincoln wanted to do the same he could have, but chose not to. When coupled with the NY draft riots, it sure looks like he was possibly dealing with a messiah complex if he wasn't just power mad.

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