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My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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There you go anon. Everything you need to know is in that documentary series
>Homeless people cut through my yard constantly
>Fix the fence gate and lock it up to stop them
>They destroy the gate to continue cutting through, saving fifty feet of walking

>Have a shed
>Place a single rake in said shed, lock it up
>Someone breaks into it, steals rake, leaves a single cigarette butt and a half eaten freezie, then locks up behind them

>Old folks homes have security guards who stand watch whenever the senior citizens want to sit outside to keep the homeless from begging/stealing

>Have had five separate individuals knock on my door at night asking if this is where they can buy down in the past six months

>Population under 40k, 175 homeless. 1/200 people are homeless. Almost all of them are rez rejects. Not quite San Francisco tier, but impressive for a place with -50 windchill being a regular occurrence in winter.

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Oilfield in the Midwest always brings in tons of undesirables during the summer. They'll be gone by winter. I just have to do my grocery shopping early in the morning and spend the rest of the time on the water fishing from my boat.
Moved to a wealthy and heavily Jewish town. Shit's kino. No niggers allowed.
I live in regional Australian town that's about 85% white. Pretty chill most of the time. Abos do usual Abo shit but destroy themselves with alcohol and meth so the problem mostly solves itself. Had a few pajeets and chinks move in recently but they're the work hard and make a better future for their kids variety.

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Goblins are attacking!
I don’t even want to post a Goblin Slayer meme, it's just retarded niggers being retarded.
Gonna need the pidgin English version of this article. Thanks. Wey dey.
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Oh yeah? You think you're so smart? Think you could outsmart a goblin? Well replace goblin with covid and see how that sounds you high IQ retard.

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With an investment as small as $750K you could secure a passive income and never work another day in your entire life
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>"if you could perfectly predict the biggest gainers, you'd bet set for life!"
if I could go that, I wouldn't even need 750k. you could start with 2k and quickly arrive there in some months, there's always some meme stock each day with a huge volatility.
completely worthless advice. it's like saying you could stop working forever if you just won the lottery
Ok let's do it
AI will become huge but just not yet. Only once the new financial system (blockchain DLT) is in-place and gets integrated with AI, yeah THEN AI is going to go crazy but right now it’s just indians putting their grandma’s money in big boob indianchad fantasy fulfillment image generation technology and chatbots and in in typical jeet fashion being way out of their depth believe that that is “AI”. Yeah nvidia is a “good stock” but to buy into the hype like a jeet is what is going to rug-pull india and reddit.
Our currency is worth nothing more than an entity pushing $35,000,000,000,000 in debt to its own people saying it's good for the money and we're about to have an extra trillion or so dollars in cash floating around via the Saudi Arabia deal not being renewed. The only reason the economy looks good is inflation is causing the numbers to rise when the reality is the value has plummeted and our leaders with actual authority are too mentally deficient via age, lead poisoning, or stubbornness to acknowledge that. To invest in a market that's about to go ass over tits is to burn the money you have. Plus most millennials haven't even earned $750k adding up every year they've worked. The only ones with that kind of cash laying around to play with don't need investment advice.
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I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no stocks, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.

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Computer, tell me when the "German" revolution occurred.



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it
name more than five persons in this picture
Hitler was weird.

Get laid

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>can't handle words speech text
>need physical violence to express yourself
R-word government

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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>star studded
Always makes me think of those grotesque disco or glam country jeans from '80s movies.
Or a Starbucks barista with facial piercings.

Not clicking that link...but they've got A list (I presume) actards and minstrels and only expect to raise $28m?
Didn't Clooney just make half a billion on some real estate deal? Funny how he talks a good line but never puts his money where his face hole is.
Like all communists. The elites who know everything and want YOU to share your morsel, while they sit in the middle of the entire pie factory.

>daddy absent
>mommy never taught him how to handle women
>go figure
What a degenerate pussy-haunted faggot you are.
we've been in ww3 since 2016 and we already lost
there's no war for us to be drafted into
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French court bans reps of Israeli defense firms from attending Paris arms show

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Could easily be since kikes' modus operandi since the 1950s has been to break organic white intergenerational loyalties.
This accounts for the conversion of popular music in the '40s from something everyone listened to, to individual genres based on ginned up Teen Angst.
Then on and on through Jewstock, the whole "Greatest/Silent/Boomer/X/Millennial/etc." bullshit (which are advertising/marketing imposed identity categories--you have more in common with the Sierra Leone shitskin, on basis of same age, than your own family members who are older or younger).
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>you’ll be remembered

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We all know hentai is popular with men (part of the broader porn problem) - Do if that's what men want, what is the equivalent for women?

Do they really want an emo shy vampire?

Has porn effected them in the same way it has men?
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What is the real "ideal male physique" for women?
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I don’t give a shit what “they” “think”

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realistically how much longer do we have until eating bugs is a normal thing in the west?

Will you eat the bugs?
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>guy claims all red foods and chocolate are insects
>anon asks for more info
>other anon spergs out on him and cries about flat earth and lizard people
holy shit
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it's called Cochineal bugs. It's sometimes used.
Protein is protein .
I’d eat you if I had too.
i mean how stupid are you? that guy is saying coffee is sewage and brown m&ms are poop and while government quality control does suck that's just ridiculous. And of course he thinks Simpsons is predictive programming. and then you act like I'M the flat earth schizo?
and instant coffee being sewage flavored as coffee? am I ridiculous for asking about that one as retard seems to think lol

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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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he is bourgeoise, he represents an average middle class person. it's not reactionary though because he has always been like that
It’s so funny watching Brit/pol/ teenagers get giddy over Nigel Farage kek
he is bourgeois though
Fuck of rabbi.

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Do you watch modern television?
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The tranny lashes out after being called out on watching faggotry in another jacket
>i'll go back to jerking off over janeway
ewwww, also why? There are so much more hotter women in space fantasy.
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Victoria is a parody of tulsi gabberd
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I watched this recently. It was alright. I also finished watching Ashita No Joe 2. The only anime you should watch are the classics. Monster, Death Note, Berserk (1997), etc.

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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Ah come on ... should be illegal to hit mit with that kinda nostalgia before my first coffee .... :D

>Rudi Carrell

Ok damn, he was funny! ^^


Gonna bake btw ...

Ja however what belongs te us

Vrens stop it
>I am fat
thanks for blogging at the 'kraut

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They're both great, but which one is the better president?
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Fuck off, shitlib. You're not welcome here.
Obama is pretty based
he was the first poorly-closeted gay president and had a tranny for a wife
he tore up American credibility beyond anything
imagine him getting plowed nightly by Big Mikes BBC right in the Executive Bedroom?
First and foremost I encourage all of you to commit sudoku. Keep in mind that Democrats along with the media defended Russia against Republicans anti-Russia agenda. Weak Mitt Romney had to defend himself and his anti-Russia policies against Obama's attacks

Buy an ad faggot

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Good, I want them good and helpless when we return. The side that gets drafted comes back organized, trained and connected to other likeminded individuals. Things will go the way they always do, period. Cause and effect are a meme in politics. You can't predict the future with cause and effect. The future is whatever the fuck it was in some similar scenario in the past. The more parallels you can draw, the more likely it is to happen again. You don't "move past" history History is ongoing. Drafting the radical young men tends to end one way for governments. When we are in the trenches, embrace your hate. Embrace your intense dislike of government. Hate with all your heart. Then, when you return don't be one of those outlier retards who takes up arms in favor of your government. If you land a wife, kids, and somehow get a house inspite of the odds, side with the coup anyway, because opposing the coup means losing all those things. Understand that the left has rigged the game against themselves. They are the losing side here. They can't win. They don't admire hierarchies, merit, strength, discipline, survival skills, guns, raising children or high time preference. They eat their own more than they attack the left and believe in a messianic idea of history going one way, literally a religious idea, yet don't believe in religion, holding only to the worst elements of religious fananticism and soulless secularism simultaneously. They don't control mineral wealth or the farms. The only reason the right can't just force the left into obedience is because the police and military protect the left.

Who hates militarism?
Who hates cops?

Moreover, birthrates make all discussion above unnecessary. The side that bans abortion and forces women into marriage will win purely by default. All that other shit I said above don't make you win, it simply acts as icing on that win's cake.
If gender is a social construct then nobody should be talking about "male to female" or "female to male" because that does not happen and is completely impossible. They're lucky enough to be granted that gender is "man" and "woman" and is just a social role not tied to biology (it IS, but they'll reject that all day and night, so, moving on), and so can be changed on a whim, but male and female are concrete descriptors of a physical, tangible, observable fact that cannot and does not change, on a whim or otherwise. I'm pretty fucking pissed that everyone seems to have given up the fight at "man" and "woman" and just allowed these kikes to steamroll right past what should have been the next barrier of "male" and "female". Now those words are being thrown around with zero meaning anymore; it's disgusting and useless.
Enjoy Hell, tranny scum. You can't escape it.
Aren't trannies and all the circles surrounding the topic woke advocates of muh equal rights and everyone is human? Where are the protests from trannies against this privilege they now have?
Huh, hadn’t thought about it that way! Always look on the bright side of life, anon
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>report for examination or induction
Americans now have to report for mandatory penis inspections

Consider the following
-defcon levels are classified
-f-35s are being moved into nuke proof mountain bases
-in the events of emergency governments 1st priority is always continuity of government
-NATO currently drafting troop plans for conflict with Russia
-rich people building bunkers like never before
-governments and oligarchs lie
Are we at Defcon 5 rn?
nothing will happen
Well, there must have been SOME reason behind all those tech billionaires scrambling to build bunkers and secret compounds.
chill, nate, I saw your video

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A suburban family in Pittsburgh could afford a butler. Thanks Brandon.
80s was shit in other ways
the 90s were better than the 80s. The 80s was cool and revolutionary, but the 90s was peak humanity. It all ended on Tuesday September 11th, 2001 at 8am EDT

Spic Fuentes shitskin cult is literally raiding detroit IRL
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When i thought detriot couldn't get any worse.
Actually based.
He probably pick detroit to appear in the trendings when people searches for trump
detroit is already raided
Where specifically ?

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who else is going to make a hat
inb4 all mysteriously got pregnant before deployment
because it was never about right and wrong and always about controlling you and what you can say
>If women are deployed, they WILL die
80 to 90% of women are vaxxed. Sending them off to war even out of spite is probably the stupidesting thing a conscious being could do in the entirety of existence. And I am SERIOUSLY no simp.

>the great filter
>99.999999999999999999% of intelligent and technologically advanced life goes extinct before making interstellar contact.

My number one concern is survival of the species--incest if necessary. Immoral, unethical, highly illegal, if necessary.
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>>the great filter
My theory is that for us, it was always women and their runaway hypergamy events in which they always end up self-isolating which leads to turmoil and civil war eventually, which hinders or resets our progress as a society every few hundred years.

Either that, or the mercantile class gene stealer jews, both are good candidates and they could both qualify for this title at the same time.

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Do Amerifats really "clean" their arses by smearing their shit all over with a small piece of paper????
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Found the dirty-arsed amerilard toilet paper users.
You didn't find SHIIIEEET
If that blonde white fag on the right is really you then
vote for Biden this election. Biden 2024.
Yes all Americans take hard printer paper and smear it all over their ass
Just one single sheet and wipe and done
What makes you think we use toilet paper? I've been using sea shells and rocks since March 2020

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the main problem with Farage is that he is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule

his whole personality is built around the very fact that he's a loser

Farage IS the problem with british politics
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he doesn't have what it takes
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>Increasingly nervous Tory boy
The absolute state of Britain where Farage is outperforming the Tories. Thank god both of them are polling too low to have any real power

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>even the Canada goose is race mixing
Why is race mixing prevalent in Canada? It's always white man with an Asian girl or white man with an Indian girl.
The (((canadian goose))) is a nigger so blame the other one
I caught my wife in bed with a goose last night. Feeling black pilled.

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