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vaxxies will end the human race

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No evidence of COVID deaths. No evidence of jab deaths. Still not taking it.
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>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths
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When will they all drop like flies? I want housing prices to go down and job vacants to open.

> INB4 Two moar weekerinos

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Yep...all we heard about all winter was drought! Climate emergency! Then it starts raining and right on cue this incident happens
Go on
Why is that?
They start many fires as well
Me, I'd recall the mayor, send the street crews home, and do it myself.
5 weeks? Seems someone could put up a bypass in a few days.

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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I will roll your entire shitskinned family into a lime dusted pit.
You’ll do nothing but hurl insults at other people because you feel people would do the same to you in person.

Sorry bro, hope you feel better
Holy fugg
They will be a super pooper by 2030
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bharap chads rise up, it's time for the final charge to take what is ours. the visa jew hates this 1 weird trick! ZERO cost, ZERO paperwork, ZERO red tape. here's how it works:
1. lotus position (duh)
2. hands as far apart as possible
3. shout LOUDLY 3 times without pause, the name of your desired homeland and your chosen penis size. three (3) times LOUDLY
make sure you face away from the train or your results are not guaranteed. good luck bros
you are not even a human

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imagine my surprise
but you bought lots of great products you already need tho right
AJ knows how to con real well.
You know it

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We must kill them all. If you’re one, please, kys.

Why can’t we go barbaric too? They aren’t deserving of humanity. Burning at the stake, flaying, you name it. We could even turn it into a moral purge event where you could hunt them down in a fixed area. At the very the least pedos should be legally be allowed to be bought and sold. Prison-rotting is too lieniet.
Should start with donald chump kek
>I was raped as a kid and now I want to kill pedos all day with a small knife

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Countries colored by safety level for locals/expats in case of a major global conflict
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that's a good map
you get a similar map if you look at likely targets for nuclear strikes and the fallout patterns
The balkans and Turkey are also red, as it nuclear red. No I mean literally nuclear, y'know the 30-50 american nukes that are housed in turkey, or the bazillion US army bases. Same goes for the middle-east.
I'd move to Singapore or maybe Australia
Singapore has the threat of Chinese aggression, Australia on the other hand might be a safer bet due to it being insanely big. Perhaps that big island beneath it called tasmania or something.
America is my home, I have deep roots here and my family and friends, I'm not going to abandon America out of fear. I do not even fear dying.

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Say something nice about her.
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French man whore
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Even Tucker Carlson's kid thinks it's funny
Cocaine fucks your nose up in exactly the way this woman's nose has been fucked up.
I don't think it's as fixable as you think it is if a princess looks like that.
by Snu snu
I am really thankful to Princess Kalina of Bulgaria. Every time I look myself in a mirror, I feel sad. But, as I look upon her visage, I start to feel a strange surge of confidence within my chest. Perhaps it's not over. Perhaps I'm not so bad. Thank you, Kalina, for making me feel better.

You're literally defending baby genocide.
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An embryo is not a person. All embryos are equal in mammals. The onlu difference is DNA

But DNA itself is not the essence of a human being, we are certainly more than that

So yeah. Its not human. Not human life, dont care
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based post and great taste in art
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>Why are you pro-abortion?
>You're literally defending baby genocide.
I'm not. unless you need one. moving on.
goys like you don't either cattle

>The Central Command said one commercial sailor from the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk cargo carrier Tutor remained missing after an attack Wednesday by the Houthis that used a bomb-carrying drone boat to strike the vessel.
>“The crew abandoned ship and were rescued by USS Philippine Sea and partner forces,” Central Command said. The “Tutor remains in the Red Sea and is slowly taking on water.”
A ragtag group of khat-chewers is BTFOing the entire US navy through simple geographic reality. Honestly the most soulful event of modern geopolitics.
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Just wait after november, then there is going to be a lot of fun.
What happens in november?
Since they know that should an escalation start because of their retaliation, houthis will just hit back harder, with even moar numerous shit that whatever globohomo tin can parked inna vicinity of yemen is going to get sunk, if not horribly maimed. Means two things; demotion and a regional hot war that can escalate into a world war.

The best part? It does not even cost that much for houthis to deal geedeepee-shattering blows, and they receive a fuckton of aid from cunts, groups, and individuals, that want the west, and erryone that supports them, to feel pain. Death even.
>The best part? It does not even cost that much for houthis to deal geedeepee-shattering blows
Yeah, the amount of turmoil they're causing is incredible for how small their budget is. It makes me wonder why the US didn't try harder to help the Saudis in their war, since this should've been seen coming a mile away.
Without those radars they aren't able to target anything with any accuracy.

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I’m tired of you faggots pretending otherwise
Whitest groyper award

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The great purge is coming
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kill all humans.
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Fuck you JIDF
Heh, PURge

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>picture for ants
jews aren't even trying, and if i didn't know any better i wouldn't suspect that they use smaller images to save on data costs, lol jews
Pls rescue me ayyys I will submit my anus
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How skilled is the anon who made that? That looks like high end professional work to me.
That looks like it might be fake and gay
sheeit wtf is this

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Jeets only congregate in 2 states, California and Texas. Both states are 60% spic or more. Notice how American flags will claim jeets are invading and a plague, but never mention spics. What’s up with that?
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If seethes more he’ll scare you and you’ll say he’s creepy
You sick pussy fuck
Because California and Texas were both part of Mexico at one point. It makes sense geographically for there to be a lot of Mexicans in those states since they helped shape the history and culture.

But there is absolutely no fucking reason for Jeets to be invading a country halfway across the world from then that they have zero historical connection to. They need to get the fuck out of our nice white countries while they still can otherwise mass exterminations will be inevitable.
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>Focus on the argument not the flag. Some people don’t live in their native countries.
Exactly what you're whining about. People not living in their native countries and trying to dividing said population by flag. Both sucks, but why are you focusing in one group and not the other? It doesn't take a genius memeflag
Having lived in a Mexican neighborhood in 'Murrica, and living in Jeetland currently, I can say conclusively I'd rather live around Mexicans any day of the week.
we all know it's a jeet, idk why they still bother using meme flags

Japan, ヽ(°〇°)ノ
Are the 2.2% being admitted to test weapons on? Why allow any human jetsam into your country otherwise?

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Open fire on zogbots once deployed or just tell the recruiters you hate niggers so they leave you alone?
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traitors get the first bullet
you lost pajeet?
Bro Russia BTFO's itself with this one too
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>I'm in my mid-thirties
>All my kids are under the age of five

Yeah, my branch of the family tree isn't getting cut down for israel.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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Not all Japanese women look pretty like the ones on this website
By the way, I never understood why the cheeks puff out.
What meaning does that gesture have? combined with placing closed hands at the sides of their faces

>be south korea
>raise aoc even higher
>birthrates drop even faster
>nooooo its the porns fault
>south korea bans porn
>birthrates even lower
>nooooo its because we dont have enough workers
>imports shitskins
>birthrates lowest in the world
>add government programs for tax bonuses
>doesnt work

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Cute Jap.

these used to be 1$ each under trump and now they are 6$
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>government continues to tax the shit out of businesses, especially fast food in the wake of Obongos wife
>gas prices are through the roof bringing the price of everything up
>minimum wage has had it's sharpest increase spike in recent years, BUT IGNORE THAT

The room temperature IQ of commie fags never ceases to amaze.

The muh corporate greed argument never passes the sniff test when you take two seconds to see what the government (an organization that should have next to no say in the economy) has been up to
$3.50 get you a double cheeseburger and small fry in Texas.
I loved the, triple cheeseburger meal but now it's $10 and barely 1,000 calories. Fucking insane when if you are a slightly active man 3,000 is how much you need each day. A fucking sandwich and potatoes should not be the same price as catching a steak on sale. I honestly don't know how they are still in business. Haven't had fast food in a long time. It was fast and cheap. Then it started taking 30+ minutes sitting in the drive through, then they jacked prices up.
6 bucks should get me both those shitty sandwiches and a soda. Used to be something Id get every now and then as a cheap meal. Not spending double for it.

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Previous: >>471258600
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

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It's barely even reliably Republican now, but I'm not even thinking of a future where America remains a democracy. I'm thinking of the future when the American civil war escalates with Canadian intervention and the Canadians get annexed as an aggressor state who invaded us, and Russia is rewarded with Alaska for their support.

>because there would potentially never be war between NATO and russia if not for china
And China would not be a problem were it not for America.
>china is currently the most likely instigator, if they can't take taiwan peacefully
How do you figure? Taiwan isn't a NATO country. Taiwan isn't even a country.
Heil Xydra fren
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Holy Utopia white pill.
>So if russia has forced conscription does that mean
why waste time on hypotheticals?
but yeah, come to /chug and shame Russia with your forced conscription vid
how new do you have to be

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
No pride flag on my porch? No BLM sticker on my car? Didn't donate to AIPAC?
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>Why yes, I do think jews are a parasitical species that worships baal-moloch and is provably the origin of all modern evil. Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?

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when its electronic you just do the exemptions server side and keep them quiet... AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted unless they happened to be at pro palestine protests
Uh oh spaghettios ameriborgars
Looks like you're getting deployed in kikecolony soon
Enjoyed getting red arrowed kek
Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
>Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
Hey! As long as they get that coveted and highly sought-after 100% disability rating for gibs then what's the problem?
>AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted
They did 80 years ago.
right but i mean they will keep ensuring it

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