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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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Imagine still falling for Red Team / Blue Team
>One issue voter.
Well, have you heard of her?
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
>trump has dementia
>not biden
>biden is fine
>ignore all of his weird moments, he's just a funny old man
>trump is the demented one
>biden has never had a moment typical of one suffering dementia in his life
>but trump definitely has it

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realistically how much longer do we have until eating bugs is a normal thing in the west?

Will you eat the bugs?
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And the chainlink marines [LINK]
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My reaction as a vegan:
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Fun Fact: If you are allergic to shellfish then there is a 90% chance you are allergic to bugs. They are going to kill so many people with allergies by "sneaking" bugs into their food.

It's all about profits. This chart shows how much more profit they can make with bugs vs beef.
>Will you eat the bugs?
you are already eating the bugs.
the chocolate you eat is not chocolate since 1995
and all the food stained with red color are food stained with insects.
food coloring is made from insects.
another thing that is even worse than eating insects is eating shit.
all the browns MMs are shit.
All the instant coffee are sewage flavored into coffee.
don´t you guess how all those big cities produce a lot of shit, but all the sewage is more clean than you thought it should be?
and don´t forget you human meat, all those "red meat" that you very often find ine market is not real meat, because you don´t see any farm near a city, and there is plenty of meat, isn´t it strange?
how Mcdonalds and other fastfoods are so delicious!?
there is even a episode where homer get addicted to human meat.

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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>in essence becoming Christ.
The greatest lie.
The greatest lie is the evil that sits on the throne of religion. Jesus didn’t teach a religion, he taught the Way to immortality.
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i have always wanted to join the knights of st john

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They are still around to some extent in the form of Neo-Templar orders with varying levels of authenticity. They also have a significant relationship with gnosticism and freemasonry. The most legitimate neo-templar organization today after researching this for awhile is probably OSMTH (ORDO SUPREMUS MILITARIS TEMPLI HIEROSOLYMITANI).
They have many interesting connections. They also have a NATO Grand Priory that is quite extensive in its scope and their network is extremely powerful, with high level military people from all NATO countries. You can check their lineage as well and some people have done a lot of research. I think the rl templars have some secrets, but they are nothing like how they are portrayed in video games or movies.

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name my band
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Shitstreet Boys
Good Morning Saars
Bestiality Boys
>Bob Sagar
Lamb Bhuna Coil

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You do realize that the only reason Putin didn't take Kyiv and Zelensky refuses peace is to continue the conflict between East and West?

The only reason is the fulfillment of the prophecies. Gog and Magog war, the war in which Edom (America and it's EU vassals) will be erased from history forever. Total genocide - the recent Obama's movie "leave the world behind."

Palestine (+East) vs Israel (+America and EU) is Ishmael (Muslims) vs Esau (the West).

This is all Jewish prophecy and explains why you are still coping and seething over this Ukraine vs Russia conflict.



I want all of this to become the mainstream thought on /pol/ and no more Ukraine vs Russia threads made

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The skinwalker situation has gotten out of hand.
No one has done anything about it and they have gotten too numerous and powerful.
The next step they are after is altering their dna with gene editing and 100x their population by 2050.
for me it's skinwalker ranch dressing
Bro skin walkers are nothing, just hot load a .308, drill out a hollow point and fill it with shavings from a blessed cross and then pack it in with pages from the Bible and super glue. Had a skin walker howling and shrieking whenever me and the boys went camping, one time it came too close and scared the fuck out of us so I loaded up the rifle with 10 of those bad boys stated above and the first shot turned that faggot skin walker into a Dr strange portal. Nothing can hurt you with the power of God and John Browning on your side
I hate Canadians so God damn much
why they're lovable morons
Schizo tier christ cucks

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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***Thank you all***

starting tomorrow. :D

But for now I must away to the goon collector mobile!

My first stop will be ->>> https://exhentai.org/tag/other:ai+generated

Then to the true library of Alexandria... -> https://exhentai.org/tag/other:ai+generated

Later dinks!

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Christians made your mighty pagans their bitch. Europe reaches it's highest heights as a Christian continent. And now that they are abandoning the faith, look at the state of it.

St Boniface sends his regards you tree worshipping dumbfuck.

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Ban lonely white men
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look how quickly we know the race…
oh no
another CIA false flag to ban assault rifles
Vegas was their opportunity to ban guns and it didn't work. Little shit like this won't work either. The intelligence agencies in the US are corrupt as fuck.
>We just playin
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Another mass shooting during election year. Interesting.

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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yeah isnt it amazing, demons will just take any soul. You dont even get an entrance exam!! You evil people are such amazing retards
wow so the newfag learned to triforce, FINALLY
>just take any soul
spoken like a true retard who has zero experience nor ever read a book
this one is fucked. she’s got a sex orgy mask and shows her pussy and asshole

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WW3 and nuclear warfare is pretty much just over the horizon now.

Maybe we should spend these remaining days thinking about the ones we love.

I love you anons :)
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Much love, anons (no homo). As a token of my appreciation, here's my Aussie who is a pure bred asshole.
i dont love you...quit being a fag.
Even if WW3 doesn't happen, maybe we can be better for the people we love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NET) Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up.
It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful.
It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends. But if there are prophecies, they will be set aside; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be set aside.
Very pretty dog.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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Definitely not the jab, you conspiracy theorist!
There is no point in PP reading it if he can't even talk about it.
Bet the OG Chinese were akin to the Tartarians.
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Remember when he shoahed everything and everyone challenging SNC Lavalin? You should have known then, if not earlier, he is untouchable.

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Was was the point where Jews completely took over the world? Was it the Rothchilds? When Napoleon lost? When Hitler lost? Or was it when they made the Federal Reserve and consequently central banks?

I also hear some people on her espousing that it was thousands of years earlier, going so far as to blame them for burning down the Library of Alexandria. Or that Jews are butthurt slopehead neanderthalls. Just when did they start working against caucasoids? When did they become greedy and why are they the way they are? To me it is too much to wrap my head around.
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I think the JFK assassination sent a very pointed message to the goystablishment.
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Zechariah 12:2-3
>Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
>And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
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No more, no less. The monkey's paw: You can't be dominant power next 400 years.

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In this general, we discuss the damage done to mankind by political ideologies and philosophies which have atheism as their root.

The Marxist-Leninist view of religion


The Very Real Link Between Satanism & Liberalism

Christian completely and utterly BTFO delusional ACKtheist troon fucker and its worshippers.

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I hate this website with a fucking passion. The only "people" left who use this website are sub 50 IQ subhuman mutants who should never reproduce. The world would be better off if every single person on this website died of AIDS and ass cancer. It's like a pool where a bunch of retards collectively shit and piss over 20 years and now there is nothing left in terms of water, only shit and piss and the retards gobbling it up like little demons. You're all going to hell, and you deserve it. This is my last post on this godforsaken website. I'm leaving you retards to sit here and spew retarded gibberish at other retards. Maybe one day your IQ will hit zero and your last brain cell will hang itself from the roof of your skull. I can't believe I wasted so much of my time here. It was all for nothing. I am dumber for having used this website. You're all gay and retarded. Goodbye.
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You're a memeflag, so you're some shitskin from a brown country anyway.

See ya, faggot. Dunno much about historyyyyy, dunno much biologyyyyy
Memeflag got BTFO one too many times. See ya tomorrow.
The weak should fear the strong. This site is impulsively unstimulating. Only the strong can stomach it
:( wah
See you tomorrow John

There's only one God Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
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Shut off your VPN muhammad
or alternatively get out of whitemans country
Your goatfucker pedophile worshipping cult doesn't belong in white lands.
keep that shit in the desert
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you should go the fuck back too
I fucking HATE the Jews importing the third world to our beautiful lands
Because of the Jews our countries are turning into turd world before our eyes and its fucking disgusting
Even the /pol/ is brown and disgusting nowadays, half of canada flag posters are not canadians and are jeets instead, half of usa flag posters are not american but jews and niggers, france flag posters are not french but shitskin muslims
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Christ is king and crussades will comeback!
> Underscoring the close ties between Christianity and Judaism and calling Holocaust denial “madness,” Pope Francis told an interviewer that “inside every Christian is a Jew.”

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In America we elect our elders as our leaders

People who swear profusely are a bunch of edgelord larpers. Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep. I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
Today I saw many talking about gay faggot larper clubs (militia posers) and plastic shit knives made of shit grade plastic and shit grade steel made in shit China.
They kept stroking their micrococks with tweezers and larping about how hardass they were and how no martial artist could take them down before getting their fat asses cut.
Is this what /pol/ is now?
Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Just how bad has /pol/ gotten in my 4 year absence?
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>Is this what /pol/ is now?
>Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Fuck off kike. 99% are fatherless faggot shills like you
when I'm in a good mood I swear in public and say shocking things in earshot of other society members which I hold no social contract with
when I was a kid I liked to cheers and break mugs and slam half empty beers to the ground at establishments as a sign of enjoyment
>act like kikes
>I'm based
>I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
We do too.

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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Two weeks ago.
Wasn't there an advisor to Donald Trump who was obsessed with green frogs and had a collection of them? There was a Matthew North video about it
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Roy Cohn. Homosexual and small hat enthusiast.
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What do you make of the human female version of Pepe being cast as the lead in a popular tv show?
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whoever made these I think

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So this ugly lesbo bitch has driven the final nail into the coffin of Star Wars, a cultural artifact created by a white man and largely enjoyed by white males. Jews bought it and trashed it, using women as a bio-weapon much as they use blacks as bio-weapons. See also Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and The Witcher. Next on the chopping block is Warhammer 40k.
This is Jewish aggression against white men. The entire point of this was to destroy any enjoyment white males might have gained, to denigrate and ridicule them, to stamp out any cultural pride, to poison the well to the extent that no-one would even bother to seek out the source material ever again. Making money was a distant second consideration. No-one who has watched Star Wars: The Acolyte can think for one second that the objective here was to be popular or make money, it was pure cultural vandalism. Other than withdraw our money, how do we fight back against this?
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I watched this episode. What do you mean? What does this guy have to do with the hate?
So you didn't watch any of it, but you have very strong opinions about it?
He's a boomer. What do you expect?
in the Acolyte the only two white Jedi they've introduced have been promptly tortured/ then killed/suicided.
Then even the two immaculate conception lesbians, the black one has the God like power to create life from nothing, where as the white one is being set up as the jealous/evil/vindictive one.
They can't even give us positive tokens now.
Look at the original production crew in the OT at pinewood studios, 99% white(Lando I guess).
Their jealousy and hatred is so blatant.

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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Over 99% of Vatican money is in Vatican city, the only absolute monarchy on earth, ruled by the pope, and home to most secure and highly guarded bank and vaults in the world. The Swiss/Rothschild Vatican money connection is bs. Get rekt fags Kek
take a look who is the biggest, not one of the, biggest chem based meds corp. take a look who was the top corp (that binds them all) for covidian vatardation
and especially, do take a close look, at those that run it - do they have divine origin due to their perhaps "ancient", aristocratic, lineage

it is funny how in most of europe, 'aristocrats and kangs' are no more, yet they are still found in 'free world'...and have their fat little fingers in many disgusting pies

so, next time
do take a look who is not being mentioned and who is the top boss

glah. blaaaaaaaah
>take a look who is the biggest, not one of the, biggest chem based meds corp.
Astute observations, Australianon.
Plz keep posting.
Sean Hross aka. GIUREH might be interesting, although I'm not sure what to think of him yet:

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