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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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fertility is negatively correlated with income
the richer people are, the more they want to self-indulge rather than raise kids
education of women is also related
the two-income household thing may sound relevant in your head, but it's not
honeypot somewhere else, glowie
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Not all Japanese women look pretty like the ones on this website
By the way, I never understood why the cheeks puff out.
What meaning does that gesture have? combined with placing closed hands at the sides of their faces

>be south korea
>raise aoc even higher
>birthrates drop even faster
>nooooo its the porns fault
>south korea bans porn
>birthrates even lower
>nooooo its because we dont have enough workers
>imports shitskins
>birthrates lowest in the world
>add government programs for tax bonuses
>doesnt work

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So the upcoming war is to hide the impending economy collapse?
They just blame war time economy, dead people, and supply chain issues?
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>upcoming war

stop buying the propaganda
there's already a full war in Ukraine
I mean since the dollar is fucked and the economy is too, war could start.
Americas going to collapse but it has a big military so the play is to make sure everyone else collapses too using missiles and bombs
America has enjoyed the fruits of winning WW2 - the dollar was dominant all this time.

Now we have to fight again and win for another ~70-80 years of global dominance.

Basically, it's global Mortal Kombat.

It's stupid though. The current powers will just wipe each other out, and the poos, africans and latinos will usurp power.
Youre on to a quarter of it!
Usually it's more then three quarters that alone.

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Anglos are the cream of the crop of humanity, they must be preserved
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we need some sort of covenant community, the swiss are invited
Mountain nigger
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Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

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Seriously, what is with the epicanthic fold on that lil nigga? That's just disturbing.
They’re just a bunch of christo-fascists, incapable of being reasoned with. They had their chance, they blew it. That’s the result of false-perfectionist religious system based on pride and shame.
They won’t be missed.

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I wasn't alive when it happened, is it true that law and order completely broke down in New Orleans?
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Gen z and millenials won't even get this ad

They're all closeted fags
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You dropped this, GenX faggot.
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>I wasn't alive when it happened,
Have never worn one in my life

Get back to your furry circle jerk
You only need to ask a Jew to sneeze to cause a hurricane with his big nose

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>”She is liberal, or is that just an act?
She's legitimately liberal? It's not an act?”-Trump
Do you think Taylor Swift is actually liberal? I have a feeling many liberals are only libtard in name because of the implications.
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It was always hair and makeup. She's never really been attractive. She doesn't really look like a woman.
Mrs Swift I found this video online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLGxJfMCCsQ
What do you think?
She looked better before though
I would like to clarify this is purely for comedic purposes
where is the video holy shit sounds hotr

Has anybody else started having frequent and vivid dreams in which you are giving fierce and important political speeches? The last few weeks I am always speaking to large swaths of people, rallying them. All of my dreams are like this and have never been this way before. I feel like it can't just be me.
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Dreams tell you something about yourself. You sound like you've been brainwashed by the current propaganda. Refer to this image; it's mostly accurate. I'm doing this to help you so that you don't clutch your guts while dying in a trench 5 years from now.
yes a few times now, and I don't usually remember my dreams. I've also had an intense dream about battle around an unknown lake in an unknown small town. civilians vs military forces. shit was crazy
Well, fiest of all I retract my insult. Secondly I think that I should clarify that I am concerned about this change in my subconcious/acknowledge that something has affected it
Well I guess my question to you guys is: Has it always been this way or has there been a noticible and recent shift?

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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Any white person who does business with a jeet deserves what they get.
Lmao no
Indians are the only immigrants by the way they don’t make up the majority either.

Just the scapegoat

The guy you posted it is a poltard was given a platform

Trying to make people hate other people is awful behaviour and you’re not a good person.
I will roll your entire shitskinned family into a lime dusted pit.
You’ll do nothing but hurl insults at other people because you feel people would do the same to you in person.

Sorry bro, hope you feel better
Holy fugg
They will be a super pooper by 2030

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Suddenly, many mainstream media sites are trying to DEBOONK the idea that the covid vaccine has killed people. Why even bother to DEBOONK it, if it is fake? Some of the latest articles in the past 24 hours:








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Hahaha another retard thread.
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Imagine falling for clickbait headlines this hard.
Show her brown butthole.
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>meme flag
>gay thread
>wasted quads
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White men in usa mix more than white women.

By little, the same is right about France, Italy, UK, and some other countries.

White men mix more than white women in general.

Which is right thing to do, white women should not be allowed to mix.

Only white men can mix with brown girls, this is the way of the world.
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>I support mixing
Good luck find any white women in Ontario that haven't racemixed at least once before.

Oh and muh married doesn't mean shit nobody gets married.

All racemixers need to hang both the females and the males.

Anything + shit = shit. It takes so much work to carefully breed a line and so little work to ruin a line.

Asian and latinx mix with white is the future!!! Everyone know this!!!

But nigger Need to get the fuck out of white countries!!! These sub humans with their trash genes have no place in UK!!
>Asian and latinx mix with white is the future!!
No, you vile KIKE!
White with white is the future.
Let be realistic here, white has no future

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They’ll have to do something to get people to fight if they want war. It seems like most people would rather just go to jail and become felons vs getting drafted and going overseas. Every normie at this point knows there’s no point to anything if they can’t reasonably own a house or a woman that hasn’t had dicks in it.
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IF the cops were German, they would have arrested the judges legal aide to the right.
>us army pervert
awe fuck it.
Not my problem. They can cry all the want, I didn't take the vax, not going to fight for the kikes.
Prescient. Patiently waiting for the spark that sets off the powder keg
I don’t know, the elite have lost a lot of control. Their ability to pull off large scale false flags is limited. They seem to be contained to media psyops and low level red tape irritation

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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Really its just lobotomy or the deliberate destruction or alteration of the brain leading to reduced faculty or loss of self.
Everything else is whatever. Don't care. But lobotomy? fuck that.
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wait till you learn about mindworms

>As the writhing, teeming mass of mindworms swarmed over the outer perimeter, we saw the defenders recoil in horror. "Stay calm! Use your flame guns!" shouted the commander, but to no avail. It is well known that the Mind Worm Boil uses psychic terror to paralyze its prey, and then carefully implants ravenous larvae into the brains of its still-conscious victims. Even with the best weapons, only the most disciplined troops can resist this horrific attack.
>Lady Deirdre Skye, "Our Secret War"
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why would a fren do this to me?

Yeah, I'd always end up offing her first.

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I'm schizophrenic so I can't be drafted
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You're our most lethal schizo, we need you in the frontlines as a berserker
Same, mentally ill too. Cant be drafted either.
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I can't wait until they draft me.
I'm 33. Sorry zoomys
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>the webms that will be posted by american zogbots drag fat incels from their houses to ship off to russia and china frontlines

I can't wait for WW3.

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then you are guilty for your country becoming pajeet infested, i don't want to hear your seething against americhads
Jews will either get a religious exemption or Jewish doctors will fake medical exemptions for them
That's what happened in WWI/II
ww3 is in the next 5 years, enjoy your death
when its electronic you just do the exemptions server side and keep them quiet... AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted unless they happened to be at pro palestine protests
Uh oh spaghettios ameriborgars
Looks like you're getting deployed in kikecolony soon
Enjoyed getting red arrowed kek
Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks

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It seems that most people that support Israel are the right. How does that make you feel? Do you feel proud for preserving your Christian values? How does it feel that most racist politicians are Jews in disguise? How does it feel to know that race biology came from Darwin, a Jew? I struggle to understand how you can be a nazi and hate Jews at the same time. Free israel!
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Don't they exclude the secular too?
There's was some anon preaching about the last days to accept your jewishness back
Go free it yourself, fuckface.
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Feelings are for women and jews.

all fields
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Its a mandelbrot set of hands.ahhhhhhhhh
The faggot was so proud to give it to a child
kek looks like chapelle
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They are creatures time forgot. They really need to be eradicated.
ben stiller is jewish i think

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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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based and redpilled
death to all invaders
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Is OP that goreleaf nigger or another Ukrainian coward hiding from the draft?
Notice they won't go fight?
I hope Putin personally exterminates every single hohol on earth after brutally assfucking them and plundering everything they have, especially their TVs just to make them seethe.
fuck of name fag and take some herbs to
Top kek. This is the guy calling you Rajesh when you out faggots for posting gorecope

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The future of the far right is in good hands
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These are the same people who gave the world Faulkner, Steinbeck and Salinger
Why is there a tranny and a nigger in there?
>This faggot still thinks that entertainment media grifting will be a thing when the killing starts
Like OP said, the future of the right.
I find it telling that any time a White person engages in right-wing politics at a professional level, the first thing the brownies do is attack them. Like that young blonde lady in Europe who gave a big speech viewed by perhaps a million people. Instead of congratulating her for having ostensibly the same politics as the brown-right, the first thing thirdies did on here was kvetch about her not having children. Like their almost 30 and still an incel asses have any room to talk.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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>poos in calgary no longer need to make excuses to poop in the street
Yep...all we heard about all winter was drought! Climate emergency! Then it starts raining and right on cue this incident happens
Go on
Why is that?
They start many fires as well

Youtuber Prof Dave is known as the algorithm gatekeeper to flat earth content on youtube. He was obliterated by Witsit Getsit. What are the political implications?
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This is what Christianity has done to White men.

Worship Jews. The earth is flat.
Here's his channel:

>word salad
Jesuits are jewish freemasons not catholic
> You
> tranny faggot

You can say anything you want, but it doesn't make it so.

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