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How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
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Talk to people if you want to talk to people.
Be honest about what you want too, i mean if you're alone and still end up with mostly lies you were the source of it all along.
2.Find a group to be part of
It hurts more knowing I am not as skilled as I would like to be.
writing midi riffs in tuxguitar and then playing themback in crusty old soundfonts like the dkc2 or mario64 one

Don't be a pussy

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>the only one who has straight sex in the entire show
>a woman on a rooftop tells him she's jewish and his response is "I guess you won't be going to heaven then" and throws her off the building to her death
>keeps a small picture of a swastika on his nightstand in season 4
>tells non-Aryan to get in the oven
yea im thinking he's /ourguy/
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No deep had sex with a woman and got a blowjob from starlight in season 1. Also he just banged black girl in newest season.
>Fucks male doppleganger
>Has doppleganger transform into himself to suck him off
>worships women and breasts
>getting revenge on supposed people putting him in an oven
>least degenerate
Kikes make show about degenerate man with nazi obsession, end up creating a literal blonde jew.
he fucks soldier boy every year in the comics
>Fucks male doppleganger
Transformed into a woman who homelander was originally fucking but no longer could since she was dead.
>Has doppelgänger transform into himself to suck him off
Didn’t happen. He killed the doppelgänger for even offering
>worships women and breasts
Wrong. He has a “fetish” for breasts, if you can even call it that. He has a healthy disdain for women and kills several.
>getting revenge on supposed people putting him in an oven
Not even sure what you’re trying to say here

The other “heros” in this series are regularly doing things like gay orgies, eating their own asses, shrinking and traveling up other men’s dicks/assholes. Being a straight man who likes breasts is not degenerate.
Why are there like 5 the boys threads every single day?

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My 3rd death threat from Trump supporters over my 2 Joe Biden signs in my front yard.

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Blue collar fag here, current plumber's assistant, former wireline operator, former window cleaner.

I don't mind actually working these sorts of jobs at all, even wireline wasn't so bad, but the problem in this universe is that they are so heavily populated with people (mostly boomers) who are just out and out cunts. I'm not talking about being firm or demanding, I'm talking about grown men that just act like they're constantly on their period and make every little task 10 times more difficult than it has to be. I'm considering getting out of this plumbing job now because the 63 year old they paired me up with is just an angry faggot about every little thing, related to the job or not. It just sucks working with him, he sucks the oxygen right out of the room and just brings everything down to his miserable level. He has arthritis in his hands, is a chain smoker, has no biological children of his own, and is married to some dumpy bitch with worthless kids, but damn, this asshole just takes it out on me and everything else he encounters. I've met many other people like this in the trades.

Share your experiences, tradie faggots.
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Just remind him it is his fault and that he couldnt vote his way out of a paper bag.
I can relate to this, tower crane operator, when you dont like or get on with a work colleague is fukin hard, left very well paid jobs for my sanity, otherwise I'd have killed with my bare hands
you're also describing millennials, fatso
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Not your blog, faggot.
The company I'm at just shut down their service branch. We just do rough-ins on new construction now, which is fine, you get to see how everything comes together firsthand.

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The earth is flat and that is that.
Jews rape kids
Prove it.

Muslims refer to this as the house of allah. A fucking meteor that was used as a toilet. They get on all fours to tongue and kiss this rock. The absolute state of these retards lmao
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It's not even the original moon rock. It's just a piece of coal.
Didn't the first two meteorites get stolen or something?
this is how they behave everywhere. these animals are beyond vile
t. flag so overexposed to slimes in every major east coast city
Muslims are pathetic. A bunch of homosexuals. Imagine the amount gay sex that goes on there.
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I love those things.
The Pussy Stone
Literally eating it out.

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This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.
and that lesson is that simps will still lick pussy even though said pussy has already been penetrated by 100 Chads

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Why are Liberals, Nazis and Jihadis so obsessed with attacking Russia? Could it be because it's God's Kingdom?
that's a big part of it. the even brigger part is their ego. as long as Russia exists they can never convinces themselves fully that they are the best and greatest and specialist people on earth.
>Why are Liberals, Nazis and Jihadis so obsessed with attacking Russia?
you can add neo-cons to the list
it's because they're doing the bidding of their jew masters

why does the jew hate Russia?
short answer is they have an ancestral hatred towards Russia
still miffed over that whole Pale of Settlement deal
Maybe it’s because Russia attacked them?
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Its snownigger clay though. Some jew worshiping mongols live there

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I began
Because their "religion" is simply a cover for the Jews' inherent vileness.
He is Guile from Street Fighter! I am not joking! Guile means deceit and treachery! Guile combs his hair after every match! I am not joking! Revelation 15:8
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Is it hateful simply to notice?

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Hungary has become the poorest country in the EU.
30 years ago we were ahead of Poland and Chechia.
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It's because you stopped making lightbulbs
Tell your fat fuck orban to import more chinks
they are importing more. 40k last year, 65k planned for this year.
Skill issue.

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My nigga foolio is dead, man. I cant believe this shit. Opps got his.
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Sideshow Bob looking motherfucker
aw fuck i never got to capture that pokemon yet
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Himmler as Pooh Shiesty is still probably one of the funniest mental images I've ever seen or heard of, its stuff like this that keeps me coming back to this shithole
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dat groid looks like an AI creation sheeeiiit
now we'll never get to Mars

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Do you allow AI cameras to process you?

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Why are Germans so hostile to other whites, even if they are also German, of same ethnicity?
>Many East Germans initially regarded the dissolution of the GDR positively, but this reaction partly turned sour. West Germans often acted as if they had "won" and East Germans had "lost" in unification, leading many East Germans (Ossis) to resent West Germans (Wessis). In 2004, Deborah Ascher Barnstone wrote, "East Germans resent the wealth possessed by West Germans; West Germans see the East Germans as lazy opportunists who want something for nothing. East Germans find 'Wessis' arrogant and pushy, West Germans think the 'Ossis' are lazy good-for-nothings."
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>a bigger problem, a lot of anti immigrant rhetoric comes from old immigrants.
It's the same thing in the US.
Mexicans who ran across the border in the 80s hate the Hondurans and Colombians who are now coming in behind them. Just total clownworld tower of babel shit.
Yea thats kinda gay and jewish desu
Wtf, why do i have a demo flag, and qhy the fuck did "to be honest" filter to "desu".. what in the wordcucked
welcome to 4chan newfriend
>West "German" mindbroken, anglo-jew'sified Vassal creature stretches out his claw to abduct the last Prussians into the de-nazification chamber

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Fuck off 50% dicount Satan.
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First time?
Post webm
It's closer to 30%. Either way, I am officially putting a Curse on you.
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Remember to "just in case."
Your life might depend upon it.

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> married to a Stacy
> has six kids
> owns a 1 million mansion
And kills himself and his wife.
Why? Did she cheat on him? I would sell my soul to the devil just to be successful as he was.
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The kids weren't his. Finds out and does murder-suicide. Simple as.
>1 million mansion
I didnt think utah real estate was so cheap
This is totally what happened
Chadagedion, chads everywhere are killing their wife and commiting suicide.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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Thanks for the post.
Whatever it is.

A decent birthday present.

But there is a question.
Earth. This little gem is in the middle of a big showdown.
Will it suffer the fate of Mars or what the asteroid belt once was?
They are mere puppets of something bigger,
many "gods" watch us and control the ropes from
the background. The incompetents (I agree with you) are but pieces of chess, like all of us.
I am sorry if I sounded rude or arrogant, that was not what I wanted. I understand your view and I respect it.
Do not fear the monkey, fear the one who plays the accordion.
Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.
>was not capable of understanding the concept
of the One

Humanity of homo sapiens kind is still children. In the area of 3 to 5 years in human terms.
And this applies to everything that is human.

Plus the influence of nasty "older brothers and sisters" who did not share a beautiful chair and a beautiful stick and beautiful clothes.

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Is there a more compact and potent redpill than Steve Jackson's 1995 NWO trading card game? I hate debating with NPC, its much better to just destroy their world view deep down, if they are stubborn. They're not worth the key strokes or breathe. Is there any real valid arguments here?! What would a fact checker say?
>No, the NWO trading card game did not predict the future!
This is the only way msm will address disturbing predictive programming.
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we should show the ziggers who's the boss in the area
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how ? becoming irradiated glassed sand ?

way too close for nuke radius fml
did they just made sure every part of Europe gets nuked lol
>did they just made sure every part of Europe gets nuked lol
all whites must be exterminated to make way for the jew-ayyylmao technocratic autocracy over a world of 80 iq brown and black slave workers

I certainly hope you went to church today

You woke up uncomfortably early

To put on uncomfortable clothes

To drive an uncomfortable distance

To go sit on an uncomfortable wooden bench

To croak out uncomfortable songs and spoken verses

To be around uncomfortable people

To worship an uncomfortable God

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even in the Greek texts, Jesus talks about a place of eternal punishment for those who reject Him.
This, except you can pic your race and sex, but you have to balance it (you can't be always king or rich, you are going to be pajeet and poor also).
It seems everyone believes they can talk to God directly, yet God seems to say contradictory things to different people. A schizophrenic might believe that God is telling then that they are the next incarnation of Christ, while a more neurotypical person might be told that Christ is in Heaven and no one claiming to be Him on Earth is being truthful. It's almost like what we call "God" is something like Freud's "superego" - the aspect of our subconscious mind that is responsible for orienting our feelings of duty, morality, and connectedness to others.
I mean.......
Come on now. You can't talk to the Creator, how do you even imagine this?
>the Sun slows down and comes down 10 feet from you
You are going to burn or die, too much different energy.

You can talk to a number of different agents though.
>no the Vatican isn't god's agent.

You can also talk to the real YOU inside.
You are a soul / energy being inside. You also have Subconscious . Your subconscious operates your body, records events and can help / guide you.

For instance.

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You can test spirits to know whether they are of God or not.
If you're in contact with a spirit, ask
>Is this aligned with scripture? Or is it going against scripture?
If it's the spirit of God, it will not go against God's word.
>Is this leading me to confusion or anxiety?
Christ is the arbiter of peace, not fear.
>Is this going to lead me to sin?
Christ will never lead you to sin.

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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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de wereld is altijd aan het vergaan, elke dag. komt wel goed, en anders maar niet. iedereen is veelste veel bezig met oorlog komt toch niets van. beetje bangmakerij.

en ten tweede alsde simpel vullend receptje wil Koop een aubergine, pak meel pakje paneer middel, wat eieren, snij de aubergine in plakjes beetje dik, dan klop wat ei in een kom dip de aubergine geheel in ei dan in de meel en dan in paneer middel, gooi dan even in de pan met wat olijfolie en voila vullende maaltijd. eventueel wat saus erbij en wat zout, is nog goed voor je ook. eet ik regelmatig
Is dat een recept voor Aubergine tempura? Hallo gebaseerd?
>Net zoals onze telefoons bijvoorbeeld. Ze worden zo complex en zo klein, dat het gemakkelijker is om aan te nemen dat er iets lugubers achter zit
Koek. Ik ken een gozer die oprecht gelooft dat smartphones alien tech zijn.
Ik probeerde hem uit te leggen dat de technologische ontwikkelingen redelijk in een exponentiële lijn uit te tekenen zijn.
Maar nee... aliens, koek.

Wat ik zei ik mijn vorige paal meen ik half-serieus. Ik vind het simpelweg amusant om met dat soort gedachten te spelen, maar als ik heel eerlijk ben: wat de neuk weet ik nou? Ik ben ook maar een simpele lul. Ware het niet dat de meeste mensen altijd opvallend zeker van hun zaak lijken te zijn. Over de meest uiteenlopende vraagstukken, tot aan de oorsprong van alles toe. Religieflikkers, maar ook wetenschapflikkers. De een is heeeel erg zeker dat er een god is, de ander is juist heeeeel erg zeker dat er geen god is. Dat soort dingen. Iedereen weet het altijd zo goed. Het lijkt er soms op dat mensen de volgende woorden nirt kunnen produceren: ik weet het niet.
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>De dag naderd
ralph naderd?
Kanker based

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