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They will always keep at least 15 backup guys on the bench and search for an upgrade, no matter how tall/rich/etc you already are.
Why invest your time and money into something that can and will betray you any moment?
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... and just marry something like pic related.

BIG WIN, she cannot cheat because she cannot pull in a better Chad.

Bonus points, if you marry a white girl who cannot cheat upwards.
Those are faggots
>these two gay guys have two kids that are Whiter than the average single mom's bastard
I think those silly ideas about homofascism being the superior form of government are getting true.
we are disposable to them, why do you think they arent attracted to emotional men, they hate when men are humanized, women have to dehumanize us in order to be attracted to us
why do you think women all love when a praying mantis eats her mate
truth hurts doesnt it
>women have to dehumanize us in order to be attracted to us
That explains the dogpill and niggerpill.

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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The more you know how it’s produced the less of an appetite you’ll have for it
Just stop watching it, its literally that easy. Reminds me of the cyberbully think kek, walk outside, shut your eyes close the lid nigga
kill your self
I prefer the narrative that you can have a psychedelic experience of an extreme otherworldly nature and be cured of your sinful nature entirely, no longer fearing death itself. Think snake venom and murex snail dye. Real life changing spirituality. All these half measures amount, in my mind, to behavioral psychology. Superficial techniques that make you a 13th stepper in Narcotics Anonymous the first time a miasmic wind blows by. Literally an unwinnable war.
Brain is rutted. Attention is bound. Can’t get you outta my head. Unless…something can get you so far out that you won’t come back the same, ever.

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Houthis used unmanned surface vessels to hit ships for the first time.

These are the same prototypes that the Ukrainians used to hit Russian navy ships in the black sea.
That's pretty remarkable. Unlike ASBMs, UUVs can't be intercepted at long ranges and hitting below the waterline is pretty much guaranteed to disable the vessel if it can breach the hull. The only downside to their capability I think is they have relatively short range in comparison but in a narrow strait and relying on AIS/visuals, it shouldn't be too much an issue.

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What's the /pol/ approved operating system?
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weird that youre unable to comply with his request and immediately start doing damage control
I am now convinced the backdoor exists
>your sister is a whore
>don't even try to convince me you don't even have a sister
Ok Bill. I'm just not going to download your sketchy updates every 10 seconds.
Artix is a Arch based distro that doesnt use systemd. Instead you have your choice of openrc, runit, or s6 init systems depending how adventerous you are, i use runit.

Turned my piece of shit win 11 laptop with almost 1 minute boot time to fast and lightweight arch distro that takes 15 seconds from power on to desktop, including entering my password
"Apple Intelligence" will do the same thing and is being built into the OS level of M1 macs and Ipads and compatible IPhone models with IOS 18 update. It will have access to all your data and everything you do as a personal AI assistant and generative AI except that with Apple Intelligence it will be secure and protect user privacy and data. It will all be proccessed ON device or sent to a secure Private cloud compute server handled by an inhouse LLM. Only requests the user allows to be sent to OpenAI will go outside of this and the user is prompted to allow it everytime. Apple did this and brought it to the masses with privacy and security built in.

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About 10 billion in tax revenue from that. How is ot controversial to exempt tips from income tax? I mean, Biden has pledged 200 billion for Ukraine… that is 20yrs of non-taxed tips.

I mean, just stop the payments to Ukraine and Israel and you can exemption all taxes for the 1/3rd working poor in America.
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oh boy. i can't wait till he locks her up and builds that wall too!
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Lock him up, crooked Joe. Build that Wall!
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>Charge my customer $1.
>He tips me $5000
>Don't pay any tax.

>exemption all taxes for the 1/3rd working poor in America.
But then how do you keep the poor and potentially emerging middle and wealthy masses from rising up out of poverty?
Taxes exist to keep the poor slave cattle in place and never rise above.
millions are already inside and Biden is gona give them residence
wall wont help now
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Can Trump not round everyone up and deport them to Patagonia? Like 30-40 million?

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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i'm already fighting in it and so are you
>So for the strategic solution it will be
necessary, tomorrow, to employ a guerrilla
solution. What must be occupied, in every
part of the world, is the first chair in front of
every TV set (and naturally, the chair of the
group leader in front of every movie screen,
every transistor, every page of newspaper). If
you want a less paradoxical formulation, I will
put it like this: The battle for the survival of
man as a responsible being in the
Communications Era is not to be won where
the communication originates, but where it

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Fried chicken shop, a house, and two blonde women to breed with
Free land and good amount of war pensions
Guaranteed survival with all 4 limbs attatched
Nothing a politician or Jew could give me.

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i'm voting for donald trump
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you're a nazi
Based Israel supporter
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>i'm voting for greater israel
what did xir mean by this?

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Due to safety reasons.
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Why are you asking me? Aren't you Austrian? You still can't figure out google in 2024? Are you there on a work visa or something?
dey din put no seasnang on they food! >whypepol smdh
I will look it up leaf, I'm just lazy. Also cite your sources maybe next time.

oh no no no no

And like I assumed, the cancerous effects were found with lab rats and mice (with like a 10% chilli diet which no human ever does). Research on cells showed anticancer effects.

In conclusion, the other shit in instant ramen is probably more likely to give you cancer, the capsaicin might actually protect you a bit from it.
In terms of ulcers and toxicity just watch how much spice you can handle, don't ban it for others because it's not for you.

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What are the political implications of His decrees? How do you practice these teachings in your own life? What is the political solution to the problem of money? Jesus Christ explicitly says you can not serve both God and money. What does that mean for us?
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thats certainly one way of describing whats going on here for sure, your giant jew nose just takes everyones glances though so sorry to break it to you sweetie.
I hate 4chan posters


*closes thread again*

I used to watch schizos go against the Jewish order and I became schizo myself just by watching them. Schizophrenia is contagious and spread by Alex Jones and should be outlawed.
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>All the "Jesus wuz Wuite" memes were fabricated by dubious medieval sources to build their fake narrative but some dumbos are still buying it in the 21st century
jews remember how and why they kill him but not how he looked, im starting to notice
isnt you biggest religion a scam based in the bible?

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This is a reminder to go to church for the third Sunday of June.

If you have not already, convert to Catholicism.

Matthew 26
>And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins. And I say to you, I will not drink from henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.
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No idea what you're talking about. Never been to Turkey. Perhaps you're hallucinating.

There has been much effort to infiltrate and destroy the congregations in the United States of America.

Pretty weird to eat the flesh and blood of a demi-god to gain power. Oh wait that's par for the course in anime isn't it
There are 5 written accounts of him by Christians and two by non-Christians within a century of his death. This is more evidence than we have of 95% of pre-modern historical figures unanimously accepted as real. Pretending he wasn't real is at odds with the consensus of modern historians and the evidence. Retarded cope from those who want to feel smarter,
>There are 5 written accounts of him by Christians
You mean the canonical Gospels, and Thomas, right? Yeah, nice try Schlomo, but they're all rewrite of earlier Jewish literature, just changing the names so that stories about Abraham/David/whoever become stories about Jesus. They don't contain any actual history. Oh, and you have no idea when they were written and neither does anyone else.
>and two by non-Christians within a century of his death.
You mean Josephus and Tacitus, right? Well, no Josephus manuscript before the 4th century contains any mention of Jesus; either he lived to be 350 years old or someone else added the Jesus passages. And Tacitus writes about someone with a similar-sounding name; we can be sure that it's not Jesus because the same person is also discussed by Suetonius.

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Why do we have black queens looking like this...https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ucZn5HyuI
still has a higher sexual market value than brad pitt
>.T Your brain on crack
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keep barking and begging for that insulin like the diabetic dog you are
I know one thing, she gets more action than all of you wyte bois

How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome? WWIII isn't just a meme anymore. Also post your designated war song to play in the trenches.
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Kike, word power!
A vote for republicans is war with Iran. A vote for democrats is war with Russia. Regardless of whether you vote blue or red, they will also push for a war with China in the future.

All of these wars are meant to destroy the educated population of the western world and break any resistance to the establishment.

Mein Neger
many of the drone-pilots are pajeets
> destroy the educated population
Governments aren't giving people the tools to overthrow them.

It's more about class. Nobody with real money or their children die in war. It's the most willing first, then the poorest. And they'll work their way up until they risk losing power, when the war will end.

Wars are now fought with proxies, so China will depend on how stupid Taiwan, Japan and Philippines are. Again, best these people start paying attention to what is happening in Ukraine--especially how rich Zelensky and his goons are getting off the blood of their people. And then note that China has more than 4 times the population as Russia, more than half the industrial capacity of the entire globe, and will be less restrained than the Russians are. I personally find the Russians to be insufferable in their patients. They should have kalibrated Zelenski on day one..

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The Mongols literally raped China into oblivion and used very bloody force to take tons of their resources yet the Chinese never once target Mongolia in revenge. The Chinese get mad at the Japanese for stuff during WW2 but what the Mongols did to the Chinese in the past was 100x worse compared to anything the Japanese ever did. Why don't the Chinese ever talk about revenge against Mongolia?
Because the Chinese don't want to get bitch slapped again.
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1. Because eventually the Mongols rulers adopted Chinese language, customs, culture etc. That is Literally ALL THE CHINESE CARE ABOUT.
You could kill 100 million+ of them (case in point: Manchurians, if you include the Taiping rebellion) and they are completely and totally a-OK with it as long as they culturally conquer you.
But the same was not the case for Japan, which is why the Chinese are super upset about the 5 million that we killed. Not saying that it's OK to cause the deaths of 5 million, but it's literally a speck if one looks at Chinese History, yet the Chinese are super upset at it.
The Chinese aren't too happy with Anglo-America for the same reason (opium war) and are therefore undergoing revenge with Fentanyl.

2. Japan is a potential geopolitical threat to China, Mongolia is not. While currently castrated, Japan could probably be manipulated into going to war with China by Washington, due to how stupid and easily manipulateable the Japanese are (although, that is slowly changing).
Therefore the Chinese exaggerate the "warcrimes" by the Japanese in order to rile up anti-Japanese sentiment. Anti-Japanese sentiment is sanctioned by Washington also, because Washington is also very anti-Japanese.
It is a common talking point to say that the Mongols were Sinicized and China persisted, but this isn't really accurate.

The destruction of the Song dynasty resulted in a fundamental break in the continuity of Chinese civilization, and a large scale breakdown of Chinese institutions that were replaced with simpler ones. The Mongols themselves remained Mongol. They tried to enforce a crude form of Buddhism as the national religion...

The institutions that they built to replace the Song ones were fundamentally different in character, and when the Yuan were decisively defeated they simply retreated to Mongolia. Yes, in order to appear legitimate to the Chinese they adopted some Chinese customs superficially.

It took several hundred years for the Chinese to recover from the Yuan.

There are three reasons the Chinese hold little enmity for the Mongols.
>Mongol conquest was almost 800 years ago
>Mongols had the Mandate of Heaven according to classical Chinese historiography
>Manchu Qing dynasty was more oppressive and more recent
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Mongols are a part of China now.
China has like 5 "big races": Han (divided by rice eaters and flour eaters), Mongol, Manchu, Tibetan, Uyghur.

Although Han are like 90%, they want to believe they are multicultural.

In fact they are heavily mixed.

They accept Manchus and Mongols as their own peoples.

its well known that a long time ago the area where whites have settled right now used to be known as ashkenaz

then germanic and nordic tribes poured into europe and took the land for themself

some claim that europeans are from japhet, but the children of japhet settled in europe before the germanics and nordics came to conquer the land, they are the true children of abraham, isaac and jacob and thats ehy they were blessed above all
I don't speak sauerkraut

retarded and obviously untrue

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This is Gordon Ramsay after he got into an accident while riding a bicycle. All bikes and bicycles should be banned and taken off the road.
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It's literally not your problem memeflag
Mind your own business if people want to die that's their issue.
If you want to slam headfirst onto concrete and die, go ahead. Just stop discouraging other people from wearing helmets, your opinion is dogshit and no one wants to hear it.
My neighbor across the street had a stroke riding his bike pre COVID vac and all. Healthy and just retired to start enjoying grandkids and his years of work. Fell over, hit his head on the curb and died. Crazy how we all raced our 10 speeds, mountain bikes growing up without any safety gear. We would fall, get bumps, bruises, scrapes, shards of shit from the asphalt and whatever was on it, but thank God never any severe injuries. We would always shake it off and continue on, never give up and head home due to a spill. But as you get older your bones become more rigid, eventually less dense for some, and shit breaks easier. I say fuck helmet requirements for kids, but maybe just for midage and above
Damn, seems you're right

What the fuck, what a dumb fuck

cunt deserved it

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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By all means don't let conspiracy theorists hijack the 15 minute cities concept to their own evil ends. Latest opinion polls show that buyers want to live close to work and grocery stores etc...within 15 minutes

communal plumbing has always been a mistake. privatize water.
they are being psyopped into being better prepared for collapse
What exactly is the maintenance you should perform on a buried pipe?
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>all the women in my city are unshowered and extra stinky
this is now the worst time to be a hikki-neet

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Huh, hadn’t thought about it that way! Always look on the bright side of life, anon
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>report for examination or induction
Americans now have to report for mandatory penis inspections
Do I qualify as transgender? I like anime and cute things.
this is how the future will look
>normal zooms concripted
>suffer maiming and ptsd
>return to civilian life
>despise tranny draft dodgers
>gangs of vets form murder militia
>kills all trannys

no just a fag

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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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Trump, Le Pen, Farage, etc... etc... etc...
are what happens when mainstream politicians fail.

Stop failing. How hard can that be?
Reform is the chud vote
>trying to provoke infighting on the right
Oh yeah, we're in a kike thread.
And Galloway is a communist who had his entire career financed and faciliated by ANC communists led by Joe SChlomo. He's a skilled polemecist and a talented orator but I would't trust him at the wheel of power for 10 seconds. He is evil.
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As long as the Grant sisters are involved, I'm for it.

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the whole continent is basically 3erd world...what's going on over there?
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I live in an actual house built in the early 1900s with 40cm (16 inches for burgers) thick brick walls, I don't understand why I'd need an AC, the heat doesn't get in when it's hot outside, even when it's around 40°C.
It would be so much more fun to be a shower rather than a grower.
No batteries needed. I'm sending electricity to electric grid or how you call it and when i need electricity i take it from electric grid. During winters mostly. I produce more then i need through the year, but i don't get money for extra i send to electric grid.

Cells power eveything through the year including heat pump through the winter.
It's more funny seeing the entire southern US break down any time it gets anywhere close to freezing, Texas coming to a complete halt, ALL vital infrastructure like plumbing, electricity, water treatment, everything, coming crashing down because it's SUPER cold.

SUPER cold, guys!!! (normal european winter temperatures)
Price was a bit over 12.000 euros for cells but there were subvensions for cells and heat pump too

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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have you ever visited marj ibn amer? i keep hearing about it from the old folks as if it was heaven on earth (probably exaggerating due to nostalgia)
can't wait to go back though
migrate to >>471287610

You can copypasta your question to the new thread, and it'll cross link to the post. and notify the anon in the new thread
Based cuba bro.
BTW what is you favorite rum cocktail?
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well put!
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