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Maybe there are still some LARPers in Europe, but 'antifa' in the US is totally dead. I'm literally in the Portland area, and they don't even hold rallies anymore. My understanding is that the Trump/Floyd 2020-era antifans were a combination of professional political activists, naive college-aged kids, and a bunch of hired bums and druggies.

Many of the 2020-era bums and druggies have overdosed and died by now (not a joke; they actually did; fentanyl has wrecked them), the college kids have moved on, and the professionals/'organizers' have had their funding cut. The 'movement' is gone.

More proof - Trump literally went to the SF Bay Area a couple weeks ago to meet with supporters/donors, and 'antifa' failed to shut him down. In 2015/2016, they had the Bay Area on lockdown, and could rally thousands to attack MAGAfags on short notice. Not anymore.

Trump also went into the Bronx, and 'antifa' failed to protest him or shut down his rally. They don't exist anymore in any real numbers. How did the antifa movement collapse so quickly, though? They had a lot of energy just a few years ago.
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how utterly subtle
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they got beat up pic rel
They made money on crypto and suddenly had something significant to lose.
fippy bippy and EOT
Infiltrated and dismantled.

What happened to the all pro-fascist movements in Europe?
Golden Dawn was going strong just ten years ago, so were others. Suddenly they are all gone somewhere.
Kikes started cracking down on gnostics again, now they do it with hate speech laws instead of using the catholic church
Some idiot low level member of Golden Dawn stabbed an antifa pothead in self defense, after that pothead chased him with a bunch of friends in order to beat him up.
The police and the courts arrested all the GD party members on made up charges, that they supposedly ordered the killing of that nobody, added some shit about running a criminal organization and put them in prison.
the parties that had sufficient numbers they got funding clean cash for lawyers etc via some thing called project europa or forum europa and that shit was shut before corona so the political engine dried up

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You read political comics?

Hey /pol/, what's your fav RAC album?
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You don't like?
yeah not gonna lie i tried i really did but its all just shit

openly ideological music is always shit
The memeflag jew fears the RAC

>hahaha yes goy, pay us a fee for the mere privilege to shop here
Seriously why do people fall for this?
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They need to up the rate, because I'm running into niggers. I ran into a pure ghetto nigger, with dirty clothing and gangster lean looking at everyone as ugly as anyone.
And then I realized it was a mirror.
But seriously, there was another nappy headed sweatpants wearing unhappy looking nigger, in the middle of the refrigeration section. Just standing there looking like he was about to offer to sell me a rock, or rob me for my wallet.
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it's gas grill bbq saturday samples day at your local store. check the website for hours of operation.
I'm sure that won't bring in the brown subhumans.
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I have flashed this Costco card I found on the ground for the last 6 years to get into the food court for free. I defeated the jews
Once you pay the initial fee you get a lot of money back based on how much you spend. You can reuse this money to pay your yearly fee. Get the facts right before posting a retarded thread. Just because your a poor wagie and can't afford membership.

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They should all agree then ghost them on their big day
I assume they want to import the slums of Dehli into Canada and that is what the protest is about. They are a cancer.
The court sessions were hilarious. The government said they can go into needed fields like nursing if they want to stay and the guy seriously replied that they can't do that, because who would then work at Tim Hortons.
Your patience is admirable. I'd be fucking raging.
>Saar who will put kitchen cleaner into coffee in Tim Horton
They're trying to include other south asians so they can say, "you are getting picked on too so help me, help you"
Not gonna work though. This shit is an Indian problem. Fuck you guys for stealing shit from the food bank, fuck you for smelling, and fuck you guys for giving the pedo eyes to kids.

>White liberals gradually realize they are no longer class pet
>Indians are the new class pet
>Indians have less moral qualms, and will work for peanuts

Is there an awakening, or, will the new caste system be established(plantation owner, house slave, field slave, untouchables)?
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There's a combined 3 billion streetshitters and poojeets that shall be flooding the gates. If only a small percentage of them took down Canada from first world to third world.

Imagine hundreds of millions?

Jews and liberals are literal retards that can't into scale.
Shut up cuck you can't even escape your own jewish government genociding you in the fields. Now be a good boy and get in the van.
>Jews and liberals are literal retards that can't into scale.
I know.
It sucks.
What did we do with all of our long-range foresight?

Oh, we have no power, that's right, I forgot.
It belongs even less to Indians.

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The absolute majority of Russia

Impossibly, personal sovereignty goes beyond anything.
Those 3 provinces and Crimea in Ukraine. They actively supported Russia


>It shows OUR mistakes in our region.
What is this to mean?

But that is severe te discknowledging ur ethics and civil freedoms
morning lads
>real world connection
The only good ideas.

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Uhhh, Z bros, I think we got too cocky.
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Didn't read. I hope Russia wins. I hope you get cancer and die along with all your spic cousins, and your abuela too, mexican trash.
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saudi arabia drops dolar
more and more countries join brick
russia colapsed black rock plans for "rebuilding ucraine" witch alone is most based thing any government did last years
they found out they had corupt and unexperienced army, and they fixed that , now russian army is stronger than before conflict
europe have to spend 3.5x times as russia to keep up
russia sell more oil and gas than ever
europe grown stopped to 0 while not at war
the russians who fleed russia at the beginning of war came back
that not how it works newfag
Fuck off, nigger, we'll take what is rightfully ours first (the south of the U.S) first before that happens (if ever happens in any case).
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>we'll take
You won't take. You will just make it shit. Wherever Mexicans go they just turn the area into nothing but a shithole squalor. Whatever plot of land you live on, you'll turn into nothing but a garbage stinkhole.

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This could have been you. This war is sad and tragic as fuck. This is just plain white genocide, nothing else.

This guy had dreams and aspirations just like you. If you don't despise this war, you don't have a soul (or are a shitskin).
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Globohomo caused the war.
Pendejo, most Russians have relatives who ended up living in Ukraine after USSR got split and vice versa.

Don't use Mexican slang.
>If you don't despise this war
Oh I despise the war. Primarily I despise the people funding it.
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Id spit on the quran but that would mean id have to actually touch the piece of shit with my bare hands.

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billionaires shouldn't exist
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he got the GYATT on skibidi
Perhaps that's the intended goal dear fellow. . .. ...
People inherit similar hormonal, metabolic, and skull-shape related (therein tension) characteristics as their parents, but again, balding is not genetic per-se, but epigenetic, you get the predisposition, but compromising environmental factors contribute to it's onset and acceleration.

Today people are balding like a decade earlier than they would've had even a century ago.
he looks impotent. like his penis does not function.
Stress creating too much prolactin or inhibiting the body from creating?
The food we are eating is nothing like the generations previous, nor was their water contaminated in the way ours is.
Not to mention the heavy metal toxins raining down (sprayed) on us from above.
Dioxin, barium ect.
I'm sure this is a major factor why it is not uncommon for men in there 20's to be bald already, yes?

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I've figured it all out. But why can't i explain myself to normies?
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Put on a dress and paint your nails, that'll get their attention/
Because you are probably low iq and dont have full understanding from the shit you read on here. that your opinions on societal issues are off putting and not acceptable in real life conversations , most likely because of racist, sexist, and anti Semitic untertones. That your beliefs about government or economics are laced with pessimism thats no fun to actually endulge in person or in social sertings. mostly negative garbage filled with complaining about the state of things. Theres a reason why normies are liberal untill they indulge in shitholes like this one, its way more comfy to not care about le red pilling. Dont bother with talking about right leaning things with people who dont lean that way it doesnt resonate with them and its a vibe killer. Thats why they also say ignorance is bliss. If you are really hell bent on radicalizing people, you have to start out small and work your way up or it just falls on deaf ears because it conflicts with what they believe to be true most of the times
The only symbol you need.
Dumb it down and drip feed. That is how you do it. Simply ask them this question: "What can you not question or criticize?" then work from there

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white trash, niggers and whores
Have fun dying for Israel
Controlled by Israeli AIPAC money
women jews niggers faggots

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When women say they want equality it is usually followed up with..
>If a Man fucks a 100 girls he's a hero but if a Woman fucks 100 guys shes a whore.

This is becoming a political issue. Chemicals from birth control are in the water supply and are feminizing men! I would argue if a man fucks 100 women he's a whore and should not be rewarded with praise from his peers. I would also argue birth control is not a right and not health care.
If society comes down harder on sexual promiscuity for men and women will it restore order to the west? Can slut shaming of men and women help increase birth rates, restore the nuclear family unit and lower divorce rates globally?
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>women always think
They do not
the male gaze female gaze divide is also idiotic. They jot it down to their preference without listening to the others opinion. Women only here themselves, not others.
Find me a women led economy that favors their men. I'll wait.
USA is now a whore economy LARPing as traditional. Let it all burn.
>easy for women to fuck 100 men and get shamed
>hard for men to fuck 100 women and get praised
Why do people think this is some magical double standard? Women are the gatekeepers of sex and pregnancy. The reason we shame women for being slutty is basic human quality control. If you're willing to breed with anything then we're much more likely to get shit quality humans, and that's a negative for society and future generations. Women's role is extremely important but they don't take it seriously. That's why they get shamed.

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Just found a meme that very accurately describes a /pol/ individual.
Do you agree?
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That was like 2019-2021. The unironic Zionist boomers that control our money and our politicians were so scared of their faggot ass bioweapon flu that accidentally escaped China and harmed only the ELDERLY locked down the entire world, and we robbed our youth of many of the things we take for granted, such as the freedom to gather
I don't see what that has to do with me claiming OP is a blind retard without the cognitive ability to process how rapidly everything is decaying.
A handful of kids drinking in the sun somehow waves away how rapid society is changing for the worse.

Shit, every year we get new surveys and reports that say a massive chunk of the youth aren't socializing doing "normal" stuff like partying and fucking; somehow despite being the most well connected the youth has ever been loneliness is growing to be pervasive.
I bet I'm stronger than you and could kill in you in the ring in the first round
I did my share of partying in college and still ended up a neet, go figure.
The dude in the top pic on the right in the black Nike shirt with greek lettering is probably the more accurate representation of a /pol/tard on AVERAGE.

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Proving once again the west can't enforce anything
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I've heard of "cow tipping", but "plane tipping"?
You still cannot beat a Cessna 152 or 172 to learn to fly in: Plenty of parts still available and there is an aerobatic version of the 152 for things like spin and aerobatic training.
It's how they transport them
I mean same plane
yeah these are way better for killing children

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If you own your house but don't pay the annual property tax, the state kicks you out and sells your house for profit.

So who owned the house then?
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Land is not capital and should be treated as common property like it was for the majority of human history.
You should only be able own what you build/produce. No one produced the land so it should be held in commons. In order to compensate the community for whatever private enclosure you erect all taxes should come from ground rents; in doing so the people who benefit most from the existence of the community wind up paying the most in taxes.
over here in best dakota (north) we have an initiative to abolish property taxes on the ballot come november
feels good to be a north dakota chad
Shut up faggot.
All rights are property rights. If you don’t own your property you are a feudal slave. That’s it.

If you support government you support slavery and you’re a bad person.
Just a friendly remind to anyone here who might be eligible to vote in Michigan. There’s a petition going on right now to put a vote, for removing property tax, on the November ballot.
>the cheapest room in a shared house here is $220/week.
sucks to be a kiwi, I guess
>What do they give you when you finish renting your place?
No capital gains tax

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I am more worried about India than China. The constant street shitter mockery and AI generated images are being seen by too many of them. They're not handling it well and I think they're going to lash out. Like full on Hindu Hitler rabid nationalist insanity lash out, attempting to restore respect through fear. Its gonna get ugly.
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Its shit like that I'm talking about. They could've had that guy extradited through diplomatic channels but Modi wants India to be seen as a global superpower to the point they can assassinate enemies in other countries with impunity. He wants an Indian intelligence department that can do shit like that, Indian version of CIA and KGB but more ruthless. His psycho disrespected Hindu base loved it and demands even more egregious displays of power. Its scary.
The global humiliation of India is nothing more or less than shining a light on the things they actually do and the way they actually live. The truth will never yield to anyone, least of all a tribe of 70 IQ, shit eating, penis worshipping, world pollluting ratmen.
Indians were once aryans, tortured and mutilated into becoming jeets.
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>What would someone like that do if they feel they are not getting the respect they deserve?
Emotionally binge on cow poop, causing India to have a cow poop shortage.

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Here's your blonde-haired blue-eyed wife in the year 2024, bro
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What is she? Octoroon?
I will do anything to rough fuck a brown fuck doll/sex slave.
Simple as
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>>dyed blonde hair and blue contact lenses
She seems to have real blue eyes but her hair is dyed.
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This is what her kid looks like. Very strange...

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The smell.
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That's an American. Here's the video you screencapped, replete with American automobiles and domiciles.
>I'm Just Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine So I'll Shit Up /pol/ Worse Than It Already Is: The Post
There's an app for that.

No seriously, women have apps for tracking their period. You can just download one and plug in the data when you get it, within a few years you'll always know exactly when she's either on it or about to go on it or just got off it.
they...they really just don't look at the moon when they're bleeding

have we really fallen so far

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