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the based castizos
You're as tryhard and desperate as jeets lol
The Ay-yi-yis
>Harsh trumpet sounds mixed with farts and burps

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they promised you that you had the rights pursue life, liberty and happiness..
but they specifically left out the only real mode of liberation and freedom: TRUTH. You're serfdom, and only a True King can free Men

RISE UP YOU SONS OF GODS and KINGS.. who will rise indeed?

Who will grasp the hilt and free Excalibur? Who lead the Heath out of Clown world, towards a golden age?


___Tomes of Knowledge___
>Walter veith secret societies who runs the world

>Abortion matrix kino

>Know your enemy

>Europa last battle

>Khazarian mafia

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Can you guess a person’s ethnicity just by looking from behind?
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i’m sikh of this shit
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Step out of the Sikhs way or get the Sikh sword
qrd? left their shit hole to go to canadia and now want their own country in canadia?

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Why are Millennials haunted by the nineties?
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It was unironically peak America. Everyone was much happier back the. And it's sad to see how much worse literslly everything has gotten in the name of "progress"
I dint think anyone alive today will look back on the 2020's fondly.
the 20's are great on their own because they have so far proven to be a period of comeuppance in general for the absolute retardation and collective hubris of the 10's. i hope the 30's are even worse
You all did the right thing here today
Millennials are haunted by the 90s because we took so much shit back then. Zero tolerance. Sacrifice your body. Extreme everything.
Now those same people who put us through he'll gushing over some broccoli haired mutt Lego store looter who did a hundredth of what we did. They cry about how awful we are. We get the chair.

I really want to hurt everyone bad. I want to unsealed the last. I want to usher in an era where humans carve the minds out of each others skulls.
Because we're going to be the last generation that will remember a time before everything went to fucking shit.

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Do they just use them as cannon fodder? They are never armed, and hardly have any gear. Are they in Ukraine just to take bullets and FPV hits from Russians? How does Putin trick them to die in Ukraine?
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Russia is white.
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They also give them Russian brides, to shoot vatniks that retreat.
>no reply
>incohorent mutt noises
I accept your concession, untermensch.
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By the way, hoholnigger, did you know that according to MVD, 50% of Moscow's prostitutes had Jewkrainian citizenship even before the war? If only your mom and sister escaped your Turkic-Khazar faghole in time, could've been selling for money what they already do for free.
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>Why do Russians treat their conscripts like this?

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>implying women can handle labor pain
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screencap, no effort or even any text, incel bait, "make less interesting"
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it really has man. no man has a physique like that, with the thigh gap that big. those are just some USAD certified grade A beef curtains. bon appetite.
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Have you handled the pain of childbirth? Not to brag, but I've passed a kidney stone. A pain no short urethra-feminist could fathom, much higher than having the physiological function of birth.
Well done anon

Does /pol/ fear the U.S. turning into a Judge Dredd inspired police state?
It is a satire of what things are already like, cops playing judge, jury, executioner in the street. Have had multiple riots over it in recent American history.
Police aren't roaming the streets and 'judging' criminals, though, right?

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>Happy Juneteenth and to those who are flooding me with intolerable racism—
since it took me 72 hours on my laptop to make this song and video, u got 72 hours to respond. and I expect choreo!!


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No idea what is is shlomo.
Still not watching it.
This is peak black fragility.
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How much longer until Musk buys Disney? This shit is his end goal: Pay to expose Disney tactics, pay to have them tied up in lawsuits, eventually buy Disney and add it to his empire.
isreal in a warcrimes competition and his next opponent is canada

>big mac meal is $18 now
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Couldn't pass the opportunity up.
Good. McEstrgoen is bad for you anyway. I'm still doing my best to drive up grocery prices since I want Americans to suffer and go to bed hungry because I am still salty over your fake virus faggy shit. I hate you and will take you all down if I can.
Do you know what a slide thread is
I have a chef that prepared all of my meals and a gardener that grows my foods and a cattle ranch that raises and butchers my beef. I don't give a fuck about your penny meals. Lol
no it's not, it's $13. I just checked.

Serbia exported over 800 milion Euros worth of ammunition to Ukraine from the beginning of the war.

Nice, I hope their population can recover from their russian cum addiction

Incel bros we won.

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>We should false flag ourselves as "nosepickers" as a new anti-le chud epithet.
Oy vey, "nosepicker" is anti-semitic. What are you, Nazi secret police?
>“There isn’t a movement out there about what it means to be a good man,” a celibate TV writer in her late 30s told me.
maybe that's because every time somebody tries to suggest morals and standards for relationships they get shouted down by cunts for being religious extremists or something like that
>I'm literally creating the most degenerate instant coom material with stable diffusion
I resolved not to coom to AI content when I saw how easy it was to generate an unlimited amount of material.

This is a level of power I cannot handle responsibly and shouldn't be trusted with, like naming something, being near a call bell, sitting on a chair with wheels, or being near a crowbar over 24 inches long.
>I really want those to virtues back bad. I need it
Starts with you. Become the mind virus you're meant to be.

Imagine a world where every single time a woman tells you to do something, you just do it. No questions asked. No pushback. No "but why?" or "that's not fair". You just obey.

Would society collapse? Would women suddenly become more responsible and start making better decisions? Or would they just take advantage of us and turn us into their personal servants?

Would we see a rise in female leaders and politicians, or would they just get bored and start demanding more shoes and handbags?

Seriously though, what would happen if we just gave women everything they wanted? Would it be a utopia or a dystopia?

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Population would collapse and women would stop fucking men. Women do not want men who just do what they are told.

They get rude to men and try to boss them around as a subconscious shit test to see if men will take it. If a man obeys a woman she loses respect and attraction to him.

Women want to be led on a very deep level. It calms them to have a man take control.
Women will blame people for dreams that they have had.
Women will tell a false story about people to themselves, and then convince themselves it's true, and then start telling people about the story like it is true.
Women are actually far LESS empathic than males, and have nearly zero ability to detente when there has been an act of violence. They will scorched earth each other to be dominate in their own groups.
Apart of growing up is realizing it wasn’t your mom it was actually your dad who was the fuckwit.
What a cucked fantasy
everyone would die as the women use their personal slave armys to fight over the most valuable men nukes dropped for sure

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Why is noone talking about that Milei is saving Argentina as we speak?
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>Visits Schneerson's grave in Brooklyn
>"discovered" in later life that his grandmother was jewish
>announced plans to convert to judaism shortly after winning the election
Gee I wonder if he'll be the first kike in history to not parasitize a country he has control over.
>Why have the anon say "Burgers went from 1500 to 1000 due to Milei magic and not importation"?
That anon is either just a mantenido who doesnt know the prices of things or a kike milei shill, prices havent gone down, the thing is, for some time after election, people went crazy and started rising the prices of everything to ungodly levels, now that they are calmer after seeing that the country has not self imploded they started lowering the prices to their real pre election levels again
Flour in the chinese supermarket of my neighborhood went from 600 to 1300 for like two weeks and then they lowered it to 600 again. And the dolar has not stopped going up
Why are you even asking this here of all places? Milei is a Jew and as /pol/ knows very well all Jews are subverters and destroyers. This is irrefutable. Their track record is always the same, every single time. They go in, they destroy and then they are kicked out from the country. America has yet to kicked them out but the Jews have destroy American culture and it's economy. Everything in America is upside down and if you haven't noticed the Jews are building a new home in different parts of the world so it's less painful for them when America kicks them out. They are not saving Argentina they are preparing it to destroy it. See Ukraine and America.
>you guys are insisting Argentina doesn't import food, when your country literally gets A LOT of food from outside.
This is usually unnecessary and serves only to benefit (((middlemen))), we export most of our (subsidized) grass-fed beef here only to import shit-grade meat from Latin America.
Chinks get good beef, the people who subsidize the beef get a cheap substitute and merchants pocket the difference.
Brazil because Peruvians will not let Chile do shit.

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Why do black and brown people feel as if they have right of access to white people and white countries? White people don’t feel this way about them or their countries
>inb4 xyz happened 300 years ago so you deserve it whitey
It’s all so tiresome
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I honestly have no problem with brownoids desiring white women if they simply like white people, which is probably a large portion of the ones that do honestly. It's like how many white weebs want a japanese wife because they love Japanese people.

What is common, especially with mixed race people, is they have a chip on their shoulder and are in total denial about their sub-conscious belief in white supremacy. I get disgusted especially with the half castes in my personal life who I see cleaving hard to white people to an absurd degree but still lash out constantly at white racial consciousness.
Ain’t that the truth, I love seeing white people suffer and I’m going to love seeing conservatives whites and maybe some liberals come back in caskets for their Jewish masters.

Look at all the cumskins huffing and puffing after the first post, and no one can come up with a decent argument.
colonialism tho..... and i'm white
Because they are scumbags. If you delete one, fellow white male, I didn't see shit when the pigs come because you some other white with a cop fetish would tell on us while finger fucking own asshole with glee, but some of us wouldn't say shit. That is the downside of deleting coloreds, white knights like to run to the pigs like hall monitors so they should probably be deleted too.

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I don't get it: why is it taking so long?

Most people where do not like modern western entertainment and resort to Japanese entertainment. But Japanese entertainment is filled with a bunch of really what you’d call degenerate stuff pretty often. It’s a shame western entertainment like youd see in the 90s and early 2000s basically doesn’t exist anymore. Video games like mass effect 1, halo 1, or kotor. Just nice adventures with interesting stories. Im just it sure if it would be good for people to grow up entertainment where every game is filled with anime looking girls.
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thanks for the info anon
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I Have no problem as far as Music, Macross, LOGH and "the Good" Gundam's (Don't ask TL;DR). It's why this site was started and Ancient Fags first came here.
Get you some Macross keno
Bonus tracks for those who doubt the levels of music tisum the Japanese can reach.
What's with mismatched shoes and single legging?
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She's a country girl. It's just what they do out there.

Can you see it? We are living the worst war of all times faggots. Everything is happening. I can feel my blood. but the nukes? The nukes are the end of the war, not the beginning. So show your fucking warface!
Yeah, just saw WWIII fly over my house

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The upcoming election has me under the realization that there is no good outcome, and although I doubt US civilization will just end because that's too exciting of an ending, I'd prefer to be comfy during whatever bullshit happens whether it be riots, glow ops, retards fighting, or actual collapse. If nothing happens, fun trip regardless. As a result, been trying to find places that are particularly far from civilization and secluded in the United States. Most people I interact with in real life think I'm crazy for considering this, but yet go on about whatever crazy shit they accuse the other party over. Left that life long ago, but I know if there's anyone mentally ill enough to suggest locations to go retreat out to, it's /pol/. Bonus points for good scenery.
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Try less famous national parks for both views and solitude.
Calm is always where the most visible and unobvious places are.
The area of Washington outlined is extremely based and 99.99% white. There are natives that live there and they would not pose any issue at all. If anything they would be either helpful or just stay out of the way.
Its the other side of the cascades you have to be worried about. If Seattle collapsed Washington would be one of the best states in the Union.
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Wouldn’t you like to know.
Grew up around Appalachia, I have considered it.
There's a few in Utah I've seen but truth be told I don't think many would accept me into their ranks. Done a lot of manual labor over the years, but still pretty city slicker
Not a family man, just a wanderer who wants to live for a while. That said, if I was, not hard to convince family for a trip.
Ive not said where specifically, and a few have responded positively to the idea. The most I've said is maybe Alaska, besides that, its just mostly saying the results cause some anxiety
Montana is an option yes
I am retarded, but not that retarded. I know to avoid the cities.

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Elden rings final boss fight has a secret interaction where if you are grabbed, you submit to the boy trans character and they steal your heart and you instantly die and get an emote from it.
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Would you be his consort?
Every Souls series DLC too hard and suck, expt maybe DS II.
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>low quality high effort bait
>literally what hyperborean nonsense
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>You kill two incestuous faggots, one is a femboy the other is a pedo

Egads. I got to kill two fucking groomers.

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/pol/ humor thread
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top fucking kek
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if you want the rest
Why don't my groceries drive me home?

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