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to spit
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He had penis enlargement surgery just like Joe and Hunter Biden.
an acute case of winter vagina caused by climate change is what killed him. the fact checkers, sponcered by sources close to those who know pjiser shareholders, confirmed.
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Whatever killed him, he died due to a health issue at age 33, so he had ZERO ability to give opinions on health topics.
Because he knew nothing about physiology, clearly.
literally what did he mean by this

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>lawyers say never talk to the police, talk to a lawyer instead
>who gets paid when you talk to a lawyer?
>the lawyer
If you are innocent it is always best to talk to the police. Everything is still clear in your head and you want to get that on the record as soon as possible. If you are guilty it is still good to talk the police so you can begin to guide the investigation away from you. Lawyers are basically just legalese translators, doctors of words at best, lawyers are not magic. Of course neither police or lawyer are your friend and you should avoid both.
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By talking to the police I mean posted here and someone read it.
I never talked to any of them directly (but i was/am remotely tortured for information all the time by those homosexuals) and at most I posted some vague complains about gangstalking to a dozen institutions years ago and nobody gave a fuck.

Most people incriminate themselves when answering the police's accusations.

As an example...

Police: 'You were doing 22 miles an hour in a 20-mile an hour zone.'
You: 'Was I?'
Police: 'You're nicked me 'ol China.'

Cope reply.

If you follow the law and are a virtuous person, you can do anything you want.

If you're criminal scum, you better watch your mouth.

Most of this "YOU SHOULD DO THIS AND SAY THIS AND FOLLOW THIS PROTOCOL EXACTLY" ""advice"" is fucking useless to the vast majority of people who will never get in trouble with the police.
Dont talk to anyone.
>except Q anon

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>inb4 source
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Don't think people care about what the govt says or does anymore.
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all Hamas missiles have always been duds.
Prove the iron dome exists. Prove that a missile can intercept another missile. No technology like so exists. Hence the Iron Dome does not exist.

Israel uses the ''Fireworks'' show from the Iron Dome to give motive to attack Palestinians. Hamas is an Israeli creation, same for ISIS.

How does Hamas have all the same outfits, all the same guns, all the same boots? Palestinians are suppose to be prisoners and have nothing, yet Hamas has full body kits.

Also why do top HAMAS and ISIS leaders always go to Israeli hospitals to get treatment when they need some? How does this make any sense?


Catbox Links
Part 1:

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Fucking globearthers are fucking always shitting up these talking points and it pisses me off. I'm part of a huge flat earth group on facebook and I'm going to share these videos there
Todd Howard will show up at my house tonight and purchase Fallout 76 and rape my family
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It should be your greatest pleasure to serve your owners you filthy goyim. What good is a mule if it kicks and bucks and does not go gently to slaughter. God himself Chose your masters. Who are you, as some low animal, to question much less defy that divine arrangement?

>teleports you to the lame and gay timeline
lmao no happening for (You)
I assure you as well nothing will happen to you cancuck
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fck you where are the ayys

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Suggested Reading:https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening:https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9watKIJRM

Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

>Manchester Airport boss sorry for 'difficult day' after power-cut chaos and cancellations
>Bulgarian gang member behind UK's biggest benefit fraud that scammed £50million brags British prison was like a 'holiday' where she could get haircuts and manicures
>I’m challenging Angela Rayner for Reform UK – this is why young people like Nigel Farage
>Gambling watchdog widens election betting inquiry
>Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance

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BBQ fruit anon!

Brother you watch little chinese girl cartoons. Lmao. Please stop fucking children
>still projecting
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>Putin thinks the decline of the West is inevitable but I don't think it is.

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i paid 70 dollars to get this book so i can dump it here, be thankful you dumb faggots
save the graph so we can dump it on kikes who say "the racial difference in intelligence is just environment" bullshit
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Dude, we've already conducted the largest experiments in history in regard to racial IQ: the North Atlantic slave trade.
The original Bantu possess an IQ hovering somewhere around 70, while their cousins who were sold off have a 15 point-higher difference, but they're still retarded, going by the original standard.
Even with White admixture, environmental factors still can't account for a full standard deviation.
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Dear Anon, thank you very much for buying the book and especially for making it accessible! I have checked and searched for it and you are right, it is either not easily available online or not available at all since I've so far not been able to pirate or leech it.

Thank you so much for making a part of it accessible for free! It would be really great if you could upload the entire book to any of the mayor book sites or to archive.org.

Also I would guess that many libraries do not have that particular book either, since at least the libraries in my area of residence also don't have it.

Thanks again Anon, all the best to you, may you live long and prosper and GodSpeed to you!
scan it and put it into a pdf so the anons here can read it all, pls.
If Western nations ceased subsidizing African nations, then there would be famine and starvation.

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The question paper was leaked for India's Education Minister's children and some his favourites.
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we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
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Yeah, sounds about the same here. There's nothing, and I mean nothing reliable in health care. It's like a country club for poors that think they're rich.
why do they try to demonize "nepo babies"? our society doesn't have upward mobility(because of things like this). you can't get ahead in india all by yourself. you'll need some support from family/community. we're not an individualistic society.
ahh the 'question paper'. We call it 'toilet paper' ya streetshitting subhuman
excellent article. jeets and chinks are more like animals than humans.

Explain me the reason to spend millions of dollars on covering every F-22 with a “stealth coating” when in its nose there is a RADIO TRANSPARENT FAIRING, behind which there is a radar, which, with its materials and shape, reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless? Moreover, when it turns on his radar, it turns into a SOURCE of radio waves, which could be located by any, even the oldest radio stations. Do you really believe that on radar it looks like a golf ball?
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AESA radar frequency hops over a very wide bandwidth millions of times a second.
So, unless a detection device just happens to be tuned in to the right frequency at the right millisecond it is to all intents and purposes invisible when it's transmitting.
>THIS at the front of your aircraft? and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves. so im asking. does all of this coating even have a sence if u have THIS at the front?
do you know what frequency is
do you know what an airplane is
do you know what a combat airplane is
do you know what a radar missile is
do you know what a nose cone is, clearly not that especially because most russian planes are running out of nose cones
Doest the radiation from that radar affect the pilots?
> reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless
Radar dish is much smaller than the rest of the airplane. Radar dish is also fairly straight in its geometry, meaning that its cross section is not big expect if it faces you directly (which it would not since its probably phased array).
> You dont need a radar to drop bombs.
Not anymore, no, true.
> So, while it looks on its target, that means that it is also visible to the target.
Not straightly true. You only get the bearing to the aircraft and no range information. Technically you can use that directional information to guide your missile, but that would make for a poor shot since the missle would not know how to loft properly (severely undermines range).
> so how planes are suppose to look like on radar?
Just a signal strength & time it took to travel both ways. Added with the position of the antenna when it was transmitted you get direction & distance.
The signal drowns in drowns in atmospherics really quickly, therefore the "stealthy" plane is completely stealthy just as silenced guns are not actually silenced. It just makes it so that you cant shoot until they get really close to you (at which point you would probably be already dead).
> doppler effect just makes it more obvious that it is a plane
Has nothing to do with "what it is", it's more to differentiate ground from the plane. If you look up then you just see the plane there. If you look down then it drowns in the ground reflections. You can analyse the return dynamics to figure out which type of plane it is, although it is not something that is reliable (usually deals with the specific shape of engine compressor blades since those light up really well on radar).
> and waves are waves ther reflects in a few directions its not like they are converts into a beam.
Depends on the surface. If its completely flat without any imperfections then it would reflect out. Think of it as a mirror in which you either see parts of yourself or not.
> and i dont need to if you want to atack mine, cuz as soon as you turn on your radar, everyone can see you
There's an AWACS plane with a giant ass radar 200-300 miles behind the frontline that sees everything. It relies the information to each F22, which turn their radar only for 30-40 seconds needed to perform the attack. Once you see it the missile is already underway. There are already missiles that behave like this.
> f-22 has the same thing but just less bright. you still can see it.
F22 doesn't have exposed compressor blades so it does get away with the most "telltale sign". There's a lot of clutter on the radar - humidity reflects a little, clouds reflect a little, it's not a 0 or nothing type of situation. By bringing rcs down to the "clutter" levels it does effectively become invisible, until it gets closer.
> you need to show your self (turn on your radar to lock the rocket) to hurt me
Yes but the "you see me" guidance data is pretty shit (no range and not that accurate/up to date direction), so while I can make my best shot at the max distance you will only know that I'm there you you will have a pretty poor shot since it cannot loft properly.
> even if you fly at about 600 km\h, it still creates a lot of doppler effect. even a siren on rapidly moving police car makes it.
Doppler effect would not matter if the return signal drowns in the clutter.
> and thats exacly how enemy radar will see your plane. and it reflects A LOT of radio waves.
It's the curved surfaces that actually reflect a lot. I know it's counter-intuitive. The radar dish is magnitudes smaller than the rest of the airframe as well. It would not be enough to dected.
> slightly harder to detect. and the key word here is SLIGHTLY.
Bombing of baghdad begs to differ.

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Previous >>471948526

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Public Works and Transport Ali Hamiyah: Everything the Telegraph wrote is incorrect and there are no weapons being smuggled through Beirut Airport
>British Maritime Authority: Reports indicate that the ship that issued the distress call off #Yemen leaked water to an extent that could not be contained. The captain and crew had to evacuate the ship and were rescued by another ship.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We, along with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, bombed the “Kissufim” military site with heavy-caliber mortar shells. #Al-Aqsa Flood
>BREAKING: Netanyahu whines again and demands weapons from the US at the cabinet meeting: "There has been a dramatic drop in the supply of armaments from the US, a large mass has been left behind | All details"


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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
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>How Israel Created the European Refugee Crisis

>This is not the first refugee crisis Israel has precipitated. Since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948 the Middle-East has been characterized by instability, war, terrorism, sectarian violence and refugee crises, all coming as a direct result of Jewish policy, often carried out by the US acting as Israel’s proxy. Killing or removing all Palestinians is the long term goal of the Israeli state, whether the government is Labor or Likud, liberal or conservative, secular or religious. As a result, refugee resettlement has always played a major role in Israeli policy, and Jewish Zionists have created or supported an extensive network of Jewish-run NGOs and resettlement agencies in the West.
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/chil/ - Comfy Happening in Lebanon
/chil/ - Comfy Happening in Lebanon
/chil/ - Comfy Happening in Lebanon
shoo to your shill infested containment thread filthy kike
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good afternoon frens and also TKD

They should build nuclear bombs to stop Kim's chimpout
too busy working 120 hour work weeks for the asian division of the bergstein company
If someone needs to get nuked, we'll do it.

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How do we motivate whites to work blue collar jobs again?
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One word....dinero.
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cool thread, i'd bet a normal everyday person made it and not a bot or a JDIF
>Fuck that!
It's a strong independent woman's world now.
Same. Was looking for a house for 3 years, nothing even close to what I wanted ever popped up, couldn't build, so why am I waking up to 2AM phone calls again? Fuck it. Done. Let the poos tank the industry.
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>When Tyrone the nigger at Wacarnolds is making 15/hr vs Mark the electric jokey is making 10/hr
I used to be a tradie, fuck 'em it's a pirates life lads

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Is there a more compact and potent redpill than Steve Jackson's 1995 NWO trading card game? I hate debating with NPC, its much better to just destroy their world view deep down, if they are stubborn. They're not worth the key strokes or breathe. Is there any real valid arguments here?! What would a fact checker say?
>No, the NWO trading card game did not predict the future!
This is the only way msm will address disturbing predictive programming.
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jews lose
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they laid all their cards on the table too soon.
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>some guy in the 90s accurately predicted a nuke would hit the WTC
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Previous: >>471959730

▶Day: 0

>Pro-Iran militias in Iraq prepare to mobilize thousands of fighters to south Lebanon if war erupts
>Israeli Defense Minister heads to US to discuss potential war vs Hezbollah
>DoD has shared an intelligent assessment with the Biden administration that has Israel launching a ground operation in Southern Lebanon the middle of next month
>Israel has massed a large quantity of men and equipment at border with Lebanon
>US pledges military support to Israel in case of large war with Hezbollah,
>Iran and Taliban discuss joint action against Israel if it invades Lebanon
>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Two US carriers are en route to eastern Mediterranean
>Israeli officials believe Hezbollah may launch major attack on Israel to preempt large IDF assault
>Israeli Foreign Minister says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon will make the necessary decisions"

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Macedonia calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon

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Your homeland is in Hell with your father the devil, antichrist rat. Hopefully Mazzola or whatever those nigger cousins of yours call themselves skin you rats alive for the betterment of humanity.
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why is anti antisemitism always so low IQ that it needs state censorship and coercion measures?
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White phosphorus being dropped by IDF right now

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Did Hitler kill 6,000,000 jews? I mean it was exactly 6,000,000? And not 5,999,999 or 6,000,001?
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Post your nose
Zero jews were genocided, unfortunately
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6000013 unlucky for some

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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Whole lotta survivors for a genocide, am I missing something here?
Lesson: Do not lose two world wars in a row.
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Israel and the jewish people are actually allies of the west, even though the west committed countless atrocities. We should be thankful and humbled by jewish morale.
250k people still haven't paid taxes...

tell those assholes to pay their fucking taxes
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These loans also don't use the goyim's "Credit Score" system for qualification
As long as you are a jew you qualify

Goyim are forced to get a mortgage at 7.5% and rising rates while jews can walk into Quicken Loans or Rocket Mortgage and qualify for a jew loan at <2.5% rates and if they are a well known jew with a good reputation it will be 0%, in some rare cases they even have negative interest meaning the bank pays the borrower.

These loans are NOT available to goyim as you have to prove you are a jew by either already being a well known jew or by providing a birth certificate that proves that your mother is a "recognized jew" in their databases and thus you are qualified for Birthright Citizenship in Israel and a real jew. This means that those who have "converted" to judaism do not qualify even though they identify as jews.
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*superior majority.

My cunt phone had a problem with that concept (((for some reason)))
So let's say that the company has yo make money to survive. That means that they'd have to charge more for everyone else in order to have such a program exist. We end up paying for this shit.
>we end up paying for this shit
Yes, did you know that Israel has universal healthcare, monthly stipends for all citizens, and free universities all paid for by US tax dollars? Germany has been giving "holocaust survivors" and their children and grand children monthly checks since the end of WWII.
the bbb is a fake company ran by jews, good job goy.
I heard about the german thing. A major company spelling it out in public is just a shock.
We pay rent to a jew landowner while he gets money from the jew banks at nearly no cost.

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Of course you'll be calling for him to be deported but if it was the other way around and the British boy had killed the Iranian you'd be saying he fucked around and found out and laughing about it.
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Neither is [Spastic Memeflag].
I'm calling for his life to be exported.
I claim all Whites. Especially when they're killed by invaders, you fucking coward.
Deported? I'd call for every one of his extended family to be exterminated.

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MEGA HAPPENING! The Russian terrorist animals and war criminals bombed more Ukrainian children in Kharkiv, northeast Ukraine!
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We are jamming everything just like they are doing to us. Which is hilarious because its just giving them practice fighting western equipment while doing nothing for us except making your kike overlords richer.
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all the cunts and manginas rooting for a bigger conflict while thinking their skin is safe is my only white pill during these dark times
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>It includes a more sophisticated navigation board connected to an inertial measurement unit into a CMAPT (Cyrillic for SMART) module.
I'd guessing that it uses the inertia measurements for determining their acceleration, and that they also have a backup system running off their last known gps measurements when GPS gets jammed because its so god damn easy to jam GPS signals.
I don't care
You don't care
Nobody cares
Stop being a nosy-ass karen

How does stuff like this not make the blood of every American and Evropean boil?!?!?
If I was there I would do something. A small act of vandalism against them, tearing down posters or throwing one of those prank fart bombs into the crowd, something like that.
I just wouldn't be able to control myself and I would retaliate, why are you doing nothing????
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Using the word homophobic is gay. I'm not afraid of fagots
You should be, they all have syphilis
becauese that would make you like, a christian templar or worse, a Holy German Empire
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Makes my blood boil that Whites are such fucking dickless nothings that they've allowed everything to be taken from them.

You could get a 72 EUR/month lease

Why don't you?
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sounds too good to be true
72 dollars a month just to own that car???
good deal
my leased car was totaled, insurance company paid off my car at the full value and the bank doing my lease set me the remainder, basically what I already paid for the car in payments so about 8k
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>sounds too good to be true
>72 dollars a month just to own that car???
You pay 1.5k upfront and pay 72 bucks a month for 60 months
>10 roided up bloatlord gyppos show up at your door with katanas asking for 10k euros
I live for bloatlord gyps
More like $5k upfront.
And you need good credit,
And you don't own the car and have to give it back after a few years so you're not building any kind of equity in the vehicle.
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I don't need a car.

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