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>anon youve barely touched ze bugs i made you, is everysink ok at verk? vuts up?
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No klaus it isn't you'd know that if you'd pay attention but you don't you never do. god.
My pod sucks. I have no privacy. And you're planning to kill me in some cumpit in hoholstan!
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If only you knew how sad things really are
I miss my exgfs german dad :(
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I had a light snack on my way home, Klaus.

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or is he just another Russian shill?
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it depends, he talks about a lot of different things, and he's done a ton of research about those things, so sometimes he's right in his conclusions and he's always useful. but he's just like ryan dawson, who is functionally the same. they're both necessarily wrong about a lot, because of a priori commitments. with dawson its his lolbert worldview, with dyer it's Christianity. for dawson everything is about economics and money and God is just an excuse to manipulate stupid people; for Dyer everything is about Christ and the logical fulfillment of philosophical propositions about Christ and economics and money are just an excuse to manipulate stupid people. both of these people are retards who obviously live in their own assholes. there are few people on the internet more clinically narcissistic than these two because they assume they must have it all figured out and they aren't interested in ever challenging their presuppositions. there is no person on earth who can convince either of them to believe something else than what they already believe. they're retarded autistic boomers. because of this, they frequently infer wrong conclusions and dismiss key details.
no, he's a disingenuous bad faith debater. and if you pressed him in private he would admit that. his goal is conversion. he doesn't care about logic. he uses logic to reach his end. eric aarvoll has an entire video on it and it's just an obvious fact. God over everything as they say.

can you post a timestamp example of jay making bad faith arguments? from his mouth, not some sour grapes nobody.
>bad faith

you are ridiculous, anyone who is intellectually honest will admit he has won every debate against every other worldview
only disingenious bad faith ideologues can't accept that

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If the nazis were so superior, how come they lost when their entire ideology was based on the strongest race surviving through strength of will?

>t-they fought the entire world, its not fair
cope, they had numerous allies and if they were so superior, why didn't they plan better?
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Memeflaggot Has got a point.
If you call yourself a superhuman, proclaim these dudes to the east are subhumans then proceed to lose to the guys you called subhumans... wouldn't that make you the actual subhumans?
How shit do you have to be to lose to subhumans?

Superhumans would've won. Doesn't it, according to nazi "logic", make jews and slavs the actual superhumans?
Considering America's heritage of immigration, it was a German civil war. The Germans won.
Why did it take the entire western world plus Russia six years to subdue a nation the size of Texas
Numerical superiority on the battlefield.
Early on, I shit you not until Stalingrad, germans held numerical superiority over all of its opponents. Once the numbers equalized germans started losing. Simple as.
Endless swarms of soviets is a giant wehrboo meme, in reality krauts outnumbered their opponents in every way: Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Yugoslavia, Greece. Even the Soviets. By the beginning of Barbarossa germans invaded with circa 4 million troops against the soviet 2,5 million. Numbers became equal only after Stalingrad and guess what - instantly germans started losing.

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Why don’t they just escalate already
It’s been months since October 7th and tens of thousands of Palestinians have died

>*hezbollah music starts to play*
Nothing ever happens
Araps are a bunch of pussies.
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Close to 350 dead hezbollah members
Fucking nothing happened
There will be another 350, and the outcome will be the same

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Jews hate weed btw
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Thailand government did try it .. (unbanned)
Fuckup so goddamm bad
Now it back to the start.
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I've been off thc for almost 7 months now. Instead of getting high after working and doing nothing but fapping, playing vidya (poorly) and scrolling my phone, I now read, exercise, play guitar, play vidya (competently), and my anxiety has dropped significantly.
No there’s a lot of lead and other shit in commercial cannabis.
Even at home gardening you’re exposed to a fuck ton of lead.
Magnesium deficiency, I dream every night and I’ve been smoking since I was a teen.
Zinc is the gateway to magnesium
jews absolutely love weed. it perfectly fits their vision of a world of atomized hedonistic goycattle

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What's going on?
that’s the wax museum biden
That version can probably read a teleprompter better.
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you got your pine nuts, you got your wall nuts, you got your p nuts, you got your chin nuts...

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nobody knows, and i find it kind of insulting.
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Yes I do. That's MY point.
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Good chance OP isn't a typical atheist
I'm not wrong. copium is real.
Well this has been constructive. Same time tomorrow?
Inferences and experiences near-death. If you are a good person, you are remembered. Same if you are bad, for opposite reasons. Its only fair to postulate those that do good are in a better place than those that didnt.

You get the punishment you deserve. Nothing less, nothing more.

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Hungary builds new church from scratch.
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You are lucky to be poor. That's the whole reason the east is not as flooded with shitskins as the west. Not as many of them want to go there because they won't get the hand outs.
What is this not even half hearted shitposting?
No more shekels?
>What is this not even half hearted shitposting?
>No more shekels?
You mean why Hungary wants to buy fertilizer cheaply?
IDK, maybe we are not stupid?
So sad
We lost our no1 fan...

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What's with Owen Benjamin going completely 180 on the White Genocide thing. Now he's saying it's a good thing? What's going on? Wasn't he supposed to be anti-globalist
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The earth is a plane. Look it up.
Owen just fell for the basic bitch Biblical Earth grift.
Real ubermensch read about the black sun, hollow and flat earth. There is land beyond the poles. Its all a big cover up. Astrology was gobbilty goop before I read flat earth and now everything down to the fibonacci sequence makes sense.
dudes a failed comedian isn't he

i dk what anyone expected
he was smart on this regard
>get called Jewish

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source: democrats


far right is worst threat ever
at least two foreigners have been stabbed in short notice in 2024

they spread in internet a weird theory of "population replacement" where Finnish natives stop having children and lots of foreigners from cultures who are real good at having children will replace them, without saying a word in Finnish

they claim places like Espoo which now has 20% foreigners, are one of such targets of population replacement

Finnish people still make 80% of Espoo population which is 500 000 in total

>the largest foreign language group is not Somali, it is Russian

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Didn't read
You have very feminine trannies

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>Day 852 of the 2 day special operation
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Kyiv in 2 weeks comrade!!! Now suck this Russian COCK!!!!
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Soo how many furfag gods do you have?
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everything is gonna be... alright...

does anyone still doubt Russia is brownoid country?
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Instead, you've got the second highest bombings of a nation who's not officially at war.
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>White russia
And these statistics represent only those who call themselves Russians, because nowhere except Ichkeria is it profitable to be a non-Russian
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>whitest country in the world coming through
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Why do sodomites seethe the most at Putin?

I see that more people are getting aware that most shills are sodomites
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American jewry has a revenge boner for Russia, which Gonzalo Lira explained and was thus killed for.

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What are the political implications?
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Ask Somerset Maugham
I've read some studied about that shit, it's really junk science. It does help with certain factors that speed up aging and general health, but the stress of taking in foreign blood isn't studied and the markers they do point at are lower than diet and excercise.
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>This is off topic but does anyone have the name of that polish event where they took polish girls to befriend adult arabs and blacks? Euro something...

nigger bots
would you inject yourself with niggerblood?

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gay weakling
Putin has fucked you niggers to death
Again? This is the definition of insanity
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the savior of the white race's bimboification is almost complete...

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Or else the Patriarchy will collapse
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Nobody likes feminists except for other feminists. Bears and wolves are really tired their shit too. No need to worry, because the problem will take care of itself.
Bears in this case are a euphemism for Alimony. Financially fatal to men, but a dear friend of women.
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I'm honestly a bit confused on this.
>jews push marxism and non-white immigration for generations
>jews use The US to defend Israel
>jews pretend to be fellow whites
>the only ones who support Israel are white conservatives
>leftists and nons hate Israel for being "white"
>jews destroy The US from within
>no one is left to defend Israel from Muslims
>Israel is destroyed because jews destroyed The US
They are Ashkenazi left wing liberal kikes
There are multiple factions. Hardline religious Jews even adamantly opposed the foundation of Israel. Internationalists have no loyalty to the land or even to the people there.
Some of the anti semites on here are rather old and don't realize things have changed....
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Use your power level to sense their last name they are all Ashkenazim
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they are not a high race and they never were. High races have high trust societies and produce ethics. Does it seem like jews produce or practice ethics?? They are a low race leeching off the high races and they always have been

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China has such a civilization. It has the up and down in its history. So, even tho in the recent centuries it had been poor and weak, it’s valid if it gets hegemony.
But how about india? It has been so powerful at some point of its history?
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That song was hilarious because women were complaining about objectification prior, so he only had himself duplicated to make them shut up
indians will always be leechers an praising themselves for leeching everyone else history an shit, fuck i think i hate them more than jews at this point no greater slave every existed
Didn't take you long to look stupid. Japanese education, everyone.
Shakyas weren't Indians.
They were kshatriya clan
And you did not understand my post

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>black people need reparations!!
Did you know the average Black American is richer than the average British person?

You CANNOT suffer in America
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Bong suburbs are a hellscape.
At least commieblocks take up far less space, so you have parks and such sprinkled in between within walking distance.
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They're gonna want to be careful dressing like that in an Islamic neighbourhood.
I suppose they're probably just making the most of it before sharia law is inevitably implemented.
We're not first world
india will buy the whole street an rent it out for twice the price filthy rats
Not much space in the UK m8. Especially true in England.

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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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This. Did Kikes NOT learn from the Riots back in the 90's?
go ahead and die for niggers and kikes faggot, they attacked protesters first and got away with it, this is payback bitch, this is what rebellion looks like.
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That feel when the goyim know.
looks like the jews got a taste of their own medicine
anti what?

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Every day I follow the news on global politics, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The war between them has lasted for more than two years now but the situation barely changes. We send weaponry to the Ukrainian army, provide solid financial support, introduce more and more sanctions on Russia. During this conflict, the NATO members have become more united than ever before. However, this doesn’t stop military activities. Russians keep on surviving the sanctions, gradually advance on the battlefield, and, since recently, have begun cooperating with China and North Korea. So, it looks like any actions from one side lead to a matched response from the other side sending both parties back to square one.

I think I should give an example. So, first what we do is allow Ukraine to counterstrike inside Russian territory with our weapons (https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/us-policy-ukraine-counterstrike-russia/index.html) but soon Russia manages to destroy Ukrainian energy infrastructure (https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russian-attacks-that-have-pounded-ukraines-power-facilities-2024-06-14/).

This problem is very serious and cannot be solved by having more weaponry supplies or funding. Here, one can’t think in terms of good and evil, and accuse each other of being aggressive. All of it is unreasonable because it could provoke the beginning of World War III. Then, not only would separate countries lose but so would every single person on Earth. Such a conflict must not become a reality, especially if the reason for it is a small country not worth a global catastrophe. Nation states must come to the negotiation table as it’s the only right solution.
You are a SHILL and do not belong here
Everyone on this board wishes this war to turn NUCLEAR as quickly as possible

Anyone who dislikes GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR does not belong in this board
Please leave immediately and go back to wherever you came from
fuck ur an edgy faggot stay strong high school is only 4 years
Fuck off normie.
Fuck off newfag

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