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Is democracy nothing more than a baby making contest? Whatever demographic has the most kids gets to control the government? Sorry but I can't get behind that. If you wouldn't let random people off the street perform surgery on you or pilot an airplane why would you let them vote and decide a country's fate just because they're good at having sex and making lots of children (that someone else usually has to pay for)?
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nice quote and ID
Huh, so shit never really changes.
If rhetoric truly mattered then Liberal politicians should get as much shit as Trump got for the things he said. They constantly shit on Americans and praise foreigners/recent immigrants. They make fun of you if you lose your job. They don't like Americans. Conservatives do the same by not even considering those people and telling them they shouldn't be working those jobs. They don't like Americans. They constantly suck off immigrants in the media. Immigrant good, American bad. They don't even hide it. They eroded our society and then praise immigrants for the things they eroded from us. Immigrants have large families and take care of each other which is seen as a good thing. When an American does it, specifically white American, they think it's bad. They want us to be individuals because it's easier to control. They want us to snitch on each other. Have you ever considered the rates of snitching on someone for saying some racist things? What group do you think does that the most? Once white people become a minority in the US, there will be no assistance. It would dumb to assume anyone would care anymore than anyone else would. Once white people are the minority, we're on our own.
>Whatever demographic has the most kids gets to control the government?
yes, that's why they're importing so many niggers and spics reliant on government programs
I think it's hilarious how a certain group of people loves the movie Idiocracy and envisions White Christians as the stupid people. White Americans are far outnumbered in terms of breeding. They focus on White people having kids for a reason. You never see them complain about hispanics with tons of kids. You always hear them complain about money, as if things were better, then we would have more kids. Industrialized nations have less children. As women are educated the amount of children decreases. Everything we associate with modern society leads to a decrease in children. If having assistance changed anything, then people in Sweden would be having tons of kids.

Reddit tier leftists are extremely stupid and ignorant. They really don't know what they're talking about. They think only stupid people have kids, but that means all those immigrants are stupid. They only meant white people having kids. In reality, they do think stupid people have kids. At their core, leftists are eugenicists. The only acceptable eugenicists are globalist leftist ones. You can't really be a Nazi style eugenicist anymore. Eugenics with a smile is all that's allowed.

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Previous: >>471976584

▶Day: 0

>Pro-Iran militias in Iraq prepare to mobilize thousands of fighters to south Lebanon if war erupts
>Israeli Defense Minister heads to US to discuss potential war vs Hezbollah
>DoD has shared an intelligent assessment with the Biden administration that has Israel launching a ground operation in Southern Lebanon the middle of next month
>Israel has massed a large quantity of men and equipment at border with Lebanon
>US pledges military support to Israel in case of large war with Hezbollah,
>Iran and Taliban discuss joint action against Israel if it invades Lebanon
>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Two US carriers are en route to eastern Mediterranean
>Israeli officials believe Hezbollah may launch major attack on Israel to preempt large IDF assault
>Israeli Foreign Minister says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon will make the necessary decisions"

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Nigger can you stop coping? The United States has the biggest baddest arsenal in the whole world. They're not going to allow their ally in the middle east to get nuked or hit with any big missile. If worse comes to worse and Nasrallah doesn't back off they're going to get fucked. But that won't happen because Iran is doing everything it can to avoid a confrontation. They have a lot of problems in their own country and can't risk one of its proxies blowing off the load when they're not ready for war.
I've been watching an anaylist talking about this and he said since Russia is involved in Syria and Syrian groups fight with Hezbollah Russia might get involved if there is an all out war on Lebanon.
>ugly Jew confirmed
>assuming I'm a man
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>Pretending he's not a man
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>Verification not required

/pol/ will defend this buffoon
>Donald Trump said that late comedian Joan Rivers voted for him when he ran for president in 2016. But Rivers died in September 2014, more than two years before the presidential election.

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Joan did vote for Trump, but they changed the timeline again.

Anyone who says women can't do stand-up comedy has never heard Joan in her early years of the 60s and 70s. She killed.
>Anyone who says women can't do stand-up comedy has never heard Joan in her early years of the 60s and 70s. She killed.
I watched her host the Tonight Show. She's probably one of the most underrated comedians ever.
Don't think Joan Molinsky was going to vote for him even if she was alive.

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How many lifelong STDs are there?
Currently, there are 4 sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs) that are not curable: herpes (HSV), hepatitis B (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and human papillomavirus (HPV).
1 in 5 Americans have one of these STDs and is growing.
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Gotta catch em all
HPV checking in. Got it from the only asian girl I’ve ever fucked.
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>it's the daily
>transmissible diseases really exist
>totally organic spam thread
Just wear a condom, even when fucking your "loyal" girlfriend or wife. But STDs aside, not having a female parasite at home does wonders for your health, sanity, and finances. It used to be that women would support you in various ways and you could slap, punch, or kick 'em when they became defective, but modern psyopsed women call that "mommying" or "being a bangmaid," which is so icky it makes them recoil in disgust so strongly that they land up on a stranger's dick.
blame the body count culture
protip: women hate doing it without a condom
ask any zoomer
whenever you hear "I have a body count of x" you should translate it to
>I sucked and fucked this many dicks
>they never wore a condom
>the came all over and inside of me
>I had to take plan b and get abortions
>there are nudes and sex tapes of me sucking and fucking monster dongs all over the country
>I have a few STDs (that I know of)
you have to be a demented closet cuck to love a non-virgin woman, and virgin women do not exist anymore

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Smile and wave Zigger, smile and wave
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he coulda left jewkraine alone
That’s a Ukrainian / that’s a war crime / it’s fake / it’s a staged pow execution/ NATO gets off of gore / 2 more weeks
I hate when they use our flag, at least it stands out as NAFO fag.
>our flag
you dont own me fucktard
How long until we start seeing these on the streets of Western countries? I'm surprised it hasn't already started.

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-main character is a girl named fierer(en)
-80 years ago she was on 10 year long expedition to kill the demon lord (ww2)
-one of her friends from that time is hitter (hitler)
-her 3 companions represents the 3 countries that allied the fireren in the war
-demons are obviously jews
-frieren the slayer
-hitler was a weeaboo so hieter/fern represents japan, as fern is obviously yamato nadeshiko and hieter has squinted eyes

convinced yet? now go watch it.
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"I can see why you don't trust us - you lost your father in the war between our people. I lost my father too, and I wish for peace in his name so that we may end the violence between our people"
>5 seconds later
"What's a father?"
"I have no idea, these humans are so fucking gullible though"
>Frieren did absolutely nothing wrong and was justified in her instinctive hate
The show is mid af and the only reason it got popular is because modern anime is dead

Standards are super low now
>mid af
nigglet speech. opinion discarded.
what about 'The Witch and the Beast' and 'Mysterious Disappearances'?
what about 'The Apothecary Diaries'?
Raise your standards
The golden age of anime ended before 2010

The paradise that russoids think is just like the Netherlands.
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lookin' livable, innit?
Oy vey delet this 15 years ago Russians lived in palaces and now they live in mudhuts. Literally mordor.
fun fact: alcohol use in russia is skyrocketing
you bunch of alcoholic subhuman vodkaniggers
Typical 5:30 pm traffic in my cunt
>just one more lane bro
>pls it'll fix everything
>come on bro
>just one more

It seems most of NATO is going to hit the 2% target this year
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waste of money just get rid of the americans
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Jews need the goyim to sign up for the draft. Jews need white males to be murdered in wars Jews start. It’s about making shekels and murdering white people. All the white Christians who worship the Jew will have their children drafted and slaughtered by the Jew. You can’t fix stupid
I have no idea why this is bad, but since it was moved to /pol/ it must be bad for nato.

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Range Rover-driving couple in mask and keffiyeh is arrested at gunpoint before cops make startling discovery in their backseat as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb

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Imagine having a flag with UNFREE PALESTINE on it. Do I mean Not free palestine or United Nations free palestine?
I don't care.
If I had a toddler in my back seat I wouldn't be heading into the thick of one.
Underrated kek
>fringe cult
lmao, your temple is crashing down on your yiddish skull
cops are literally sent to israel for training from their jew masters

every big city does this, but even some tiny ones do too

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>Pastor Robert Morris, a Texas megachurch pastor who served as a spiritual adviser to former President Donald Trump, has confessed to a “moral failure” four decades ago after a woman accused him of repeatedly molesting her as a child.
>The woman, Cindy Clemishire, told NBC News that Morris, now a senior pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, was staying with her family on Christmas night in 1982. She was 12; he was 21. Clemishire, now 54, said he invited her to his room, where he instructed her to lie on her back. He then touched her breasts and felt under her panties, Clemishire said — the first of several similar encounters that would span the next 4½ years, she said.
Another Republican, consevative amd "Christian" was diddling minors. Another person connected to Trump is a certified pedophile. Why is this being slid?
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flat chest erotic
yeah, and the man just outside pic didnt get a life
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If only there was some way to read an article that answers the exact questions you have.
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>follow gay link offsite to give clicks to MSM niggers
>screen gets blocked by a popup about ad blockers
No I don't think I shall, and if you think that's an appropriate way to author an OP you're probably from reddit.
Every. Single. Time

Parasites are good for you they are keeping the imune system bussy, decrease of exposure to parasites and microorganisms leads to autoimmune diseases because immune system doesn't have anything to do so body starts to attack itself.
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based fellow chad south bronx parasite enjoyer
fags need a strongly immune bussy
I would scalp someone for saying something so fucking stupid around me
keep it busy with booze

>Iran has entered the chat
The US is the number one oil producer. But yes, the oil of iran must be plundered. venezuela as well. And yes, they could drive up the price of oil.
Shutting down the Straits just hurts Iran and it's allies
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Who takes the Iraqi oil?

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According to the complaint, filed by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, Pfizer violated the Consumer Protection Act by concealing information about its Covid-19 vaccine, misrepresenting its safety and effectiveness to make profits of thousands. of millions of dollars in revenue linked to sales of the drug.

Specifically, Kobach points to Pfizer for not having been transparent in hiding the adverse consequences of its vaccine, in addition to not disclosing its low effectiveness and avoiding addressing uncertainty about “the vaccine's ability to prevent the transmission of the pathology caused by the vaccine.” SARS-CoV-2 virus. The company is also accused of covering up safety information about the risks of the vaccine for pregnant women, as well as theories linking it to myocarditis, pericarditis and other strokes.

Over more than 179 pages, the lawsuit also accuses the company of using campaigns and associations to hide public debate about the effectiveness and safety of its vaccine. According to Statista figures, as of April 2023, a total of 367 million Americans had been vaccinated against covid-19 with Pfizer.

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/kansas-sues-pfizer-for-misleading-public-about-covid-vaccine/ar-BB1osuJz
based but its a bit late. so many got poisoned

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What might be the implications /k/?

One of the rebel groups against the Myanmar junta have managed to capture the country's resort airport, Thandwe.

> The airport with a 2600 m/ 5500 ft runway right at the shore of the Bay of Bengal, sits around 400 kilometers of both Naypyidaw (newish junta capital) and Yangon (old British colonial capital and largest city).

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thandwe_Airport
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There's a lot of Karen diaspora in my town. I see them wearing shirts advertising their national identity and there's local Karen celebrations. They did something for the "Karen New Year". I'm surprised a regional ethnic group has their own special new year, but I guess they do.
I imagine they probably fund their faction in the civil war by transferring a portion of their salary back home.
Unironically the junta. Everyone else hates them or supports or funds their own puppet armies. Literally name any religious group and theres an ethnic militia that hates them. When you have buddhist monks with AKs in your conflict, thats a sign you don't give a shit anymore about optics.
It is you, the reader!
Anyhow, chinks supports anyone who they think will let them to use myanmar ports and rivers for shipping. Or destablishes the place enough for them to do complete takeover.
Russia is too busy with ukraine to get involved much, especially when china has told them to keep their hands off.
India basically does the opposite what china does.
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So basically the guys in red are the bad guys and /we/ are rooting for the guys in green. The others are some militias that are mostly on the same side as the green guys (but not all) but if I understand correctly it's more of a enemy of my enemy type situation.
Tito is never coming back

Don't mince words. Does President Donald Trump still have a chance to win the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election?

Tell it to me straight.
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0% chance. The 2020 election is over.
/ptg/ seems to think he IS the president now ...
He wants it or just needs it
He will win the election but will not get in. It will be a repeat of Jan 6. You will look like the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth, accepting fraudulent results, not demanding recounts and professing failed candidates as your kings in exile for the remainder of your shitty lives.
Absolutely, jews will install him to placate the right and he'll do jack shit just like he did the first go around

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Israel has only lost 19 IDF soldiers to Hezbollah

Why does Hezbollah suck at war?
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>Kek, and /pol/cels think Hezbollah can successfully beat Israel in a war
No wonder, /pol/cels are even dumber than an average Hezbollah fighter.
Thanks !

Well I guess we don’t take the bait as easy as before! Sacrifice is necessary in war. Patience is also very necessary.
In a game of chess you don’t just emotionally react to your opponent. Sometimes it’s ok to let the opponent take out some of your pawns to insure victory. Sometimes you even bait him with your pawns and let his greed cause his own fall.
But what do I know I am just a low iq sandnigger lol
So you think they’re just pawns? Kek
By the way I graduated from ottawa uni med school did my residency in hamilton. Took about 1 m $ in loans and dipped out of Canada lmfao (with Canadian passeport of course)
Just got tired for the fent zombies and the tent cities, sorry please don’t get mad
Everyone has his role in war. Every country. Every fighter and even every civilian.
Saying they are pawns is just an analogy, they might be the king or queen actually. Only the chess is also an analogy, so if you are able to understand analogies you might understand, or maybe you won’t and you’ll just try insulting me.
No matter, war is happening and blood is being shed.

>some shitty primitive negro event
>the "artists" are basically nothing more than children reciting alphabet
>witnessed history

Negroe culture is irreversable at this point.
It fucking blows my mind how low standards negroes have.
Their music is like children reciting the alphabet and he claims he
"witnessed history"
Do negroes really think that the world is resolving around their primitive mumbling
so they can "witness history" ?

Have you ever actually comprehended how allowing them to influcence youth in the west is
detrimental for our culture and how it made everything around us more shitty ?
Maybe we shouldn't allow them to spread their mumbling jibberish.
That would be what your grandfathers and greatgrandfathers would do.

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>but-but the data is old..!
negro cope
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Does it? Seems like it's mostly rich liberal women or gigantically fat poor women; in other words the extremes. I think the fact is niggers rob and rape so much and women are talkative and never miss an opportunity to express their victim status, they all know someone hurt by niggers so they say one thing about them, and then do another
Jewish claws typed out this post
Should OP be allowed to remove a poster in such conditions from the thread ?
I'd have to say no, we come here to escape censorship. If you go down that path you get Reddit.

But call out kikes when you see them.

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if we strip the voting rights of everyone except for the White man?
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It is. If you understand an ethical group to be a village or a tribe. As soon as two people within a group do not know or trust each other, democracy is not possible. The soviet republic as a pyramid of small democratic groups is peak democracy. And no, it has nothing to do with socialism.
It has nothing to do with education. Its genetic. Only a very small % of the population descends from aristocracy.
No. Democracy is the worst form of government. There should be ONE SINGLE ruler.

Why are Americans so poor?
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>You will only create problems.
Yes, it's you, not it because it doesn't write itself nor does it enforce itself.
>>school summer meals
>Sure why not, what’s one more thing we can’t afford
School meals in USA are poison and we should be spending an infinitely amount more fixing that but shitheads like you don't like employment
The only people with the pathetic argument of "muh kidz can't eat cuz no skool" are niggers. Most white people take care of their own responsibilities such as feeding your fucking child.
>Andof course it's mainly corn syrup and seed oil foods but hey, beggers can't be choosy
Yes you can be choosers when it's fucking coca cola corn syrup and corn syrup bread and corn syrup soup, people in USA are sick fucks wanting to make everyone disgusting and fat
translation for euros
>NIGGERS and SPICS are letting their kids starve in the summer when daddy government isn't giving them a free lunch in school
>don't ask how the niglets don't have food for dinner during the school year
>don't ask why the mothers are always morbidly obese
>don't ask why they spend their welfare on expensive processed slop
>just get mad they arent getting more of the white man's money

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