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America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a nigger problem.
Ok but literally no one has ever been tried and convicted of entrapment.
So well behaved refugees are welcome? You have to make appeals to public safety to justify your opposition to foreigners? Can't just oppose them because they are foreign?
>what an odd thing to say
This is what we had and it was taken from us...

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currently at first work meeting.
3h of femoids talking about their life and dogs.
Imagine being company owner and paying 20 femoids so they can sit and talk for 3 and more hours over such shit.
Instead of going through basic shit and being done with it as fast as possible so they can start training new people they sit and fucking talk about dogs and shit.
Hope this shit finally collapses?
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I HATE Mondays *plap plap plap*
I know all whores do.
It's fucking cust support branch.
Once in Germany while working in office, one fat whale decided to steal food from me. Apparently I was the only person there that could cook properly. I thanked her for the compliments to my cooking through stealing my meals, by adding a lot of Carolina reaper powder.
Bro the Kino was 1st Klass. It was almost Oscar worthy.
She made sucha scene, with each passing minute it was getting better and better.
All femoids immidietly took her side, tried to help her.
But then when they found out that it's all because of food she "made" herself they immediately lost interest.
It was so hilarious to watch.
when I still wageslaved I would come early to office and chat half an hour two the 2 girls in accounting while compiling the datasets and drinking coffee.
Best time on the job.
Heres the best part. In this job it's not possible to pass this on someone else.
You have to fill shit in when npcs call.
But other than that it's fully true.
Based af. But how will you pay out anon? How will you cheat the tax thief jews to not jew you out from that cash?
I have this problem rn too. Crypto made me richer than average, but I can't cash out fully properly.
A similar story has happened at my work, it ended with most of the long time white male workers quitting. The women being promoted to "planning" roles that don't directly effect production.
And all the work being taken up by koreans and indians. I am part of the new wave of hires who have been brought on board to keep the place from falling completely to shit, but its hard to give a fuck when I can sit here on my phone all shift and still be the among the most valued workers in the factory.

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why is it these game companies hand out charms to faggots but not say, any other political ideology or religion? wheres my cross charm? and yet these faggots like kaiser da gamer are never happy with what they are given, that the game is flooded with faggot charms of every pattern, but no, its not enough. faggots are never happy with representation. not unless half teh cast of a video game is gay. why do gays seek representation so much more than everyone else? is it to cope with the fact they are sin embracers?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlyNKd5nAkc&ab_channel=KaiserDaGaemer this faggot goes on a rant (hes fag).

ive never seen a game with such a high concentration of faggots with flags, it genuinely is enjoyable to chase pride flag wearing faggots as a serial killer. thank you, BHVR interactive, for letting me identify which players i should prioritize killing first. <3
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It's in a lot of games, OSRS isn't free from this shit either.
>Not choosing to play as killer
>Not keeping a watchlist of who wears what charm and setting priority during gameplay of who to target
You guys are thinking too small, I see this as a good way of making these retards fucking seethe HARD. Start attacking those dumbasses who wear those charms first.
That shit is not new and they were kvetching about it a few years ago because some killers were deliberately focusing on the players with pride garbage on them.
You can still do that. They just made it harder to facecamp since you can unhook yourself if the meter gets high enough

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Where would you rather live?
Nightmare mode: Shit answers only
I don't want to live in either of these shitholes. one of a faggy euro "city" full of rats. The other is a california city full of rats.
No one lives on the highway. Maybe underneath it but they're bums. I wouldn't want to live in Vermont either (top pic) because they're all fags.
I lived in Prague for a while and the apartments there are freaking immaculate.

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presented without comment
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k enjoy your thread
a got a bit spammy, a bit carried away there
He was never the most important God in the Roman mythology, but he is indeed the keeper of the matrix, the eye who can see everything and he was a associated with Saturn (aka the demiurge) since he could see everything in the world and you had to defeat him and kill him since he wont let you go easily.
inaccessible without first praying to the jannie. jannie opens the gates of heaven with which those gods pass, and vice versa
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So if I simply write that the Christian god is fake then its true ? Since I wrote about it, it must be true! I hate poltards so much its unreal.
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>sol invictus
also, lol
gtfo with that crypto-yahweh tranny shit

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At the beginning of the war, Hezbollah feared an escalation against Israel for fear of an invasion, but that is over: Hamas' resistance has demonstrated the true strength of the Israeli army, their chances of successfully invading southern Lebanon are minimal. Hezbollah will continue to escalate its attacks because they are now confident they can win.
>haha we will kick their asses
0 replies because it is not enough
you are prob correct
Israel is the gayest nation on earth. We are seeing what that means for thier military. As bad as the USA is infected with troon virus Israel is worse.

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Lets face it:
>Bolt action rifle
Mosin Nagant > Kar98k
>Semi auto rifle
SVT-40 > Gewehr-41
>Medium Tank
T-34 > Panzer-IV
>Heavy Tank
IS-2 > Tiger
>fighter plane
Yak-9 > BF-109
Il-2 > Stuka
TT-33 > Luger P08

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>weeb geeking out about WWII shits
Go play a video game and cry about diesel engines you jew. 1940's were 80 years ago.
t. Ivanov on holiday in Tokyo
all true. american engineering was once great but now it is done cheap. most engineering isnt as good as it used to be. we arent on the moon for 50 years. that was good engineering, lost art, a wonder of the world, to good engineering's ozymandii.
it took like 30 T34 tanks to kill one single Tiger Tank
And don't forget the buckling made it so hard for they to properly aim and took hours to reload and put back in position, they should recover the steel tho.

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Did Warren Buffet just rug pull his investors?
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So does this mean I can buy a lot for nothing?
Class partition and merger
> promote value investing, diversification and the Benjamin graham method to idealistic retards
> actually make the majority of your money by putting all your eggs in one basket that had about a 20% chance of success
I wouldn't try it. The trades will probably get rolled back and in the mean time all associated accounts will probably have temporary locks put on them.
>boomer investor wizard man
>"lmao lets save money by switching over all of our coders to jeets"
>"oh.... this is why they're so inexpensive..."

>South Korea, which heavily relies on imports for its energy use, has found a potentially massive reserve of oil and gas offshore close to its southeastern territory in the East Sea, President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Monday.

>In his first televised national briefing, the president said he has given the energy ministry the green light to conduct exploration drilling for the vast oil and gas prospects.

>“The possibility of the area containing as much as 14 billion barrels of oil and gas is very high,” Yoon told a news conference, citing a study he said has been reviewed by leading research institutions and experts.

>“Today, I gave my approval for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to go ahead with the drilling for exploration deep in the East Sea,” he said.

>The presidential office said the government last year commissioned an in-depth analysis of the area for potential oil and gas reserves with US-based research firm ACT-Geo after an earlier study showed a high possibility of gas and oil reserves near the Donghae gas field.

>If the volume is confirmed through the drilling, the value of the reserves, off the Yeongil Bay in Pohang, about 260 km southeast of Seoul, is estimated at $1.4 trillion, or five times the market valuation of Samsung Electronics Co., the country’s most valuable stock, government officials said.

>14 bln barrels
>5 times market cap of Samsung

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Pic somewhat related.
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oil hoax

Henry Ford quote: There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for one hundred years. That was 1929 before alcohol prohibition.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwc-n3W9rNY&pp=ygUPY29ybiB0byBwbGFzdGlj plastic from plants
https://youtu.be/TFuTCpCVSbM “crude oil” from plastic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmbmMmGUMnc “crude oil” made direct from starch rich plants
Fake Oil Matters Secrets of the Schlumberger
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No usury - that what makes kikes seethe about friendship (“socialism”), it means end of parasitic lifestyle, you contribute your part and use benefits created together. Jews mocking with “Nazi” label, friendship of families, morality.
Swastika is pointing at the source of free energy, electricity that we all use (you not suppose to know that) https://youtu.be/gPdiqYOaTGY

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Mexico was fucked either way
Mexicans deserve Mexico.
>party that aligns with the worst of socialist southamerica
>party that aligns with the worst of western globalism
I mean, I would still prefer western globalism
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they've been fucked, this is just a different flavor of fucked

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>Noo its communism not capitalism
Show me where corporations go bankrupt for spreading DEI
No, they get bailed out by people buying their products
But oh no, if theres a rightwing president, boy do they get bailed out
>No, they get bailed out by people buying their products
no they get bailed out by glownigger VC funds.
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>Show me where corporations go bankrupt for spreading DEI
Why should anyone have to pay for advancement of your agenda and ideology ? You keep talking about helping the little guy against financial inequality, but then in the next breath you are saying how he has to pay for this. Like you have to take the last pennies out of his pocket to live in a shithole where he is much worse off than he was before. And you can't understand why people say "bullshit" to this.
People aren't buying woke shit lmao billion dollar hedge funds are pushing it to engineer society into better slaves
Its because cocksucking leftoids like OP harbor double-standards. They want power over everyone, and its why they should be minecrafted.

I am currently working on a Justin Mohn archive and need help. I have retrieved all of his albums (Cold War Waste Town, Colofunkinrado and Justin's Stalkers) as well as some of his other projects (I Miss Lauren & Vocoder Practice). I am currently looking for audiobooks and/or PDFs of his books, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
these are the titles of his books
'Dark Ages Of The Future A Collection Of Short Stories'
'Poems I Wrote While Stoned'
'The Kingdom Of Darkness'
'The Pink'
'The Punishing, America's Coming Blood Revolution'
'The Revolution Leader's Survival Guide: How Schools, Workplaves, Anti Social Norms Kill The Genius Inside All Of Us'
'The Second Messiah'
'They Will Burn This Book'
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A true masterpiece
I was gonna say.
why are you idolizing him exactly?
I just think its funny I also want to post the archive so others have access to it
sick fuck and a total loser in real life
>I just think its funny
Edgy fucking child lol That's funny. Knowing you are a typical loser on fucking 4chan pol making posts like this is funny
sorry that its fucking hilarious some retard cut his dads head off because he thinks his dad is in a satanic cult
whats not funny about that
you're a sperging nigger

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Gilbert, Ford Motor Co.’s Ford family and the Ilitch family, which built a fortune through the Little Caesars pizza chain, collectively have invested billions in Detroit — so much so that they or their companies have amassed about 70% of the downtown office space, according to data from Colliers and company filings. They’re filling properties with their workers and have attracted employers including Amazon.com Inc. and Microsoft Corp., which moved to downtown from the suburbs. This week, Ford will open Michigan Central Station, where the automaker and Alphabet Inc.’s Google will be taking offices in an overhauled train depot that had been an edifice of razor wire, graffiti and broken windows for decades.

The city’s improving fortunes have lured yet another billionaire: real estate mogul Stephen Ross, a Detroit native better known for his developments in New York and, more recently, South Florida. He and the Ilitches have hatched plans for a $1.5 billion development that starts with a University of Michigan graduate and technology campus along with more offices, hotels and housing.

“Anyone who looks back to 2013 with the bankruptcy, it’s night and day,” Gilbert, 62, said in an interview. “The city has an energy it never used to have.”

It also has a high-brow vibe for a gritty town that had Bruce Springsteen crooning about “snakeskin suits packed with Detroit muscle.” Gilbert said Hudson’s Detroit has sold most of its new $1 million condos. Longtime Detroiters can still find a Coney Island franchise selling the city’s culinary staple, a hot dog smothered in chili, onions and mustard, but these days there are wait lists for restaurants selling aged steaks at $70 a cut and braised lamb Provencal for almost $50. The metro area’s median apartment rent jumped almost 5% in April to $1,400 a month, five times the national increase.
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Really? How come?
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Notice when all the niggers were going ape shit a few years ago, Detroit was relatively silent?

Detroit's mayor is a white man, a leftist for sure, but still a white man, and he's doing a much better job then Chicongo or Baltimore, or really any other nigger town mayor.
Downtown Detroit is filled with police. you cant walk a block without seeing a squad car. They keep downtown well patrolled probably for visitors.
I thought visitors were checking the ruins.
Rocket mortgage os based in detroit. If he shills for it his portfolio goes up.
You stupid fucks.

what is the etymology of the word "Pozzed"
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It's from bug chasers, "getting a pozzed load in my neg hole". Don't know why it's a buzzword now
Maybe go be a faggot somewhere else
Big Joker vibes off this dude and not just because of that face.
It also relates to the degenerate sexual trend of "bug chasing" IE getting off to being infected or infecting others with HIV or other STDs often without the receiving party knowing.
Correct. The term came from faggots having parties with HIV postiive people where they fucked trying to get it. This was called getting "pozzed." Yes fags did this.
Does he still do the podcast?

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Why are Irish people in ulster such tranny loving faggots?
Unfortunately we're tranny loving faggots down here too.
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What are the implications of technology being more or less stagnant since the 70s?

And totally stagnant for the last 10 years. We are back in the middle ages, the world your children live in will be the exact same world you lived in.
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240 volt superiority
What have 110 volt limplets ever made?
I want less technology
Not more
This is also why we don’t see incentives (monetary, cultural, governmental, etc) shifting to align with creating new generations of “American” people (insert any country, birth rate decline globally reflects this reality). It is easier to let drugs or war gut rural and urban populations, for example, and swamp the existing population with new arrivals (illegal + legal). The “cost” of creating incentives for family formation and then getting someone’s progeny to working age, whether they ever work or not, has been removed by domestic birth rates & subsidized by the new arrival’s country of origin. The other benefit is domestic populations have high standard expectations in terms of quality (quality of living, standard of living) that new populations do not have. With this context, it doesn’t make financial sense to make sweeping changes to a sector of public or private life through technology unless the system is in control of and can adapt to the change. Just as one example - My little town had a passenger train & an electric trolley system that were both removed for cars. The population of the US doubled over the period where these were built to when they were removed. It requires a lot more people to build & maintain the car infrastructure, keeping people employed, than maintaining the train or trolley infrastructure. This doesn’t even consider the upstream or downstream jobs
Then what's the latest car that can be provided at a massive scale? without disrupting the supply chains and workforce. a 90s civic?
new technologies that reduce the overall effort to make cars are introduced during every development cycle. some of these are obviously car-related, but most of them have to do with manufacturing processes and engineer collaboration.
your assumption that we can roll this back by 30 years makes no sense. 30 years ago engineers didn't have SAP in their pockets. 30 years ago offices didn't have instant conferencing with suppliers 10,000 miles away. even a 1990 civic produced today as true to the original blueprints as possible wouldn't really be a 1990 civic, because it would be built with MRP software and collaboration systems that didn't exist or existed in a less mature state 30 years ago.
this is without even mentioning the technology that goes into higher-capacity highways, efficient parking lots for massive offices, gps, traffic management. there are almost as many commuters today than there were PEOPLE in 1970. no part of our infrastructure could have handled 136 million people driving to work every day in 1970. put simply, that many cars would clog the roads, AND producing them would have overstressed the inter-office collaboration methods of the day, AND we would have needed more so many mechanics that it would diminish the available workpool of technically minded people, and, and, and...

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I hope she imports millions of Nigerian and Haitian men to Mexico, Mexico NEEDS mass immigration.
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It's already happening under AMLO. I recently saw a woman marrying to a Haitian bvll
Is she vaccinated
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I hate kikes and all but gyatt thats one fine jew hag
Actually, you`ll see, she is a member of the Rockerfeller foundation and they have a pretty good plan to pervert what is left of the good Mexican race, so they have already implanted measures like filling bad neighborhoods of Mexico City and metropolitan zone of haitians who eat human flesh and make chicken blood sacrifices.
Also places like Chiapas and Yucatan, which have a lot of indigenous population so the can create the zambus degeneratus maximus.

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Does anybody here remember the old internet? What was it like?
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>play EverQuest in 1999
>game is soul crushingly hard
>no fucking idea what I’m doing because comprehensive information about it doesn’t exist online
>meet up with some random guy who offers to run me across the continent
>end up having a great time talking to him and exploring, narrowly avoiding danger
>still some of my favorite moments from gaming

All of the internet was like this back in the day. It highlights an important difference between then and now IRL as well. Imagine your car breaks down in the 1990s out in the sticks. If there’s no pay phone nearby, you gotta start walking. You have no idea where you are, so you gotta ask, or maybe even hitchhike. Kinda sketchy if you’re in a bad area, but on the other hand, people generally wanted to help each other back then. You’d get to talk to people, you’d have to go through a whole little mini-adventure to get home from where your car broke down.

Now all you have to do is pick up your roadside assistance app, press a few buttons, and have a tow truck come to you while you Uber home. And people wonder why everyone is depressed.
You assume a lot. But I can tell that you very interested in me. Thanks for that I feel all loved.
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Pic related. I remember watching that with a few buddies and we all knew the secret of how to double back to get the flute in Super Mario 3. The movie was supposed to have the "first time ever" of that game being played and the little shitknew how to do that. Ugh. Unless you had the inside track a lot of that stuff was arcane and spread by magazine or word of mouth.
> my nostalgia for those days is incredibly strong and I would give almost anything for the ability to experience it again even for just an hour

Me too brother, me too.

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Thoughts on Europe’s latest dictator?
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New worlders won't understand.
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puppets can't be dictators anon
well we have people who have been programmed with derangement against Trump so I think I do understand. You're the same kind of person, unable to think for yourself, believing every lie everyone on the television ever tells you. Thinking the soviet union is the same as russia... Luckily people like you all got vaccinated and the human race will be able to move forward since you cant have children and will all be dead within a decade.
You mean Europe's ONLY dictator?
jews have switched to LatAm now.
Fried potato pancakes with guac…

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Reminder: you will eat ze curry
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How dare you name your poo slop after Boo-boo! Yogi and Boo Boo are based and would never steal a piknik basket with that shit in it
blady benchod...
you dont know yogi name come from Yoga
read real history and then come back
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You niggers stole the name from Yogi Berra, the famous NY Yankees player. Don’t try to gaslight me, poo.
Fuckinng botch. We are superpower
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Superpooper, maybe

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