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Women decide who to have sex with.
That's already the downfall of civilization.
Women decide who gets good grades.
Women decide who gets into elite universities
Women decide who gets interviews for jobs.
Women decide if and how many children they will have.

Women are the gatekeepers to everything that matters in life now. It's fucking over.
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>americans actually think of that abomination as cheese
No one actually thinks this is cheese. Everyone in the US knows for a fact that it's not cheese. The only people who ever buy this are really trashy poor people or boomers who use it on burgers because it melts a certain way.
THIS. Stop talking badly about feminism, fucking goyim. Stop resisting matriarchy. Do NOT harm women.
That is not even real cheese.
why is that femoid blocking view of beautiful machine
Found the kike

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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fuck modelo. their shit used to be way less expensive, and their commercials talk about immigration.

still cheap
Better than that piss Bud peddles.


Watching Alissa Heinerscheid is comedic gold. I really love DEI because it's worth seeing those mega-corps get fucked over muh equity.
Oy vey, not my pisswasser!
Think of the tranny destribution dads! In all seriousness though a lot of rural jobs were supported by them. Double edged boycott but its worth it to send a message
learn to read nigger. DISTRIBUTORS are hurt, not retailers

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HAPPENING! The U.S. government will go after (((Trump's handler Jared Kushner)))!
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No one tell him that we approve of this witchhunt
Its not a witch hunt. Kushner and Ivanka took money from the Saudis. Big time.
Im starting to wonder if there really are two different factions of jews though. Could all be part of the "script" though.
They're wicked smart, so...
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There are they are called Globalists and Zionists. This is not hard to find even before the internet. I got out an old encyclopedia from 1981 and looked up what it says about Zionism and Israel. Right there it mentions Theodor Herzel, the Rothschilds and others. And that a significant faction of both religious and atheistic Jews doesn't support it. Particularly ones who joined communist parties. The only thing I couldn't find was anything about Globalism since it was not out in the open until the 90's.

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what you think anon? Lets fight back. Were already poor, broke in debt forever but we build our own servers. we can never be cancelled !
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const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
const clonedArray = Array.of(...originalArray);

you get js because fuck you
Man, you are way more retarded than I thought. Doesn't look like you even understood the task.
does deduplicating mean removing the duplicated elements? like if we got array [0, 2, 2, 4] we remove the duplicated 2 to get a new array [0, 2, 4]
>purposely antagonizing
This guarantee only people from here will play your game.
Just make a regular-ass game with cute girls, happily married couples with beautiful & happy white children, and no LGBTrooniggers.
This way normies will play it and enjoy a game with a nice setting for once.

Wokist will still scream about it, but *they* will look like the political nuts instead of you.

Can Indians ever be viewed as masculine as Black males or just bunch of shitskins that no White women wants to be with?


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Is it just me or do Asians appear to be actual aliens just trying to fit in with society ? Their actions seem very calculated , almost in an attempt not stand out from the general public? Like if they were to be found out , i could see the immediate reaction of the Asian twitching and spazzing as their inner alien crawls out of their facade of a human exterior?

They are really human adjacent. I cant help but feel as if they are trying desperately to fit in , really, into any situation ive ever experienced Asians in the public. Therefore, i am hard pressed to ever trust them in daily situations ?

I cant be alone in this feeling?
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elon musk mogging him was hilarious
>Their actions seem very calculated
wow high IQ people act like high IQ people, creepy

lemme check this post real quick >>471222222
Go kill urself nigger or spic
This , i feel as if they are quite literally an experiment gone awry.

>High IQ people

This is only relatively true ,as they dont have the IQ anchor that is the african populace running amok. Regardless , they are far too calculated ,like as i said , in order to not be found out that they are some alien race masquerading as humans.
Their physical characteristics seem to have evolved by natural causes through thousands of years. Just like niggers.
They may not look "normal" outside of their natural environment, but they seem normal enough as a frog in water.
Jews on the other hand do not fit anywhere with their characteristics, there is literally no reason why they would look like they do.

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Monero ends Jewish Inflation and Endless Nigger Handouts!

No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
usa = commie jew nation with their bailout bucks
Jews rig elections uses nigger with endless handouts to destroy white societies.
jews can't collect income tax on an anonymous currency that they can't spy on people transactions. then steal ure money and give endless handouts to nigger pets to destroy white civilizations
monero replaces bitcoin and us petrol dollar
Monero is replacing Bitcoin Jews can't collect income tax on XMR fuck niggers
No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
I mine on p2pool and run node :3

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Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were freshly painted black, to cover German eagles and swastikas.
Project Manhattan was a failure.
It so well kept secret that you find hardly any material about it from internet, but there are several well researched books written about German real "wunderwaffe" that they were claiming to change the course of war in their newspapers at late stages of WW2. They also had a project for multi stage rocket to deliver A bomb to United States.
US was able to nuke Japan only after Peenemünde factories were seized.
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Germany literally didn't have enough resources available to complete such a project.
>Best kept secret of WW2
Thos isn't a secret, just no one is going to have a conversation about it.
The United States got nukes in WW2 from Manhattan project, the most complex and expensive endeavor in history to that point.
No way Russia could have done that, their country was destroyed, for every jew that died 5 Russians died at the hands of the nazis. The real holocaust of WW2. So what happened ?
Jew spy ring led by jew Rosenberg stole H-bomb plans and gave them to Stalin. Yep, the jews stole plans for the most terrible weapon ever invented and gave them to the most bloodthirsty murderer in human history.

Started cold war, made billions live in fear, made Korea and Vietnam possible, would have had iron curtain fall 30-40 years earlier, etc., etc. If they get us in a nuclear war with \Russia over shithole eastern Ukraine you will die from H-bomb given to Russia by jews.

Fucking jews.
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>Yep, the jews stole plans for the most terrible weapon ever invented and gave them to the most bloodthirsty murderer in human history.
The greatest crime against humanity in human history for which every jew deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth. Instead you are supposed to pretend like it never happened, and kiss jew ass. the world would be a much better place without jews, there is just no denying it.
>hey, I'm rewritting History, fellows. p-please, believe muh lies
The best kept secret of WW2 is that it was fought for only one reason: Agartha.

Hitler's economic plans had nothing to do with it, nor did his
defence of ethnic Prussians in Danzig.
Agarthans, anon. The masons executed an effort instructed by their own masters to seize Agarthans and exploit their technology for themselves, so mankind would forever be enslaved through the masons by those masters.
Some of that tech is what kept the Agarthans alive when they accidentally in Haunebu, a village in Bavaria where the name for those German craft came from, in 1933.
The Thule society didn't even know about this. They were sent on a goose chase to keep the OSS and British intelligence occupied. This specific goose chase is the story that was told in the Indiana Jones movies, Spielberg was told about it.
Only Hitler and a few Germans who the Agarthans themselves selected to assist were involved in those secret projects like the Haunebu-III and Vril-I, Andromeda Gerät and so on.
It's where electromagnetic tape came from as well. The Americans were forced to copy it from the machines they nicked in Germany and weren't able to decypher the depth of the signals. Can't read 3D waveforms with a 2D scanner, you know.

The nuclear tests of the post-war period were attempts to dig out cave systems that could lead to Agartha.

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>slaves could buy their own freedom
oh so they were just lazy
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>slavery is people in debt
In theory, a slave could work their way to freedom too. But nobody bothered to make sure slaves were being paid or had performed adequate labor because they were fucking slaves.
Arbeit Macht Frei
Yes. They didn’t even fight for their own freedom. As usual , white people had to save the day
>oh so they were just lazy

What you don't realize is that slavery only seems bad now, because you can travel to France and eat a baguette, or start your own car repair business, or get a comfy desk job with a/c.
You couldn't do any of that in the 1800s. You were free? Better find a coal mine that's hiring; money was enough for potatoes, and shoes that should last a lifetime. You think being a slave was bad? Some had very comfortable lifetime. They had to pick cotton FOR FUCKS SAKE, like caressing clouds for a living. That's heaven by comparison to most shit people had to do to get by.

Yes of course, niggers are always shit testing that's why you need a whip. But if a freeman started shit on the public street, he had to face the Sheriff, no whip, just a bullet.

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What's the difference between Slavs and niggers again?
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Most of them can be integrated in europe. Serbs, albanians and russians can't be a part of european union because they have too much asian DNA in them. They cannot cooperate.
Diffirence is that we are whites, and can into long term strategy. Got it, пидop?
Unlike niggers, they have the right amount of female hormones, only slightly elevated, and because of that their women are actually cute, and because of that men, if they are pure slavs, are naturally physically stronger than actual niggers, no need to go nutty. They also can be trained to be as limp and docile as whypipo :)
If there are any immigrants that can integrate into EU or USA it's slavs. But your superiors/indocrination won't allow you to say that
slavs always have the same niggerish mentality

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Is marrying a teenager the way to go for men today? I mean what are the actual downsides to child marriage anyway?
The lie that it was totally reprehensible and only "sick fucks" did it is being revealed to be feminist/jewish propoganda. So what are the actual downsides?
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I wouldn’t care how hard or backbreaking my job would’ve been.
If I came home to slide my adult-sized cock into a tiny teenage virgin pussy, it would all be worth it.
>Yes , men usually desire to save children
So fucking a child is saving a child?
Would you say the same if you found out your daughter was getting plowed by 3 niggers (conse sually) for Mr.Goldenstiens pornography film at 19? No you wouldn't faggot so shut the fuck up.

Id rather my daughter marry young and be with the guy for the rest of her life. Even if they consummated at 12.
Yes I would consider marrying a girl and taking her from her abusive shitty mother, and giving her hope for a future with many children while being taken care of by a chad, to be "saving a child"
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This is the thread about my fav band RUSH from Canada that should have apologized for not playing in Poland a long time ago.
Geddy Lee (his parents used to live in Poland) is one of the only musicians who never played in Poland, he was on top of that very open about his hatred towards Polish people (more specifically, perpetrated by his family who also hated his fellow goyische musicians), even though we saved so many Jews, despite death penalty from German Nazis, nobody else, except Austrians. I can't discuss it anywhere else, as I get banned from FB groups for even talking about it.
Seriously, read chapter 3 and you will understand why we Polish Rush fans demand apology from Geddy Lee for not performing in Poland and failing to keep the promises made in Wiesław Weiss' interview with Geddy Lee. He even deceptively discussed about the whole thing on "Wandering the Face of the Earth" (pic attached).
I hereby admit, I'm not a 4chan aficionado and I'm not much political. I just love my country and I won't let it be invaded by Putin.
Here is the full My Effin' Life book:
BTW, who is this shithead who constantly posts something about Geddy Lee(bowitz) on 4chan and 4plebs? He's from America.
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We both were victims of Nazi Germans and Jews shouldn't have Poles!
Anyway, if you're able, download this book by KPK Toronto:
*Jews shouldn't hate Poles* goddamit!
BTW by whom is it well known? Are you of non-white ancestry?
I will tell you guys later, why I don't fit to 4chan.
somehow they played in germany, not in poland

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Why are rightwingers so thirsty for pandemics?
Wjy not just buy a fuel efficient commuter scooter if theyre so upset at high gas prices?
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


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>Wjy not just buy a fuel efficient commuter scooter if theyre so upset at high gas prices?
Ammunition is cheaper
Whend you use that for 2020?

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the main problem with Farage is that he is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule

Farage IS the problem with british politics
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>fight in the great war
>see the horrors first hand
>will do anything to save his people from going through this hell again
>a new great war approaches
>campaign to avoid war at all costs
>seek to protect britain's youth from slaughter
>but the authorities want blood for their financiers
>war breaks out
>you and your wife are immediately imprisoned in flooded diseased cells
>you and your supporters dragged through the mud
>watch young men go out to die on the continent
>spend the rest of your life being hounded for the crime of seeking peace
>And yet, still head and shoulders above anything else we have.
>If based Nige gets in now, we have a right-wing government straight away
>right wing
Farage isn't even conservative. He's an old fashioned liberal. His favourite political book is On Liberty by John Stuart Mill which is not a conservative text.
>Farage isn't even conservative.
Agreed. But by modern standards he is. It's a step in the right direction.

What makes a million dollar sub peal like paper ?
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Federal reserve isnt a 'conspiracy theory' it's just a criminal conspiracy. What's the 'theory' part about?
They fly crossbones when they have successfully done a real clandestine action. For example one would be installing a tap on a foreign undersea cable. They can't talk about what they did basically ever so they can at least have a little victory celebration by raising the flag without giving away anything useful.
I heard Skipper frost had wrote on the z behind the banner
Theres a decommissioned submarine in germany acting as a museum. What flavor of shizo are you?

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Do not date a Jewish woman. At the beginning she may be very interesting and sweet, but they are the most entitled, narcissistic, and manipulative women that you can even imagine.
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You just described a woman. Nothing to do with nose type.
>whats wrong with being manipulated
The deception and gas-lighting. Especially if you could achieve the same by just asking - as stated by you being willing to serve. Then the only reason for manipulation is to undermine and destroy you as person and it's the main motive for manipulator. Not the things they get out of it. Manipulators are just evil people that don't find fulfillment in creation, but in destruction. And destroying a human being is their greatest feat.
Breast cancer is coming for her, hard
but they love weed and giving head so much bros :(
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>One testicle corporal
Oh look, another kike pushing the same old gassed up WW2 propaganda script. Change your gay old script, you uncreative jewish faggot. Nobody believes you anymore.

Heil Hitler, you piece of jewish erev rav mixed shit

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Fuck white people!
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We love diversity!
stfu. Women want to play tough, occupational hazard. Idgaf if she got her head biten off. How do you think female cops are going to fair in a civil war?Or cops in general?
Stfu cops are cunts. I fucking smile & grin ear to ear wheni hear about any pig slaughtered. It literally put a bounce in my step.
lmao based as fuck also women should not be cops

If Spanairds aren't white then why is our football team whiter than yours?
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They look moroccans
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Yes, very white sanchez
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3/11 natives
8/11 natives
4/11 natives? Can't tell if they're frenchmen or some balkanites
8/11 natives
11/11 natives
1/11 natives?
11/11 natives

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They unironically have the same facial features.
Lighten the skin of the people in the second photo a bit, and they'd look exactly the same

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Are you watching Mr. Birchum?
The Hello Neighbor of cartoons, mandela catalogue Hank of the Hill
Yes, but I thought the episode where Mr. B sodomized that Arab kid with a plank of wood after bringing up the word "Nakba" in class wasn't funny inasmuch as just very depraved.
>Jewish "culture war" cartoon
>written and animated and voiced by jews and shabbos
>created by The Daily Eruv
>literally all of the jokes leftist derangement syndrome slop

nobody is gonna watch Family Goy
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Fuck no. The Daily Wire is Ben Shapiros thing. I can only imagine it encourages men to join the military and die for Israel.
I don't like jewsz especially when they try to imitate White humans

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All populations not in red will be exterminated.
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I exterminated you mother's pussy last night.
By who nigga
Populations in red will be here long after the greens are gone.
Why do lesbians have high rates of domestic violence ?
Because women are inherently violent, not against strangers but to people close to them because in the latter case they know they can get away with it.
Another fun fact, the majority of boys adopted by lesbian parents get chemically castrated to rid them of their “rape tools”. This is is inevitable whenever you give women unlimited rights.

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