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If nazi was a hitler, why did he visit Finland?
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Is The Pope Catholic?
Ba-dum tsss!
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Damn. The more I learn about this Hitler dude the more I like him.

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This song was hillarious, the lyrics are basically just "the jews are bad". No subtlety at all, its insane that this was a real song the nazis promoted in the USA. Nazis are such clowns lmao
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>created all the conditions that would allow Hamas to dominate Gaza and split Palestinian political power along the secularists and islamists
>muh semantics

this is the kind of shit that makes me hate kikes even more. Go ahead and start WW3, I'll be splitting kike heads with a fire axe.
K*ke is a slur
He laughs like a dog chew toy.
So he's just virtue signalling because it's popular right now. Lose some weight vaush you fat fuck

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What's the /pol/ cure for ADHD? I'm not taking their meth medicine but this reddit cure of meditation, exercise, and pomodoro is not working
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that's just called procrastination, we all suffer it
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I use a simple mental exercise that has helped me tremendously with keeping shit in order. Ask yourself "Can I do it in 5 mintues or less? If yes, do it now!" Keeps my room clean, dishes washed, emails checked, bills paid, teeth brushed and cat's litter box fresh. You can even do three sets of an exercise in that time with 1 minute rests between.

It's called task atomization. Basically take a large project and divide it in small enough chunks that you can accomlish a chunk in 5 minutes. Even if you only do a single 5 minute thing for an hour, that's like 10 things you can accomplish in a day that you otherwise wouldn't. The small commitment also tricks your mind into starting an action. You will often find that once started, you will want to finish a task even if it takes you longer. Basically you don't wait for motivation, you get motivated as you are doing the thing.
Kill yourself you fucking subhuman. I hate you adhd zoomer brain retards so much. Youre so fucking annoying, retarded and incompetent
I might have adhd but I wont accept it, even though the stuff I do matches that pattern pretty good
>how to clean room
I always clean in hardmode - remove everything from a room -> clean -> put everything back in
that's stimulating
I just ask myself what tomorrow's me doesn't want to do, and do it today
combine that with a reward on the weekend and that usually does it for me
lists help too

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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I am jankees and Hess
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Is that kosher?
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Hey now, you're missing me after your 2 month hiatus I get it... but it's not even midday yet and you know how that tsuntsun act riles me up.
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>missing me after your 2 month hiatus
Your hero has returned.

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Remember when chinese incompetence almost destroyed the world economy?
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Chink bitches are crazy for BBC. Watch this video!

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remember this psychotic bitch?
Okay. Good luck with all that.
Anglos be like
>Dont hurt masters economy!
I don't understand why a lot of people from other countries don't hate the US more. They fuck up other countries' currency, governments, and culture for all in the name of "national security".

And not enough water for everyone.
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heat bubble wil kill you even if you stay under shadows because it s so hot your body overheat and can t cool down.
put em' on a plane to canada sar
Can you imagine the smell of it too, it probably just smells like baking shit, piss and garbage plus indians and curry. Christ I dont even want to think of it.
The Ministry for the Future.
I don't use AC to minimize my carbon footprint, but I just turned off my electric fans to show solidarity with the Indian people. I feel hot, sir. I'm going to masturbate now.

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Daj ne seri više pun mi te je kurac /pol/ je debil do debila nema niko normalan jebo te kako imaš volje smišljat takve pizdarije vidiš da si mentalno bolestan drkaš cili dan i fantaziraš jadna ti mater s takvin debilom.
Chong chong pin long you slant eyed nigger

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>pic rel
>tldr. Give me non faggot tankie content
This is a question for fellow comrades I sometimes see on /pol/, whether christian socialist or stalinist etc. Do you know of genuine leftist youtubers or forums not infected by degenerate liberalism? By that I mean:
>Actual talk about economics
>Talk of actual communist countries without westfag propaganda
>Would be labeled by conservatives and liberals as tankie, like Michael Parenti stuff
And this is a must
Cant take it, half the "left" youtube is trans, while the other half supports it, thats all they talk about... I cant seem to find a genuine ML that will call these people delusional as they are, fucking libs

>tfw I have to ask and dwelve more on an far right board to guide me toward far left
Nigger, communism IS liberalism. Lenin was literally writing that "same-sex love should not be
banned". You can't be a commie and hate fags, choose one.
Too ignorant to respond

Pro Palestine leftist daughter or pro Israel zogbot cuckservative son?
Neither because I'm not a shit parent
I'll take the son, he can learn his lesson
daughter will just have simps agree with her to try and get pussy access
kids do whatever they want and you have zero power to enforce your will these days, so good luck
thats a silly question. whod want any of their offspring to represent either side of the retard semite coin?
I choose neither

>W-w-we're totally gonna start bombing European c-c-countries if you allow Ukraine to use rockets on R-r-russian territory
What a bitch.
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>sanctions against Russia, International isolation and the cancellation of trade relations.
yes, because it's not like all of that hasn't happened yet and your only friends isn't just a few shitholes scattered around mostly the south side of the equator.
It is a direct attack to supply a missle firing crew with missiles. America already admits to believing this when they arm Israel.
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>because it's not like all of that hasn't happened yet
Oil and gas exports from Russia to the EU are still going on and generating income for Russian political elites, this is the only thing that is important

You're either retarded or underage.
>create shill thread
>collective vril only suffices for barely an hour of 1pbtid low effort bait
>return to their bushes and caves, pretending like nothing happened
why are they like this? they're ruining the American-free hours. they're so obnoxious they must be mutts in army bases.

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No humor thread? look at this MSN top 50 black names
Black names in the US

Do blacks really?
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>every 1.2 hours
>1.2 hours

It's 1.33 hours
Classic one. Well done anon
It's a shame everybody forgot about that kid bringing his "clock" to school.
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That’s the worst Lefty meme idea since the Warren Meme Team of 2019.


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sounds simple and efficient
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The fuck is wrong with those tits? Gross.
She's a slav that doesn't count
based and pussypilled

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Me I’m happy if I can cuddle with her, engage in stimulating discussion and sexy time. Don’t need a lot more.
I think that girl in particular just has an insane pussy
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any retard that falls for this deserves to have his money taken away form him
Shes fuggly tho.
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>AI is soulless and can't compete with real women
Well think about all the onlyfans content and such, when things get cheaper some anons could train a image/video model on that content, making infinite 'better than life' content.
For the characters they create they could use future high end cloud models, to make a catchy pop artist, actresses in a remixed Seinfeld, or twitch streamers - as a basis of the lure.
Real women can't compete.

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isnt it better to force palestinians into labor by giving them debt AND forcing them to have no kids by making food and housing prohibitively expensive? killing sounds like wasted labor force

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Lived in Germany and was poor as fuck. Worked as a software engineer. They would take 40% from every paycheck to fund Arabs and hohols. Women are ugly as hell. People in general tend to be passive-agressive and not welcoming at all. The language is weird and hard to master. People are extremely weird, a lot of pshychos. Salaries are low, prices are high. The 50% of their population don't own anything. Mostly wagecuckes with no interest in doing anything. Service doesn't exist.
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He's right. Same goes for Austria
she's 35 and hot as hell lol
>They would take 40% from every paycheck to fund Arabs and hohols.
this is 100% America's fault.
Time to FUCK OFF.
If you thought Germany was bad you'd better not plan on coming over here next.
Nazis are cool, gas yourself kike

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I have never seen muzzrats cry and squeal so much in my whole life.

Muzzrats are like a whole religion of women.
It's beautiful watching the muzjeets here seethe kek
its even worse, their women are more masculine then them.
they take a beating like a man.
Imagine how much more they'll cry and squeal when the entire middle east is glassed
Love to see it, muslims deserve this a thousand times more
Their religion lacks any philosophy and rational thought
They are basically females
Plus most of them are brown so the concept of thinking ahead is totally alien to them

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Should i join the army so i can rape hoholinas and kill redditoors?
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She's sturdy lol. The Chinese have a saying - you can't grow rice on a pretty face
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Lole mad kikerino is mad
>so i can rape hoholinas
good luck, they fled more than 2 years ago to italy and other countries to do tinder and get free stuff.
>Should i join the army so i can get raped by african mercs and kill myself?

you should definitely do what your heart desires
is she downs

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White anons! Its that time again, WHITE POWER WEDNESDAY!

1 year 4 months 1 week posting and still going strong.

Spread hope and raise our racial consciousness.

Doesn't matter if there's only 1 White Man and 1 White Woman left in the entire world, we still can make it.

Take today and every Wednesday to CELEBRATE it and advance our race.

What are some good ways to honor White Power Wednesday?

>Research History.
>Read Ancient Literature.
>Hit the Gym.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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White families would be best to avoid the negro meance. If you can stick it out to fight than good for you
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No, get away if Whites migrate. We need to stick together. I fled the entire country and now all my tinder results are White. Every single one.
Oh wow your tinder results improved..... Atta boy.
White flight is cowardice. There's a difference between libfag retard looking for hustle and bustle of the big city as a transplant and someone born and raised here.

Getting tired of these brown criminal illegals making their way in here

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she's nice and plappy
exception doesn't make the rule
>Exceptions to the rule do not negate the rule
Very true
>Wanted for murder
I don't care what color the crazy cunt is. Hang her if true.
Anon, i really believe i can change her.

I can save her.

I know somd Jewish police man in usa, should i call him to ask him if i can meet her? I can save her.

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Imagine if the Korean war stalemated at this stage, China didn't even put a single boot on the ground, and the U.S lost 25x more troops than they did irl.
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Would Seul be worth 9 years of war economy, 1.5M casualties and 3 more countries joining the Warsaw pact?
Imagine the US wasnt run by Jews?
Why? Whats the point? Not everyone has glownigger quotas to fulfil
US wasn't present at the start though. They had a few hundred troops.
You'd still be a virgin either way.
Imagine if we had turned the Chinese-Korean border into a nuclear wasteland like MacArthur wanted so the Chinese couldn't cross?

Korea would be unified.

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