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What's the /pol/ cure for ADHD? I'm not taking their meth medicine but this reddit cure of meditation, exercise, and pomodoro is not working
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Doesn't exist. That's the equivalent of being strapped to a bed for months and then pretending your atrophy is "just genetics". You just got mistreated as a kid and you think your disinterest in useless shit or sacrificing yourself for no reward is a disease.
Embrace it. Hyperfocus on something until you get bored and then move to the next thing.
Dopamine detox

Get off 4chan
No phone in the morning for an hour
No mindless browsing
No eating for fun
Go for runs
When you're bored and have nothing to do, story journaling
Clean room
No video games
No porn (you can jerk off without it)
Have oats for breakfast
Green Tea
Only sourdough? Not rye, not pumpernickel? What about multigrain? How about spelt wheat? Why is your regimen so hard?

Is this what all the gifs from 2015 were about?
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Is there a legitimate reason for any version of Windows after 7 to exist? Quite possibly after XP, depending on how difficult it would for them to just make a 64 bit version of it.
>its pretty stupid idea to even expect your communications to be private
Only if you don't understand the technology you are using. Yes if you're using Discord and other shit services like that then you're 100% getting spied on, just read their TOS they even tell you.

Once you understand computers a bit you'll know it's possible to make your communications private, the problem is that the majority of people don't give a fuck and if you want to communicate with them you'll have to use spyware to communicate with them.


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>how can I keep using spyware without the spyware?
You're asking the wrong question. The problem is that the entire OS is designed to spy on you.
Technologically speaking Win 7 was peak OS design but that's about when things started going south.
>how difficult it would for them to just make a 64 bit version of it.
Writing an OS is extremely difficult unless you strip out about 95% of the functionality that they have, at which point most people wouldn't even want to use it or couldn't even use it. If you start with a proprietary and locked down OS then you're making your life difficult for no reason because reverse engineering is even more difficult than writing from scratch.

I'm knowledgeable in this because I am considering writing my own OS and have the technical skills to do so. Right now I'm still looking for hardware that doesn't go obsolete so that I don't waste years of my life working on drivers that can be trashed if the parts are no longer in production or are difficult to acquire. The PC104 standard seems to be the most likely candidate so far but I haven't researched how complicated writing drivers for the available modules would be. Ideally we would have a single board computer that never goes out of production and also has simple hardware and interfaces where writing drivers is easy but that's unrealistic, or at least I've not found such computers yet. That's the only way I would ever spend years of my free time writing drivers, otherwise I'm just wasting my time.
>intel inside
sorry but its like that for decades already..

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I just started noticing. What's a good resource to learn about the Israel/Palestine conflict?
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I guess I'll grab a shovel instead of asking for a spoonful.
>detriment to the cause

What "cause" you drooling spastic?

You're not on my team. You are an adult baby that showed up and wanted to know the origins of the conflict.
I and others told you.
The holocaust being mentioned caused your anus to have a normie pavlovian prolapse.
I then patiently explained to you why the holocaust is connected to the subject, and even provided you a jewish source covering churchill talking about the Jewish revenge terrorism against the British in Palestine.
That is literally how all this shit started.

What more do you need to know you brainless fucking nigger?
Such as?
You're an idiot.

Uh huh.

Shit board full of low IQ schizophrenic autistic dorks.
Also the books of Donald Neff.

Also check out https://www.wrmea.org/

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Hey United Kingdom, Y'all can go to Hell, I'm going to Texas.
Everybody will "Remember the Alamo" when She gets done.


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G-D 05/29/24(Wed)03:47:34 No.16682071▶>>16682092
Nice of Alamo Poster telling UK where Mishkan is. And where Mishkan's going; The Alamo.
Cheers for Donna Stone, all "Remember the Alamo!" every day.

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"I'm warning you boys, I'm a screamer."
-- Sir Davy Crockett
>cool chart
>make moar
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"We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity, but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money."
-- Sir Davy Crockett

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Goddamn, antisemites are HOT now!
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payback for letting a nigger destroy their land.
>Brown people aren’t helpless kittens they are humans with agency and dignity to leave alone.
Sure they are.
>The Ummah... Is weak!
>We can't do shit about a literal genocide committed by a Jewish micronation being surrounded by strong and armed arab men...
>Send thoughts and prayers...
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broad shoulders
long arms
no tits
stands like a man
>Most likely
or maybe they are satanists and this is simply their stick
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they are all controlled trannies.

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Is China safe from the fecal vermin?
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Full support saar
How pajeeted is Taiwan senpai?
just pick one and all move there and take over.
conquer the land.
Canada or US,
Uk is more or less already little india
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Yes. China is safe. Moral of the story is don't become an American vassal state.
>Glory to China!
See some stream sites.

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>go to cockpit
>see this
>"sup cracka, ready to fly?"
What do you do
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lol COCKpit
I wake up. Everyday I say "please please please I beg you I do not want to see niggers today in any ways shapes or forms not even white nigger women or wigger males"
and every single day I see them.
Niggers everywhere, in the ads, in the cockpits, in the cars, always niggers
Will we never be free of these monsters, they will continue to produce and take and take and take forever until there is nothing left to give. Like a cancer
and there is noplace on this entire planet to go to that is free of these fucking creatures

all I wanted was to wake up and not see them but they are EVERYWHERE and my day is ruined like it is everyday.
I don't fly anymore. I don't do a lot of things, anymore. I'm too poor to do anything due to the unqualified affirmative action subhumans stealing from qualified white men. Also, the unqualified affirmative action subhumans are everywhere, so incompetency, laziness, stupidity, and destruction of modern "society" continues.
Thanks, I'll take the train instead
Aviaton has screwed over so many young wannabe's over the years its no surprise that some DEI faces are appearing in the right seat - there is just not as much interest as there used to be in airline work. Too many peoples Uncle or Dad wasted big $$$ on a commercial pilot ticket and never got a job

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I've wanted to move to Canada since I was 11. I grew up with Canadian media and it just so happened all my friends online were primarily Canadian too and I spent all my time on my PC anyway speaking English only (developed a British/Australian accent too). The other side of my family also moved to Ontario 100 years ago too so there's an ancestral connection too. But moving to North America is nothing but a protracted humiliation ritual for Europeans.

It has been interesting to watch Canada in recent years when it comes to all this.
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Yea you dont want to come, Canada is the future racial warzone. Its where Whites will fight non-Whites. Whites will lose, flee over the US border and radicalize US Whites who will then have a real shot at winning their war and take it much more seriously. The South Africa effect.
>Yes, I know, Europeans in modern day are largely the regressivist types that are horny for nationalism and other idiotic squabble
Okay I changed my mind. Please do come here and be sure to live around trees. Surround yourself with trees, youl be safe.
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Dude OP is a massive faggot hes going to burn to death in fires shh dont tell him not to come. You think he could survive in a city lol. Hes going to roast.
If you wouldnt want that European to burn to death in the inevitable nationwide fires, tell them to stay away. If theyre a cunt, welcome on in ovens warming up spot right here for you commie.

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4chan is an anime website.
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hope it doesnt cost much
It's an obsolete piece of junk but still too much for Russia to cope with.

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JPMorgan had a sussy oopsie yesterday

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Youngstown is full of niggers. The niggers live in the apartments above the bank, so the accident was probably nigger related.
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A short squeeze is not the same thing as a short you're the dumbass
undoubtedly destroying evidence, could be silver related, could be related to trump's trial, could be anything, very sus

found the jew, probably silver related then
Stacking since 2014.
This shit only increased in value since e then.
I wonder when I will be able to buy some home for half or less of my stack

Serious question, why do German girls seem to be so hot when they are like 13-14 years old but all hit the wall by 20? No wonder Germany is the center of the pedo rights movement.
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girl i know told me she had to use deodorant in year 3 and many girls had their periods in year 5 and 6.
aswell as this
Some girls gittheir prime late teens to early 20s but all women hit the wall by 30 or so
More like 24 lmao. Let's not be overly optimistic. These girls party like fucking rockstars since age 13.

This isn't the 1920s anymore.
Nigger, have you seen 1920s wonen?

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Is it OK to be a meme flag
Their chickens are coming home to roost, and these chikens all have Zyclon B containers and masks.
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Reminder that Jews took over Harvard and made white gentiles a minority of the students, staff and administration. Reminder that Jewish professors are the ones teaching anti white and anti American hatred in the guise of Marxist anti colonialism to all the nonwhites they made the majority. Reminder that antisemitism on Americas ruined campuses with its ruined and brainwashed commie students is Jews’ fucking fault and they caused it.
You’re missing my point

The same universities that drummed up imagery of the klan when someone put up a sign that said “it’s okay to be white” is now saying “yeah maybe we shouldn’t get too involved with the social justice stuff”

Apparently as long as you’re Jewish you can get away with literally anything.
> Jews make shit
No one appears not even police.
> Someone knows their intentions

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Former glowy here, retired and full of regret. Ask me anything, it won't be long now... I'm from before the internet. We fucked up royally.
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Yea, that would suck. You'd already be hiding your identity and then the people who claim to support gay people just decide to bomb you after living a life of fear and hiding.

Seems like they only use your existence to politicalize it for free gains.
Look here Geribaldi, they are warlords when outside state control and CEO's of pmcs when collocated. Do you even anarcho-tyranny, bro?
Of course he is a clown, this is clownworlb. Just like the Don is a rodeo clown. You don't believe the pols actually make policy do you? They are for entertainment. BJ and DT at least had some personality and personality goes a long way. I mean Winston and Adolph were clowny too!
Moustaches and cigars and funny hand signs. Its pantomime.
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Wars are the Jews harvest

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Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed


As the days go by more and more jewish tricks are being exposed. Did they unironically poked the bear when they tried to go against ICC? Is ICC actually based?
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This article is actually explosive in content. Thanks for sharing. I wonder why I haven't seen anyone sharing it on Twitter.
did you intend to make paleostains look bad?
was that on purpose?
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>jew is blacked posting on 4chan
Not beating the allegations.
Gee I wonder why? They are trying to hide it as much as possible...

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America and the west actually lost a major war and are a conquered and subjugated people.
You don't WIN the war and:
Have your kids drugged
Flooded with shit skins
Genitally mutilated
History erased and rewritten
an internal spiritual war
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We know

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Such a loser but still she keeps on sucking that jew dick she does.
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It's the hierarchy. Poos love authoritarians. The caste system is perfectly suited for kikes. The poo-jew marriage is a perfect consummation of narcissistic failures of humanity.
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What a childish evil cunt, I hope her plane goes down in a ball of fire and she is the only casualty.
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yes she does.

i wonder what her asshole taste like
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>Day 826 of the 2 day special operation
How much more botox can one man get?

You boys behaving yourselves?
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All fields
Shitwood unironically tongues my anus.
i still cant believe this chickenhawk jew was able to swoop in and steal a boy from him elderly mother over nothing
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Normally i get called by someone saying specific words and sentences to call me, but i'm making an exception.
I am feeling like a king and a kang and a kong and a kung fu master, Officer.
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