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>Pic related
>Previous thread soft-censored by jewish mod
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how do you explain this picture of the heccin tesla and the curved water CHUD?
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that is not an anti kike pic, flerf!
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B8 thread.
Anyone that's posts after this post and bumps the thread, is a faggot kike cuck nigger.
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you didnt post an anti kike pic, you're a flerf!

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Thanks, Mario!
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The picture that could have saved America.
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I don't recall it saying that back in 1989...
The Jordan Peterson video game is really going to be something in 2028

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Money is fake. Stop doing things. Stop hustling. Stop grinding.

TechLead (a millionaire) has given up.

There's literally nothing to life. Everything is fake. Money is fake. Cars are boring. Sex is boring. Food is all the same. Family is boring. Nothing really matters.

It's all about expending the least amount of energy.

Be a neet. You don't need much to live.
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Sure. I’m all for doing nothing, but most of us aren’t ‘tech leads’ and don’t have options.
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Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go.
You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.
I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?
Chinks don't have emotions to begin with
wait a moment, he is done but not done (as a millionaire) this is fake
He's a soulless bug person of course he's not happy

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Except it definitely does and not in the ways you'd expect. I really didn't see this shit coming bros, I'm not ashamed to admit it.
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These videos sure do make young men want to join the service.
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they''re the best anti-war propaganda there is
Why do they release and share them then? Retardation?
Just take a paki with you and watch all the drones head for him.
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for the lulz

This is not a good day to be a Puccian
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>winning the war
>debate about the possible damage done to the paintwork of a single fighter jets
Pick one
if I reverse image search that how many times will I see it posted on reddit!
Russia doesn't even need its entire military, that's why they attacked Ukraine.
There is no #2 military on Earth.
USA is #1 and no one is even close to that.
The next 2 nations are tied for 10th place.
No those were the tires...but they proved to burn easily and were a serious pain in the ass to add and remove all the time and did absolutely fuck all but slow them down.

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Take your meds
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ZOG is real
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imagine if all those flags were russian flags, everyone would lose their minds about russian interference but somehow the same people give israel a free pass
>Hamas Sanctioned Thread.
Won't help them. At all.
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>Why doesn't she focus on this extreme minority instead?
your brain is occupied
God damn the ai is retarded here

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I propose that each European country should be strictly ethno-nationalist (Germany for Germans, Ireland for Irish, France for French, etc) and that America and Canada be Pan-European projects.
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>We now live in a vibrant country
>crime increasing
>housing crisis
>health system collapsing
>overcrowded schools
>Irish forced to emigrate to have a good life

Are you genuinely retarded? Serious question.

>educated people want to live here
HAHA we have a bunch of Brazilian Deliveroo cyclists and Indians and Pakis doing call centre jobs while packing 20 into a 3 bedroom apartment. You're actuallu fucking retarded, aren't you? Maybe when you move out of mammy and daddy's house and have to pay actual bills and try to buy a house you might wake up to the reality.
sounds good to be OP
when do we start?
Great, sounds lovely. Now what is your proposal to make it happen?
Other than a literal Unified White Push, you're already overrun by muslims. It takes nearly no large force to completely undermine all order, 1 in 10 being strident against the rest can cause mayhem.
>>crime increasing
criminal class still native Irish. Hooligan class still native Irish.
>>housing crisis
fault of broken planning system, institutional investor led development, and tax system that relies on property taxes.
>>health system collapsing
Nothing new there, it was always thus.
>>overcrowded schools
Class sizes were higher when I was in education.
>>Irish forced to emigrate to have a good life
It was always thus. Nothing like the 1980s.
I'm proud of them, and hope they do shit about it and we do to eventually. The browns of /pol/ sperg WHAT R U GON DO ABOUT IT as if white's are a reactionary race without forethought. The projection is stifling in this regard. Help, bros.

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Of course.
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Why are men working and paying taxes when even billionaires and mega celebs don't have this?
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They do they just keep it hidden
Because the billionaires don't want that type of life.
No I just go outside occasionally and see how untrue this delusional take is.
chemically enhanced stockholme syndrome
Sure prefer, but this isn't that big of a deal. It's her debt.

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How can we convince Americans to cook more often?
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You guys are screwed. You spend hours in traffic jams, nobody wants to cook after that
Stop making this gay thread we cook every day
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>How can we convince Americans to cook more often?
>ramen noodles
wash your clothes
lazy fatass
Is this cheap ramen noodle shit?
Were did you steal it?
>If they catch me steal this piece of garbage they would feel sad for me

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- An American-Israeli coalition force used an aid truck and soldiers pretending to be aid workers (War Crime). The aid truck came from the American pier to Al-Nuseirat camp... (webm related shows the truck)

- A clash erupted with the American-Israeli force once it was discovered. This clash resulted in the death of around 100 civilians and wounded several hundred.

- During the firefight the truck was attempting to turn around and leave the area, aiirstrikes were conducted by the Israeli air force using US made bombs and aircraft on the Al-Nuseirat market, which was full of civilians, to create a path for the “rescue vehicle.” This resulted in the massacre of over 176 civilians, mostly children under the age of 10.

- The force headed back to where it came from, the American pier, where a US ARMY MRAP Vehicle and a US Navy ship was there waiting for them. The hostages were then loaded onto a UH-60 “Black Hawk” Transport Helicopter while being protected by the US Army and the US Navy.
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Kill yourself you worthless parasite.
Mouhamad was a jew, islam is a jew sect.
As soon as a jew is holocausted for destroying his host nation he becomes "a victim of antisemitism"
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>Salad Snack bar!!!
>It's a war crime!!!
So is kidnapping and holding hostage civilians, killing children, etc.
Also, and most importantly, it's not a war. It is just assholes killing scumbags. The best metaphor I have for killing Muslims is stomping on bugs.
And lastly, we make and enforce the fucking rules.
Who is going to do shit? Name them. Nobody, that's who.
We do whatever the fuck we want because we are America, bitch.
I'm watching this fucking inconsequential faggot burn on repeat right now. How does that make you feel, Mohammed?
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More footage of the Al-Nuseirat Massacre
You can see Israel purposely and intentionally target civilians
What is not pictured are the jews who would later show up looking for freshly mutilated child body parts to suck the blood out of

All of the conditions necessary for a dictator to take over America are present. Everything except for the ruthless dictator himself.

That if someone isn't willing to take genuine responsibility for the nation her death will be slow, painful and shameful. Instead I insist that we be adamant. To be adamant is to be both bold and tough. To be bold is to change the world for the good of yourself. To be tough is to change yourself for the good of the world. Through a faith in this and all truths that come from this ideal I believe healing can begin. I am campaigning to be the leader of adamant men. Maybe I will be alone, maybe I will have a few who respect me, maybe Americans will all respect me for my dedication to my ideal, perhaps all people of the world. It is impossible to say. What I can say is that I have begun gaining support in my hometown. I advise those whom I have persuaded to persuade others to be adamant and prepare to hail Robert The Adamant as their guide for the impending doom the world now faces.

>All of the conditions necessary for a dictator to take over America are present.
No. Secure elections are not present.
Okay, then. What are your social, economic and immigration policies?
Rob is a homo

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>you will not be allowed to produce your own food

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Indoors or dedicated birdhouses. I think it’s just to not have them exposed to outside to get others sick from avian flu ? But it’s another time they did this during Covid too
I guess they really hate chickens.
No no no no
>good goys register their birds
>uh oh new pandemic time to cull all your animals
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>based indoor chicken farmers are exempt
We can't stop winning, bros.
The fucks in power can pass whatever legislation limiting your actions without any explanation whatsoever. Why? Because their people are all too happy to convince each other with their own explanations.

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HOLLY FUCK didn't even know situation in Turkey looks that bad.

They are gonna be replaced much faster than any European country
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>WTF is a Kurd?
Iranic people that make Turks seethe
>more kurds+zaza than turks already
What? That doesn’t sound right.
Most Muslims are inbred. Kurds are on the lower end of consanguinity in the Muslim community.
The last contingent of Greek speaking people left in the 1950s. They unironically kicked out anyone that wasn't circumcised.

>A man who was fearful of being beaten, lynched or cut into pieces would imply and try to prove that he was both a Turk and a Muslim. "Pull it out and let us see," they would reply. The poor man would peel off his trousers and show his "Muslimness" and "Turkishness": And what was the proof? That he had been circumcised. If the man was circumcised, he was saved. If not, he was doomed. Indeed, having lied, he could not be saved from a beating. For one of those aggressive young men would draw his knife and circumcise him in the middle of the street and amid the chaos. A difference of two or three centimetres does not justify such a commotion. That night, many men shouting and screaming were Islamized forcefully by the cruel knife. Among those circumcised there was also a priest.
Honestly, we should've genocided the Turks in 1918 when we had the chance. Instead of fruitlessly trying to de-commiefy Russia, we should've had our boys on the ground eradicating all the Turkic invaders in rightful Byzantine (Greek) land.

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whats in it for me?
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>im here for the job interview
>look, I'm a strong independent blue color woman
>that somehow doesn't know to tie my hair back when using power tools
>are my tattoos, like, the coolest?
This, I’m not funding anything with my taxed goybucks. I will be a net negative drain on this Jewish economy.
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It’s just not worth it.

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>suspends habeas corpus
>takes away our human rights
>wanted to deport every slave back to Africa after he “freed” them
Lincoln is the single worst president this country has ever had. I’d even say he was worse than Trump, with how hard that is to say.
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>>wanted to deport every slave back to Africa after he “freed” them
Automatically makes him one of the goats.
OP is a shill along with half the posters itt.
It's some anti-Southern d&c bullshit
meh. confederate states were kiked to the hilt, just slave slave owners were predominantly jews. lincoln was a bad president, but there weren't make winner around in 1850 (not america or europe)
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Can't be worse than Woodrow Wilson destroying Germany and selling America to the kikes

>You vill dig no more pillars und you vill be happy
Why doesn't Klaus want us to know more about ancient human civilisation?
Is it because we wuz ayylmaos n sheit?
Is HE an ayylmao?
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dyeus, iuedus,
idk... there's something going on
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>Lost Ararat civilization, 50,000+ years old. So many others too.
Right where the Bible says Noah's Ark came to rest...
This is exactly the same story as in Egypt where they found all these new tunnels underneath the pyramids and are refusing to allow them to be excavated because they know that there's very inconvenient truths hidden there.

Time to execute everyone standing in the way of human progress.
>they found all these new tunnels underneath the pyramids and are refusing to allow them to be excavated because they know that there's very inconvenient truths hidden there.
Yeah, probably Atlantean records.

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>the best explanation of Jews and all the common religions in the world now I have heard so far
>an ideal proposal for action for a better life and ethnostate
>real "magic"

The book series
> has spawned allready 388 settlesments in Russia and some settlements in other countries.
> is considered radical rightwing esotericism in (at least) Germany
> is written by some dude who was a businessman before writing the book, which itself is a proof of the things said in the book.

short summary:
a lady living in the Sibirian forrest is chalanging the wannabe world leader who uses the jews to rule the world and is winning as I write down this text.

I should have provided the link in the previous thread. I hope the brazilian anon who requested it sees it :) There should be more translations, you can search by the Author (Vladimir Megre) He didnt write any other books. And there are no other authors with the same name.
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I won't.

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