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Previous >>471138804 , >>471112372

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats
>Al Monitor cites a US defense official as saying that the US military will dismantle the floating humanitarian aid pier on the Gaza coast for a second time in less than a month due to "heavy seas".








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Scenes of targeting the ship (CYCLADES) with a drone, which was heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the Red Sea
New 4/30/24
https://files.catbox.moe/ziih0n.mp4 4/30/24


Al-Qassam brigades:

Targeting the infiltrating enemy forces east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City, with mortar shells.
New 6/13/24


#Lebanon, Hezbollah:

Video scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting the Miskav Am and Ramtha sites belonging to the #Israeli enemy army, and the Al-Manara settlement on the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/14/24


Al-Qassam Brigades:

Your army killed two of your captives in the air strike on the city of Rafah a few days ago
New 6/14/24

Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage of our mujahideen targeting a Zionist Merkava 4 in an ambush
New 6/13/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/hWektWvX 6/12/24
https://pastebin.com/bD0Sdxck 6/11/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

A car-ramming attack targeted Israeli army personnel west of Ramallah, in the West Bank.
New 6/14/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Your army killed two of your captives in the air strike on the city of Rafah a few days ago
New 6/14/24

Hezbollah has started fires in the northern settlements.
New 6/13/24

Fires have broken out in Al-Jalil “Galilee” and the Golan after the last rocket barrage from Lebanon.
New 6/13/24


250 Days - In support of our Palestinian people and in solidarity with their valiant resistance.
New 6/13/24

Armed clash with the occupation forces in #Jenin.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/233492 6/12/24
https://files.catbox.moe/7m62y5.mp4 6/12/24

Armed clash with the occupation forces in #Jenin.
New 6/12/24

Fires in northern occupied Palestine from Hezbollah's missiles
New 6/12/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips




Episode 10
>Explosive devices ambush operations in the West Bank... A new era for the Resistance!

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
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Nothing happening tonight
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Can anyone post the anime version of this?
Thanks Baker Man.

The 8200 system was informed by an anonymous source in the emergency department in Metula that since October 7th the fire and rescue forces have stopped operating in the areas of the Metula colony
Contrary to the publications of the fire brigades, even today the members of the standby squad had to deal with the fires on their own without assistance from the fire and rescue agencies
>Metula that since October 7th the fire and rescue forces have stopped operating in the areas of the Metula colony

Metula is basically Lebanon now.
This is a general filled with shoe size iq retards in a hug box who all have the same opinion.
They never stray from the script because they have no SOVL.
You got a fag honduran fake arap who larps as palishit, a stinky chilean "geneticist" with severe autism and a micro penis, a tranny baker with numerals representing the amount of dicks shes taken in one night, a shut in fag german leaf who avatarfags as snufkin and sucks zigger ruslim chink dick, a cam whore manlet lebshit diaspora leaf who larps as white wears contacts and wants his bussy gaped by vore fag and some latinx nigger, the slavoid mudslim leaf, the iraqi swede who sticks his dick in mufflers, the palishitstain from the UK, 2 lebshits that fuk n suk eachother, 2 nafri niggers from tunisia who want to move to France and rape white girls, the nigger nafri from morocco with mudslim memeflag, 2 fat egypytians whom is 1 basbousa and kenafa away from a heart attack the other an amputated limb from diabetes, the kuwaiti who picks his ass, the syrian who got caught with turkish trannys in Homs, the little flip jungle rat who flicks his little rice dick with yogurt up his ass while watching tranime along with a couple of spic mutt that post fag lebshits in jockstraps who make ridiculous infographics that scream "IM A VIRGIN", the mutt who changes his pics every couple of weeks begging to be a groupie, a german turkfag who spams the same image over and over again, the potatoe niggers who lived under the boot of britannia, a fag gypsie smrd serb, gyypo romanian from /chug/, the nip from japan who makes shit edits and the brazillian who's father is a tranny whom all circle jerk each other and stoke one another's egos.
You also have the based Türk who's going to obliterate the lebshits and leaf lebshits bussy.
This is the based Türk spic shitskin mudslim celtcuck tranny mutt leaf general.
This is /btssmctmlg/.
That's everyone and if you aren't on the list that means you are not even worth mentioning.
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You're all cocky because you've been to Lebanon before it was Lebanon.
Nasrallah just flew over my house
strapped to rocket a i hope
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good evening fren and also TKD
Kek american gonna get drafted have fun dying for rabbi in israel
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>erm guys guys im le balestinian diaspora
>uhmmm guys i am now le söyrian 25% on mothers side
>uhh im also angloid 2nd gen
>b-b-bbut im spic too
>i has 6 gorillion pesos and black amex
>ummmm i speak gayrab, spicspeak and englisi
>i am x military trained by cia
>errmm ummm see this screenshot of le known balestinian diaspora presidents from le latinx countries
>this means everything i posted above is le true
>i would give le kidney to my balestinian bros
>i would fight for le resistance but chimps of /chimp would have to pay for it
>brb have to go le gym now
u actually think bbl buy this shit u dumb spic?
Wait, that doesn’t sound very fun at all…
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holy kek
Kek, even the sun knows that they belong there. Are they soldiers of British origin?
They seem to be very sensitive to the sun.
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good evening fren and also TKD
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the re entries info and clips have been updated
Red Sea status?
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the pools closed fren for zog america and pissrael until further notice
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Good evening3 baker fren.Thank you for this delicious bread
How much longer can Israel last?
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good evening frens and also TKD
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until pissrael collapses or is taken out by the resistance fren
I'm tired frens and I need some sleep and I will talk to you tomorrow, later frens
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baker needed
>baker needed
baker needed
>baker needed
later frens

Later fren and thank you very much.

The kikes are ready to go to Masada.
I will talk to you tomorrow, later fren
Good evening baker, tkd.
How have you been doing these days?
Did you read the news I posted?
The American government is moving more and more to institute mandatory military draft.
Sweet dreams, lad
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good evening fren and yes I read it fren, the kikes need american zog bots to fight their wars because pissrael is getting it's shit kicked loose in the battle space
I will talk to you tomorrow, later frens
I wonder if this is due to taiwan?
War was expected 2025, with the taiwan straight calm approximately october and april. Bugmanland wants burgerland distracted with elections- but also wants new people on the job that are new to their positions.

This aligns with april 2025, or october 2024, with the latter being only slightly less likely. Winnie the pooh will invade the land of chips during 1 of those 2 opportunities, as it doesn't get much better timing for bugmanland. Plus, trump is intent on cleaning house and starting fresh in many agencies, including FBI, CIA, NSA, military to clear the trannies and degeneracy, etc.

When this happens, we get a great chance of the mideast finally to stop being cucked by then, and finally attack pissrael in a 5:1 to 12:1 or greater ratio. With only burgerland and a few others willing to help shitrael, and we already know that burgerland can't even defeat a 1:1 with Yemen, let alone when Iran and other join the game.

Gonna be comfy times, frens. Get ready for the collapse of shitrael.
I hope you manage to escape from all this, there is no glory in an unjust war.
See you tomorrow baker
Very true, today's right unfortunately has a problem with long-term vision,
Bibi says neither Fatehstan nor Hamstan,
So what is the solution? After all, it is clear that Israel will not control a population of 2 million people there, the only way to pressure Sinwar is to show him that we have an alternative for him, military pressure does not overpower terrorist organizations and dictators, on the other hand, civil political and economic pressure does.
I think that the war in its current form does not lead to anything, why would Sinwar pressure and agree to a deal? He sees that the United States and the world do not support us, he sees that we have no alternative to Hamas, he sees what is going on with Saudi Arabia, he is currently in a winning position, as far as he is concerned, in a month the IDF will leave the Strip due to international pressure, Israel needs to change course.
IDF chief says a lot more work to be done before he resigns
IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi says only when he can guarantee the military is well prepared, and the border residents can return to their homes safely, he will be ready to step down
I get the impression that the Russian move to start using the yuan instead of the dollar has scared more than a few.
Maybe that's why things are starting to accelerate?
China is starting to push to de-dollarization.
Walking on a college campus in the pnw USA today. The Palestinian protests are still quite prominent. Every day.

They are saying there are no universities left in Palestine. That's pretty sad. At the same time I don't think Hamas was in favor of university like we have in America.

I almost said "There are colleges in Israel! They should go there!" But then I realized that wouldn't be possible.
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Don't forget that blonde genes also occur in other races. When you see nogs with blonde hair and/or blue eyes, it's not always a LARP. It's not a silky smooth blonde like non-groidals, but it is blonde none the less. Think of their frizzy ass brillo pad heads, but died blonde, and a weird blonde at that, which honestly looks fake. The blue eyes are real, but not the wide variety of blues like in europe and the mideast.
(the melanesians I believe. The native nogs in the island chains by aussieland)

On a side note, the white mideasteners (Most Christians and some Muslims, not sure about kikes) have some european ancestry, from many thousands of years BC. When they migrated from europe. My dad is 100% lebanese christian, pale as shit and gets sun poisoning easily (wears SPF 55+). When we did ancestry initially, he came up as 50% italian. I took this to mean that his super pale psychopath mother had an affair, as my grandfather (dark skin) was constantly in London, Mexico, Lebanon, etc due to being a metals trader. His brother was also fairly dark, with the 2 of them being polar opposites of skin color of the mideast world. Since she was abusive and a complete bitch (psychopath via his x-linked DNA for ASPD + his horror stories of how she treated/abused him and lived life. Not sure the variant), So, I figured that grandfather likely stayed out of the country to get away from her as much as possible. I assumed that he would have had families elsewhere, but genetic hits never occurred- before the time I deleted my DNA from their servers in early 2022

Later on, ancestry changed their algo's to show him as 100% Lebanese, and I also got my 50% Lebanese status, vs the previous 25%. So, it looks like his mideast blend was from italian descent, thousands of years BC. With the darker skinned mideasteners being the evolved form of Indians- I would assume north India due to geography and complexion, but the studies didn't state back then when researching
>Plus, trump is intent on cleaning house and starting fresh in many agencies, including FBI, CIA, NSA, military to clear the trannies and degeneracy, etc.
i really doubt that freemasonic puppet will clear out his master's work. he probably just says so to get dumb republicans to vote for him, but if in power he'll try to send everything to israel, complete with the troon soldiers.
Kill kikes. Behead kikes. Roundhouse kick a kike into the concrete. Slam dunk a kike baby into the trashcan. Blast kikes with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy Jews. Whip kikes into obedience. Slingshot a kike into orbit. Rocket kikes into the sun. Defecate in a kikes food. Stir-fry kikes in a wok. Bite a kike and drink their blood. Toss kikes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a kike's gas tank. Judo throw kikes into the wood chipper. Unscrew a kike's head off. Report kikes to the IRS. Karate chop kikes in half. Bake kikes into kike-pizza. Arrest kikes for no reason. Electrocute kikes. Curb stomp pregnant kikes.
When you realise western nations have hit the end of their life spans, the actions of the west begin to make a lot more sense.
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Troons and fags in the military are a losing combo. They pushed out all the patriotic white males and other patriotic military families from the military- with obama cleaning house during his years to remove them from leadership. There was no means to ascend the ranks, unless you checked a box. Trump is a way to get many of those people to return to the military, to help ZOG.

He's going to clean house in the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc., also, since they all screwed him over whenever possible, and he's seeking blood and vengeance, like high functioning sociopaths are known to do (biden is a run of the mill sociopath, low IQ, insecure about his intelligence, etc) Most politicians in high ranks have ASPD + NPD, or NPD, as they're literally drawn to the power, status, and money that follows. It's one of the professions that they're known to be drawn to in the literature (politicians in general)

So, he will clean house all around, and Trump is the type of leader that would make a great war time POTUS, which is why WEF and others already view him as winning in 2024. That being said, he's very anti-war, the first POTUS since eisenhower >70yrs prior to the trump years, to not start a new war. Enemy nations respect his power and fear him, not unlike how Vietnam feared Nixon due to his unpredictability and other attributes. He's an excellent negotiator, and plays into the egos of enemy leaders, so that they have something to sell to their people as a win. While still achieving what he wants. It's why you didn't have pootin or others starting these wars during his tenure.

Due to his psychological need for vengeance, for how much they tried to destroy him and make him suffer, he will absolutely be going for blood, and will clean house. He already had teams working on getting 50,000 names of loyal likeminded individuals to fill the positions. He started last year on this endeavor.
ur brown
no such thing as a yt arap
only yt jews
ur brown
I don't like brown people.
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This is true, the blond hair gene also appeared in other populations... twice. Among the Aborigines (Solomon Islands is one example), and among East Asians (old Shiwei people/Hmong people).
No less, the blond hair gene present in the rest of Eurasia (including the Mongols of present-day Mongolia) is the European one. Interesting fact, red hair is ancestral to r1
> melanesians I believe. The native nogs in the island chains by aussieland
Yep cousins of the abos
>On a side note, the white mideasteners (Most Christians and some Muslims, not sure about kikes) have some european ancestry, from many thousands of years BC
This is for the entire Middle East, remember the Hittites are of Indo-European origin, the entire Middle East has some degree of ancestry to Neolithic Europe, just as all of Europe has a degree of ancestry to the Middle East (IJ lineage).
>My dad is 100% lebanese christian, pale as shit and gets sun poisoning easily (wears SPF 55+).
Interestingly, sunburn genes are associated with Neanderthal populations in Europe.
> mean that his super pale psychopath mother had an affair, as my grandfather (dark skin) was constantly in London
Not necessarily, during genetic recombination, during cell division, there are genes that are simply left over and do not even play under the dominant/recessive dynamic. This is the reason why two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child.
>as my grandfather (dark skin) was constantly in London
This is a different story, if he was constantly away from home it is possible.
>occurred- before the time I deleted my DNA from their servers in early 2022
Maybe it was for the best, just before the data was hacked.
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How it makes you feel that this Hmong boy is blonder than you will ever be.
i can see the glowniggers assassinating him if he tries to mess with them.
The dollar is dead, as was expected once the literal commies and marxists in the biden govt were seeking to destroy it, as you need to destroy the economy to enact communism. It's literally in all those famous communist books, like the communist manifesto and others.
The petrodollar ending and with it the dollar as a reserve currency is over. Along with BRICS having a new world economy, in which everyone isn't dependent on the dollar, but will be dominated with the Yuan and others. They've already been doing oil transactions in Yuan and rupees during the ukraine war era, which showed that the petrodollar was going to be ending

The commies were essentially all kikes, and many plan to go back to the ukraine/russia region once they collapse the USA, and no longer have to view burgerland as a superpower that's strong enough to fuck their home countries over. Especially since 80% of global kikes are ashkenazi, and essentially all slavs- minus the 40% of maternal DNA coming from 4 north italian converts. They were all literally saying that we needed to accept that the USD was no longer going to be the world's reserve currency, as they were literally the people controlling it (yellin, and other ashkenazi kikes controlling USA finances/USD)
>brown eyes
thats a shitskin trait
bet youre used to that
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>Not necessarily, during genetic recombination, during cell division, there are genes that are simply left over and do not even play under the dominant/recessive dynamic. This is the reason why two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child

I know, I realized this once ancestry changed his DNA to 100% Lebanese. It just seemed so odd to me at first, with how he's such a pale white, while his brother was pretty dark, which fit in with the other factors like my grandfather always being away on business. It just fit too fell at the time, when he came up as 50% italian, to cement a fringe theory that I always had in the back of my head, due to all the factors
I now realize that it was just genetic variants, not unlike how I had black fraternal twin girls in my elementary school- literally named Ebony and Ivory, as one was really black, and the other was a super light skinned black (ie. called red girls in some countries) Polar opposites, but definitely the same father as they were twins (likely more extreme at birth, since blacks, indians, and others are lighter skinned at birth, along with blonde to brown, and along with europeans, mideast, even indians and others going from green eyes to brown (whites have blue to brown too, along with some other ethnicities), from birth until a couple years later. I've heard that many blondes also have lighter hair throughout childhood, before becoming dirty blonde in adolescence
Hell, my sociopath indian "friend" and his wife have a 2mo old son with very light green eyes & both have brown eyes. Although, my friend's sister has green eyes, and I'm unsure if there's any distant relatives on her side like grandmother or more distant, if any had green eyes. Their son is also very light skinned, looking european white at birth, although in some lighting situations he does have some slight shades of skin pigmentation. How light he remains into adulthood is a different question, as even blacks darken with age
>thats a shitskin trait
Yep, I know that brown eyes is an Israeli trait.
Isn't it true, Tübingen fren?
Especially in those Israeli peasant communes.
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>Interestingly, sunburn genes are associated with Neanderthal populations in Europe.
I'm not sure about his neanderthal, as I think it may have only been a 23andMe feature. But I had an amount approaching 2%, but not quite 2%. Unsure of his percentage.

I had read alot into neanderthal at the time, as it was only subsaharan africa that didn't have it. Although, some sources now say that there is some. It never mentioned which parts of subsaharan africa though, in those readings. I'd assume only North east subsaharan africa, as western aftrica has up to 19%+ ghost hominid DNA, likely either homo erectus or homo habilis. Which explains a lot as to why subsaharan africans are so freaking far away on the genetic distance maps. Along with why they're so different in both physical and neurobiology vs everyone else.

Neanderthals brought the photic response with sneezing in the sun, sneezing from some foods (I think they said chocolate?), larger eyes, larger brain volume, wider bone structure, different noses, etc.
With different regions like east asians having the most I think at 4%+ (maybe it was 6%? It's been a while since I read it).They also had either the highest or 2nd highest denisovan, at up to 6%+, and the melanesians also had high denisovan genetics.
Europeans had an avg of 2% neanderthal, and no denisovan.

The admixtures of the ghost hominids always fascinated me, as it really explained the genetic differences between different regions on earth. Especially when using subsaharan blacks as a baseline. Something the "everyone is created equal" crowd doesn't want normies to know. Or like when they used to say "blacks and whites share over 99% of the same DNA"... but leaving out that monkeys aren't all that far off in percentage- I forget if it's in the 98%'s, or even 99%... with even chickens sharing a high percentage number with humans, which iis why we go through that reptile, etc phase while a fetus.
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It hurts, but I'll get over it. In fact I already did.
I forgot about the blonde asians in my readings a couple years ago. Did any of them ever have blue eyes too? or just green?
I remember also reading about the Ainu years back, but I think there was something that it may have been interbreeding at some point in their history.
good post
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Fuck you are right, all this time I have been thinking that they would have no place in all this because they can't pass for East Asians, but they can influence BRICS by passing for Russians.
I follow a guy who makes videos of Japanese cavalry, he is half Ainu/European, looks totally white with blue eyes.
Yes, note that testoterone is also involved in pubertal darkening.
Also, pic related, this is a Indian Rors/merchants, with 40-50% steppe dna.
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>Fuck you are right, all this time I have been thinking that they would have no place in all this because they can't pass for East Asians, but they can influence BRICS by passing for Russians.

See the following. The vidrel is from 2004 I think, which times out right
>Man predicting that in 20yrs jews will leave israel to go to russia. Since USA has no future, due to too many minorities.webm
gas urself
I think it is 98%, with the bonobo.
>chickens sharing a high percentage number with humans, which iis why we go through that reptile, etc phase while a fetus.
The platypus serves as a proxy, still having intact reptile, bird and mammal DNA strands.
And yep, admixture with different homininñds helps explain the difference between all human groups, especially when you think of for example the difference between Asians and Europeans who patrilineally belong to the same family, indicative of admixture of males with local groups.
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I wonder why kikes are so paranoid?
> Ohh right....right... picrel and (((their))) countless schizo genes
The Ainu civilisation was quite primitive but peaceful. They were proto mongols tho not Caucasians.
lol so based.
No kike zone.
>The platypus serves as a proxy, still having intact reptile, bird and mammal DNA strands.
Oh wow, that's insane. I just assumed that it had some weird divergent evolution to develop the duck bill and other odd features. Makes a lot more sense now.

Do you have any idea how east asians became "white" I assume somewhere around the time of the europeans. When 10k years ago, you had dark skinned (near black??) living in britain with blue eyes. And east asians also had darker skin, with japan still having some darker skinned varieties that look southeast asian in complexion, but still a bit lighter. While back when the ancestors of modern day south american natives coming across the land bridge as east asians, they were darker skinned back then. Which is why modern day natives in south america, still look southeast asian if they didn't interbreed, but are actually from east asia.
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Any idea what this, I assume clickbait, is all about?
I'm all for japanese wives, but I still think Japan would be better off if ethnically pure
Japan is also a no-nigger zone too...
> Oh how I envy you guys so much...
im that guy on a diff VPN.
lol its a troll post. japanese view foreigners as inferior and would definitely not offer immigration to incels who wanted to breed their women.
japan's birth rate problem comes from the fact that japanese couples have 1 kid.
compare this to western birth rate issues which comes from the fact that women refuse to have relationships with 80% of men. married western couples have multiple kids though.

the incel crisis is more of a western thing.
How do you get around not paying for the chan pass? You don't have that wierd 4 green line logo, to indicate 4chanpass
trade secret
Don't remember seeing it bro
Dude actually looks like the chud meme
kek, new VPN that hasn't been detected as one yet.
Like when I first got my VPN like 5 or 6yrs ago, I could use it on netflix and everything else, since it hadn't been around that long, and wasn't very popular yet. Then some computer mag started putting it in their VPN listings at the top, due to speed, anonymity, price after promos, etc.
Then it suddenly got slow, until more servers were built and upgraded server sites, along with then suddenly getting detected as a VPN and blocked by tons of sites
Only chinks care about the difference between japanese, bugmen, koreans, vietnam, etc. I normally name the files all bugmen, but this one was based, so it got top tier japan status.
>The female platypus lays eggs, a reptilian characteristic, yet also produces milk to nourish its young, which is a mammalian characteristic. Interestingly, the platypus genome harbors both reptilian and mammalian genes associated with fertilization of eggs.
Curious fact, platypuses do not have stomachs, they accumulate fat in their tails.
>Do you have any idea how east asians became "white" I assume somewhere around the time of the europeans. When 10k years ago, you had dark skinned
I don't know, I know that r1a/r1b lineages have white skin genes that are ancestral to r1, taking into account common ancestry, maybe those genes originated much earlier?
>When 10k years ago, you had dark skinned (near black??) living in britain with blue eyes
This can help
> look southeast asian in complexion, but still a bit lighter
Ainu influence, perhaps?
The Ainu have a degree of abo descent.
I had a professor in college with a Japanese father, and she was one of the most pallid people I've ever met, she looked like marble.
You can make your own VPN btw
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kek. Didn't notice it at first, but now I can't unsee it
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Eternal Friendship with the Palestinian People

GIGA BASED MY FREN! Cuba Libre! Long live the revolution.
t. Catholic
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What is the opinion in Cuba of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
I used to follow a Cuban on youtube, green fits, but he ended up being a Zionist.
>GIGA BASED MY FREN! Cuba Libre! Long live the revolution.
Which of the two Catholic Arabs are you?
Why do we rarely see cuban flags on chan?
Is it internet access? (I would assume due to censorship? maybe monetary?)
The language barrier?
No interest in chan?
Something else?
There is another one? I thought it was just me the galilee one.
The other one is also a Catholic Arab but from Jaffa. He used to frequent the general.
But how are you doing?
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Our Greatest Ally- end of quote, repeat the line
Amazing, magnificent, a dream come true, a miracle for which there is no word to describe. Indian man meets Israeli woman, converts to Judaism and marries. He has fulfilled the dream, he is an example for millions now. I pray for many others to follow in his footsteps.
3 things that jews invented
> Then goyim fill the comments with more
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If I had to bet, I would bet that most cuban channers are in other boards. I met this zoomer kid IRL some time ago, circa 2021, that used the site, he was on /v, /a and /g.
Allergy to politics + fear of being watched by the goverment I guess.

Censorship is relative, for example I can access all US and EU news media and they even unblocked some known Miami based anti cuban media from the exile. I can access the eaurasian block or arab media too, obviously.

Now compare that with the EU for example, I visited a cousin in Spain for new year, she got citizenship because her 2 granparents were spanish immigrants in Cuba and now lives there.

Well I had to use proxies to check RT there kek. I found hilarious that I'm here and I can see both sides of the story.

Don't know about that guy but main government posture is obvious. We have two kind of oposition here: anarchist woke people in the European or US style, and libertarian rightwing. Wokes support palestine because all their sister movements do so as well. Lolberts and free market prophets and some evangelical churches that count as oposition too tend to be pro Israel. But I haven't made a deep research. Most people tho, sees Palestinians as friends and allies and Israel as imperialist lapdogs if you ask them.

thanks brother, take care there.
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Poos + joos = a match made in heaven
>Imagine they had a cow, and one wanted to worship it and the other wanted to sacrifice it. After all the baby killing, they’ll need the cleansing from the red heifer
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Gotcha, that makes a lot more sense. I lived around lots of cubans when I lived in south florida. So, it always seemed to confuse me that I rarely saw the cuban flag on chan.
For a while here, we had to use VPN's to access RT, when they blocked it in burgerland due to the ukie war, and RT exposing the truth behind so many of the ukie lies sold to the west.
> I already knew most were lies due to chan, but I still enjoyed RT up until that point. I ended up just getting IPTV to watch RT, since it was just easier
kek. I figured I was the only one that thought about the hypotheticals, of poos worshipping cows, and kikes worshipping the red cow to murder it (like they do with all life
Pretty good, weather has been bit too hot and humid lately though.
Kikes don’t like to use them
Arab and Jews is more sexy. Make more racedom memes of Arabs sexually dominating Jews!!!
>We have two kind of oposition here: anarchist woke people in the European or US style
Of course, if the government proclaims itself communist, the obvious reaction is to identify oneself as an anarchist being a leftist in such situation.
>and libertarian rightwing
This guy is this, a non-denominational Christian living in America, who is a Zionist and a libertarian. He always speaks ill of the Cuban government and apparently wants Cuba to adopt Milei's measures.
>Wokes support palestine because all their sister movements do so as well
Many of them try to turn it into another struggle for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender or black rights, knowing that this alienates the right wing of the Palestinian movement. Pretty sure someone is funding this.
>evangelical churches that count as oposition too tend to be pro Israel
Is this disease also present in Cuba?
>Most people tho, sees Palestinians as friends and allies and Israel as imperialist lapdogs if you ask them.
This is the right take, after all they are the ones destabilizing the region. But I would change something, Israel as the master and the US as the lapdog.
I hate that climate which is humid and hot at the same time, fortunately where I live it is not very common, less in winter.
I'm glad you are well, how is the general mood?
Are they prepared for an escalation in the war?
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lmao, numerals bless me just like when I first engaged with the puertorican tranny shill.

based chileno, your people as as smart as ever.
>Is this disease also present in Cuba?
yes indeed we have evangelicals since we opened church tolerance
>American military says it has spent about $1 billion fighting the Houthis to support Israel's Gaza War.
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>But I would change something, Israel as the master and the US as the lapdog.
Also, I will let you guess what tribe had a population of 30.000 here before 1959 and emigrated until only 1000 were left a year after. Kek.
IDK about general mood, I'm limiting my interactions with (((them))) to a minimum.
Everyone is beating the drums of war, but the two more weeks meme is strong on the Lebanese front.
I doubt that there would be a major escalation, unless the US steps in.
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>I’m limiting my interactions with (((them))) to a minimum.
odds on Israeli Arabs staging a revolt?
Que bola asere ?
ño! que vuelta? sabía que habia otros usando el chan por ahí!
Evangelism is one of the main fronts, if tomorrow evangelism were to disappear they would be greatly harmed in America. And in my experience, you are intelligent people, and well spoken, I like your accent.
>30.000 here before 1959 and emigrated until
Right after helping a lot in the process of leaving the country in the state that makes people want to emigrate, right?
Same story as South Africa.
By the way, based gif
>IDK about general mood, I'm limiting my interactions with (((them))) to a minimum
Totally understandable, after all the Christians in the areas have also been victims of aggression.
>I doubt that there would be a major escalation, unless the US steps in.
Mmm, I don't know, I think it also depends on how Yahuu handles the situation. After all a part of his cabinet seems very interested in that war.
Es una rareza chocar con un compai aquí, he conocido a muy muy pocos cubacel atraves de los años pero si existimos. me alegra ver que también tienes opiniones basadas no como la mayoría de los come pinga judía que se creen edgy y basedboys. TKD y saludos desde ciego
Negative, they've let their gangs roam freely ever since this govt' got into power, more so since October. We're undergoing a slow genocide.
Lord have mercy
And if they succeed, it will be the definitive farewell to the genetic history of southern Canaan.
Good morning chads
I do believe they'll fail though. Mostly that is.
The damage to the christians of palestine has already been done. We went from 20% down to less than 2% of the population.
>I do believe they’ll fail though
the question is how bad will it get after they fail?
>The Associated Press (AP) news agency reports that the Syrian branch of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is prepared to send additional forces to Lebanon in case Israel launches a full-scale war against Hezbollah.
>The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said a pier set up on Gaza’s coast to provide humanitarian supplies would be temporarily removed due to predicted high waves and stormy seas.
LOL. 320m btw
I believe that Israel has to be defeated, it will help you to strengthen your position. It is a total tragedy that an 80% Levantine group is being replaced by converts.
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>wE eZ nOnYmOoSe pic
>shit tier bait vid
meme flaggot spamming slide shit
you bait is worthless here nigger
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>Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, says that two Israeli captives held by the group were killed in an Israeli air raid in Rafah several days ago, according to a post on their Telegram channel.

so it happened AGAIN
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How the hell did we go from “raped 24/7 and impregnated” to “had to do dishes”?

They were IDF soldiers on a military base so whatever.
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Manual labor anon; manual labor is to a Jew what water is to sugar.
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There's audio vidrel weebums that talk about that subject. That the reason why kikes hated the national socialists concentration camps, was because they were forced to do work for the first time, manual labor at that. And worse, they didn't even get paid for it!! and so they pushed it as death, and then wrote erotic fan fiction of the national socialists, for victimization points when they were trying to get power, money, etc for shitrael, from the west

Instead of having goyim as their slaves, goyim were making them be slaves by working! It was anuda shoah! It was a fate worse than death to kikes,
wasted, but I still love that vidrel. So, I'm not pissed
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>and then wrote erotic fan fiction of the national socialists
how can Jews have the weird degen sex with white people they like so much if they wipe us out?
kek. I meant it more in the sense of BDSM and getting off on victimization porn (not literal porn), That they get off on being the perpetual victims, to then gain money, power, etc.
> But they did have stalag- national socialist porn fan fiction
They don't have to be memes jewboy
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jews are white!!!

oh so white!
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What an antisemitic jew journalist! Exposing the truth, by exclaiming that kikes are not white
>Damage to Christians
Holy based. Am yisrael chai!!! Am yisrael chai!!!!!
Jews are marinated in jealousy for European Christian civilization, that’s it, that’s the root of the JQ
the thread is blessed with the your visit Cuban chads
Welcome Cuban annons
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Israelis anon is it true that The Israeli society is undergoing a moral decay and all the decent people are leaving and what left is the subhuman one, did anyone notice an increase in subhumanity lately?
It’s actually the opposite. You scared a bunch of hyper intelligent diaspora Juden youth from the universities into this country. Israelis are legit terrified of leaving Israel too, because they think everyone hates them. So you had the opposite effect.
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>That the reason why kikes hated the national socialists
I really need to hear that, fren.
>BREAKING | 8 Israeli soldiers burned to death after the resistance in Gaza targeted and destroyed their troop carrier 'Namer' with an ATGM, according to Israeli media.
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Quads very checked.
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at least 12 hours has passed, did Israel nuke Beirut already or is it in 2 more weeks?
>did Israel nuke Beirut already
yes they did, I am dead now, this is my ghost typing.
>checks news
Yup, Israel is winning as always.
>the cradle
Just realized it's not called The Cradle because it's in the "cradle of civilization", but because arabs are dumb babies in cradles that believe this shit.
Big Japan W
>Hotels in Japan, now refuse to accept Israeli tourists
>Israelis on facebook are claiming that they're being denied lodging at hotels in Japan because harboring anyone with ties to the IDF could be considered accessory to war crimes
>The US is waiting for Israel to announce at any moment the end of the operation in Rafah, which failed disastrously, Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper

"According to estimates by Egypt and Qatar, the Americans are waiting for Israel to announce the end of the military operation in Rafah in order to resume the suspended contacts regarding the negotiations for the deal.
>The US asked the mediators, Egypt and Qatar, to put more pressure on Hamas - but they believe that what he provided in his latest answer may be positive."
>failed disastrously
What did it achieve other than dead idf sodliers and international condemnation?
Jews, they have low spatial intelligence
Secure the border with Egypt and destroy the tunnels that were smuggling from Egypt of course, what else?
>tunnels that were smuggling from Egypt
Zero proof that happened, did everyone forget that egypt was just as harsh against gazan tunnels as israel?
>Zero proof that happened
plenty of IDF commanders said there were. Now I know no one will believe that but its not hard to imagine there would be at least a dozen tunnels heading into Egypt without them even knowing.
I don't really believe that. Now what about the hezb situation?
US thinks were about to start a war and desu I dont know how true that is but we really have no choice but to push Hezb over the Litani
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Jews have had their anime card revoked. In the future they will be allowed nothing but Hanna Barbera.
>Jews have had their anime card revoked
Anime is cute and narrative driven, they should only be allowed to watch Jewish cartoons like rugrats.
>Hanna Barbera
Dexter's Laboratory remains top tier.
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>Hamas and Hezbollah’s drone warfare poses new threats to Israel's security - analysis

>"When I saw on October 7 the drones that attacked the IDF observation towers in the Gaza Division, my heart broke," Dr. Liran Antebi, a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies, said in an interview with Walla this week.

>She added, "Hamas conducted itself with great sophistication. During the protests on the fence, it did not use drones even though everyone knew it had them because Hamas wanted to be seen by the world as a weak side, to show that it was fighting with kites and balloons and not to be perceived as strong."

>"We built a magnificent array of air defenses, but Iran knows how to see mainly the high layers, the fast, and to bypass the ability, they will create something cheap, in large volumes, to produce damage. How did we end up dealing with the last line of defense before the settlements? Admittedly, this is not only an Israeli problem but a global concern."

>"Israel should be troubled by the intensity and pace of production by Iran, despite the international sanctions. Drones are a step on the way to cruise missiles; hundreds of drones combined with heavy barrages of rockets can pose a challenge to the IDF," the two wrote.

>At that time, the Iranian-Russian production rate stood at 6000 units per year, but since then, it has increased dramatically, and even according to foreign reports, an effort has been made to increase Hezbollah's weapons arsenal in the last eight months.
>At The Hague, Israelis brave protests to present a portable ‘Hamas tunnel’ exhibit
>A gallery owner from Israel and her allies shepherd visitors into a cramped replica fitted into the box of a truck so they can get some sense of what Hamas’s hostages endure
They've created a portable holocaust simulator. I wonder if it includes a fully-functional kitchen with sink full of dishes, so people can appreciate the kind of hell those jews had to go through.
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>“You could easily turn such an installation into a propaganda prop that would leave visitors certain of the message, but that’s not what we wanted to achieve,” Meijler, 49, told The Times of Israel. “This installation is supposed to speak for itself and spark interest and compassion. If that means a few clueless visitors, I’m willing to live with it.”
lol wut.
Don't mind me guys
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I thought Egypt said they already did that
wut is that? is it a hummus calendar?
We are, August was the date we were given back in January
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>'After October 7, Antisemitism in China Reached the Most Shocking Levels'

>After October 7, I mobilized along with others to help with hasbara [public diplomacy efforts] and disseminating Israel's messages. What I actually wanted to say was, "Friends, this isn't just another conflict, there was a massacre here, a murderous spree against civilians." I tried to upload content but it was forbidden.

>Video footage of the abduction of [Israeli army spotter] Naama Levy. I received a message that it conflicted with the "community's values," because it's prohibited to show blood on the platform. By the way, there actually is such a law, but I didn't see that there was a problem with showing Gazan blood there.

>The response on Chinese social media to the Hamas massacre was actually a wave of antisemitism. Not anti-Israeliness, but antisemitism. The Israeli embassy [in Beijing] uploaded content, and the responses included support for Hitler.

>Before the massacre, China was one of the safest places to say that you're an Israeli. A Jew.

>Now, I don't know whether the government actively encouraged this at its initiative, or turned a blind eye, which in China means authorization, but after October 7, that "positive" antisemitism became negative antisemitism, and at the most shocking levels imaginable. There were comments like, "If there are eight million Jews in Israel, we can open a really big soap factory there," or "Too bad Hitler didn't finish the job," and more in the same vein. But there were also comments in the style you mentioned: "The Jews control the world through the United States," "They are oppressing the Gazans because of the United States."
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China does not even recognize Judaism.

I remember dad bought a book about supernatural stuff and it had similar stuff in those pics, I swear I was creeped out. iirc it deals with sigils or spirit summoning or some shit.
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average Moroccan black magic
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oh shit, it's this book
Ironically shams al ma'arif was written by an Algerian not a Moroccan lol
>tunnels that were smuggling
>Algerian not a Moroccan
what's the difference?
>China does not even recognize Judaism.
Since Judaism is not a recognized religion, it cannot open new places of worship or receive state aid.
What's the book about?
Mmm, power in names, invocation of genies and magic squares, reminds me of puranic Indian magic.
It's like Syrian and Lebanese but Algerians hate us :/
The government tried to but the soldiers and guards smuggled anyways
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>plenty of IDF commanders said there were
bro, seriously ?
Euroids should be banned from drawing borders for others ever again

Islamic magic and occult is just Chinese and Indian ripoff magic squares were developed by Eastern numerologist like triangle of pascal used in mathematics.
Metaphysics and formal science became separate due time, it's pretty interesting if you look at it.
Well it's our fault for getting our asses kicked during the colonial era
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dude you don't blindly believe and trust the most moral army in the world?
Lol one missile to tel aviv in retaliation to whatever evil you will do in south lebanon and you can wave good bye to your failed state on your flight back to poland. Gypsy niggers the lot of you
yeah, almost the entire world got their asses kicked

Never trust niggers
>Metaphysics and formal science became separate due time, it's pretty interesting if you look at it.
The best known example is alchemy that ended up triggering chemical science, I know that many medieval Muslim alchemists devoted much of their lives to create the philosopher's stone, of course it was never created.
Wei Boyang, the alchemist who invented gunpowder did so by accident while trying to create the elixir of life.
>Islamic magic and occult is just Chinese and Indian ripoff
In the same way that Western magic is an Egyptian and Babylonian ripoff
>in 3-4 months
WW3 has already been ongoing for 2-3 years
Rather, he's suggesting the baltic states are next into the meatgrinder.
And after baltic states the other EU countries, from East to West
ur brown
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at least I don't lie
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Some news

Channel 12 Israel from sources:

The Northern Front command is preparing for a massive attack on Lebanon and is waiting for the decision of the political leadership.

Officials of the Biden administration told CBS News:

Israel's recent attacks deep in Lebanon are interpreted as preparations for a large-scale attack by the Israeli army in the region. The scale of the missile attacks on Israel may lead to an unwanted war with Hezbollah
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best i could find
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News from northern front:

Hezbollah struck Meron airbase again this morning.

Israel launched airstrike in south lebanon, and asssassinated a motorcycle rider


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You lie all the time.
nobody denies the existence of tunnels.

boipussy will be mine
Lmao the decline in population is because muslims arabs have more babies then you, not because of jews. You sand niggers get affirmative action in almost every possible way and still complain. Move to the west bank if you love them so much, Im sure palis wont purge you like every other country in the middle east has.
I'm not khazar whiteboy
I'm da real Hebrew israelite nigguh I will stay here forever (until my visa comes in next week)
No it's because Christians left in mass to europe/America in the 60s dude
here am i faggot
and nothing is gonna happen
>asssassinated a motorcycle rider
that just sound like israel killed a random civilian kek
and stop using israeli sources as evidence they dont mean shit anymore
>my visa comes in next week
where you going?
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>tunnel entrance in school? don't see the problem, stop being islamophobic
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Gonna visit gf in cali and wait till the war ends

48 Arab btw not a stupid jew that will get burned in a tank fighting for bibis son to burn in the hot florida sun
Lmao, I was thinking that, too.
dont you guys still get drafted? religious druze dont i guess but if you have a gf in cali you sure as hell aint religious
The idf hides military personnel in druz/bedouin civilian homes up north all the time
>Over 6 million Jews left Israel, slit their throats and converted to Islam
>9001 Namer Merkvas destroyed by Al-Nigger Forces using Al-Cope 900 missiles
I'm bedouin, we join the military for the bennies.

And yeah some of us will have to fight but I got doctors notes for me and my homies.

Plus I actually am recovering from a serious surgery rn
well good for ya mate stay safe
what will you do if hezb invades btw?
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How moral of you.
Buy land that's basically gonna be on sale in the Norf.
Fly a big shahada flag and hope for the best
STAY FREE telegram news niggas be like
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good luck then fren
buy a hezb flag tho not a shahada flag you dont want them to confuse it with a fucking isis flag kek
wtf is wrnog with stay free? i love that channel
>an anonymous IDF source told Reuters that all Hamas tunnels have been destroyed and all Hamas members hanged themselves after realizing that IDF soldiers never die
zoggies don't like it because it demoralizes them
I can confirm that it’s his ghost
I got banned from there for saying lebanon is a shithole
I got banned for calling basher al sad basher Al kalb lmao
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Nigga is 24/7 slurping on putin and Iranian cock and got mad at me for not agreeing with him about it
Gonna be funny when the tactical victorious retreat from rafah happens
Generally inaccurate information khidr(admin) once posted a video of turks fucking up a macdonalds and said it was the american embassy also there isn’t much there that wouldn’t get from resistancetrench or lebupdates
Eh w 3ayado ta2ne ban
haha bas the more channels the merrier i guess
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Oman mediated a prisoner swap between Sweden and Iran
Let’s goooo

Your mom is fat
Your sister uglyy
Ugh big nose
damn, you really hopped on Israeli tinder
I’d johnny hamas this one
It's just tinder because we're so close
Built for bhc
I would October 7 her if you know what i mean
Damn she's flat
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now, I am not evil, but
if I could, I would emotionally manipulate them all, just to cause a nation wide psycho-emotional epidemic in Israel
I would call it "Operation Al-Aqsa Heartbreak"
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I no longer believe a major escalation of the Gaza War, up to and including WW3 can be avoided.

- Gaza genocide will continue indefinitely with full US/Nato support
- Hamas will not be removed. Hezbollah and Ansar Allah will continue to escalate responses in response to IDF responses/civilian massacres.
- International institutions like ICC/ICJ/UN will be ignored, sidelined, sanctioned, probably cancelled
- War in Lebanon is now inevitable. Probably within months >>471180922. IDF have no hope of prevailing on their own and Hezbollah now has ability to escalate war literally into Tel Aviv
- As soon as Israeli night club districts come under attack, Congress will go full Gulf 3 and US troops WILL be deployed into Beirut.
- Every resistance fighter, jihadi, rebel and regular forces volunteer from Morocco to Malaysia will pile into whatever remains of Lebanon for one chance to face IDF/US forces head on. US deployment will go from Grenada->Korean War within weeks.
- Israeli settlers will take the opportunity to go full Rwanda in the West Bank, and livestream it. Protest movements in west explode, arab populations go into revolt, sloppy internet lockdowns and IRL Stasi operations will fail to contain the fallout. Western and Middle Eastern states will fall into disarray/collapse. Existing political class will flee to US/NZ, leave state security/crime gangs in operational control.
- He who controls the most guns, gas, and tv stations will reign supreme. Europe will become post-Soviet Russia within a few years. US a giant Ukraine 2.0.
- Most will struggle to explain to any following generation what any of this was even all about

I didn't vote for this.
Not gonna lie, but arab bitches are way hotter than our whores.
Lebanese chicks are some of the hottest girls I've ever seen.
Even the ukranian and russian broads we have here have nothing on them and I say that as a slav too.
Can't wait to do my own Oct 7th on them myself if you know what I mean.
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why is the world on israel side?

> people whose land were stolen and who live in open air prison simp out and killed a bunch of oppressors(Innocent citizens of not so innocent country)
> as a retaliation they murder 40x as much civilians and leave another 2 million homeless.
> 99% of the world media and anybody who has a voice support israel "right to defend itself".
And no - nobody gives a fuck that some anonymous simp on chan sperg some antisemitic slurs.

I mean common. how can this be ? I'm don't want this to be another another Israel-palestine discussion, we already have plenty of those. All I want to is if can someone explain me how come this whole clusterfuck is so one-sided. I just want to understand pls.
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>open to short
She's used to settling for less.
I wonder if 20 is her age or maybe someone changed the unit of measure to British and that is her weight in stone.

If you're too stupid to figure it out at this point, you don't deserve to know.
Don't let the tripwhore see you say this
Operation flooded panties
Nah you should chadfish on instagram and emotionally manipulate the whores here instead, seeing all these lebo whores all day and not being able to get my incel ass laid invokes rapist tendencies inside me
here your (you)
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> Zionist sources report a very serious incident in Rafah, southern Gaza:

> As fierce clashes continue, it appears that an anti-tank missile was fired by the resistance at an IOF "Namer" armored vehicle, causing it to explode immediately and catch fire.

> 8 zionist soldiers belonging to the engineering unit were killed instantly and burned inside the vehicle, which was completely ablaze, according to zionist media.

> Evacuation of wounded zionist soldiers from the Gaza Strip to "Beilinson" Hospital has been reported.
goatfuckers will pay for this
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BREAKING - Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

> On the morning of the Day of Arafah, our fighters executed a complex ambush against enemy vehicles advancing in the Saudi neighborhood area of Tal Al-Sultan, west of Rafah city.

> A "D9" military bulldozer was targeted with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, causing it to catch fire and resulting in the killing and injury of its crew.

> Upon the arrival of the rescue force, a Namer armored personnel carrier was targeted with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, leading to its destruction and the killing of all its members.

TKD looks to maybe be great kino incoming
They only way for israel to win this war is to bring in more immigration from India.
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i still did not pay
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PIJ fighter killed in southern Lebanon this morning
Im just here to spam idf roasties
tfw no thick jewish mulk alyameen (sex slave)

Hezbollah threatens to expand the fighting: "If Israel escalates - we will change the plan"

In the shadow of the massive shooting from Lebanon, Nasrallah's deputy threatened that "any expansion of the attacks from Israel - will be answered by the expansion of the reactions" • An article by the editor of Al-Akhbar newspaper, which is considered to be Hezbollah's spokesman, reveals how the other side analyzes the Israeli course of action
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>8 zionist soldiers belonging to the engineering unit were killed instantly and burned inside the vehicle
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why are they taking so long
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Because they're both completely retarded who can't admit losing.
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>8 zionist soldiers belonging to the engineering unit were killed instantly and burned inside the vehicle

They're crispy niggers now.

someone who is very dark, like they are burnt. like a burnt piece of toast, they are crispy.
Tyrese is hella crispy!
by Momonique July 15, 2009
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2 in the dozer + 8 in the Namer = 10 little nigger boys.
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She looks 26-27. Roasties aging hard these days. Probably maxvaxxed.
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>back to posting tranime characters in the OP.
Probably for the best sisters, I think the actual trannies were a bit too bold for the new hamas recruits
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>loves money

whats your point sharing those jew thots horny jordanian You know today is a holy day
trad Arab waifu are way hotter than those jew whores
>horny jordanian
you can kinda see her nipple
I believe this is called daddy issues
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Imagine posting that in public.
don't post this ever again
baking new bread
>baking new bread
baking new bread

Is there an Israeli girl that isn't on tinder! Damn all of them thots

>Damn all of them thots
I bet some of the hostages are on there still, with pics of them in the tunnels
Ok frens I've spammed enough for today. Arafat mubarak and TKD
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
no matter what kind of faces these goblins try to make, they will never seem inviting. i feel like I'm looking into the malignant face of a serial killer that's trailer trash.

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