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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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> MicLiberal’s thread aimed only to memorialise some of the crazy things the vaccinators had said. It opened with this tweet:
> We were complicit!
> We marginalised, defamed, discredited, insulted and cancelled people. On behalf of science!
> By popular demand, this brief thread with statements that should not be forgotten:
> There ensued nothing but a series of citations, most of them wholly typical samples of vintage 2021/22 vaccinator rhetoric, much of it not even that remarkable. For example, MicLiberal included this statement from Andreas Berholz, deputy editor-in-chief of the widely read blog Der Volksverpetzer:
> “Fact-check: The unvaccinated remain the main drivers of the pandemic.”
> And he included this statement from former President of Germany Wilhelm Gauck:
> “Opponents of vaccination are idiots.”
> On 28 July, two days after MicLiberal posted his 25 tweets, Cologne police filed a criminal complaint against him, and afterwards the Cologne prosecutor’s office brought charges, arguing that MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.”
> The district court declined to approve the charges, but the prosecutors appealed to the regional court, where the judges saw things differently. They believed that a prosecution was warranted because of the “heated social debate” surrounding Covid measures, and because MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people, who (in the summary of the Berliner Zeitung) “could either form groups or encourage individual members to commit acts of violence.”
so now history becomes illegal lol
> They decided that their best chance lay with a novel provision of the German Criminal Code (Paragraph 126a). This provision makes it a crime to “disseminate the personal data of another person in a matter that is … intended to expose this person … to the risk of a criminal offence directed against them.”
He did get acquitted recently, but they tend to appeal it:
> I’m happy to say MicLiberal was acquitted two days ago at the Cologne district court, after his lawyer – the excellent Jessica Hamed – drew attention to the absurdity of the prosecution:
> According to Welt reporter Tim Röhn, the prosecutors intend to appeal the acquittal. An incredible travesty of justice.
Also source: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/cologne-prosecutors-charge-twitter
That leas they're not speaking German
hahaha where've you been
Give me the list and I will endlessly repost it regardless of consequences
should've said "again"
If you get charged for saying the truth, you are getting ruled by criminals
goymany is reaching levels of 1984 previously unthinkable
once a nazi shithole always a nazi shithole, not one bit surprised
Don't forget that there was a case in Nazi Germany where a man was being charged for having his dog mock Hitler
The charges were eventually dismissed
Meanwhile Count Dankula was charged under liberalism for the same thing and was pronounced guilty
Always was. *Bang*
It's Germany. Studying their own history has been illegal for them since at least WWII.
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Germany is strange fucking country

Fascism never ended in Germany, They only rebranded it.
Wohlt ihr den totalen Krieg, Herr Tyrannei?
germans are the real racists, it's not a wonder hirschfeld spread it
share the list
Speech crime is finally starting to reach its predetermined conclusion. The criminalization of all anti-government, anti-corporate speech.
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White men have larped long enough.
Tired of listening to you cowards yap.
Since you didn't do anything but cry online...
You're getting what you deserve.
>On 28 July, two days after MicLiberal posted his 25 tweets, Cologne police filed a criminal complaint against him, and afterwards the Cologne prosecutor’s office brought charges, arguing that MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.” The district court declined to approve the charges, but the prosecutors appealed to the regional court, where the judges saw things differently. They believed that a prosecution was warranted because of the “heated social debate” surrounding Covid measures, and because MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people, who (in the summary of the Berliner Zeitung) “could either form groups or encourage individual members to commit acts of violence.” MicLiberal had furthermore assembled his citations from a website that the judges deemed guilty of an “anti-government orientation.”

So, basically if like-minded people choose to follow somebody's content, that is considered an incitement to violence regardless of whether the content creator or ever audience ever actually incited violence at all. By that token, anything speech that upsets anybody whatsoever could be considered an incitement to violence.

I know there's a lot of people on this board that criticize America, and they have many good reasons for doing so. I won't deny that. But this is why you need some equivalent of a first amendment. I realize those civil liberties are drastically disappearing, so I'm not claiming it can't happen here, either. I'm not being smug. I'm just saying that this is insane that the German people are tolerating this.
>krauts can't even cite politicians on twatter without loicense
The absolute state of EU dictatorship.
>I'm just saying that this is insane that the German people are tolerating this
European people tolerate too many intolerable things, just as the Americans do. People in the EU generally also trust the media and their institutions much more than the Americans, so in their mind if the person was under investigation for something then the authorities probably had a good reason for the process
the world's golfers have overstepped
when millennials become the dominant generation, all bets are off. imagine a former classmate threatening to throw you in jail or fuck with your social credit because you posted medium pills or cited the kalergi plan
Remeber you cannot just vote them out
I just don't appreciate them much anymore, is all
>but they tend to appeal it
The fuck, Hans? While our alleged criminal justice system may be festering cesspit of corruption and show trials, there's no situation where a prosecutor is allowed to appeal a not guilty verdict.
Germany doesn't have the right to free speech. This person deserves to die because the government or some jew doesn't like him. Simple as.
There's a lot of countries, European and otherwise, that don't have double jeopardy protections which allows the state to appeal convictions and retry the defendants. If you look at the double jeopardy wikipedia page, it's nothing but "Oh, this country has protections against double jeopardy EXCEPT under these circumstances". That's one thing that America got right from its inception.

someone know tools to easy download and backup everything?
They prosecuted an AfD politician for citing the government's own crime statistics.
Germany is really some kind of bizarro world leftist version of fascism now where they persecute you for not being gay enough.
the crime of telling the truth at an inconvenient point in spacetime
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Holy shit.
>arguing that MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.”
>MicLiberal had furthermore assembled his citations from a website that the judges deemed guilty of an “anti-government orientation.”
>if you, indirectly, in our opinion, call us fascists we will throw you in prison for wrong think and for criticizing us
This is insane.
You would have been a fanatical vaxmaxxer too if you were as balls deep in pharma stonks as they were.
Germany is an oppressive police state run by vile short haired cat ladies paid to destroy white men while totally ignoring murders and rapes by brown migrants.
Jews going all out holy shit
But don’t you forget about the holocaust goy!

>Always was. "Berg"

>need some equivalent of a first amendment
this is one of very few things i'm jealous of usa
main problem with all the things you face jail time here for stuff you say its mostly subjective to the judge and what cohencidence the judges view always aligns with the current thing
to make it even worse here exists something called bound to directive, means state attonery/zog bots can get an order drop all charges or fuck someone without limits regardless of the severity of offense
and they still clame germany to be a constitutional state
>A German was arrested for doing a data cataloging project
>A German
We are all completely fucked...
germany is like israel now, police everywhere. and i kid you not, police traps on highways where they carry submachine guns
>MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.”
So what are they suing him for, slander ? What exactly is the charge
They did that to that American chick in Italy accused of killing her roommate. Just keep trying her until we get a guilty verdict. And yet libshits here rave about how progressive Europe is.
quite simply, being an enemy of the state (they call it constitutional order but it's the same thing)
>and because MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people
So the mere act of having a message that appeals to White people is now illegal, even if the message has nothing intrinsically about race. Fascinating.

You should have known history has been verboten since 1945
i know about the lolocaust but this is recent history
not sure if you can even call it history
Are you retarded? Just save it in your computer where you are posting this from, or phone.
There's a workaround in America where you ensure at least one juror splits the verdict, causing a mistrial. If that happens you can try as many times as it takes to bankrupt the defendant and force him to use a public defender.
>twitter user
well done, OP, you're not a fag!
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>KÖLN. Das Amtsgericht Köln hat einen Mann freigesprochen, der im Juli 2022 auf Twitter (heute: X) 25 Zitate von Politikern, Künstlern und Journalisten aus der Corona-Zeit veröffentlicht hatte. Die Staatsanwaltschaft warf dem User „MicLiberal“ nach dem neu geschaffenen Strafrechts-Paragraphen 126 die Erstellung von „Feindeslisten“ vor.

Looks like he is freed after all
>War is peace
>Freedom is slavery
>Ignorance is strength
>We need to protect our democracy
Millions of people use it, don't be a faggot
It's normie-sphere bullshit but if you want to get a message across to normies that's the spot
Screenshot all twats (some got deleted)

Actually had the same idea some time ago, a website where all citations of politicians are catalogued that they might not want attention to, i would call it "der Pranger" the pillory
good idea
sort of like a wikipedia or a git repo
while also citing mainstream media sources
I don't think that punishing obsessive data cataloging is going to be popular in Germany
>oh no hes showcasing our bullshit
>people might agree with him and come to the conclusion that something needs to be done
>quick lets prove it to them that something needs to be done
In the end, when this is all over, the downfall of our enemies will be entirely their own doing.
1984, just faggier
You misunderstand what the word progressive means to them. Youd need a 5000 word essay to fully define it.
>Don't forget that there was a case in Nazi Germany where a man was being charged for having his dog mock Hitler
>The charges were eventually dismissed
It was Nazi alligned Finland, and he never actually faced charges but they were considering it.

it's germany, the laws were written by jews to stiffle a rebellion, don't try to find any logic there. the only saving point is to nuke germany to kill all the brainwashed vermin there
>this is insane that the German people are tolerating this.
Germans are the biggest cucks in the world. They will tolerate anything, so nobody dares to call them ''Nazis''
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This man was the champion of vaccines
Always has been, all history is fake and gay.
he was acquitted
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I remember Germany was slow on the scam. Around October 2020 they had three Covid deaths while Italy was going insane. Then Germany in 2021 went more insane about lockdown when whatever Covid was had already finished.

Same thing happened with Ukraine aid. Germany initially said only non lethal aid like helmets and first aid and quickly they became the number two supplier of weapons to Ukraine.
Pretty soon it will be the same for sharing holocaust data.
during gamergate, someone started one that was updated for awhile specifically for media but it disappeared or people forgot about it. i think the name of it had something related to ice or cold. these days, i'm sure anything like that will quickly get sued out of existence unless hosted in a very limited amount of countries as it would get the kiwifarms treatment
Always has been...
>Pretty soon it will be the same for sharing holocaust data.
Always has been.
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Some dumb cunt showed this map the other day and said that Europe was "free".
What a fucking joke.
True. And Austria is even worse.
where and what is that?
Are you fucking crazy? History has always been illegal. It is an inconvenient truth.
>That gigajew receptionist on the bottom
Holy kek
Its the chimney of the Auschwitz "crematorium".

Are you this new?
i know the holocaust never happened. is that not good enough?
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>so now history becomes illegal lol
Hello summer child.
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This is the "gas chamber" "gas shower" at Majdanek, note the tub (its actually a laundry room) and glass windows anyone can break.

Also note the lack of a means of evacuating atmosphere and the fact the "shower heads" have valves anyone can simply turn off.
Nah, you can absolutely get double tried in america, just relies on muh technicalities.
Meanwhile this is something that used to be reserved for serious crimes and a prosecutors belief to have reached an insufficient sentence, retrial for non guilty is scandalous. Its also going to a higher court. State court than the embarassing cucksecutor can try again at the supreme court. His career is over and he will never not be made fun of for this.
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>the wood floor directly below the showerheads
Make it visible to all.
nope, there will be a round 2 because the state in form of the state attorney's office decided to appeal the decision :]

>just pyrrhic victories for the goyim
Its a luxury gas chamber, jews only get the nicest things.
This is proof that illusion magic is real.
any close ups of the shower heads?
The judge ruled a fast non guilty. He hates the case and the prosecutor
based kid
You have the exact same law system, so you should be aware how big of an abuse this is. If you were austrian at least. But instead you blame natives, not the judeo muttmerican occupiers.
lmao i hope they do get extreme violence directed against them.
Is this the freedom Im supposed to die for in Ukraine?
All this while they openly and repeatedly refer to opposition parties or leaders of opposing countries as fascists
Democracy is a retarded game of popularity contest. Of course they'd hate anything more credible than a game where narcissists always win.
Germany has gone full Fascist again. Citing the "wrong" crime statistics is also illegal. They just claim it incites hate, which is illegal.
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>Is this the freedom I'm supposed to die for in Ukraine?

Thank you, Anon. That is a post for the ages.
>oi vey you're not allowed to directly quote our own words, you NAZI
It's so the dirty water would go through the wood onto the floor retard
That's your takeaway? Kill yourself retard.
That's the literal function of wood on the floor in those prison showers
Meanwhile they openly incite hate for right wingers, people opposed to current wars, anti vaxxers, people who sing Ausländer raus

The problem with all laws that govern expressions of opinion is that they are always selectively enforced in favor of the ruling class
No fucking shit, idiot.
>Paragrafen 126a Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)
>(1) Wer öffentlich, in einer Versammlung oder durch Verbreiten eines Inhalts (§ 11 Absatz 3) personenbezogene Daten einer anderen Person in einer Art und Weise verbreitet, die geeignet und nach den Umständen bestimmt ist, diese Person oder eine ihr nahestehende Person der Gefahr

>1. eines gegen sie gerichteten Verbrechens oder
>2. einer gegen sie gerichteten sonstigen rechtswidrigen Tat gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, die körperliche Unversehrtheit, die persönliche Freiheit oder gegen eine Sache von bedeutendem Wert auszusetzen, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
>(2) Handelt es sich um nicht allgemein zugängliche Daten, so ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe.
>(3) § 86 Absatz 4 gilt entsprechend.
>Handelt es sich um nicht allgemein zugängliche Daten,

this is a convenient caveat because it means anything the mass media does is automatically legal, since after they've published something it's publicly available data and thus spreading it is no offense
They're really sending the remaining 900k white germans to Ukraine, aren't they
The paragraph against "publishing lists in a manner that could lead to bodily harm to the contained persons" is from September 2021.
Just in Time
>germans on a hate website agreeing with one another about what they think german polticians are saying/doing whereby they are creating a group to start violence
um, do you two need to be prosecuted as well?
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This is why in the future I will be happy to support any politician calling for blanket executions of all people found to have taken part in the mandate forced and coerced experimental covid vaccine treatments, which amount to crimes against humanity and possibly treason against the human race as a species. If they are going after people just for documenting their crimes, this amounts to witness tampering and is an admission of guilt.
The people who charged this man, arrested him, and the judge and other officers of the law who are willing to try him on these charges to defend the mandaters, should all be publically executed by slow hanging as a deterrent for the future. Forced and coerced medical treatments are crimes against humanity and everyone who takes part in, or defends the guilty from justice, should be put to death for the sake and survival of the species.
The future government official who preside over the trials of and who orders the executions of these people will be heroes to all mankind.
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>crimes against humanity

Old fashioned and boring.

> treason against Humanity

We kill them all, and carve that on their skulls.
what the fuck is wrong with the nigs eyes
Someone post the list plz
Hey, this is kind of fucked up. I think you're abusing your power.
>We kill them all, and carve that on their skulls.
>Her penis
Seriously think about it, it's absurd that "hate" is illegal
There's nothing inherently wrong with hatred
Some people are hateable and deserve it
These people think they will always be in power.
They are wrong and will regret it.
Germany never dropped nazism.
Authoritarianism is in their blood.
>MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people, who (in the summary of the Berliner Zeitung) “could either form groups or encourage individual members to commit acts of violence.”
That's what it's all about
Since when is it appropriate for a democratic government to immediately send a citizen to jail for having a wrongthink?
Even if you see some shitty nonsense from an ideologue you hate, you don't usually want to throw them in jail, if you truly believed in democracy. If they really were a lunatic minority, they'd be gone with no political influence whatsoever in democracy.
I'm a fascist, and I'd like to hang them tho.
Sounds like someone suffers from lead deficiency to be quite honest.
>he exposes people to being righfully murdered for their inhumane misdeeds!
>*exposes himself to be righfully murdered for his inhumane misdeeds*
"Democracy" means jewish power.

Nitter's back!?
US courts dont actually follow double neopardy constitutional laws, however. Just like they dont obey the 1A and 2A, 3A and 4A laws. My friend was charged and convicted over and over and over again for the same incident because the blue golems and the rabbi with the gavel didnt like him. Funny enough it is just a misdemeanor. They just want his money. He’s spent over 400k fighting the same case over and over again. The charge?

“Failure to maintain lane”.

And before some kike chimes in with some pilpul to defend the jewish government: they are essentially retrials for the same exact incident.
It would be all static so pretty easy and cheap to host, domain is always the weak point

But everything he published was already published, they try to get him because he curated a list

Lists are nazis
It happens in america too. You are not allowed to question the sandy hoax narrative or you will be fined over a billion dollars, and forced to hand away all of your addets and money to the courts. Then, once that makes you homeless, they arrest you for “vagrancy”.
Not if you're "on the right side of it" (i.e. acquiescing and paying fealty to illegitimate power structures and institutions whom are the ones making questioning the "official" narrative of certain events and time periods illegal)
A couple days ago the court decided that he's free as it's covered by freedom of speech.

the fact that this was ever a court case is ridiculous in and of itself, they'd rather prosecute someone posting on twitter than a foreigner that stabs people to death
>German anon charged for documenting pro-covid quotes by politicians & journos
There is no voting our way out of this.
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>the fact that this was ever a court case is ridiculous in and of itself, they'd rather prosecute someone posting on twitter than a foreigner that stabs people to death
They'll prosecute the foreigner, then give him a zero sentence because he's retarded.
>the fact that this was ever a court case is ridiculous in and of itself, they'd rather prosecute someone posting on twitter than a foreigner that stabs people to death
Or they will NOT prosecute him because he has cultural differences, and the 14 year old girl (at the school dance) should not have worn such a short skirt.
It took two wars and like 12 million deaths. But it was to breed out the "warlike" genes from the population.

Hence why everyone is gigacucks nowdays.
A score below 50 is effectively meaningless. At that level we would be looking at the person's level of disability rather than attempting to measure intelligence.
Can people with IQ's of 49 even comprehend the possibility of robbing someone?
>the fact that this was ever a court case is ridiculous in and of itself, they'd rather prosecute someone posting on twitter than a foreigner that stabs people to death
Or they might charge him and then dismiss the charges on a technicality, namely, when he was identified in the courtroom, the Judge threw out the charges because he was the only Arab in courtroom, so when the victim (who correctly pointed out the accused in the courtroom) might have been guessing.
White men are the only people treated like adults. Everyone else is a child.
What about the men who fought and survived and had children.
>the fact that this was ever a court case is ridiculous in and of itself, they'd rather prosecute someone posting on twitter than a foreigner that stabs people to death
Or they will convict him of multiple cases of sexual assault, but give him an "Absolute Discharge" because otherwise he would be deported without appeal.
>Citizenry of Goymany does something completely retarded
>Goyman blames it on Americans
Like clockwork.
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>A score below 50 is effectively meaningless. At that level we would be looking at the person's level of disability rather than attempting to measure intelligence.
A person with adult capabilities who has show the capacity to commit crimes while using a weapon should not be allowed out in public without a guardian and a leash.

IQ tests can be fudged, and it's not like the psychologists who administer tests might not have coached the suspect how to respond to the questions, or fake retardation.

49 IQ is literally at the level of a drooling idiot, unable to feed himself or even dress himself.
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It really is going to be WW-III soon.
Everything is pushing towards it.
Amazing how mundane life is really.
You don't even notice it in your daily life.
What an odd life.
>otherwise he would be deported without appeal
Jesus Christ we cannot have that, imagine the loss to our society.
They're in love with us.
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>Can people with IQ's of 49 even comprehend the possibility of robbing someone?
Why are we tolerating the presence of violent 49 IQ aliens in our midst?

Africa doesn't tolerate them. How much will a 49 IQ Somali cost taxpayers over the course of his lifetime? How much damage and public disorder will he cause? How many citizens will be victimized in a multitude of ways, in great measure or small over the course of his lifetime?
Our time isn't unique, but sometimes i wonder if i manage to live to be old, how crazy it will be to recount these times to younger people. Taking someone through 9/11 up to now. A wild fucking ride.
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>Jesus Christ we cannot have that, imagine the loss to our society.
I would not want to be that Judge if civil order ever breaks down.
So he was arrested for journalism.
IQ tests only work if you cooperate with them. When they say blacks, etc., are retarded, all they have found is that, for whatever reason, this kid didn’t cooperate with the test. He didn’t care, didn’t take it seriously, whatever.
I’m not saying they’re not stupid, just that they’re not THAT stupid.
Talk about tattling to the teacher to make the kid you bullied look like the bad guy.
The average IQ of the nigger species is 67. Gorillas are more intelligent.
>Our time isn't unique
It is unique in the sense of how fast the things are deteriorating. Perhaps the only more extreme times would be post-war Weimar.

The western Roman empire took over 300 years to deteriorate to the point where they forgot how to build roads, bridges and make cement.
>double jeopardy being tolerated in NATO in the modern era
EVERYONE who is part of such legal systems should be shot in the head and damn the consequences.
Kill them all, everyone involved in such systems. Burn it to the ground.
>doesn't care when foreigners fuck around in theirs
They're deranged. They'll actively cheer on a westerner being beaten for not be a problem in a 3rd world country, but cry if a Westerner does the same in their country. That's the reaction of a person who hates their own people. They say they have no malice, but they clearly do. Otherwise they wouldn't care if a Westerner does the same and wouldn't cheer when it happens to a Westerner. They're deranged.
>I’m not saying they’re not stupid, just that they’re not THAT stupid.
Yes. Especially if he is coached into understanding that if he fails the test "appropriately" that he will go free. His Lawyer (likely a refugee advocate) would facilitate that training.

We used to know how to deal with Somali troublemakers.
>someone know tools to easy download and backup everything?
A brain
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>They're deranged. They'll actively cheer on a westerner being beaten for not be a problem in a 3rd world country, but cry if a Westerner does the same in their country. That's the reaction of a person who hates their own people. They say they have no malice, but they clearly do. Otherwise they wouldn't care if a Westerner does the same and wouldn't cheer when it happens to a Westerner. They're deranged.
It can be explained by in-group preference. They will ALWAYS side (right or wrong) with members of their tribe, when a dispute happens between one of their tribe and a different tribe.

The best example of this is Leo Frank.
-His wife knew he was guilty
-The Jewish financier who raised $25 million in today's money knew Frank was guilty
-The TWO different private investigation companies determined that Frank was guilty
-Thirteen different appeals agreed that Frank was guilty
-Jews bribed the Governor to commute Franks death sentence
>Ironically enough, Lasker himself plunged into this crusade despite apparently having very mixed personal feelings about the man whose cause he was championing. His later biography reveals that upon his first personal meeting with Frank, he perceived him as “a pervert” and a “disgusting” individual, so much so that he even hoped that after he managed to free Frank, the latter would quickly perish in some accident. Furthermore, in his private correspondence he freely admitted that a large fraction of the massive funding that he and numerous other wealthy Jews from across the country were providing had been spent on perjured testimony and there are also strong hints that he explored bribing various judges. Given these facts, Lasker and Frank’s other major backers were clearly guilty of serious felonies, and could have received lengthy prison terms for their illegal conduct.
The ADL is nothing more than an organized criminal organization that specializes in perjury and defamation. Traitors to the Constitutional order, every last one.
>world-beating vaccine response
What did they mean by this?
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>Germany doesn't have the right to free speech. This person deserves to die because the government or some jew doesn't like him.
When all peaceful methods of social change are effectively criminalized, other methods will ultimately be used.
>That's one thing that America got right from its inception.
They technically can have several different kicks at the can.
-State charges
-Federal charges
-Civil lawsuit

If Chauvin had been acquitted in the State trial over George Floyd, he would have been convicted in the Federal trial. Then he was stabbed in prison by someone who likely had assistance or co-operation from prison employees.
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>The ADL is nothing more than an organized criminal organization that specializes in perjury and defamation. Traitors to the Constitutional order, every last one.
They are effectively a foreign influence organization. Why are they even allowed to operate in the USA?
>to ask the question is to already know the answer.
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Plus warlike genes run deeper than that.
It's interesting how WW2 is so celebrated. For how lame the people comparing Ukraine and Marvel or LOTR are, i don't think they actually grasp how important WW2 is. We're still obsessing over a war that ended almost 80 years ago. A war that defined our present. A war that marked the start of American global hegemony. When European powers were reduced and the US managed to emerge as an obvious major power. It's a mythos. We won the war, we helped saved the world, and 79 years later, this..?

Something is clearly not right. Good won that war. The USSR eventually collapsed as well. We won. The US and the West won. So what the hell happened? This is what winning looks like. 79 years after the end of WW2. We still have 21 years until it was a century ago. I can't speak to other countries, but our education system was clearly infiltrated at some point before the 50s. Almost immediately after WW2 the unraveling is beginning. The seed was planted while we were winning.

It annoys me when people bring up Russian or Chinese bots. No. This shit has been happening since WW2 ended and likely before. This isn't some recent thing.
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>world-beating vaccine response
>What did they mean by this?
Feudian slip.
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I think it's just the shower room. The gas chamber was next to it. You can see blue stains on the well caused by zyklon b.


>Significant doubts are also raised regarding a statement that a chamber in the bathhouse (barracks No. 41), directly adjoining the shower room, called the ‘makeshift’ or ‘experimental’ chamber, was also used for murdering people. The theory that prisoners were gassed here is further disproved by two arguments. The first is the fact that a wooden door connecting the bathhouse with the chamber opened into the chamber which - if people were murdered here - would greatly complicate the execution procedure. The second argument concerns the chamber’s internal arrangement. It had a makeshift finish, irregular shape and adjoined not only the bathhouse, but also two other rooms, and had a total of three doors.

>Proof does, however, exist that this chamber was used for disinfecting clothing using Zyklon B.

Source: https://www.majdanek.eu/en/pow/gas_chambers_at_majdanek/57

Sloppy job anon, but it's probably all bullshit as always. Someone should dig into linkrel.
>Sir? Sir! You can't say that, sir!
>Stop talking about __________, sir!
>It's a threat to our democracy!
>If you draw attention to it one more time, we'll arrest you on trumped up charges of conspiracy to commit acts of violence!
War is peace, freedom is slavery, etc etc.
Ultimately many things we know of are just a lie, winners decide what is history, there is no philosophy to that
>Something is clearly not right. Good won that war.
The only net winners of WW1 and WW2 were the Jews.
-Destroy millions of good men
-Balfour declaration
-Crippling of Germany (which benefitted Rothschild controlled Britain)
-Giving Jews defacto control of Germany (Weimar)
-Giving Jews control of Russia (picrel)

-Destruction of Nazi Germany
-Handing defacto control Germany to Jews
-Killing millions of Germans
-Creation of Israel
-Inculcation of holocaust guilt in western countries

Jews were the main and largest beneficiaries of WW1 and WW2.
truly grim and this simply cannot end without bloodshed on a massive scale. governments have crossed many lines and its merely a question of when not if they are made to pay
>Ultimately many things we know of are just a lie, winners decide what is history, there is no philosophy to that
excellent food for thought. what are the odds indeed
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>But it was to breed out the "warlike" genes from the population
Human nature never changes.
You can't "breed out" warlike genes.
The next phase is right-wing death squads
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This link is gold.

They gazed SS underwear. ahaha
>‘The gas chamber which was located near the bathhouse has indeed recently been dismantled and the equipment removed and even supposedly driven away, but two even larger ones are being built near the laundry because delousing of clothes and underwear is also done using gas’ [APMM, Central Underground Welfare Organization ‘Opus’ (hereinafter ‘Opus’), XII-10, p. 137].

Wooden door #2 enters the chat. It's always about wooden doors
>Significant doubts are also raised regarding a statement that a chamber in the bathhouse (barracks No. 41), directly adjoining the shower room, called the ‘makeshift’ or ‘experimental’ chamber, was also used for murdering people. The theory that prisoners were gassed here is further disproved by two arguments. The first is the fact that a wooden door connecting the bathhouse with the chamber opened into the chamber which - if people were murdered here - would greatly complicate the execution procedure. The second argument concerns the chamber’s internal arrangement. It had a makeshift finish, irregular shape and adjoined not only the bathhouse, but also two other rooms, and had a total of three doors.
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>truly grim and this simply cannot end without bloodshed on a massive scale. governments have crossed many lines and its merely a question of when not if they are made to pay
Most people have some awareness that we are being teed up for WW3.

If we avoid WW3, expect civil wars to break out when the big market crash happens.
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But now other people have been primed and brainwashed to feel that way. I'll exclude anyone not of European origin because they have more solidarity and can join in the us versus them, with the them being white/European descended people. We see this with many crazy liberals and even some conservatives. We even see it with weebs. They have this compassion and yearning for unity with another group, but despise their own. They want their own group to suffer. People who are primed to see anything European as bad. Having mostly or all European ancestry is boring, Karen a meme specifically about a White woman stereotype. Stereotypes for White men. White people are automatically privileged. White people are cowards. White neighborhoods are soft. Laughing at lame White people. If someone harps on this shit constantly, it's not just a joke. And people start believing. Anything European is bad, it carries a negative connotation. Nothing can exist without someone tying it to something negative. It's all negative.

Are there Japanese people acting like this over their imperialism? We have European descended people who can't agree on anything and then a bunch of other groups who can come together as the us when we're the them. We're completely fractured and it's not organic. People act like masochists about it. It's not normal.
I don't need quotes to reinforce my statement, it's just how everything works, from history to sales, even scientific data is rigged 4 the money and funding.
No wonder in sociological circles people talk about post-truth, because apparently you can "sell" any idea to idiots and they won't question it, we are already in 1984 but with different flavor
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>They gazed SS underwear. ahaha
They still manufacture and use Zyklon B. (Uragan D2)

From studying the properties and effects, it would be extremely difficult to use to kill people. HCN has a boiling point of around 25C and takes some time to evaporate from the pellets or discoids it has been absorbed into. Also HCN is lighter than air, so if the ceiling is substantially higher than the people, it would accumulate above their heads.

10ppm is used for most fumigation, and you could safely walk into a room with 10ppm HCN concentration without repiratory protection and spend twenty minutes without permanent injury.
>10ppm is used for most fumigation, and you could safely walk into a room with 10ppm HCN concentration without repiratory protection and spend twenty minutes without permanent injury.
picrel source:
https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-09/documents/tsd6.pdf (page 40 "220")
I forgot to mention the 30 or so years that were a golden age. The boomer times, but things were already unraveling. It's not like the seeds were planted at the end of those great times. Hell they were mostly likely planted before WW2.

On the surface the US is a creepy nationalist state. I remember listening to people act like because they put under god in the pledge of allegiance in the 50s, that it's somehow proof of the US being like a psuedo Nazi Germany. No, if we were, none of this shit would have happened. When i was young i thought we were independent and our own nation serving our own nation and people. It's seems like we're serving something, but not us. It feels and seems more like we're just a cog. Sure great times happen and stuff is pretty great, but eventually we'll just be tossed aside.
People don't even know we're in it. Hell i don't even always feel like we are. We were all expecting it to be exactly like a book or movie. It's not 1:1, but it's very similar. The specifics are just different. Trees vs the forest.
>The US and the West won. So what the hell happened?
World War Two was a war between globalism and nationalism, and globalism won.
European racial based states which bypassed international finance were replaced by globalist jewish organizations such as the IMF and the UN.
The bad guys won.
As for America there is nothing mysterious about it's decline.
America's political system was born of the enlightenment and is and always was liberal in every aspect.
There is nothing conservative or even right-wing about America.
Nothing went wrong.
It was always going to end up this way.
A country based on the enlightenment and liberal documents such as the constitution and the declaration of independence originating from a 18th century universalist view of human nature was always going to become more and more anti-racist, let in jews, worship negroes, open its borders and finally collapse.
It was inevitable because the liberal American political system began that way and was built on sand.
It also why America is so aggressively expansionary.
Since it's birth America has expanded to dominate the Americas and then the world because it's liberal enlightenment world view doesn't respect other cultures and it wants to make everyone the same.
The philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence inevitably leads a few years later to equality laws, mass immigration, and transexual story time for children at the local library
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>No wonder in sociological circles people talk about post-truth, because apparently you can "sell" any idea to idiots and they won't question it, we are already in 1984 but with different flavor
What is your evidence for ANYTHING that happens outside of your immediate perceptual level of awareness? Outside of physical evidence, we have NO CHOICE but to rely on someone's description, and thus are subject to being successfully manipulated, particularly when an organized group is acting in a co-ordinated fashion to push ONE particular narrative. Even moreso when that group controls nearly all of the media, entertainment, news and publishing industries.

Have you ever heard of the "werewolf game" or the "mafia game"? Here's a 59 second video explaining how
>an uninformed majority will always lose to a smaller group with inside information.

Here is another key quote:
>When you have hidden information, you can completely manipulate a large group of people.
this was in my local news media today.
i don't get it
>who's jewing who.jpg
but if true its even worse than we think
>american big pharma uses US govt glowies to pysop india and china and other non western countries about vaxx and fake covid
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>World War Two was a war between globalism and nationalism, and globalism won.
WHO was controlling the globalist side?
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>> On 28 July, two days after MicLiberal posted his 25 tweets, Cologne police filed a criminal complaint against him, and afterwards the Cologne prosecutor’s office brought charges, arguing that MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.”
This is kinda where i was headed. Many of the internal populace of the country is clearly not on the same page. We clearly operate slightly different from how the crown did. Still imperialist, but in a different way.
>but if true its even worse than we think
>>american big pharma uses US govt glowies to pysop india and china and other non western countries about vaxx and fake covid
This was about increasing Pfizer & Moderna's profits, nothing more. All the covid vaccines were deadly, including Sinovac, but if you were crippled or killed by a vaccine, the US government would prefer that it was a Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine.
Anti-white fascism = "Our democracy"
White democracy = "Facism"
Again, an example of somebody making the deadly mistake of presuming. The deadliest mistake a person can make.
Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Cmon bro.
From what i've learned so far in my short life so far, i will take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. I'm never 100% on anything i hear from the media/news. I always make space for that doubt/uncertainty.
Legalized gaslighting.
Based. I say it all the time. The only thing I know for a fact is that I truly know nothing.
>Since it's birth America has expanded to dominate the Americas and then the world because it's liberal enlightenment world view doesn't respect other cultures and it wants to make everyone the same.
You fail to understand that ANY country that becomes a great power will pursue a policy of regional hegemon. It matters NOT whether the country is:
-Relatively free market (USA)
-Relatively command economy (Soviet Union)
-Somewhat free market economically, but one party state (China)
-Militaristic (pre WW2 Japan)
-Prussian Authoritarian (pre WW1 Austria-Hungary)
We can go back to the Roman Empire and Alexander and find repeated examples of the same behavior, once a country becomes a great power.

Pointing out that the USA is somehow uniquely "aggressively expansionary" belies a complete lack of understanding of how major countries perceive themselves in relation to their neighbors. I also belies a lack of any significant understanding of history.

How old are you?
How many books have you read?
>Sure great times happen and stuff is pretty great, but eventually we'll just be tossed aside.
This is what happened to the Dutch Empire when the VOC went ((bankrupt))

And the British Empire when their colonies ((broke free))

And Germany when they tried to get too cocky for their handlers twice. You think the USA is immune or unique? All empires fall, and they always fall to the usual suspects and for the usual reasons. Enjoy it while it lasts, and get in on the next hegemony early.
>Legalized gaslighting.
Actually, it signifies the beginning of the end.
Already exists, with the pharmashill media included.
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>I forgot to mention the 30 or so years that were a golden age. The boomer times, but things were already unraveling. It's not like the seeds were planted at the end of those great times. Hell they were mostly likely planted before WW2.
Almost by definition, the seeds of destruction are planted during seemingly carefree times. The seeds of future prosperity are planted during hard times. Someone should make it a quote.
>Trump exists and says words
>Listen to what he's saying
>Okay, i don't think Trump is legit, but actions speak louder than words
>Listen to his haters
>Wow those are some crazy eords
>Covid happens
>Wow Jesus that's really crazy
>A couple years pass
>Repeat they said
>Get in trouble for words
Trump is just a measuring stick. He's not a savior. He's just a canary in the coal mine. We've seen how crazy shit is. It's like a test or something. I was checked out of politics before 2016, when 2016 happened, it was somewhat funny, but it was also when i realized how ridiculous everything had become and how it's impossible to ignore. It's like tipping the hand. They exposed how completely full of shit they all are. They have motives i'm sure, but good luck trying to find out exactly what those are. They told us without telling us.
>We were all expecting it to be exactly like a book or movie. It's not 1:1, but it's very similar. The specifics are just different.
>Cmon bro.
He's not your "bro" bucko.
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goymany reaping the rewards of its 50% female leaders policy
Severely underrated
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>Germany is strange fucking country

Of course it is. Germans fought a war against jews and lost...and since then Germany has been governed by Jews!!
So, this anon compiled public declarations and posts, and made a list, and that somehow is sufficient to get charged as a criminal using paranoic schizo assumptions as proof. What a time to hate this world.
Lol apparently not. If anon doesn't know about the chimneys then I can only assume they don't know about the swimming pools, shops, medical clinic, or the 6 million missing bodies either.
>insane that the German people are tolerating this
there is no choice, dude. they keep us at peasant levels of just-getting-by, with barely enough money for food and rent and if you step outside the lines they'll take away even that.
did he say anything in addition to listing that stuff?
>no link
>no nothing
>+220 replies
What the fuck /pol/. Why do you believe everything a retard bot is puting up here. Are you all vaxxed or what.

Random pics with people saying something is not archiving.
Damit. (((They))) really won......people are so fucking dumb nowadays
>There ensued nothing but a series of citations
That's on the OP
It's another war against an idea. We're not going to end racism by going around beating the shit out of people for saying some words. It's also always some random person. Like some random 60 year old dude with zero influence in society. Sometimes it's clearly a mentally ill person just saying whatever comes to their mind. They treat a random person saying some words as some massive threat. Some older dude loudly complaining about all the colored people around is a joke to get upset about. Our demographics are shifting. Tons of people who are not White have great jobs, own homes, and are doing better than many White people. Clearly that shit is losing its impact. Or obsessing over something reciting song lyrics "nigga". We're clearly moving away from legitimate racism. We have quotas and tons of shit. People go viral for being assumed to be racists or for saying something racist. They lose their jobs and the internet hates them.

They whine about cops using excessive force. May be ruining someone's life and potentially their innocent family is a little excessive for someone simply saying some racist things. These people want you poor and violent assaulted for shit that's not even that big of a deal. You must suffer because you did a racism. Most of the time they didn't even say nigger. It's unhinged. Then we're supposed to trust these people and believe they're empathetic, lmao. They want power and control and they enjoy it.

A person will shit on cops then get off to fantasizing about inflicting pain on someone for being racist. They'll make excuses for actual violence. It's insane. I'd prefer not to torture anyone, i don't really care what happened, but i understand execution. These people are psychos who larp as moral social justice types. It's fucking creepy.
Always been. The holohoax.
>Do a violent crime that's fucked up
>liberal sjw cuck whines that that person can't vote and has trouble finding a job

>say something racist
>sjw cucks wants you to be assaulted, lose your job, be poor, and never eork again (there must be consequences)
real nice guys lmao
Germany is a long time no more. There is an US occupied territory ruled by jews in a bigger frame of the masonic construct EU. Germans haven't been deciding shit since the WWII.
>Vae victis
Good man, OP. Have a bump
currently one of the longest humiliation rituals of many such global humiliation rituals

mfw try knowing a non priest vatican insider. all organised religion is a joke if you knew some of the things i've heard.
its the same with jews as well.
>claim to be religeous and a follower of dogma
>be the most fucking evil people on the planet
>If anon doesn't know about the chimneys then I can only assume they don't know about the swimming pools,
The Germans drowned thousands of Jews by gluing pennies at the bottom of the swimming pools. That was before the Germans recruited the bears and eagles.
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>What the fuck /pol/. Why do you believe everything a retard bot is puting up here. Are you all vaxxed or what.
Even if it isn't true, it soon will be.
I think that's the cigarette border. Back in the 19th/early to mid 20th century, in chemistry labs, when they worked with cyanide salts, especially the soluble ones, the chemists were advised to smoke cigarettes. Apparently minute concentrations of HCN in the air cause the taste of tobacco smoke to alter significantly. So when their cigarette smokes starts to taste off, they knew that small amounts of HCN was being released and it was time to open windows and seek well ventilated areas.
*The Nazis drowned thousands of Jews by gluing pennies at the bottom of the swimming pools. That was before the Nazis recruited the bears and eagles.
judeo-mutts openly declaring their hate for amalek. Hope you get tortured
Don't you have a base to cry "Ami go hooome" at? Posting on 4channel is not behavior suited of a good goy.
>Apparently minute concentrations of HCN in the air cause the taste of tobacco smoke to alter significantly. So when their cigarette smokes starts to taste off, they knew that small amounts of HCN was being released and it was time to open windows and seek well ventilated areas.
I remember reading about that. The French tried using HCN as a war gas during WW1 (Vincennite VN) and it was a complete failure. The French were testing their gases on dogs, and apparently HCN is much more toxic for dogs than people.

A Brit researcher went into a test chamber with a dog and introduced a battelfield concentration of HCN and the dog died, and he was fine, save for a slight inner ear vertigo when he turned his head suddenly.

The Germans didn't waste any effort on HCN during WW1. Picrel, "The War Gases" by Sartori
Number of days from Hitler taking power to VE day = ~4,492

Number of Jews killed in holocaust = 6,000,000

Assume it started the day he took power,
6,000,000 / 4,492 = ~1,335.7

1,335.7 Jews per day. Keep in mind this is assuming it started the day he took power and this doesn't take into account the non Jew victims.

Now imagine how that number changes when you factor in the actual timeframe, the alleged looney tunes methods, the other victims, and the fact that the war started in September of 1939. How much actual execution was happening?

Also, the tide began to turn in February of 1943 with the Soviets. The allies were at the border in late 44 and the Western allies crossed over in early 45. Berlin fell in the last half of April (ended May 2) Hitler suicided April 30. VE Day is May 8. You also have to consider that they would have started abandoning camps at least once they were invaded. You'd want to run away from that surely, may be also destroy evidence. How much can be done when you're being invaded and supply lines are cut. This shortens the timeline a bit.

How many actually died by execution?
You're unhinged and mad at the wrong people, but i forgive you.
posting on 4channel on the shoobidiedoo is not behavior suited of a good jew either but here you are faggot
hiding behind the red dogma or the blue dogma is irrelevant at this point and you're not fooling anyone because the intents are plainly sociopathy
>He must be a kike for making fun of the German obsession with Americans
Whatever abo, Has could stub his toe and think the US was responsible. No matter what level of cuckoldry Germans devolve to it will never be their fault. Don't even know where you're pulling the "red/blue" line from in any of my posts.
Wow, the holocaust is a crock of shit! Too bad I’d go to jail for thinking that…
3 reptiles
seethe, jude
i'll put it in simpleton mode for you kike dumbass
>picking affiliation for religion A or religion B
you're evidently none of the above but at least your hostility is hilarious what being in a vaxx thread
Careful with that language, your lefty government that is totally because of America and not its cucked lefty people might imprison you for that. I used to feel sorry for you faggots, but the more I interact with Germans the more I realize you deserve being under the yoke of the kikes, a buckbroken people.
Stupid nigger, where did I say anything about religious affiliation? I've just made fun of the goodest goys always blaming Americans. Have the petrol fumes killed the last functional brain cells?
*Check the population numbers for Germany and the surrounding areas they controlled (focus on Germany and slightly East). Germany had a population ~64 million during this time. China during the great leap forward.....~650 million. Russia in the 1910s.....~160 million.

To do that in such a short span of time, you'd have to have such an efficient operation. It's not even possible.

Is it possible something happened, yes. There's no way it was that many though. It's exaggerated. This and the outrageous claims afterwards are evidence that the official narrative is bullshit. That Holocaust ruling where they said that didn't have to prove anything because it obviously happened. Lmao. They lied. And with those lies, i can't really see a reason to fault anyone for thinking it just straight up didn't happen.
>the kike obsesses with niggers
>could be a sign of the terminal decline of america
don't blame your half breeding on me kikel blame your desert nigger grandparents, if you even know them
Western states aren't liberal democracies anymore. We're something like a cross between 1980s Latin America/Korea and the GDR. You have rights until someone with pull decides you don't anymore.
>Calling someone a retarded abo nigger is obsessing with them
It's like I'm interacting with a bot.
what are you even doing on the board dickless?
what happened with observing the shabbazzoonie
I don't even know what you're trying to say. Is this what you do while waiting for your Centrelink check? Does showing people online that you're mentally deficient help pass the time?
>The pot calling the kettle black
Germany is an occupied country with "re-educated" people and a tight gun and mind control. What is your excuse my fellow white from the home of the brave?
Europe is so fucking under the hell.
Now go fight the Russians for Ukraine, you dumb fucks.
>German people are tolerating this.
Would be the best you can expect over here. But they actively supporting it because muuh it comes from the goberment. The idea that Germans are intelligent or high efficient is ridiculous. They are the worst cowards and cattles always looking for a victim to justify their submissiveness under even the worst fascistic regimes. Was no coincidence that the international capital decided to use Germans to conquer Russia.
> “could either form groups or encourage individual members to commit acts of violence.”

So literally what they were collectively doing for 2 years, but we're just supposed to forgive them. But hey, it's only illegal when (you) point out their threats, because you yourself might encourage other individual members to commit acts of violence. They are part of the group getting called out, so now it hits home personally. The only thing that would make this better is if someone could find anti anti-vaxxer remarks from this judge or prosecutors that follow suit to the others.
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>Germany is an occupied country with "re-educated" people and a tight gun and mind control. What is your excuse my fellow white

asks the bong, "What is your excuse my fellow whites",
>again just saying that he approves of german occupation and jewish control
why are you pretending not to be a kike anyways? just to wave you mutilated mohel sucked cock around?
>Carlton Brown
The machine God is a funny guy, ngl
No British woman looks like the blond. Cope, Nigel
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We're all occupied you faggot. I can deny the holocaust all I want in my kiked shithole and live in areas with like-minded individuals. Goymans can't do anything other than impotently seethe about the US because their lefties agree and allow that, anything that would actually make a difference is a thoughtcrime.
Never said I approve of it, your brain is so rotted that you're filling in what you want because lashing out against America is all your neutered ass is allowed to do.
and what about you imbecile?
being that you're the naughty souless jew that moses hates most of all
they only put the dumbest kikes on the internet brigade, and you got tuck on pol duty
your mother must be proud
oy vey why didn't chaim become an investment banker like uncle irvine

POV: You're witnessing how the narrative of WW1 and WW2 made it into history books.
>His career is over and he will never not be made fun of for this

That is giant cope and you know it. He will probably get a promotion for it.
Is accusing me of being JIDF and a kike all you can do? Dumb abo nigger, get new lines.
>likeminded individuals
Oh right because we are all white nazis who never disagree about anything ever
>throws the abbo retort AGAIN
fuck you are a dimwit
do you want the whole bait box?
i bet you're just cleaning up on all those shekels every saturday reporting for muh web duty
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Here's your last (You) faggot, you're boring me now.
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do you need to call out to Marshawn the nigger slave to turn your computer off fatass?
less god smites you down
or did you forget to pay your nigger fees this month like a good american jew
If this case isn't appealed, it sets precedent. Any time a liberal group blocks the highway, just sue and claim they were preventing you from getting to the clinic to get an abortion. It prevented you from exercising your civil rights.
where did all the kikes go?
did they just remember it was saturday all of a sudden
i thought jew cunts were smart or some shit
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this forum is not a history book though, jews will write those after the fact, as usual
jews abused the dog. Big difference
That pic has "False Flag" written all over it.
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>Cologne police filed a criminal complaint against him
Okay so one of the politicians he quoted didn't like it, called his police buddy and then had this guy arrested. And then his friends in the courtroom he plays golf with are throwing the book at him. It's clear as day.
When will retards learn that it's not about the truth or being right or whatever. You just don't insult the king okay?
Insulting the people in charge will get you in trouble. It's been this way throughout history.
You know what they say, if you aim for the king you better not miss. If you miss you just piss him off. This is the king getting pissed off. next time use a bullet not a twitter thread you dumb fucks.
You're a bunch of peasants. I know americans think they're special freedom snowflakes with guns or whatever but Trump did the same thing this twitter retard did and he's now going to hang himself in jail with the cameras turned off. Keep your politically incorrect opinions to fucking selves. If you want change meet up in some basement somewhere and start loading your pistols. Otherwise shut the fuck up you dumb plebs. Reminder you won't do shit. The courts and the cops and the army are all against you. You won't and can't do shit. You're just powerless little bitches in an open air prison. You're allowed guns cause they're not as threatening as you think. Germans have guns. Germans have some guns that you can't even buy in America lmao. It's not about guns. They won't even let you form a likeminded group in public. THat's what they're really afraid of. The guns are toys. Try and put on a uniform and see how quickly a bomb is dropped on your building.
>halfway through 2024
>Germany's population went up by 3.8 million since 2019
I'm tired of all these nothingburgers.
lmao you just don't get it
You don't have rights.
Right are for those with friends and money.
Politicians have rights.
You don't.
You're a peasant. You're no different from the peasants 1000 years ago. You just have better clothes now. But they don't see you as anything but cattle who sometimes get uppity. This sheep insulted someone with friends and money. And because the king was bored and didn't take the insult kindly he's decided off with his head. For the fun of it. Cause you won't do shit.
When was the forecast originally made?
And has it changed over time?
>history becomes illegal
bro we can't even say we live on a Realm lol
As soon as Jews came to power. Made possible through democracy, where money supercedes lineage or divine right. Jews are a very sensitive and weak people who hate criticism because they believe non Jews are beneath them.
Double jeopardy is from English common law. Of course germs don't have it
Very cool
Theres no double jeopardy allowed here. Unless you're thinking of a mistrial or civil vs criminal court
Good summary
>the tactic our rulers increasingly favour to intimidate and harass
before reading this, I was curios and wanted to know more. after reading this, I became certain he is a mouthbreathing retard with an agenda is isnt correctly retelling all facts. Not because these tactics he mentioned arent used by the elites against normal people, but because if he cannot convey information or express himself without revealing so much, he is incompetent and no real help against the powerful, more of a liability, even if he is my enemies enemy.
Has been
actually we could use a comprehensive archive of all the covid bullshit
Might I point you towards other things in German history that are illegal to talk about
Can Deutschland take it's cuntry back I mean WW2 was a while ago now
>because MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people
holy shit..... god fuckin damn this earth
please kill us all
Read John Taylor Gatto. Free online. The problem is the education system. The reason it kicked in hardest after WW2 was that was when the last adults who hadn't been indoctrinated in government schools left positions of power.
I swear to Christ in Heaven that I will avenge his death. All fucking jews must fucking hang. Even if Jesus Christ appeared to me and commanded me to stop, I wouldn't. I will see the sub human, brood parasite, usurper vermin expunged from the fabric of existence. Their only remnants will be the secret military doctrine of erasing all Jewish culture and history from existence. I draw the line at the murder of Jesus Christ. I don't care where you draw the line, but it's obvious to me.
What have you done?

The funny thing is that if you took previous statements and verdicts by the court, and distributed them to like minded individuals, you would be guilty of inciting hatred according to this demented lawsuit. But that is standard operating procedure for jurists, they call it "establishing precedence".
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notice how the whole room has a slant to the middle? It clearly designed so water can gather in the middle where the drain is.
i...uh...i...clenched my fists and pounded my keyboard with incel rage
the country is gone - it's not worth fighting for
what? either way you'll have gay rights, women's rights and nigger rights
both democrats and republicans support them all

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