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Jesus said turn the other che-
>sell your cloak and buy a sword
Based Jesus
>Guys look at this painting that negates our cucking.
You fool nobody.
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>don't jew our own kind, we have a plan!
based rabbi yeshua!
>yes goyim, that thing at the Temple never happened

Btw, the first expelling of this age.
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>We worship a Jew who fought with other Jews over what Judaism teaches, therefore our religion is antisemitic
>Canada flag
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>All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
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look how the butthurt shills come out of the woodwork
to gentiles

Jews are entitled to respond in kind as they're among equals
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>look how the butthurt shills come out of the woodwork
Yes, with petty personal squabbles. Your enemies do not matter. But God's enemies do. Capiche? It's not hard to understand. It's hard to differentiate which one is which, but the basic concept should not escape you.
Someone explain Paul to me. I see a lot of controversy surrounding him, especially here. Some people say kikes love paul and even used him to socially engineer roman gentiles, others say they hate paul because he preached their religion to gentiles when it was supposed to be exclusive to them, etc. Reading the bible rn, it's a long book, thinking about skipping over most of the OT.
Anyone who abandons the Gods of their ancestors is doomed for destruction. This is common sense. Christ and Allah are fabrications of the jews, to destroy the cultures of their enemies. I guess it worked. Shame
Proof that Jewsus is a liar
Paul took one for the team and inspired gentiles to fuck off to Rome
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Wow, you jew kang flipped a table. Big fucking deal.
We all know what you jew worshipping faggots are off /pol/.
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Jesus was claimed to have said a lot of shit
small portion was cool
but 95% was bullshit
That answered every question I could have had, thank you anon.
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>destroy the cultures of their enemies
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it appears that Christians are allowed unfettered violence against jews as long as they're caught actively engaging in profane kikery

Which obviously presents no challenge or difficulty to qualify
Jesus warned everyone about the jews in Matthew.
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

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Jesus Condemns the Jewish Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law of Moses
Simple as.
Jesus warned you about the jews.
All you had to do was listen.
If you are circumcized, stop making fun of the jews. You are one.
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>Jesus said turn the other che-

Yes. Meaning spread the cheeks and bend over.

LGBT flag = Jewish flag, jew rats that live in host nations and autonomic Jewish area in east Russia, same flag
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What's funny is that Gnosticism is legit anti semetic. They outright call the jew god evil and even Nazism was inspired by gnostics via the theosophist belief in Polarians who were the original race that Hitler based the Aryans off of.
It's funny because gnostic is also the one christcuck denomination that every other christard hates when it both opposed yhyw & inspired the nazi movement..
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White people have forgotten who they are. They are the Adamic race (descendants of Adam, the White race).
Modern (((jews))) are descended from Edomites, and are larping as Israelites. It's the biggest case of stolen identity ever.

100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

>To quote another based anon here, "The Bible is the most antisemitic, hard-core redpill against the "jews" ever written. Whites are the true Biblical Israelites. The Edomite kikes, (part from Esau, part fallen angel races) stole our identity as the true chosen people."

The Israelites back then were Adamite Whites (the good guys). The bad guys came about by: Eve has a son by a non-White father (a branch on the tree of knowledge of good and evil) -> Cain -> Cain+Nephilim (offspring of fallen angels, non-Whites) -> Kennites -> Cannanites + Esau (Jacob's brother, race-mixed with bad-seed races) -> Edomites (Idumeans, kikes posing as Israelite tribe of Judah) -> Pharisees (full-on evil seed, they kill Christ) -> today's jews (same bad guys).
David and thus Jesus were also from the tribe of Ephraim, and the latter had gentile blood in him.
Picrel: From "Who Is Esau-Edom?", Charles A. Weisman, 2022:
>>God’s hatred of Edom is not a temporary thing but is perpetual. The doctrine that God loves everyone does not stand up in light of what the Bible has to say regarding God’s merciless position towards the race of people called Edom. Although the churches have tried to alter God’s true nature, we find that throughout the Bible God’s position towards Esau-Edom does not change:
>> -- Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue or the heathen, and against all Idumea...(Ezk 36:5)
>> -- Shall I not in that day, says the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and the understanding out of the mount of Esau?(Ob 1:8)
>> -- Thus says the Lord GOD; Behold, O mount Seir, I am against you, and will stretch out My hand against you.(Ezk 35:3)
>>There is not one favorable or positive statement in the Bible in relation to Esau-Edom. But how does this adverse relationship which God has towards Esau-Edom help us to identify who this character is in the world today? To help us answer this we have to put ourselves into the role which Esau has been assigned in God’s Script. If God hated you and your ancestors how would you react and what would you do? By natural reaction you would be against God and His people, and try to prevent them from finding out you are Esau, the one God is against, knowing that if God is against something, so will His followers.
>>Who is it that tries to conceal their identify as Edom, the one hated by God, by claiming to be Israel, the one loved by God? Only one group of people reacts as though God has a hatred for them – that is the Jews.
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>>Why do you suppose the Jews form organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League, to monitor and combat ”hate” and to identify ”hate groups?” Would not Esau want to do this? Why is it that it is predominately Jews who promote the ”anti-hate laws” and other ”hate-crime” legislation? If you were Esau-Edom would you not do the same? An Edomite would also want to infiltrate churches and seminaries to get God’s people to believe that there is no God of hate, only a God of love and mercy. The Jews have done just that in Christendom.
>>The Edomite Jews of today are the main ones who are concerned about hate, and with good reason. They are desperately trying to suppress all hate, even any acts or words that could be construed as causing ”mental anguish.” In response to their role as being the ”people against whom the LORD has indignation for ever,” the Jews have made the concept of hate a taboo. The Jew Elie Wiesel stated on Public Television that ”Even hate of hate is dangerous.” This is an example of how paranoid the Edomite Jews are regarding God’s hatred of them, and the lengths they will go to eliminate from the mind’s of God’s people any aspect of the idea of hate.
>>Yes, God hates and has indignation for the Edomite Jews, and if any dare take God’s side on this matter, they will be met with great opposition and persecution from those who believe the Edomite Jews are God’s chosen people.
>the first expelling of this age.

incorrect, rome expelled them in 139 BC
Sorry but the Edomite theory comes from the Jewish Encyclopedia and isn't backed up by Scripture or secular history.
>You are of your father, the devil
>The lusts of your father you will do
>The jews are the enemies of all men
>Synagogue of satan (2X)
And thats how you know the Bible is true.
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globohomo jews hate israel, that's how you know globohomo is true.
>isn't backed up by Scripture or secular history.
AHEM. Herod was an edomite and so was the Herodian dynasty. Also:

>Around 110 BCE, Hasmonean leader John Hyrcanus I conquered Idumaea. According to several ancient sources, including Josephus and Ptolemy, he forcibly converted them to Judaism,[59] and incorporated them into the Jewish nation:[60][43]
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This is who (((they))) are:
Jews are identity thieves who pretend to be White Israelites, but are the children of evil.
Matthew 13:37-43
>37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. 40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.

The wheat are the descendants of Adam, the "Tree of life". Trees are a metaphor for families. The race of Adam are the ancient Israelites and modern White Europeans.The tares are the "Tree of the knowledge of good and evil", the evil race, modern Jews.

Jesus Speaks #1: The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
>globohomo jews hate israel
No they dont. They are doing their own part to fulfil their bizarre kike prophecies or do satans work. Or they are lying for political gain.
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I'm Anglo-Saxon and French (Norman). Christ is the God of my ancestors.
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We are dealing with a case of identity theft. The Pharisees and teachers of the law during the time of Christ contained (((edomite kikes))) (Idumeans) who where never of the house of Israel, but managed to weasel themselves into the society and hide, and then work themselves into power. Sound familiar with today? They hide behind the confusion of this terminology, claiming they are the people of God, but that is completely backwards. The people of Europe are the true house of Israel, and the (((Edomites))) occupying our ancestral homeland of Israel are demonic imposters, the enemy.

Who is (((Esau-Edom))):
>Obadiah 1:18
>6 But how Esau will be ransacked, his hidden treasures pillaged!
>8 “In that day,” declares the Lord, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding in the mountains of Esau?
>10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever.
>15 “The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.
>17 But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance.
>18 Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble, and they will set him on fire and destroy him. There will be no survivors from Esau.” The Lord has spoken.

There will be no survivors from (((Esau)))

Gog and Magog: Immigration, Invasion, or Both?
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Amen brother!
Jesus never said anything.
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Jewsus was a jew. No amount of cope can change that fact.
I know you are ashamed of your jew god, but I didn't force you to go to church when you were a kid.

>Some scholars dispute the claim of forced conversions and believe that the Idumeans voluntarily assimilated into Judean society. Forced conversions were rare in Near Eastern and Hellenistic societies, with some Idumeans retaining their native identity. Others contributed to religious innovations that were adopted in Pharisaical Judaism.

Edomites were a canaanite tribe mixed with Esau. Now what does the OT say about this? Exodus 32-33
>Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.
>They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.

Deuteronomy 20:18
>That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the Lord your God.
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>And thats how you know the Bible is true.
I don't care about your jewish words. I judge you as a whole by your actions.
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Someone bake a 90's nostalgia thread these antichrist threads are boring and disproven now.
>Fake church
>Bible says homosexuality is an abomination
Whats your point?
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>Bible says homosexuality is an abomination
I don't care about your jew words. I judge you as a whole by your actions.
>Repeating yourself
>Actions of a fake church manipulated by jews and their propaganda.
Weak post, but I agree then, I guess
Weak post for a weak religion.
Out of the top 100 churches in the US, not one is LGBT affirming.
You're being dishonest.
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In Jewsus' name, amen.
oh well I tried to help you turn to the light.
Have a blessed evening, anon.
How do you judge sodomites
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You have it wrong, I'm trying to help you.
You can worship a jew all you want, but nobody fears or respects you for a reason. From them outside looking in, we see faggots, cucks, wimps, jew cock sucking, somebody else die for Israel for us, etc etc. You don't stand by your own beliefs and by allowing the "not real christgolems" do these fag things in YOUR name and you do nothing about it, makes YOU just as guilty/
Look, nobody cares to sort out 45,000 denominations of you cucks.
Also, having to spam christcuck recruitment threads on /pol/ like you do with highway billboards makes you look pathetic. No other religion has to do what you christgolems do.
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>How do you judge sodomites
By making them decorate your god's house in your name.
None of that is Christian.
>Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
>Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
>Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
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>None of that is Christian.
Your bible words are meaningless. I judge you by your actions.
>based rabbi yeshua
Jesus was not a rabbi. It is so important for you kike puppets to lie about this for some reason.
"Rabbi" meant "my master/teacher" in Jesus' day
It was not a title or occupation or profession until around 70 AD,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ergo Jesus was not a rabbi even if someone called him that
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

No pharisee would ever say "Jesus is a rabbi" because that would make no sense and insult themselves. If someone addressed Jesus as "rabbi" it was merely calling him teacher-master. If you feel that makes him a rabbi, then you are a rabbi according to your own use of the word bc you are trying to teach people right now.
>Sherira's statement shows clearly that at the time of Jesus there were no titles; and Grätz ("Gesch." iv. 431), therefore, regards as anachronisms the title "Rabbi" as given in the gospels to John the Baptist and Jesus
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>We worship a Jew

Calling Jesus a "jew" is not an historically accurate statement
The word "jew" didn't exist in the days of Jesus. It was invented many centuries later
'jew' does not mean Judean. They are separate words
Peer review research paper from an .org university website:
>"The article demonstrates that this thesis is supported by Josephus and also by archaeological evidence. From the perspective of this thesis, the article contends that the term "Jew" does not apply to Galileans. First-century Galileans should rather be understood as "ethnic Judeans".
Jesus was a Judean from Galilee thus it's historically wrong to label him the so called made up word "jew"
A "jew" would be some sort of separate group if it did exist during Jesus' day. The closest best approximation would be a proponent of pharisee-ism or pre-talmudism. Obviously Jesus was neither

Moreover, no religion worships the temporary forms of their deity anyway
Do odinists worship an eagle according to their lore because odin lore says he temporarily became an eagle? NOPE
In the EXACT same way Christians don't worship the temporary forms of God (except we base that off historical accounts, not "lore")
Christians therefore don't worship a burning bush, a thunderous cloud, a spiritual moving rock, a fiery cloud or allegedly a "jew"
It's such basic, simple, undeniable logic yet you screech, recoil in pain, kvetch, rage, foam at the mouth in denial of this logic:

Christians do not worship a "jew".

and stick it in your ass as the beast system is built around you goy.
jews hate christ, kike.
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>Let me tell you about 2,000 years of jew history to prove I don't worship jews.
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You're not, though.
You're being dishonest and deceptive.
You're spamming pictures of alleged churches with LGBT flags.
The Bible strictly forbids LGBT behavior, Christianity has forbid LGBT behavior since the beginning, and the vast majority of modern churches still condemn it.
The "churches" that do "affirm" LGBT are often universalist methodist churches that preach Jesus isn't God, Jesus isn't the only way.
In other words, they preach that there are multiple gods and true religions that lead to Heaven.
That is by definition paganism.
There's nothing Christian about LGBT affirming "churches."
Can I post pic related, two pagan faggots, and claim that norse paganism is LGBT? No, I can't. That's dishonest.
The fact you're so comfortable being dishonest and deceptive says a lot about you. That's why I said I'm trying to bring you to the light. You're currently living in darkness, friend.
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>Jew hate when you enable, protect, and fund them.
This kike has been banned for posting CP before and jannies nuked every post it made in a thread.
It's using a VPN out of Ireland, probably an expensive one funded from tel aviv since it inevitably gets permabanned so much
Remember, when you see anti-Christ posts on /pol/ this is the type of totally insane jewish scum that is behind it
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Again you're being dishonest.
Jesus didn't say "it is as you say," He said "you say."
He rejected the title.
Read the verse right after that one:
John 18:36
>Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
That's the last pearl I'll cast before you, swine.
>Do the opposite of what the Bible says
>Be Christian
Pick one though and address what I said in my last post. This is the last (you) I feed (((you))).
>Jesus was a jew.
Literallly wrong
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Christianity is the white man's religion. Circumcision is our tradition and we need to reclaim it.
that anon is simply a kike shill, don't waste your words on him.
He knows he's lying, he doesn't care.
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Was Jesus circumcised? Yes?
Then Jesus was a jew.
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I'll just judge you by your actions.
Oh, here's another "not real church". hahhahaa
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>>471196111 [uses false translation, the greek does not contain word "is"]
>>471196093 [uses false translation, the greek does not contain word "is"]
>cannot refute even a single word
I accept your concession

Jesus was not a "jewish" rabbi and Jesus refused the title "King of the jews"
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the rainbow in Christianity symbolizes God's covenant with man.
I'm not even a Roman Catholic but even Pope Francis has been making headlines for calling LGBT "faggots" lately.
anon you're spending your Friday night being a kike online, you're clearly unhinged and evil.
You can't be happy with your current life situation to stoop so low
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So much shame in your denial.
Yes, he indeed say to turn the other check, and give your last piece of cloth. Unless you start to reject his cuckold ways, then he will flip tables.
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>Then Jesus was a jew.
Literally wrong. See >>471196047

I'm correcting his lies so other anons aren't deceived. Of course he's a kike or kike puppet who cannot accept truth no matter what.
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Way to set the example. Way to demonstrate your jew god's power.
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>can't refute even a single word
I accept your concession
Jesus was not "jewish" and not a rabbi and he refused the title "King of the jews"

Post jewish crimes or else you're a confirmed kike
I'll start...
nobody is being deceived by him. He's kvetching too hard. Any anons who see this thread will see a schizo kike slandering Christ and think
>wow, what a kike.
shills like him have been doing this more and more lately and the board only gets more and more Christian as a result.
It turns out that being evil and dishonest doesn't get people to join your cause
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Nigga the Bible literally tells you from which Jew Jesus was descendent from
I will never ever NEVER EVER worship your jewish God. I just wont.
You've never read the NT, have you, moshe?
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>doesn't understand greek grammar
>the Temple
What temple was it?
>still can't refute even a single word I say
I accept your concession

Jesus was not "jewish" he was not a rabbi and he refused the title "King of the jews"
>Synagogue of satan
When gas there ever been a good synagogue? When has there ever been a synagogue where babies aren't cut up for blood sacrifices? It never existed
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>We're not faggots, this book written by jews says it's not, except we don't follow it.
The fruits of Christianity, specifically Catholicism, are Western civilisation, you absolute retard
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Again with your bullshit
That was a figure of speech, retard. Jesus was telling his followers to prepare to be persecuted after he died. God only wanted Jews to kill people. Jesus told people to endure and wait for their reward in the afterlife.
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How did Western Civilization exist before this Jewish filth?
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>I-I accept your consession
You worship a jew. lol Don't be ashamed, own it. I hear he wore a dress too. lol, faggots.
Such cope

He worshipped at synagogues and preached from the old testament you retarded tiktog nigger
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You are the enemy of the white race
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>Nigga the Bible literally tells you from which Jew Jesus was descended from
David was not a "jew" pic related
You have been mentally poisoned by kikes. They love it.
>I will never ever NEVER EVER worship your jewish God
Who? This one you call your God who I worship is not "jewish"
Your God does not require worship anyway.
Nowhere in the Old Testament is there a command to worship him
Don't want to worship him? Fine. No punishment.
But you do have to follow his laws.
>I just wont.
You will be
Y'know you capitalize names, right? It's so strange for you to use the name of one of the holiest men in your religion as an insulting accusation. Shouldn't it be a compliment? To say someone is like a holy man seems positive
retarded take

the house of Isreal is Samaria and the house of Yudah is Zion/Iudea.
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t. satankike
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Pretty sure Western Civilization was built by Whites.
But, I'm sure you're going to cite a comparable non-White civilization any second now to prove me wrong. lol
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>can't refute even a single word
I accept your concession
Now post jewish crimes. No reason not to unless you're a kike.

This is your last chance.
No, no, see cutting up week old baby dicks, Passover and Hanukah are Aryan traditions. Jewsus was totally not a Jew
>pic related
That still doesn't say what you're trying to say it does. You've clearly never read past the first sentence and hope no one else does either

goyim means nations retard, as in Israel, the ten nations.
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>can't refute even a single word I say
I accept your concession

Jesus was not "jewish", he was not a rabbi and he refused the title "King of the jews"

See >>471196047
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You still can't explain why you allow faggots to parade around in your jew god's name. lol So until then, eat shit, jew worshipper.
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>"H-he wasn't a Jew! He was an Lacto-ovo-low-fat-Jew!!!"
A jew is a jew no matter how much they trie to hide.

>Who? This one you call your God who I worship is not "jewish"
You literally worship the God of the Jews, the one that created the world in 7 days according to the Hebrew Bible.

I will never worship the sky jew.
Well, if anyone can read hebrew, it's a christjew.
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No way, man, before our ancestors started worshipping Jews they were all savages naked in the forest chasing pigs. >>471197245
>Jesus was not "jewish",
He cut up baby dicks, he taught Torah and the Jew prophets, he observed all of the Jewish holidays. To me that's a Jew but somehow in your retarded mind it isn't
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They are so retarded. No wonder desert manual tells them to target the stupid and poor.
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Bible quotes are meaningless if you don't even stand by them. Don't know why you even bother citing your jew masters.
>That still doesn't say what you're trying to say it does. You've clearly never read past the first sentence and hope no one else does either
lol this lie again from the usual kikeflag

It says it's wrong to call an Israelite/Hebrew a jew, and then the rest of the page explains why Hebrew and Israelite have overlap sometimes.
Same way it's wrong to call a mutt an Englishman
Israelites/Hebrews are not the same group as "jews"
It's not hard to understand

If you think someone that is 90% a different race is the "same group" you are either a race traitor, a nigger, or a kike

Which one are you?
Where did you go, French faggot? You forgot to answer. >>471197156
>A jew is a jew no matter how much they trie to hide.
Neat. Jesus was not a jew see >>471197087 and >>471196047
and try to stop lying like a kike okay?
>You literally worship the God of the Jews
Wrong see >>471197087 and >>471196047
and try to stop lying like a kike okay?
>I will never worship the sky jew.
Good for you. Neither do I.

Try to actually refute a single thing I say next time instead of mindlessly repeating your script like a kike okay?
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>Everybody knows White people came from the Middle East.
Look at this cope.
are you genuinely retarded?
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>Good for you. Neither do I.
But you worship jewsus. So you do. Hey don't forget to bless Israel, jew worshipper. lol
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>can't refute even a single word I say
I accept your concession

You refused to post jewish crimes a 3rd time
You are a confirmed kike
Not because you refuse worship Jesus, but because you refuse to post crimes against your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse worship Jesus, but because you refuse to post crimes against your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
>It says it's wrong to call an Israelite/Hebrew a jew
Yes, because in their original contexts they were used to refer to this group. But all three are words for the same group. Try reading past the first sentence retard
>Israelites/Hebrews are not the same group as "jews"
Yes, they are you lying piece of shit. Then who are they? I know you're going to say "Europeans", it is why this "Jews aren't the real Israelites" bullshit is pushed so you can push the slander that Europeans are actually Jews
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What confused you?
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
>anyone who doesn't worship a Jew must be one
Kill yourself
>used to refer to this group different ways
Fuck, I'm typing too fast
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Why are you so afraid?
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You worship jews. That's why nobody fears or respects you.
>pushed so you can push the slander that Europeans are actually Jews
Christjews are basically wiggers.
>Yes, because in their original contexts they were used to refer to this group
What does this pilpul even mean? Which is "this" group? There are THREE groups, two existed at the same time and the 3rd didn't. There is no "original context" that connects the first 2 with the 3rd
The Israelites were long gone before "jews" existed.
The word "jew" didn't even exist until 1500 years later.
>But all three are words for the same group
No, it says the opposite. It literally says hebrews may not have been jews at all, which is kike pilpul for saying of course they weren't jews
>Try reading past the first sentence retard
You didn't mention anything past the 1st sentence
>Then who are they?
Kikes are turk mutts with european admixture. How stupid are you Schlomo? You don't even know your own race haha!!

>>Israelites/Hebrews are not the same group as "jews"
>Yes, they are you lying piece of shit
If you think someone that is 90% a different race is the "same group" you are either a race traitor, a nigger, or a kike
Which one are you?

Answer the question. If you dodge this question a 3rd time it is your admission you are a kike
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This exists because christcucks accept it.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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>2,000 years of jew history
>Not a jew worshipper
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You can't refute this exists in your religion. Calling me a jew is all you got.
You're not going to try and suck my cock, are you?
>>anyone who doesn't worship a Jew must be one
>Kill yourself
I literally proved that is not the reason I concluded he is a kike you lying little rat

>>used to refer to this group different ways
>Fuck, I'm typing too fast
That makes less sense than your original nonsense/lies
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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>No no no STOP posting our pride flags in our churches. Talk about something else.
Why don't you want me posting your religious actions?
>Which is "this" group?
Jews, Hebrew, Israelites, all the same shit
>There are THREE groups
No, they're three ways to refer to one group. You fucking retard
>think someone that is 90% a different race is the "same group"
What the fuck are you talking about? Jews today are the same as they were millenia ago when they were "Israelites".
Oh no, looks like this Jew worshipper is broken
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>You're not going to try and suck my cock, are you?
As with all vile kikes, this kike cannot stop thinking of the goyim sucking its little deformed penis. It's a power fantasy.
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Here's some more christfags.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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I just mean, since you've accepted faggots into your religion.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat
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Christcuckery, the religion of jew worshippers and faggots.
>this Jew worshipper
Wrong see >>471196047
and stop ling you vile rat
what do you think of other religions? /we/ know your assgole is gaped for chriatians, but what of other religions?
trying to see where you stand....you know, for fun.
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Hey, we found one! Got anything planned this weekend, Carlos?
A fucking leaf... every time its either a leaf chink or a memeflag severrat
>that pic
>even doe christian Europe conquered/colonized pretty much the entire world
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Other religions don't have to spam recruitment threads. That's the only "good" thing I have to say about the other religions.
Oh and muzzys don't have pride flags in their sandnigger churches or make excuses.
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well at least we know youre indeed retarded. so theres that. see? told (you) this could be fun.
Right, we've established you push all sorts of lies to justify worshipping a Jew. It's still a fact that you worship a baby dick cutting Jew.
Fuck off newfag
That's not what it says. Read it again. Besides, White people sailed the world, It wasn't christgolem niggers, was it? Let's state the obvious common denominator for all of these wonderous things christjews like to claim credit for.
Whoa, you got me. You study sandnigger religions way more than me. Congrats.
>Jews, Hebrew, Israelites, all the same shit
Why do you lie?
It says you can't call an Israelite a "jew" or call "jew" an israelite
Thus, you cannot call the pharisees Israelites in your mind.
The meme says it's wrong to cal one the other. If they're the same then that would not be true.
>No, they're three ways to refer to one group. You fucking retard
Why do you lie?
The first group (hebrews/israelites ie same group) are over 1000 years apart from 2nd group (jews)
>What the fuck are you talking about? Jews today are the same as they were millenia ago when they were "Israelites".
Can't you read the meme you absolute retard?
There were no Israelites 1000 years ago.
It says it's wrong to call one the other.
If you call a pharisee a "jew" you can't call him an Israelite. Are you really so stupid you don't comprehend that??
Try to actually read the first sentence.
>If you think someone that is 90% a different race is the "same group" you are either a race traitor, a nigger, or a kike
Which one are you?
>Answer the question. If you dodge this question a 3rd time it is your admission you are a kike
You pilled around the question instead of answering it, of course
It was a generic yes no question. You resopnded with neither, so you dodged it.

You admit you are a kike
Oh it happened for sure. The circumcised Rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera of Israel DID get so fucking mad that his favorite jewish holiday Passover (a Jewish celebration of the Jewish god killing non-jewish babies for the crime of not being jews) wasn't being respected enough in his favorite jewish temple that he 100% did maul thousands of people with a deadly weapon. And then when he was put to death for it, it was "I AINT DU NUFFIN" as the white man stabbed the Orthodox Jew for the last time
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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>You admit you are a kike
all is forgiven
just try and be smarter next time and stay off of youtube. itll only make you slower than you are now.
off to bed now (kisses)
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You are a confirmed jew worshipper.

Not because you're low IQ, but because you refuse to stop sucking jew dicks.

You are a faggot, a liar, and a golem.
>another mindless paid shill kike puppet posts it's NPC script

>Right, we've established you push all sorts of lies
You haven't refuted even a single thing I say. You just come up with more of your kike nonsense

>to justify worshipping a Jew
Who? I don't worhsip a jew. There's this whole post about it here >>471196047 and not a single one of you kikes in this thread has been able to refute a single word of it.
It's really pathetic watching you seethe. This is fun for me. I love exposing you.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe.

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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Good night, jew worshipper. Long day of hanging pride flags in you jew god's house in the morning.
>God is a hypocrite
>that means you're bad
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>and a golem.
You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
>posts it's NPC script
>spams the same posts in every Christcuck thread because his spic brain can't think of anything new
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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I'm not picking apart this bullshit, it's way late night at and I should be asleep
Simple question: is cutting up baby dicks evil?
>I don't worhsip a jew
What would you call a man who was ritually mutilated at 8 days old, who taught Torah and the Jew prophets in synagogues, and observed Passover and the other Jew holidays in Jewrusalem? Because most people would say that's a Jew but you seem to think otherwise
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>cant refute even a single word I've said ITT
I love it
>can't think of anything new
Why would I have to come up with "new" versions of uncontested truth?
That is some talmud logic you got there.
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Oh is this the beaner? Figures.
Is knifing up babies an act of evil?
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Christjews accepted faggots into their christgolem schools too.
Where's the lie?
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>I'm not picking apart this
lol, I noticed

>What would you call a man who was ritually mutilated
Circumcision isn't mutilation. It's a medical procedure that produces a health benefit and women prefer it. Try to stop lying.
>who taught
I would call a man who teaches a "teacher" you silly kike
>and the Jew prophets
They weren't "jew prophets" see >>471196047 and try to stop lying
>in synagogues
That is a greek word meaning "assembly"
All the Greek philosophers taught in synagogues.
>and observed Passover
An Israelite celebration
>and the other Jew holidays in Jewrusalem
Not a "jew" holiday see >>471196047 and try to stop lying
>Because most people would say
An appeal to popular opinion isn't an argument you dumb kike
>a Jew but you seem to think otherwise
The historical evidence proves otherwise see >>471196047 and try to stop lying for once

>the kike has been mind broken and now just randomly spams
lol I broke another one
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>Is knifing up babies an act of evil?
Not if it provides medical benefit.
What kind of stupid question is that?

>christgolem schools
>the kike can't stop saying it's favorite word
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Why can't a single christjew refute the pride flags?
Oh, shit, you're the Jew worshipper who defends cutting up baby dicks. I couldn't tell. You're fucking evil
>women prefer it.
Yeah, that's a lie. No woman has ever said "I don't like this natural penis, I wish had a huge scar and nasty dried out head that makes sex painful".
>An Israelite celebration
Yes. And "Israelite" and "Jew" mean the same thing.
>Not if it provides medical benefit
Well, good thing there is no benefit to knifing up babies for fun. It is explicitly done to cause pain and to make sex painful for both parties.
He's too busy defending cutting up babies. Such a holy ritual cutting up baby dicks. Nothing more holy than taking out your baby cutting knife and cutting a baby dick
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He's a coward. Typical christcuck.
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>Nothing more holy than taking out your baby cutting knife and cutting a baby dick
They'll literally do anything a jew tells them to do.
>Oh is this the beaner?
100%. He desperately wants to be white and worshiping the same god as white people is as close as we can get. He attacks anyone and who doesn't worship his favorite rabbi and calls them Jewish.
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>you're the Jew worshipper
No, you lying kike, see >>471196047
>>women prefer it.
>Yeah, that's a lie.
Wrong again you lying kike
>Women indicated a slight preference for circumcised penises for vaginal intercourse and fellatio, and held more positive beliefs about circumcised penises
The "slight preference" was 68%, ergo 2:1
It was canada which has a low prevalence of circumcision.
So you can't pretend it's just preference for what is normal.
There are no jews in the list of study authors
>Yes. And "Israelite" and "Jew" mean the same thing.
Wrong again you lying kike
It's incorrect to call a "jew" an Israelite/Hebrew. The meme you deny blatantly said this.
Thus if you call a pharisee a "jew" you cannot call it an "israelite"
They can't mean the same thing if you can't call the same person both.

You lose again, kike rat liar, as always.

>Well, good thing there is no benefit to knifing up babies for fun.
Sure? What an odd thing to say.
>It is explicitly done to cause pain and to make sex painful for both parties.
What is? It is well proven that circumcision reduces bacterial growth
I have no idea what you are coping about you kike rat liar

You're probably just mind broken like your kike friend I broke
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Nobody told him he follows the religion of shitskins?
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Except they literally do buy swords and He says "it is enough." They later are shown to have the swords.
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>He attacks anyone
>and calls them Jewish
I haven't called you jewish you rat liar kike puppet
Why do you anti-Christ kike puppet slaves always have to lie?
Why do you care nothing for truth?
>his favorite rabbi
Jesus wasn't a rabbi you kike puppet slave liar
See >>471196006

Try to stop lying okay?
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He's still seething. lol
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>I didn't called you a jew you fucking kike
Holy shit turbo keks lmao.
>defends cutting up baby dicks
>accuses anyone who doesn't worship a Jew of being what he worships
You belong in an asylum or a mass grave
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>a mass grave
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>kike repeats the PROVEN lie that I call everyone a kike if they refuse to worship Jesus
Get new material Schlomo
and as always...
>can't refute even a single word I say
I accept your concession

Now run away, scared little kike boy
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I love how the mind broken kike in this thread stopped replying to me yet reads everything I write. Such cope. So rent free.

I broke it.
Why westernes always paint jesus as white european?! He was jewish from palestine, most probably rabi. What wrong with you?!
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Is this the script you paste when you lose? LOL
Oh well, better luck next time, shitskin.
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>a (((mass grave)))
Reply to what? You don't have anything to say but crying and excuses.
What am I looking at and why does it look ancient?
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>What am I looking at and why does it look ancient?
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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>What am I looking at
>and why
>does it look ancient?
Ok. :shrug: I guess I don't get it.
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>I don't get it.
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>complains he doesn't get attention
>pastes script
Look like I broke you instead, christcoward. Better luck next time, shitskin.
That explains nothing.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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Look at how happy they are seeing a fellow kike get stomped. They know they can take vids and use the situation to cry victimhood

These kikes infesting this thread are such rats
You worship a jew.
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You both need a doctor.
>>471191306 Oh, I see. The mutt is missing the point again. Oh say, can you see?
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I don't get it.
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
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Are you gonna DOOS VAULT?
You worship a jew.
Turning the other cheek only makes sense from a position of power. Peacefulness is simply weakness if you have no capacity for violence.
There's a reason nobody fears or respects them.
What hes saying is you need to get punched two times so you know you are being attacked and can defend yourself
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You are a confirmed kike

Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a kike, a liar, a rat.
>You worship a jew.
Wrong. See >>471196047 you lying rat kike
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>Source: An article
>John 4:22
>Can't refute
>still seething
You worship a jew.
Good night jew worshipper. Was fun owning you. Easy.
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>>Source: An article
It is a peer review research paper by a university you lying little kike rat
>Good night
Run away kike
>jew worshipper
Christians do not worship a "jew" see >>471196047
You have not refuted even a single word of it
>Was fun owning you.
LOL total delusion. See above
As always...
You are a confirmed kike
Not because you refuse to worship Jesus, but because you REFUSE to post crimes committed by your tribe, AND because you say your favorite kike word ;)

You are a proven kike, a liar, a rat.
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>>John 4:22
>>Can't refute
lol more kike delusions
>Literal Emphasis Translation
>You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know; because salvation is from out of the Jews.
He is saying salvation is out of them, as in it's no longer there.
If you come from out of a boat you are no longer in a boat huh?
Or when Jesus came from out of the tomb when he rose.
Same thing.

Moron kike
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>The Great Aryan Awakening
Drop dead, retard.
Christ is King

KJB is the infallible word of God

Revelation Signs in The Heavens

Jesus Christ
I see kike shills out in full force, anytime they try the tired old Jesus is a jew trope just refer them to what Jesus said to the centurion who had faith. Their roman oppressors will even be in heaven with abraham while the jews are tossed out in the dark. He taught so many parables about the perfidious jews calling them traitorous vineyard servants, absent and disloyal wedding guests, the blind leading the blind, etc. He had very little nice things to say about kikes. Actually if any shills could point me to when he ever said something actually nice about jews Id like to know, inb4 salvation came from the jews thats just who God gave his laws to and where Jesus came from, and he rebuked u still for not following the law and also denying him. In fact said you kikes denial of him proves u are of your father the devil. I cant think of a single quote where Jesus actually said something nice about jews how odd.
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Christ is King
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
pol christlarpers prob don't even know why rabbi yeshua was angry on that jew holy day at the jew high temple of jewrusalem
>oi vey you have to tell us your belief before you can criticize my jewish one
>contradictory statements written by multiple authors, not to mention forgeries and fixes made centuries after
no shit, the desert jew fairytale can make you believe whatever it wants you to believe
>If you kill your enemies you lose
Damn, didn't know Jesus was Canadian
He also turned little boy cheeks
Mark 14 51-52
What was nigger rabbi doing with that naked boy?
What was nigger rabbi Jesus doing hanging out with young boys and giving them wine? Did you think those were old men?
Do old, grown men just abandon work to come follow and learn mysteries? Nah. The apostles were boys. And Jesus was a faggot.
>meme flag
How's the weather in tel aviv?

You fear. So like others here on /pol/ you keep posting
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>A prisoner has an opinion

Go suck your masters circumcised dick you filthy degenerate.
Saul called himself an apostle. The gospels and the revelation of John all confirm there are only 12 apostles and will only ever be 12 apostles. The only possible conclusion we can draw from this is that Saul the pharisee was an anti-Christ subversive.
>Christian Europe conquers the entire planet and travels to space
>uh, see its bad because it destroyed us!111
>I judge you by your actions.
No, you judge him by someone else's actions who you claim represent him despite being in complete opposition to him. Because you are an obvious kike.
>White people really do worship a schizophrenic jewish race traitor who was turned into a false White idol as a means of our own control and domestication
Pathetic race we are these days desu senpai
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christianity inheritted civilization and many of its core components from previous pagan civilizations that existed prior to the birth of jesus
then how come there are more Christians in Africa than Europe and its still a backwater shithole?
Ok, let's see where the christians took an entire fucking continent, called South America. What did they do with the place? How is that "christian civilization" doing these days?
its funny how Fedora types went from Atheism in 2010-14, to tradcath/ortholarping in 2015-now
rape, murder, drug addiction, obesity
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Christians are degenerate jews who created globohomo.

>you are jew if you dont worship jew

t. kike
Did you know there are 7 Latin American nobel prize winners in science (aka the non-bullshit prizes)
6 of them were recent European immigrants, most of whom left soon after their accomplishments. Only 1 of them was an actual homegrown Latin American, from Mexico.

That entire continent is producing *absolutely nothing* it might as well be "dark" as far as innovation is concerned. Instead all they do is kill our precious species which we can never get back again.
stfu smelly pajeet, go back to your non Christian shithole. pookistan, poojetindia or banglashit, or even pissrael.
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only the pro-christian threads are pro-israel
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I hate Latin America so damn much
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Today I will remind them.

>I will love a Jew and colonize a non-European Mexican territory. Damn, there are Mexicans killing our Jewish lovers awarded Jewish titles for discovering vaccines for the virus that the Jew creates.
There's varying messages in the bible regarding violence, peace, and forgiveness. The trick is to know when and where to apply them.
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All christians are degenerate and niggers.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies!
-ck em
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Only mutts and leads will deny Chrsit's will. I don't blame them desu, they've never been a Christian nation to begin with, nit a real one at least (even if at some point they had the potential to be one).
Christianity is against being drunk so....

>That's not Christian because I don't think that's Christian.

The world doesn't work like that, nigger.

Christianity does not forbid you from drinking too much of Christian poison.
If Judah wants to claim my penis they better fucking give basic rights, fuck I care about Benjamin and Judah politics fuck Allah and fuck Jews
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Based and truth pilled.
>t. Kike shill.
>Oy vey goyim, your solution is LE BAD AND JEWISH!
>What should be do instead? Uuuuuhhh CHRIST IS LE BAD!
I don't appreciate you.

Does the French hen now want Nazism? Nigger, you are a Christian, you will never be a Nazi and white. His master is Anglo and Jewish. Christians were used by the pagan Hitler because it is better than being used by the Jew. The swastika will never be a cross used to kill Jews.
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Nice strawman monkey but it's pretty self evident that in contrast to any European that waged wars in the name of christ, in the name of Jerusalem and that brought some of the greatest thinkers, scientists and artists throughout history.... The Mutt states are an embarrassing bastardization of "Christianity" (they were literally founded by freemasons).
I know you're a brown spic so I wouldn't expect you to understand this regardless but nevertheless it's the truth.
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Nice cope
When an INFJ Finally Snaps

“Excuse me, is that Jesus Christ?”

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' Buyers and traders [will] not enter the places of my father."
-Gospel of Thomas Saying: 64

They expelled Jews 109 times. Christianity is a Jewish religion that creates degenerates. You are as European as this man who was born in Brazil, is Brazilian. Christians have no race, Christians will never be European. Christian is a degenerate parasite who loves a degenerate hippie Jew. There are many niggers in Europe who were born in Europe, like you. They are Christians and will never be Europeans.
If people respected you hitler hobos won't be a problem

Yes, Christianity is universal and created communism. Christianity is the religion of niggers and anti-Nazi parasites like you.
Absolutely based
Jesus is a demonic entity that betrayed his own (Jews)
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Sounds like something a jew would say after a bloodcurse.

Jesus is a Jewish invention that has helped the Jews of the world the most. Jews love this invention.
If you give it some thoughts, the Jews were on the brink of vanishing during the Roman era. But then another monotheistic cult emerge and rooted itself within Roman society, yeah you guessed it it was the Christians. And now look how kikes are running the place in what used to be Christian strongholds.

Think retard, think.

I don't agree with your point of view, but both lead to the same conclusion. Christianity has been a disaster to European and white people in general.
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You convinced me with this meme, mouro. Wait, no. The Bible has a double interpretation of these statements because the Bible is a book written by Jews to create degenerates like you.
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit made up by a liar and a troon. I do agree that the jew have a tendency to mimic and infiltrate societies. Thats literally why they've been kicked out by a 109. They are demons trying to imitate God, but they'll never get close.
completely rewrote the words lol
what he actually said was
>"you are from the Father, of the devil"
not that it matters, since jesus never existed
so did Manetho, and he did it better in every way and went into specifics. all jesus did was ensure judaism stayed relevant instead of dying in obscurity
believe it or not God is nowhere in the bible, there is a character Yahweh, deceptively calling himself "God" though.
he didnt warn people very well when Manetho's warning was superior in every way and actually went into specifics.
>The people of the Jews being leprous and scabby, and subject to certain other kinds of distempers, in the days of Bocchoris, king of Egypt, fled to the temples, and got their food there by begging. He ordered them to make a collection of the impure people, and to deliver them to the soldiers, to carry them away into the desert; but to take the leprous people, and wrap them in sheets of lead, and let them down into the sea. Hereupon the scabby and leprous people were drowned, and the rest were gotten together, and sent into desert places, in order to be exposed to destruction.

>On the next day there was one Moses, who advised them that they should venture upon a journey, and go along one road till they should come to places fit for habitation. He charged them to have no kind regards for any man, nor give good counsel to any, but always to advise them for the worst; and to overturn all those temples and altars of the gods they should meet with. The rest commended what he had said with one consent, and did what they had resolved on, and so travelled over the desert.

>The difficulties of the journey being over, they came to a country inhabited, and that there they abused the men, and plundered and burnt their temples; and then came into that land which is called Judea, and there they built a city, and dwelt therein, and that their city was named Hierosyla, from this their robbing of the temples. They in time changed its denomination, that it might not be a reproach to them.
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thats not how it works.
jews circumsize their slaves
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except people already lived in those places and no idea who the fuck any of these people are.

why is that? because jews made the whole thing up, as a way to try to lay claim to other peoples lands.
If you need a huge ass monopolistic organisation on religion to tell you the basics on how to function within a society, you're already failed miserably at life. Kill yourself NPC.
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what dont you understand about "isnt backed up by secular history"?

its fake and gay, just like yahweh beinv god and creating a flat earth. the father of jesus christ was a character in a jewish book, not god. they called him "god", which can be confusing if youre an npc or a jew, but calling something something else does not make it true of that thing

all you gotta do to make it in this life is one very simple thing: be smarter than the jew
you are more equipped to find god than they are. but you choose to consult jews for their wisdom because youd rather not try.
and then welcomed them back in 80 BCE

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