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Everyone forgot about the boycott

White girls still love drinking it during this hot hot summer :)
It is beer-non-grata still.
Who are they ?

That bud light boycott was a kike psyop like allways
i like the big one
Their collective body count is over 1,000
The thing with jews literally crawling out of big city sewers is just the cherry on the top. Jews are literally parasitic ratts.
Just because a roasties are drinking it doesn't mean a dude won't get the sideways smirk jerk look.
I used to drink it like no tomorrow but they ruined it and it's not coming back.
For me it's the red ale. Most craft breweries go to the extreme of the faggiest IPA imaginable or dark porters that they ruin by carbonating.
They took a major hit.
how did it fail? they lost billions.
Go woke go broke.
>relegated to a bitch drink
No it failed
it's literally the coldest summer of the past five years.

So methinks that part's not the only lie you tell.
Bud light was always a queer beer but them hillbillies didn't know that because they didn't see all the fags marching around their double wide drinking it.
Bud light <<< corona
The boycott had precisely zero effect on their revenue. Corporates laugh at conservative larpers
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We flip a coin, winner gets the amazon
Undoubtedly sales crashed, I remember stores had to lower the price to below cheap water in desperation, what am I missing?
If the protest made even the slighest dent in their revenue it would have been noticeable in their quarterly reports, it isn't
Bud dyke. Those women lick cunt after the party.
>it isn't
It actually was and is.

Its impossible to cancel an alcohol conglomerate but they did take a massive hit.
Where is the proof? No financial reports indicate anything significant happened. Some tweets got a lot of likes? who gives a fuck
No, it worked, one need only look around them this year, there's barely any corporate pride shit going on. The fag programming hasn't been this quiet since 2015.
imagine believing quarterly reports.
It's super illegal to lie on them so nobody does, not even turboretards like Elon
>No financial reports indicate anything significant happened.
Yes because we have access to theor finacial reports.

A quick google search will show their stock history.
Cope jew

They took a hit and the precedent was set. Thats why every major company has dropped faggot month. You lose.

"Falling volumes of Bud Light in the US has “constrained” AB InBev’s financial performance in the past year, as last year’s boycott continues to harm its bottom line.

AB InBev saw beer volumes decline 15.3% year-over-year in North America in the final quarter of 2023. The company said the volume decline was primarily due to Bud Light’s poor performance."

They had flat growth, they didn't actually lose any money and their revenues did not decline, just did not grow

Quarterly reports are public you massive moron
Disgusting whores. I wish I was there to fling poo at them
Wrong. They lost money.

"The world’s largest brewer may have lost as much as $1.4 billion in sales because of the backlash to its brief partnership with a transgender influencer to promote Bud Light beer.

Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) reported record revenues for 2023 Thursday but said its “full growth potential was constrained” by its US business, where sales were hurt by a boycott of Bud Light over a sponsored Instagram post with Dylan Mulvaney.

In North America, organic revenue, seen as the best measure of operating performance, plunged $1.4 billion last year as beer sales by volume tumbled in the region, primarily due to a decline in Bud Light sales in the United States. Beer makes up the lion’s share of AB InBev’s revenue."

fair enough, good job actually researching it
> The bud light boycott failed
Well that depends entirely on how you measure success or failure.
Bud Light stopped pushing tranny nonsense in their advertising. And no other major beer brand is using tranny in their advertising.
>Quarterly reports are public you massive moron
So read em then lol

Inb4 you cope again
Girls are not as hot as they used to be
>White girls
Wut? I don’t care if some tranny did whatever (I don’t even know the story behind this debacle; when I see a tranny I run). I like Bud light. It’s refreshing and I just like it better. It used to be MGD back in the day, and then Coors, but they changed the formula or something because MGD tastes the way homeless people smell now, and for some reason coors gives me the runs.

Bud light just pairs so well with fishing on a quiet lake or watching a movie. I don’t care what people say. When this whole shit started some guy saw me buying a 12 pack and he was
Bot thread
>who gives a fuck
Obviously you do, KEK, and yes, I know you are referring to something else.
I think they are all cute as fuck desu
Are australians the worst posters by far on 4chan? You guys in the 2010s were legendary shitposters that made great content. Now you fags just shill globohomo nonsense, get called out for lying and gaslighting and then quietly apologize. Ausfag you need to just dip out of the thread.
This is a bot. You can tell because the text gets cut off at the end.
Kikes on vpn's started imitating us and shitting up our /aus/pol.
plus that faggot seething in all my pro WWII Japan threads
Sorry I’m doing other stuff. Some dude said I was “buying the fag beer” when this whole thing was going down and i just told him I didn’t give a fuck. It was mine first.
>Boomers stop buying
>Faggots don't buy enough
>Now turning it into a women's drink
No it worked:
>Massive profit loss that year
>Two high level staff members terminated
>Corporate apology
>Follow-up promo was very "red blooded American"
>The faggot was terrorized so bad it actually shut him up rather than double down
>"Pink washing" has gone way down, even fucking Starbucks of all places toned down the gay

It sent a very big message people have faggot fatigue. Unlike with media where ESG/DEI can create an everlasting piece of propaganda, other industries just lose if they take kike money.
Looks like bud light hired a guerilla social media marketing firm. Hope The Quartering starts going in on those troon supporting assholes again now. It won't be enough until that company goes completely out of business.
you cannot boycott your way out of them owning the money printers. they actually laugh at you in their board meetings. to them you are the weakest bitches and pussies imaginable. your power is comparable to a kid stomping his feet at toys r us. the dent you are making in their profits is completely negligible because they know you wont ever do shit. and even if for some crazy reason an angry mob showed up with pitchforks in front of the bud factory, which in itself isnt even the culprit because the culprits of globohomo are sitting in boardrooms and big offices on the 80th floor of their ivory towers looking down on everyone scheming, even then what would simply happen is the (((government police))) would show up, deploy teargass and disperse everyone within 10 min. thats the reality of the situation when it comes to meme boycotts and jews laughing at how weak you are
Imagine being this stupid/naive
The betrayal by trump has weakened it. The short-sighted idiot cared more about his stock portfolio. He could have closed ranks and presented himself as the protector of women.
No it succeeded
Your investors have not forgitten.

Based. Some place still fly the rainbow flag during June but most have toned their faggotry waaaay down compared to years past. Nature is healing
the budlight boycott most definately did not fail. They still have not recovered their percentage sales drop
literally 10s of billions in revenue lost over one tranny
A lot of conservatives aren't buying it anymore. It's going to lose them a lot of money because of the brand tainting. Maybe in a few more years some will forget but a few won't forgive.
LOL take your own advice next time
These shows are put on by masonic lodges. The members own large amounts of Anheuser-Busch stock.

Your level of crazy is only knee deep to me.

Freemasons tongue my anus
still not drinking the gay beer
Conservatives can't even boycott the shittiest beer on the market, how do they plan to win the white house lmao
The two on the right just brutally mog the two on the left and everyone knows it including them
No, it was widely reported at the time.
People got fired over it.
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>It's illegal so no one does it
Jesus Christ now I know for sure that you're a retard
Wrong it absolutely succeeded. The company had to grovel and stop all their poz shit. Even now their numbers aren't recovered. It dealt a massive blow towards the overton window of getting away with gay shit.
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>Beer sells declined 15%
>Revenue magically did not decline
Where do you think revenue comes from???
any time MAGA trash start yelling "gowokegobroke" I take a look at the fundamentals underlying the stock and invest accordingly.

for BUD, it was due for a correction anyway. I waited for the "o noes" crash and bought at $55, sold a year later at $62. That's 10%.

The funniest part to me was when Kid Rock declared the war against BUD over... 3 weeks after the stock had fully recovered and was rallying.

I did even better with ADIDAS "gowokegobroke" shit; you MAGA trash are a more reliable bellwether than the fucking yield curve.
all that shit doesnt really work ay
>bud light likes veterans
>bud light employs americans
>bud light does business with US farmers

So why were they so out of touch that they thought a tranny would represent their brand well
It's still beer that only women and fags drink.
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>imagine shilling this hard for a corporation only to pull a pic related
Fucking aussies man
Imagine taking your made up bullshit for truth. They publicly admitted to serious issues with Bud light, even talked about shuttering plants recently. The fact that Inbev is a global giant doesn't mean the one particular division targeted didn't eat a fat one and they've not tried the tranny shit with the other brands yet.
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>says the boycott didn't work
>it did
Tell me you're Jewish without telling me you're Jewish.
go to a bar order Becks beer here in germany, immediately gets laughed at.
turns out BUD shite owner company owns many beers labels in europe too.
>drinking watered-down swill.
Faggots all of you.

I go to frat parties basically every weekend and there is never bud lite at them. I go to bars and I never see anyone drinking bud lite.
Maybe it's still being consumed in liberal hellholes but in middle America it might as well not be on the shelves.
Bud Light will forever live on as a warning to other woke companies
Bud light was like twelve bucks for a twenty pack for over a year in vegas. Lmao. I'll get an updated picture this weekend. Couldn't even get rid of bud in vegas without massive price reductions. Which means, little to negative profit lol
ausfags were heartbroken when they found out VB is tranny fluid
Fat chicks
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Sure showed them.
They lost billions.
Did anyone really think the gayest country in human history was going to actually pull off a tranny boycott
Imagine giving a fuck what soon to be fat cunts drink, think or want. OP sucks cock for pleasure
No boycott, "cancelling", or any of that shit works nigger, humans will always be niggers and will always be present to purchase/consume.
lol coming from a country that bends the knee to farm equipment
No, it didn't. Sorry, it failed like everything you losers do.
Lol its so true it failed miserably like anything the righties do
>this will destroy bud light
Uh huh..is that why they are still producing beers and selling them? Hmm
No one drinks this crap
It was destined to
All it was built from was
>theres a transgender on muh can!
Like okay, so you have an issue with the marketing department not beer production. Righties are too stupid to even know nuance or how companies/industry works.
Why would an Aussie jew drink Butt Light?
They do tho
You can lie all you want but they sell beer everyday
Because you're a subhuman shitskin and they are White
Haha. No one drinks this crap
It doesn't get any more pathetic than Conservacucks who watch shows like Lowder with Juden and The Daily Drag Queen and actually fell for this Bud Light bullshit
Cucked by the pandemic, cucked by BLM riots, cucked by the stolen election, finally draw a line at some ad on a drag queen's instagram because your Jewish masters told you to, they truly are goyim and I guess they'll be sent off to die soon
So you support global communism? Are you a jew?
Would have hit harder if you said golem instead of goyim
I do lol
Went to a grad party and they had tonnes of it there too
Just read this yesterday ffs

I bet a few months from now bud light anounces bankruptcy. They tried to fix thier image with those "America Strong" commercials but they lost the people who bought thier beer in droves.

The only thing thats holding them on is contracts with business that ONLY serve bud light products.

They'll be insolvent within a year. They are probably bleeding cash.
>american scared of the Kings
you are not White 100%
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You'd be surprised how many beers you can "accidentally" knock out of peoples hands before they kick you out.
Where have the past two Pride Months been? Black History Month 2024 was a fart in the wind. It worked.
yep two more months to be exact
>bud light now a whore marker
Oh no, whatever shall I do? This is frankly an improvement, lol.
You're looking at a parent company that sells multiple beer brands. People switched to Coor's and other piss beer. Bud Light had a fuckup so monumental companies all quit trying to out-woke each other this year.
AB didn't suffer, but the smaller team handling Bud Light sure did.
Kys jew faggot
AB's other brands are suspiciously well-stocked compared to other stuff in my area, even now.
I’m the Never Ruler. You’re speaking words of a stolen land
He’s not wrong
> Pride Month is effectively dead over two years. They're totally just laughing at us.

Hi rebbe
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The argument that boycotting Bud Light ultimately hurts American workers gave them a reluctant pass. I won't drink the shit, and I will chastise the fuck out of anyone I see who is drinking it.
>everyone forgot about the boycott
Apparently you did too:
>they fired the tranny
>they stopped using rainbow branding
>they launched a new “backyard” promotion, using a western/country singer celebrity via backyard BBQ aesthete
They bowed to their redneck boomtard customers demands.
The boycott worked.
It’s on sale everywhere I’ve seen it.
The reduced prices did what they intended.
The stores moved product.
They had to give away free beer to cut any type of profit. My local liquor store was offering two for one cases for months.
It’s been 4 years and their stocks are barely half way to where they were from when they crashed in 2020.
They lost money by doing that. It wasnt a win.
Damn you’re right.
There was a modest parade in my city the first Saturday but there really isn’t any corporate faggotry on display
The jews are flipping the script back to christcuckery in case yiu havent noticed. Christcucks are literally worshipping Trump as the messiah.
U do realize the average bud lite drinker they lost was drinking more than all 4 of them right?
The funny thing is that all my libshit friends think it's funny that the boycott proves that Bud's consumer base are inbred hicks. I think Bud is a shit beer and it was stupid of their marketing department to insult their customers, but that's the free market. You vote with your wallet.
>Those aren't 'girls'
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>White girls still love drinking it

bud lite, in the bud lite tent, during a public event.
No way they are hired whores.
>yay watered down near beer!!!
such posers
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Muh heckin bud light still rules!
Sour grapes. Libs bitched at Chik-Fil-A sales going up despite being anti-LGBTQ+ and all my leftist classmates were saying stuff like "I hope they enjoy their obesity" or "The trainers and doctors that they're going to need are most likely gay".
What the disingenuous demoralizing bogan cunt forgot to say is that while the bud light division took a huge hit, ABInbev as a whole kept stable profits, considering they own a huge array of different beer brands. So retarded consumers that thought they were boycotting the company bought alternatives from the same company.
This is why you need to research what products and companies are under the control of the one you want to boycott.

I remember after that bullshit Gillette ad that painted all men as assholes, I refused to buy anything from Proctor & Gamble. I bought Dollar Shave Club razors ever since.
Give me the Snu Snu Hannah Barron.
Lol didn't know kikes posted from Australia. I especially love how you posted the quintessential kike 'growth' graph. One of the core scam graphs sold to boomers as the foundation of your ponzi religion.
>after 70 replies we get some real figures instead of a fucking twitter screenshot
It's not looking too got for you too buddy
Welp, looks like I was wrong and the bogan cunt was just lying, lmao
fucking faggot
>AB InBev said that sales to US retailers declined nearly 17% “primarily due to the volume decline of Bud Light.” In response, the company cut deals with wholesalers, including writing checks to distributors, and increasing marketing spend on the brand. But that took a toll on the company’s bottom line, and contributed to a 29% decline in adjusted US earnings.
>Sales to wholesalers in the U.S. market were also down by 10.1%, and the company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) dropped by 19.7%.
Anyone who drinks either gets cancer or becomes a tranny because it increases estrogen. You get unusual fat distributions. It’s not cool or manly to drink that.
I think Budweiser works alot like dasani where you develop a captive audience through a festival or a Formula1 race. Then when every1 is inside theres only 1 option for "beer" or "water". This is the main sales driver as no 1 would willingly drink that shit or pay that price.
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>jew flag
You creatures lost 1044 times, in 109 countries throughout history. And you're still up to the same tired ass bullshit. No other race has been utterly BTFO this many times before LOL
except they're still around and kicking. I actually have to admire Jews for not getting wiped out like countless other peoples whose names and cultures have been forgotten in the passage of time.
niggers are still around and kicking too despite having an IQ barely above apes. nothing admirable about being a parasite. they'll be forever remembered as such.
Didn't even tank the stock price, that's when you know it was a nothing burger.
Anhuesr Busch donates mostly to the GOP
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take your pick
those little pricks, love to suck dick.
This is how I KNOW 4chan is full of fucking schizophrenic kikes who just live in their own little kike world.
Failed? It went from having as much shelf space as all other beer combined in many stores, to just a couple rows. Nobody touches the stuff.
We know you’re a tranny kike
Busch is turbo pushing this shit on every venue it’s absolutely insane.
So why did they fire the faggot?
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Nope. Cross the tranny line, get slaughtered like pig
That's a down trend faggot. It's only being floated along due to summer sales and a few morons who don't realize AB sells beer other than budweiser. As they find out and start looking they choose something else or start making their own. Here in one of it's biggest markets, nobody touches budlight. Corona saw a short lived boom directly after the boycott, which blunted it's effectiveness, but they're still bleeding out.
Are they supposed to boycott the marketing department you fucking moron? How do you effect a change on marketing department of a company? You refuse to buy their products. Don't ever claim someone other than yourself doesn't know how something works. You found the hottest take possible, the absolute apex of stupidity, and you made it.
God you're dumb. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/bud-light-boycott-ab-inbev-sales/index.html
That got memory holed pretty quickly
You are stupid. Stock price does not always correlate to sales. There are, and always will be, investors who see a company make a huge mistake as AB did, and buy up the cheap stock expecting a rebound. Thereby supporting the stock price.

Thius is supported by the fact that AB did see revenue increases, from stock sales, but their growth forecast was not met. That means there is an underlying toxicity about the brand. It grew, but only because they expanded in foreign markets, and population grew. In the US, it contracted. Budlight is no longer the dominant brand it was.
you can even buy that faggoty weak as piss shit here,
i couldn't care less if infantile women and trannys drink it either
>OP is 2 posts by a kike ID
and jews get the oven
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Larry Fink was buying Bud Light by the truckload and just emptying the cans and bottles into the sea.
The general event, sure. The webm is still posted here about every day
Stop drinking and start lifting: weights, books, and your sould
You most live somewhere poor. White women here will see you as a broke faggot if you drink that cheap garbage.
so the white girls in their 20s, and soccer moms in their 30s could virtue signal when buying that 3% piss. women are responsible for 80% of household spending, when it comes down to everyday items and groceries.

all the woke marketing has little to do with minorities, who don't give a fuck about pandering to them. it's all about the cat litter and yoga pants target group.
women who drink canned beer are fucking gross
Have a bump. Because I think it’s funny
>Welp, looks like I was wrong and the bogan cunt was just lying, lmao
not a surprise
there' been a lying ass aussie hard at work lately
probably a fuckin chink or one of those massively cucked faggots
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>The boycott had precisely zero effect on their revenue
Nigga, they lost millions and millions of dollar. COPE FAGGOT
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Its the official beer of the UFC. DOn't be a pussy.

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