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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Would you welcome us with open arms even though we are muslims(Secular albeit)?
We served Hitler in WW2 so you guys will support us in a war against serbs right? right?
Just give up already, it's all too tiring.
What do you think about Albanians?
I don't really have an opinion about them.
They are jews if jews controlled bakeries and sweet shops. They keep to their kind here and don't bother anyone.
Some days ago some swedish gangmembers got shot up in sarajevo and even bosnia said they don't want swedish criminals here lmao.This shithole is worse than bosnia now,Let that sink in.
Oh I remember this. It was a drive-by on a bicycle aswell kek.
You can always come here and live comfortably with 500 euros per month vikingbro.
>swedish gagmembers
do you mean niggers?
I love Bosnian bitches, they love to fuck and are still (comparatively) trad.
Besides, all diversity you coud ask for, slavics, turcos, gipsys, aryans.
My favourite is the slav-turc mix, they love to suck fat dicks
Swedish gangmembers is a codeword for arabs somalies and other assorted subhumans.
How easy would it be for a 5'10 Bosnian to get laid in Berlin in a club?
To answer your thread i like bosnians no problem with them.Its even better that you fought with Hitler and are one of the good axis guys.
>we are muslims
>you guys will support us in a war against serbs right?
no. being a white mudslim is worse than being a faggot cuck.

A lot of the youth here support Hitler, and by a lot I mean probably more than 50% of zoomers.
Why are you like this? I consider you my brother. Come here and I will treat you like a guest.
>I consider you my brother.
go fuck yourself servant of the shitskin pedos
Okay christcuck golem.
Also I fucked a Croatian girl named Lucia and nuted on her face when I went to Zagreb.
Get colonized nigger.
Good fun people, very boring place tho. I think I will retire in Herzegovina and find my wife there, they actually still cook and clean
>What do you think of my cunt
Idk, post it
>they love to fuck and are still (comparatively) trad.
i think you're autistic cunt, sunarodnjak
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>boring place
Depends where and when you come.
There is the Sarajevo Film Festival during the summer which is fun if you like hedonism.
We have nice mountains aswell if you like hiking kek.
Kek saved
17% of /pol/ is Bosnian
19% of /pol/ is Croatian
22% is Serbian
1% is Japanese
The rest are a combination of Indian, Jewish and Feds.
keep coping mudslim foot rag
the whole we wuz nazis larp is fucking cringe...technically pretty much everyone wuz a nazi...niggers, chinks, dunecoons etc.
Bosniaks dont exist. There's only Serbs, Croats and Mudslimes.
My class collected pennies for you in middle school, did you get them?
based brother
Weren't serbs nato bombed and propagated into attacking you, I feel like yugo was just too strong and usa made us turn into eachother. Serbs should be just as much as bros, even tho the acts they committed afterwards are by many unforgivable, but I would welcome foreign bosnians, if they however speak our language once they are here. The ones who are born here are mostly selfish mofos who think everything is theirs and refuse to speak slovenian. Many bosnians that came here were actually quite nice and generous people, usually issues are with those who are born here. I'd speak your language if I was living there and in some cases your standards are more based and traditional than what we have here. Slovenia is becoming westernized while traditional value is getting lost, only the boomers are left by sticking to them, yet zoomers aren't that cucked though, at least not where I live.
>5'10 Bosnian
In a nation where 184 is the norm. Why haven't you committed japanese ritual suicide yet
I've had gfs that were taller than me, not that big of a problem desu. I think the Croatian girl I was with was taller than me to kek.
i hate circumcised freaks
other than that i dont mind your religion

>you guys will support us in a war against serbs right
i wouldnt lift a finger
Event the muslimes are mostly croats/serbs.
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Based on the pictures I’ve seen your landscapes and old cities are pretty. That being said, you guys are a bunch of Turkish rape babies.
According to 2013, 2017 and 2020 autosomal marker studies on 506, 1000 and 600 unrelated individuals, it was confirmed that the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population has highest distance from Turkish people, and highest similarity to Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian people. All three Bosnian and Herzegovinian ethnic groups share a similar genetic background with mostly negligible differences (Bosniaks being closer to Bosnian Croats than to Bosnian Serbs).
I’m still confused why all balkaners hate each other. Also, I don’t understand why the Croatian part and Serb part aren’t part of their respective countries.
I rather propose for an elimination of Jews, once there's no more Jews. We can kill each other just like a normal human beings.
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I hate these sort of threads when OP tries eveeything to make /pol/tards to like them. It's cringe when serbs and croats do it(they do this all the time) but when a bosnian does it hurts.
>converts to pisslam instead of fighting the common enemy of the Balkans
>sucks off Croats because of a pathological obsession with Serbs, meanwhile Croats don't even think about you at all
>doesn't support TAD (Total Alb*nian Death)
Fake nation propped up by amerisharts
You aren't white you shitskin turk LMAOoooooo
Speak for yourself, spazz. Both my great-grandfathers were antifascist partisans and fought for Tito and Yugoslavia. In the 16th Muslim Brigade!
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>prays to the satanic cube of his desert semite conquerors daily
Zero shame
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Dje si balija, umesto da se opet koljemo medjusobno, da lepo zajedno dignemo zid oko Balkana da nam ne bi zapadnjaci uvalili sve crncuge i mudzose kad im dokipi.
i swear half the people posting in balkan threads have either a 2TB memes folder for whoever they hate , or an entire textbook worth of genetic studies. sometimes both
You aren't white you swarthy mess how brown are your eyes lad your women are good though very tight
The fact that you even have that sheet ready speaks volumes. Freud would have something to say about this too...
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only niggers in the balkans are serboids with their brown eyes and dirty olive skin
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kek, of course many do, every other /balk/ is the same shitposts over and over again, only rarely does actual discussion take place, and when it does it usually gets to shit after ~140 posts when retards start arguing with diasporafags
>2TB memes folder for whoever they hate , or an entire textbook worth of genetic studies
Those are mandatory for balkan threads lol
Anyway, Greeks have always been Mycenaean+Thraco-Balkan+Anatolian mutts since the days of Alexander, the only major influence since has been Slavic (which funnily enough is "whiter")
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If it helps you to believe that, then I won’t get in your way. Believe it or not, I only wish the best for the Bosnian people. You all have had enough hardships and deserve to enjoy peace now.
I don't know much about Bosnia but the flag looks interesting
>Would you welcome us with open arms even though we are muslims(Secular albeit)?
Yes :3
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never met a serboid that didn't have dirty shitskin brown eyes and a big hook nose SAD!
Posting with a diaspora flag is more shameful than a memeflag
Finally a country with a cool flag. All Europoor countries like poland have forgettable and retarded 2-3-color flags.
whitest serboid
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Bi/tricolours have been a disaster for European culture.
Look at THIS shit, it looks like some random African post colonial province, what an absolute turd
B&H is number one...
If you sort all countries by number of syllables
Exactly. What is this flag meant to represent anyway? Piss and blood on the grass?
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>only niggers in the balkans are serboids with their brown eyes and dirty olive skin
>brown eyes and dirty olive skin
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after serboids lost all their men in ww1 albanian BVLLS naturally had to come in to pick up the slack that dead serboid men(lol) couldnt do and to their surprise found that serb women couldnt get enough thats why today many serboids are the offspring of those albanian BVLLS
brown eyes typed this post
This is what 90% of yugo countries look like and anyone who denies it in denial.
>acts they committed afterwards are by many unforgivable

what acts bitch, killing couple thousand muzzies in Srebrenica who FAFO? You killed hundreds of thousands of Serbs who were friendly to Croats because of a dictator in Belgrade (thats the Crvat justification) and we forgave you for muh bratstvo i jedinstvo. Hypocrite faggots
>Slav tribes migrate to heavily populated Southern Europe provinces and interbreed with Paleobalkan/ThracianGODS
>proceed to have 1500 years of fighting on who is the least brown
Should've stayed in the swamps of Chernobyl bros
thats what serboids look like for sure not anyone else have you seen belgrade lad LOL fucking sea of turkish phenotypes
is the bosnian pyramid legit?
>Because of jsasenovac we have the right to act like niggers for all of eternety.

Damn you smrds are pathetic. Literall sewer rats.
Basically Islamic Croats my Turkish friend. Nobody is buying your Orthodox views.
Definitely not.
Drop the retarded religion and we can begin to talk.

No, doesn't matter what you convert to, just nothing remotely islamic.
You can keep the non-bothersome cultural aspects of it if that means something in non-religious contexts.
>What do you think of my cunt and it's peoples(Bosniaks)?
I'm sad that so many of your people died to get the plans for the Death Star
the modern day greekoid is nothing like the ancient greeks he is instead a mystery mutt meat bag consisting of turkish DNA
>albanian BVLLS
>brown eyes typed this post

I don't look like a pic related balkanoid
We are just supposed to forgive biggest genocide against our people in history but you niggers bitch and cry about muh ebil svrbs for far lesser shit. Again you are a hypocrite and proven yourself subhuman
do a DNA test and you will be surprised to see howmuch albanian you have in you serboid but don't neck yourself when you do find out the truth instead you should embrace your true roots :3
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You look worse.
Post cunt so we review it first.
Serbs might have slightly more gypsies in their community and a touch swarthy vlach genes but the rest are still the same fucking shit as croats/bosniaks/montenerins.
Secontly population wise they're much much bigger than the other s-slavic nations, minus the bulgars I guess.
Why are bosnians supposed to forgive you for the genocide? They are not.
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My uncle on my mommy's side was Ante Pavelićs personal driver. Of course communist scum hung him after the war. Death to communists death to cetniks. za dom spremni
You can tell it's a shqipoid because of hiding his flag
Albanian is the only ethnicity that is shameful, as in a football commentator here got in trouble for calling a player "the Albanian", it's an offensive insult
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>giving Yous to a memefag
Then who would shit up your beaches and who would buy all of your fucking olives
Ubij se debilu.
A cuck descended from cucks then.
serboids descend from albanian BVLLS and bulgarian BVLLS who pumped their women full in ww1 nothing funnier than shitskin coloured serboids larping as slavs


serboids be like WE ARE SLAVS!!! LMAOOOOOOOOO
idc about your hypocrite diaspora ass thinks
I'm a tall slavic man, not a brown manlet from Caucasus.

Nobody looks worse than Albanians, that's a fact. These are Kosovo Serbs btw, probably lots of assimilated gypsies, Turks and white aryan albos in their genetic pool
>Runs out of arguments immediatly

Kek. Never change smrdy.
Posting shitskin balkanoid scum whether they're albanian (92% shitskin), bosniak, serb or croat is comfy
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>Nobody looks worse than albanians.
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No u. Fucking commie sympathizer
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hello fellow russian bros it is ur fellow slavic brothers from servia!!!!!!! look at how slavic we look russian bros! it is time for your daily bj we cannot get enough of serb cum it sustains the serboid nation of ours!
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no no, post away, I usually remove one >
that is unless a memefag posts something insanely retarded
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Alpha as fuck
Typical balkan retard thread, (((they))) ruined us forever
>Serbs might have slightly more gypsies
sadly its because we didn't genocide them like Ustashe did in Croatia, if Croatia didn't have Ustashe they would probably have as many gypsies as us. Good for them for getting rid of that plague tho. Shame we didn't do it too in our occupational government during ww2 to same extent.
honestly they would look a lot whiter if they just didn't emulate nafri style/behaviour. the gold chain really seals the living in a ghetto vibe
Thread is great, look at the title
>What do you think of my cunt
still waiting for cunt to be posted so I can tell my thoughts on it.
No, it's because you guys went commie. Commies are anti-white racial fetishists so giving gypos what they deserve would've been fascist.
shut the fuck up retard you have no idea what your talking about
Why would anyone care what this place thought of their country?
The less this board thinks about your country, the better
you would genocide yourselves? LMAO blud look at that skintone of yours and those dirty shitskin brown eyes
I think your country flag is badass. It looks likes knights standard mixed with some American standardization- for what it's worth. Personally I did want to travel to Bosnia while I was stationed in Europe (US Army) but I couldn't because I got in trouble with a piss test (MDMA). I've heard your country is very scenic. From an American perspective, it's like Appalachia mixed with Turkey. Personally I, and many other anons, would find this intriguing but alas I have only visited Croatia, Slovenia, and Turkey but I hope to visit your country one day.
>Yet another Balkan shitflinging thread.
Italy should annex the entire region.
You should be speaking Italian.
Your identities are shit.
You are shit.
Fuck you.
show flag which western country your parents fled to albo
why italy? haven't the balkans suffered enough poverty? just get the austrians back on it
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>gypsy halfbreed who's indistinguishable from albanian fans that I've been posting
Do you see a pattern memeflag?

Knez Miloš let them stay because they were artisans and good stable boys
during turkish times, what a fucking idiot

No they wouldn't, they're med-balkan mutts with a pinch of turkish genetics
You know what for all our faults I've never seen a Serb fish for attention and the wish to be liked like you and the Albanians.
You have some innate need to be recognised and liked over the Serbs.
brown eyes typed this
why are they all wearing those condom hats
their heads already look bubble shaped

>in a war against serbs right?
we are done with you
theres Serbian part and theres your part, stay in your part and all is gut
Germans are too autistic for the Balkans. The Balkans will fuck you up. Mamma-mia-pizza-pasta fucks have the perfect mix of autism and niggerdry for the Balkans.
>why are they all wearing those condom hats
their heads already look bubble shaped
I don't know about the hats, but they are basically european Somalians
>lightbulb heads
>black skin
>fucked up teeth and jawline
>copypasta phenotypes
Only if you promise to rat out any shqipturds you run into so we can promptly expel them.
Then I guess you're new to this board.
why are serboids always sad about their brown eyes? i always see them posting in threads complaining wish they were white what a sad race of people this is why their women crave albanian BVLLS
Because many Albanians have east African haplogroup E1b. On top of that they were inbreeding for most of their history. Something that didn't happen in neighbouring Montenegro despite being a similiar location.
you're a shqipskin, aren't you?
Start learning Italian, whore.
I'm not. It's just my observation. Serbs don't make threads like these. To most it makes little difference if everyone hates us or not. Some Serbs even get into the extreme and get off on everyone hating us to feel important I guess.
It relates more to Albanians than you but I've seen plenty of posts where people beg for the acknowledgement from the western flags.
monteniggers had open way towards Serbia while Italy occupied cost
Albania is closed with mountains maybe thats why
This thread is literally identical to thousands of other ones, butthurt serb starts some shit, butthurt croat reciprocates, token greek joins in for some reason, and they're all some brown motherfucker
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heres my hand now post yours you shitskin
Why did Izetbegovic decide to withdraw his signature of Carrington-Cutileiro plan?
>token greek joins in for some reason
we own this muthafacka
take yo sensitive ass back to great moravia
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>reverse image search
>first result is from 2017
nice try Toenibbler, but no one's buying it. even if your skin is pale, it's only white the way picrel is white
literally whiter than any belgrade mystery meat
>To most it makes little difference if everyone hates us or not.
I like this little mantra you'all keep repeating, because anyone that has ever met a single Serb knows how much you want to be liked. I don't see this as a bad thing, you're very hospitable people and great hosts and have nice manners(guess you can say this about all the ex yu nations, even the slovenes to some extent), but this "we don't care what the world thinks about the serbs" macho bs is cute.
>Belgrade mystery meat
Many are assimilated Albanians in the first place hence they're mystery meat, kek. You're insulting your own.
If you would fight Serbs, then I'd support you wholeheartedly.
Because he was a dumb cunt.
>t. Bosniak
cry some more brown boy
>niggers were watching out for cars while they got drive-by'd by a guy on a fucking bicycle
yes the modern day serb nation is all from albanian cum during ww1 someone had to bring up your numbers after your men died like bitches to bulgarian alpha BVLLS
>hitler used me as cannon fodder so you will full sapport me saar?

total muslim death
Wasn't he just afraid that Karadzic and Mladic would continue the war anyway
>"cry more"
>literally malds at everyone while hiding behind a meme flag
We want to be liked of course, but not to the extent where we will beg for it. Hospitality is something different. We don't do it to be liked. At least I don't.
post hand
total serb death is coming don't worry their women will be legs wide open for anyone
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While true, more or less, I think it has more to do with internet shitposting being internet shitposting, and in reality most people tend to be polite or just cordial.
Ali na kraju krajeva, kako bi se reklo, svako ima svoju dijagnozu.
Cruelty and nastiness is a feminine trait. It's a sign of weakness, uncertainty and lack
Being called an Albanian is seen as a silly insult here. Kind of a meme I guess. Albanians are either considered an insult or as a meme.
So you've admitted you're brown and dysgenic looking just to follow up with some cuckold fantasy?
I wonder how do high IQ Albanians feel in Albania. It must be a horrific experience.
post your brown eyes so i can laugh at you brown boy
Thank you for your wisdom Mr. Nougoubou
Africa is very feminine indeed
>LMAO Serbs are actually ALBANIAN we fucked your women
he didn't think this through, give him some time
Same as Serbs or Croats. other based jugos
>Albanian is the only ethnicity that is shameful
Sorry to nitpick your English, Greek friend, but "ethnicity" is the wrong word since that's really only meant for people. The proper word to use in this case is "species"
>I wonder how do high IQ Albanians feel in Albania
>high IQ
Anon, I. . .
>give him some time
what, are we supposed to wait for the Sun to burn out or something?
What do you think of current VMRO governmnent and why they can't just make deal with SDSM not to constantly be blaclkmailed by Albanian parties
I don't think he can. Balkaners are not very smart people but even relative to ex-Yus most Albanians are nigger tier.
While that might be true because Serbs were preparing for an ethnic cleansing war, Milosevic was their head hancho and the bosnian Serbs would've listened to him. A conflict maybe was inevitable but not on this scale, Izetbegovic knew we didn't have arma to fight and that we didn't have any true allies in the world. A stupid calculation on his part that cost much destruction and death to his people and his country.
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wow much slav wow!
What do you think of Rambouillet peace plan? Would Kosoco be part of Serbia now had Milosevic agreed to sign it?
Let's just not repeat that again. Another war and our small countries will cease to exist and our people will be forgotten in half a century. Time for larping is past us.
i called u a brown belgrade boy you then said nooooo they are albanians who were assimilated!! then i agreed with you seeing as the modern day serboid such as urself stems from brown albo cum in ww1 but you are free to larp as a white slavic serboid its no problem anything u want sweetie :3
With VMRO we stand a chance to be Albania tier again kek
Thank you. And what's your opinion on Herzeg Bosna? Why do you think Tudzman decided to jeopardize his western support by signing Graz deal with Karadzic
Rambouillet was not really about Kosovo. Even the part about Kosovo is horrendous and wouldn't have worked, as they would basically become a republic in a federation. Albanians wouldn't be satisfied for that and would push for more.
>In the end, on 18 March 1999, the Kosovo Albanian, American and British delegation signed what became known as the 'Rambouillet Accords'[9] while the Serbian and Russian delegations refused. The accords called for NATO administration of Kosovo as an autonomous region within Yugoslavia; a force of 30,000 NATO troops to maintain order in Kosovo; an unhindered right of passage for NATO troops on Yugoslav territory, including Kosovo; and immunity for NATO and its agents to Yugoslav law. In addition, NATO forces would have the right to use local roads, ports, railways, and airports without payment of duties, dues, tolls or charges, as well as the right to use the electromagnetic spectrum without payment. NATO would also have the right to requisition public facilities for its use free of cost. NATO forces would have the right to hire local personnel who upon employment with NATO would be exempt from local laws in respect to acts performed in their official capacity, national service obligations, local labor laws, and taxes on their salaries. Local infrastructure would be subjected to improvements or modifications to by NATO forces when deemed necessary to facilitate the mission.[1] According to Tim Judah, the Serbian side used Annex B only later on as a reason for the failure of talks; at the time, the Serbs rejected any discussion of the involvement of foreign troops, let alone the extensive rights that would have been afforded them by Annex B.[10]
Rambouillet negotiations were in essence an ultimatum that meant a complete NATO occupation like that of Germany or Japan after WWII. We had no choice but to decline.
There was no real diplomatic solution to the Kosovo problem.
all westerners should take a trip to servia to see the "white" slavs in the flesh!
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>There was no real diplomatic solution to the Kosovo problem.
I got your solution right here, homie
This behaviour is typical of your haplogroup branch.
Aren't they more decent now after Gruevski not in charge anynore
yes i am white can't say the same for you brown eyes when you wake up and see your eye colour do you wish you didn't exist brown boy
Serbs were not even doing that, we shot up villagers only when they were cordial with or were the terrorists. Albanians were pissing off Yugoslavia since the 60-70s.
Good people and good cuisine
>Serbs were not even doing that
that's the problem
Yes, Serbs are people of half-measures, corruption and inflated sense of self-importance.
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But there won't be any UN administration at all. There was this "will of the people after 3 years" part which is now cited by Dacic as the reason not to sign but as I understand Milosevic agreed to this since it was the "political" part of Agreement.
and somehow we still have a higher average IQ and height than your manlet shithole. Imagine being dumber than Haitians and shorter than Chinks after decades of Western gibs.
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ayo hol up this aint right!
room temperature iq
I think Tudjman didn't have a high opinion on bosnian-herzegovians regardless of their ethnicity. He saw a country crumbling and thought he could also take a piece of the pie. Later on as the wat decided what to do with the war he fell in line with the wests plans and did what he was told. Later he even went out of his way to patch things up with the Bosniks, gave Izetbegovic some medal or some shit.
As this anom >>471206039 has pointed out I hope we got war out of our systems for good, all it is is just a huge fucking mess. When I look at what's happening in Ukraine and even Palestine to some extent I just feel pity for everyone. People there are fucked for the next 30yeras on top all the destruction.
A lot of you niggers came to my area (north central US) and tldr you are all unibrowed animals.
total serb nigger death is coming and it will be oh so sweet
Milosevic was avoiding everything so we wouldn't be the target of an aggression ever since he got into power. But they've added these clauses about NATO troops that he couldn't accept. Mostly because Serbs would shoot him. I don't deny that we would have conceded on the issue of Kosovo if you exclude the part I greentexted.
>The will of the people
Yes, I think they would be given right to an independence referendum after "stabilisation", I don't remember. Even more reasons to decline.
The western treatment of this issue is the reason I hate anything coming from their sidem. They used the issue of Kosovo as a pretext to the wish to destroy and manipulate the whole country, and the negotiations were not well meaning.
Yes, I don't want us to swallow cheap FPV drones into the head while our women flee because the borders are open for them. If anyone does, be my guest.
Would Total Balkan Deserbification finally bring peace to the region? What'd be like with Serbs reduced to Serfs of the local ethnicities?
Smaras debilu
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The will of the serboid vlach people is injesting copious amounts russian cum
>You're the Vlach! You're an Albanian! You're a Turk! You're also swallow cum!
Are you doing a system of elimination?
tick tock
the serboid nation is built on all of those things thats why i must mention them without them there would be no servia
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They are the only "European" peoples being reverse colonized, this created a huge inferiority complex which combined with arrogance becomes insufferable, the only cope is to project the insecurities on someone else
And did you witness the war or was born after it?

I'm sure there won't be any war. Milosevic is gone and Serbia now is more concentrated on economic issues. Vucic can do some provocations on Kosovo and Srpska but I don't think he truly believes he can do it full-scale.
>Average IQ of Alb*nia
For comparison, Haiti is 82.1
retard mutt still thinks im albanian LMAO what shithole diaspora are you part of brown boy
Wars here happen when political situation is fluid or the outlines of it become nonexistant. Collapse of the USSR was the latter. Who knows what will be the next one. I can't say. Depends on the peace treaty in Ukraine if there will be any.
Nothing will happen until then. Serbia or Bosnia or Croatia don't dictate the situation. The external factors do. We can't say what will happen.
I would disagree because Milosevic rejected V-4 plan for Croatia which would prevent Oluja, he continued the Bosnian war and Sarajevo blockade for no sane reasons and after all he became a target of aggression in 1999 and still decided to continue in Kosovo and conceded only after he understood he lost everything.
total serb nigger death will be glorious
If I were poglavnik I'd start a breeding program for Bosnians.
Hate among balkan people exists in politics and in minor radicalized groups whose mind has been replaced by nation-controlled news media. I have never met a Serb, Croat, Montenegrian, or Bosnian, who didn't welcome me with open arms. Balkan people happily share their culture and live together. If we were to unite politically we would be the greatest nation on the planet. That is why we got splintered from the outside.
I was a toddler and have a few vague memories of bombs detonating and stuff like that.
In regards to Vucic that really isn't enough. The guy is a dictator and once he leaves( I guess that has to happen at some point) Serbia will collapse once again. More importantly, he uses Srpska and via it Bosnia as a hostage entity and denies any progress to that region. He instructs Dodik to misbehave just so he can have a bargening chip at the table.
Atm the Serbs in bosnia refuse to do literally anything, their state ministers don't even come to work, total blockade of the state and eu funds for things like road infrastructure that everyone would benefit from just because Vucic and Putin like to have a potential conflict hotpost to point to.
fun fact it was hungarian dude that started formenting serb croat hatred lmao
The Ukrainian war outcome is just very dependent on the nuclear problem. Hadn't we got the nukes I guess Moscow would envy both Belgrade, Baghdad and Dresden. Serbia don't have any and wants the EU. So Vucic won't do shit.
i thought he was a jew
Milosevic did not reject the Z-4 plan. He was fine with it but he did not have the control over Serbs in RSK and RS to force them to do his biding. Now, a theory goes that he was "fine" with it publicly but not in private, and that he wanted Oluja to happen so Serbs from Croatia would be settled in Kosovo. I don't know how credible this is and this did not happen anyways. A few months before Oluja, RSK stopped getting ammunition and arms from Yugoslavia. And I know a few people that said to get packed by soldiers there and go to Serbia a few days before it started, so some people say it was planned. I'm sorry this reads like hunting stories in some cabin. I just don't really read much about the 90s so some of it is based on "this guy told me so who got told by this guy". I don't trust anyone writing on it desu. People sort of want to push their theories since happenings in Yugoslavia had a great diplomatic, ideological and even law impact.
People also say Milosevic hated Martic and told him to kill himself when he demanded Yugoslav support during Oluja.
Milosevic did not support RSK much after 1992 anyways, because the west would intervene. The regular troops were withdrawed. He also sanctioned Republika Srpska and he wasn't keen on them either. They didn't listen to him and his plans. So it isn't so black and white.
Milosevic always wanted to cooperate with the west on some level.
Also, Kumanovo agreement was pretty much a victory as it can be one for us. Compare it to Rambouillet.
To fix this I think the Balkans should exist under vassal states of Hungary.
which one?
the one im talking about is hedervary
dont know how much could have milosevic helped them, they fell in 4 days
Serbia doesn't really want EU. EU clauses stopped being closed after it came obvious that Serbia will not recognise Kosovo and that impeded the negotiations. Serbs themselves are mostly against it. It's funny. Serbia wants to be a Belarus despite being thousands of kms away from Russia. The path we went on will eventually cost us a lot. But it's not that I'm against it. At this point talking with the west is fruitless. Maybe because of common animosity, or because they know they're dealing with emotional people without patience so they may as well damage us as much as possible.
He couldn't which is why Krajina leadership should have either accepted Z-4 or the whole thing shouldn't have happened at all in the first place. Yugoslav military doctrine was not good. In essence it bit us in the ass. The strategies, armories and practically everything that was supposed to be used against a foreign invader was used against YNA. You knew how to fight YNA better than YNA knew how to fight you.


Bombs away American BVLLS!!!
>which one?
idk i forgot
And what do you think of Christan Schmidt? Has he any power to pressure him?
Serbia won't collapse and I actually doubt Vucic will ever really retire. He will just go into the background. Him and his brother have too much influence for a quiet retirement.
I have a soft spot for Bosnians, and i don't account my hatred towards Serbians.
Do you suck Bosniak cock too? How come your people come here and just end up being homosexual and sucking off men?
>Your people
>2,000,000,000 Muslims spanning from Morocco to Indonesia
Get real
You're a fucking paki, I know you are. I SENSE IT.
Anyone who mentions "muh ummah" is a paki 100%
I can't agree he had no power over RS and RSK. He was happy to present it like that as Putin was happy to present there were no Russian troops in DPR/LPR.

In which way Kumanovo was better? It literally was Rambouillet but with Kosovo being completely separated with the UN administration.
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Biased much, Aussiefren?
Schmidt is just a EU beurocrat that has no idea what hes doing half the time because the EU itself doesn't know what it's doing. Still there are a few good things he did, like the electoral law he imposed to digitalize the electoral system so we'll have more fair polls. And despite all of Dodiks antics, he agreed to this reform, like he always does when pushed hard enough.
Why do I give a shit, all you greeks here are brown as fuck and thus non white. You're niggers here and your women are hairy. Fucking hell you look like you belong in the goddam middle east and not Europe. You should kill yourself for being an affront to normal people.
The cancerous cells in your skin are yelling at you that your angloid genes don't belong there
When I say collapse I mean it in a inner social disorder and anarchy way, like it did for a period when Milosevic lost power. Just a whole lot of empty space there for the taking after hes gone.
I'm not anglo, I'm a pajeet.
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whatever came from this law? was it a big nothingburger?
Of course, as far as we are concerned, you have all the freedom to do what you want....
Just please use the correct map of your country!
Better a good divorce than a bad marriage....
How the fuck are they everywhere...I've been to 13 countries, never ever even met one aside from some Ukrainian.
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How does it feel to be uglier and more repulsive than an abbo, existing solely to toil for the jews?
I am redeeming saaar, do you need google gift card saaar?
NATO wanted a total occupation and submission of Serbia, as Rambouillet says. As I said, it was not just about Kosovo. We had to decline for many reasons outside of Kosovo.3
Kumanovo had some clauses that they just don't respect. Albanians were supposed to be disarmed, they couldn't have declared independence (though they did and the west made up some semantic loophole), they don't have a right to their own security forces that they have, in an event of something done against Serbs we have a right to ask KFOR for our policemen and soldiers to go there (obviously, they never gave it). In effect the situation got fucked up way more than we agreed it to be. But the reasoning was we got to keep our country. Eventually, Serbia became "Serbia" anyways. We can't maneuver much nowadays and we're not independent. We even sometimes cooperate with NATO. Sad. But it's obvious when you account for geography.

I think if you look at it from the goggles of Russian people and officials, an angle that Lavrov spoke about is much more important than what really happened (Serbia is small nobody gives a shit).
Read about his article on the anniversary of Belgrade bombing this year, talking about Primakov's 1999 doctrine. Since the US didn't choose to talk with Russia over Yugoslavia, this led to Russia wanting to form alternative power blocs like BRICS, partnership with China and so on. And more things happened but I don't want to type them all out on the phone. Lavrov wrote about it well. So as I said this region had some greater implications than people see.
The caste system is ALPHA sarr, The americans exist at the problem, this is the pajeet century. JA HINDI
Bosnia had a considerable jewish community until ww2. After the fall of al andalus, all the spanish Sephardic jews relocated to Bosnia under ottoman rule.
the Bible doesn't call them enemies of mankind for nothing
I heard many came with Austrohungarians.
And how do you check who is Serb Bosnian and Croat? For example Cvijanovic is a daughter of Serb and Croat but she is considered Serb and Komsic is the son of Serb abd Croat but he is considered to be Croat. Is it only the matter of personal self-identification?
Yes orc, basically they're all slavs, except Albs and Serbs who are mixed with turks from the ottomans.

Bosnians more Slavic. Croats are the same.
>After the fall of al andalus, all the spanish Sephardic jews relocated to Bosnia
Not all of them, many came to Thessaloniki
Yeah the Ashkenazi ones mostly came with the Austrians, but the spanish one settled in like the 16th century.
Did Serbians always inhabit Bosnian lands, or were they relocated at a certain point? Serbs assert over Kosovo because they claim Albanians only arrived there at a later time, so if the latter is true they would be hypocrites.
My bad, I guess they had a few hotspots for them across the Balkans.
Top kek. Serbs are just mixed with Vlachs and paleo-Balkanites. We got most of our ethnic strength from Montenegro and other such areas. So Serbs are less Slavic. Nothing wrong with that. I have never seen a consistency between light eyes and intelligence in the Balkans.
No, all mudslimes need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.
If you however accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you're more than welcome as a fellow brother; I would break bread with you and share wine.
Yeah Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks share the same amount of hold on Bosnia. That doesn't mean the states Croatia and Serbia should put their hands in our honey jar every chance they get.
He didn't mean literally, the photo shows a Srbosjek (Serbcutter) which Ustaše apparently used to quickly kill Serbs (probably BS commie propaganda)
Yes, Serbs have always been in Bosnia. Bonsanica are actually Serbs/Croats who converted to Muslim religion.
During the Turkish occupation, they converted so that they would not have to pay taxes. And not because of some faith in Allah and "virgins"...
Why do Bosnians drink alcohol in front of a mosque, and believe me they also eat pigs!

>t.Albonigger in Switzerland
That is the reason why do Bosnians drink alcohol in front of a mosque, and believe me they also eat pigs!
And KLA was to be disarmed too according to Rambouillet as they were disarmed after Kumanovo. And US talked with Russia in Rambouillet but we didn't do even the Milosevic favor that there would be some Russian forces with NATO so Slobo could explain it to the public. And Yeltsin as well was not too much happy of Milosevic who asked for some idiotic things like accepting Serbia into the Union State of Belarus and Russia.
And why did the Servs convert to Christianity in the 10th century or whatever? Is it just a coincidence that that was the official religion of the Byzantine empire, the sole rulers of the land?
>KLA was disarmed
Anon, please. Anyways, even if they actually wanted to disarm them, they couldn't, who the hell wants to hand over their weapon in a hotspot area.
He was pissed at Milosevic because he supported the communist coup against him. Plus, both were retards.
Meni ste svi isti, Srbi, Hrvati, Bošnjaci. Potpuno isti mentalitet, ne znam samo za koji k ste se klali.

Eno bosančuge iz RS okupiraše Srbiju, ovde se prijavljuju, glasaju ko da je ovo njihova zemlja. Najradije bi ih sve poslao nazad preko Drine. Kad im cujem one njihove naglaske dođe mi da puknem od smeha
How many beers are produced from the harvest of grapes?
They always try to appropriate the whole land. Like we are colonizers or something. My father is older than their nation, nothing in Bosnia is theirs.
>Muh Bosnian Serbs are vooting!!!!
Have you checked the numbers? Serbs are so easily misled by D&C liberal propaganda. Good, hate your own people because someone told you to.
And no, I am not a Serb from Bosnia and I don't have anyone there. I am the last Serb in this shithole that treats everyone as his kin.
But what happened after Kumanovo? There were no KLA anymore, there were only KFOR, as there wouldn't be any KLA after Rambouillet. Thaci the hell wanted to be disarmed as it was, as he thought, the step towards an independent Kosovo. But with Rambouillet independent Kosovo was much less possible than after Kumanovo and the UN 1244 resolution.
Ona volina iz laktaša ih šalje svake izbore u autobusima da glasaju po "kritičnim" opštinama. Kapiram da si neki nazadnjak pa ti i ne smeta.

Dobijaju državljanstvo ubrzanim postupkom u zamenu da glasaju ovde. Kad dodju ovde zveraju i blenu kao telad, prvi put vide civilizaciju valjda.

To su pilićari i šibicari kockoglavi, to ne treba da mrda iz Bosne.
KLA just stopped existing. The weapons and the people were still there. The clause said the disarmament of the KLA, not just dissolution.
>But with Rambouillet independent Kosovo was much less possible
Yes, after Serbs hand over their entire country to NATO, and make a republic out of Kosovo that would be in a federation, maybe we get to keep Kosovo. It's not a good deal no matter how you spin it. It would make us a puppet state that would make Ukraine look like the last bastion of independence.
Hope Serbs from Bosnia make up some ethnicity and declare to not be Serbs, team up with Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians, burn down the whole Serbia and make your family refugees, so you have to seek refuge somewhere, there's really no other medicine for Serbs, you're traitorous, self interested fucks, a tradition you honour since the 90s, where you pretend other Serbs don't exist, and we still got bombed, the lesson is still not learned.
Serbs from Bosnia are bad, Serbs from Montenegro are bad, Serbs from eastern Serbia are Bulgarians, Serbs from south Serbia are hillbillies, everyone that is outside of my Belgrade communist district is not human.
>Bosnia AND Herzegovina

I don't care what kind of history there is behind it, just pick one name and stick with it.
consider yourself lucky, it could've been Bosnia, Herzegovina and Srpska
Pa počnite da se ponašate kao ljudi za početak pa ću da na vas gledam kao ljude.

>Hope Serbs from Bosnia make up some ethnicity and declare to not be Serbs, team up with Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians, burn down the whole Serbia and make your family refugees, so you have to seek refuge somewhere

To ste već dvaput uradili. U prvom i drugom svetskom ratu, 1914. i 1944. Svaki prekodrinac ima na tavanu austrougarsku i partizansku uniformu i san mu je da okupira Srbiju..
southern and eastern parts were for the most part of medieval history a part of the Serbian state and relatively late came under the rule of the Bosnian crown, and when they did the Bosnian king proclaimed him self as "king of Serbs of Bosnia and coastline"
also Posavina south of Sava had Serb presence though it was sparsely populated so no one cared about it
the core of Bosnia is central or upper Bosnia, as in refuge from Hungarian raids from north
though it's questionable if "Bosnian" was even a thing, since all documents never refer to them without prefix "good" as in law abiding
Nato would eventually withdraw after Milosevic would have lost elections to Dzindzic.
Once again. I am not a Serb from Bosnia. I refer to Serbs as "you" because at this point I eventually learned that I cannot consider most people my equals. You protested about Serbian troops in Croatia and Bosnia and against mobilisation, to save your asses, and then NATO came and bombed us anyways, it's what we deserved, but seems like it wasn't enough. Now you hate them because they stop your dream of Euroatlantic integrations. If only "true Serbia" could get rid of all the "non Serbs" and claims to their territories, then EU and money awaits.
Now that's a claim made on no basis.
Ma bre tornjaj mi se iz zemlje bosansko kopile i povedi sa sobom onog bugojanskog pičkoustog psihopatu.
najebem ti se ja materine, nisam ja nikakav b00s00n00c, govno jedno gradsko, izađi vani i udahni asfaltna isparenja, možda nađeš nekog uličara da ti ispali neku foru kao ''ide gas'' ili šta već pa da imaš na šta da se ''ložiš''
u svakom slučaju, ubi se
You've been found out. Don't worry, I will go out of the country precisely when it needs me. I know better than to fight for people like you. I will not risk my ass for a country that stopped existing in 1919 and I will certainly not see any of you traitors as my countrymen. Hope NATO uses biological weapons this time. Not before you sell out some more Serbs, though.
lol, Srpska is short for "Serb republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", further down the line Herzegovina is short for "duchy of saint Sava", so the full name would be "Serb republic of Bosnia and duchy of saint Sava"
mene samo zanima odakle taj mentalitet, sjetim se kako '90ih dok su se ovdje klali s turcima i ustašama, vi ste po beogradu protestovali kako nas treba sancionisat što ste na kraju i učinili
a i taj vučić što se žališ na njega nas je ostavio na cjedilu, mislim pročitaj šta je napisao za dan republike, nije ni htio doći u banja luku, već je poslao tamo nekog lijevog iz skupštine, dobro pa nije poslao onog vašeg peder premijera
niste vi Srbi, vi samo živite u Srbiji, regionu nazvanom po Srbima, Srbi žive u Srpskoj
I see no reasons for Nato to stay after Milosevic would be thrown out. He was the only troublemaker and Dzindzic would have been happy to be the Serbian Adenauer. He could've done it even after Kumanovo. I really doubt Putin ordered his killing (it could be so), but the fact that he could solve Kosovo problem but didn't finish it is very beneficial for Putin and his divide et impera approach.
Naravno da bosančuga želi smrt Srbima. E pa toga neće biti, dovoljno je Srba izginulo zbog vas kockoglavih idiota. Džabe otkopavaš austrijsku uniformu.
all of former Yugoslavia is based
Dobro si rekao. Izvini za ove majmune. Ne mogu nista promeniti. Prodali bi i rodjenu mater.
I've never heard of a theory that Putin killed Djindjic. Sounds silly. And yes in a way Kosovo is beneficial to Russia. So called Kosovo precedent. Russia is a reactionary power so you just took notes.
Vučić je vaš, bitanga iz Bugojna.

Nikada nećete biti Srbi, Srbi znaju ko su i šta su. Dosta je Srba izginulo zbog vas kockoglavaca.
A sta su Srbi?
Access to White people is not a right.
>Bosniaks and Croatsntrynto be semi-civil in a yugo-shitpost thread
>Serbs start to fight among each other, calling the other one out who is a more autistic serb.
'nuff said.
two Serbs three opinions
there is very few of us but we are all peaces of shit
This is a fake country. The land belonged to Serbia but was stolen by Albanians with the help of Americans
I do not consider you to be white
you're talking about kosovo retard
Confusing country, why do you have a Republika Srpska inside
i dont hate muslimaks but i have met enough and they are pretty well exactly like serbs and croates but a little dirtier and scammier. and i mean literally dirtier, as in they dont wash properly, have bad breath/dont use deoderant etc. i cant say ive ever met one that i desired to be a friend of that person.
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>What do you think of my cunt and it's peoples(Bosniaks)?
you are irrelevant and you would still be irrelevant if you had the same population size as Germany or even Russia
>Would you welcome us with open arms even though we are muslims(Secular albeit)?
I wouldn't welcome you if you were Christian or Atheists
>We served Hitler in WW2 so you guys will support us in a war against serbs right? right?
Indians, Chechens, Nepalese, Chinese supported Putin, does this mean that the Russian people care about these ethnicities? (maybe about Chinese)
>You aren't white you shitskin turk LMAOoooooo
closer to Italians, Austrians, Romanians to be honest, no need to hate someone beyond one's love for truth
Ti si decko poremecen. Vrati se na reddit.
Just stfu and let me wash your old ass Hans!
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>Just stfu and let me wash your old ass Hans!
I don't want your dirty gypsy hands soiling my excrement.
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>it's peoples(Bosniaks)
>We served Hitler in WW2
The word "bosniak" did not exist in WW2.
>you guys will support us in a war against serbs right? right?
No one is. But also no war is going to happen.
>This shithole is worse than bosnia now,Let that sink in.
Has been for a long time. Exyu cities are the safest in yurop.
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Slavs aren’t white
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>brown eyes and dirty olive skin
Diaspora of course. I have never seen a real albanian flag seethe like them. The biggest albanian nationalists never live in albania.
that's what I'm saying, if we were smart we'd go to the US and get gibs and reparashuns
You wish you can choose but you can't! No one is willing to wash your foul german ass for cheap except us ex yugos, now fucking bend down bitte!
>yes i am white
Yes you are so very fucking white hahaha
When i say Total Serb Death, i do mean TOTAL. Starting with their tranny PM.
I don't even know... I actually know, the Bosnia Pyramid.
That's about it.
You guys need to excavate as a nation and pressure other countries in accepting as a wonder of the ancient world.
I don't know, post a pic of your cunt.
You mad we can say nigger.
>The coalition of some bs communities saying some nonsense.
Slavs are an integral part of Europe. And the are only three parts. Germanics, Romans and Slavs

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