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>“My father told me once: ‘You may not be Jewish, son (I am an Orthodox Christian), but you will always feel solidarity with the Jewish people because you will always face antisemitism due to your name’,” Attal told the magazine Gala. “And indeed, I have often faced antisemitism without complaining.”

Do americans have any defense?

>'It's like prison here,' said one African migrant. He spent it his entire savings to come to America. “'It's negligence. We have no access to food, toilets, or anything. Animals live better here - pets in the street are treated better than us.

Another migrant was forced to leave his hotel residence. 'After one month they can put you outside,' Abdoulaye said. 'Sleeping outside in the cold is too much. The situation is no good right now.'
>things we like are treated better than parasitic shits we didn't ask for
More news at 7
Rabid niggers should be put down.
It's the humane thing to do.
lol its like at the end of apartheid when the ANC said "houses for everyone" and the dumb niggers all started flocking to cities thinking there will be nice suburban houses waiting for them for free.
Post a link
Ahahahah they were probably told by the Christian missionaries that amerixa is a land of opportunity and acceptance. Hahahahaahah fuck you!
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>Blow the money you either worked, cheated, stole or loaned for to come to America
>Think that you will get free everything as soon as you arrive
>End up less than a beggar on the streets, hated by citizens for shitting up the already full streets

I would not mind my tax money going to deporting them into the Atlantic Ocean.
America was always survival of the fittest. It isn’t europe.
We get treated like pets too and we were born here. The 3rd world gets fed all these urban legends growing up about America, they have a delusional fantasy in their minds of what America is. The harsh reality is America sucks as much as where they came from except we get to be entertained more
Dogs are wanted.

Niggers are not.
So leave
My parents are immigrants from the other side of the world, so when they came to America they thought they would get free cars and housing because that was the lie the entire world was fed about America
Easy solution. Stay in your own shithole.
What if Israel bombed my shit hole and there's nothing left to go back to? There is an American Israel family occupying my grandparents' house
That's because dogs are MUCH better than you.
Dog's are animals.
You are scum.
niggers are roaches. They should be exterminated.
>Mutt calling people dogs
The lack of self awareness is funny
When my uncle emigrated to the US in the 90s he found Americans shit inside their houses like animals.
There was at least 1 safe country between you and America in which to claim asylum. Anyone arriving in Europe or the US ignored the first port of safety because it was never about asylum, it was always about gibs
Sucks to be you nigger. GO HOME. While you still can. The time of War and Lawlessness is fast approaching. You will no longer be protected.
people want pets
Lol! Typical street shitter.
Yeah American mutts have nasty houses that rival India. Every American non-mutt house I've visited is usually very clean because cleanliness exists in those cultures

My dog costs me ~1200 bucks a year on average. A nigger costs 30k a year or more.

My dog will never hurt me. A nigger may rob, kill, rape and or mutilate me.
>oh no, I spent all my shekels to come and steal everyone elses shekels but there was none left
Oh no, I feel so bad
Love it, these faggot whiteoid left wing states need more of this.
Found the indian. Are all foreigners liars? Or are they just insane?
You told me to go back, but I have nowhere to go back to. America is the only country I have. I didn't get to choose where I was born
>It's negligence.
they were tricked into coming but they arrive and have a huge sense of entitlement. the same in the UK. we owe them nothing and they should be grateful for a free flight home
Why do we bother pretending liberals are human beings
How do you guys manage to even endure each day living with so many niggers? Share knowledge
Yeah for you mutt, the rest of us will unite together instead of letting (((them))) divide and conquer us. United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Then dig a hole, nigger. Because you don't belong here.
Good. I like it when your all in one spot.
I'm Palestinian but ok whatever you say mutt. I'm whiter than you. If it wasn't for the American government arming Israel none of us would be here. You reap what you sow
pet dogs deserve better than these fucking turbonigger (((immigrant))) faggots
Sounds like the train they ran on your mom
Lol! You're a shitskin. And soon, the Israeli's are going to start tiring of trying to find any more live hostages. That's when the bombs will drop, and your race will end.
because dogs are loyal compared to a hoodlum.
shit thread.
a dog will never ask for money and never pay it back then pretend you gifted it to them
a dog will never fuck your girlfriend behind your back.
a dog will never question your intentions and tippy toe step around an altercation.
dogs really are best mans friend and we dont even deserve them
to compare someone to a dog is for me a compliment personally.
stop acting like a douchebag and life opens all pathways for you.
some find it a hard matter to grasp though so you have to punish them until they realise it.
not physically or torture , no sir , more akin to spiritual attonement.
I care about animals much more than these illegals. I value the fat fuck squirrel camping in my pear tree more than them.
We keep them in their areas. If someone who looks like he doesn't belong is walking around someone will call private security to move him along or beat him up if he's being a nuisance. They also have to travel far to get to white areas so most of them can't afford to even get to us.
>Your race will end
Jesus Christ truly lacks any self awareness. I'm amused by this myopic moron
Squirrels are cute. niggers are not.
Lol, you can keep your christ cuck. He won't save you.
>defraud immigration
>defraud census so bad actors can rig elections and take out more national debt on the backs actual Americans

Economic mercenary lumpenproles are in for a rude awakening if anything goes Gaza wrong in the court of public opinion, especially labor-nativist Leftists.

>a dog will never fuck your girlfriend behind your back.
Anon, I...

>Mutt drunken rambling
Ok I'm done making fun of this retard. Time to hop onto /sp/
Pets are wanted and loved, African (((migrants))) are not.
I think everyone is going to be in for a rude awakening in a short time. Russia is already threatening nuclear war, and Israel is about to invade Lebanon. It's about to get very hot.
I like how the migrants are all illegal aliens complaining that they aren't being treated better.
And did they blame America?
>Get scammed by the human trafficking democratic party
>Blame everyone but them.
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cringe crisis actors
>Attached to it, in Greek characters, was the saying "Εν τούτῳ Νίκα!" ("In this, conquer!")
lol, /sp/. What a worthless shit you are.
fuck off sperg and let people talk , how pathetic do you have to be even?
do you have no shame , or an ethical codex you abide by ?
all the money is never worth it selling your soul to the devil.
i should know because i am one and i try to keep you idiots away from us but you keep on indulgeing in disgusting behaviour and retarded assesments without any basis because someone told you to.
i spit on you and everything you stand for.
we will meet again and then you will face true horror without an escape.
may i remind you , this is the path you chose , im merely the being that will make sure you get your punishment that you deserve.
no hard feelings.
reconcile yourself and seek out christ or perish.
i knew this would happen , thank you pastabro but im already demoralized enough so im not going to click that link
>clicks link anyway and frowns a lot
Fuck off yourself traitor. You're just a cuck who let the commies into your country. Race traitors hang first.
They can fuck off
Your parents should have claimed asylum in the first safe country then. They chose to continue for gibs. Then, despite knowing their children would be a further drain on the country that was charitable enough to take tuem in, they couldn't refrain from breeding.
Blame kikes, your parents or whatever other excuse you can find. Best you can do now is try being a productive member of society
Niggers think of themselves as pets that need to be taken care of.
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Yeah it's called go back and fuck off. You'll never be American you disgusting third worlder
NYC will happily send these migrants right back to their home countries free of charge. All they have to do is ask.
You know what happens to homeless pets that aren't wanted.
They get gassed.
you have no idea what you are talking bout and we will have a meeting very soon if you continue your behaviour.
take a pick , you cease and desist your shillposting and work on yourself or i will annihilate your soul.
Then they happily go home.
...So why put those two unrelated bits together?

Bar George Soros jews as a rule are not pro migration in the spightest; they know how the holocaust started, and that was with a flood of Russian jews.
your parents are niggers.
>sleeping in the cold is too much

Isn't it summer in the US right now? New York winter is going to destroy them.
Nice. What about the cunts who have to live and work in Johannesburg? lel
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*Arctic Ocean
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Hey, niggers in New York, I got a great idea where you can go instead!
To clarify:
They aren't even applying for refugee status?
They just showed up at the airport and expected....what exactly?
Go ahead motherfucker. You won't do shit. And neither will your jew god. You'll be screaming shit as I toss you into the oven. And I'll laugh.
I know, right? I was about to comment about that as well. Cold? In June?
>they know how the holocaust started, and that was with a flood of Russian jews.
You're saying Russian Jews suddenly entered the German empire?
i don´t have to do anything
im the host of hosts , you´ll be in for a very rude awakening this is my last msg to you.
also jewgod ? how pathetic , no such thing as a jew to begin with lmao
Do you want me to put a collar on you and give you belly rubs?
if a nigger wants to live in my backyard catching mice for a scoop of kibble and a few raw sardines he can come do so
Good. Go fuck off back to jew land.
Watch out. I hear they tend to bite their masters.
For us, the hypercapitalistic society, to hold their hand. They found out food stamps are only 200 bucks a month and got pissy.
>>“My father told me once: ‘You may not be Jewish, son (I am an Orthodox Christian), but you will always feel solidarity with the Jewish people because you will always face antisemitism due to your name’,” Attal told the magazine Gala. “And indeed, I have often faced antisemitism without complaining.”
The jewish nigger from arabia.
Yet another reason they are below kitties
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It's okay, I want to go to latin america/asia/east europe because the world has fed me a story about cheap pussy ready for american cock.
Not my problem in any way.
I can't even pay my bills in Biden's america and credit card debt across the country is skyrocketing.

No more nigger gibs, because Jews made USA non-white.
Niggers need to pay for the niggers, it's only right it's their people.
You are one of the ones who posts about how hating jews makes you based but then you support the US becoming niggertopia so I guess we both drown. LOL.
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Ah boo fucking hoo, stay in your own damn country
Getcaptcha taxyo
>I have nowhere to go back to except th country my parents litrally came from, but that would take work, so I will just be a nigger here and complain the conomy sucks and whitoids are mean
palestinians are niggers. They are the jews are the same race.
People want pets
>There was at least 1 safe country between you and America in which to claim asylum.
Kike s and burgers ruined my home i'd return that favour in kind too.
>get everything for free
They do, and governments and Jewish/Christian NGOs spew billions into importing busload after busload of them
Literally not my problem
No you go it wrong, the guy says in the article they're 'the victims of the lies in the movies'. They were seduced by Hollywood to illegally come to the US, it isn't there fault
This is a huge reason why there are so many immigrants that goes under-discussed; a lot are under the impression that everyone here is super wealthy and sports cars grow on trees. The false image needs to be corrected and they need to know we have serious economic/cultural issues here and even for people who speak perfect English life can be difficult; for an 80 IQ immigrant with shit English to show up they will either be a burden on the already massively over-strained welfare system or they will wind up in a gutter given how competitive the job market already is.
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>What about the cunts who have to live and work in Johannesburg?
Irish guy hating on Palestinians??? Nice VPN Shlomo
I bet these africans and other migrants but at least the africans would beat up and kill other invaders if they still lived back in their villages.
South african bantus kill somalis and sometimes nigerians that come to their villages.
I'm here to return the favor of what America did to my ancestral homeland. I'm coming for you mutt. I love the second amendment
Pet dogs are wanted and legally in the US, illegall economic migrants are not. I still cannot understand why don't all our countries shoot illegals trespassing our borders. Why the fuck do I have to present a passport and have my baggage run through likeal a common whore at airports/border checkpoints? And those fucks can come as they please and bring whatever they want.
>Aspiring athletes could be here
It was my grandparents, my mom came as a teenager when Israelis liked 3 of my uncles and the family had nowhere else to go. Literally USA was the only one that took them in the fastest before they'd be bombed (thanks Richard Nixon!). My pops did come as a teenager as well but he was 18. My parents are real life American dream. They did more in their lives than most mutts posting here
Well yeah that's because dogs have some intrinsic value and we like them.

Id throw a thousand African migrants into lava to save a single dog.
The Chi Rho is one of the oldest symbols of Christianity you retard. Africans love wearing gaudy shit like that on.
>wot we don't get free lodging and food we have to work and pay
>waaaah save me white man
>'It's like prison here,' he said, speaking in French. 'It's negligence. We have no access to food, toilets, or anything. Animals live better here - pets in the street are treated better than us.

>'The UN building is right there to talk about the problems around the world but look at all this on the doorstep... desperation and lack of services.'

>'We were sold a dream in Hollywood films and TV, but the reality of life in New York City is not like the movies,' he said, adding that he had been bussed over from California.

>When asked how he felt thinking of his family back in Congo, Landry said: 'I cry and think, why did I do this? But it's too late. I spent my life savings coming here and now I can't get a job. What can I do?'

>Landry is trying to learn Spanish in the hopes of eventually securing a job at a Latino restaurant. Many of the other migrants in the queue had similar stories.

>Abdoulaye, of Guinea, said he spent $10,000 traveling through Turkey, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Mexico and Texas in pursuit of the American Dream.

>He told DailyMail.com he was given shelter for the first few weeks of his stay in NYC, but had been sleeping on the streets for the past few days.

>'After one month they can put you outside,' Abdoulaye said. 'Sleeping outside in the cold is too much. The situation is no good right now.'

He still sounds very entitled and an asshole who wants free stuf but it looks like that alongside human traffickers, ngos and anti-white governments jewish hollywood films and series and othet propaganda are also very much responsible for migrant crisis. And again it debunks the leftist claim that not more migrants will come if we tighten the laws and cut welfare for them.
Do migrants get food stamps?
Do tourists also get food stamps?
I'm willing to let any immigrant come and suffer so they go back and tell everyone not to come here. It's what we're doing in California right now. All the transplants are leaving. The ones who can hack it are welcome to stay
>vicious 80 IQ shitskin comes to /pol/ to hate white people because he thinks he is based for hating the jews who deliberately moved him to white countries to prevent the Fourth Reich from happening
>he is also literally the kind of shitskin who is descended from jews so kikish in nature they converted to islam to avoid paying taxes
Every time
>we stole your money and repaid white people's kindness by allying with jews trying to fuck up white countries
Yes we know Schlomo Muhammad, but as a racial kike you deserve to die with your israeli racial kin and since you are racially inferior everything you and your jewish brothers stole by deceit will be removed from you by force.
>Think he's white
>Lower IQ

Do mutts really think like this? Truly no self awareness. They're so easy to rile up because they're so fucking weak mentally
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>Landry is trying to learn Spanish in the hopes of eventually securing a job at a Latino restaurant
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Why are most of the migrants in NYC men? These two cute latinas were the only women the Daily Mail saw at a shelter for migrants.
None of what you wrote is coherent. For fuck's sake you only speak English. How can you be so retarded when you know only one language? You would think mutts would be able to master the only language they've ever written in
It's actually not even hollyshit movies but in foreign countries, especially 3rd world ones, there are massive billboard ads everywhere inviting people to come to 1st world countries. Partly funded by various government entities and partly by thinktanks and private funds. Those billboards universally lie and do promise free shit. They also usually point people to bullshit private sites that further talks about free gibs that don't actually exist.
Thankfully even poo in loos have started no longer wanting to go to the US and instead trying to spin up international companies from india. Third worlders in general are slowly waking up to the US being a shithole because their peers who fall for the meme are increasingly vocal.
Even in Hollywood movies they don't pretend people arrive and are given a mansion.
There are plenty of homeless people in Hollywood movies.
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Foreigners OUT.
The Germans are quite right.
Holy shit I didn't know you guys could post online in Pyongyang
I've looked now at the dailymail article and at a few of the comments.
Most told him to go home or that he needs to work hard or how their grandparents come from Europe legally and worked hard. But there were a few lefty comments complaining about others showing no compassion.
In my opinion everyone who supports these migrants, especially the ones working in NGOs and those who talk about mub comparison for those poor illegal invaders should get all their money expropriated, stripped naked, their money should be used to send the migrants home and they also should be send to africa without return.
why is the pope at the wailing wall? is this photoshopped?
Fuck you you stupid fucking retard I'm from a former communist Soviet shithole and came here in the '90s and my parents hit the ground running and within the first week they both had fucking jobs. Nobody told us that we would get anything for free in fact the embassy told us that we had to have enough money on hand to survive for at least a month otherwise we wouldn't even get a visa. Fuck you you retarded things that never happened moron nobody was fed this lie this is just some bullshit you made up to make yourself feel better as a form of cope you stupid fucking retard fuck you.
You should learn to breed your women if you don't want to be replaced foreigern, Kim!
Do you have pictures of those billboards or do they only exist in your head?
White Americans are the most powerful race in the world and semites are the most backstabbing and worthless race of actual mixed with nigger subhumans in the world.
>their money expropriated, stripped naked, their money should be used to send the migrants home

None of this would be happening if you guys finished the job 80 years ago
Do these monkeys not have internet or TV in their own countries. Don't they see the homelessness and lack of jobs in your country. Don't they see how people struggle every day just to survive. What did they expect?
>he's still seething and crying because he's a s*mite
Yeah I'll bet buddy, but I don't talk to seething quasi-kikes who have been fucked by every race on the planet and who can only project their own mixing with niggers and arabs on everyone else. Have fun when RAHOWA comes and sweeps the world clean of you and your jewish brothers though!
How's the weather today in Tel Aviv
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NIGGER hands typed this.
>brown kike talks about immigrants
Sounds like you need to go back.
Sorry to disappoint you, Chaim, but I am white living abroad. Have some more lox.
How's the black dick in your ass?
He's an elected official (elected by the Cardinals) so he serves the Jews.
>More incoherent drunken rambling
It's too easy, like making a monkey dance on command
This is what I wanted to post.
>Pet dogs are treated better than us!
so in essence they're complaining that white women won't fuck them. sorry, but nobody is entitled to sex
It was a David vs Goliath fight and the enemy was too overwhelming and too many stupid decisions were made. The Third Reich had a bigger stab in the back than Imperial Germany had during WWI.
And although I support expropriating all jews in the West I was specifically talking about the traitors from our own race.
Jewish ngo are feeding these lies.
Shalom mashlumkha mameshma Ehud
>clever you just know
Heh. You're alright, kraut.
>200 years ago he could have gone there for free...and not been allowed to leave.
Kek, the comments of this article are based though.
We have stores that sell pets. Pets are something people desire.
We do not have stores selling niggers.
Animals are innocent, humans arent and thus deserve no sympathy.
Stay mad bbc-enjoyer
I spent all my money coming to America
They're not refugees they're economic migrants. They're coming to steal jobs. They're not even trying to hide it any more pretending to be refugees. Employers must be rubbing their hands watching all this cheap labour flooding our countries
To put it in fooßball terms, you guys blew a 3-1 lead in the 80th minute
Tov tov?
Africans aren't that benevolent towards animals as other races but no matter what these invaders claim I bet the average african would have no problem with killing a white man or an african from another tribe if they try to steal or kill his pet.
That's all races. You touch my little Mittens and I'll stab you
People love dogs
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It's how they get rid of the middle class and the white man in particular.
Why would employers rub their hands to hire immigrants? Mexicans will work hard but must immigrants can't handle the American work demands. They're more used to the Yuropoor 4 hour lunch break workplace
"TREAT ME BETTER THAN YOU TREAT YOUR DOGS." if you buy your dogs food daily you should be buying a black(s) their weekly food

You wanted apes in your society they need banana
Yes, that's why all arguments that say "pets are treated better as humans, that's unfair".
Humanism is a disease worse than communism.
The white man bred himself out of existence. You're all just mutts now
Migrant comes to the US. Gets a low-end job. Manages to send $200 a month to his family
back in their home country, where $200 is a king's ransom. So back home they imagine we're all super wealthy. They arrive and discover that $200 doesn't stretch nearly as far here as it does in Kinshasa...
$200 dollars isn't that much around the world anymore. You can thank American free trade for that one. Maybe a few decades ago but they all got smart phones now and can make money online just like anybody else
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pet dogs are also smarter, more civilized and unlike niggers can do jobs like sniffing bombs, they are better so they're treated better, simple as
same way you deal with living among hordes of pakis
You want to laugh? I asked this English lady what she thought of the Pakis one time and she says "I love the Pakis, it's the Muslims I hate". I knew at that point the English were just as stupid as the mutts in America
Just wait till they realise their life savings can be earned back in 4 months of mcdonalds wagecuckold
This is your brain on race denialist propaganda and anti-"xenophobic" propaganda.
Their instincts dislike the foreigners but their brainwashed brain doesn't want to accept racialism, tribalism and that's why thes have to justify their dislike by other reasons like they don't like muslims but the foreigners who aren't muslim are okay or they dislike only the criminal foreigners but the not criminal ones are goof for society.
like have these niggers ever watched a single American movie based in NYC? it's the most hateful city in the country lmfao
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>Migrants: “Pet dogs are treated better than us!”
Pet dogs DESERVE to be treated better than refugee niggers.

>>471204524 >>471204227 >>471203913 >>471203628 >>471203453
Nigger refugees DESERVE to be treated worse than pet dogs
You have this in multiple parts?
>'After one month they can put you outside
Did he not consider it wasn't free?
Nobody cares.
Good, I hope they suffer.
I miss the Orthodox Christians pogroms keeping kid-fucking, kid-mutilating jewish degenerates in check.
I know your from NZ so you aren't as well versed in the NigQ but they have no prefrontal cortex, especially Sub-Saharan Africans, they have no concept of the future or preparing for it. they simply act in the moment. this is fine in you live in the fucking jungle and just climb trees or hunt for food, but in civilized society this makes them incompatible.
kek, someone should overlay the wii bowling "Strike" to this
I nominate you reindeer fucker
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I hate those disgusting africans so much.
>We have no access to food, toilets, or anything
There is no such thing as a free lunch. All these things cost money. You have no right to the products of others.
Why? You should be used to getting raped by invaders by now
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>Moving to a white supremacist country where they’re going to be systemically oppressed and treated as second class citizens
Is Africa so bad that even this is preferable?
Go back to Africa, you dumb nigger
Lmfao whats it like getting your shit pushed in by the weakest, nerdiest faggots in the world?
They should have gone to Europe instead lol
Shut the fuck up you woman no ones reading all this shit.
This. Nigger should at least learn how to fetch. You know, integrate if he wants that treatment.
>Go back ok!! Or I'm gonna get mad
Why are mutts so mentally weak
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i don't know my way around a video editor and cba to find one and learn
Hey man you're American too, we are all used to it by now
Does that happen before or after you have to storm a giant apartment building with “security forces” and forcibly take back said building? Your country is a shithole lil guy
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The Reconquista started here, in the north of Spain. We didn't let them pass and we started their expulsion. But the socialists destroyed our country. Can't wait for the next civil war, we won't even need to kick the africans out, they're the rats that leave the ship first.
Im not being massacred by jews im not sure what you’re talking about. Im not living in a bombed out building in the desert eating sand. Are you?
You just make everything so much worse
>Lives in America, fails to realize who runs his government

Mutts truly the most lacking in self awareness, it's like a gift that keeps on giving
You could always not migrate.
This is the one option lefties fear.
>You make it worse because my feelings are hurt!!
Go back to pRedditor with your fellow mentally weak mutts
I happen to love my dog, so yes.

I don't care about swarms of invasive parasites.
No you make it worse because you are a burden and are incapable of operating in western society. This has been shown time and time again. My feelings aren’t hurt, you argue like a toddler.
must felt like home huh
paco, menos chachara and serve the drinks
these guys are getting a 4k stipen and 2k a month, along with citizenship. The ones getting fucked are the American citizen who is down and out. ESP vets.
>Im not being massacred by jews im not sure what you’re talking about. Im not living in a bombed out building in the desert eating sand. Are you?
reread that and tell me where im wrong. Are you doing ok?
Sorry bro I didn't realize you're poor. Now I feel bad making fun of you. It's ok one day you too can have a nice big house, great job and everything you could ever want like me
My dog (and cat for that matter) are infinitely more helpful and capable than whatever savage they interviewed for this article. These people are so entitled they assume you must like them automatically. It’s insane.
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Mohammed, have you prayed towards the Mecca today?
>Tell me about my own government because I'm a retard who can't connect the dots
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>pet dogs

Fuck em off, who cares. Not compatible. White Australia best Australia. Nationalism is not a dirty word, and we'll find where your wife and kids live. You don't truly possess the monopoly of power, and I'd love an opportunity to demonstrate that fact. Keep sending your daughters to the town center, let's see what damage I can do to you versus what you think you can do to me. These silly bastards don't even know what their kids are up to.
You are a burden on western society as a whole. If continuing to make up things in your head about me helps you in some way, go for it. It’s sad though. You’ve said absolutely nothing of substance in this entire thread. You’re just another loud mouth, midwit leech. So bitter
>ddurrr kikes actively run my life
You’re pathetic.
One dog is worth a million shitskins.
Broke boy hands typed this
Lmfao are you two gonna kiss next or is this just sad samefagging at this point? Par for the course
They should be put down like dogs. Fucking choosing beggars
Sorry, Moishe, we're not taking them. Whine and kvetch all you like
>You just can't say that, ok?!?!
Truly the most mentally weak people. Mutts are so fucking easy to rile up
And you're a retarded nigger who should lurk moar
I don’t even know what point you’re trying to convey at this point. Jews have ridiculous influence in our government, yes, everyone knows this, no it’s not good and should be stopped; you’re not smart big guy. That doesn’t change a single thing i said in my previous post. Or are you one of those schizos that actually thinks jews run the ENTIRETY of the world and their governments?
Careful bro he's gonna go tell all the trannies on pRedditor he was bullied on 4Chinz
>1 post
>2 posts
>both piggybacking off each other and saying the same shit
>Wrote a book
I told you guys, it's so easy to rile them up. Making them dance on command for my entertainment
>cant read 4 sentences
Yep, its a nigger
>Mad nobody read his book
Imagine wasting all that effort on something only he read
Russians have been doing that in Africa lately. They have been paying ads saying that life is great in Europe and that everyone can get a house and social benefits.
>1 post
We’re done here lmfao
yep, time for your ass to go back, nigger
Go to sleep mutt, this place isn't for mentally weak people like you. We eat you alive on this website
Dogs are white culture. These people torture animals.
tough shit, go kill them.
A million? I think you mean all of them.
Pet dogs are treated better than children here.
Africans are the most entitled people you will ever come across. They are horrible.
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>Go to sleep mutt
Chinky dink it's 7:30a on the east coast.
>heh, we eat you alive here kid
The single gayest post I’ve ever read on 4channel
>1 post
You know, I’m not even surprised about this. My brothers friend owns a business and he employs illegal hues, mostly because no white American wants to work or applies (so he says) and the fuckers came over easily illegally and it’s en part due to TikTok’s , where they show how easy and great life in America is and there’s small brokers who are now lending these fuckers money and helping them out through tax IDs . The dude came here two years ago and owns a brand new Mustang GT he financed using his tax ID number and the fucking dealer allowed it because hey! It’s all a business after all…
I love it when journos and pledditors come here to post this shit and then screencap it to prove how "extreme" people are here, kek
>A bunch of people are telling me the same thing
>I'm not the nigger here
Again, lurk moar, faggot
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Extreme? Seems pretty tame to me. And necessary for the US to improve.
That’s not how it works here you hysterical woman haha. Are you 3 gonna fuck after this thread?
Go back
>whaaa why won't the most expensive city in the world give me an apartment and pay me a monthly stipend to exist?! the people smuggler told me I'd live like a kang
>noooo I can't go to arkensas it's bad
how fucking gullible do you have to be?
>Reeing throughout thread
>Calls other Anons women
Projection. Why'd you bring up sex out of nowhere you fucking degenerate nigger?
>1 post
>travel to NYC to "live" and "work"
>owns phone and can translate instantly any economic article on New York being the most expensive state in the world
Yes you did, I did not being born here
Do women and sex with them bother you or something? Why are you upset by that? Are you a faggot? That’ll get you killed back home lmao
So go back home
>came over easily illegally and it’s en part due to TikTok’s , where they show how easy and great life in America is
It isn't. People are brainwashed out of colonial America. We thrive on real production.
One of our greatest mistakes was not cutting down the advertising industry after they sold us poison for 60 years, then the iPhones that trickled down the river to the baboons in the Amazon show the glitzy resourceful life, when US is more of a wasteland than third world countries with power lines being unburied and generational knowledge destroyed. So stupid. Then the spics have the audacity to scream at you I WORK!! as they spray pesticides all over your property from the neighbor who is holding their house as a speculative asset
No one wants niggers....except the Jews Who worship them.
62% of that whole country of INDIA shits outside.......
A street shitter trying to shame? Really?
hey Pajeet, do you know what optics are?
Serious? Did you really think he hasnt been there? Christcuckoldry has always been run by the jews
Why are you letting animals shit in your house you sub human? Your species not realize you can train animals yet? I guess that would require you to realize you aren't an animal yourself, which...



>Continues projecting
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are you serious?
My pet won’t machete me in the streets for being English or vote for Bolshevism to be enforced on my children. I’d prefer literal Orangutans over 90% of migrants .
>He spent it his entire savings to come to America

Too bad, so sad. You have to go back.
We don't even beat our wives,
People solve disputes with monkey noises and guns instead of a civilized dual,
We are slaves for money we can't use,
Ect ect.

Stay poopy my friend. They can never take your shit from you.
Of course animals are treated better, animals actually offer value and most of them are properly house trained.
These niggers cannot hope to compete.
>break into home
>asked to leave

tHeY dIdNt MaKe ThEiR pEt LeAvE

Why are niggers all so stupid. I think it’s melanin in their neurons.
Things niggers find (mostly) impassible

A river
More than 10 city blocks
A mountain
It's below freezing
It's raining

Things niggers find extra passible
>public transit
>mowed lawns
>Paved roads

Niggas can travel on dirt roads but it fills them with dread if they know there are whites around.
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Yeah, it's true, there are hundreds of Jewish NGOs trying to push more migrants to Europe.
For example the Soros funded w2eu organization goes to Turkey and tell the migrants that they have wonderful lives waiting for them in Europe with everything paid by the taxpayer, they're handing out advertisement leaflets in Arabic and do everything they can to make sure they get in, including telling how to avoid fingerprinting at border to get into the countries with best gibs, teaching criminals how to stay as long as possible how to fight or even avoid deportations, etc. etc.


>Information against the fear: fingerprints in Bulgaria - how to stop a deportation

They are that egregious, yes, they literally have this information up on their website, kek.

Absolutely no information who are funding them in the about site though

So Hungary is doing a based and making a 'Stop Soros Bill' to force NGOs tell the source of their funds

The funniest thing of all of this is how this got the Jews kvetching so hard that they ordered the Western media to paint it as some pro-Russian bill or whatever other bullshit, that it's anti free speech or something, complete and utter lies, the only thing the law does is force NGO to tell who is giving them funding, NOTHING else.
It's also a good display of Jewish power in the West how deliberately this Hungarian bill has been lied about and the narrative is completely twisted
They say how it can make NGOs look "unfairly" unreliable if they have to disclose their funding.
You can imagine which kind of noses the people who have this complaints have.
Imagine if they want to put some "Love is equal in all colors!" ad in Hungary, now it would have to put "funded by George Soros" in the corner, kek.
Only in Jewish mind is transparency and honesty "unfair".
You sound like a filthy jew
Good. That's because they ARE more important than you

Maybe you should try and fight back instead of letting Israel destroy you and then crying and coming here.
at that point do you tell her that 98% of all pakis are in fact muslims, or do you just 360 and moonwalk away while laughing?
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In america we had stores that sold niggers. Northern cucks ruined that lol
blah blah blah. fucking go back.
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>imagine giving a fuck about useless niggers.
Death to all niggers
Also check
>I spent my life savings breaking into your country
Sounds like a you problem
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Bringing slaves from Africa to USA for a short period of time was the worst mistake you've ever made.
Jews are now pushing the same mistake to Europe too.
The Arabs and Jeets we are getting in our "trail mix" are even worse than straight up African niggers though.
Spay and neuter them so they can be treated just as well.
Aww well maybe they can go back?
your picrel should say
alien or a jew
jews make money off aliens, legal and illegal
that's half the reason they are here, other half is the the part that "they feel safer in a multicultural society"

it's actually a pretty solid tactic. after they've leeched, exploited, lied and cheated too much, they've always been singled out and kicked out in the end.
but if they bring other, more visibly destructive races with them,
it's easier for the jew to hide and do his financial crimes against humanity in peace when brown men are raping kids and committing terror acts on the streets, people quickly completely overlook the existence of the jew
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The whole idea that America is for everyone and not just your own people of Western and Northern Europeans, is a Jewish invention.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated your government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula, and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions of migrating from Europe (global cap).
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

Black people aren't just MUCH dumber, they are also narcissistic and psychopathic (MUCH lower in genetic empathy)
(yes empathy is a genetic trait like iq, and the amount differs between people, and the averages differ between races)

Black are low iq narcissists and psychopaths
They will never be introspective and will always see themselves as victims and white people as the enemy no matter how much white people baby them
Pets have redeeming qualities. Leeches do not.
>Sweet dreams are made of these...
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Yeah, people like their pets
How fucking 60 IQ do you have to be to even believe a free house or car is even possible lol just on base logic alone this makes your entire bloodline peak retarded
>Doesnt fight back
> Instead leaches of whitey
How are you any different from the jews that occupy your house wuen you occupy our house you fucking shitskin pigfucker
As they should be. I appreciate dogs. Niggers are useless.
Fuck this nigger, if i own a pet it's mine, he is an extension of me... I OWN HIM

Does he want to get back into slavery ? Who would want an uppity nigger anyway, buck breakers?
no shit, the hierarchy goes

whites > pets > asians > irish > sewer rats > blacks > kikes > african migrants

they're the bottom of the hierarchy. they're lucky they got 30 days free hotel they deserve 1 bullet and a shallow grave.
You dumb nigger.
Quality bantz
They'll look great in the military

>pet dogs are treated better

I find it humorous a nigger would think he has as much utility and appeal as a loyal family dog.
I think I'll move to India and complain about my reception and the services offered me, I'm sure that would amount to much,
damn almost as if they should stay in their home countries and not go where the infrastructure is not prepared for .massive influx
>turn up uninvited at somebody's house
>complain about the state of the house
Well, they were retards and therefore so are you.
We should create an artificial universe that is nothing but niggers and then destroy it

the second you dont let coloreds know their place they think they can walk all over. Punk ass weirdos
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this is US
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>Migrants SLAM United States


100 replies. nu/pol/ is dumb

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