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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Be Hideo Kojima
>"Wow, not bad for a chink! This game is pretty good"
>"No trannies, no niggers, no fat brown women, no african slaves larping as samurais

>Be American Liberal
Kojima was always my favorite trans progressive developer, shame he turned into a chud
i'd love to see more chink games
still better than kike games
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>hey I like this game
liberals get mad at anything that doesn't have an abundance of niggers, fags and trannies, and even when it's chock full of that shit they don't buy it, and the game studio goes bankrupt after spending all that money hiring the dei consultants that shakes them down through extortion.
He never supported it you dumb waste of air
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context: chinks refused to pay 7mil "to fix problematic content" to a DEI group and now their game gets slandered everywhere in (((US Media)))
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That's funny, I don't think Kojima realizes what utterly woke, tranny scum all his western supporters are. LMAO. Now imagine if he praised Stellar Blade?
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>Where are muh niggerinos!?
>Where is my butt sex?!
What is wrong with leftists? Why can't they just enjoy art?
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>has a monkey as the main character instead of a trans lesbian jew nigger
>this is racist sexist AND homophobic
Liberals can only enjoy media when there's a morbidly obese sheboon as the main character.
It’s probably a Judeo-cia operation to prevent a Japan-China alliance
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I hope chinks or Japs make a soulslike based on Irish mythology, the bosses would be so kino
>Send hours farming stout bombs that don't respawn to throw at Beastman O'Donnelly to do damage while stupor is in effect
chang should countersue and demand 6 million
They didn't pay the 7 million dollar extortion fee
Why is the dev sexist?
>video game twitter thread
kill yourself, you faggot nigger
the real black myth is that there was a nigger samurai in feudal japan
I was thinking more of Balor the one eye, but I suppose there could be bomb crafting
hol up... so yous be sayin
imagine supporting sexist devs who don't care about they female audience.
He has a famous tranny actor in one of his up coming games He supports it and he has sold out and gone full Hollywood.
If you don't boycott jews, you support eternal industrial scale baby torture.
Somebody holding any opinion in a company you support is secondary and trivial in comparison.
Seeing a tranny is disappointing to everyone.
One of the Sweet Baby style companies tried to extort the Wukong developers over its purported history of sexism or some shit.
Amuricunts need civil war to cure themselves from this craziness
And also nuke canada
Kojimbo didn't need to invent the camera. They should be grateful for his magnanimous charity.
This game looked based enough already, with this info it's easy winner.
God dammit, now I have to buy 2 copies of the game!
In case you didnt know, the studio rejected Sweet baby inc to extort them for 7 mill and take over their writing, ofc these fags are going to counter signal wukong
Why don't the Irish make a soulslike on Irish mythology?
>>"No trannies, no niggers, no fat brown women, no african slaves larping as samurais
Okay, okay, I WILL buy the game. But next time you buy an ad!
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Nice game you got there...
This is highly political you stupid bot!
Kojima is just a project manager who has had an inflated ego since the 90s. With that being said I can't wait to return to monke.
Hope you get killed timmy
Sorry Schlomo, but the Chinaman will NOT add niggers to their games.

We will return to monke!
Gaming industry is fucking dead and whos fault is it? Women and mental ill men larping as women
>fags seething
was gonna skip this soulless chink trash but now might pick it up
>soulless chink trash
It's a video game.
His game about Journey To The West is 100% accurate to the story.
That means Sun Wukong is a monkey man and not a black lesbian nun.
For this egregious sin, the developer is politely asked to fork over $7 milly for protection against cyberterrorism from Sweet Baby Inc, a known front for SDG implementation in video games which uses racketeering practices to enforce gayness and historical inaccuracy in everything.
The developer refused to pay the money. He probably doesn't even have the money but that doesn't matter.
As a result of him not paying protection money, the protector's henchmen are trying to demolish his reputation until he does pay the money.
Every chinsese game looks like a wannabe jrpg or wannabe dark souls/nioh with slightly worse graphics and uncanny characters
>It's a name fag
I am a generational poster, inaugural 4chan Hall of Fame inductee, and recipient of the 4chan Lifetime Achievement award.
Game will be shit anyway because China can't make anything other than Hoyoslop. There has never been a good game from the mainland that wasn't some indie shit by a westerner who lived there (FTL) or that didn't rip off a Western/Japanese game enrirely (Amazing Cultivation Simulator to Rimworld, My time at Portia to Rune Factory).
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it annoys me how media portrayed a literal Chinese Mythological being.
>Dragon Ball: He's an Alien
>Monkey Magic: Is a complete power tripping ass
Lefty blackmail is hilarious. Just double down on whatever it is you said, and you'll make fat stacks
>Verification not required
Oy vey
Vindictus exists. It's not soulslike, but it's pretty good. Lots of booba and no political correctness as well.
>really disappointing to me
Imagine how narcissistic you have to be to think that your personal opinion should matter to someone like Kojima.
Game sucks, and you should feel bad.
EVERY single game that is released now caters to and panders to these people, and it's still not enough for them....
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The hit pieces are starting to roll out.
>literal extortion for good press

Is that legal?
Oh, it gets better. Samurai had ranks. House nigger Ya Suck Eh was given the highest rank. Although he was only given a ceremonial wakizashi and thus was a gokenin at best, he walks around in the game as a hatamoto who carries two swords.
The three main ranks were:
Gokenin (housemen), the lowest rank. Guards of a feudal lord.
Goshi (rustic warrior). They owned some land, but could not carry two swords.
Hatamoto (bannermen). The highest rank. They were given a fiefdom and could carry two swords. Warriors with this rank were expected to die to protect their lord's interests and commit seppuku if their lord died in war.
They're completely tone deaf to their own racism.
Niggers and liberals literally read
>"Black Myth Wukong"
>"Nigger Myth Wukong"
And think the title of the game is false advertising.

That's how much they worship niggers.
>Dat ratio tho
I'm glad homie is looking out for my Gspot and knows I shoot a governments in my dreams.
>hogwarts legacy
>the game where 99% of characters are mystery meat negroids
>where you are forced to interact with story-critical tranny characters, dyke teachers, burqa-wearing school staff and other abominations
>lack of political correctness
Oh no, the extortion mob doesn’t rike me?!
Is that not just Father Gascoigne (or was that the joke)
Not just ANY namefag! I'm Breakroom, the Scat Guru, and I LOVE eating piping-hot logs of shit directly out of men's assholes at truck stops! Oooo, gimme all your poopoo, om nom nom nom nom!
Weimamerica absolutely hates this game because it doesn't kiss DEI tranny ass at all. Apparently, Game Science and Tencent told SBI to fuck themselves with an extra large dilator, so it's gonna be war. Lol.
China is so fucking based. It's gonna be fucking great when this game makes massive bank from player word of mouth while professional reviews trash it to hell for not being woke.
>will NOT add niggers
No trans or female MCs. I think the women might even get sexy female bodies. This might just be the most based AAA game this year.
Who the fuck cares what some faggot thinks of them? Their opinion is utterly meaningless because their blood line will soon die out, vastly improving the universe for the rest of us.
>famous tranny actor
oh good, let's hope this one plays out exactly like the one that "acted" in dead by daylight. i love happy endings like that one.
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I will make it legal
gamergate makes a lot more sense when you realize it was all just a power struggle of the feds to influence a global media enterprise (vidya)
If they did it with jazz and modern art, they'll do it with any medium.
I remember prior to gamergate, experiencing a drop off in video game review quality in the famous gameinformer mag, where almost no game would get any 1 scores or get ruthlessly mocked, and I recall them suggesting that games had simply gotten better over the years, and it was jarring to me that they simply HADN'T, then conveniently, gamergate occurs, and it became clear that "gaming journalism" was just another nepotistic and thinly veiled orgy machine designed to project a foreign ideal (that is, not one contingent on the quality of games, but rather transforming the gaming medium itself)
I also like chink fantasy exactly because of that, there's even the occasional faggot being kill but they are not common so not common to see dying on those stories.
Unironically, name of the novel was Sage Monarch. Sadly the MC didn't bank on his power with harem like many of other titles.
But the story is pretty funny, there's even independence day ufo, kek.
It's also legal to fuck game journalists for better revies of your game.
>gamergate makes a lot more sense
I still dont get how one dutty slag could get hundreds of thousands of posts deleted off leddit and 4chan? Just cos she didnt want people to know she was abusing her faggot boyfriend.
Getting real sick of this shit.
Chinks have had a few gems recently enough. If it's well made, don't really care where it came from. Especially considering the dreck that's pumped out now. Even their movies which usually suck, The Sadness was a pretty good zombie flick. Wouldn't have thought it was Chinese if it weren't for all the chinks.
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the dark side has many orifices that must be protected, lest their excretions be stifled
>Stellar Ass
People really forgot about Bayonetta
Its legal according to the Talmud
That was like 15 years ago and might as well be considered ancient history.
pls help heal the world and nuke America
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Chinks are actually pretty based.
Is it legal to fuck games journalists with a rusty bayonet, Gaddafi style?
Based Kojima keeping those communist values going
L test
in all seriousness the mutts are probably afraid of losing the soft power that them and their puppet dominance of games offers them and are panicking from chinks potentially taking over it, and the fact that they cant use tarifs to stop it, they will probably try and use their media arms to attack them and counter them
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No more fucking female protags! Cucullain the hound, lets go!
Its free advertising. Most gamers are sick of the DEI gay implantation into games. Seeing that this one rejecter the globohomo narratives makes me more likely to buy it.
>Literal who repeats golem gripes.
What is there new in this?
Is this an irrelevant slide thread?
>fervent history of exism and hatred
Literally what?
>chinks made a governmental agency to yell common sense at their women for their own good
hilarious but futile
I was always interested in the game based on looks alone, but this cements it. Wukong is a must buy.
I guess that explains why they didn't buy Wokespoken.
What the fuck? Did the developer post that? Absolutely based. Should be a day 1 purchase for everyone. I didn't think it was possible for a bugman chikoid to be this based, but here we are. Fuck feminism, fuck wokism, glory to Black Myth: Sun Wukong
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>I am so disappointed in Hideo Kojima for liking a game from a studio with a history of sexism
Lol we're talking about Hideo Kojima if this bitch actually knew who he was she'd already be offended by the "sexism" in his own games let alone a tweet liking some other game.
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i'm not going to play a game where the mc is a fucking monkey man. who designed this shit
Looks pretty cool but is this one of these Elden Ring shits where you need to be turbo autist to advance in? Im a dad, i cant play games like Elden Ring.
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>journey to the west game
>(they) try to put negros and faggots in it
>east asians reject the destruction of their culture
big incel vibes, sweaty. What makes you think you deserve representation? This has always been a racist space, you aren't wanted here
Why does that stupid cunt think their opinion matters. It’s disappointing to you is it? Who gives a fuck you’re a fucking nobody lmao
What’s wrong, Snake? You don’t like girls?
I shared one of this fag's posts about Blizzard shit on what used to be a gamergate discord, and the entire response was
>hurr that guy sucks hope he kills himself durr
I don't even know who this dude is. Why does that even matter?
It is a medium with an ongoing political war. Who really plays video games besides blunt addled niggers? Children and man children who are of an age where they should be getting indoctrinated by institutions of higher learning. It's one of the main fronts of the war to influence young, impressionable minds with propaganda.
sorry chud, you are on the wrong side of history
Still cannot believe that Oneyng said Irish myths and folktales are boring and suck.
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dangerously based
The thread would end up here inside of 100 posts and (you) know it
it does seem to say get lick until can't get an erection lol. just from knowing jap moonrunes,
不能 cannot
勃起 erection
到 arrive
舐 lick (at least the left part is the same, it means tongue)
被 to be passive vicim
I only follow one person on shitter and that is Kojima
Aren't most japs illiterate when it comes to kanji and need furigana to be able to read most?
I am not saying this often, but holy BASED.
If we had a healthy judicial system, one that tries to maintain integrity and better virtue, this Baby Back Ribs org. would soon be obliterated on the charges of extortion, slander, etc.

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