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All Freemasons are subhuman scum. There is no trustworthy Freemason. All masonic sects are equivalent. There is no unrelated Masonic organization. There is no white lodge in Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians are dead. The Egyptians were never Masons. Thelema is gay, too. All Freemasons are pedophiles. All Freemasons will lie to you. Normies suck Masonic cock for good boy points, and because they're mortified of the horrific truth. All Freemasons are money launderers. All Freemasons commit perjury in court. All high level and state level Governmental representatives who aren't blue collar are either Jews or Freemasons. Even some of the blue collars are. They are Zionists and hypocritically pro-Islam. They donate to children's funds and hypocritically rape them. They are the main forces behind sex trafficking in the Midwestern United States. The Midwest has simultaneously some of the most Freemasons in state government positions and they have the highest statistics for child trafficking in the world. Freemasons were on the news parked outside of the Uvalde Texas school shooting. Freemasons made all your favorite films and video games. The Freemasons serve the Jews. There has never been a Freemason with the good of humanity in mind. You are all scummy, two-faced liars. Every single one of you I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Every laugh, smile, and sentiment is dishonest, effeminate, and uncanny. Your eyes show less emotion than Tom Cruise. You are so desperate for attention and to revive your dwindling power you try to act like joining the Freemasons is a trend on 4chan of all the places on the internet. You are horrible at consensus cracking. You have zero knowledge on Op-Sec. All of your secrets have been known for 60 years. You cannot hide. It's over. It has been over for a very long time. You are not strong enough to survive here. You never were. Goodbye, cuckmasons. Everyone will see this thread, and you will suffer.
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I hate them too anon. You have no idea what those fuckers put me through
They need to be exposed for their crimes against humanity
Epic new copypasta
I did. I told anyone I could the fucked up shit I saw would drive most men to insanity. But I think God knew I'd be able to handle it
What’s your story, anon?
Yeah tell us please
They were antisemitic in the early days. Wonder when they were taken over... USA was a freemasonic country and its presidents killed bankers with their own hands (Jefferson).
shut up memeflag.
All flags are memeflags.
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
lets gooooooooooooo
i mean fake flags then you mong.
All men from every nation under Zog wear the same uniform (suit and tie). Every flag is a fake flag of globohomo economic zone.
many of the flags just recycle same symbolism with different color palettes
I'm scurred of freemasons
A classic quote about aliens you can also apply to these occult losers (not saying esotericism in general is evil, for transparency):
>They are more afraid of you, than you are of them
I mean if every church goer and christian knew about the masons among them, these masons would have fever places to hide in
So....I have had some dealings with them....
How did you get their attention at first? Just curious, I've been through the same shit
Had a friend heavily involved with FM. Kept a black rabbit in a pen inside his living room. Younger son dressed like a girl, had long hair like a girl, wouldn't work and lived at home (21 y.o.). Just weird shit going on and no explanation.
I don't talk to him anymore.
btw, hating them isn't doing you any good. Try to be more balanced and as hard as it is, learn forgiveness. Not so much for them, but so you do not hold on to that negative energy.
>Forgive an unrepentant demonic enemy on the eve of the great spiritual war.
>For your own good, goyboy.
They aren't sending their best. Or perhaps they are.
Halo is a cool guy.
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This is a slide thread. Jews are the source of all misery in this world.
Why start with the jews when it's easier to start with the traitors supporting them?
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heres a pic of one I know about. see the shit eating, hate your guts look on his face, but whoever he's doing that shit eating grin to is doing it right back at him. they really hate each other but they think theyre so funny everythings a game to them. he's dead nigger now
Jews are the dupes who get to be sacrificed now and then. Masons are the sneaks who try to get out front of the revolution. Not this time. We know who they are. Their cover is blown. Also they got duped too this time. They vaxxed themselves.
>Literally a word that means "being" and "existence"
>"muh life sucks"
What a self-pitying fag. The rest of the chart is correct but leave God out of it
probably around the time Lincolnfaggot came around. i wonder if he was a mason. Betcha its around that time.
I say once Masons have been dealt with
We go for the Jesuits in the Vatican next
Swastika memeflag deflecting for Jews.
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this is a good thread to post this in. i was going to make a thread with it alone but.

So faggots. Does this mean anything to you? Tell us if it does. Gloat
If you are looking down the scope of a rifle, being calm and balanced will give you the best shot, in between breaths.
It's not me deflecting for jews. Big portion of conservative people in west are christian, and problem is that you cannot get christian to agree on JQ, no matter how hard you try. So you have to make a compromise, start with the Masons.
I pray for that situation almost daily. Can't wait to escape this fucking jungle. There are better places out there. Not that I hate life or God. I love the beauty of nature and humanity. I just hate this gay game they play with our lives. It's boring and frustrating now that I know what goes on and how genuinely stupid TPTB simultaneously happen to be. I've secured my place with the good in higher levels. Just patiently awaiting the day now.
Why's you glowniggerdoms tryin to bait the violins? Are you hoping to commit suicide by saints? Sry, you get to long for death now.
All I said was ultra hard, man. It was in the picture
Tell or Larp
America is a meme, so the American flag is a meme flag too
Russia beat Nazis in WWII, but they still haven't beaten Ukraine
>Ukraine stronger
>Jewish leader
Do either one immigrate to majority brown countries? Not as colonizers, but as immigrants
Sry, (you)d you by accident. You don't glow ( yet?). This thread is very entrapment.
I think historic Freemasonry and modern might be different. I know a lot of Jacobites, monarchists, and traditionalists were Freemasons.

I am not sure what Freemasonry teaches but Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and Neoplatonism are good things.
>good thing
ok mason..
My grandpa is a dick and a freemason and I'm gonna swoop in and steal all his tomes of knowledge and doodads and post them here the day he clicks
>Jews are the source of free masonry
We know
Kek take meds freak
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I don't need to
What makes them good?
He's Mason, so he's paid to defend them.

They accord with objective truth and reality. Kabbalah is simply the Judaic version, Neoplatonism is the Hellenistic version, Daoism/the I Ching is the Chinese version, and Vedanta/aspects of Shaivism is the Indian version.
>Teh Tao is satanisms too.
I don't think so. The first English translation of the Tao equated it with the logos and so also with Jesus. You don't get to co-opt this one my neo-platonist friend. You did at least give a direct answer so I don't think you are an actual satanist.
Freemasons don’t serve the Jews retard, it’s a Jesuit counter reformation college of mystery schools and fraternity. Read “rulers of evil” by F. Tupper Saussy and “Vatican assassins: wounded in the house of my friends” by Eric Jon Phelps. Both are available free online. Zionism is a Roman project to regain the Holy Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. You’re witnessing the final crusade, you’re just too stupid to realize it. The Templars diversified and changed names.

The Dao was understood to have two aspects, as Absolute reality and as the way it unfolds in space and time. The latter could possibly be equated with logos but in its ultimate aspect the Dao is more akin the the One of Neoplatonism.

None of it is Satanism.
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what did they mean by this?
The spiritual war is platonists vs arisotelians. Or equivalently autists vs satans. You are either on the side of the uncorrupted Logos shared in a spirit of love or you are one of the people of the noble lie. Nothing in the Tao suggests one should lie, in fact the opposite. "A great ruler rules in utmost simplicity". You are too honest to be one of the evil ones, anon.
Interesting tell us more, anon. The black tribes circumcise boys after an initiation very similar to reports of the Elysium mysteries. Shaka, who created the Zulu nation did away with circumcision.
their lies aren't even noble, I just had an argument with this "people" and they unironically and shamelessly believe that illegality and morality don't exist objectively speaking.
Noble lie is a technical term to them. It means "for the greater good" (cf movie Hot Fuzz). Aristotle said morality was inborn in ones very soul. The only conclusion is we don't all have the same soul.

One giveaway is when people talk about ethics. Ethics is what you can get away with, like business ethics.
Just grab the books, you’re already on the internet. Ones 300 pages the other is like 1800. I don’t have time to summarize it all but essentially Catholicism is the end times one world religion and will be centered in Jerusalem. The governments of the world are all run by the Jesuits and their proxies. The G in masonry really stands for Gesu the home church of the Jesuits in Rome. It was just a tool of the church to infiltrate the Protestant church and subvert it back into Roman rule. The intel agencies are all Freemason/jesuit/zionist controlled. This was common knowledge in America during and after the civil war which Rome facilitated after the Irish immigrants came over to serve as fodder. Samuel Morse wrote about it, Lincoln wrote about it, as well as plenty of others. You really should look into it yourself and not just take my word on it or you’ll end up blindly trusting a stranger like all the idiots who think the Jews are the prime mover in the world system. The Jews are actually just a front to point at when stuff starts getting noticed. Other books that are invaluable are “secret history of the Jesuits” by Edmund Paris. “50 years in the Church of Rome” Charles Chinique. “Unholy Trinity” by John Loftus and all of Anthony C. Sutton work but he didn’t realize it was Rome pulling all the banking/military strings in the anglosphere because he worked for Stanford or Princeton and the John birch society all of which are Jesuit institutions serving the reactionary movement to pull us into the new right/Catholic integralism. If you want a Reich you build a Weimar, these people are so good at what they do. So good that most have no idea what the Jesuits and knights of Malta even are. They don’t realize that all of the people in power are Catholic knights, instead they bark at the court Jews and call for a pogrom just like they’ve been programmed to do. It’s actually super interesting but totally wicked. Mystery Babylon indeed.
could you make a thread of this on /x/ , where you go in more detail? I'm very interested to learn more of this
So why are so many jesuits also jews, and why do supposed Romans (who have more blood in common with us) have such an antithetical character, that you would expect only of a biologically different race?
Also, suppose there were no jews, how would they achieve their goals? I'm not talking about scapegoating but the need for a huge number of malicious amoral actors. How would you get white people to do that?
It's not just a single action or delusion it's their entire way of life and nature in order to even be inducted to begin with
this shit seems to go deep.. I've been suspicious that "soul groups" play a role, and what you're saying could be that/confirming some of my suspicions
What did the freemasons put you through?
you're so obvious, jew.
Thanks so much anon! Super detailed, and checks out. I am living innawoods with shitty cheap tablet so can't into books. Loftus is easy for me to remember to search archives if I ever return to my pc. See my second comment in this thread re dupes. I have done a fair bit of theory but a lot of practical!! In half an hour I have to drive deeper in the woods to setup camp. Can't get a captcha there. So please keep thread alive and into the archive.
I’m speaking of the Roman institution, not the Italian people. There are very few Jesuit Jews, if any. Read the Jesuit oath. They fucking hate Jews worse than Protestants. The whole Loyola was a Jew thing is retarded. He founded the order during the time when the Jews had been expelled. Stop falling for the op. Actually read the documents, the oath, their writings, even the history books I suggested. They allow some Jews into the game and are called “court Jews” this goes back since forever. They’re essentially the house niggers of Jews and are willing to sell the rest down river for their own advancement. Famous courts Jews are people like Kushner, Frued, Blinkin, etc. actually Trunpbis a really good case study if you’re genuinely interested. Look where he went to school and where he sent all of his kids to school. All Jesuits, he’s Jesuit coadjutor being handled by Bannon another coadjutor. Ultimately they’re both under Cardinal Dolan of the Jesuit archdiocese of NYC. Sending them to jail is nothing but kayfabe, politics is professional wrestling for “adults”. Fauci is another good case study he’s like a triple Jesuit. People really don’t want to hear this information because it counters all the memes this site has been feeding them for years and years. But this site is run by the same intel agencies that were founded by the Jesuits (OSS/CIA). Yet another good case study, look up the founders of the OSS: Donovan and the Dulles brothers, all good little Catholic boys with deep deep Jesuit ties. There was a time in America when people used to joke that CIA stood for Catholicism in Action. Ffs, they killed JFK because he went against the temporal power of the pope and was going to end the party, then they clipped his brother for the same. Now they have RFK jr who they raised (family had a private Jesuit priest) and are ready to set him loose on us. The USS Liberty you ask? Ya look into LBJ’s Catholic ties, Bush too, knight of Malta
I must also remind you that Zionism is a Roman op. So don’t think I’m trying to worm the Jews out of responsibility, I’m trying to pull you away from the tree so you can see the forest.
I really dont care about them or their LARP.
This doesn't answer my questions, namely why do they act in ways that go against the nature of white people if they are white? A different race (i.e. jews) is a plausible explanation of their nonwhite nature
I don't think psychopathy for example plausibly explains the number of them you would need to operate a state (and you need more to operate a shitty state than a truthful and honest one)
The Jews are being used as a tool. Aside from the obvious scapegoat tactic the move is to leverage their desire for a homeland against them. Use them as a placeholder while putting the pallies against them. Then when they are exhausted offer a peace deal in exchange for Jerusalem to be made an international city administered by the Vatican. Basically a big religious Disney land. Albert Pike’s 3 world wars letter hints at this a bit.
This doesn't answer the questions I brought up either
I’ll keep it up on my browser, for today. Like I said though, don’t take my word or anyone’s word for it. Check out the books, they’re mostly free online. Some of them mix in some of their own religious opinions, just focus on the historical facts they document.
If you mean why do the Romans go against the whites it’s because it’s not racial. They want to rule the world, they don’t give a shit what color you are; they’re never going to breed into your lineage anyway. The rulers don’t mix with the slaves, they learned their lesson with the Germanic tribes. If you mean the Jews, they don’t care because they want Israel. Both groups cannot be loyal to their host nation because they have an overriding primary allegiance. That’s why Catholics and Jews weren’t allowed to vote or be in government; pretty fucking obvious and we should’ve kept it that way.
I'm talking about their innate nature (or its distribution) as a characteristic of their race
Bannon's wiki page is a Rosetta Stone. It connects to Mencius Molding and Jim Simons. He is America's Dugin. That Intel is comped is easy to prove from pure logic. (((What where the Oracles))). And running it backwards from Intel you get equivalence for Mormons and KoC. Often here teh jews is used as shrthand for this monolithic structure. I use the word satanists, because that is what Jesus called them when noticing their propensity to lie. That is the oldest source I know calling them out.
How the fuck should I know? I’m not going to make some pychobabble up to lie to you. In my opinion it’s all idolatry of the state and indoctrination from youth. The main movers are all celibate psychopaths, Jesuit priests are the OG incels. They have nothing of their own and gave their lives for a fairytale, they hate humanity as a result. The coadjutors like Bush, Clinton, etc are in it for the same reason communist dictators do it. Wealth, power and glory. If you’re looking for some anthropological psychology I’ve got nothing for you, that stuff is Talmudic nonsense.
It's time to designate Freemasonry as a top-tier terror group who've infiltrated every institution
And yet none of the higher ups are african or asian.

You're overstating them anyway. The Vatican is a mid-tier power, they can't even maintain their "spiritual" power today.
>I don't know
So why would anyone believe you? Either group can throw the other under the bus and say "no we're just the stupid goys". They both undoubtedly say they run all the others (including as part of recruitment). Even a collaboration is more plausible than exclusively whites at the top, because until you've got something it's insane to suppose it's mostly whites until you get really low down in the hierarchy to the point of being demented not being a requirement.
Yep, now we’re cooking with gas. The Mormons are 100% a gnostic mafia offshoot of freemasonry. They are heavily involved in politics, Zionism and bringing about the end times (world religion and government). In my opinion all of their genetic stuff is being databased to have a catalog of every Jew for the final holocaust. Jesus was right about all of them, so was Daniel’s vision of gentile world power. It’s going to be wild to see Rome throw back the curtain and be reborn. They’ve been busy bees rebuilding it all behind the scenes for the greater glory of Rome. Even communism played its part: communism was created in the reductions of Paraguay on the 1600s and then exported as a op. Marx & Engles? Jesuit connections, Stalin? Jesuit. Mao? Jesuit. It’s almost laughable how obvious it is when you see it for what it is.
If you want some pschobabylonian, the books: people of the lie, peck, and sex and character, by Hitler's favourite jew are worth a browse.
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Fraternal Order of the Police is included in this btw
You’re falling for the op. Appear weak when you are strong, day one sun tzu. The Jesuit superior general is in control of the church not Francis. They are seeding a desire for a return to tradition, that’s why they are shilling Candace Owen’s and Fuentes. They control all the NGOs, societies and orders. You can’t just look at the “church” they have a ton of other assets. The Illuminati for example is a Jesuit creation, just look at Weishaupt. When you add together all the apostate Protestant sects, Zionists, Freemasons and politicians they actually have all the power. The goal is to destroy the church once the power has been consolidated, that what the phoenix represents.
The Jews have like 1/4-1/3 of the power, they are in a precarious position because the they are surrounded. At any moment they know that the knight of Malta controlled media could start a pogrom and they would have whites, blacks, Arabs, etc ready willing and able to destroy them and because they don’t have the military power, they could do nothing. This will happen eventually, Rome is not going to let them keep Jerusalem. That’s why they gave it to Jordan (Roman controlled) when they captured it from the Arabs in the 60s. Netanyahu is Jewish freemasonry to the core and works with Muslim brotherhood. This is why Qatar is just allowed to house Hamas with no recourse. It’s all just theater, but people eat it up.
You are actively dancing around the issue at this point
I gotta go setup camp now, will keep reading, won't be able to post, so a last thought. A few anons are self initiates and so the only free men in this world. That is why we have our honeypots, and well, to the fucking glowniggers we say, go unpick your own damn cornerstones.
More often than not, when they appear weak they really are just that. It's not a riddle just because you read it as wisdom in a book by some overrated mongoloid.

Jesuits are Catholic-Jews.
But there's little point in debating, it's too nuanced and you're the sort of person who thinks that Jews and "Catholics" don't want the exact same thing while fighting over who gets the lion's share.
Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up with your one sentence pedantry. The fuck is wrong with people nowadays where they get triggered by literally nothing
It's not really a LARP when you every politician is part of them

I know voting is a meme, but imagine
>I wanna vote for someone who's not mason
>too bad anon, they're all mason
You are the one trying to claim it is only the jews. When the yank points out it is the jews AND, then you recoil. It is like you have an agenda, and are unconcerned with facts. You are coming across as the dancing israelli.
I’m not dancing around shit, I don’t know what the fuck you want me to answer. How can I be more clear, I don’t care for the Jews and I don’t care for our Roman leaders. I don’t know what drives their inner motives, I’m not a mind reader. They’ve obviously worked out an arrangement and are in a Mexican standoff for the time being. I assume Israel has a bunch of blackmail holding Rome in place, and Rome has the might to crush Israel. So they are in tactical parody for the time being. Beyond that I don’t know, if you want someone to tell you sweet lies and oversimplify it so you can swallow it, I’m not the guy. I put out a bunch of resources, if you’re so smart read them and come up with a theory, I’d love to hear it.
Stop taking the bait by mason, and give me answers that I seek >>471215418 >>471215575
Cool deal, I’ll be around and checking the thread later. Wish I was camping, I’m going for a week on the 23rd with the wife and kids. Can’t wait to be out in a tent separate from this civilization for a breather. Enjoy the weather and nature anon.
Holy fuck what a based post.
They’re not Jews, that’s Catholic cointel. They hate the Jews and if you researched them beyond memes you would know this.
You are very obviously Jewish from how you keep trying to reply without replying. Clearly you will NEVER touch the actual topic because it's poison to your entire narrative. I actually had another one you can't answer either while waiting for your dumbass pilpul response. Rome was destroyed the same way white countries are being destroyed today after getting involved with Judea. (inflation, borders held open, citizenship for racial foreigners, ...)
Fuck off with the Hamptons razor deflections. We can call them Babylonians if you prefer. We know who they are down to the man now. All has been revealed. I figure judgement day has come and gone, we are just waiting for some jury deliberation and results to be posted.
No doubt the same magic that creates enough white psychopaths to run such a monolithic empire is also what created a high verbal but low other IQ fellow white person
Thanks for answering my question about why you got triggered over literally nothing. It’s because your incel identity is tied up in muh Catholicism and you’re taking it as a personal attack on your fragile ego.
>Jesuits are Catholic-Jews.
>But there's little point in debating, it's too nuanced and you're the sort of person who thinks that Jews and "Catholics" don't want the exact same thing while fighting over who gets the lion's share.
I've been noticing similarities between masonry and christianity.. both worship "sun god", "sun cult". OT has passages that specifically forbids sun worship
I’m not a Jew you retard, i denounce the Talmud, Zohar, all of it. You’re exactly as the other posters have pointed out. A brain dead Catholic from what I gather. Go say your hail mommies and get fucked. Christ is going to return and turn you inside out. Roman scum. The Roman’s are who infiltrated the American republic and ruined it, the writers I mentioned prove this out. Have a good life though, hope you get raped by the Muslims your Catholic overloads and Jewish lapdogs imported.
Catholics don't hate jews, they just wish they'd convert.
I'm not Catholic, but neither do I hold anything against them. If you're not jewish why are you engaging in pilpul? You have never justified and will never justify your narrative, you won't give us the one explanation we need for your story to be remotely plausible to begin with:
White psychopaths are a rare commodity
NatSoc Germany raided and confiscated all the Masonic lodges in Germany. Later in the rest of Europe. They got all the libraries, correspondence, and membership papers. Nobody knew more about Freemasons than them. Look around. We are now in the living Judeo-Masonic hell they warned us about, nearly 100 years ago.

The idea of flooding and overrunning Europe with non-White, non-Christians, came from Jews and Freemasons. The idea of destroying the last two major White, Christian, homogenous nations, Russia and Ukraine, also came from Jews and Freemasons. The Rothschild supported Coudenhove Kalergi, himself a Freemason, who was the main architect and instigator behind what later would become the EU. He openly stated his Judeo-Masonic goals:

Pic, written in 1944, Jews and Masons plan for Europe:
>Destruction of nation-states and open borders, so the Euraisiatic-Negroid race will be the future of Europe
>However, the noble Jews are different and have already become the leading group among all people [i.e. can remain pure]

>Chris Langan - The Great Replacement [Kalergi Plan]

>The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two (2022)

>Freemasonry and the Luciferian Religion

Main thread:
>Freemasons are Satanic Traitors to the White Race. Literally

>NatSoc Germany warned the world about Satanic and Jewish-controlled Freemasons

>Freemasons, Rebels, Jews (1938) by Hans Tancred
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It's the jews
>both worship "sun god", "sun cult".
All worship of any note originated as solar worship. It's nothing special, it's just logical.
Idiots think that when other groups who aren't explicitly jews leave some tracks behind, they immediately start claiming that "it's not the jews, it's the jesuits", or it's the chinese, or the "zionist-satanists-frankists".
No, it's simply the jews and bunch of other groups who wish they had the power of the jews, none of them are on your side, and people should at least start saying that for every freemason they'd execute they'd kill 10 jesuits.
The Russian-Ukrainian war is a proxy war between Judeo-Masonic dominated West and Russia. If you ban Freemasonry, like in Germany, Spain, de facto Russia (only 1500) and go against Rothschilds (Jews) all the countries that are controlled by them, will go to war against you.
Why are you engaging in a conversation with these kikes? What are you trying to achieve? Just curious?
>I've been noticing similarities between masonry and christianity.. both worship "sun god", "sun cult".
Total bullshit. Christianity is Freemason's main enemy and there is zero sun worship in Christiantiy.

Pic. Satanic Freemasons against the Catholic Church [Christianity] by Achille Lemot 1909

Text: “The serpent and the file”
“The file [Christianity] is still intact, but the old teeth are starting to unravel.”

The Freemason snake [satanist] is working away, the teeth are gnawing against the Catholic Church to destroy it, but it is much stronger and more resilient than (((they))) thought.
Imagine playing make believe card games with long dead ideologies or conspiracy theories, you are a sad individual with no connection to god or the people around you
>there is zero sun worship in Christiantiy.
>every single picture of jesus has sunrays or large sun portrayed behind his head
It wasn't that obvious to begin with
lmao you're glowing bright
Here we see a picture of a 32 degree Freemason who was invited onto a Christian talk show, he was supposed to make the ridiculous case that you can be a Freemason and a Christian, his argument was so weak that it was dismantled immediately. He also showed that Freemasons are of average intelligence at best. Thanks to their mafia like corruption we now have these mediocre social climbers throughout all institutions, talking in circles and word salads (which reflects why our modern-day politicians are like this).
He claimed to be a devout Christian, yet it did not take long before he had to flash his allegiance to Satan. See Pic. He was doing this constantly throughout the entire show, perhaps being around actual believing Christians made him uncomfortable.

Here is the full interview (from the John Ankerberg Show): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVdqWg52D38
imagine falling for these false dichotomy tricks they're doing
>every single picture of jesus has sunrays or large sun portrayed behind his head
Total rubbish. That's a halo:

A halo is an area of light, usually circular, around the head of a holy figure in religious painting; it is also associated with some of the Classical gods and goddesses, such as Apollo, who sometimes has rays of light around his head.

The halo in Christian art first appears in the 5th century, originally for the three members of the Trinity and for angels. It was subsequently applied to the Virgin Mary and other saints, and even living figures, in Byzantine art.

A halo with a cross inscribed in it (or cruciform aureole) denotes Christ; a triangular halo denotes God the Father.

>imagine falling for these false dichotomy tricks they're doing
You are only here to spread misinformation regarding the Freemasons. Document your false dichotomy claim then faggot. Use logic and documented facts only. Good luck, faggot.
My experience yeah, masons are corrupt evil douchebags
"Jesuits" narrative? I beg you, bro- it's like a "Flat Earth", don't you think?
historically masons are unironically the causes of literally all world wars since the second lol, they're fucking evil bro
These organisations exist (and are mostly jews at the higher level anyway), it's more of a "could this be a deluded white person?"
>Freemasons don’t serve the Jews retard,
False, the National Socialists in Germany confiscated Masonic libraries all over occupied Europe and could document that all Masonic lodges were connected and ultimately ruled by Jews.

From pic:
>The Freemasons are international.
>Freemasons especially hate Christianity (Christendom).
When they claim that they are against all organised religions, what they really mean is Christianity In practise they don’t hate other religions or consider them their true enemy. If they can use other religions (e.g. Islam) to attack and destroy Christianity, they do so.
>The leadership of Freemasons is exclusively run by Talmudic Jews.

"The world is one big Lodge"
It's not a halo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3i6UwVkP6M
This is worse than the tribe of dan larp
Tribe of Dan is no larp, it's Sons of Ra. Lucifer is said to come from Tribe of Dan.
>Use logic and documented facts only. Good luck, faggot.
Try again.

The demolition contractors [of France]

-Have nerve old comrade! …[between] the two of us, we will manage to demolish this old shack, brick by brick.
France: - “Yes, if I continue to let it happen!

We see here Jews and Freemasons are working together, they are working to destroy traditional true France [the bricks being demolished are labelled]; “fortune", “faith”, “fatherland”, “discipline”, “trust”, “work”, “fraternity”, “honour”, “credit” etc. Without these foundational stones the house [France] will fall apart.
you wrote all of that in such manner in only 4 minutes? you're running a bot or working with intel group
I’ve watched this 3hr pod cast three times https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dY-roDpHWI&t=6229s

I can’t tell if it’s freemasonry stuff? It’s unheard of stuff because nobody translates Ancient Greek documents. I’ve heard freemasonry say satan is light bringer. But this dood peals the scab off.
The reasons why glowies and Masons promote Christianity, is because Christianity ultimately has no answer to JQ. 99% of Christians you talk to in real life, nobody will be able to give you an answer, how to deal with globohomo. That's why they promote an Abrahamic religion to an Abrahamic problem. They want to trap you in kosher sandwich.
>I’ve heard freemasonry say satan is light bringer.
my limited knowledge is that, satan and lucifer are same deity. Satan is the "destroyer form", whilst his Lucifer form is him trying to pretend he is coming to fix issues he created in his Satan form.
>"could this be a deluded white person"
...in a jewish org which threatens to kill you if you don't comply?
There are so many jewish organisations with so many deluded white pieps inside- Masons and Jesuits included.What's your point?
freemasonry is the ritualized organization of evil's inner party during the age of evil, passed down by demons and ultimately approved of by the creator. the free masonry refers to the ruins of the previous civilization, the same classical buildings and infrastructure that span the world, left over from the previous age, that the current civilization has claimed as their own at the same time they seek to destroy what's left.
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The freemasons and the powers behind them lied to you about literally everything. Either half-truths, false concepts, or blatant lies to confuse you and give you a false understanding of the world, mankind, time, history, and your place in it so that you dedicate your life, soul, and energy to their doctrines in which they have full authority over every aspect. They control Science™, they are the priests that ex-plain and ex-plane the earth for you, they wield that trademark, and that means they control our space in life (if we give them authority over the earth).
Right from the start this world lied to you about the very ground you stand on, the 3 dimensional reality you live in. A fundamental lie, and everything people derive from this false reality will consequently be some kind of falsehood. We are now at the point where mankind believes they are mutated animals, and they are spinning around themselves on a perfectly spherical rock in random space that exploded once. A psy-op, mental conditioning. Do not underestimate the spiritual life-guiding implications of this godless concept. Most people are not level-headed, they are not stationary, they are not based, they are incapable to see physical truth at this point. Common sense isn't really all that common anymore. They rather believe in jewish mysticism like space-time and relativity, which leads to everything being "relative". No distinct up and down, which leads to good and evil being "relative", male and female being "relative", all empty space and imaginations in our mind. Let that sink in, the majority of people ultimately don't even know what is UP and what is DOWN. In other words, there is no absolute truth in this universe.
That's not what I'm talking about retard, I mean OP before he started obviously ignoring the elephant in the room
I have made threads regarding the Freemasons-

> I don’t have time to summarize it all but essentially Catholicism is the end times one world religion and will be centered in Jerusalem. The governments of the world are all run by the Jesuits and their proxies. The G in masonry really stands for Gesu the home church of the Jesuits in Rome
This and pretty much everything you have written is pure rubbish. I am Evangelical, but the Catholic church has been the main and most influential block against destructive and satanic Freemasons. If you were a member, you would be banned from the Catholic Church.
We will not be able to convince Christians (and thus conservatives in west) to deal with JQ, so I'm of opinion that dealing with the traitors (Freemasons) is great place to start at first.
He’s a Catholic propagandist, they jump in the thread when you expose the stuff I was talking about. I deal with this shit all the time.
>We will not be able to convince Christians (and thus conservatives in west) to deal with JQ

Pic.Christians are the most against mixing with Jews. All Christians are more antisemitic (e.g. consider Jews to be more disloyal to their nation) unlike atheists and pagans who are more open to intermarriage with Jews and see Jews positively.
Because I've interacted with Christians. I spent some great time at a place communicating and trying to find red pilled people. All of them took vaccine, everyone was pro-Israel, none were talking about Mason symbolism in the media. The idea of schizo christianism is falsehood fabricated by glowies that promote christianity on this website. Such Christians might exist on some very cultish denomination or some ultra conservative churches (those who ban TV/all media), but Christians at large seem mostly very pleb tier when it comes to this stuff, and they most certainly wont be able to provide any solution to JQ, which is why glowies promote Christianity in 4chan
>He’s a Catholic propagandist
I am Evangelical, lying well poisoiner. Again, Hitler's Germany confiscated libraries, correspondence etc belonging to virtually all lodges in Europe. Nobody had or has more knowledge about the inner workings of Freemasons than them. You ignore all that and focus on the occult rambling of people who have no clue what they are talking about.
>Because I've interacted with Christians. I spent some great time at a place communicating and trying to find red pilled people.
>All of them took vaccine
You are lying through your teeth in every single post.
I'm not, almost everyone in the place I was at took vaccine, and everyone there was Christian
Watch that video... he basically says Christian/ Jewish satan is a mistranslation of Ancient Greek religion of Saturn... plus a 1000 other mistranslating things
Laughable. Christians are in full opposition to Jews. Only Christians stand up to the gay mafia, while Jews, pagans and atheists, i.e. the Democratic party, is pushing as hard as they can for globohomo and open borders. Atheists, including those larping as pagans, are to the left of Jews, pic, how is that even possible? There is no viable opposition to Jewish globohomo/open borders without conservative Christians. That's why you Jews trash Christianity day in and day out with your crazy spam and memeflags.
How do you explain pic, Jew or anti-White traitor?

Christians are the most race-realist among whites. Christians are the main group who link ethnicity with national identity i.e. the concept of ethnic nationalism.
Atheists and pagans are either full open borders globohomo or at best civic nationalist. Atheists and pagans are less race realistic and less nationalist than Christians.
I'm not going to keep interacting with you, since it seems you're getting paid to do this. No normal person would act this way.
also it seems you bypassed the timer between two posts, sus
>I'm not, almost everyone in the place I was at took vaccine, and everyone there was Christian
You truly sound like an idiot. I believe you are lying and even if true, all you idiot have is anecdotal pseudo-evidence.
>all you idiot
who is "we"? us right wingers? Come clean agent
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>you're getting paid to do this
Sure thing, anti-Christian memeflag.
>Jews are the most likely to get the saline shot
“Evangelical” as if you could convince me of that lmao the Jesuits and masons have infiltrated all of Protestantism. Your canned copy and paste posts have you away. Try harder next time. The fucking Jesuits wrote the degrees of freemasonry, weishaupt was a Jesuit. The Catholic Church killed 60+ million people in the inquisitions and killed innumerable more in the countrysides for simply not submitting to the temporal power of the pope. Catholicism is not our friend and if you weren’t a fucking brain dead retard Catholic apologist you would admit that.
Where did I say "we" memeflag shill?
He blew his cover, now he’s going to kick and scream. Probably a paid propagandist, people have no idea that religious organizations put people on these sites to do that kind of work. Mormons and JWs just low tech it and send idiots straight to your door lmao
>“Evangelical” as if you could convince me of that
Are you claiming to be an Evangelical? Do you mind me testing you, lying faggot?
It's great you're dropping all these images, but I aint falling for this false dichotomy. It's a kosher sandwich I'm not falling for
You’re acting like the biggest fed in the world right now. Why in the fuck would I let you “test me” you gonna pull out some fucking Bible trivia flashcards? What a moron you are. Put your superior in front of the keyboard and take a breather. I’m not even an evangelical, all the denominations are rotten. We don’t need a hierarchy we just need the scriptures and spirit. Go back to Adolf posting ffs.
>You’re acting like the biggest fed in the world right now.
A Norwegian is the biggest fed? Are you high?
Intentionally misconstruing my statement as if by fed I meant United States agent. Just go away, we called you out and now you’re being a faggot.
>Intentionally misconstruing my statement as if by fed I meant United States agent
Exactly. You lying moron claims that a Norwegian is a "United States agent"? Do you have any idea how absurd that is?
OP is a memeflag- a telltale.
I know you think you have me cornered and that everyone is clapping for you but they’re not. You’re just looking like an autistic retard who can’t engage in civil discourse. You proved that out of the gate though with all the canned nonsense and over zealous idiocy. Have a good life, I won’t be replying to an obvious bad faith actor.
Freemasons are irrelevant mini bosses of the jew
I live in a europoor country with small population, I don't need to show my flag.
Yes, even if this is true, I still think the best way to get ball rolling would be to deal with Masons (and later Jesuits) first. Because those are the traitors.
It's so fucking simple I can't believe nobody came up with it before. If you're playing chess, you're not going to get to the king first. You have to deal with other chess pieces first. Well Masons are sort of like bishop/knight and the pawns, you're not going to get to king until some other pieces are eaten first.
you wonder why they don't just VPN
gotta save every penny they've stolen i suppose
I live in a 4 million country (ethnic Norwegians, excluding immigrants) and have no problem showing my flag.
That's because you're either using proxy or some norwegian intel agent
>That's because you're either using proxy
>some norwegian intel agent
Exposing the Jews and Freemasons, while you are trashing Christianity, as every Jew and Freemason will do.
>Exposing the Jews and Freemasons

>while you are trashing Christianity

This thread already was on /x/. This OP reposted it with my permission. I wrote this post originally
You are not exposing the Jews and Freemasons, you are directing that anger towards their main enemy, the Christians and Christianity. You are a fake.

Pic Judeo-Satanic Freemasons have always had a rabid hatred for Christianity while supporting and promoting Islam in Europe as hard as they can. More here, pic and;

The religious persecution in France, 1900-1906 by Brodhead, Jane Milliken Napier (1907)

>Illustration; Construction of the ‘great’ mosque in Paris by B. Brousset, 1922
Top: A Painful Contrast
Bottom: While three thousand Catholic churches lie in ruins in our devastated country, a mosque is being built in Paris, at great expense, from which the muezzin will send his nasal chants to the four corners of the capital.

“The Great Mosque of Paris was funded by the French state - per the law of 19 August 1920, which accorded a subvention of 500,000 francs for the construction of a Muslim Institute.
This infringed upon the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State promulgating the secular nature of the government. The Great Mosque was built on the site of the former Charity Hospital (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital). The first stone was laid in 1922” and "the Grand Mosque is the largest mosque in France and the third largest in Europe."

It was inaugurated on 16 July 1926, in the presence of French President Gaston Doumergue
French President Gaston Doumergue was in the Radical party & a Freemason.
>their main enemy
I don't believe Christians are their main enemy, I think it's just false dialetics. Why do you keep spamming the thread?
>The USS Liberty you ask? Ya look into LBJ’s Catholic ties
Why? It's not relevant to the event. LBJ was not behind the attack he merely covered for Israel because that's who controls America: Jews.
We need a aryan brotherhood who takes power and subverts kikes.
Why should I care what you believe, memeflag, as long as Germans raiding Freemason lodges all over Europe, read their papers, and stated it as a fact that the main enemy of the Freemasons were Christians and Christianity? Plus only take a look at media and academia today, controlled by Jews and Freemasons.

>Jews are controlling and behind Freemasonry
They’re responsible for the 10 million deaths from WWI.
>No revolution has occurred in the last one hundred years without the Freemasons' involvement
>They assassinate politicians, and ruling/elite class members, and most of the time the police do not close these cases, the perpetrator's are not found or brought to justice.
>They seek to bring about a new world order, they seek chaos and the destruction of the old [Christian] world and civilisation.
>The German revolution in 1919 was done by Freemasons too.
Their main opponents were the National Socialists.
Yes, so lets do something about these Masons.
Once again, Zionism is a Roman project to retake the holy Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.
>Christian Jews are actually based guyz
>Muh wikipedia written entirely by tens of thousands of Jews is based guyz it's totally honest and infallible
>I'm from Norway btw
you're so obvious
the red flag for me is that i tried interacting with mason irl, talking about some of the stuff, and he keeps insisting I should become Christian or something.
Men can rid masons of their ranks OR fail the ultimate shit test. Is your token pedo really that funny? Are his drugs that good? What's the pull? Just end him.
>Christian Jews are actually based guyz
When did I ever say that, well pissing faggot?
>Muh wikipedia
Do you seriously believe Wikipedia is anti-Globohomo and pro-Christianity. Find anything wrong in the threads I have given, with documentation. I dare you.
>I'm from Norway btw
Go back to discord, newfag tranny.

You have been lying all the time and at best someone from a blue lodge talked to you.
Just to check if you are fake or not, - tell me about David Crowley.
>I'm from Norway btw
Norwegian book about the history of the Jews from 1742
>at best someone from a blue lodge talked to you
if by that you mean it's some with low rank, then yes, it's possible they weren't very high.
The pleasure people got from reading my work, encouraged me to work beyond my strength, and put my hands to work on this comprehensive theme.

So am I Norwegian or not?
Aaaand of course you are a fake with no clue about David Crowley

David Crowley, a combat veteran from Afghanistan and Iraq, decided to expose the Freemasons as a filmmaker:

>He was interviewed on InfoWars by Alex Jones, and stated publicly that if something happened to him, it would not be suicide, it would be murder.
Despite the trailer getting millions of views, and amassing a huge following, it was impossible to get funding
He had been pitching this project for 3 years, while no Judeo-Masonic Hollywood studio would touch it, he finally got a deal from a small gentile studio for $30million.
Soon after this was signed and confirmed, and he announced he was going to go ahead with it, he, his wife and his little girl were all slaughtered in their home.

>Bodies found mid-January 2015 in his home in Minnesota
The back door had been left ajar. His right hand, his wife's hands, and his daughter's arm were missing [cut-off & ripped off], as well as both his and his wife's face's being ripped off/missing. His daughter's rib was fractured. There was very little of his and his daughter's blood at the scene. His wife had defecated herself from fear. They had been shot [he had been shot from the right hand side, although his right hand had been cut off], clothes were soaked with blood, but not much blood at the supposed scene. The murder weapon had been wiped clean, there were no fingerprints on the weapon he supposedly killed his family with and then shot himself with. There had been six shots fired yet none of the neighbours heard anything, nor did they hear the dog barking [the family was allegedly dead for 3 weeks before they were found, the 2 bags of dog food on the kitchen floor were untouched, the fleshiest parts of the bodies too. [1] [2]

>Within 2 hours of arriving at the scene the police concluded it was a murder-suicide.
>Police were not forthcoming and ignored all the above and more. [3][4]
>Media coverage was minimal/local and slanted. He was labelled a gun enthusiast that killed his family and himself by the Daily Mail [5], other media labelled those who found the death suspicious and didn't agree with the police verdict as "conspiracy theorists"
>After his death someone logged into David Crowley's personal FB page, and numerous posts about his happy family life and love for his wife and child were systematically & selectively deleted [this was never investigated or considered suspicious by the police].
>Police and media used his military background to say he had PTSD and mental issues, that he was depressed or going through a depression phase
>Within days of the family's death, a documentary started being made [with a lot of funding] to paint David Crowley a certain way and make the public think of this in a way the Judeo-Masons would be safe with. This documentary ignored many relevant facts and featured people that wanted David Crowley dead, portraying them positively as his close friends and family:

Sadly, David Crowley and his family have been more or less forgotten.

More information about the case can be found here:
Facebebook: justicefordavidcrowley
Facebook: /groups/603905253044849/files/docs

The Crowley family background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvrsjGZk1Jo

[1] Details of the crime, bodies, and inconsistencies/errors by police https://youtu.be/pWQy5Xsb4BQ?t=724
[2] David's skill had signs of multiple blunt force trauma (this was also ignored by the police) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t50MS5ZX_LU&list=PLnhZcZ4PAP_iUDcshUfLCsHNLEbJiXVf8&index=44
[3] There are 355,000 Freemasons in the US police force [including in David's hometown] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_Order_of_Police
[4] With very few exceptions (Russia, etc), the police in the West has been taken over by the Masonic mafia:
[5] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3403211/Christian-Army-veteran-killed-Muslim-wife-five-year-old-daughter-execution-style-writing-Arabic-walls-blood-committing-suicide.html
RIP jfc
>I mean if every church goer and christian knew about the masons among them
Christians are banned from making their oaths. Most of them are atheists/agnostics, while their upper echelon are all pedo-Luciferian occultists.

Forced secularisation of France, by M.Gerlier.

“The removal of crucifixes in the schools of the city of Paris.”

It was not according to the will of the people that France was made atheist/secular. The normal French people were Catholic and loved the church, the government apart from the persecution of the church, stealing of property and expulsions and closure of Christian schools etc. sent the army/police for rip the crucifixes from the walls of the Christian buildings.
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This is infantile clown show. You have zero from Christian scripture. You have zero from Christian theological books the last 2000 years, you have zero from Christian practice and statements the last 2000 years. Your crazy pic has zero logical underpinning, zero documentation. You are clearly paid to mudder the water and attack what Masons and Jews hate the most, Christians and Christianity. Go back to Israel, memeflag faggot.
Freemasons are satanic and anti-Christians (with and under the tribe) working like termites destroying our nations (all white nations) and entire civilisation. They hate Russia as they're the last white Christian nation that is still Christian at this point and moving towards God and resisting their globohomo agenda.
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finally a real thread.
pol is looking much better today

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