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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Has any anon got a copy of it or read it? What’s in it?
Bumping for interest
If you dont know a girl went trans seethed because she wanted to have boners and never will have a dick and shot up a school
fake and gay
Where did you hear it was released? I haven't seen it here. Seems like it would be.
Yeah I read it, maybe don't have a draconian society that demonizes transfolk, society is to blame and we need to do more to bring about acceptance of alternate lifestyles in this draconian hellscape fascist society.

Bad bait
It was released by a local newspaper. The Quartering showed some screenshots
This place is shit now. Don't expect anything from the /pol/ of today.

Likely very boring. Unless ... well they wanted to ban it for some reason. Are there perhaps any mentionings of ... certain contacts in there?
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hard to read with dailywire watermark on it
Do you really believe its real after all of this treatment to get it released...if you do than you probably believe that the cops are the good guys
Is this real? Kek
>my imaginary penis
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some more ftm seem even more insane than mtf
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It should be a capital offense to give these retarded freaks drugs
No you didn't. This is far beyond being rejected by society. This was a sick person with sick sexual delusions. People around her didn't indulge those delusions. If anything it's a lesson as to why trannies should be thrown off rooftops when discovered.
>I'm not mentally ill!!!!
You can't accept that you are a man. That you were born and are and will die a man. To the extent you larp as the opposite sex and expect others to indulge your delusions or else you'll throw a tranny fit. Which apparently is anything up to shooting up a school full of innocent kids. Most are too cowardly. All are mentally sick and need to be taught to accept themselves and their reality as opposed to violently lashing out at it and mutilating themselves.
don't they teach yanks proper writing anymore? jesus that's a terrible font
mental illness is not an acceptable "alternate lifestyle"
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>few pages released
>pages show only hatred towards government
>pages doesn't show hatred towards religion
>pages doesn't show how faggotry can't coexist with religion
Is this misleading reporting or did the FBI hold back the pages stating why she targeted the religious school that were leaked a while back?
>are women more insane than men
Wow poindexter
girls are not usually this stupid
>gee golly wiz I hate fascism!
>appeal to government to force diversity acceptance onto everyone
do you see the problem here faggot
Why are here so many ftm threads lately?
Rent free or?
Shut up tranny
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Anyone else really tired of this word?
Not really. Also that's the easiest way to tell that she was a legitimately mentally ill woman. "Sane" (at least within the scope of what's sane as far as a woman can be) women develop very tidy deliberate handwriting styles to fit into the ingroup. Women or girls with shit handwriting indicate alienation from the group that doesn't bode well for their future socially or psychologically.
If only she took ivermectin bros
people are only just learning about the pooners
The media has tried to spin this as her being a victim by focusing on her complaints about transgender rights. But this was a racist hate crime by a self loathing mentally ill freak who couldn't face reality anymore and wanted to take innocent children out with her.

>“Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges”

3 years of Biden sucking off trannies and they still aren't happy.
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It's been out...
fucking pooners, man.
perfect summary
not this shit again. there is no manifesto. the manifesto posted from this happening was not even the same person. there is no manifesto.
the thread will ignore this and go 300+posts of misdirections
inb4 shoe
She hated Christians and christian children and wanted them dead. I read it.
It's shrimply over. Time to become a tomboy as form of cope.
Notice how she stream of consciousness started to write "mommies" then switched it for daddies because despite being "definitely actually a proud real male masculine man" her first intellectual social respond to raw unprogrammed instinct was to make the man the evil patriarchal controlling figure
read the thread stupid nigger >>471205111

Mentally ill, certainly. But the freak could have been an asset gone wrong. Now that would be fun, huh? Radicalization does allegedly not happen in a void ... ;)
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Tt would certainly be interesting to find out just how many kids have been programmed into these acts of manufactured radicalization.

Finder's cult? Epstein? Trump? Cohn? McCarthy? How deep does the rabbit hole go, anon.
Mustangs are a woman's car too

Sure convenient for the three letter salad (including NGO) to have radicals at hand here and there ...
Frankenstein tranny..... I kneel!!
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This is unironically, straight up written by a CIA operative in an office, and it took him a year to write this with the doodles and all
They're not even trying anymore. It even READS like a millennial LARPing as what they think a schizo tranny would write like
i did and if you are falling for this psy-op well.. i dont know what to tell ya. youre lost in the sauce
The fact that your brain is so susceptible to literal CIA psychological operations tells me that you got the vaccine and wore a mask without a shadow of a doubt; you monolithic, barely sentient retarded cattle NPC
>muh dick
It's very brown, and gay.
We could use a solution, some type of final one.
>my imaginary penis
Stopped reading there. We need to get rid all of them boys.
>We need to get rid all of them boys.
are you really a tranny?
They should roll this and shove up the corpse's ass in the grave
Seems like the typical FtM story:
Tomboy thinks she cannot become a beautiful ideal girl, so she gives up on trying to be one and tries to be a boy instead, but that inevitably fails.

I have heard this or very similar stories from multiple FtM. It is not that they don't want to be a woman/ girl, but for some reason they conclude (probably because of they boyishness) that they cannont achieve that.

It is probably amplified by social media and prolonged isolation of the sexes.
>worships desert kike
>troon brainwashed by same kikes kills your kids
Heh nothing personal kid.
I don't know
word on the street is this faggot literally said
1. she hates whites
2. she chose a school because it's nogunz
3. the USA gives no rights to trannies
4. she was high on anti-psychotic meds
5. and bumpin that makes-you-angry male hormones

The FBI wanted to suppress such information because anyone can see the obvious
A) Crazy people do crazy things
B) Faggots are crazy
C) Faggots are threats to society as they're more likely to murder than normal people
D) A righteous government would diminish faggots
E) The government amplifies faggots
F) The government is wicked and hostile to Americans
G) tranny propaganda radicalizes faggots into shooters
H) The government supports such propaganda as do private companies, the media, etc.
I) These institutions are essentially instructing faggots to be jihadis
J) Meanwhile the same kikes/feds lie and say some midwestern farmer who doesn't want surrounded by niggers and spics is a domestic threat
K) guns should be everywhere throughout the USA to make the people safe
L) Disarming a location makes it vulnerable to attack
M) Schools are disarmed because our rulers want your kids dead
N) doing drugs makes you crazy
O) pharma should be shut down rather than allowed to pump folks full of random shit and then when they go nuts from all the chemicals fucking up their brains have golem feds like the fbi lie and go
>durrr drugs make you crazy?
>no way
>dat is conspiracy theory
>here take 15 prescriptions you totally won't become a shooter

What good does the FBI do to justify its' continued existence?
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We will have more of what we tolerate.
Agreed, but you're also a kikeloving golem, so kys
Oh it's gonna happen, you cannot be degenerates for very long, time is changing big time. The best you can do is dilating at home for the rest of your short life or join the 50%. And if it's not enough reality for your gang of vermin, all it takes is a based dude in power to track and kill every single of you on sight, I'm sure some angry Islamists would do the job with joy in the meantime and for free.
I don't need to dilate.
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>Wait a Minute that logo
>Now I understand why Umbrella named it the T-Virus
>She hated Christians and christian children and wanted them dead. I read it.
I read that leak too, was it fake and gay?
sounds like the average pol user
She was Jewish
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kikes brainwashed her to do this
troons are mentally ill because draconian troon acceptance.

you can't be born in wrong body.

whatever your genes or other chemicals made your body look like it is the right body for you

troons are anti-science

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