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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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After the backlash towards bumble, who’s ads ridiculed women choosing celibacy (a safe thing to do). It got me thinking. Casual sex is predatory towards women.
Jews want you to fuck casually.
Make families, not segs.
I am predatory towatfs women.
Isn’t casual sex majorly left wing?
You are?
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I know few people who were socialists back in their college days, the reason being easy pussy.
Our college itself was entirely liberal so that wasn't needed for me.
So why do they engage in it then? Women are whores, stop trying to shield them from the consequences of their vile behavior
Would you agree abortion laws were pushed to give men access to sex without consequences?
Let’s be real. Calling women whores is nonsensical when it’s guys who are running hookup culture and who benefit from the status of bedding women.
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Not really. Chad fratbros are slaying on the weekends and vote right wing. Also a lot of sluts vote right because "freedumbs".
Bullshit. Women love it. They just like to complain.
So shoving things in their ass on camera for money is all mens fault too?
Tits or gtfo.
Thank you. It's hot outside, you inspired me to train Muay Thai today.
Nonsense. Women benefit the most from sexual degeneracy.
Who would consume that? Is there even an audience?
Yes and "chad" is dysgenic as hell if he isn't helping raise children. A "chad" is basically a female on birth control in a man's body.
What about gays? Their whole lives revolve around casual sex
Pathetic simps, mostly.
voluntary celibacy is MY answer nigger advertisers
Yes, women go out and put themselves in situations where casual sex is expected, and those men expect casual sex and sometimes rape them. Femism caused rhe rape epidemic. Women should nor be putting themselves out like meat waiting to be taken and men should not expect casual sex from women. They should expect to have to wife them first.
part of the solution to all this is just to execute all simps.
Yes. And revoke all womens rights.
Are safe days a joke to you? Or contraceptives?
If simp means pandering, why would that involve degradation?

How on earth did you reach that conclusion when they can potentially end up as single mothers or worse?
Simps don't degrade women. I do.
Then why does abortion exist?
You said simps demand degrading content?
>single mothers
aka free house, endless catalog babies they can spite their fathers with, benefits forever, healthcare, alimony from men
Chad being someone who sleeps around without consequences?
Do you support abortion?
No I didn't. I said women shove things up their ass on camera for money. They degrade themselves without anybody elses help.
How do we fix this though? Religion is basically dead and gone, women have no frame of rules to live by. They follow the Jewish media examples and become whores
Single mothers are an easy way to get your dick sucked too.
You said simps are the consumers?
>Chad being someone who sleeps around without consequences?
Pretty much but the problem is he ruins women he has no intention to wife. It's great for him a tragedy for society. Which is dysgenic as the Nazis cared about society at large.
Yes. Consuming it only happened after the product was created. Nobody forced women to do it.
Jewish media like the matchmaker shows (women created shows) advocates not having casual sex and finding a husband/wife?
Are the women mentally ill?
Generally, yes.
But abortions have existed since Hippocrates time?
The women engaging in the acts of degradation are not compos mentis? Meaning they are being exploited?
Does he ruin himself?
Oh fuck off.
Only a woman could possibly be this retarded.
Tits or gtfo, you worthless semen receptacle.
>Does he ruin himself?
He comes pre-ruined, not able to pair bond to make a good family unit.
Advocating celibacy is retarded?
Is this behavior below the “chad” mindset? The language is very disgusting and degrading
>Is this behavior below the “chad” mindset? The language is very disgusting and degrading
What people mean by "chad" tends to change with the person that is the problem. By and large what is dysgenic does not change as such we should only discuss what is and is not damaging to society. "chad" is dysgenic as he damages society at large, that's all the truth we need to know.
Get your tits out, hole.
Gynocentric thinking. Ngmi
How would you define this behavior:
What is that thing on the left?
You have to accelerate the collapse.
Casual sex is gross. I've always felt like a bit of an outsider because I never tried to "score" with women. I always wanted a real relationship. I hope people wise up and realize that hookup culture is helping to degrade the West.
Correct treatment of a typical hole who refuses to take responsibility for hole behaviour.
More and more women are realizing that they had it pretty good when they were demure little housewives who didn't have to go to college and worry about having a job. The pendulum will swing back.
He's a troll. And if he isn't, he is damaged.
You mean women leeching men for alimony?
You mean women who can have a kid while also fucking different guys every week.
Who is profiting from whoredom, Onlyfans, simpdom and Chad?
>muh Jews
The thing is, they have to realize it *before* they become whores
Sorry Becky but you're mid 30's and have slept with dozens of men, you're never going to be a tradwife unless you can reverse time and poor decision making
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wings are for faggots
Religion making a comeback actually. It's totally swinging back in favor now.

Just need to permanently lock out degeneracy once we have the power
I posted that before I had my entire thought out, lol. I meant to end it by saying that hopefully the women who have regrets will tell younger women.
Lack of pairbonding instinct is good for men. He can enjoy himself without seeking his "soulmate" who'll divorceraope him and leave with the kids.
Pairbonding is the defining trait of the simp. He will stay in bad relationships and chase women for the potential of a relationship.
Complete cope repeated by incels who are jealous
I can "pair bond" just fine with your mom
>Lack of pairbonding instinct is good for men. He can enjoy himself without seeking his "soulmate" who'll divorceraope him and leave with the kids.
>Pairbonding is the defining trait of the simp. He will stay in bad relationships and chase women for the potential of a relationship.
Working backwards to get the outcome you desire is beneath you. Divorce resulting in worse outcomes for men is a modern invention caused by feminist society, that doesn't justify or support your statements.
Pair bonding is good for society at large, casanovas have always existed and were correctly looked down upon or killed when found.
Fantasy. Not real. Muh trads were bitches who slept with multiple guys in highschool and now want a beta provider.
Bullshit. They can game the system. Women can be succesful at work with 0 skills just being pretty and occassionally sucking a cock or too. Most of them don't want to be housewives.
You can't be a in a relationship without casual sex. Women are disgusted by virgins and like guys who are promiscuous and have sexual experience. Even if you are in a relationship you need to at least flirt with other women or she won't be attracted to you anymore and will leave.
Amusing coming from the fedorafaggot trying to have a reasonable conversation with a hole who blames men for womens whoredom.
Not for men. Men really don't gain anything from a relationship other than "muh warm feelings". They lose freedom, waste time and money when in a relationship.
muh fucking sides.
and poltards say chinks have no creativity.
It’s a business model right?

Bumble is a pimp. They advertise in male fraternities. Women used to send first message but coinciding with the celibacy ads, their model now lets males contact first because they are losing business because if female celibacy.
That’s a false dichotomy. Women can be educated and remain celibate then choose to get married. Being a housewife is unpaid labor. Trad wife is only affordable to the upper middle class. Not realistic for the middle class.
You are clutching onto a fantasy. Women like being degenerates.
Women practicing celibacy is degenerate? Which is the topic of the thread…
It's not what people LIKE you fucking imbecile

It is absolutely a net negative for a woman to sleep around casually

It's not up for debate, it's already proven. Once a female gets past 4-5 partners your likelihood of divorce is over 50%
Do you respect your Mom?
If you do respect your Mom, what is it that makes her the exception?
> Also of note is that married and single women earn very similar wages. That's surprising, says Vandenbroucke, since married women are more likely to have children than single women, and that's "not consistent with the view that the gender wage gap results from women having children earlier in life and losing ground in human capital accumulation relative to men."
Why the fuck are all these threads infested with JIDF memeflaggots?
I created the thread advocating for celibacy.
Celibacy is retarded. I sense a fat chick.
The alternative is far too risky for women. Celibacy is common sense.
depends on the color
Only a woman could think the options are only celibacy or being a raging slut.
Enjoy your 34 cats and loneliness.
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>Casual sex is predatory towards women.
Casual sex is predatory.
Who are the (((predators)))?

This is the truth. Men are whores who refuse to marry.
Women don't know what they like
Mankind has proven that it needs to be ruled with an iron rod.
Women are never compos mentis.
Will fuck any white bitch close by. Got a yuge dick for her cunt. Dirty white slut!
Only like 4% of the male population benefits from hookup culture anon.
Funny how it was 20, then 10, then 5, now it's 4 and will continue to drop.
How on earth would they record that?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with celibacy. Women and men aren’t friends. Hookup culture is a disaster.

Celibacy benefits women most. In all areas of life.
Celibacy doesn't mean monogamy. Monogamy is beneficial, celibacy isn't. Celibacy until marriage is good.
Describe the conditions of marriage.
Ideal marriage consists in one man taking one woman for life, taking care of her and the children, and being the authority within the household.
No divorce unless the hushband is proven to be physically violent to the woman.
Adulterers get stoned to death, man or woman.
If you do it right, you marry a virgin and this changes the cerebral chemistry of both parties, resulting in an unbreakable soul bond.
Again, enjoy your cats and loneliness.
Okay so that entails men providing a salary to women in order for them to invest as they see fit?

Proverbs 31
Are you projecting? Loneliness largely affects men. Men who lose their wives have a 70% increase in mortality.
Yes, the man should ideally provide some expendable money for the woman. But if he can't make a lot of money, they both should live frugally.
Is it prudent for a woman to marry a man with a low income when the purpose of marriage is to have children?
How would he be able to provide proper nutrition, education and clothing?

That would incur the woman being a teacher to homeschool, doubling her labor. That’s not realistic on a middle class salary, is it?
No, I am not mentally ill and pretending celibacy is an answer to anything. I see a lot of boxed wine and depression in your future.
Do you honestly see yourself getting married?
Every men and every women should be married, and some men will have low income.
What a strange billboard.
My dick owns white cunts.
If women weren't in the job market, men's salaries would be higher. Besides, it's lack of male authority that makes modern living so expensive. Women spend far more money in stupid stuff.

People in poverty were raising seven children 50 years ago.
Marriage on a low income isn’t feasible because it requires homeschooling, this isn’t possible on a single wage. Do you see my point?
>please think of the women!!
It doesn't require homeschooling. Public school exists. It should be better. It could be better without women leeching off tax payer money.
This thread is full of memeflags, niggers, and faggots. OP no woman is going without dick in 2024 unless she's an actual pig and even then, its looking kinda grim these days. Your boycott wont go far. The west is already finished. You are just one little person with zero pull or leverage.
My yuge dick is deep in white cunts.
Arguably, the biggest victims of feminism are women. It brainwashes women into going completely against their nature.
I don't really fixate on these things. If it happens, it happens.
How will single women support themselves if they are out of work?

People in poverty raising 7 children resulted in the hyper capitalist boomer mindset. Which resulted in inflation rendering large swathes millennials unable to afford property. Furthermore the women were stay at home mothers in those circumstances, that is not possible now.
You would send your child to public school? Which career do you expect your children to obtain?

Also how much should a man on 40k allocate to his wife per year for herself? For her Spousal IRA and such
>How will single women support themselves?
They won't. They stay with the family until they get married.
They should be stay at home mothers.
> that is not possible now.
Crash the jewish economy and it's possible.
Sexual liberation isn’t feminism.
Stay with the family and get an education, correct?
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This you?
This is what a celibate woman looks like anon.
No, educated women don't have children. High school degree and house skills are more useful than going to (((College)))
Then why should men go to college?
To have qualified workers? You need more than tradies in a country.
Then why do you say college is a conspiracy to brainwash people?
Lolno. Women who talk about being paid for their labour as a housewife and raising their children are 100% hambeast feminazis who nobody wants to fuck anyway.
I never said that. I said women shouldn't to go to college.
She has been celibate for years. You seem to have fallen for propaganda. Numerous models are celibate.
A culture that tolerates and even glorifies it targets women's nature to comply with the status quo. But the predation is on the man, either by the woman or the government. It corrupts the souls of all parties involved
You said

Which means you think college is a conspiracy? What do those brackets mean? Illuminati?
Is that supposed to be good? What's up with her swollen face? She looks like she's been stung by bees.
Hookup culture hurts women the most, but you can't blame men for it since women are the gatekeepers of sex and the ones keeping hookup culture alive.
Yes, women lie very frequently.
Yea it is, it was technology driven though not ideology. The birth control pill was what caused it and there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle
For women, college is an indocrination center for feminism.
When only men attended universities, they were places of higher learning.
Having easier access to female bodies is the antithesis to feminism. The pill was created by men, for men.
Illogical to purport the institutions of higher learning as subverted, then advocate for them in the same breath. Which you are doing.
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Picrel when I remember that in my late high school and early college years I broke six white teenage hymens before I wifed up the seventh.
Sorry, no virgin bride for pathetic bugmen.
>Women didndu nuffin
>Everything is mens fault
See, anons, this is a feminazi hambeast. Truly the niggers of gender.
They are subverted by kikes indocrinating women. That doesn't imply they need to be subversive. Remove women and the jew and they are once again noble institutions in the search of the Truth.
>colleges are subverted
>men should still attend them

Or are you saying men should stop going to college presently, rendering them to low income?
Man advocating for birth control over celibacy because he wishes to use females and discard them.
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>believes the attractive tradwife instagram meme
Don’t make me tap the sign.
>Easier access to female bodies
That’s how you view sex? It’s really uncanny how puritan you feminists became which just proves to me ultimately you are born from all the life hating religions you claim to stand apart from
Yes, and your fat purple haired ass can't do a damn thing about it. Kek
>Colleges are subverted
>Remove women and the jew
>Colleges become once again places of higher learning
>Men go to college
>Become skilled and knowledgeable
>Able to provide for family
I'm not seeing how this is complicated.
People parade this around as if women don't enjoy sex too.
In the past what kept women in check was social shaming, now that there's little to none women will have sex with a man they're meh about to get off.
No shit. (((Free love))) and all the consequences boomers brought with it have been disastrous. There’s intense pressure on young women to lose their virginity and sleep around at a young age to “get it out of their system” or “see what’s out there,” and it’s ruined millions of promising relationships
She’s not a tradwife. She’s a single woman who practices celibacy. Where did I state otherwise?

Highly attractive tradwives often experience divorce which renders them financially destitute because they had no independent a accruement of wealth.
My mother told me about an euro movie about three teenage girls that travel around to go to an orgy where one will lose her virginity to a random guy she will never see again and this is deemed normal, acceptable and encouraged.
I don’t entirely understand what you mean by life hating religions?
Absolutely deranged and a long way from reality.
Why would they enjoy sex with emotionally unavailable men? That’s biologically incompatible with their makeup.
Yes, a lot of religions have a negative view of sex it’s pretty common simply because they hate life and yearn for an afterlife that doesn’t exist. You feminists are just Christian’s bastard child ultimately but instead of everyone having original sin it’s just men who have original sin
Oh, I didn't know we needed an emotional connection to achieve conception.
I suppose during a rape for a brief moment they must share a deep bond leading to impregnation.

it can't possibly be that an orgasm feels amazing and that hedonism is fun.
Man benefits
Woman loses

If it weren’t true, men wouldn’t seek to lose virginity with prostitutes. Which happens.
Religions’ “negative” view of sex is rooted in the understanding of pair bonding. Religions recognize sex is and should be a strong spiritual experience between teo partners, and the more partners one has, the less likely they are to have a stable, long term relationship that bears children or raises them in a healthy setting. Modern day studies back parts of this up, namely that likelihood of divorce increases with number of sexual partners.
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>Oh, I didn't know we needed an emotional connection to achieve conception.
Being mentally defective is dysgenic. This is why women get the ick over guys who have no friends and can’t intuit the emotions of others. Lack of ability to form an emotional bond is a red flag.
Are you advocating for hookup culture?
sounds like everyday in Scandinavia
Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, zealots have done so much damage to the human psych with this bullshit and now you’ve passed it onto the feminists who are going to run with this crap until we’re extinct
Divorce benefits women and is almost always initiated by the woman.
Women will never be celibates, men will ruin their chances of ever being happy by being celibates.
Is single motherhood and sexual disease shameful?
Why would you marry a used up woman? The only case where marriage is appropriate is with your high school sweetheart. Other than that you're a cuck.
I don’t give a shit, I don’t see any hookup culture everyone I know is either in relationships or not fucking at all. It’s just a meme you faggots spread or maybe you just live somewhere full of cunts who knows
>Women will never be celibates, men will ruin their chances of ever being happy by being celibates.

Women are choosing celibacy. Can you blame them? You yourself stated you don’t even respect your own mother.
Only like 4% don't. The vast majority of men can get sex and partners with ease. Incels are an extreme minority.
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What does that have to do with women sleeping around because it's fun?
>Lack of ability to form an emotional bond is a red flag.
For a relationship. Not for sex.
It's impressive how fucking retarded you guys are about sex, but I suppose not everyone has had the "luxury" of hanging around party girls.
I wouldn’t say single motherhood is shameful, it’s a pretty shit situation to be in and shouldn’t be the norm. Why would anyone be shamed for having a disease? We treat people if they catch the clap not shame them
The advert in OP is for a hookup app called bumble. You have others too such as tinder etc. if hookup culture didn’t exist, these apps wouldn’t be profitable. Also see my question:

Fantasy again. People look at Disney princesses at think this is how life works.
Nobody wants to have sex with a social retard.
Is it shameful for a man to abandon his children?
They aren’t profitable lol, the dating apps have been on a downward slope for years they will be bankrupt eventually because no men are signing up to them anymore. Guys figured out to stay away from this shit ages ago
>Man benefits
>Woman loses
Hedonism is always a short-term benefit to all parts involved. Women too.
No, it’s not good but if any parent abandons their child there’s something really terrible happened to them in the past and I’d say it wasn’t their fault. You should have more compassion for people who are fucked up instead of constantly throwing shame at them
Yes they do dumbass.
There's plenty of accounts of handsome spergs able to get ONS but not longterm relationships because they're unmedicated minecraft lore yapp machines.

Women, just like men, have different standards for sex and relationships. You being an autist doesn't make your cock any less pleasing to slide in.
this thread is sponsored by AFPAC
It's shameful because, in most cases, women bring it on themselves to become single mothers. It didn't happen by chance like getting cancer.
More men use dating apps than women. It’s women who are leaving them. Not men.
Women are dumb as shit when they are young, they will get themselves into this situation sometimes. I’m not going to blame them for it
It’s both, but men are more likely to pay. So women leaving is pretty inconsequential to the share price
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>60 posts by this ID
>le women most affected by current thing
OP is a cock gobbler
First you advocate for casual sex. Now you are stating men abandoning their child isn’t shameful. Do you have cognitive dissonance?

Here’s a question, the old trope about a father meeting a prospective date of their daughter with a shotgun. Was that image created by men or women?
a reddit post that sounds convincing, but if you just know anyone in real life this is not true.
for example, remember that the average divorce rate is around 30%. Also marriage satisfaction goes down with each previous sexual partner. Just make 1+1. The happy marriages that last are the ones who married young with an early partner on one side, the 3 times remarried boomer who simply married a minority gold digger and is fine with a transactional relationship
Do you think a mother abandoning her child is shameful?
>Women are dumb as shit
Still blaming them since they're "free".
>Not being predatory towards women
Have sex, incel
>women like so much emotions from much
>women are choosing celibacy
Because women can get fucked by just hanging out on the street. They don't need dating apps YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGER.
Why would she have a child if she intended to abandon it?
Why does it seem like the people at bumble are anxious about the rise of people not coupling up?

I mean more than their profit motive.

What gives.
"Happy" marriages happen when the girl hasn't fucked around enough to know she likes other dick. Basically just ignorance.
Women love divorce, they are the ones who initiate it, they are the ones who get everything out of it.
Women choosing celibacy has very big consequences on humanity. You are aware of this?
You mean you dont know?
No woman is choosing celibacy. It's a lie. A LIE!! Women are getting plapped daily. Most of them have slept with 100+ guys if they've been to college. Even in high school they've lost their virginity and slept with a few guys before 18.
Loads of mothers abandon their children, it’s way more common than you’d like to believe
I think it is profit driven but people not marrying up has consequences on society and it’s functioning.

The women hating on this thread is fuel to the ending of their ancestral lineage. Not sure if they are self-aware.
Do you advocate abortion?
Women are choosing celibacy. This is well known outside 4chan. It coincides with the rise in violence against women (see nyc random attacks which 4chan glorified) this reinforces women’s decision.

Would you trust a single man to be be around your 20 year old daughter alone?
i doubt that they are leaving, they get the attention they want but without getting the type of men they want. dating apps are for sex, same as going to a bar, if you dont get what you want you dont go there as often.
never understood why you anglos call sex "dating". its funny hearing women using the word "dating" while they have been fucking.
Women in any position to choose if they will or will not be mothers has consequences to society and it's functioning.
You don’t advocate abortion yet you refuse to advocate celibacy, despite acknowledging children suffer from casual sex. Why is that?
Some women are choosing celibacy, neo-feminist ideological zealots mainly. Literally who cares nobody wanted to have sex with them anyway
nah, there are women absolutely determined to only marry once and stick with the man. If they get a good dicking they are happy and repeat it often for years. Women only flake when they think they're stuck, because unlike men, in their minds they have no other way to move ahead with their lives others than finding a different man.
Why would you care? It doesn’t affect you.
Abortion is unethical, plain and simple. I don’t think it’s casual sex causing harm to children it’s parents who are messed up from other things, but I don’t blame them like you do. Always pointing the finger
Correct. Women can end ethnicities.
Post holes
Casual sex is psychopathic.
And men. It's destructive to both, yes. Possibly more so towards women, as their pairbond is 1, sometimes 2.
Until the men of the world accept that we are adults at PUBERTY and the first time we try to have sex, we need to be PERMANTLY PAIRED OFF (preferably before), you and everyone like you around you or behind you will be weakened for life.
Well atleast you didn’t say it was toxic masculinity. People who have sex addictions those who like to have casual sex are usually suffering from some sort of mental health problem, wether it’s women who were abused by their dads or men who were abused by their mums. You aren’t going to help these people by shaming them and calling them psychopaths
>kikes telling you to have sex
>being celibate is no good goy!
>have sex incel!
I’m never gonna nofap forever and destroy mankind I swear to God
>Pair bonding
Lmao people still shilling this jewish nonsense. Chad fucks, and beta bucks. Enjoy raising my kids, cuntboi
I'm going to tap the sign, OP
I'm glad you agree women should be property, so our ethnicities may continue and not exist at the mercy of the whims of women.
Incorrect. Women are not chattel. Women can however end ethnicities.
>Casual sex is predatory towards women
nothing is ever their fault, huh, simp?
they never bear any responsibility for anything they do, huh?
Why shoulnd't they be chattel if they can end ethnicities? I don't want ethnicities to end.
Then perhaps don’t treat women like chattel?
But not treating them like chattel is what is causing birth rates to drop.
Translation of your post

>men are infallible to me, I resent women on a deep level
Treating them like chattel is exactly what is causing the birth rates to drop
It's true. Women would normally be "trad" or, at least modest, but men damage them in various ways and pervert this natural course which is so beneficial to women.
>everyone I know
Congratulations on only knowing non-degenerate people. But rest assured, there are lots of degenerate people in the world.
Nothing breaks a woman’s mind and soul more than casual sex
it takes two to tango
You're gonna need to backup that claim. Women were treated as chattel for most of human history and birthrates were fine.
>+70 posts by OP's ID
in all fields
It's predatory towards everybody, including degens.
The right and the left are hypocrites.
If you think advocating for the slavery of women will increase their desire to have daughters or sons, I have news for you.
>their desire
I don't care about their desire.
True. The right want women as private property and the right want them as public property.
Well say goodbye to your race.
>memeflag states the exact opposite of reality to gaslight for replies
Same shit different day on /pol/
No hymen no diamond
Bring back shaming whores, even those with "low" body counts.
Stop simping and stop manwhoring
My race will end up enslaving woman again within this generation.
Why is there a trope of a father with a shotgun meeting his daughters prom date?
Incorrect. Women are educated and are emancipating themselves.
> Men really don't gain anything from a relationship other than "muh warm feelings". They lose freedom, waste time and money when in a relationship.
Notice that family doesn't even enter into the equation for the mind broken "manosphere" shill.
Do you look outside of /pol/? Do you even know of the 4b movement?
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Doesn't mean shit. The only reason you're not in chains is because you have simps to protect you.
>Emancipating themselves
Never happened. You were given rights by men, and men will take these rights away.
Nonsense. Women were never "trad". It's an illusion. Historically only 40% of men have reproduced while 80% of women have. Look it up.
Made up nonsense. We are conditioned by the media to think women are angels, and men are the cause of all evil. Women are promiscuous and manipulative by nature. Women are attracted to more promiscuous men.
Family is a responsibility. Not a privilege. Having kids is a major fucking headache. Raising them properly takes an insane amount of dedication. None of it is fun.
If you were proud of your society and culture you raise a family to give back to society.
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>Casual sex is predatory towards women
Best way to put it is women ARE sex, literally just weaker smaller "womb-men" who have something all men want constantly (sex appeal).
Imagine thinking it's not a perversion of incentives when women can use their weapon (sex and cuckolding) but men can't use theirs (physical or financial coercion).
Women are a problem to be solved, the notion that there can be any sort of collaboration btwn sexes is absurd christcuckism
>Weaponises resources
>Goes extinct
How can it be predatory to women, when women have all the power when it comes to casual sex?
They can just create an account at one of these apps and suddenly there are 1 gorilion horny men texting them
It's so easy for them to have sex that they can get money from doing it
Well no one is forcing women to do it.
No one ever heard of your 2b1c moobment
I miss incel pol

They knew this
Casual sex is feminist. It is the result of women being allowed to make decisions.

Yes; men throughout history will fuck anything with a pulse (and some don't have standards that high). But we recognised that the social consequences of casual sex were worse than the "peepee feel good" benefit. So when we men set the rules for societies, just about every single civilisation criminalised adultery.

This catastrophe is caused entirely by women. Until they accept responsibility and agree to go back to obeying man, the consequences will continue.
1 gorillion guys with access to one women, who gain access through money?

Sounds predatory.
FINALLY! A high IQ take. Learn from this man niggers. Shitting up this board with retarded posts.
1) peepee feel good but vagii also feel good. Women like sex just as much, if not more.
2) adultery is betrayal. Casual sex an adultery are completely different things. One is wrong, the other is not.
>Casual sex is feminist

Wrong. Casual sex is exploitation of women. Men refuse to work without access to sex. Women excel.
Rape is the exploitation of women. Casual sex is natural. If both parties consent, no one is to blame and both want it.
>80 posts by meme nafo
>30 posts by meme kekistan
>60 posts by other memes + nz + ca
smells like poojet here
>Casual sex is exploitation of women
Literally the "I consent, I consent, I don't" meme
Bumble got me as hard as a flintstone.
Kill yourself kike, fucking jew rat.
>Please wait a while before making a post
>Men refuse to work without access to sex. Women excel.
Women don't excel at anything. You were made into a second-class workforce for when men aren't willing to participate (or when kikes wanted to artificially decrease the value of men's labor).
>Women are a problem to be solved, the notion that there can be any sort of collaboration btwn sexes is absurd christcuckism

Anyone that uses terminology like "christcuckism" is part of the problem.
Chads don't care about politics, even though they lean right and authoritarian. On the other hand left wing ideologies are only for ugly or weak men
And what is the problem
This was all well and good in the early 2000's and before when men didn't know how women operate, but things are changing real real fast.
The internet kinda has opened pandora's box for the normal boring honey I'm home type of guy. Before that, women could wipe the cum off the side of their mouth and go bag one of those dumbass at 27-30 and he would be happy that is hard work paid off, blissfully unaware that he's number 47 and most likely will get divorce a couple years down the line after years of nagging.
Now every zoomer guy knows about the divorce rate, paternity fraud, the crazy standards, the financial cost, the 80/20 of older rich tall guy's fucking all the girls during their party days.
They're now adapting to this new environment, either by trying to become one of those top guys, or giving up the rat race and jerking it at home.
Both are real bad news for society.
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>Women don't excel at anything.
Misogynistic homosexual nonsense that implies that men can be better at being women than women can.
It's bad in America, and it has been. Young women have been lied to, and slow walked into whoredom, ideally with Tyrone (at least ONCE) since before their 1st menses, and I denounce the Talmud. I'm not saying that most do, but kikes need them to do it ONCE to increase their likelihood of becoming a statistic, being viewed (correctly) as tainted goods, and frequently like property of niggers because they're incapable of romantic love in any real depth. Just like with faggot programming, there's loooongstanding miscegenation programming, that thankfully been minimally successful, but they keep intensifying it, and view 1-1½% increase each few years as a great success, kikes are truly disgusting. I see coalburners frequently in my area that could've been decent wives, 5-6/10s that are fucking ruined, and love corrupting every female in earshot
your virginity is no one's problem but your own.
Anti-natalist, nihilism, moral degradation and the inversion of values. The queering of societies and the emulation of the hedonistic homosexual as the cultural ideal.
I have a wife.
I have children.
I have a family.
What do you have?
A porn addiction?
Inceldom is caused by literal or figurative absence of a Father. Since financial success would result in marriage prospects.
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It never ceases to be euphoric to see that my political enemies are such utter genetic dead-end bugmen and so socially impotent they can’t convince a woman to do that which comes naturally to the vast majority of people.
Casual sex happens not because it's a cultural ideal, but because it's easy. As long as it remains easy, it's going to be most people and women's preference no matter what ideological LARP you adopt.
Not really. Normies are normies.
Is marriage founded solely on financial success not "exploitative"?
Even a dog learns not to bark if he sees another dog get beaten for it.
I think you underestimate normie's monkey see monkey do.
I work with a lot of young guys 18 to 30, you can definitely see the change in the past 15 years when it comes to their life goal. It's either: I don't care and will do the bare minimum to exist, or I'm gonna be leaonardo dicaprio and fuck young whores, those are the new ideals
Women are in control of sex; men are in control of relationships. Nobody told women that they had to spread their legs to every dude that met their tingles.

Only 10-15% of men are having sex with something like 80% of women. Most guys are invisible to women; so why are they blaming the dudes that they never would've glanced at for the shitheads that women themselves willingly fucked and sucked?
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read Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones

Even women are noticing guys not approaching them anymore in public thanks to MeToo and social networks and camphones that can shame a dude whose not even harassing her, but she misconstrues it for views online.

I do wonder if women will be the ones who initiate with men if things keep up?
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>I do wonder if women will be the ones who initiate with men if things keep up?
Unlikely but it could be a nice twist I notice when women get desperate they dont initiate they just get ridiculous with being open Hanging around too long staring getting too close for a stranger Creating convoluted ways for you two to bump into each other etc. When they could just walk up and introduce themselves
Okay fine, you got that one thing men are better than women at: being a woman. Next is "being a mother", or other specifically women things, of course.
>I do wonder if women will be the ones who initiate with men if things keep up?
Definitely, I myself went the leonardo dicaprio route because I can realistically reach it, mainly due to generational wealth if I'm being honest.
The world definitely has noticed that young men are not playing the game anymore and are starting to get nervous.
I'm 27, the most strange thing I'm seeing more and more of is parents and especially mothers trying to pair their daughter with men. I've had a good 2 dozen mothers drag their 22-25 year old daughter by the arm to me to try to give me what I can only describe as a desperate sales pitch.
They know the whoredom to wife pipleline is not viable anymore, and shit's is about weird.
I should add though that it women approaching more will not fix the problem because they'll of course all approach the same dudes.
You think the anus is a sex organ, Pete.
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>tfw when not Chad
>casual sex is oppression towards women!
>they're not being fairly compensated like sex workers are!

What a creep. She's giving me the ick.
Very based.
If that is society, then it shouldn't exist. Society is for gay retards.

>I'm 27, the most strange thing I'm seeing more and more of is parents and especially mothers trying to pair their daughter with men. I've had a good 2 dozen mothers drag their 22-25 year old daughter by the arm to me to try to give me what I can only describe as a desperate sales pitch.
Kek if true.
>Look it up
I think the thing is that if a woman is sensible, she can easily get a good man. But if she gives herself over to casual sex then, by definition, she is not exercising good judgement about her partners. I don't doubt that a greater proportion of women had children historically than men, but what proportion of women paired with a good man? This is why enticing women to engage in casual sex in contrary to their interests.
Does she not realize that posting that shit online for everyone to see will eventually leak to the dude and the dude's mom? She should've kept that to herself instead of admitting to the whole world that she's a stalker?
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idk man, all I'm sayin is no hymen no diamond
>that webm
if i try that i'm a stalker
At this point, I don't want marriage anyhow. I just want to chill and never wageslave. Urbanoid "own nothing and be happy" life is for faggits. I'd rather be a post-apocalyptic wasteland nomad than another brick in the wall of the cuck-faggot temple.
They were pushed to reduce the amount of nigger births. Abortion laws getting repealed is a death sentence for racial demographics.
>anon learns about double standards
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Yeah I can't blame you at all
I'm just saying I'm getting a virgin if I do go down that path, not worth it to me otherwise
women use sex to get love, but having sex with a man will not make him like, respect or love you. hookup websites just make women an active participant in their own sexual abuse.
Should be a minimum standard requirement t.b.h. I don't give a shit if others don't care and prefer cuckoldry. I'm not responsible for them.
No. The opposite. Since it accommodates women’s labor.
Yeah, unfortunately it's probably not gonna become the standard again in our lifetimes, a century of judeo-feminist propaganda and policy has done damage to society that's gonna take generations to undo
Anyone who cares about anything is secretly gay. Reality is gay so stop caring about it. Solipsism is for sigma ethereal ascendend enlightened schizoid ultrachads.
>retarded newfags that never saw that webm
pretty much. and most of them are started by women. there are stats that show this- as well as common sense. the more you use something for satisfaction, the greater the dose you need to achieve the same high feeling as the first time
it's not ignorance. it's getting addicted to pleasure and destroying your pair bonding ability.
I'm not gonna complain because I'm not forced to marry. Whoever does is responsible for themselves and can blame no one but themselves. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I've had girls at least 10 years younger than me hit me up the past 2 years. Even had 1 slide right next to me at the movies (there were tons of other seats available) and I was watching Halloween Ends. She asked if she could sit next to me because she was scared (lol, wut?) I was with my friends (guys and girls) and said "It's a free country"

During the blowtorch scene, she freaked out and grabbed me and buried her face in my arm (startled the shit out of me). She was pretty cute; auburn shoulder length hair, nose ring and a nice rack and thighs. Her friends (sat to the left of her) were also freaking out but didn't have a dude to grab hold of.

Later when the movie ended, one of the friends came up to me and said, "Ashlyn thinks you're sweet and wants your number". I replied, "Well she's gotta come to me to get it. She's gotta work for that" The girl giggled and later Ashlyn comes up and I give her my contact info on her phone. We dated for 9 months before she moved out-of-state for uni (she was in community college at the time and managed to get good grades and a scholarship to get into a real university). Real fun time but she would always insist on watching horror movies together despite being batshit scared of everything.
No. Women just like sex with attractive men. "Love" is just a betamale fantasy.
s tongue my anus
>Casual sex happens not because it's a cultural ideal, but because it's easy

The whole reason it's easy, is because of cultural ideals. Our society is built from the ground up to turn our daughters into whores, our sons in daughters, and our grandchildren into abortions.
Overthinking it. Sex only within marriage is a massive cockblock not everyone is willing to climb over. Most would rather just get it with no strings attached.
This is the correct opinion and anything else is blackpilled / incel faggotry. Enjoy your post roastie society
she throws pussy at chad because she wants to be Mrs. Thundercock, but even if he doesn't marry her, she still fucked chad.
>casual sex is for incels
and how exactly does what you said, counter the claim that the normalization of casual sex is a product of cultural norms?
The only cultural norm today is that there are no norms. Everyone just behaves economically and im their self-interest. Getting married to experience sex is not a wise action.
Marriage and wageslavery is for suckers. Winners take, losers give.
Incels are incels regardless if they have sex, because their position is a reaction to the fact that their world view revolves around casual sex.

Chad is still Chad regardless if he is having sex.

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